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e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

ECO-FRIENDLY SULFATION REMOVAL DEVICE Prof. Arvind Bhandare *1, Gajraj Deshmukh*2, Omkar Sutar*3 , ShrinathMagdum*4 , Vinayak Davari*5 *1Professor *2, 3, 4, 5

Department of Electrical Engineering, SETI Panhala, Maharashtra India.

UG Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, SETI Panhala, Maharashtra India.

ABSTRACT In battery industries battery sulfation is one of the problems due to which life span of batteries reduces & also batteries may get damage. So the vehicles where this batteries have to be used does not start, it takes time to start instantly. Sulfation which is decreases the efficiency of battery. So our project is based on that problem to deactivate the sulfation Keywords: Components, Lead acid battery, Desulfation Charger.



Due to increased population, lot of emissions and pollutions are taking places in power sector, telecommunication sector, automobile sector etc. There are many challenges in the power sector to meet daily demands. So it is needed to reduce pollution for healthy environment. Energy storage system plays very important role in automobile industry and telecommunication sector to reduce pollution and greenhouse effect. Lead-acid battery is most widely used in India due to its well-known chemistry, Infrastructure, low price and efficiency. The use of lead-acid batteries is varies from industry to household because of its ability to supply high surge currents, which means that the cells have a relatively large power-to-weight ratio. However, the main disadvantage of the lead-acid battery is sulfation, which occurs because of improper charging and discharging and due to which battery loses its performance also life span of battery is reduced. The aim of the study is to improve the battery life span.



Lead-acid battery performs well in energy storing system. But one of problem that occurs only in lead-acid battery is sulfation. Sulfation problem occurs because of lead plates in battery. Sulfation is accumulation of crystalline form of lead sulphate on the plates of battery which cause to convert liquid form of sulfate into solid form.



A. WORKING : Batteries are energy-storing devices in the form of electrical chemistry by converting chemical energy into electrical energy, based on the chemical reactions that occur at the two electrodes such as negative plates made of pure lead (Pb) and elemental plates. Positive is made of lead peroxide (PbO2) Lead acid battery have anode of PbO2 and cathode of Pb; H2SO4 the electrolyte. Sulfuric acid splits up into hydrogen ions (H +H+) and sulphate ions (SO4- -).

Figure 1: Chemical reaction for charging and discharging. The working principle is essentially the chemical reaction shown:

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

PbO2+2H2SO4 +Pb = 2PbSO4 +2H2O When the battery is in discharging state, the active materials of positive electrode, lead dioxide, will be converted into lead sulfate. Similarly, the negative electrode which is made up of lead will be converted into lead sulphate as well. The electrolyte, sulphuric acid will be consumed by reacting with the active materials. The Sulfate ions move towards the cathode and hydrogen ions towards the anode causing following chemical reactions: Discharging: PbSO4(S) + 2H2O (l) Charging:

PbO2(S) + SO4 (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + 2e-

B. SULFATION: Sulfation is nothing but if battery is insufficiently charged at normal operating condition, this will give high internal resistance and reduction in capacity, probably this will give improper operation of battery and also give the discharge condition. As the internal resistance increases, the current drawn by battery reduces, so that battery will not sustain capacity of load and high resistance give increase in temperature rise. The battery capacity is substantially reduced because the sulfated area of the plate is unable to supply current. Moreover, the sulfate portion (of the lead sulfate) is not returned to the electrolyte as sulfuric acid. Sulfated batteries have a high internal resistance and can deliver only

Figure 3: Sulfation causes C. System Block dia :

Figure 4: System Block dia. We will see here step by step all the blocks of the circuitry.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

The 1⹡ power supply unit will give the supply of 230v/12v ac supply that will be given to the bridge circuit. Bridge circuit will get the supply from power supply unit and convert it into pulsating ac supply, that will given to Rectifier circuit . Rectifier circuit & Regulator circuit Pulsating ac is converted in pure DC by using Filter circuit & this dc supply given to Regulator circuit which Regulate Dc Supply to for various voltages. Regulated output supply given to pulse generator circuit which consist of 555 timer ic which configured in astable multivibrator circuit. the output 555 ic Pulse of low voltage is feed to static switch (MOSFET) which operate on pulse of 555 ic & finally get the frequency pulse. The frequency of pulse controlled by changing the frequency of 555 ic by varying resistance. By using microcontroller We set the Dc voltage to 6-12v by switching on and off respective resistance of regulator circuit and display voltage set by user. D. Simulation Models: In simulation, we design circuit diagram and run the desired circuit in Proteus Simulation. By providing variable ratings to all the power electronic devices we check the output results. As the technique used is low voltage, low current condition we check the voltage and current at the output of circuit. Constant DC voltage is needed for battery so we provide such variable voltage such as for 12V battery we provide 13V, for 9V battery we provide 10V, as per requirement of battery specification. Change in ratings of devices in simulation will give the different waveforms for better understanding to get desired output. This model is a well-defined description of the simulated subject, and represents its key characteristics, such as its behavior, function and abstract or physical properties. The model represents the system itself, where as the simulation represents its operation over time. The simulation work is the representation of or it is the expression of our actual project which exhibits till now our desired specified results.

Figure 5: Simulation of Device



We decide our project by analyzing the severity of sulfation problem that occurs in the lead-acid battery and implement the sulfation deactivation device. There are different papers and articles available related to leadacid battery construction, working principle and its applications which are helpful for determining the scope of project work and defining the problem statement. Research information for developing the device we used various IEEE papers and got information related to this project. From the research papers we get a brief knowledge about the overall sulfation process of lead acid batteries and what it takes for desulfation.

@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September -2020

Impact Factor- 5.354

A technology with the potential to eliminate a major contributing cause of lead-acid battery failure quickly, safely and completely has been introduced. This technology is simple to apply and works with virtually every type of vehicle and equipment that uses a lead-acid battery. We can develop the sulfation deactivated device for lead acid battery, to reduce the battery sulfation and increases its life span. Maximum 80% sulfation can be reduce and battery use for further application.

Figure 6: Charging Voltage v/s Charging Current



The proposed framework is useful for the ranchers in A technology with the potential to eliminate a major contributing cause of lead-acid battery failure quickly, safely and completely has been introduced. This technology is simple to apply and works with virtually every type of vehicle and equipment that uses a leadacid battery. We can develop the sulfation deactivated device for lead acid battery, to reduce the battery sulfation and increases its life span. Maximum 80% sulfation can be reduce and battery use for further application.



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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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