index P ro d u c t D i c l a i m e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A b o u t t h i s g u i d e = K n ow S o f i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wa r m u p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 W h a t d o yo u n e e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Our Community ............................................ 11 H ow i t wo r k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Yo u r t ra i n i n g p l a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Re s t a n d Re c ove r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 C i rc u i t A (Option 1 - Legs & Gluteus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 C i rc u i t A (Option 2 - Legs & Abs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 C i rc u i t B C i rc u i t B
(Option 1 - cardio & strength) (Option 2 - totalbody & arms)
N ex t S te p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
2 This E-Book is property of Iron Divasâ„¢ Australia
PRODUCT DISCLAIMER NOT FOR RESALE! (7 day trial) This guide is published by Iron Divas. All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher, except if given written permission by its owners.
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about us
About this guide , my Hey my Diva friend m an a I d n a ia f o S is e m na
You’re probably going like “You don’t look like you lift weights and I bet you’ve always been skinny!” I’ve Heard that phrase many times before in my life, in fact, you’re right, I’m not here to show you my muscles, I’m definitely not here because I’m an athlete; I’m here to show you that anyone can do this.
You see, I am a normal day - to - day girl, I graduated from college, love fashion, I love having a lifestyle, excercising and food. . . . . . . OMG Yes Fooooooood!!! 4 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
about us
I try placing the negative thoughts of the universe behind me by been conscious about what I eat and how I exercise. I am a lean-fit but strong Latina and for most women like me, it’s not about 20-inch biceps; it’s about how can resistance training help me lose fat and look great in a swimsuit. I am so excited to share with you what Iron Divas has helped me achieve and through this 7-day trial, I will be showing you very simple steps to begin your exciting path towards health and well being.
! d e t r a t s t e g s ' Let
i f o S
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
T R I A L — WA R M U P — 7 D AY S
warm up exercises — always do the recommended warm up —
6 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
warm up My friends ask me about what's my secret; I tell them:
“I warm up before exercising� You see fitness experts have discovered that warming up before exercising is like switching on the power for your muscles. Exercises known as dynamic stretches (aka calisthenics) enhance the communication between your mind and muscles, allowing you to achieve peak performance while engaging in exercise, therefore, faster fat loss and better results. In this 7 day trial, we will do basic warm up exercises, which will only take between 5 to 8 minutes to complete. Just think that your body is an engine that needs the proper petrol inside, but also needs regular maintenance and well oiled up.
7 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
— 7 D AY T R I A L —
warm up 1. basic warm up exercises 2.
4 min. - jog, fast walking or indoor cycling | treadmill
5 to 8 min. - Perform warm up stretches
Head and neck rotation reps: 20 (10 each side)
Stand with your legs straight and place your feet at shoulder-width. Keep your hands loosely at your sides.
Coach tip: Rotate your head closkwise and counter closkwise.
Forearm rotation reps: 30 sec x 2
Stand as above, hands rose to shoulder height.
Coach tip: Rotate: 30 sec inwards 30 sec outwards
Arm rotation reps: 30 sec x 3
Place legs at shoulder-width keep arms straight at your side
Coach tip: Rotate clockwise, counter clokwise and both arms in opposite directions.
— PA G E 8 —
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
— 7 D AY T R I A L —
warm up 4
Shoulder Rotation
reps: 20 (10 back and 10 front)
Torso Swing
reps: 30 (15 x side)
Stand with your legs straight and place your feet at shoulder-width, bend your torso forward 90 degrees raise both arms straight to the outside.
Place legs at shoulder-width. Keep your arms by your side.
Coach tip:
Coach tip: Perform the most extensive movements, to the left and to the right.
Perform both shoulders rotating, clockwise and counter clockwise.
Hips rotation
reps: 20 (10 x side)
Place your hands on your hips, keeping your head straight
Coach tip: Perform the exrcise 10 times clockwise 10 times counter clockwise
High Knees
reps: 30 (15 per leg)
Place your feet slightly apart Alterning lifting each knee hip height
Coach tip:
Raise your right knee first knee first then lift the left alternating motion perform as running motion
— PA G E 9 —
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
What will you need? 7 DAY TRIAL
prepare your guide
sport shoes
your favorite music
yoga mat
skipping rope
water bottle
Share this first step to start being an IronDiva, take a 20 sec and share it in your social media.
Use our hashtags:
#Irondivas7DayTrial #SoyUnaDiva #IronDivasReal
11 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
— 7 D AY T R I A L —
How it works?
How does our 7 day plan work?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You’ll have 4 different circuits, divided into 2 different IMPRIME TUWorkout GUIAA and DEWorkout IRONB DIVAS options called
Alternate between Workout A y Workout B during the next 7 days, “resting” one day of the week
For example for these next days, your training could look like: monday►a | tuesday►b | wednesday►a | thursday►b | friday►rest | saturday►a | sunday►b This will result in a total of 8 days so that your body gets used to it. The day you decide to ‘rest’ keep your body moving with light exercises like, walking, swimming or yoga
For each circuit do ONE set of each exercise in succession, rest the time indicated and start again until all sets are done
Prior to each workout, complete the warm up, referring back to pages 5 and 6
After each sesión make sure you cool down and you stretch your muscles
Take your recovery shake immediately after finishing your training — PA G E 1 2 —
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
— 7 D AY T R A I L —
T h i s i s a n e x a m p l e o f h o w y o u c a n p l a n y o u r n e x t 7 d a y s . Yo u c a n d o y o u r o w n p l a n b u t a l w a y s r e m e m b e r r e s t i n g d a y.
W O R KO U T A - C I R C U I T 1 - L E G S & G L U T E U S
W O R KO U T B - C I R C U I T 1 - C A R D I O & F U L L B O D Y
W O R KO U T A - C I R C U I T 2 - L E G S & A B S
W O R KO U T B - C I R C U I T 2 - T O TA L B O D Y & A R M S
R E S T | WA L K | S W I M | B I K E | Y O G A
W O R KO U T A - C I R C U I T 1 - L E G S & G L U T E U S
W O R KO U T B - C I R C U I T 2 - T O TA L B O D Y & A R M S
— PA G E 1 3 —
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
Resting Day RECOVERY A very important of your training is your recovery. Always stretch at end of every training, and during the week have days of rest to help your body recovery. We recomend you to stretch your muscles and doing a low impact excercise session. This will keep you active and at the same time relax your muscles, after all this days of training.
YOGA 14 This E-Book is property of Iron Divasâ„¢ Australia
workoutlegsa& gluteus
W O R KO U T A — L E S G & G L U T E U S — C I R C U I T 1
warm up
5-8 min. page 8-9
total time active ► complete 3 sets
1 30 min.
Body Squat ► x 15
Power knees up ► x 30 (15 per side)
Stationary Lunges ► x 30 (15 per side)
Mountain Climbers ► x 40 (20 per side)
1 min. between each set ► REPEAT
5-8 min. and take your recovery shake
WA — PA G E 1 6 — C 1
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
workout a legs & abs
W O R KO U T A — L E G S & A B S — C I R C U I T 2
warm up
5-8 min. page 8-9
total time active ► complete 3 sets
Walking Lunges ► x 24 (12 per side)
Straight Leg Raises► x 12
Burpees ► x 12
Ankle tabs ► x 30 (15 per side)
1 min. between each set ► REPEAT
2 30 min.
5-8 min. and take your recovery shake
WA — PA G E 1 7 — C 2
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
circuito b cardio & fullbody
C I R C U I T O B — C A R D I O & F U L L B O DY — O P C I Ó N 1
warm up
5-8 min. page 8-9
total time active ► complete 2 to 3 sets
1 30 min.
Boxing Squat ► x 40 (20 per side)
Skipping rope ► x 50
Plank ► Keep position 1 min.
Stationary Lunges ► x 30 (15 per side)
Side Leg Raises ► x 30 (15 per side)
1 min. between each set ► REPEAT
5-8 min. and take your recovery shake
W B — PA G E 1 8 — C 1
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
workout b total body & arms
W O R KO U T B — T O TA L B O DY & A R M S — C I R C U I T 2
warm up
5-8 min. page 8-9
total time active ► complete 2 to 3 sets
Push ups ► x 12
Sumo Squats ► x 12
Straight leg raises ► x 12
Burpees ► x 30 (15 por lado)
Comandos ► x 24 (12 per side)
1 min. between each set ► REPEAT
2 30 min.
5-8 min. and take your recovery shake
W B — PA G E 1 9 — C 2
This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
You acomplished 7 days of basic training. We know you are ready for your next goal. Keep this new great way of living Become the best version of you!
You are an Iron Diva!
my next step... How will iron divas Help you achieve your goal? Iron Divas training Manual STRONG, has been created by Personal Trainers in Australia and Latin America. It has up to date, innovative and essential workouts, specifically made for today’s busy woman. Our unique recipe manual SABOR, explores a mouthwatering mix of flavors, whether it’s Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, all meals are perfectly balanced and checked by Australian Nutritionists. Written by experts in international cuisine.
21 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia
what do I get... What’s included in the full Iron divas pack? A complete 15 day meal plan that you can mix and match in different variations Comprehensive recipes that will give you the freedom of making your daily menu Exercises and stretches explained to detail Both English and Spanish guides area available to download Our ambassadors will become your guides in order to reach your personal goal Access to our Blog where you will find information that will give you more knowledge on how to reach your level-10
22 This E-Book is property of Iron Divas™ Australia