e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
M.B.A., M.Phil., Chennai Port Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
M.Phil., Planning Officer, State Planning Commission, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India *3M.E.,
M.B.A., Anna Univrsity, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT Nowadays most of the Employees from IT Field are transitioning their Career from their current field to other fields especially to the Human Resource Field. This career Transition occurs due to various reasons like Work Stress, Working Hours and Pressure at Work. This also occurs due to various merits that are present in the HR Field. This Project tracks the reason behind and benefits involved in such transition, analyses the mode of Transition which is more preferred, also finds which Career Stage is most preferred for making such transitions. Having done the above, suggestions are provided on the ways to be followed by an Employee in order to have a Successful and beneficial transition from IT to HR Field. In this Project, with the help of Structured Questionnaires, responses were collected from 122 respondents who hold different designations in the Human Resource field of various Information Technology based Multi National Companies in Chennai. Statistical Tools such as Chi square Test and Percentage Analysis were used to obtain the results. The results obtained reveals that Career Transition from IT to HR field is beneficial in the Long Run, provided this transition occurs in the Early or Middle Stages of one’s Own Career. Keywords: Career Transition, Human Resource, Chennai, Information Technology Field, Career Stage.
According to Current Trend, a reasonable population of Employees working in the IT field is trying to move on to the Human Resource Field for the rest of their Career. This Transition Occurs either Within the same Organization ( Intra - Organizational Transition ) or Between Organizations ( Inter - Organizational Transition ). Some Others quit their jobs in order to Pursue Full Time HR Management related Courses in order to make their Transition more Effective whereas the others while working in IT Field itself, simultaneously equip themselves using Correspondence Courses, Online Courses or Part Time Courses in order to Transition their Career to HR Field without losing their Current Jobs. Above all the Career stage in which this transition happens is also to be considered. Some Transitions occur in Early Career Stage while some others in their mid career stage also quite a few make such a Transition in the later stages of their Career. When it comes to the reason behind such Transitions, most of those employees who have transitioned their Career Field have reported one of the below given factors as the reason for their Career Transition. They are:
Work Pressure, Dissatisfaction at Work, Work Duration, Nature of Work and Work Load
Whereas some others also mention that they try to transition their career due to the work nature and the merits involved in the Human Resource Field.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
2.1 Research Design This study is based on both ‘Descriptive Research’ and ‘Hypothesis Testing Research’. 2.2 Research Instruments For the data collection process, a Structured Questionnaire was prepared and used in surveying the target respondents. The Questionnaire used in this research comprises of 30 Questions, out of which 6 Questions are for collecting Demographic Details and remaining 24 questions in the questionnaire are for collecting Research related Data. The Likert 5 - Point Scale is used in survey research. The five points used for survey are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree and Strongly agree.
2.3 Target Respondents This study was conducted in organizations where there is a separate Department for Human Resources, mainly in the HR Department of IT Companies so as to concentrate more on those who have transitioned their career from IT to HR field. The various roles of the samples are as follows. Freshers in HR Department Mid level HR Employees HR Managers HR Heads IT employees in transitioning stage. 2.4 Sampling Process Using “Convenience Sampling“ method the target respondents were chosen. The Sample Size chosen for this project is 122. 2.5 Data Processing The study has been carried out with the help of the following data: Primary Data:
The primary data was collected with the help of Structured Questionnaire from the target respondents using survey method.
Secondary Data:
The secondary data was collected from Journals, Articles and Internet [General].
2.6 Tools for Analysis Statistical tools like Percentage Analysis Chart Analysis and Chi-Square Test
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
were used in analyzing the collected data.
3.1 PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS 3.1.1 Field of Work Table 1. Field of Work of Respondents
From Table 1, it is found that majority of Respondents (46.7%) belong to HR Field. 3.1.2 Steps taken to Transition to HR Field Table 2. Steps taken by Respondents
From Table 2, it is found that majority of Respondents (41.8%) have opted MBA(HR) in Correspondence Mode for Transition. 3.2 CHART ANALYSIS 3.2.1 Merits in HR Field
Fig-1: Merits in HR Field
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
From Figure 1, it is found that majority of Respondents (50.8%) Agree that Job Nature is a merit in HR Field. 3.2.2 Pitfalls in IT Field
Fig-2: Pitfalls in IT Field From Figure 2, it is found that majority of Respondents (84.4%) Agree that Work Stress is a pitfall in IT Field.
3.3 CHI SQUARE TEST 3.3.1 Career Transition Vs Age Hypothesis: H0 (Null Hypothesis): Career Transition and Age are Independent. H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): Career Transition and Age are Dependent. Table 3. Observed Frequency
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 4. Expected Frequency
Table 5. Data and Results
Inference: From Table 5, we find that P value is greater than 0.05, Which means Null Hypothesis is Accepted, Categorical variables are Independent. Hence we infer that “Career Transition doesn’t depend upon the Age of an Employee”
3.3.2 Long Term Benefit of Transition Vs Age Hypothesis: H0 (Null Hypothesis): Long Term Benefits and Age are Independent. H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): Long Term Benefits and Age are Dependent. Table 6. Observed Frequency
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 7. Expected Frequency
Table 8. Data and Results
Inference: From Table 8, we find that P value is greater than 0.05, Which means Null Hypothesis is Accepted, Categorical variables are Independent Hence we infer that “Long Term benefit of Transition doesn’t depend upon the Age of an Employee”.
3.3.3 Long Term Benefit of Transition Vs Experience Hypothesis: H0 (Null Hypothesis): Long Term Benefits and Experience are Independent. H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): Long Term Benefits and Experience are Dependent. Table 9. Observed Frequency
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 10. Expected Frequency
Table 11. Data and Results
Inference: From Table 11, we find that P value is greater than 0.05, Which means Null Hypothesis is Accepted, Categorical variables are Independent Hence we infer that “Long Term benefit of Transition doesn’t depend upon Experience”.
DEMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS Majority of the study respondents, (51.6%) are Female, (61.5%) belong to an Age Group of 23 – 28 Years, (38.5%) have a Work Experience of about 4-8 Years, (46.7%) Currently belong to HR Field and also (31.1%) are currently Students. RESPONDENT’S VIEW ON TRANSITION Majority of the Respondents, (58.2%) Agree that Employees Transition their Jobs from IT to HR Field. (50.8%) Agree that Job Nature is the Merit in HR Field. (84.4%) Agree that Work Stress is the main Demerit in IT Field. (86.9%) Agree that it was their Own Decision to move on to HR Field. (41.1%) Agree that Gap in Career Growth is a pitfall in Transition Process. TRANSITION WITHIN THE SAME ORGANIZATION Majority of the Respondents, (41.8%) have made transition within same organization. (60.1%) Agree that Intra Organizational Transition is more Beneficial. (37.7%) Agree that Intra Organizational Transition is a good way to Transition. (30.3%) Agree that Adaptability is good in Intra Organizational Transition.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:10/October -2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
TRANSITION BETWEEN TWO ORGANIZATIONS Majority of the Respondents, (35.4%) Agree that Inter Organizational Transition is Beneficial. (43.3%) Agree that Better Designation is a benefit in Inter Organizational Transition. STAGE TO TRANSITION When it comes to Respondent’s view regarding Transition stage, it was found that, (82.2%) have started/ will start their work in HR field between 26-32 years of Age (62.3%) Agree that Transition at Early Career Stage is more Beneficial (27.9%) Agree that Transition at Mid Career Stage is more Beneficial (46.2%) Agree that Early Career Transition is the Correct Transition Stage. WAYS ADOPTED TO TRANSITION TO HR FIELD Majority of the Respondents, (41.8%) Agree that they opted MBA-HR in Correspondence mode to facilitate their Transition. (76.6%) Agree that Career Exploration helps a lot in Career Transition. BENEFITS AFTER TRANSITION Majority of the Respondents, (54.9%) Strongly Agree that there are long term benefits in Transition to HR Field. (45.1%) Agree that Scope for HR Field is wide. (27.7%) Agree that HR Field is easy to adapt. (55.4%) says that there are No Pitfalls in HR Jobs. (48.4%) Agree that they feel great after their Transition to HR Field. (25.6%) Disagree to the fact that Transition did not work out well. (49.2%) Agree that Career Transition to HR Field gives them Job Satisfaction.
From the above study, it is evident that Career Transition from IT to HR Field is Beneficial and gives Job Satisfaction with Long Term benefits in one’s Career. Also, Job Nature is found to be a meritorious aspect in HR Field which stands for attracting more Employees towards that Field. Transition to HR Field during Early Career Stage is found to be beneficial and proper Career Exploration helps more in choosing the correct way of Transition. Amongst different ways in Transitioning one’s Career, Intra Organizational Transition is found to be beneficial and makes Adaption easier, though Inter Organizational Transition provides better Designation. Opting for MBA (HR) in Correspondence Mode helps in Transitioning one’s Field of Career without losing Current Job. Though Gap in Career Growth is a small pitfall in Transitioning Career, this can be overcome by various other meritorious prospects like easy Adaption, Work Pressure reduction, Widened Scope of Working Field and so on. Above all, the sense of Satisfaction that an employee gets after transitioning to HR Field is what makes it worthwhile to make such a Transition.
[1] Author Erica Cenci (January 25, 2018) in her gameplan-a website. [2] Syrek, C. J., Apostel, E., & Antoni, C. H. (2013) in his Journal of Occupational Health Psychology explains about the Stress involved in IT Jobs. [3] Will Erstad (October 23,2017), article “11 Rewarding Reasons to Work in HR”. [4] Kate Rodriguez , Article “ HOW TO TRANSITION INTO HR MID-CAREER” of the website “The Economist – Executive Education Navigator”. [5] Jeanna McGinnis (April 19, 2017), Article “Things to do before Career Transition”.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science