e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
Professor, Department of Education and Management,Tamil University, Thanjavur – 613010, India. ABSTRACT
Achievement in simple terms means proficiency of performance in the given skill or section of knowledge. Academic achievement means performance in the field of academics. Achievement motivation is the most important factor in successful accomplishment of desired goals in any field. Achievement Motivation has significant relation to individual development as well as to the progress of the nation. For an individual, achievement motivation is significant psychological system that stirs self-achievement and promotes individual development. The investigator has executed survey method in view of realizing the objectives of the study. The population for the present study has been identified as 400 students, in Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu. The population has been further limited to the high school students who are studying at the high school students who are in 9th standard. Using simple random procedure from the list of schools the researcher identified. The rural resident high school student’s achievement motivation mean scores are higher than the urban resident high school students. The joint family high school student’s achievement motivation means score is higher than the nuclear family high school students. The educational administrators, educators, teachers and parents should concentrate to improve the high school student’s achievement motivation for their school scholastic success and success in their life. Keywords: Achievement, Achievement Motivation, Self-Achievement, Survey Method.
In this rapidly changing world and growing advancements in science and technology, the place of education has become even more vital. It plays a vital role in the development of human capital andis linked with an individual’s well-being and opportunities for better living (Battle & Lewis, 2002). Thus, students’ success in any academic task has always been of special interest to educators, parents and society at large (Ajayi, 2006). In fact, complete education system revolves around the sole objective of academic achievement of students. Achievement in simple terms means proficiency of performance in the given skill or section of knowledge. Academic achievement means performance in the field of academics. The test scores or grades assigned to the students on the basis of their performance in the achievement test determine the status of the pupil in the classroom (Singh, 2003).From an early age, a sense of achievement is a basis of good feeling and self-esteem and failure as a source of disgrace and self-reproach. It is concerned with the quality of learning in a subject or group of subjects assessed by examination marks (Pandey, 1998). The educational institute performs the function of selection and differentiation among students based on their scholastic and other attainments and opens out venues for advancement primarily in terms of achievement. It also serves as the important criterion for selection, promotion and recognition in various aspects of life.
Title of the Study The present study entitled as “Achievement Motivation of High School Students in Ariyalur District” Achievement Motivation Achievement motivation is the most important factor in successful accomplishment of desired goals in any field. High achievement motivation normally ensures higher rate of success. It forms the basis for a good life (Brunstein & Maier, 2005). It encourages an individual to strive to gain control of difficult and challenging situations in his pursuit of excellence. It comes into picture when an individual knows that his performance will be evaluated, that the consequence of his actions will either lead to success or failure and their good performance will produce a sense of pride in accomplishment. It is also considered as the capability to take pride in www.irjmets.com
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
accomplishment when success is achieved in an activity. Academic motivation is very crucial for a student’s academic success at any age. Because students form self-concepts, values, and beliefs about their capabilities at a much younger age, early development of academic motivation has significant implications for their later academic careers. Motivating students to learn is an area of serious concern for the educationists today. It is critical for both parents and educators to understand that promotion and encouragement of academic motivation from an early age should require utmost attention. Significant number of researches has established that students high in academic motivation are more likely to possess higher levels of academic achievement and have lower dropout rates (Blank, 1997). Atkinson and Feather (1966) “The achievement motive is conceived as a dormant disposition which is manifested in overt striving only when the individual perceives performance as instrumental to a sense of personal accomplishment.” Atkinson’s theory of achievement motivation (1964) was one of the first comprehensive theories on achievement motivation that combined the constructs of needs, expectancy and value (Pintrich and Schunk, 2002). According to Atkinson’s theory (1964), achievement behaviour is defined as the resultant of the emotional conflict between two tendencies, namely, achievement motivation or the tendency to approach success and fear of failure or the tendency to avoid failure. He proposed an orthogonal, two dimensional models in which individuals can be placed on high versus low on both tendencies. These tendencies are determined by a need for achievement/need to avoid failure, which are considered as relatively stable dispositions that vary between individuals, by the subjective probability of success/failure and by the incentive value of success/failure. This means that in achievement situations, both needs are energized and together with the subjective probability of success/failure and the incentive value of success/failure they determine the (level of the) tendency toapproach success and the (level of the) tendency to avoid failure. Achievement Motivation has significant relation to individual development as well as to the progress of the nation. For an individual, achievement motivation is an important psychological system that inspires selfachievement and promotes individual development. At the same time, it is one of the key elements that will determine the success of an individual. For a society, the achievement motivation of its people, together with national economy growth, accumulation of social treasures and the improvement of technology, is considered as important index of social prosperity and progress (Liu and Zhu, 2009).
Despite many hard and scientific efforts of teachers to improve the capacity of achievement level of students, there is a downward trend in their achievement level contrary to the expectations. In order to reduce the decline in achievement, a thorough need for the study of achievement motivation of students at secondary level become vital and the need for the study arises. It is sincerely hoped thatthe present study will definitely find solutions to help in good achievement with development of achievement motivation of learners at the secondary level. Achievement motivation play an active role in the all-around development of an individual. In this context, the present study is significant. In the knowledge era, the ninth standard students have an opportunity to develop their personality and use their potential abilities irrespective of the socio-economic characteristics for achieving excellence in secondary education. The researcher has focused particularly this topic of student’s achievement motivation is because nowadays education has become a primary and essential part in an individual’s life. Almost all the institutions and also the parents are running towards quality education. In this process, independent learners develop the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to make responsible decisions and take actions dealing with their own learning. Independent learning is promoted by creating opportunities and experiences which encourage student motivation, curiosity, self – confidence, self - reliance and positive self-concept. It is based on the student understanding their own interests and knows the value of learning for its own sake. Student’s motivation is crucial to learning, although the focus of a student’s motivation is beyond a teacher’s control, t h e r e is much that we as teachers can do mere to influence the motivation of our students.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
The following are the objectives of the study
1. To find out the achievement motivation among the high school students. 2. To find out the significant difference between the achievement motivation between the group of high school students whit respect to Gender, Type of School, Nature of schools, Medium of Instruction, Locality of school, Residence of students and Type of Family. Hypotheses of the Study Following are the hypotheses of the present study, 1.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to gender.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to type of schools.
There is no significant variance among high school student’s achievement motivation with respect -to nature of schools.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to medium of instruction.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to locality of school.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to residence of students.
There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to type of family.
The main objective of the present study is to investigate the achievement motivation of high school students in relation to their academic achievement. The investigator has implemented survey method in view of realizing the objectives of the study. This method gathers data from a large number of cases at particular time. The survey method has the steps of planning, development and application of sampling plan, construction of questionnaire, translation of data, analysis, conclusion and reporting.Sample and Sampling Technique The population for the present study has been identified as 400 students, in Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu. The population has been further limited to the high school students who are studying at the high school students who are in 9th standard. Using simple random procedure from the list of schools the researcher identified. Tools Used for the Study The following tools were selected and used by the investigator in the present study: 1. The tool on Achievement Motivation Scale developed and standardized by Sattanathan, P (2018). Procedure of Data Collection The investigator approached the principals / headmasters of the institutions and got their co- operations insured. The achievement motivation scale along with general data sheet were administrated on high school students after explaining the purpose of the study. The scores of the toolswere calculated and were tabulated with other relevant data. The data were entered in a suitable manner so that they could be used for computer data processing. Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 was used to analyses the collected data and all the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance. The following statistical techniques were used for the analysis of the data: Mean, Standard Deviation and percentageanalysis. ‘t’ test and ‘F’ test. Analysis and Interpretation of DataDescriptive Analysis www.irjmets.com
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table-1: Mean values of Achievement Motivation Variables
Achievement Motivation
The above table shows that the mean value of Achievement Motivation mean score values was 150.0469 respectively. It is clearly reveals that the mean score values are in average level. Hypothesis-1 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to gender. This hypothesis was tested using ‘t’-test. BackgroundVariables Gender
Level of Significance Not Significant
From the above table the obtained ‘t’ value (0.6826) is less than the table value (1.97) at 0.05 level. It is clear, there is no significant difference between the boys and girls high school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the stated null hypothesis “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to gender” is accepted. Hypothesis-2 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to type of schools. This hypothesis was tested using ‘F’-test. Table-3: Test of significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to type of schools Source ofVariation
Sum ofsquares
Mean of sumsquares
Between Group
Within Group
F ratio
Level of Significance
From the above table 3, indicates that the obtained ‘F’ is 56.2729 which is greater than the critical value (3.03) at 0.05 level. It is concluded that there is a significant variance among government schools, aided schools and selffinance school students in their achievement motivation. Hence the hypothesis stated that “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to type of schools” is rejected. The self- finance high school students are higher achievement motivation mean scores than the aided school students and government school students. Hypothesis-3 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to nature of schools. This hypothesis was tested using ‘F’-test.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
Source of Variation
Sum of squares
DF Mean of sumsquares
Between Group
Within Group
www.irjmets.com F ratio
Level of Significance
Not Significant
From the above table, indicates that the obtained ‘F’ is 1.4805 which is less than the critical value (3.03) at 0.05 level. It is concluded that there is no significant variance among boys’ schools, girls’ schools and co - education school students in their achievement motivation. Hence the hypothesis stated that “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among the various groups of high school students with respect to nature of schools” is accepted. Hypothesis-4 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to medium of instruction. This hypothesis was tested using ‘t’-test. Background Variables
Medium of Instruction
Tamil Medium
English Medium
Level of Significance
From the above table the obtained ‘t’ value (13.0166) is greater than the table value (1.96) at 0.05 level. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the Tamil medium and English medium high school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the stated null hypothesis “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to medium of instruction” is rejected. The English medium high school student’s achievement motivation means score is higher than the Tamil medium students. Hypothesis-5 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to locality of school. This hypothesis was tested using ‘t’-test. Background Variables
Level of Significance
From the above table the obtained ‘t’ value (6.6992) is greater than the table value (1.96) at 0.05 level. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the rural and urban high school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the stated null hypothesis “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to locality of school” is rejected. The rural high school student’s achievement motivation mean scores is higher than the urban high school students. Hypothesis-6 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of www.irjmets.com
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
high school students with respect to residence of students. This hypothesis was tested using ‘t’-test. Background Variables
Level of Significance
From the above table the obtained ‘t’ value (5.3489) is greater than the table value (1.96) at 0.05 level. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the rural and urban residence High school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the stated hypothesis “There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to residence of students” is rejected. The rural resident high school student’s achievement motivation mean scores is higher than the urban resident High school students. Hypothesis-7 There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to type of family. This hypothesis was tested using ‘t’-test. Background Variables
Type of Family
Nuclear Family
Joint Family
Level of Significance
From the above table, the obtained ‘t’ value (4.806) is greater than the table value (1.96) at level. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the nuclear family and joint family of secondary school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the stated null hypothesis “Thereis no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the groups of high school students with respect to type of family” is rejected. The joint family high school student’s achievement motivation means score is higher than the nuclear family High school students. Findings of the Study
1. The achievement motivation of the high school students in Ariyalur district is average level. 2. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation between the group of high school students with respect to gender.
3. The self-finance high school students are higher achievement motivation mean scores than the aided and government school students.
4. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of achievement motivation among thevarious groups of high school students with respect to Nature of schools.
5. The English medium high school student’s achievement motivation means score is higher than the Tamil medium schools.
6. The rural high school student’s achievement motivation mean scores is higher than the urban high school students.
7. The rural resident high school student’s achievement motivation mean scores is higher than the urban resident high school students.
8. The joint family high school student’s achievement motivation means score is higher than the nuclear family high school students.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
In this study, most of the findings show that there is a significant difference between the demographical variables of high school students in their achievement motivation. Hence, the educational administrators, educators, teachers and parents should concentrate to improve the high school student’s achievement motivation for their school scholastic success and success in their life.
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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science