EDITORIAL MESSAGE “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces those finds mercy” - Prov 28-13
Dear Readers, In today's world when evil and corruption has holded hands together it's hard to keep oneself from its influence. While passing through dust and mire of this world its normal that our feet's get plunged in dirt and dust gets settled in our body. How easy it is to clean the dirt that got accumulated in our body, but have you ever seriously considered the dirt that enters our mind every second unknowingly through various external influences? While when a mirror shows us our external reflection, it's looking at the word of God that shows us our true internal reflection. When we spend quality time with the word of God, the light of the word searches our inner most being, and expose to us the dirt that got accumulated in our hearts. When we consider our ways with the ways of God we get to see our internal corrupted true self. But simply finding out the dirt doesn't do the cleaning. It's confessing, repenting and renouncing that does the work. Whoever conceals his sin does not prosper, because concealing is admitting that we wish to continue in the sin, letting it to be there, nourishing and feeding it and giving the right incubation period to grow multiply and bear more fruits of its kind. But the moment we confess it, we are exposing it to light and giving it into the hands of God, receiving back from Him the grace to overcome. When light comes darkness flees. May this issue of Truth Alive lead you to confess the hidden sins in your heart and help you draw a step closer to light (God).We hope articles of this issue will clear your doubts and encourage you in your faith journey. The article “Unity in diversity” intends to encourage your calling in Christ as a witness, worker and a worshiper while respecting what others are called to do. The article “Coming face to face with truth” throws light on reconsidering your ways with the model Jesus portrayed while on his earthly ministry. Richest Blessing!
Dr.C.V. Vadavana Founder & Chairman, Sathyam Service Trust BOARD OF TRUSTEES: A.V. John Joji A. Mathews Marykutty P.J. Dr. C.V. Vadavana EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr. David H Mills Dr. Jonathan Marshall Pastor Mike Harrison Dr. Sunny Ezhumattoor
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We care for Our Children
Contents 4
The Unity Plan
The Possibilities of Prayer - E. M. Bounds
Why is the Cross an Offence - Dr. Billy Graham
- Part 2 - Dr. David H Mills
Unity in Diversity - Pastor Mike Harrison
11 Pastor’s Annual - T.T. Crabtree 13 Affirmation, Fairness & Mutual Service in Marriage - Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil 14 Spirituality and Healing - Athira Aniyan 17 Digging Deeper - Dr. Alexander Kurian 19 Including Families with Children with Disabilities in the Church - Joe Butler 21 Dr. Ida Scudder of Vellore 23 SIN - We have all been infected by a global Pandemic - Pastor Marvin J. Rosenthal
25 Coming Face to Face with Truth - Christy Davis 26 The Last of the Lost - Bob Shank
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The Unity Plan: Part 3 Building Your Church into a United Team
Dr. David H Mills Dr. David Mills is a graduate of Prairie Bible Institute and Talbot Theological seminary and took his Ph.D in church planting. His passion for the word and his ability to communicate the Gospel in an effective manner has been a big part of his successful ministry. He has written and published books including “Leadership in 5 words” and “God’s Word of Art”. God has gifted Pastor David for this unique calling, and he receives such great delight from seeing lives transformed by the Sovereign love of God. Rev. Dr.David Mills is a husband, dad and the senior pastor of a growing church in Southern California. He presently lives happily with his wife, Rinette and their three grown children Joshua, Elizabeth and Catherine.
“We should do church as a team.” Wayne Codeiro
Rick Warren, a leading pastor in America, has said that “the seating capacity of our church is not the point, but the sending capacity is”. We must turn the crowd into a team. A team, who works together in unity each week to accomplish the vision Jesus, has for the church. We are here to be a witness and an example of how men and women, boys and girls, should live. We are an example of loving and worshipping God. We obey what He asks of us and we are known for treating others with mercy and for living lives of humble service. We practice justice in our relationships and can explain to others how to have a relationship with God. This… in short…is why we are here! How can this vision be accomplished? Only with team work! We, as leaders, must develop our crowds who gather each Sunday, turning them into a team for the rest of the week. Together, we can accomplish the vision Jesus gave us in Matt 28:18-20, Luke 4:16-18, and Acts 1:8. Where do we begin? Start this process by choosing one or two in your fellowship and begin to train them. This is what Jesus did. He took twelve men and trained them to become a team. Because of this example in Jesus, this is where I started in my own local church. I now have eight men that I meet with on a regular basis, for the purpose of training and developing them.Think of your own local”crowd” who gather each week. Which ones would you choose to train? Remember, you must not do this choosing without a dedicated amount of prayer that seeks wisdom from God. Jesus prayed all night before He selected the twelve men. We must learn from, and follow His example! As you meet with your small team of men and/or women, you then begin by teaching them what you know about God and what you know about how to know God. Teach them about prayer, fasting, reflective silence, reading the Bible in a meaningful 4
way, and other ideas that have helped you deepen your relationship with God. Teach and discover with them the various ways we can know God, these ways are called, “The 9 Sacred Pathways” (I will explain this in a future article; they are the 9 paths that we typically use to connect with God). Our training also includes an open and honest discovery about each of themselves. Each team member must understand themselves better, leading to understanding others at the same time. What are their different personalities? Personality is the “how” we function in our relationships; aggressive or passive, a talker or a listener, loves people-time or prefers private-time, is a thinker or a feeler, has intuitive insight or needs to study and develop insight, etc. When each member knows themselves they will better appreciate and sympathize with those around them. It will create an ability to be flexible, unified and sensitive as they serve alongside others who have different personalities from theirs. Be sure to teach them about spiritual gifts. We all have at least one Spiritual gift given to us by the Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit. They must discover theirs. Then time is spent developing and directing it in a manner that results in working more effectively as a team. The study of the gifts is very engaging as they realize that some of them have the gift of leading, others the gift of encouragement and exhortation, while others the gift of training and explaining truths to others etc… All come together (and like the original team Jesus left behind) work together to follow Jesus’ instructions. Each gift enhances the plan and clarity of what to do. Each gift is part of the whole and completes the task. Some do the first part of leading others to Christ, while others do the second part of developing the new believers into an effective part of the larger team. There will also be the need for those who help heal relational injuries and wounds that are bound to happen as we are working and serving together. We will be very excited to have those whose gift is that AUGUST 2014
Know Your Bible HAGGAI Author: Haggai (means Festive Joy) Date of writing: 520 B.C. Purpose: To declare that it was time to rebuild God's temple. Key Verse: Haggai 1:12 Key People: Prophet Haggai, Brief Summary: Haggai was a prophet who lived in Judah in the years after the Babylonian exile. The prophet Haggai's message is filled with urgency. He wants God's people to build a second Jerusalem temple, which he sees as the key to Jerusalem's glory. Haggai blames a recent drought to the peoples' refusal to rebuild the temple. The people are moved by Haggai's prophecy to start rebuilding the temple. Through Haggai, the Lord promises to be with the people and to make this second temple greater than the first. keeping everything organized so we can get the work done quickly and efficiently. We need everyone and their diverse gifting to make the team work! Also, it will be important that you teach them about your values. We have what we call the L.O.V.I.N.G. O.N.E. values. Each letter stands for one value. L= loving relationships, O= Obvious purpose, V= vision creates ministry, and so on. This may not mean anything to you, the reader, but I explain these values to the team members so they know the foundation from which we function in “value” as we execute the vision of our church. What are your values? What truths do you hold to being crucial in how you relate to each other? One of our values is in the “N”= “nurture before serving”. This means that we make sure that those who labor among us weekly, also take time to receive the love and refreshing and renewal of God in our Sunday Worship Services. They must also be sure to nurture their souls by taking personal time out for prayer and the Word. They must see this as a serious need and make sure to keep their relationship with God fresh and vibrant. This is a value to our whole team. Do you see how deciding, clarifying and communicating your values are important? So…ask yourself, “What are my values?” Remember to keep in the forefront the overall purpose of your church or organization and to always remember the “why you are a team”, and “what you
Haggai's book ends with a prophecy for Zerubbabel, a descendant of David. When the Lord defeats the nations, Zerubbabel will become like a "signet ring" on God's hand; he will be the Lord's chosen ruler. Outline: Haggai: 1:3 - Then the word of the LORD came through the prophet Haggai Haggai 1:4 - "Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?" Haggai – Haggai 1; 5 - Now this is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways." Haggai 1:6 -"You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. Haggai 1:8 - Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD. want to accomplish” as a team. Our purpose statement is “Loving others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.” This is the central theme for all we do and plan. “Relationships”, not religion, is what we believe the church is all about. “Growing” is the ongoing process and the gradual nature of our relationship with God and each other. “Loving” is the way we practice the truths in the Bible. Without love… we have nothing! The truths we study and teach, as vital as they are, will not get inside the hearts of those we seek to reach, without a RELATIONSHIP to support them! It takes the plan and strategy of a wise leader to get a crowd of people and turn them into a team that can fulfill the dream Jesus came to this earth to accomplish and then passed on to US to do . We must have His wisdom, His ability to connect with our people, and His favor to be heard and trusted by others. We cannot do this by ourselves, and our unity and harmony with others will bring about the incredible results God wants to produce! Will you become a leader who executes a plan for unity and teamwork? Start in your church, where you are now, and go from there. Our Father, we need You to show us the way to build our people, who are fragmented and really just a group of individuals, into an effective team. Help us; show us how to do this with the people You have given us and those who listen to us each week. Turn the dry bones into “an exceedingly great army”, as Ezekiel called them. We ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen. 5
The Possibilities of Prayer E.M. Bounds
Prayer - Its Possibilities (continued)
The many statements of God's Word fully set forth the possibilities and far-reaching nature of prayer. How full of pathos! "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Again, read the cheering words: "He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him." How diversified the range of trouble! How almost infinite its extent! How universal and dire its conditions! How despairing its waves! Yet the range of prayer is as great as trouble, is as universal as sorrow, as infinite as grief. And prayer can relieve all these evils which come to the children of men. There is no tear which prayer cannot wipe away or dry up. There is no depression of spirits which it cannot relieve and elevate. Where is no despair which it cannot dispel. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great things and difficult, which thou knowest not." How broad these words of the Lord, how great the promise, how cheering to faith! They really challenge the faith of the saint. Prayer always brings God to our relief to bless and to aid, and brings marvelous revelations of His power. What impossibilities are there with God? Name them. "Nothing," He says, "is impossible to the Lord." And all the possibilities in God are in prayer. Samuel, under the Judges of Israel, will fully illustrate the possibility and the necessity of prayer. He himself was the beneficiary of the greatness of faith and prayer in a mother who knew what praying meant. Hannah, his mother, was a woman of mark, in character and in piety, who was childless. That privation was a source of worry and weakness and grief. She sought unto God for relief, and prayed and poured out her soul before the Lord. She continued her praying, in fact she multiplied her praying, to such an extent that to Old Eli she seemed to be intoxicated, almost beside herself in the intensity of her supplications. She was specific in her prayers. 6
She wanted a child. For a man child she prayed. And God was specific in His answer. A man child God gave her, a man indeed he became. He was the creation of prayer, and grew himself to a man of prayer. He was a mighty intercessor, especially in emergencies in the history of God's people. The epitome of his life and character is found in the statement, "Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel, and the Lord heard him." The victory was complete, and the Ebenezer was the memorial of the possibilities and necessity of prayer. Again, at another time, Samuel called unto the Lord, and thunder and rain came out of season in wheat harvest. Here are some statements concerning this mighty intercessor, who knew how to pray, and whom God always regarded when he prayed: "Samuel cried unto the Lord all night." Says he at another time in speaking to the Lord's people, "Moreover, as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you." These great occasions show how this notable ruler of Israel made prayer a habit, and that this was a notable and conspicuous characteristic of his dispensation. Prayer was no strange exercise to Samuel. He was accustomed to it. He was in the habit of praying, knew the way to God, and received answers from God. Through him and his praying God's cause was brought out of its low, depressed condition, and a great national revival began, of which David was one of its fruits. Samuel was one of the notable men of the Old Dispensation who stood out prominently as one who had great influence with God in prayer. God could not deny him anything he asked of Him. Samuel's praying always affected God, and moved God to do what would not have otherwise been done had he not prayed. Samuel stands out as a striking illustration of the possibilities of prayer. He shows conclusively the achievements of prayer. (to be continued...) AUGUST 2014
Why is the cross an offense? Dr. Billy Graham
I want to answer two questions: “What is the meaning of the cross? and “What is the meaning of the 'offense' of the cross?” In Isaiah we read, “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” And the Apostle Paul wrote about the offense of the cross. That expression, “the offense of the cross,” sounds strange to us today. On nearly every church building we see a cross. We have crosses embossed on our Bibles. We wear crosses as ornaments around our necks. But there is far more to the cross than that. The cross stands for an offense. It is “stumbling block.”The cross has been called the scandal to mankind. Isaiah, with prophetic vision, wrote, “There is no beauty that we should desire him”. What is there in Jesus Christ that we would desire, when we see him hanging on a cross and bleeding and dying? Paul found that the cross provoked scorn and aroused the antagonism of people. Christ is not always attractive to the human heart, and many people were offended and turned in contempt and rage. So the cross has come down through centuries, passing its unfailing judgment upon the vanities, the prides, the hates, the greeds, and the self-indulgent pleasures and lusts of people. It condemns them. The cross says to the world “You are sinners,” and the world doesn't like to hear that. Scripture says that people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds [are] evil. Our deeds are evil. We don't want the light to shine on them. The cross throws a great searchlight on the evil of the world, and we don't like that. We don't want the searchlight of the cross coming into our hearts and showing us,” You are guilty. You are guilty before God.” The cross is an offense because blood was shed there. The Bible says “Without the shedding of the blood there is no forgiveness [of sin].”Blood has to be shed. God demands that blood be shed so that we can find forgiveness of our sins. The Bible says, “The life of the flesh is in the blood. Blood runs through our veins
every day keeping us alive. The life of the flesh is in the blood. So when death comes, blood is shed. First, it is the blood of covering: “God hath set forth [Christ Jesus] to be propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the [forgiveness] of sins that are past.” That word “propitiation” means covering. God can take the blood of Christ cover our sins. When the Israelites shed the lamb's blood in Egypt; they were to put it on the lintel and the two side posts of the front door. When the death angel in judgment came across Egypt that great night centuries ago, God saw the blood, and the death angel passed over that home. No one would be killed in that home by the death angel .That is the reason for the Jewish celebration of Passover. Does God see the blood of Christ sprinkled on your heart by faith? Second, it's the blood of redemption: “And they [sang] a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wasn't slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tounge, and people, and nation. Think of it! Out of every nation, every kindred, all the peoples of the world, those who have come to Christ have come by the way of the blood. Third, it's the blood of forgiveness: Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. If Jesus Christ had not shed his blood on the cross, there would be no forgiveness of our sins. We would die and go to judgment and hell. But because Christ died, shedding his blood, God can forgive us. God says, “I forgive you, I justify you. I place you in My sight as though you had never committed a sin.” We are just as innocent before God, under the blood of Christ, as Adam and Eve were before the Fall. Fourth, it's the blood of reconciliation: “Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Sin separates you and God. You are separated from God, and that is what hell is: separation from God. Think of being separated forever, from all that is good and all that is right and all that's clean and all that's wholesome, from all that God is. That is what Scripture means when it talks about hell. But when the blood of Jesus was shed, God provided reconciliation for us. We who are separated (continued in page 8...) 7
from God are enabled to be brought close to God. We can be close to God because the blood was shed for us by Jesus Christ. Fifth, its the blood of justification: “Justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. We will be saved from wrath of God. The Bible says “God is angry with the wicked every day.” We don't hear much about God's anger anymore. We don't hear much about judgment and hell, so people live as though there were no judgment and they live as though there were no judgment and they live as though there were no hell. But the Bible says,” It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement. We will all stand before God in the Judgment and give account of our lives here. We will be judged for what we did with Jesus Christ. We are under condemnation. What we find out at the judgment is our sentence. To what will God sentence us? We are guilty. That has been established. But when we are justified by the blood of Christ, we are placed in the sight of God as though we had never sinned. We are clean. Sixth, it's the blood of peace. We have “peace through the blood of his cross.” The cross is the only place where we will find peace in our hearts. The only one who can bring peace to this planet of ours is Jesus Christ, “The prince of peace.” Seventh, it's the blood of entrance to God in prayer. When we pray, we want God to hear us. The Bible says, “Having ….boldness to enter into the holiest by blood of Jesus,” we can come boldly to God in prayer. Because Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross, we can come boldly into the holiest place, the meeting place with God, where once a year only the high priest could go. We can go there any time, night or day, because the blood was shed for us. Eighth, it's the blood of cleansing: If we walk in the light, as [God] is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” That means that from now on if you sin, and confess that sin and turn from it, the blood will continue to cleanse. Without that blood, the sin would be held accountable to us. Thank God that Jesus died on the cross for us! The cross of Christ is an offense because it sets forth an ideal of life. The life that we can live here-with Joy, and peace, and satisfaction, and meaning- is brought about because Jesus Christ died on the cross. Jesus said, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Christ demands that we live a life of self crucifixion. We crucify the selfish desires. We crucify the lusts and the greeds and the hate and the jealousyand all these kinds of things that are all our lives. God forgive us. Many of us chafe at the restraint of a life like that of Christ. We don't want to give up what we know his cross condemns. 8
We look out on our world, and we see hunger, we see poverty, we see social injustice. And our hearts cry out. But we refuse take up our cross and follow Jesus, so we don't do anything about it. We don't give anything to those organizations that are trying to do something. We just say, “Well, it can't be helped.” Jesus said that we must bear the cross. When we are at school, when we are at work, when we are at home, we are to take a stand for Christ-even though people may laugh at us persecute us. That is our cross. Our cross is not some disease that we may get. Our cross is not some automobile accident that we may have. Our cross is not some bad thing that may happen to us or to our families. Our cross is to identify with Christ and to take a stand for him. Many of us want the blessings of Christianity without accepting the toil and the sacrifice that are involved. The offense of the cross often reaches a point of opposition. The Scripture says that they will “deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake.” The Bible says, “A man's foes shall be they of his own household.”And that has happened in this century in parts of the world. We know of places where people in homes of Christians report them to the authorities if they pray or quote Scripture. There are Christians who are suffering, but they are standing and faithful to Christ. Stand true and tall for Christ, no matter what your suffering is. Some people have spent 25, 30, 40, years in prison because they wouldn't renounce their faith. It is not popular nor pleasant for the old self to die. But that's the road of the Christ-life. No more “I,” but Christ. And the cross is an offense because it is the power of God unto salvation. Jesus said, “Iam the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” I find that I can preach on any subject other than the cross, and it does not seem as offensive to people as the cross doe. I can preach on doing good works, on social improvement, on all kinds of things, and people will applaud me. But when I preach on the cross and the blood of Christ, there is an offense. The offense of the cross arises chiefly from the fact that the cross condemns every other way of salvation. “There is only one way,” said Jesus, “one road, one gate to the Kingdom; and that is by the way of the cross.”You ask, “What do I need to do?” You must repent of your sins. To repent means to change- to change the direction of your life, to change your attitude, to change your mind-and to let Christ dominate your life. Will you do that? AUGUST 2014
Unity in Diversity Pastor Mike Harrison
Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. (John 12:1-3) In the scene before us, we see three characters interacting with Jesus in three very different ways. Here, just days before His crucifixion, Jesus stops just a few miles outside Jerusalem in a a town called Bethany and visited the house of siblings Martha, Mary and Lazarus. The text tells us that Martha served, Lazarus sat with Jesus at the table and Mary performed an extravagant act of worship. I believe the actions of these three individuals portray three components needed for a healthy church: Martha worked, Mary worshipped, and Lazarus witnessed. Martha is often cast in a disparaging light because, on a previous visit to her home, Jesus gently rebuked her for being distracted by too much serving (Luke 10:38-42). She had missed spending time with Jesus because she was too busy serving Jesus. While this is a danger for many, the reality is that the Lord uses, and the church needs, Martha's--workers--that get stuff done. Without the practical labor of the worker-bees in the body of Christ there would be a lot of worshippers without an avenue to corporately express their passion for Jesus. In this case, Martha was probably preparing the meal in Jesus' honor. The dinner was the venue used to gather a large group to Jesus. If there is only Mary in this household the guests probably go hungry, or the food is overcooked, or there is no clean dishes to serve the meal on. In contrast, Martha does not miss a detail. Mary is renowned for her worship of Jesus. In the Luke 10 encounter with Jesus at her home she is commended by Christ for having found the one thing that matters in life--Him. In the passage above she performs one of the most impressive acts of worship recorded in scripture. Because people wore sandals on the dusty streets which they trod, their feet were always dirty. It was customary for guests to have their
feet washed when they entered a home. This act would be performed by servants if a household could afford them, if not the guest would be provided water to wash their own feet. Mary began to wash Jesus' feet, but not with water. Instead she used a costly perfume, which most likely represented all of her earthly savings, as people in that day would invest in perfume in the way that we in our day invest in stocks or bonds or maybe gold. Instead of using a towel to wipe His feet, Mary used her hair. This was incredible act of sacrifice, humility and love. Her worship was also in great faith, for the perfume she used was also a common burial spice. It appears she was the only one that truly believed what He said, that He was going to die and rise again. Worshippers are needed in any assembled group of believers. Their passion leads to deep revelation of Christ, for He reveals Himself to those who express love towards Him. Lazarus is said to simply be sitting at the table with Jesus. There were others sitting there, but he is mentioned specifically. The reason is because his very presence was a tremendous witness. Verse nine says that when people heard Jesus was there they flocked to see Jesus and Lazarus. Why? Because this was Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So too, whenever spiritually dead men and women have been raised up to life by Jesus a church will never have trouble attracting a crowd. Simply put, lives changed by Jesus draw people to Jesus. I think it should be the goal of every Christian to be a worker, a worshipper and a witness. But the reality is you will probably always be stronger in one these areas of the Christian faith than the other two. Let me challenge you to work on the ones you struggle in and accentuate the one that comes more easily to you. And let me also encourage you to admire in others strengths that may be different than yours. In fact, cheer them on. The Body of Christ is displayed by diversity in unity. To Him be the glory, 9
DISCOURAGED? Many Christians go through times of discouragements when things seem hopeless and God seems far way. They even wonder if the Lord has forsaken them. Here are parts of three verses which can encourage you when you feel helpless and even hopeless. The first is from Galatians 2:20: “Christ lives in me.” Notice the verse does not say, “Christ will live in me” (If I reach some point of dedication or experience). Nor does it say, “Christ lived in me” (as if He did sometime in the past but no longer does).Christ lives in me right now and will not leave me tomorrow or ever. The second is from First John 4:4 “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world”. Who is John referring to when he wrote of the one who is in the world? Satan. And Satan is powerful, but Christ is more powerful. So we have One living in us who is. Third is from Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”The living and most powerful Lord will always remain with us. He has promised never to leave us. So no matter how Satan attacks, and no matter how difficult life is, and no matter how abandoned you may feel, rememberChrist lives in you, and Greater is He than he who is in the world, and He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Charles C. Ryrie
Pastor’s Annual T.T. Crabtree
Title: Lot: From Sodom to Salt Text: “Lot dwelt among the cities of the valley and moved his tent as far as Sodom” (Gen.13:12 RSV) Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 2:4 -10 Introduction The story of Lot is arresting. When his name is mentioned, we immediately think of his wife- the pillar of salt. This story could have been quite different. The writer of the epistle of Peter designates Lot as a righteous man. No Old Testament character had more unfulfilled potential than Lot. He allowed the opportunity of spiritual greatness to pass him by in small, near-insignificant doses. There are multitudes in the Christian churches of today that imitate Lot's life. I. The potential of Lot. All people are not born with equal opportunities. Some have more advantages than others by nature of their family's spiritual, economic, and/or social background. In many respects, Lot was born and reared with a silver spoon in his mouth as far as economic and spiritual opportunities were concerned. A. A nephew of Abraham. Abraham is recognized as one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. God gave Abraham great promises and previliges. The close members of Abraham's family profited by the spiritual overflow. Lot was one of these so blessed. He held a unique position with Abraham; Abraham was without a male heir for a major portion of his life, and Lot was without parents during a substantial part of the time he was with Abraham. Consequently, Lot was drawn extremely close to Abraham in a near parent-child relationship. B. A companion of Abraham: Abraham took Lot with him as he left his father's native land. Lot also shared with Abraham in his Egyptian experiences. Lot
received many favors' through his companionship with his uncle. C. The religion of Abraham. Lot was a fellow believer in Jehovah God. His faith was centered in the God who made a covenant with Abraham. D. Numerous factors of life greatly favored Lot. He had an excellent family background. He was a constant companion of a righteous man. He had a worship experience acceptable to God. He went to Bethel with Abraham. With all of these advantages, how did his life become unproductive? II.The fall of Lot. We never like to recall the failures of others, but we can learn much by seeking to understand what happened in cases such as Lot's. We see stages of failure in the life of this man. A. Lot looked towards Sodom. The city of Sodom was a place of blatant sinfulness. Righteous people avoided the place. Yet when Lot and Abraham had to separate their herds because of strife; the plains surrounding Sodom were very appealing to Lot. A fleshly desire aimed him in a downward direction. B. Lot camped toward Sodom. Lot did not immediately invest his time and energy in the wicked city of Sodom. He camped nearby with his family and herds until he adjusted to the cultural shock of Sodom. C. Lot lived in Sodom. Finally, Lot and his family was no longer content to camp near Sodom. They moved into the city and became part of that horrible society. III. The agony of Lot. Lots mind and heart faced a constant bombardment from Sodom. So many Christians who try to identify with the world and with Christ at the same time know the realities of Lot’s agony. A. A contrast with the environment. According to 2 (continued in page 16...) 11
Dr. Thomas Kulanjiyil, PsyD; PhD. Currently he teaches Philosophy and Religious Studies at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. He is anexperienced family counselor, educator and researcher in culturally appropriate mental health care to the Indian American community. He is co-founder of Parivar International, a Christian family organization that serves South Asian immigrants. Dr. Kulanjiyil is a gifted song writer and a music composer as well.
It is said that personal affirmation is a priced value in relationships, and it is especially true in marriage. Central to marital life is the emotional reassurance a person receives from one's spouse that he or she is esteemed well. Very often, the level of admiration a person has towards his or her spouse is a measure of value that person has for the significant other. It is also revealing of the quality of their marital relationship. Spouses may be praised for their unique personal qualities, personal values, creativity, talents, achievements, and contribution to society. Above all these, a spouse must be recognized for his or her contribution to the strengthening of the marriage. Positive regard for one's spouse could be expressed both privately and publicly. Personal affirmation offers cheer and inspiration to both the spouses. In marriages that are healthy, couples display fairness in their relationship. They treat each other with respect and honor. They complement each other and value each other's contribution to the marriage. They share responsibilities. But then again, it is a bare fact this sense of fairness is lacking in many marriages. Traditional attitude in most cultures, including Indian culture, has been one of treating women as uneven partners in marriage. Their role is often thought to be one of gratifying their husbands, children, and at times the entire household. They are expected to constantly serve the family even at the cost of their own wellbeing. In such marriages women are easily reduced to a level of servitude. Some men hold on to these traditional male norms and attitude even today. Studies reveal that this frame of mind is one of the primary causes for domestic violence among people of Indian origin, both in the native land, India, and in the overseas Indian communities.
male headship in the family to justify male dominance over the female. Similarly, the Biblical teaching on the submission of a woman to her husband is being misinterpreted by many to support female subordination. Understood these two teachings correctly, we will know that Bible teaches neither male dominance nor female inferiority, rather they both have equal position in marriage, but with differing roles and responsibilities. They both are to submit to the authority of Christ and to reflect the character of Christ. An additional component to a good marriage is that spouses are devoted to serve one another. As indicated earlier, there is no master-servant mentality in a healthy marriage. The role of a husband is not to act as a boss over his wife nor the obligation of a wife is to conduct herself as a passive subordinate to her husband; but rather they are made for each other and are called to serve one another in love. When couples relate to each other this way, there is a natural tendency for each of them to serve one another. Service then becomes the natural consequence of a loving relationship.
Some people misinterpret the Biblical teachings on
Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale
SPIRITUALITY AND HEALING - TO HEAL IS DIVINE Research proves 80% of our life problems have their roots in the Spiritual dimension Athira Aniyan Romans 1:20 - For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. Have you ever cried at the top of your voice pleading for help? Have you ever felt so desperate that made you think there is no more meaning in living, better to end up now and here?
Of all God's creations, its Man whom God gave an invisible and mystical realm called the conscience which helps him to discern right and wrong. All human beings have a higher consciousness or higher self. This higher self is generally regarded as a form of being recognized in union with the divine source or God. The Higher self contains an advanced amount of insight into man's most nagging questions; such as the purpose of existence, death, etc‌ Have you noticed, doing right things, made you naturally happy; it gave you a sense of self contentment, it made you confident. While doing wrong made you feel guilty, made you to hate yourself and at times even made you hopeless to think about suicide. Sometimes it could be the wrong that someone else did that impacted you and took you to the peak of hopelessness. Our conscience by itself is a world that can influence us very deeply. It's the good and bad consciousness of Man that leads him everyday and happiness of humanity lies in being right first with God, with himself and with others.
children, youth and the old ones on a daily basis, because they are broken inside. They are hurted either because of what someone else did or as a result of their own wrongdoings. We cannot ignore millions of people ending their lives due to depression and feeling of emptiness in life. Depression is estimated to affect 350 million people around the globe. The World Mental Health survey conducted in 17 countries found that on an average about 1 in 20 people were reported of having an episode of depression. Depression is the sole reason for 850,000 deaths globally each year. We live in a corrupted world that is devoid of love and the impact it makes to our mind, body and spirit is vital. The world looks awesome outside, but it is this same world that chokes our throat and crushes our spirit inside. Depression often leads to hopelessness, inefficiency, self hatred, anger, headache, low appetite, weight loss, isolation, loneliness, emptiness and at times suicide.
We cannot underestimate the amount of tears that runs down the eyes of thousands of men, women, 14
No matter how much the people group called atheists argue about the in-existence of God, His existence and presence cannot be denied when things go wrong. Have you ever faced situation when you did probably everything you could do to defend a situation, but it collapsed against your expectations and you realized that not everything is in your hands. All creations, everything lively, beautiful, complete and praiseworthy has God's fingerprints and His signature. They shout forth's His wisdom and gives Him glory. While when the speechless “Nature” by itself speaks volumes about its creator, it's one of the awesome creations of God, Man! Who ever attempted to question God’s existence.
Most of the time man questions or denies God's existence as he cannot comprehend a creator who allowed him to get hurted brutally. For some others, the quest for God starts when things fall apart. There are thousands around us who live half dead life's trying to figure out the hard questions of their life and their very own existence. Spiritual research has shown that up to 80% of problems in our lives have their root in the spiritual dimension. The universal spirit which is the source of all creation, himself should be the source for resolution of all problems of the creations.According to the World Health Organization, 'Patients and physicians have begun to realize the value of elements such as faith, hope and compassion in the healing processes. God created man very unique, He gave him shape and form and fashioned him to be complete in 3 realms the body, mind and the spirit and healing means wellness in all the 3 realms. One who is strong in spirit is able to bring about wellness in all the three
realms. When depression crushes the spirit, faith gives hope and light. Faith has power to change, and it is said that “faith can move mountains”. Mans consciousness or higher self can be channeled to get connected with the universal spirit through various spiritual practices. The universal spirit who is like a sea of wisdom, goodness, love, energy and light helps to battle against the corrupt parts of oneself which in turn brings about healing and total transformation. Exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose, better personal relationships and enhanced stress management skills. A recent study found that clinically depressed adults who believed their prayers were heard by a concerned presence responded much better to treatment than those who did not believe. A hurted person only has the potential to hurt others. Spirituality brings about balancing of your emotional and biological system with the environment you live. It arises from your connection with yourself and with others, and brings forth the development of your personal value system, and your search for meaning in life. Spirituality can not only heal you it can heal others too. It is the safest and natural way to regain mental health than depending on medicines. Depression is a mind disease and the path of spirituality helps you to gain control over your mind. Prayer can positively influence one's mental health. Prayer may elicit the relaxation response, along with feelings of hope, gratitude, and compassion—all of which have a positive effect on overall wellbeing. It helps bring about cleansing of the mind. Spiritual exercise is essential to the mind as physical exercise is in the building up of the body. The quiet meditation and incantations of praying, or the comfort of being prayed for, appears to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, slows the heart rate and have other potentially beneficial effects. There are many subtle benefits of practicing meditation like greater intuition, compassion, awareness; focus etc…Meditation helps chronically depressed patients, reduce their relapse rate by half and reversing the feelings of depression. Spiritual awakening reduces feelings of hostility and isolation that can cause stress, overeating, ulcers, etc. It enhances the feelings of joyfulness, emotional resilience, and vigor: Attitudes such as chronic hostility that arouses negativity and damage the body too are reduced. A sense of self-worth, greater happiness, and optimism is achieved, which will make you fall in love with your life all over again.
Healing doesn't mean that damage never existed; it means that damage no more controls our life. 15
Pastor’s Annual continued from page 11 Peter, Lot maintained a semblance of righteousness while in Sodom. Imagine the horrible conflicts he continually faced between his remembrance of the righteous God at Bethel and the obvious despicable sins of the moral gutters of Sodom. B. A visit by the angels of God. The angels of God visited Lot in Sodom in an attempt to escort him away. The horror of the sin of this city was magnified by the visits of these holy ones. God intervened in a miraculous manner to preserve his witness in Sodom. C. A destroyed witness. Lot became convinced of the necessity to leave Sodom. His heart yearned for his family to go with him. Because of his life of compromise, his family members mocked his efforts to get them out of Sodom. His witness before the very
ones he wanted to save was nonexistent. How terribly tragic was flaccid faith. D. A devastated family. In desperation Lot and part of his family fled Sodom just prior to its destruction by God. As they fled, Lots wife looked back toward Sodom, contrary to a command by one of the angels, and Gods judgment fell upon her. She was stricken and became a pillar of salt. Lot then fled to the safety prepared for him by God. Conclusion Lot maintained a personal righteousness recognized by the Holy Spirit, but the tragedy is that his power and influence as a godly witness failed at a critical point. Part of his family was destroyed in Sodom-and his wife died in disobedience as they fled. From this account we learn the importance of a consistent Christian witness.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa 16
Digging Deeper : The Gospel of God Romans 9 (Exposition) - Dr. Alexander Kurian Dr. Alexander Kurian as a minister at-large has developed a global ministry of evangelism, teaching, training and equipping for the last 35 years. He has also served as the academic dean and professor of pastoral ministries at Asian Christian Academy of India. His latest book on Biblical leadership is published by GLS, India in Nov.2013. Dr. Kurian has a passion to be conservative in guarding God’s revelation and radical in our application of it in a postmodern world. He and his wife Valsa live in Dallas Texas, worshipping the Lord with the people of God at Edmonds Lane Bible Chapel.
Israel's Unbelief is Consistent With God's Plan (Rom.9:6-24) Israel's rejection and God's Purpose (9:6-13): Even though many Jews (or Israel as a nation) have failed to believe, God's promises to them have not failed, for there was never a promise that every Jewish person would be saved. All the physical children of Abraham are not a part of the people of God. Not all the physical descendants of Jacob inherited the promises of God. Physical birth, race, and descent are no guarantee of a place in God's family. Though Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, only Isaac inherited the promises. The children of Isaac are another point of illustration for Paul. God's promise to Isaac was never intended to be fulfilled through Esau. God chose Jacob over Esau before they were born. Neither had done any good or evil at the time the choice was made. It was not based in any way on their works or merit. God's choice of Jacob resides solely in His own sovereign plan apart from personal merit or human effort. Unconditionally and completely, apart from any consideration of human merit, work, or qualification, God sovereignly elects those who become heirs of His promise. But it is not the question of personal salvation of Esau or Jacob that is dealt with here. As individuals their relation to God's purpose was settled before they were born. God set his love on Jacob, and rejected (“hated”) Esau. Another illustration of this idiom “hated” can be seen in Gen.29:30 where we read“Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah”, but the next verse(“Leah was unloved”) if literally translated says that Leah was hated. What Paul wants to declare is that Esau was not the object of God's electing purpose. Israel's Rejection and God's Justice (9:14-24):If God chose Isaac over Ishmael, or Jacob over Esau, then is there injustice or unrighteousness with God? If God's election and rejection was based on the good
deeds of one or the evil deeds of the other, then naturally we can understand it better from a human perspective. Since no work or merit has any role to play in God's choice of people through whom He will accomplish His purpose, the accusation is raised that God was unjustly arbitrary in choosing one over the other. But the basis of God's sovereign choice is His compassion, and not a person's conduct. God is free to show mercy to whom He chooses (Exo.33:19). Pharaoh refused to obey the Lord (Exo.5:2) and he hardened his heart several times. But God used Pharaoh's sin of proud arrogance to demonstrate God's miraculous power and magnify His holy name. Through the Exodus event God spread His glorious name throughout the whole world (Rom.9:18). In God's grace, mercy and sovereign will, He has called people to Himself from both the Jews and Gentiles. Paul rebukes the presumptuous unbelievers by showing the absurdity of anyone's questioning God's authority. “Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use, and another for common use” (9:21)? Paul insists on God's right to do as He pleases. “Vessels of wrath prepared for destruction” (9:22) is a gloomy and tragic identification of anyone who rejects the Lord Jesus Christ. The ungodly and unrepentant will come under the wrath of God. They have been prepared for destruction by their own rejection of Him. They are prepared by their own sin and rejection of God's grace for eternal hell prepared by God, not originally for them “but for the devil and his angels” (Matt.25:41). The sinner chooses to sin and God may leave him in it if he is not willing to repent. The vessel of mercy God has prepared beforehand for glory (Rom.9:23). The display of God's glory is seen in the grace, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness that God grants to a believing sinner. (continued in page 18...) 17
Giggle Time
INJURIES 1. It is a work of prudence to prevent injury, and of a great mind, when done, not to revenge it. He that hath revenge in his power and does not use it is the great man; it is for low and vulgar spirit to transport themselves with vengeance. To endure injuries with a brave mind is one half the conquests. By taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing over it, he is superior. 2. If men wound you with injuries, meet them with patience; hasty words rankle the wound, soft language dresses it, forgiveness cures it, and oblivion takes away the scar. It is nobler by silence to avoid an injury than by argument to overcome it. 3. The injures of life, if rightly improved, will be to us as the strokes of the statuary on his marble, forming us to a more beautiful shape, and making us fitter to adorn the heavenly temple. 4. If a bee stings you, will you go to the hive and destroy it? Would not a thousand come upon you? If you receive a trifling injury, do not go about proclaiming it, or be anxious to avenge it. Let it drop. It is wisdom to say little, respecting the injuries you may have received. 5. As a Christian should do no injuries to others, so he should forgive the injuries others do to him. This is to be like God, Who is a good-giving, and a sin-forgiving God. 6. He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities - Psalm 103:10
Digging Deeper continued from page 17 If we are doomed it is because of our rejection of God and His saving grace (the gospel of salvation). If we are redeemed it is because of the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ (by grace alone, by faith alone, and in Christ alone). Everyone deserves condemnation and no one can demand or merit God's salvation. It is only by God's grace that anyone is saved. Hence there is no relevance for the question: “why are some saved and some condemned?” 18
An atheist scientist came to God and said, "We've figured out how to make a man without you.” God said, "OK, let me see you do it.” So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful. But God stopped him and said, "Oh, no you don't. Get your own dirt!"
* The dress The poor country pastor was livid when he confronted his wife with the receipt for a $250 dress she had bought. “How could you do this!” he exclaimed.”I don’t know,” she wailed, “I was standing in the store looking at the dress. Then I found myself trying it on. It was like the Devil was whispering to me, ‘Gee, you look great in that dress. You should buy it.’””Well,” the pastor persisted, “You know how to deal with him! Just tell him, “Get behind me, Satan!””I did,” replied his wife, “but then he said “It looks great from back here, too!”
When wounded by Satan There is a small, weasel –like animal called the ichneumon. It can overcome and destroy a venomous snake of over a yard long. It is said that the ichneumon attacks a snake only when it is near a certain plant whose leaves contain an antidote for snake bite. When bitten, the little creature immediately retreats to the life saving plant and nibbles its leaves. It is restored and ready to renew the attack. Each time it is bitten, it goes to the plant and then returns to fight the enemy.
Including Families with Children with Disabilities in the Church Joe Butler Joe Butler is a husband, father, and missionary. Joe has been married to his wife Jen since February of 1997. They have three children, Hannah (15), Micah (13), and Clara (10). Micah has multiple special needs. Joe and Jen have been U.S. missionaries to persons with disabilities and their families since April of 2009. Joe and his wife founded Ability Tree as a faith-based nonprofit corporation in June of 2010, to reach out to other families like their own through recreation, education, support & training (R.E.S.T.).
I never really noticed people with disabilities until about 12 years ago when my son Micah was born. Prior to having a child with special needs, I associated disability with old age and unfortunate circumstances. As most parents do, my wife and I prayed over our child in the womb, and we hoped for and expected a healthy child. I assumed if we did everything right (i.e. pray, pursue God, follow doctor's order), that everything would turn out okay. I had plans of taking my son to ballgames, walking 18 holes on the golf course, and seeing the family name carried on. But God had other plans. Plans that stretched but eventually strengthened our family. Something else I never really noticed, prior to having a child with special needs, was how inaccessible most churches are. Parents of children with disabilities can send their children to school five days a week but have a difficult time finding a church that will embrace them one day a week. The good news is that the Good News is accessible to everyone and with a willing spirit and an intentional effort; every church can become accessible to families living with disability. The Problem of Disability in America & the Church Before Micah, I never would have guessed that disability impacted so many families. On average, approximately 20% of individuals, in any given community are affected by disability. According to a 2010 U.S. Census Bureau reports, “Of the 62.2 million children under the age of 15, about 5.2 million or 8.4 percent had some kind of disability. Half of children with a disability were classified with severe disabilities (2.6 million children).” The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) defines an individual with a disability “as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such impairment.” My son, Micah, is on the autism spectrum. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. Developmental disabilities are a diverse group of severe chronic conditions that are due to mental and/or physical impairments. People with developmental disabilities have problems with major life activities such as language, mobility, learning, self-help, and independent living. Developmental disabilities begin anytime during development up to 22 years of age and usually last throughout a Person's lifetime.” The problem of disability in America, the definitions and statistics, can be overwhelming. Without Christ, the Church family, and a biblical worldview, parents can only hope for their child to be cured or educated enough to function in society. Sadly, not unlike secular society, the majority of churches have failed to notice families with children with disabilities. In his book, Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities, Erik Carter says, “Numerous faith groups have acknowledged their failure to respond to people with disabilities in ways that reflect their calling to be caring, loving, and responsive communities.” According to one study which queried parents of children and youth with disabilities, “fewer than onehalf of children and youth with autism, deaf-blindness, intellectual disabilities, or multiple disabilities had (Continued in page 20) 19
participated in religious activities at any point during the previous year.” This is the state of disability in America and the Church. The definitions and statistics can be overwhelming; if we ignore them nothing changes. When we are made aware of them and understand that we live in a fallen world, but God is still in control, we gain a new perspective on God's purpose and design. God doesn't make mistakes. Each and every person is made in the Imago Dei, to bring glory to God. We received the diagnosis of Micah's disability while family students at Valley Forge Christian College. I was pursuing a degree in pastoral ministry. To say Micah's medical issues threw a wrench in things is an understatement! Most parents visualize their newborns sleeping through the night, or at least a few hours, and spitting up at a minimum. If Micah slept two hours straight, it was a good night. He wasn't able to breast feed and went through several formulas, due to acid reflux, before we found one that he could digest. I had a full schedule of classes while working nights and weekends, my wife Jen had the full-time job of parenting a two year old and a newborn with special needs. Among other things, she was responsible for juggling Micah's multiple weekly therapy appointments, which were critical in teaching him how to walk, talk, and use fine and gross motor skills. We often felt alone and abandoned in the journey. Studies indicate that “living with a child with a disability can have profound effects on the entire family—parents, siblings, and extended family members. It is a unique shared experience for families and can affect all aspects of family functioning. On the positive side, it can broaden horizons, increase family members' awareness of their inner strength, enhance family cohesion, and encourage connections to community groups or religious institutions.” However, it can also negatively affect family functioning in the areas of time, financial costs, physical and emotional demands, and logistical complexities. Most parents are thrust into caring for their child with special needs with no prior training or understanding of disability. As parents, you do what comes naturally; you love your child and get to know them; which takes time. Unfortunately, for many families of children with mild to severe disabilities, they don't have much time left over to invest in their marriage or other children. 20
Studies indicate “that having an infant with a serious health condition or health risk increases the likelihood that parents divorce or live apart.” Parents of children with disabilities may experience increased guilt and blame, and reduced self esteem. Another study found “that parents with disabled children have lower rates of social participation than parents without a disabled child.” The Biblical Mandate for the Church to Come Alongside Families with Disabilities When I think about the biblical mandate for the church to come alongside families with disabilities, the image that comes to mind is the body of Christ. When a part of our physical body is inactive or rejected, it affects the complete body. The same is true when the Church fails to include each part of the body of Christ, especially the “weaker” parts, which may be people with and without disabilities. The Bible is clear that “all members are equally included and Valued.” I Cor. 12:22-26 says, [T]he members of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and those members of the body that we think less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our less respectable members are treated with greater respect; whereas our more respectable members do not need this. But God has so arranged the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior member, that there may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it (NRSV). Theologian, Amos Yong, states, “a biblically informed and inclusive pneumatological ecclesiology emphasizes both that the church is liberated from whatever disabling barriers might exclude certain of her members from full access and participation and that the “'weaker”'members are accorded more honor by God and therefore are more central to the identity of the body of Christ.” Yong goes on to say, “[T]he Holy Spirit, is actually the one who acts as the champion and advocate of all people, especially the poor, the “'weak,”' and the oppressed, and who initiates them into the body of Christ. The result is or should be a kind of hospitality in which us/them barriers are overcome.” Too many well-meaning churches today are ministering out of their own strength instead out of Christ's power. (to be continued...) AUGUST 2014
Dr. Ida Scudder of Vellore Missionary & Founder of CMC Hospital Ida Scudder vowed that she would never go back to India as a missionary like her parents and grandparents! She was attending college in America when she got word from her father, who was serving as a doctor in India, that her mother was unwell. Ida had been born in India on December 9, 1870, and lived there until about age five. Her parents had brought her back to the United States to finish her education and then left her there when they returned to India. Ida was happy. She did not wish to return to India. She wanted to get married and have a nice home and all the things that other girls in America had. In India, she had seen too many starving and sick people. The misery was more than that she wanted to think about. She told her college friends that as soon as her mother was well, she would return to America. She went to India, and was helping her father and mother at a mission bungalow in 1892. On one night, God changed her mind about being a medical missionary in India. This story is incredible and shows how Ida received her extraordinary call to serve helpless women in India for the rest of her life. She had been sitting in her room reading, when a highcaste Brahmin stepped onto their veranda. His young wife, only fourteen, was in labour and having a terrible struggle to stay alive. He begged Ida to come and help him. The barber women – India's midwives – had done as much as they could. Without more help, his wife would die. Ida replied that she knew nothing about childbirth. She told him that her father was a doctor and as soon as he returned home, she would bring him to help. The Brahmin replied that that would not be possible. No foreign man had ever entered the house. His wife would just have to die if Ida could not help her. Ida told him she was sorry, but could do nothing. She went back to reading her book. In a little while, she heard footsteps on her veranda again. She thought maybe the Brahmin had come back, but no, it was a Mohammedan. “Please,” he pleaded with her, “come help my wife.” She was dying in labour. Ida's father, Dr. John Scudder, had returned home by then. He offered to go, but the Mohammedan refused. No man outside of his family had ever looked on his wife's face. Ida and her father offered to go and help as best as they could, but the Mohammedan refused. Ida returned to her room, but was restless and could not read her book. In only a little while, she heard footsteps for the third time. This time the man was a high-caste Hindu, and he also had a young wife that was dying in labour.
Would Ida Please Come? Only a woman may look on his wife. Ida could only reply as she had to the others. Without her father's help she could do nothing. Ida was restless all night and could not sleep. She spent the entire time in anguish and prayer. She did not want to work in India. She wanted the good life with her friends in America. But she could not stand the thought of all of the young women who would die without help. She prayed for guidance. Later she wrote, “I think that was the first time I ever met God face to face, and all that time it seemed that He was calling me into this work. Early in the morning I heard the “tom-tom” beating in the village and it struck terror in my heart, for it was a death message. I sent our servant, who had come up early, to the village to find out the fate of these three women, and he came back saying that all of them had died during the night . . . Again I shut myself in my room and thought very seriously about the condition of the Indian women and, after much thought and prayer, I went to my father and mother and told them that I must go home and study medicine, and come back to India to help such women.” Ida did give up all thoughts of marriage. She went back to the United States and studied medicine at Cornell Medical College in New York City. She graduated in 1899 as part of the first class at that school that accepted women as medical students. Ida returned to India in 1900. She was a well-trained doctor, and she had in hand a gift of $10,000 from Mr. Schell, a Manhattan banker, to build a hospital. The mission leaders had told her to raise the money before she left. She knew that she would be leaving in only a week, but trusted God. He did indeed perform a miracle for the mission. The head of a missionary society had given Ida Mr. Schell's name and asked her to call on him. Mr. Schell was known as a tightwad, but Ida was hopeful for at least a $500 donation. Ida did not know that Mr. Schell had heard about the work in India and was willing to help. He wrote a check for $10,000 and gave it to her and asked only that the hospital be named after his wife, Mary Taber Schell. Ida was ecstatic. She returned to India and eventually founded not only the hospital (built in 1902), but also a medical school at Vellore, 75 miles from Madras, to train other nurses and doctors. The need in India was great. (Vellore CMC) - In 1900 there was only one trained doctor for every 10,000 people. She was a third generation medical missionary. The tradition in their family continues to this day even to a fifth generation. Ida Knew the Calling and Nothing Stopped her in pursuing her Call.... Are we ready to Go the Extra Mile?
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Walls With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall' (Psalm 18:29) A wall is usually used to mark a boundary, to keep people and animals from straying over it. It's an interesting fact that the country areas of Great Britain have altogether about 544,000 Kilometers of walls. Some of the enormous city walls mentioned in the Bible were very tall and strong. Some were wide enough to drive a chariot along the top, whilst others even had rooms in them. Sitting behind one of these great walls you could feel very secure and safe.
Bible facts Have you ever felt that there are things you would love to do to please God; but then not attempted them because you thought you just couldn't manage it? We all have at one time or another. Our Bible verse reminds us that with God's help nothing is impossible. Imagine one person fighting a troop of soldiers, or trying to scale a massive city wall. Impossible? No-not with God within us. Let us never limit what we can or can't do. With God's help we can sometimes achieve the impossible. Most of us quiet enjoy a good climb. Let's go out and find a wall or a tree and do a bit of climbing.Dont climb too high, and young ones, you will need adults with you. Let us praise the Lord that nothing is impossible or too difficult for him. Now let's ask the Lord to help us understand that by his help we can pray for who is ill today, and lets believe that with his help and our faith we will see that person recover, for God's glory. 22
SIN – We Have all Been Infected By a Global Pandemic Pastor Marvin J. Rosenthal Born and raised in a conservative Jewish home, Marvin Rosenthal placed his trust in Jesus as a teenager by following the godly examples of his mother. He served in the pastorate for six years, before serving The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc. as director for sixteen years.In that capacity, he was editor of the magazine, Israel My Glory. He is currently the executive director of Zions Hope, Inc., editor of Zions Fire and is a much sought-after conference speaker, often addressing the prophetic implications of current world events and the explosive Middle East.
Man was fashioned by his Creator with the ability to choose – he possessed the glorious capability of “free will” or, perhaps more accurately, “human responsibility.”And so, in the midst of that garden paradise, God placed a tree (among many other trees) and forbade Adam and Eve from partaking of it. Since man was created with the capability of choice, God would create an environment where man could choose. The issue posed to this couple possessing free will was this: “Adam and Eve, do you understand with your mind? Don't eat. Adam and Eve, do you love Me with your heart? Don't eat. Adam and Eve, will you obey Me with your will? Don't eat.” That God, who is omniscient, knew how they would choose is not the issue. They were created in the image and likeness of God with the ability to choose and, therefore, an environment which offered the opportunity to choose was required. Adam and Eve, tempted to sin by Satan, thought with their mind, felt with their heart, and then, with their will, chose to eat from the forbidden tree. They disobeyed God, and, as a result, that disobedience brought sin – as an operating principle – into the world. Theologians call that event “the fall” or “the curse.” By whatever name it is called, it was the worst day in the annals of human history. This first couple had been fashioned in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and chose to disobey His command (Genesis 3:6-8). As a result, when in time they bore children, their children were born in their own image, which was now fallen (Genesis 5:3). In the loins of Adam and Eve, resided the infectious virus of sin, which would be passed on to yet unborn generations of humanity. Their sin was imputed to the entire, yet unborn, human race. It is precisely because man is born with a sin nature that he commits sinful deeds. It is accurate to say that when man sins he is
only doing what comes naturally. Some may argue, “Why then should God hold man accountable for doing what comes naturally? After all, didn't He create us?” The answer is this: “Man is doing what comes naturally in a fallen state, which he brought on himself, through his choice to transgress the will of his Creator.” In the physical realm, many bodily diseases, deformities, and weaknesses are inherited. So, too, in the spiritual realm the sin nature is inherited. Adam and Eve were the official representatives of all future humanity. What they did in the Garden of Eden, all men did in them because all of mankind was in their loins. The apostle Paul wrote, “Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). Through Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, two inescapable realities occurred. First, sin, as an operative principle, entered the stage of human history. And second, man, born with a sin nature, tends naturally toward committing sinful deeds. 1. Sin is always committed against God 2. Sin is as equally wrong if a man doesn't do something he should as if he does something he shouldn't. 3. Sin is either inward (through thought and attitude) or outward (through physical act). 4. Sin is universal – all have sinned (Roman 3:23). 5. It is not the amount of sin that separates a man from God and keeps him from Heaven; it is the fact of sin.
(to be continued...) 23
Coming Face to Face with Truth Christy Davis Christy is a follower of Jesus Christ. She grew up in Peru and Mexico in a missionary family. After moving to America and attending Moody Bible Institute, Christy and her husband were Youth Pastors for 13 years. Christy then was the Missions Pastor for 10 years at their home church, Immanuel Church and her husband is currently the Worship Arts Pastor. In 2013, Christy began working for Bright Hope. Bright Hope serves the extreme poor and partners with local churches in 9 countries. Christy primarily works in Haiti and India with local churches. Her work in India is in Anti Human Trafficking. Christy and her husband reside in Illinois, USA and have three sons (ages: 18, 16, 13).
was recently leading a group of American youth to Haiti. Preparing to do ministry together, we started one morning by reading Isaiah 58:1-11. As we read this passage, we came face to face with truth. God was letting the Israelites know that he saw their “act” of fasting but he also could see how they were living their lives. It seems that his people had convinced themselves that they were doing the right thing by following rules and setting a day aside for the act of fasting. But they were wondering why he wasn't blessing them. Yet, he could see that as they fasted, they exploited their workers, making them work even more. He could see that they argued and fought among themselves, he could see their hearts and their treatment of others. So in verses 6-11 he begins to tell them what kind of fasting he is looking for and what would be the outcome of their hearts being turned towards him. He describes how they should be living. Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter – when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? As we read these verses and also read Matthew 5:1-12, we discussed them. We began to see that God spoke them to the Israelites but we are now grafted into “His people” and so the verses are meant for us to consider what our hearts and actions are. One of our students said “I have made myself believe that when I go to church I am pleasing God even though during the week I do not care for anyone around me. I'm realizing right now that I am a hypocrite.” Then we saw God's sweet promises for those that seek him with all their hearts and care for those around them: Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I….If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.
We had a time of repentance as we saw that we all needed to ask God for a heart of compassion like his, to be Christ to others like him. We prayed that God would open our eyes to those around us. That day I met a woman named Isman. Isman has seven children and lives in a remote Haitian village with her husband. She has no running water, no electricity, no bathroom and has a very small home with a kitchen outside made from sticks and leaves, where she cooks over an open fire. Isman knows Christ and loves him. She is the 1st& 2nd grade teacher at the church-school. She has received a small business loan and has been working hard to start a business for 18 months. She prepares charcoal to sell and also sells rice at two markets that are 1-2 hrs away. Isman was so happy to tell me about how well it's going. I asked her how many meals her family eats (with micro loans, one of the first signs they are working well is when a family can begin to eat 1-2 meals a day consistently). She said that she feeds her family one meal a day. My heart sank because I thought that maybe her micro loan wasn't working. Then I asked her what she does with the money that she makes. Isman humbly told me that she has paid for all her children to go to school, she gives to the church and she has paid for seven village children to also go to school “because they have nothing”. She then told me that she has also paid for medicine for children in their school who had fevers. I sat looking at my new friend, Isman and thought of Isaiah 58 and Matthew 5. This woman could be feeding her family twice a day and doing more for her home. Instead, she has made the choice to feed her family once a day and help those around her. I realized in that moment that I have so much to learn. How am I loving people in my community? What am I willing to give up and do without so that others can be blessed? How am I being Christ to those who need compassion? Isaiah 58:11 says You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. That is my prayer for each of us…that our hearts would fall in love with our Savior, to the point that we seek to set the oppressed free, break every yoke, share our food, provide shelter for the wanderer and have Christ be our everything. When we are faced with truth, we have the ability to respond. God made it very clear in the Old Testament that we are to care for people's needs, the poor, the sick and the aliens. Jesus Christ modeled this for us and then asked us to go do the same. I am faced with that truth again today. May God bless you as you think and pray through these verses and live for him today.
THE LAST OF THE LOST Bob Shank Bob Shank has been a successful business leader, the pastor of a large evangelical church, and is, today, the founder and leader of a ministry to Christian leaders called The Master’s Program. His primary emphasis is helping successful career professionals find and fulfill their Kingdom Calling. He has been married for 43 years to Cheri; their family includes two married adult daughters and five grandchildren, with a sixth coming soon by adoption, from South Africa.
It had been almost 30 years since Samuel found David – youngest of Jesse's sons – in a sheep pasture, doing the family grunt work – and tapped him as God's choice for King of Israel. David was not yet a teenager, but his destiny was already set. What followed was not a William and Harry jetsetter lifestyle; instead, he rose to fame (the rookie who took down Goliath), and then became a political fugitive (Saul's Wanted: Dead-or-Alive declaration). From ages 12 to 42, David's survivor competence served him well; God orchestrated history in real-time to bring David to the threshold of his long-awaited placement on Israel's throne. The final stages of establishing the promised kingdom were on the to-do list, and the fighting men of Israel's 12 tribes were the human resource required to realize the divine directive. Each of the tribes had their own territory where their families lived, their communities functioned and their professions were pursued. But – in 1 Chronicles 12 – they set their daily life assignments aside to come together for their combined purpose. Each tribe sent their militia to become Israel's army – together – to ensure the successful establishment of David's kingdom, and to usher in the new order. Though not the biggest contingent, the contribution of one tribe stood out: “ …from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do – 200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command…” (1 Chronicles 12:32). For the other 11 tribes, their asset was their strength; for Issachar, their value was their strategy: “they understood… and knew what Israel should do.” The Messiah would come and be the forever King, in the line of David. David's earthly journey reflected
into the future, giving a sense of the spiritual journey that would mark the reign of King Jesus. The final stages of the strategy to recapture Jerusalem and establish the kingdom required the combined forces of the 12 tribes – to demonstrate the unifying power of their shared King and to put the human oomph into the divine plan. Each tribal group sent their best contribution to the effort: Issachar sent the strategic leaders who would help David focus the horsepower of the rest to accomplish the task. In terms of the Great Commission, we've reached 1 Chronicles 12 in the New Testament timeline. The last push to seat King Jesus on His throne is underway. The mission He launched 2000 years ago is almost completed. Israel was about land and territory; Jesus' Kingdom is about tribes and people. He sent the Special Forces (the original apostles) into “all the world,” and the last corners of the people groups He died to save are now in reach. The troops are mobilizing – in support of the King – for the final push. On a global front, things are happening that the people at home in the villages don't know: they're busy about their own affairs, and not current about what's happening on the front lines. Some folks will make history; most will just hear about it, after the fact. Enough metaphor; here's the scoop. We're in the final stages of the Great Commission, and our generation's opportunity to finish the task assigned by Jesus is very real. That's not gratuitous overstatement; it's the reconnaissance coming in from the front lines of the Mission. There is a great offensive underway – globally – to use the resources available in our generation to introduce the last of the lost to the Savior. (Courtesy: Taken from Bob Shank’s weekly Point of View email column)