e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:03/Issue:03/March-2021
Impact Factor- 5.354
TESTING RELIABILITY OF MICROGRID POWER SYSTEMA SIMPLE APPROACH Subodh Kumar Gupta, MIE*1, Prof. (Dr) Kalyan Kumar, FIE*2 *1Additional *2Former
General Manager (Retd), NTPC, CC, Delhi, India.
Vice Chancellor, VMS University, Sikkim, India.
ABSTRACT A Microgrid comprises of the low voltage multiple distributed source of generation (DG), energy storage devices (ES), connected multiple loads and control system, connected to national grid / islanded mode. Microgrids are increasingly becoming viable because of rapidly falling costs of generation contributed by wind and solar energy sources. Reliability modeling is the most important step in the design and planning of the distribution system what is expected to operate with economic viability owing to less interruption of customer loads. In the recent years distribution systems have been given utmost attention in terms of continuity and reliability of load power supply, and thus, focusing on the needs to evolve simpler techniques / approaches towards Microgrid reliability modelling and evaluation. The analysis of customer failure statistics shows that distribution systems make the greatest single contribution to the uncertainty / unavailability of customer supply. The paper examines such critical areas to be taken care of in an attempt to ensure maintaining relatively higher reliability of Microgrid power system thereby highlighting economic impact to reduce the cost of interruptions and power outages involving the utility companies and their customers. The results also showcase the importance and necessity of conducting reliability evaluation in the local area Microgrid distribution systems resulting in the improved performance at the customer load points. Keywords: Microgrids, Reliability Indices, Roy Billinton Reliability Testing System (RBTS), SUBREL.
Reliability of a Microgrid power system can be defined as the ability of the system to perform its intended function under the given operating conditions. When applied to the electric power system, reliability is mainly concerned with the ability of the system to supply the load demands. Reliability evaluation of an electric power system can be divided in two main categories, system adequacy evaluation and system security evaluation. Reliability assessment of a distribution system is usually concerned with the system performance at the customer end, i.e. at the load points. The basic indices normally used to predict the reliability of a distribution system are: load point failure rate, average outage duration and annual unavailability. System adequacy pertains to evaluation of adequacy of resources to demanded load, whereas system security is concerned with the response of the system to accommodate interruptions. This paper focuses on the local area Microgrids connecting consumer loads for assessment of the power supply system adequacy and security.
II. APPLICATIONS AND ISSUES Reliability evaluation of a system can be performed by two techniques, deterministic and probabilistic. The probabilistic evaluation of the system is preferred for objective analysis, though deterministic technique is computationally faster and requires less data. Due to the advancement of technology and computational techniques, over the years, probabilistic reliability evaluation has become possible and is being followed widely in power system [1-12]. A modified RBTS bus system using microgrid at Bus 5 in Figure 1 below is tested. At Bus 5, the load is 20 MW. Bus 5 is serving several feeders and one of the feeder is IEEE 34 Bus test system [13-15]. The load is 1.769 MW. Both System indices and load indices are calculated using SUBstation RELiability Evaluation (SUBREL) and the results of the same are presented in Tables 1 – 3 below. Three scenarios of RBTS as mentioned below are tested and their findings/results are produced below [19].
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