By: Melisa Bolán, Casta Robles, Jaqueline España, Sandra Ajvix, Isaac López.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction Frankenstein. Summarize the theory of Literature of Frankenstein. Graphic of the Theory of Literature of Frankenstein. The Old Man and the Sea. Summarize the theory of The Old Man and the Sea. a. The Old Man and the Sea b. How is the book related to real life? 7. Dora a Case of Hysteria 8. Summarize of Dora a Case of Hysteria 9. Questions of Dora a Case of Hysteria 10.Hysteria image 11.The Lord of the flies 12.Summarize of the lord of the flies 13.Questions of the lord of the flies 14.Literary Criticism group presentation. 15. Group presentation 16. Group presentation 17. Stylistic presentation 18. Narratology Group presentation 19.Conclusion
The following work done and analyze by students from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Sección de Idiomas, Facultad de Humanidades coursing the 10th cycle of Licenciatura, shows the summary of three important literary works. These works were analyzed from different points of view, and none of the comments or thoughts above must be taking as real or as part of an eternal truth. Once you read the books mentioned in this summary, you will understand the importance of reading and develop your own thoughts. In addition, reading the book Frankenstein, The Old Man and the Sea, Sigmud Freud, Dora An Analysis of a case of Hysteria, the time line created and the sources provided, will help the reader to understand in a better and easy way the books.
1. Summarize, the theory of
to love Elizabeth, their relationship
Literature of Frankenstein
has incestuous tones since they grew up together as siblings. He also seems reluctant to marry her and is fixated
Frankenstein is a Gothic novel in
instead on his friend Henry. His desire
that it employs mystery, secrecy, and
to create life outside of typical sexual
unsettling psychology to tell the story
reproduction might reflect some level
of Victor Frankenstein’s doomed
monster. The Gothic emerged as a
literary genre in the 1750s, and is
disgust or
with in
elements, mysterious and secretive
What is Gothic Literature?
events, settings in ancient and isolated locations,
undercurrents often related to family dynamics and repressed sexuality. In Frankenstein, readers get only vague descriptions of the process Victor uses to
descriptions like “Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil” amplify the horror by prompting the reader to actively imagine what Victor must have done. Much of the action takes place at nighttime, and in mysterious circumstances. The novel also hints that Victor’s strange behavior may be rooted in repression. While he claims
Gothic Literature was first invented by Horace Walpole in 1764 with his novel “The Castle of Otranto'' and it is defined as a mixture or combination of horror and romance. Typically, a piece of Gothic Literature exhibits an appreciation of the many joys of intense emotion, and the thrills of fear
and admiration. Authors of Gothic
in the novel and on the supernatural.
Literature often associated medieval
However, the characters that are seen
buildings as something they thought
as “unrealistic” are the ones who
of as a gloomy and horrid period in
usually turn out to be the antagonist in
time. They saw that period in a time as
the story. Shelley illustrates the
an era that had harsh law, torture and
creation of something supernatural
different and somewhat strange rituals
so that is what many of the novels
experimenting his theory by creating
written in Gothic Literature focus on.
the creature with body parts and
bringing it back to life. Shelley conveys the supernatural when she brings the dead back to life by taking advantage of earth's natural elements. The way that Mary Shelley took advantage of the story by writing about bringing the dead back to life, already
gruesome and brutal. While Shelley writes about a mad scientist testing a hypothetical experimental experiment Why is Frankenstein Considered
and having it turn out to be successful makes the story seem strange yet
terrifying to some. As Shelley displays Frankenstein,
the elements of horror and romance
Shelley, is considered to be Gothic
Frankenstein is definitely a perfect
because of how it revolves around
example of Gothic Literature.
mysterious circumstances that happen 7
Summarize the theory of Literature
One the movements is regarding the
of The Old Man and the Sea.
socioeconomic context specifically in
During this section the book The Old Man and the Sea will be discussed trying to summarize it with important facts that come into real life by taking into
economic and political background. Once the reader deeply understands its background and the aspects that the author included, the piece of writing will be easier to critically analyze it. It is important to mention that the theory that will be applied is Hermeneutics.
Cuba. Fishing is a common job where many people do it to get money, however, with the implementation of technology people started to acquire new devices that help them to make the
of was
something that would really impact the field however, not everyone had access to get technological devices. Of course the ones who would get more benefits are the people who already have the possibilities to live in good standard but the rest which can be the
First of all it is needed to add
major part of the popularity are the
hermeneutics. According to Szondi
problems and old people who are
Hermeneutics is the theory of exegesis
putting into practice what they learned
which interprets literary works. With
when they were young struggling with
this in mind, the book will be
technology process to develop a work
in different fields.
Going back to 1930 and 1940 there
Hemingway knew a lot about fishing
significant changes around the world.
because he shared time with his dad
doing that activity. His dad taught
The Old Man and the Sea
Hemingway the art of fishing and they spend a lot of time hunting, fishing and learning about nature. It is something that Hemingway could take advantage of because let him include his knowledge in a famous piece of writing that can encourage people in
The novel starts specifying that there was an old man who fished alone but he had not fished for 84 days. In the first 40 days he was helped by a boy whose name is Manolin. Manolin started to work with Santiago at the
many ways.
age of five. Santiago taught Manolin all about fishing and he loved It is worth mentioning the characters
Santiago. Due to the situation that
from the story. Santiago was the main
character, he is a poor fisherman and
parents told him to go fishing with
he couldn’t catch a fish for a long time.
someone else because Santiago was
He shows the message of being bold
unlucky. Santiago understood the
in difficult circumstances. Manolin
situation however, they did not stop
was the boy who helped Santiago
chatting. Santiago told Manolin the
fishing since he was little, because of
plan that he had believing in himself
to go away with a great confidence to
obligated him to work with someone
catch a big fish. The next day Santiago
else but he still takes care of Santiago
went fishing at the sea with the
loving him like a relative.
purpose of catching a big fish.
Because Santiago was a fisherman his entire life he knew all about it. He put in practice what he knew following the sights to find a big fish. The sights were the movement of the water, the 11
weather, he carefully looked at the
so he couldn’t give up. He could kill
birds to accomplish his goal. Finally,
the shark but he was an old and wise
he was a fish that weighed thousands
man who knew many things about the
of pounds but he had difficulties
sea so he was sure to find more sharks
catching it, he really had to fight to
so Santiago got ready to fight with the
catch the fish. At that moment he
other sharks. He used his knife and the
wished to have the boy so Manolin
rowing to kill the other sharks. After
could help Santiago but he wasn’t
those events Santiago wanted to get
there. Due to the situation Santiago
home but at the end the only thing that
had to do it by himself, adding the fact
he kept was the fish skeleton. He
that it was difficult to catch the big
arrived when everybody was sleeping
fish. The sky was dark; after three
so he went to his shark to finally sleep
days he could catch the fish. Going
and rest after the long and difficult
back to his home to demonstrate his
adventure. The next morning people
achievement he was exhausted after
were admiring the big fish, they
many days floating in the boat with no
thought it was a shark because they
food or water so he could imagine
had never seen a big fish before.
eating the fish wishing for a lemon and
Santiago told Manolin his adventure,
salt but he knew that he needed the
Manolin told Santiago about the two
fish to prove his luck and that he still
fish that he caught and wanted to work
was able to continue fishing. During
with Santiago. Santiago slept and was
his return he found a shark that was
dreaming about the lions.
pretending to eat the Marlin fish but Santiago got strong to fight again defending the fish because it was difficult to go to the sea with no food or water, it was difficult to catch him 12
How is the book related to real life?
The topics that can be considered are poverty, technology advances, values and people not caring for the one who needs help. First Santiago was poor if he couldn't catch a fish for 84 he was facing economic problems. Many times
circumstances are the opportunity to float and better, they are opportunities to prove the abilities not matter the age of sex. The most important is to face them like a bold soldier forgetting the tiredness and things that have the only purpose of arise the positivizes from the negative events. Humans have two
Why do you think Santiago didn’t catch a fish
for many days?
How long Santiago did not catch a fish? How do you imagine Santiago’s personality? How
options, let the difficult circumstances
How was it possible to keep just the fish
something bad into good knowing that
won’t be easy.
How would you draw a conclusion of the book?
Sigmud Freud Dora An Analysis of a case of Hysteria
local manufacturer. Though Dora
Summarize and outline Published in 1905 by Sigmund Freud, Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria, is an essay in the form of a case
psychoanalytic treatment of “Dora,” a pseudonym for an eighteen-year-old
abruptly cuts off her therapy sessions with Freud before he settles on a treatment, Freud claims that the purpose of the presentation of the case study is to provide a real-life example of the underlying symptoms behind
girl he treated in Vienna for three
The case study is divided into five
sections. Freud begins the essay by anticipating certain criticisms he believes he will receive for publishing the
acknowledges that in revealing Dora’s personal thoughts and feelings, he is breaking
confidentiality, but that he must do so if he is to study the causes of hysteria. Freud omits precise biographical
Freud also emphasizes the importance
details in order to protect his patient’s
identity; however, he reveals to the
psychoanalytic treatment, but warns
reader that Dora comes from a
against taking on the assumption that
provincial Austrian town, and was
dreams will occupy such a central
brought to him by her father, a wealthy
position in all modes of treatment as
they do in Dora’s case. Further, he
Several years later, Dora was then
acknowledges the flaws of his case
brought by her father for treatment for
study, the main one being that the
a series of mental and physical
brevity of Dora’s treatment, combined
symptoms– depression and difficulty
with its abrupt termination, creates an
socializing, along with a nervous
incomplete study. Freud adds that
cough, a loss of voice, migraines, and
Dora’s case history should not be
difficulty breathing.
taken as a standard for all cases of
At this point, Freud describes the
family’s relationship with a married
The next section, entitled “The
couple. Dora’s father had become
Clinical Picture,” provides pertinent
close to the wife, Frau K., when she
facts about Dora’s life and the history
nursed him back to health after an
of her symptoms. Freud begins with a
illness, but this relationship had
brief summary of Dora’s family,
developed into a romantic affair. The
whose dynamic, Freud implies, is
husband, Herr K., had become close to
indicative of the Oedipal complex;
Dora through their walks together;
Dora adored her father but detested
however, Dora told her mother that
her mother, while Dora’s brother was
Herr K. made advances towards her, a
closer to his mother. Starting at the age
fact that he adamantly denied. Dora
of eight, Dora began to exhibit what
claimed that on one occasion, Herr. K
Freud calls “neurotic symptoms,”
attempted to kiss her, to which she felt
some of which worsened over time.
disgust, and tore herself free.
Freud describes how he had first treated Dora’s father for periods of mental confusion and disturbances, for which Freud prescribed him a course of treatment for syphilis.
Freud deduces that these encounters with
understanding Dora’s hysteria. He characterizes her reaction from the experience as manifesting in two 16
psychological neuroses, the first being a ‘reversal of affect’, which occurs when a person feels one thing but expresses its opposite; in Dora’s case, she responded to Herr. K’s sexual advances with revulsion, when what she was actually feeling was sexual excitement. Freud imagines that Dora must have felt Herr K.’s erect penis in the embrace and experienced disgust
In the next two sections, Freud
instead of the normal response of
analyzes two of Dora’s dreams. In her
pleasure. The second reaction he calls
first dream, a house is on fire, and her
a ‘displacement’ of sensation, where a
father goes to wake her to get her out
stimulus felt on one part of the body is
of the house. Dora’s mother attempts
relegated to another, unrelated area.
to retrieve her jewelry box before they
Freud says that she repressed her
escape the fire, but Dora’s father
reaction to Herr. K’s kiss and that it
prevents her from doing so and the
was psychologically displaced onto
whole family gets out of the house.
the upper part of the body, rather than
Freud interprets the jewelry box as
the lower.
being a stand-in for Dora’s genitals, a metaphor for her repressed fear of yielding to Herr K.’s sexual advances. In the second dream that Dora tells, she finds herself in a town she does not recognize. She receives a letter from her mother telling her that her father has died, and that she must come right 17
away. Dora tries to find the train
K. onto Freud himself, thereby
station to get back, but every person
terminating therapy as an act of
she asks for directions tells her it is
five minutes away. She then meets a man in a forest who tells her the station is two and a half hours away, and even though she eventually sees the station, she still cannot reach it. Freud
indicates Dora’s repressed desire for revenge against her father for his affair with Frau K., and that the scene in the woods represents her sexual fantasy involving Herr K. Freud relays in the final section, “Postscript,” that Dora preemptively broke off their sessions before he was able to treat her. He postulates that this is
phenomenon Dora
projected her emotions regarding Herr
He concludes the case history with details about Dora’s condition after their sessions ended; though she had relapses
eventually married and was more or less able to adapt to her life.
Questions ·
How long does Freud take to write his analysis to the audience, and how does the writer
achieve this? As a therapeutic treatment, psychoanalysis generally takes three to five meetings a week and requires the amount of time for natural or normal maturational change (three to seven years). Length of treatment varies but psychoanalysis generally lasts an average of 5-6 years or longer. How does Freud View Dora's mother? Other symptoms such as a stomach ache in the absence of her parents were, according to Freud, an attempt to gain the attention and love of Dora's parents when she had to share such affection with her brother. Freud believed that she was also jealous of the affection that Frau K attracted from her father. How long does the Analysis of hysteria take place, and how does the writer set up the timeline? Telling and retelling secrets with Freud and Dora (An analysis of case of hysteria (1905) Femininity (1933) What does Freud have to say about the transference between Dora and himself? The simple answer is that Dora Freud realized that the game had fundamentally changed. It was no longer the diagnosis or interpretation that mattered, but the dynamics of the relationship that he had with his patient. Freud called this the 'transference', and it's this phenomenon that prompts Lacan's intervention Explain on what points was the Freudian discovery got confirmed and on which points did his analysis failed:
● Freud theorizes that hysterical symptoms stem from either psychological trauma or problems in the patient’s sexual life. ● Freud points out that "jewel-case" is also a common slang word for vagina and starts his interpretation from this observation. ● Freud regrets that just as he thought he would successfully resolve her case, she decided to end her therapy. ● He asserts that Dora’s decision was an act of vengeance on her part and wonders if he could not have persuaded her to stay on, had he used her feelings of transference and exaggerated the importance of her therapy to him.
Why does the author describe Dora as sexual-abuse in the novel? Because Freud did not go back to Dora's first infantile traumas, but stopped instead at the period of her infantile masturbation. In analyzing this dream, Romano's theory begins to take shape around the idea that Dora suffered an early trauma: possibly, a sexual abuse inflicted by her father.
We did everything adults would do. What went wrong?
Why should you read THE LORD
where young boys get shipwrecked in
exotic locations. The protagonists in
William Golding was losing his faith in humanity serving aboard a British destroyer in World War II. The
these stories are able to master nature while evading the dangers posed by their new environments.
philosophy teacher turned Royal Navy lieutenant was constantly confronted
by the atrocities of his fellow man. and
when he returned to England to find
found in many British works at the
Cold War superpowers treating one
time, in which the boys teach the
another with nuclear annihilation, he
was forced to interrogate the very
allegedly superior British Values.
roots of human nature. These musing on the inevitability of violence would inspire his first and most famous
Golding´s satire even goes so far as to
novel: “Lord of the Flies”.
explicitly use the setting and character names from R.M. Ballantyne's “Coral Island”, one of the most beloved
After being rejected by 21 publishers,
island adventure novels, but while
the novel was finally published in
Ballantyne´s book promised readers:
1954, it takes its title from Beelzebub,
a demon associated with pride and
amusement Golding´s had darker
war, two themes very much at the
things in store.
heart of Golding's book. The novel was a break satire of a classic island adventure story, a popular genre 23
“Lord of the flies” opens with the boys
the presence of an adult authority;
already on the island, but snippets of
initially, the survivors try to establish
conversation hint at their terrifying
some sense of order. A boy named
journey, their plane had been shot
Ralph blows into a conch shell to
down in the midst of an unspecified
assemble the group and delegate tasks,
nuclear war, the boys ranging in age
but as Jack fights for leadership with
from 6 to 13 are strangers to each
Ralph, the group teachers and the boys
other, all except for a choir, clad in
submit to their darker urges, the mob
black uniforms and led by a boy
of children soon forgets their plans for
named Jack. Just as in Ballantyne's
rescue silences the few voices of
“Coral Island”, the boy´s new home
reason and blindly follow Jack to the
appears to be a paradise with fresh
edge of the island, and the edge of
water, shelter, and abundant food
sources, but even from the novel´s opening pages a macabre darkness hangs over this seemingly quiet situation. the boy´s shadows are compared
creatures” while the choir itself first appears as something dark, fumbling along the beach within hours of their arrival, the boys are already trading terrifying rumors of a vicious beastie living and lurking in the woods; from
The novel´s universal themes of morality, civility, and society have made it a literary classic, satirizing both conventions of its time and long held beliefs about humanity, while island adventure stories often supports colonialism “Lord of the Flies” turns this trope on its head rather than cruelly casting native populations as stereotypical
these ominous beginnings.
transforms Golding´s
quickly cooperation unravels without
savages, his
Golding British
schoolboys into savage characters and as the boys fight their own battle of the 24
island the far more destructive war
most bare and though not all readers
that brought them there continues off
may agree with Golding´s forbidden
the page, even if the boys were to be
view, “Lord of the Flies” is unsettling
rescued from themselves, what kind of
enough to challenge even the most
world would they be returning to?
determined optimist.
with so few references to anchor the characters in a specific place or period the novel feels truly timeless an examination of human nature at its
Can we nowadays preserve our minds in a society where you have to fit in and free will, curiosity and selfexpression are offensive for all?
1. What message is William Golding trying to convey in Lord of the Flies? In Lord of the Flies, Golding has the idea that civilization and civility are fragile structures. As social norms break down on the island, Golding shows that humans have primal instincts that can make them behave savagely. The isolated setting of the island is meant to illustrate that a group of normal, generally well-behaved boys will revert to animalistic behavior when the rule of law is dissolved. 2. What is the meaning of the title in Lord of the Flies? The title Lord of the Flies alludes to the demon Beelzebub and symbolizes the presence of evil on the island. The severed pig's head is named the Lord of the Flies and offers Simon insight into the true identity of the beast while he hallucinates. The Lord of the Flies confirms Simon's belief that the beast is the inherent wickedness in each boy, which underscores Golding's primary theme regarding mankind's essential illness. 3. Why did William Golding write Lord of the Flies? One could argue that William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies because he wanted to show that there's a thin line between barbarism and civilization. The privileged young boys who crash land on a desert island may think they're civilized, but it isn't very long before they descend into outright barbarism. 4. How do Ralph and Piggy view Simon's death in Lord of the Flies? Both boys feel extreme guilt, but they deal with it differently. Ralph is shocked by the role all the boys play in killing Simon. At the beginning of chapter 10, he is ridden with guilt and tells Piggy that it was murder. Piggy seeks to explain what happened and why. He attributes the death to the boys' fear and calls it an accident, then he attributes responsibility to Simon for creating the fear. Piggy tries to end the conversation, while Ralph cannot help but talk about the savagery that has taken over.
Using the different methods and approaches to analyze a book, a student can make a really good critic about any literary reading. In addition, a student can promote the analysis and interpretation of a book from different sources and methodologies.
It is quite important to express that reading is a fascinating world once you understand the point of view of an author, in the same way, to analyze what is saying in the letters written down by the author.