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e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354



Kanchan Jeswani*2, Sneha Sutar*3, Sanjana Jugale*4


Department Of Computer Science And Engineering, Sharad Institute Of Technology College Of Engineering, Yadrav(Ichalkaranji) , Maharashtra, India .

ABSTRACT Today there is need for teachers to maintain all the records of each student and every other tasks. This requires lots of time to collect, arrange and set the data in proper order. Different registers or diaries are maintained for separate data. It can be difficult to find the file when the file is misplaced or when we have lost it. The data is to be collected and written once again. So solution to this problem is this android project. This android application act as an assistant to teachers or any person. It makes work easier and saves a lot of time. Teachers can access this data anywhere and anytime on their smartphones. This application mainly focuses on recording attendance, apply for leave, organizing events, adding syllabus completion details. Attendance of each student for every lectures and practical is recorded. Teachers can apply for leave and get leave approved on the application itself. Events to be held can be organized on application by adding all its details and then can be shared through application instead of generating a document, printing it and then circulating. Adding syllabus completion details is another feature of this application. Keywords: Web Application.



Teachers need to maintain records of everything and of each student. This takes lots of time to arrange and set the data in proper order. Different registers or diaries are maintained for separate data. It can be difficult to find the file when the file is lost or when we don't remember its location. So the data is to be collected and written once again. We have designed a solution to this problem by developing an application that would act as an assistant to teachers or any person. This Assistant Master application will have all the facilities that will help a person to store and retrieve data anywhere and anytime. This mobile application can be installed and accessed anywhere. This application facilitates recording attendance of every lecture, applying for leave, syllabus status review, and activities held in college. Teachers can directly record attendance in the application instead of writing on paper or on the register. Teachers can apply for leave directly from the application and number of leaves taken by teacher will also be displayed. This application will then be sent to the authorities for approval. Department HOD will receive the application and thus have to approve or reject the application as required. Teacher is then informed about the status of the leave. Another feature of the project is syllabus status review, in this teachers need to update all the details of their subject syllabus completion in order to record the teaching plan and this can be viewed by the authorities. The activities that are to be held will also be notified on the application and then teachers can inform students to enroll. Instead of writing a report document , printing it and then circulating to all the authorities, this application is much useful to generate reports and even directly intimate higher authorities about the ongoing tasks or work in the college premises. This smart application is developed using Android Technology. Many people are fond of Android Smartphone as they are easy to operate compared to IOS and other phones.



Many different applications are used by the department to complete their task faster. Use of papers has also increased as all the data are recorded on paper and then attached to files. This files when lost need be written again from scratch. This results in generating duplicate data. Considering all these problems, this project can help to overcome these problems by its facilities. This project is mainly targeted at colleges and the synchronization of all the sparse and diverse information regarding regular college schedule must be handled by college faculty. Generally teachers face problems in recording correct details of the student attendance, their leave details, different activities data such as guest lectures, workshops, Value Added Programs and so on. So this, “Assistant Master� project helps teachers by reducing their efforts in work. In the real world scenario, attendance system , leave records that are in the form of notices i.e. oral or written communication may get lost. To overcome this, we can directly store data on server through this application and can be made available for teachers directly on their Android devices so that they can use this information in the future.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

Fig-1: Flow of Application The main objective of designing this project is to reduce the paper work required for report generation and keep tracking of applied leaves and remaining leaves of faculties. Another objective of the project is to reduce the time required to prepare all the documents and notices required for maintaining records.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020


Fig-2: Login Page

Impact Factor- 5.354


Fig-3: HOD Dashboard

Fig-5: Fill details to record Attendance Fig-6: Update Status of Attendance

Fig-4: Faculty Dashboard

Fig-7: Add new Event

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Fig-8: Download Event report approved

Fig-11: Download Leave report

Impact Factor- 5.354

Fig-9: Leave Application

Fig-10: Application to be rejected by HOD

Fig-12: Subjects assigned to Faculty and other details

Fig-13: Syllabus status



Today many of us use smart phones. Such smart phones work with smart application that makes work easier in a smart way. One of such application we have implemented is Assistant Master. This application with its features is surely a solution to problems of time and paper wastages.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our Guide Asst. Prof. Mrs.V A Jujare, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, for guiding us to accomplish this project work. It was our privilege and pleasure to work under her able guidance. We are indeed grateful to her for providing helpful suggestion, from time to time. Due to her constant encouragement and inspiration we are able to present this project. We express our deep gratitude to Associate Professor Dr. A V Turukmane, Head of Computer Science &

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

Engineering Department, for his valuable guidance and constant encouragement. We are very much thankful to Dr. S A Khot, Principal, Sharad institute of technology college of Engineering, Yadrav(Ichalkaranji) for providing all the necessary facilities to carry out project work. Last but not least we are thankful to our parents for their moral as well as financial support.

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