Truth Alive:: February 2015

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Volume 5

Issue 2

February 2015



Police arrests and removes a Christian nun and other agitators who were protesting against the attack on Christian churches held recently in Delhi


he word February is born from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to “purify” or “expiate.”

In ancient Rome, Februarius was the “Month of Purification” and great festivities were held to reestablish the empire’s focus on righteous living. The concept of purification, or the ritual cleansing of persons and objects, is found across cultures and religions. It is present in urban and rural settings, in sectarian and secularized societies, and in tribal and multiethnic communities. It has been a sociological feature of human existence from antiquity to modernity, one with an array of behavioral guidelines and consequences. Purification is associated with two other socio religious notions: purity and pollution. Purity is linked to sanctity, devotion, and safety; pollution is associated with impurity, irreligion, and danger. Purification is regarded as a means of transitioning from a polluted to a pure state.

Ritual Purification versus Holiness Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. (Romans 12:1, NIV)

Ritual purification is a feature of many religions. The aim of these rituals is to remove specifically defined uncleanliness prior to a particular type of activity, more so prior to the worship of a deity. Some have seen benefits of these practices that as a point of health and preventing infections especially in areas where humans come in close contact with each other. Purity and pollution are usually not based on physical cleanness and uncleanness, but on holiness. Biblical law identifies only three instances in which purification is to be accomplished with the use of ”running water.” In all other cases of defilement, purification is accomplished by washing in water, without any requirement that it be running water. Purification by pouring water on the limbs of the body appears in various ritual ceremonies in the Ancient Near East. Baptism, as a form of ritual purification, occurs in several religions related to Judaism, and most prominently in Christianity; Christianity also has other forms of ritual purification. Many ancient churches were built with a large fountain in the courtyard. It was the tradition for Christians to wash before entering the church for worship. Traditionally, Christianity adhered to the biblical regulation requiring the purification of women after childbirth In Reformed Christianity, ritual purity is achieved though the Confession of Sins, and Assurance of Forgiveness, and Sanctification. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers offer their whole being and labor as a ‘living sacrifice’; and cleanliness becomes a way of life (See Romans 12:1, and John 13:5-10 (the Washing of the Feet)). The norm of purity and its connection with holiness were well practiced in biblical and post biblical era. If the same sanctity could continue in these times, our living would fall into a righteous slot.

Sam Vadavana Chief Editor


The Purpose of Israel’s Rejection...........4 Dr. Alexander Kurian Strong and Lasting Marriage..................5 Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil


What is True Christian Fellowship?........7 John Stanek


Selfless and Giving Love........................10 Lanita Charles


Loving The Lost....................................16 Ed Stetzer A Sunday out on the Streets...................19 Brandon Cox Dirty Feet..............................................22 Dr. Daniel Borg The Conscience....................................25 Albert Daniel

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Ever since the first issue in 2009, Truth Alive has been a leading monthly magazine for Christian families around the globe. It is published by Truth Foundation, a humanitarian charity into social ministry, education and evangelization.


The GOSPEL of GOD (Expository Studies in Romans) By Dr. Alexander Kurian

The Purpose of Israel’s Rejection (Rom.11:11-24) Part 1 The argument and message of chapter 11 fits in well with the overall theme of chapters 9-11: God’s righteousness Revealed in His Sovereign Plan and Choice. In the context of chapters 9-11 God has a definite purpose in setting Israel aside. The vast objective of this divine plan is twofold: to bring salvation to the Gentiles and to the Jews. From a human perspective this is incomprehensible and to some extent mysterious. But listen to the words of the LORD to prophet Isaiah: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways”, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). God’s righteousness (the theme of the book of Romans) is displayed in His sovereign plan to save Jews and Gentiles. God’s saving righteousness is featured in the salvation of Israel (in a national sense) at the end of history and in His kindness and saving grace to the Gentiles in the present dispensation. God’s personal righteousness and His provided righteousness has been displayed in Israel’s rejection of Christ and in God’s choosing and turning to Gentiles in grace. God’s sovereign choice also involves His restoring Israel and His being glorified thereby. 11:11-15:The rhetorical question in verse 11 draws attention to February 2015 God’s benevolent purpose. God did not allow 4

Israel to stumble merely in order to make them fall. Israel’s temporary loss was the Gentiles permanent gain. Israel’s jealousy of the salvation of the Gentiles is a stimulus to draw them back to God. God’s ultimate purpose in setting aside Israel was not to drive His people farther away but to bring them back to Himself. The nation of Israel will be saved along with believing Gentiles resulting in great blessing for everyone (see v.26 also). When Israel rejected the Messiah, they were set aside for a time and the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles. But their rejection (casting off) is only temporary. When the Lord returns, the Jewish people will be regathered, restored and redeemed. This will result in universal blessing. In verse 15 Paul argues from the lesser to the greater – “if their rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” In speaking of “life from the dead” Paul was not referring to bodily resurrection. He was speaking of receiving spiritual and eternal life as a gracious gift from God by His grace and through faith. This spiritual life will displace spiritual death. There is an allusion here to the glorious Millennial Kingdom of the Messiah. It will be the time of the rebirth of the nation Israel and the rebirth of the whole world (Isaiah11:1-9; Romans 8:21) which will result in universal blessing and peace. The casting of the Jews was the reconciliation of the world (the salvation of the Gentiles). The receiving of the Jews and their restoration will be “life from the dead” extending over the world. Because Israel rejected Christ, (continued in page 20 ...)


here is no easy recipe to strong and lasting marriage. However, there are three elements that are fundamental to any marriage. They are mutual love, hope, and forgiveness. LOVE: Marriage requires deliberate commitment to love and to care for each other. It is a kind of love that looks for the best interest of the other partner. St. Paul describes this kind of a love in the following manner, “Love is patient;

Strong and Lasting Marriage By Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil

love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant, or rude…It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.”(I Cor. 13: 4-7). Love binds the spouses for life. There are many expressions of love. Sexual intimacy is one of the basic expressions of marital love. Sexual relationship is beautiful and good within the marriage relationship, but it is destructive outside of that relationship. We are to be sexually pure within marriage. There are other tangible expressions of love as well, such as giving a gift to your spouse on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries, taking your spouse out for dinner and finding out what’s his/her favorite food to eat, taking a vacation together, validating, affirming and appreciating your spouse. HOPE: In a marriage you will discover more and more of your spouse’s imperfections, and limitations, even as he/she finds yours. However, you are to work through them

patiently and gradually. The temptation to walk out of marriage because of difficulties arising within marriage is too widespread in our culture today. Keeping hope alive in marriage can make your marriage work in the midst of great problems that can ordinarily beset any marriage. Hope-focused and forgiveness-based marriage enrichment interventions enhance positive communication between couples and improve relationships. FORGIVENESS: Forgiveness has a healing effect on marriage, while unforgiving attitude can destabilize or destroy it ultimately. It is divine to forgive and it takes much humility to forgive. True love does not keep an account of the wrong doings of once spouse, but forgives all things. In a real marriage, there are a lot of areas where you are called to forbear, to forgive, to compromise and to extend grace to one another. As I wide up this thought, let me share with you a beautiful poem I have come across, written by an unknown author: IT’S THE EVERYDAY CHOICES THAT YOU MAKE: To do what is best for your partner in life… To respect the commitment of being husband and wife… To be still and just listen —not have to be heard… To forgive and forget and not need “the last word”… To admit you’re not perfect —you’ll both make mistakes… To support the decisions that each of you make… To be willing to laugh when a day has been rough… To divide up the burdens when life becomes tough… To support one another when things are too hurried… To comfort each other when stress keeps you worried… To be willing to cherish your true love and friend with a joy and compassion that will never end. As You celebrate each year together: May you always have Understanding to make your marriage work, Commitment to make your marriage grow February 2015 And Love to make your marriage happy! 5

February 2015




am convinced that most Christians do not understand what fellowship encompasses. I was not quite sure myself when I embarked on this search, so I went to the dictionary first to see what common definitions were out there. Here is what I found. Fellowship is defined by the following words: COMMUNITY - SHARING - PARTNERSHIP A FELLOWSHIP THAT CONTRIBUTES AID TO STUDENTS (like a college fellowship) AND COMMUNION (very interesting). So, what kind of fellowship are we called to? In Acts 2:42 it says “and they (the believers) continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” And in verse 46 it states, “so continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” Here we see that these believers were involved with each other’s lives daily, ate together and took turns meeting at one another’s houses. Together they shared in one another’s needs and had partnership not only with the Lord but with one another thereby praying for one another and stimulating one another to righteousness and obedience to the Lord. And the mentioning of breaking of bread refers back to the Lord’s table or communion which is mandatory for all Christians. (I Corinthians 11:24-29) (I believe that many Christians do not realize they are sinning when they purposely do not go to communion, for it is the ultimate of all fellowships to partner with the Lord in proclaiming His death on our behalf until He comes. (v.29) And notice the beautiful end product of their fellowshipping togetherdaily conversions! !!! (Acts 2:47)

So, why should believers fellowship together? In order to : 1. stimulate one another to righteous behavior (Hebrews 13 2. teach hospitality (Romans 12:10 & I Peter 4: 9) 3. help mature one another (be accountable to one another) Romans 14:19; 15:14; Hebrews 15:14) 4. encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25) 5. complete the body of Christ by using thei spiritual gifts (Ephesians 4:25) 6. learn to love one another (Romans 13:8; I Thessalonians 3:12; I Peter 1:22; I John 3:11) 7. pray for one another’s needs and learn to confess our sins to one another (James 5:16) 8. learn to serve one another (Galatians 5:13 & I Peter 4:10) 9. learn to forgive one another (II Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13) 10. comfort one another (I Thessalonians 4:18, 5:11) 11. submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21) 12. bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) 13. comfort one another (I Thessalonians 4:18) 14. learn to be generous (Acts 2:44 & 4:34 and II Colossians 9:17) 15. experience how God works in other’s lives that you would never experience in your own life. Practicing the above is the only way that believers can become familiar enough with one another in February 2015 order to be helpful in maturing one another, 7

because this cannot be accomplished at Sunday services nor at regular Bible studies alone, since they are not intimate enough. No, this must be done in the arena of a fellowship group. By the way, where does the word “Familiar” come from? I believe it comes from the word FAMILY. Isn’t it odd that we call each other brothers and sisters in Christ or say that we are in God’s family, but we do not spend much time in that family or communicating with that family? Family is an every day event not just a Sunday affair. So if you are really in God’s family you need to be more involved with one another. You need to be fellowshipping regularly. Sure it will be hard work at first for it is not your habit to do so. Yes, it will seem strange. Yes, other Christians will resist your overtures, for we all resist change. And yes, some of our brothers and sisters in Christ will not be the most appealing people who ever lived, but we are called to do this. Just remember, family is an every day event. Practice being a loveable family member because FATHER is watching and it pleases Him, for it is a holy obligation and it is what we were created for and will continue to do for all eternity. Hebrews 10:25 does not say that the assembling at the church building is not to be neglected, but. ....” do not neglect the assembling of yourselves together, but rather stir up each other to love and good works.” Let’s face it, you can not stir up those you are never around. The members of our fellowship group must not lightly regard the assembling of ourselves together, but we need to regard it as a holy calling, so that we may stir up each other to love and good works. By working in concert we can achieve things we can not achieve separately. The church services give you the word in hopefully a new and clear way each week, but the fellowship group allows you to work it out, the fruit produced is to be good works. Normally this is not accomplished at church services except in serving during the service. But I believe we are called to do much more than what we are presently doing in our groups in order for our Christianity to be a witness February 2015 in the world. Together with other believers you 8

truly become the one true body of Christ as you exercise your spiritual gifts. All the parts of the body of Christ working in unison, not separately, perform the good and perfect work of God in the world. What good is an ear that hears God, but does not work in conjunction with hands or feet or tongue? How can it carry out the will of God by itself ? (I Corinthians 15:58 &I Corinthians 12:12). The truth is that it can’t, and neither can we. In the early church there were two breaking of breads- one the bread of communion and the other the bread of the love feast. The first symbolized our sharing in His broken body, the second symbolized the sharing of our bread with our brothers. These communions were with God and man. The latter dropped out of church practice, the first remains, for it is easier to accept what He did than accept what we must do. If the Word of God does not become flesh in our lives then it does not become anything.If we have Christ’s love, then why is it so hard for us to die to self and serve others? I think it is because by ourselves it is difficult to accomplish and we are afraid to start something we may not be able to finish, but in conjunction with others it could more easily be accomplished. Imagine what we could do together in this kind of fellowship group! I have written this to impress on you the importance of the fellowship group in God’s plan for our lives. I believe many Christians do not realize the reason for such groups nor their importance in the kingdom of God. I also believe this fellowship is as important as our Sunday service and even more so if we live out what we learn at Sunday service and it becomes even more powerful as we use the spiritual gifts God has given us in unison with one another to serve others and reach others with the gospel. What do you think? Does our Lord beckon us to a higher calling If so, we dare not hesitate any longer. This would certainly make our lives more meaningful and deliberate. This certainly would draw us closer together and allow us to discover our gifts and give us the opportunity to use them. May God give us wisdom and guidance concerning this.

Centre for Contemporary Christianity Member of National Association for Theological Accreditation Invites Applications for Extension modular Studies leading to Master of Arts (M.A.) - 2 years Master of Theology (M. Th.) - 2 years Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - 4 years in Missiology, Church History, Holistic Child Development, & Pastoral Care and Counselling HCD in cooperation withGlobal Alliance for HCD Send Rs. 200/- for Prospectus and Application to: Prof. Dr. Siga Arles - Director, CFCC, #47, 10th Cross, 3rd Main, Hoysala Nagar, RM Nagar Extn, Bangalore-560016, Tel: +91-080-6530-8554, I Mobile: +91- 98453-90155 Visit: -

February 2015


“By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another,” John 13.35.

Selfless and Giving Love

Every one describes love in varied forms. Love is, says one person, a many, splendoured thing. Another sings, “love is a rose,” fragrant and beautiful, but thorny and painful, and another suggests that “love means never having to say you’re sorry.” Shakespeare wrote in Merchant of Venice, “love is blind.” Gilbert said, “it’s love that makes the world go round,” and Tennyson suggested that it is “better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Thomas Middleton describes “Love indeed is anything, yet indeed is nothing.” The modern mind thinks of love in vague, nebulous, existential, and non-definable terms. “It’s something that happens to you,” people say, “not something that you can define.”

By Lanita Charles lie no long er. Life is too short to spend it with someone you don’t love. His wife must realize that you can’t make another person love you.” According to the secular mentality, this husband would be a hypocrite if he stayed with his wife. Better to be honest with oneself, it rationalizes, than to live in hypocrisy.

This emotional, feeling-oriented, brand of “love” is promoted not only in music and literature, but by the popular media culture. Television promotes “love as romance/passion” model so relentlessly. Misconceptions about love are commonplace, even among professed Bible believers. The need for clearheaded, Biblical thinking about love in this day of disintegrating families, pandemic divorce, and domestic redefinition cannot be exaggerated.

It sounds logical, doesn’t it? If he doesn’t love her anymore, what else can he do? Right? Wrong! Undoubtedly, because this husband had promised, before God, to love his wife until death, his hypocrisy was in the act of deserting his wife, not in staying with her and fulfilling his marriage vows. The world says, “at least he was honest.” God’s word says, “he was supremely dishonest, for he broke the vow he had made before God

Most people think of love magically, as something that happens to them, over which they have no control. For example, a man “falls in love” with a woman. It is “love at first sight.” Five years later, he decides that he doesn’t love her anymore, and in fact, wonders if he ever “truly” loved her at all. So, he leaves, justifying his actions by the “I-can’t-help-how-I-feel” excuse. Society agrees that he is right to leave since he no longer feels anything for her, and even commends his bold step as an act of self-honesty: “If he is telling the truth for the first time, then February 2015 he’s to be commended for stepping forth and living a

People once covenanted in marriage though they were not romantically involved and proceeded to develop a fulfilling, durable, and enjoyable relationship. How did they do it? They learned to love one another. Learned to love? Yes, learned to love. During the ceremony, the minister does not attempt to discern whether the couple loves one another. He asks each to promise and to vow to love the other. He does not ask, “Do you really feel love, true love, for each other?” He insists that they consider love as an obligation of marriage: “Will you promise to love...until death do you part?”


Your Working Day

The ideal preacher

If you’re an adult of average weight, here is what you accomplish in 24 hours: Your heart beats 103,689 times Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles. You breathe 23,040 times You inhale 438 cubli feet of air You eat 3¼ pounds of food You drink 2.9 quarts of liquids You lose 7/8 pound of waste. You speak 4,800 words, including some unnecessary ones You move 750 muscles Your nails grow .000046 inch Your hair grows .01714 inch. You exercise 7,000,000 brain cells.... feel tired?

A good preacher should have these qualities and virtues: first, to reach systematically; second, he should have a ready wit; third, he should be eloquent; fourth, he should have a good voice; fifth, a good memory; sixth, he should know when to make an end; seventh, he should be sure of his doctrine; eighth, he should venture and engage body and bold, wealth and honor, in the world; ninth, he should suffer himself to be mocked and jeered of everyone.

Promise to love? You may wonder, “How can someone ‘learn’ to have a feeling? How can someone promise to feel a certain way until death?” That’s exactly the point: he can’t. Emotions are by their very nature unsteady, inconsistent, and ambivalent. They vacillate with the ebb and flow of circumstances. But love, according to God’s definition, is not primarily a feeling, but an action. Biblical love is not the victim of one’s emotions, but the servant of one’s will. Marriages are predicated, consequently, on each partners pledge to commit themselves to act toward the other in a certain way, the way God’s word calls “love.” Even if the warm fuzzies of romance are absent; even when the novelty of the relationship has lapsed into the familiar; even when the initial emotional intensity has leveled off, a couple can still cultivate a loving, satisfying, and God-honouring relationship that is based on a mutual commitment to the other’s welfare and obedience to the word of God. In fact, that is the marital ideal, according to the Bible. People do not have to “learn” to love themselves. Because man was created in the image of God, he is a self-conscious creature.

MATRIMONIAL Wanted a God fearing born-again believer Tamil groom for a 29 year old Tamil bornagain girl, fair complexion, 5 Ft height, employed as teaching staff in a reputed Kindergarten in Bangalore. Please contact on 9986008655 or 9663211995 or email: Sin has perverted and distorted this natural selfawareness, however, so that fallen man tends to idolize and deify the self, devoting his every energy and affection to the service of the self. “No man ever yet hated his own flesh” argues Paul (Eph. 5:29). If a man has a headache, he takes an aspirin, because he loves himself too much to allow his body to hurt. If he is fatigued, he rests, because he loves himself too much to allow himself to be uncomfortable. On the basis of this principle, Paul argues that men should love their wives like they love their own bodies. In other words, a man should take the same pains to relieve his wife’s burdens and promote her welfare that he takes for his own body. His primary interest should be her well being, not his own comfort. That is real love selfless, sacrificial behavior that “esteems others more important than self ” (Phi. 2:3). This kind of love must be “learned” and developed, for it doesn’t come naturally. In a fallen world, it is the only kind of love that will produce the February 2015 happiness that comes from a stable relationship. 11

February 2015


YOUTH Y o u t h


The Value of Youth to the Divine Cause


outh is a frustrating time in life. It is that period when one is hardly old enough to be “on his own,” and yet he is feeling a sense of independence. Youth ever are attempting to find some sense of identity; that is why they sometimes act and dress so weird. They are bizarre!

It strikes me that whereas our youth can be quite impetuous and sometimes a bit silly, they are, nonetheless, a wonderful resource in the kingdom of heaven. The fact is, the Bible is replete with examples of how God has used younger people in some of the most vital roles in the unfolding of his marvelous plan of redemption.

But then, so were we. The Scriptures represent “youth” as a time both of danger and challenge. Moses said that “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21), and Paul admonished Timothy to “flee youthful lusts” (2 Timothy 2:22). By way of contrast, though, the Creator also recognizes the value of youth to the divine cause. Youngsters have energy, they are daring, their hearts are filled with visions of the future; indeed; they can be a most valuable component in the service of Jehovah. Solomon, who wasted much of his life in folly, perhaps thought better of the matter in his declining days. He contended: “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, I have no pleasure in them” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Again, Paul would say to Timothy: “Let no man despise your youth; but you be an example to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

A consideration of these cases, and others that might be noted, clearly show that youngsters, properly trained, are capable of courageous faith and considerable usefulness in heaven’s cause. Perhaps we do not realize how we might influence youngsters to serve the Lord. Do we not overlook their potential all too often? Think about these cases. In 1868 the popular preacher, T. B. Larimore, came to Rock Creek, Alabama to conduct a gospel meeting. Larimore later told of an encounter he had with a twelve-year-old boy. “A little black eyed boy had taken his stand a few feet from the narrow path leading to the door of the meeting house, and was standing there barefooted, hands in pockets, eyes and mouth open, to get a glimpse of the big preacher he had ‘hearn tell of.’ The preacher turned aside to speak to the little fellow, and to take him by the hand, and thus began a friendship that nothing but February 2015 death could destroy” (Srygley, 29). 13

Politeness Politeness is nothing more than an elegant and concealed species of flattery, tending to put the person to whom it is addressed in good-humor and respect with himself; but if there is a parade and display affected in it, if a man seems to say; look how condescending and gracious I am! Whilst he has only the common offices of civility to perform, such politeness seems founded in mistake, and this mistake I have observed frequently to occur in French manners. Cumberland There is no outward sign of politeness which has not a deep, moral reason. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own image. There is a politeness of the heart akin to love, from which springs the easiest politeness of outward behavior. Politeness is not always the sign of wisdom, but the want of it always leaves room for the suspicion of folly. Landor True politeness is the spirit of benevolence showing itself in a refined way. It is the expression of good-will and kindness. It promotes both beauty in the man who possesses it, and happiness in those who are about him. It is a religious duty, and should be a part of religious training. Beecher Christianity is designed to refine and to soften; to take away the heart of stone, and to give us hearts of flesh; to polish off the rudeness and arrogances of our manners and tempers; and to make us blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke. Jay The only true source of politeness is consideration, that vigilant moral sense which never loses sight of the rights, the claims, and the sensibilities of others. This is the one quality, over all the others, necessary to make a gentleman. Simms Politeness does not always inspire goodness, equity, complaisance, and gratitude; it gives at least the appearance of these qualities, and makes man appear outwardly, as he should be within. Bruyere Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing. Smiles

That boy was F. D. Srygley, who grew up to become a respected preacher and writer, who wrote several books about Larimore. Hugo MeCord tells of the influence of one such boy, who, some years ago was attending a gospel tent meeting in Ireland. In the audience he was seated next to Bill Tyner. During the course of the service, Tyner leaned over and asked the lad: “What does Jesus mean to you?” The boy quickly replied: “Why, he’s my everything. What does he mean to you?” February 2015


Later Tyner, having been deeply moved by the

incident, wrote the beautiful hymn, “He Is My Everything.” Youth can accomplish magnificent things for the Master’s cause. But do we always recognize this? Are our young people merely ignored as empty-headed, silly people who are unworthy of serious responsibility? Sadly, this may be the case sometimes. But we should not overlook this valuable resource in the Master’s cause. We must be on the lookout for them and encourage them along the way. God can use them mightily. (From an article by Wayne Jackson)

Jalandhar of the Roman Catholic Church and the Salvation Army Church at Amritsar.



Nun Arrested in Delhi NEW DELHI: Scores of people from Christian community staged a protest here seeking action against those involved in the recent spate of “attacks” on churches in Delhi. During the protests outside the Sacred Heart Cathedral in central Delhi, few people were detained by police for alleged violation of prohibitory orders. Few Christian groups had organised the protest alleging “lack of serious action in recent attacks on churches”. Father Savarimathu Sankar, spokesperson for the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, said, “We only want justice and we want protection of our churches. We are not demanding it as Christians but as citizens of India.”We have given representations to the President and the Prime Minister but there has been no follow up from their side. This is the fifth incident and it is apparent that the incidents were of communal nature.”

Christians Want Ban on ‘Ghar Wapsi,’ Unhappy with PM Modi’s Silence Church leaders across various denominations have come forward and expressed their disappointment over the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi over ‘Ghar Wapsi’ homecoming or re-conversion programmes being carried out by communal organisations and has urged him to “ban it” immediately. Recently, a press conference was jointly held at by the church leaders of the Diocese of Amritsar Church of North India (CNI), Diocese of

Speaking to the press, Rt. Rev. P K Samantaroy, Bishop of Amritsar and Moderator of the CNI said Prime Minister Narendra Modi should give a very clear statement on the ‘ghar wapsi’ programme of Rashtriya Shyam Sevak Sangh (RSS) and tell the nation why his government could not stop ‘forcible conversions.’ (Christian Today)

Pastor of Air Asia Victims Encounters Heaven in Midst of Tragedy When Air Asia Flight 8501 crashed into the ocean late last year, hundreds of families and friends suffered dear losses—but none so acutely as Mawar Sharon Church (Rose of Sharon), in Surabaya, Indonesia. The congregation had 45 people—more than a quarter of the passengers—on the plane. But for Pastor Philip Mantofa, the loss has catapulted his church into the spotlight. Mantofa now spoke out on how this tragedy has strengthened his faith and given him glimpses of heaven. “Our church has always been like a big family. Even though not everyone necessarily knows everyone, our sense of belonging as one body of Christ is strong since most of our members belong in small groups and ministries. This tragic loss has only increased our dependence on God and appreciation of each other. Love—God’s love—is in the air!” (Charisma Magazine)

Religious Freedom inevitable – Obama “India can achieve development only if it can put an end to the clashes in the name of religion. Any person has the right and freedom to observe the faith that he/she chooses. The peace that we seek after is actually there in our hearts. The Christian faith has empowered my wife and me in our lives.” Obama spoke these words in connection with his visit to india on the February 2015 occasion of its 66 t h Republic Day. 15



t's fascinating that a lot of Christians don't seem to like non-Christians, often referred to as the lost or the unchurched. Often we want to keep away from messy people—perhaps missing the obvious that we are messy as well. It's interesting that after coming to Christ and growing in knowledge, we often distance ourselves from former friends. We seem to have less time for the hurting and struggling. We've found the thing that meets the need in our lives, but keep our distance from those who need the very thing we've found. I don't think this separation is intentional, but it happens, and in the end, our intentions don't matter. Jesus lived differently. One of the common criticisms Jesus faced was that he spent too much time with sinners. How many of us could be accused of spending too much time with the unwelcomed and unappreciated? It wasn't that Jesus was waiting for Paul to write, “Bad company corrupts good morals” in 1 Corinthians. No one better understood the importance of spiritual maturity, scriptural knowledge, a robust prayer life and positive influences than Jesus. But he also knew these things were not for his personal benefit, but need to be shared with the lost. The Christian life is not about safety and comfort, but rather about finding yourself in February 2015 a dangerous place of vulnerable compassion. 16

One day, I was talking with one of my daughters about the dysfunction I experienced growing up. That kind of life is hard for her to imagine because our family doesn't have those kinds of dysfunction. She asked why some families go our way and others go the way of dysfunction. I told her there are several factors that determine personal and family stability, but in our case, we were changed by the power of the gospel. I praise God my girls don't deal with the problems that come from such brokenness, but I think my daughters may, in a sense, be representative of what many Christians experience—they don't know what it's like. Many Christians have grown up in a Christian home. That is their reality and they forget there's a hurting world out there. We drive through it on the way to school, work and church, but we don't come to terms with the vast brokenness surrounding us. Hurting people sometimes make their way into our pews and, by grace and through faith, respond to the good news of salvation. But too often, the only connections Christians have with broken people are made outside of church. That's why I love to hear a pastor say, “We're going to be a church that cares about the hurting and serves those in need, showing the love of Christ to the lost.” The true test of our maturity is not measured in how much we leave behind, but how much we love.

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I came across your magazine “Truth Alive” recently. And very interesting to read the contents. If you could kindly mail me a copy and let me know of the yearly subscription. Thanking You. MPAMEI KADI, Manipur. It is a great feast to read the articles in Truth Alive; very encouraging and lifechanging articles I found in it. Keep up the quality of the articles. Vijitha Samson Bangalore

To Serve and to Save Jesus talks about his ministry in two ways. In Luke 4:18, he says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me.” He goes on to talk about preaching the good news to the poor and the captive. In fact, this type of ministry was a sign that he was the Messiah. Prophecy was being fulfilled as he showed kindness to those who were hurting. Throughout Scripture we see the work of Christ a m o n g t h e w i d ow s, t h e b l i n d , t h e broken—whoever had a need. Jesus came to save. In Luke 19:10 he says he came to seek and save the lost. And the same Jesus who came to serve

Kudos to the team at Truth Alive! A magazine of quality in contents, designing and layout, I appreciate the message each article conveys. And look forward to every issue. Mrs. Cornelia Hosur. I happened to see Truth Alive at our library. I got into reading the editorial, and went on to other pages. Just couldn’t stop, till I read the entire magazine. As a student of Theology, articles in Truth Alive have inspired me. Wong cho Assam

and to save then says to us in John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, I also send you.” We have been sent by Jesus to join him in his mission. We are to serve others in his name, and we are to share the good news of salvation so that people might trust in Jesus' work on the cross—his death in our place, for our sin. Serving and saving were marks of Christ's life on earth. They should be marks of his people as well. But to do that, we must engage the broken and hurting people around us. What have you done in your own life to avoid insulating yourself February 2015 from brokenness around you? (Adapted) 17

Advertising, catching the eye of the readers and making the consumers go for your product‌ If you have a matter to announce, meetings, Conventions and theology courses, effectually reach out to 12,500 readers in India, UAE, USA & UK. Book your adverts in advance for April in Truth Alive and get the matter published free in March. A discount in advertisement tariffs will be considered for those in ministries, worship houses, etc.

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ecently we were glad we took a weekend away from having a worship service in our theater to serve our neighbors.

A Sunday out on the Streets

We’re not the first by any means to have a weekend to “be” the church instead of “doing” church. Other churches have cancelled their regular weekend worship time to go serve in various capacities. But why?

By Brandon Cox

As we geared up for our big weekend, contacted local charitable organizations, and signed up volunteers, we kept the conversation going among our leadership about why we were doing this to begin with. Ultimately, we decided the concept reflected the culture of our church very well and would accomplish some big goals for us. Let me clarify first, however, the reasons we ruled out: ? We will not do this simply to attract

and even non-believers, creating community so that people can belong, even before they believe. 5. It’s a bonding time for the people serving together on a project. 6. It’s a way to communicate that “giving” involves more than the offering plate. It also involves our time and talents. 7. It blesses people around us, earning the church a bit of trust for the hearing of the gospel when the door open.

attention. Attention is valuable, but is never the big goal.

8. It’s fun. This wasn’t our primary motive, but it was certainly fun!

? We will not do this to “get people to

This was our first experience with this kind of project. All in all, 108 volunteers gave 371 hours to eight different community service projects.

come to church.” It wasn’t about serving in hopes of the return favor of a visit. ? We will not do this to “take a break” from

worship. If this isn’t worship, nothing is. Instead, taking a Sunday to serve outside the walls might be a good idea because… 1. It’s what Jesus did and would do if He were physically still among us. He would love and serve people in tangible ways. 2. It’s a break for people who devote time “within the walls” to be free to go outside the walls, which is where our bigger focus lies. 3. It’s an introduction to serving, and we heard repeatedly, “I’d like to do this more often, not just on this Sunday.” 4. It gives us a chance to practice “with reach.” That is, we can serve alongside non-members

That thrills me, and it made a definite, visible impact on our community and helped us to build relationships with local agency leaders. Would we do it again? Absolutely!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5,6

February 2015


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Short, brief, Lasting Effect Reach wider readers with your briefly worded personal, matrimonial, public notice, announcement, sale of products, etc. Truth Alive makes it easier with Rs.400 for one insert, and another free in our monthly magazine. Contact: Sathyam Publications, Bldg # 213/33, Near Agara Bus Stand, Close to Indian Pentecostal Church H.Q. , Agara-Horamavu Main Road, Bangalore – 560043. Ph. 080-69999125. Mob.9731051360.

DIGGING DEEPER continued from page 4

the Gospel was taken to the Gentiles. Paul relates this to his own ministry in verse 13. “But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. In as much then as I am an apostle of Gentiles. I magnify my ministry.” He writes this to the Gentile majority in the church at Rome. He was rejoicing in his ministry to the Gentiles, knowing fully well God’s plan for their salvation. He is the apostle of the Gentiles and his special calling in no way diminished his affection for unsaved fellow Jews. Paul was greatly burdened to stir up his own countrymen February 2015 to seek the Lord Jesus as their Savior. He uses the 20

ministry to the Gentiles to benefit the Jews, for he hopes that the more Gentiles come to salvation, the more this will provoke the Jews to jealousy. If Paul can in laboring for the Gentiles save some Jews, then he has accomplished so much toward the fullness (fulfillment, verse 13) necessary for the completion of Gentile or world salvation. It is amazing to observe Paul’s tremendous insight into God’s plan and purpose. His ministry was fueled by his knowledge of God’s sovereign plan in history. His vision, passion and prayer werebased on God’s eternal purpose and he wholeheartedly yielded to it as he served the Lord.

February 2015



n John 13 Jesus washed dirty feet. It was just before the Passover. Jesus knew that the time was at hand for Him to leave the world and go to the Father. He also knew that Judas would betray Him, Peter would deny Him, and the others would abandon Him. Jesus knew those things as He and His disciples were gathered for the evening meal. It would have been customary for a servant to wash the feet of dinner guests. It was a common courtesy. People wore sandals and the roads were dusty. Feet got hot and dirty. It was a servant’s job to wash them. It was a lowly job, a humble job. But in this case there was no servant to wash the feet of the dinner guests. And none of the disciples made a move to do the washing.

“Dirty Feet” By Dr. Daniel Borg

It’s easy to understand why none of the disciples made a move to wash feet. It was a dirty, humble job and the disciples had argued about which one of them was the greatest. But Jesus took off His outer clothing, wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water in a basin, and began to wash and dry His disciples’ dirty feet.

February 2015


It’s easy to understand why none of the disciples made a move to wash feet. It was a dirty, humble job and the disciples had argued about which one of them was the greatest. More than once (Mark 9, Luke 9, Luke 22) Jesus told them He was going to be killed and the very next thing the disciples did was argue among themselves which of them was greatest. So in that room with no servant to wash feet, no disciple made a move for the basin and towel. Chuck Swindoll wrote, “The room was filled with proud hearts and dirty feet. The disciples were willing to fight for a throne, but not a towel.”(Improving Your Serve, Thomas Nelson, 1981). Then Jesus did the unthinkable. He took off His outer clothing, wrapped a towel around His waist, poured water in a basin, and began to wash and dry His disciples’ dirty feet. He went to one disciple after another. One by one those hot, dirty feet became clean and dry. Jesus washed them as an act of service and love. Think about whose feet Jesus washed. He washed Judas’ feet. Satan had already tempted Judas to betray Jesus. Jesus knew it. But as an act of love and service Jesus washed the feet of the one who would betray Him. Jesus washed Peter’s feet. Jesus knew that Peter would deny even knowing Him; deny Him three times. But as an act of love Jesus washed the feet of the one who would deny Him. Jesus also washed the feet of the other disciples, knowing full well that they would all run away when things got tough. As an act of love Jesus washed the feet of those who would abandon Him in His time of greatest need. So as an act of love and service Jesus washed the feet of one who would betray Him, one who would deny Him, and the rest who would abandon Him. He knew they would all fail Him, but He washed their feet anyway. That’s how much He loved them. Then He told them to follow His example and wash one another’s feet, to serve each other as He served them. Jesus loved and served those who would really let Him down.He is our example. So we are called to love and serve not only those who lift us up, but also those who let us down. If you’ve ever been betrayed, denied, or abandoned, you know how much it hurts to be let down. That’s an amazing, incredible, extreme expectation. But we have an amazing, incredible, extreme Savior who enters your life, changes your heart, and helps you do the unthinkable; to love those who are hard to love. God bless you as you follow His example!

February 2015


February 2015


The CONSCIENCE By Albert Daniel

What does the Bible say about the “Conscience”? 1) Pure Conscience ? A deacon must be “not double-tongued (hypocrites), not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.” 2) Good Conscience A. “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.” B. “We must keep a good conscience for the sake of righteousness so that you can stand against all kinds of abuses and harassments and false accusations.” C. Paul said at the council, “I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God.” D. Paul advised Timothy to keep faith and good conscience 3) Blameless Conscience ? Paul admitted that he was guilty of what he had done before knowing the truth about Jesus ? Paul also said, “I also do my best to always maintain a blameless conscience both before God and before men.” 4) Clear Conscience ? No compromise to unrighteousness ? Paul said, “I thank God whom I serve with a clear conscience.” ? Jesus’ sacrifice for us opened a way to clear our guilty conscience due to sinful nature ? The blood of Christ cleans your conscience from sinful nature to serve the living God 5) Weak Conscience ? A believer who has the knowledge of the truth must be careful that he does not participate in the things that can mislead or cause a confusion in the true faith of a person with weak conscience ? If someone causes another to sin, he is accountable to God 6) Defiled Conscience ? The conscience of unbelievers of the word of truth who give heed to fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth is defiled (corrupted) ? “To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.” (vs 15) ? Example – mixing philosophy (doctrines of men) with the word of God (compromising with lies) ? This is a wrongly programmed conscience ? But “God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” ? God will give you plenty of time during your lifetime but if you ignore God continually, “God will send a strong delusion that they will believe the lie”

1 Tim 3:8-9

1 Tim 1:5 1 Pet 3:14-16 Acts 23:1 1 Tim 1:19 Acts 24:14-16

2 Tim 1:1-3

Heb 9:14

1 Cor 8:4-12

Tit 1:13-15

1 Tim 2:4 February 2015



February 2015


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