e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
MEDICAL CHATBOT ASSISTANCE USING AI AND DEEP LEARNING Suraj Yadav*1, Ravi Madhesiya* 2, Sahil Narkhede*3, Ajay Babar* 4, Vaibhav Muddebihalkar *5 *1,2,3,4Student, Department of COMPUTER Engineering, DIT Pimpri, Pune, Maharashatra, India. *5Professor, Department of COMPUTER Engineering, DIT Pimpri, Pune, Maharashatra, India.
ABSTRACT Medical services are basic needs for human life although they normally have limited resources. Modern technologies are utilized for increasing service capability and decreasing the operation cost. Humans with the regular access of internet are having new habit of searching their queries on open internet and mostly believe on the result received as a response. The major strength which can also be considered as drawback of internet is anyone can add information on the internet which can also to contradicting information and false information. The user without having clue that the response is false will believe in the response and may make a wrong assumption. Auto-response system or chatbot, which is widely known in the field of online businesses, can be applied to the medical services. Therefore, the objective of this work is to implement the medical assistance for allergies by using chatbot Technology. The concept of chatbot mainly focusses on the questions and answers computed by the software. It considers the symptoms of the users like head ache, rashes, swelling throat and many more. Every allergies have different symptoms and their are also be some allergies that have very similar symptoms with some minute difference, the chatbot using natural language processing can differ between similar allergies and give a accurate result. Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, NLTK, Bag Of Words, Beam Search Decoder, Recurrent Neural Network, Human-Machine Interaction.
The number of people seeking for health information form the internet increases dramatically. There are several factors that influence people to use the internet for searching for health information. Trusted medical information such as diseases, symptoms, and treatment is necessary for people to handle with some general illness or being used as a decision support information before visiting a doctor A chatbot is a computer system, which can interact with users by using natural language. Normally, it is designed to serve in a certain domain such as online shopping, online frequently asked questions (FAQ) and also assistant system. Users can easily use it without background knowledge or experiences. Moreover, chatbot can serve many people at the same time with the same topic and without getting bored. Consequently, this may be the suitable capability to be adopted in public service such as the medical service. Hence, the objective of this work is to increase the service capability and decrease the operation cost of medical consultant service by using the chatbot. In this work, the allergic consultant system called “AllBot”.
Chat bot system is automating lot of customer care service and also company , institutions , organization’s websites. User get quick response to the questions which are more common are which are frequently asked. Here we have proposed chat bot system for patients. Patients definitely may have lots if queries related to diseases , medicines and other facilities. Instead of asking any random person they can get quick answer via this chat bot system. MACHINE LEARNING Machine Learning is a part of artificial intelligence wherein a process of self-learning happens without being directly programmed. A computer program learns with ExperienceE, against some Task- T and Performance Measure- P, if performance of the given task which is measured by P improves because of experience. The main distinction between machines and humans is that humans learn from experience www.irjmets.com
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