e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
INVESTIGATION ON PARTIALLY REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT WITH RICE HUSK ASH AND FINE AGGREGATE WITH BAGASSE ASH P. S. S. Anjaneya Babu*1, G. Suneel kumar*2, G. Harikrishna*3, B.V.V. Manikanta*4, N. Gopala Krishna*5, D. Pramod Sai Teja*6 *1Assistant
Professor, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India,
Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, India.
ABSTRACT The production of cement results in the formation of carbon dioxide gas which causes the environmental pollution. About 7% of co2 gas is evolved from cement industries into atmosphere; to decrease the liberation of those gases we are partially replacing cement with rice husk ash. Now days the scarcity of sand is the bigger problem in construction industry and fine aggregate is not readily available, hence there is a need to find an alternative material to replace the fine aggregate, such that harm to the environment is prevented. Sugar-cane bagasse is one such fibrous waste product of sugar refining industry which we can use as a replacement of fine aggregate. In this present investigation we are replacing rice husk ash by 5%, 10%, 15% weight of cement and bagasse ash by 10%, 20%, 30% weight of fine aggregate. At optimum percentages of rice husk ash and bagasse ash we are going to add S glass fibers. Here cubes and cylinders are casted for M40 grade of concrete, compression and split tensile tests are conducted and compared with conventional concrete. Keywords: Rice Husk Ash, Bagasse Ash, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength.
Any development action requires a few materials, for example, solid, steel, block, stone, glass, mud, mud, wood, etc. Be that as it may, the concrete solid remains the primary development material utilized in development enterprises. For its reasonableness and versatility as for the evolving condition, the solid must be with the end goal that it can monitor assets, ensure the condition, streamline and lead to legitimate usage of vitality. To accomplish this, major accentuation must be laid on the utilization of squanders and results in concrete and cement utilized for new developments. In current overall business sectors and expanding complement on quality, necessity for concrete having high quality with moderate expense has expanded various folds. Over the previous decades, research on concrete has entered wide based territories of exercises to improve the solid exhibition. The purpose for this isn't just to the immense scope of applications that solid offers, yet additionally because of its extraordinary reasonableness, quality, strength, and flexibility. Various technique has been applied and various types of cement has been presented like, Self - Compacting Concrete (SCC) was presented that improves the strength of the solid, high quality concrete(HSS) was presented that give super high quality. In any case, such cement is seldom accessible and significant expense. The need to diminish the significant expense of Conventional Portland Cement with the alluring attributes a few materials must be changed. From the increased examination into locally accessible items and decrease in cost halfway supplanting of the OPC with rice husk debris is demonstrated to be compelling satisfying necessity. Rice husk Ash is a farming item on which rice husk is singed into remains. RHA is found to be acceptable material which satisfies the physical attributes and concoction sythesis of mineral admixtures. A limited quantity expansion of RHA (lesser than a few by weight of the concrete), to a given water concrete proportion, is adequate and accommodating to improve the dependability, strength too as the functionality will in general increment the compressive quality and toughness of the solid. Utilization of the fine rice husk debris diminishes the temperature when contrasted with the typical opc temperature. As per the scientist perception is was discovered that appropriate proportionate apportion RHA can decrease the starting setting time and furthermore it gets its most extreme quality with a couple of days. RHA depends mostly on silica content, silica crystallization stage, and size and surface territory of debris www.irjmets.com
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
particles. Rice husk utilization benefits are informed in numerous writings, not many of them bargains in their reality.
In this regard of the project, first we have undergone with nominal mix(OPC) with the ingradients of cement, water, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate with desired proportions. Later, we replaced only cement with Rice Husk Ash partially with a percentages of 5%, 10%, 15% respectively. After 28 days from date of casting (while those cubes are cured in water), we conducted compressive strength test and split tensile strength test on casted cubes and then we go for partial replacement of fine aggregate with bagasse ash, only after considering the optimum percentage of rice husk ash that had given higher values of strength when compared to other percentages. And then we replaced fine aggregate with bagasse ash to that rice husk ash (optimum mix) with proportions of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%. Those cured cubes were tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength. Just like rice husk ash, we considered optimum percentage of bagasse ash, to add s-glass fibres with percentages of 0.005, 0.015, 0.02 by the volume of that former mix. The cubes and cylinders contains s-glass fibres, optimum amounts of RHA and bagasse ash are tested for compressive strength and split tensile strength test. The mix which gives higher values, that mix can be called as ideal mix. In such manner of the undertaking, first we have gone through with ostensible mix(OPC) with the ingradients of concrete, water, fine total and coarse total with wanted extents. Afterward, we supplanted just concrete with Rice Husk Ash incompletely with a rates of 5%, 10%, 15% separately. Following 28 days from date of projecting (while those 3D shapes are relieved in water), we led compressive quality test and split rigidity test on projected blocks and afterward we go for incomplete supplanting of fine total with bagasse debris, simply in the wake of considering the ideal level of rice husk debris that had invigorated higher estimations of when contrasted with different rates. And afterward we supplanted fine total with bagasse debris to that rice husk debris (ideal blend) with extents of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%. Those relieved shapes were tried for compressive quality and split elasticity. Much the same as rice husk debris, we considered ideal level of bagasse debris, to include s-glass filaments with rates of 0.005, 0.015, 0.02 by the volume of that previous blend. The solid shapes and chambers contains s-glass strands, ideal measures of RHA and bagasse debris are tried for compressive quality and split rigidity test. The blend which gives higher qualities, that blend can be called as ideal blend.
Nominal mix proportions: Cement(Kg/m3)
Fine Aggregate(Kg/m3)
Coarse Aggregate(Kg/m3)
Water Content(Kg/m3)
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH RESULTS: The test results got after the restoring of 7 days and 28 days are appeared in the table 6.2. Figures 6.4, 6.5, 6.6represent the compressive quality for 7&28 days with rice husk debris and with10% ,20% and 30% bagasse debris. Figures 6.7, 6.8 speak to the consolidated estimations of compressive quality for blends in with rice husk debris and with 10%, 20% and 30% bagasse debris. At 28 days 10% substitution of RHA accomplishes quality of 57.48MPa where as target mean quality of M40 is 57.48MPa. Table 3.1: Compressive strength for 7 and 28 days with Rice husk ash MIX
Compressive strength after 7days (MPa)
Compressive strength after 28days (MPa)
Cement + RHA (5%)
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Cement + RHA (10%)
Cement + RHA (15%)
Table 3.2: Split tensile strength for 7 days and 28 days with rice husk ash MIX
Split tensile strength after 7days (MPa)
Split tensile strength after 28days (MPa)
Cement + RHA (5%)
Cement + RHA (10%)
Cement + RHA (15%)
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 6.4: Compressive strength for 7 and 28 days after adding of Bagasse ash MIX
Compressive strength after 7days(MPa)
Compressive strength after 28days(MPa)
C+ RHA+BA (10%)
C+ RHA+BA (20%)
C+ RHA+BA (30%)
Table 6.5: Split tensile strength for 7 days with bagasse ash MIX
Split tensile strength after 7days (MPa)
Split tensile strength after 28days (MPa)
C+ RHA+BA (10%)
C+ RHA+BA (20%)
C+ RHA+BA (30%)
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 6.6: compressive strength for 7 and 28 days adding of s-glass fibres Cement +RHA (kg/m3 )
Fine aggregate +baggase ash (kg/m3 )
Course aggregate (kg/m3 )
S-glass fibres (kg/m3 )
7 days (Mpa)
28 days (Mpa)
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table 6.7: Split tensile strength for 7 days by adding of s-glass fibres Cement +RHA (kg/m3 )
Fine aggregate +baggase ash (kg/m3 )
Course aggregate (kg/m3 )
S-glass fibres (kg/m3 )
7 days (Mpa)
28 days (Mpa)
Functionality of cement blends are expanded with the expansion of mineral admixtures contrasted with regular blend. Surprising advancement in quality is seen in solid blend in with the utilization of rice husk debris and bagaase debris of 10% and 20 % separately as concrete substitution. Increment in compressive quality of about 7.60% is seen in substitution of rice husk debris and 12.01% is seen in substitution of bagasse debris concrete contrasted with customary cement. Where as in split rigidity it was about 14.19% in of rice husk debris and 22.77% in bagasse debris. By the expansion of S glass strands compressive quality is expanded distinctly by 14.24% however the split rigidity demonstrated promising outcomes with an expansion of 33.99%.
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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science