International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

ANALYSIS OF A BUILDING FOR STRONG-COLUMN WEAK-BEAM CONCEPT BY USING E-TABS Mrs. K. Prafulla Devi*1, A. Hareesh*2, P. Tarun*3, S. Rajesh*4, A. Mazeed*5 *1Assistant

professor, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India.


Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India.

ABSTRACT During past Earthquakes section plastic pivots are more noticeable than pillar pivots which offers ascend to worldwide basic harm and high dangerous danger. All the basic segments moves their powers through section and segment at that point imparts it to establishment to soil, so you can envision if segment bombs entire structure can crumple this is “Strong-beam Weak-column” concept. By making segment more second safe than radiates the plastic pivots movements to radiate and keeps away from the worldwide harm, for this situation just bar will give flexure as an indication of pillar harm and the individuals will have sufficient chance to empty the spot and bar disappointment will just restrict to a specific story.This concept is “Strong-column Weak-beam”. In this project RC frame of G+5 are analyse and designed. The design involves load calculations and analysing the whole structure by STAAD.Pro. Also, the frame investigated for “Strong-column Weak-beam” concept for zone-3 and medium soil (Based on Amaravathi location) and moment capacities are checked as per IS:1893-2016. For checking the performance of plastic hinges of columns and beams, Non-linear static analysis (Pushover analysis) is done in E-TABS and Base shear is checked for all frames. Keywords: Earthquake, Pushover Analysis, Hinges, Moment capacity, STAAD Pro, E-TABS.



Pushover Analysis is a non-linear technique to gauge the quality limit of a structure beyond its cutoff state up to its ultimate strength. It can help exhibit how progressive failure in buildings most presumably happens and distinguish the mode of failure. Strong-Column Weak-Beam concept can be analyzed trough pushover analysis. The development of plastic pivots in beams helps to build the most wanted and suitable energy dissipating mechanism for structure in seismic conditions. If the plastic Hinges are developed on both ends of the columns then column is not able to spread the plasticity and collapses which can lead to global failure. The building frame consists of number of bays and storey. A design and analysis of R.C building of G+5 storey frame work is taken up. The size of building is 18.55*17.61m. The number of columns is 30. The sizes of the columns and beams are 0.3*0.4m and 0.23*0.4m respectively. Size of the slab at each storey is 0.12m. Dead loads are taken from IS875:1987Part 1 in which floor finish is taken to be 1.5KN/m2@Roof level and 1.0KN/m2@Floor level. Imposed loads are taken from IS875:1987Part 2 in which Live load is taken to be 1.5KN/m2@Roof level and 3.5KN/m2@Floor level and Wall load is calculated as per bricks unit weight of 19.2KN/m 3.Grade of concrete is M30 and grade of steel is Fe415. Earthquake load is calculated as per IS1893:2016 in which the structure is situated in Zone-3.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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