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e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

SECURE CLOUD STORAGE SYSTEM Hemangi Patel *1, Pratiksha Patil*2, Shardul Patil*3 ,Onkar Kawathe*4 *1,2,3.4Students,Department

Of Computer Science And Engineering, Sharad Institute Of Technology College Of Engineering, Yadrav(Ichalkaranji),Maharashtra, India.

ABSTRACT Day by day the use of memory is increasing by the customer that tends to huge requirements of the memory. Providing computer resources such as memory with fast access and required security with recent adopted security algorithms is challenging. By creating private cloud and allowing to users to use memory of size 1gb with the specified amount of period .User can access his/her file from any personal computer in the created local network. Fake registrations can be controlled by the admin. For the security purpose we are using encryption algorithms i.e. RSA algorithm. Also the use of Two-Way-Hand-ShakeProtocol is done while the login of the user to ensure the user authenticity. Here we conclude that this project can help the individual to store their personal and confidential data safely and securely. Also group of people can access the data and perform any particular operation as per the right management given to them. Keywords:



Cloud computing is an internet based technology and provide services over internet. Because of online base computing it provide huge amount of data storage and resources to the local machine and eliminate the local machine to maintenance separate data. As a result, users are thankful of their cloud service providers for the availability and integrity of their data. The security of data is important in the aspects of quality of service. Cloud computing every time invites the new challenges of security thread for number of reasons. Main three types of cloud services are IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Cloud storage has become one of the most common and affordable ways to store, share or back up digital data to a secure location. The data in these remote storage locations can be easily accessed at any time, from anywhere by the users and individuals around the world. We are looking to create a local server which includes three panels:-User, Admin, Advisor. To access the services of the server firstly user has to register. The user can access files anywhere in the network created. After the user register successfully it cannot access the services until the admin accept its request. Admin controls the registration of the user by either accepting or rejecting the user request. Once the user gets the permission he/she can now perform the various file operations. This file operations includes uploading a file, downloading a file, deleting a file, create a zip file, Update the file, Upload any image, upload a document, download the image etc. Every user gets it own specific amount of memory space where user can perform its file operations. The security is one of the most important factor everywhere that always bothers the user. We are going to use encryption and decryption technique to give security to the user login. There are various encryption-decryption algorithms such as DES algorithm ,RSA algorithm, AES algorithm , Tripple DES algorithm, etc. The one which we are going to apply is the RSA algorithm.



The overall purpose of project is to give a solution to use requirement of the memory which is increasing day-by-day. Also with the solution the question of security is resolved by using encryption-decryption technique. The user authentication is also done at the login time. More user verification would be done in future by verifying the government documents. This would be to avoid the fake registration and also to track the user if some illegal work is done. The costing for the limited amount of space provided is null, where as in case of more space required the user need to pay some amount for that.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

Fig-1: Flow Chart Of Multi-User Cloud System



Fig-1: Home Page

Fig-2: Registration

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

Fig-3: Admin Panel

Fig-4: User Log in



Here we conclude that our project-“Secure Cloud Storage System” will help the user/people to store their file, documents on our local cloud and can also perform various operations on the files such as file upload, delete, append, zip file, etc. Also the security is provided at the login point by applying encryptiondecryption technique. The Two-way handshake protocol is also used for the user authentication. By using this Two-way handshake protocol it assures the user that except the user no one can login with the user’s Id and view the stored files and documents.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to my Guide Asst. Prof. Mr. Shashidhar B. Gurav, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, for guiding us to accomplish this project work. It was our privilege and pleasure to work under his/her able guidance. We are indeed grateful to him/her for providing helpful suggestion, from time to time. Due to his/her constant encouragement and inspiration we are able to present this project. We express our deep gratitude to Dr A. V. Turukmane, Head of Computer Science & Engineering Department, for his valuable guidance and constant encouragement. We are very much thankful to Dr. S. A. Khot, Principal, Sharad institute of technology college of engineering, Yadrav-Ichalkaranji for providing all the necessary facilities to carry out project work. Last but not least we are thankful to our parents for their moral as well as financial support.



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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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