Irvington Key Club Newsletter - Summer 2020

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Irvington Irvington High High School School | | D12E D12E | | Region Region 17 17 | | Cali-Nev-Ha Cali-Nev-Ha



Summer 2020 Newsletter


Multimedia’s Message


President’s Message


August Calendar


June & July Recap


DLT Bingo Fundraiser


IHS x MSJ Dog Toy Making


AHS x IHS Bookmark Making


IHS & D12E Charity Miles


D12E Math for Good


Lebanon Crisis


Contacts Page

Hello friends, We’re back with another newsletter! This summer has been so eventful for us, and it seems like our effort has been noticed by the DISTRICT! More information on that exciting news later, though. Summer’s recently been extremely hot for many of us, especially this August. We hope you guys are staying cool and healthy and drinking lots of boba (or whatever drink you like)! We’re always so excited to make these newsletters, and with the school year coming up, we hope it’ll make our potential members excited to be a part of our super (hehe punny) family! We hope that all of you will have an easy transition into online schooling, and that you take time to focus on yourself once school starts. We love you all, and thank you for reading!

- Jessica, Kelly, and Nicole




Hello Superheroes!

I hope that you are all doing well and that you’ve been able to do You’ve all worked so hard these past few months (especially our lov am just so grateful to be able to work alongside you guys!! Your pass everything to me <3 For August, we’re super excited to announce that we’ll be hosting a long term events!! We really hope to stay connected with you (as w contribute to our club goals, so thank you for your patience with us! your community is still strong in your heart so that we can make the Anyways, with the school year starting soon, I know that things can o fast, but I really want to remind you guys that it’s okay to take a brea be to get caught up in doing the things you feel you have to do rat happiness, but sometimes, taking a step back to reflect and care fo you back up. So take an evening walk!! Eat lots of good food!! Watc Always make sure to do what you love. With that in mind, always remember how valuable your efforts are, e to see it for yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to, just know t out to me. I’ll always be here for you!!

all the things you love! vely multimedia team) and I sion and dedication mean

a variety of inter-club and we really miss you!) and !! I hope your passion to serve most out of our summer :D often become stressful really ak. I know how easy it can ther than what brings you or yourself can help to bring ch your favorite shows!!

even if you may not be able that you can always reach

With Love, Tiana Nguyen 2020-21 Irvington Key Club President

at a glance

August/September sat

previously, in August... sun

2 9





8/1 - 8/31: ihs charity miles






ihs x msj dog-toy making


1 8

10 11 12 13 14 15 8/16 - 8/19: maze day

ihs x ahs august bookmark dcm + ltg making banquet

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8/1 - 8/31: ihs charity miles dlt dare bingo donations

first day of school

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

8/1 - 8/31: ihs charity miles

what’s new in September? sun



1 6




2 9





ihs key intro meeting



interkey service event

10 11 12

region training conference

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9/13 - 9/19: interkey book drive

region training conference

ihs color a smile

fremont key clubs bonding

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

June and July Recap KCTC and June DCM The Region 17 LTGs came together to host our annual Key Club Training Conference where we listened to multiple workshops and participated in bonding activities.

IHS x WHS Cards of Care Irvington & Washington Key Clubbers joined together and made cards that would be given to the eldery!!

June and July Recap (cont.) IHS Cards of Care Irvington Key Clubbers watched Big Hero 6 while making cards that would be given to the elderly.

Letters for Justice Irvington Key Clubbers came together to listen to music, sign petitions, and send emails to representatives to demand justice for those in need.

D12E Service Week Color a Smile Key Clubbers colored pages and donated them to Color a Smile to help put a warm smile on children’s faces :)

Census Key Clubbers spread awareness about the US Census and encouraged friends, family, and others. Through an app called Outreach Circle, attendees encouraged others to fill out the census through text, email, and social media.

D12E Service Week (Cont.) Cranes for a Cure Irvington hosted this event where over 50 attendees joined together and made origami cranes to raise money for cancer research!

Posters for Pride Key Clubbers joined together to create digital and physical visuals to spread awareness about the LGBTQ+ movement!

D12E Service Week (Cont.) Freerice and July DCM During the DCM, we discussed club updates and answered questions that would help donate rice to end world hunger. We were also nominated as “Club of the Month” and had Uyen Nguyen selected as “Member of the Month”

Bingo Fundraiser Are you bored at home and in need of a good laugh? Help us raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program by daring our own Division Leadership Team!! If interested, be sure to venmo @emilyqvu and write the name of the DLT member you are daring and the dare!

DLT Bingo Fundraiser Event Information Each DLT member and a few club presidents will be participating using dares from a bingo board , which will be recorded for your pleasure! If we meet our goal of $250, our LTG, Emily Vu will dye one of her eyebrows. All donations are due by August 24!

Event Information Saturday August 7 @ 2-4PM through zoom. Irvington Key will be collaborating with Mission San Jose Key Club to host a dog toy making event which will then be donated to the Human Society Silicon Valley. Sign up at tinyurl. com/ihsmsjdogs

IHS x MSJHS Dog Toy Making

Amerington Key Club!

bookmark-making edition~ On Friday, August 21, Key Club members from American and Irvington came together for our first event of the term together! During this event, our club members collaborated to create and donate bookmarks to children who are learning how to read. Members from both American and Irvington alike designed beautiful bookmarks that many children will be able to use for many months to come!

We began o

Irvington Key Club

where Key

Charity Miles

like March o

ticipants hav

for participa reach their


3,000 walk

our Charity Miles event at the beginning of July, Clubbers volunteered to download the app,

s, in order to help raise money for charities

of Dimes and UNICEF through exercise! Par-

ve also been receiving division service hours

ating! We hope to both help our district and goals and encourage members to exercise.

achievements reached so far

miles ked

600 hours gained July 5 - August 31

Inspired by Irvington’s Charity Miles event, D12E decided to host a division-wide charity miles event targeting August’s Service on the Spotlight Program, which is Children’s Education.

August 8 - 31

Division 12 East is hosting their own fundraiser with UNICEF for August! For each question answered correctly, $0.25 will be donated to help children worldwide to get the education they deserve!


Tragedy in Beirut and a Nation in Crisis

To understand why the explosion in Beirut last month was so especially devastating, it’s important to take a look at Lebanon’s history. The country has been suffering from social, political, economic, and health crises for years due to corruption and mismanagement, hurting their economy and leaving them especially vulnerable to a tragedy such as this.

Donate Lebanese Red Cross -- donate/ Global Aid for Lebanon -- Volunteer Lebanese Red Cross -- The Volunteer Circle -- https://thevolunteercircle. com/

Healthcare is extremely underfunded and lacks crucial resources and infrastructure. Tens of thousands of citizens are victims of poverty, and extreme inflation has been taking place in the past few years, tripling prices. With their current issues and the additional effects of COVID-19, their situation has worsened over time. With the August 4 Beirut Explosion, more than 170 people have been killed, infrastructure is further devastated, and thousands are injured, which have overwhelmed hospitals.

Contact us!! go ahead, don’t be shy!

executive officers Tiana Nguyen

President |

Samantha Chou

VP of External Affairs |

Jaden Wei

VP of Internal Affairs |

Selena Zeng

Secretary |

Richard Ngo

Treasurer |

other Email: FB Group: Irvington Key Club Instagram: @ihskey

Irvington Key Club

August Edition

Thank you


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