ISABEL GARCÍA-VELASCO teachermsisabel.com
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO STUDY IN THIS UNIT? 1. What was feudalism? 2. The fief. 3. Everyday life. 4. Entertainment. 5. Life in a monastery. 6. Pilgrimages. 7. The crusades. 2
Glossary Remember to add the terms that we explain along the unit. The glossary should be at the end of the notebook. WORDS FOR THE GLOSSARY WILL BE IN PINK.
1. What was feudalism
1.1Europe in the Middle Ages ✗
As we have studied in unit 1, Europe became dangerous after the fall of Rome. Most people were peasants and farmers and couldn’t defend themselves. The noblemen gave the peasants the permanent protection that they needed, in exchange, the peasants paid them taxes and worked on the nobles’ lands. 5
1.2 The feudal organization In the feudal system, the king, the nobles, the clerics and peasants, all had different responsibilities and rights. Basically the system consists on: ✗ Somebody gave protection/land to someone else. ✗ In exchange, the other had to fight or work for their protection.
The king: was the ruler of the country and owned all the land. However he hadn’t a big army and was weak. This is why he needed the noblemen and their armies. The noblemen: were the vassals of the king. They promised obedience and loyalty to the king in the ceremony of homage. They provided knights and in return received a land (fief). In their lands, as lords they acted as judges and collected taxes for themselves.
Knights: were less important nobles, were the vassals of the feudal lords. They fought for the lords and in return received land. Peasants: were farmers who rented land for a noble. They paid the rent working for them. Paid taxes to the feudal lord and the tithe (10% of the crops) to the Church. Serfs could not leave the noble’s land without permission however they weren’t slaves.
Clergy: the Roman Catholic Church played a very important role in people’s lives. Knights gave lots of land to the Church that rented it to the peasants. Everyone paid them the tithe. In exchange the clerics prayed for their souls. The clergy was organized in a hierarchical way: The Pope: governed the Papal States, had his own army. Below him there were two groups: ★ The regular clergy: members of the religious orders. The high clergy were abbots and abbesses and the low were monks and nuns. ★ The secular clergy: didn’t belong to an order. The high members were archbishops and bishops and the lower were priests. 10
1.3 The Code of Chivalry ✗
There were special rules for how knights should behave, it was called the Code of Chivalry. Knights were supposed to be loyal, fight bravely, respect the honour of women and protect the weak and defenceless.
ACTIVITY Draw a pyramid in your notebook, then add the following words: ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Abbot Monk Nun Priest
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Archbishop Bishop Peasant Noblemen king
Remember that it was a hierarchical society.
Song stars on minute 3:55 Download the lyrics here
2. The fief
2.1. The fief ✗
In feudal society, towns were no longer important, instead of them, life was based on fiefs. A fief was an area given to a noble by the monarch in exchange of providing protection and swear loyalty to the king. Each one was formed by the:
Demesne: the lord's’ private area.
Tenenments: area used by the peasants. 15
Woods where peasants collected firewood
The feudal lord lived in the castle or manor house
Peasants lived there. Animals usually slept inside the houses
In the monastery the monks copied texts and had their own farmlands
Farming lands for peasants
The feudal lord had his own hunting area
2.2 The economy People grew crops such as wheat, barley, beans or grapes. There were no fertilizers so each year half of the land was left fallow (uncultivated). This allowed to recover its fertility. Windmills were invented, usually were own by the lor and peasants had to paid to grind their corn into flour and extract oil from olives. Each fief was self sufficient and trade wasn’t necessary. The fiefs became isolated and share the knowledge and progress became harder. 17
2.3 Parts of a castle
Complete the text about castles: The castle is surrounded by a channel of water called……………….. To enter in, people have to cross the………...and go in through the…………….Inside the castle was the……………….where the nobles lived. The walls are topped by…………...and archers used the………….to shoot their arrows.
3. Everyday life
3.1 Noblemen They usually woke up at dawn and spent a lot of time training for war, to do it, they joust, participated in tournaments.. They also had to manage their properties, the fief. Receive messengers from other noblemen and acted as judges. Spent their leisure time hunting and enjoying the shows offered by poets, jesters (kind of clown), minstrels and acrobats. They also played chess. Boys lived with a knight from another family as a squires (apprentice) and learned how to ride horses and use weapons, such as swords and lances. They ate meat and fish. 21
3.2 Noblewomen They had to marry and had children, their parents arranged their marriages and had to obey their husbands. If they didn’t marry, they usually became nuns. They usually spent their time reading, sewing and weaving. They also looked after the children and organized the servants. Girls were educated by their mothers.
3.3 Peasant men They worked in the fields from dawn to dusk, they made their own tools, using wood, leather and cow horn. They had little free time but, few times a year they could enjoy fairs and festivals. They normally ate bread and vegetables soup and occasionally had rabbit, fish or pork.
3.3 Peasant women They had to get permission from the lord to get married and could only get married somebody from the same fief. Like men they spent the whole day working in the fields, cooking, looking after children, sewing and weaving.
Back in time: We’re going to travel back in time: ✗ Choose a medieval role: nobleman, noblewoman, peasant, cleric. ✗ Write your diary, explaining and comparing your daily life in the Middle Ages with your real life.
4. Entertainment
4.1 Fairs: ✗
Life in the Middle Ages was very hard, but occasionally there were moments to enjoy: weddings, festivals, tournaments or fairs. Fairs were big markets, where people went to buy and sell. Were also a chance to have fun, sometimes they lasted weeks. There were merchants, but also singers, jugglers, acrobats, stilt walkers and archery or wrestling competitions. 31
4.2 Tournaments Were the opportunity for noblemen and knights to practice their battle skills, but also a chance to entertain for the rest of the population. Had two main parts: ✗ The mêlée: the knights were divided into two groups and fought against each other. ✗ The joust: a fight between two knights on horseback, the aim was to knock the opponent with the lance and throw him off the horse. ✗ However it was dangerous and knights could be injured or even die. ✗ At the end, a big banquet was celebrated.
5. Life in a Monastery
5.1 The Monastery Monks and nuns lived in monasteries or convents and made vows (promises): 1. Obedience: to the abbot or abbess and the rules of the order. 2. Chastity: the couldn't marry. 3. Poverty: the gave away their properties. They spent their time praying, working in the orchard, looking after the sick and the poor and copying manuscripts in the scriptorium. 35
Activity ✗
Explain the differences between regular and secular clergy. What were the vows that the members of the clergy had to make?
6. Pilgrimages
During the Middle Ages, but also now a days, people went on pilgrimage to see holy places, relics, as a penance (to pay their sins), to ask a favour or a miracle or even to see the world. They usually went by foot and many walked barefoot. It could be very dangerous, there were bandits and wild animals. Pilgrimages had important cultural and economic consequences, it help to spread ideas and artistic styles and to develop towns. 39
7. The crusades
In the 11th century the Turkish expanded their territory, conquering part of the Byzantine Empire and taking the city of Jerusalem. Christians in Europe were then worried, afraid of Muslims and of Turks who made harder for Christians pilgrims to visit Jerusalem. Pope Urban II then called for a crusade to help the Byzantines, this was the first one. They took Jerusalem and established Christian kingdoms. In the third One, led by Richard I from England, Saladin took Jerusalem bu promised to led the Christians pilgrims visit it.
Investigate Since we have talked about king Richard I, investigate about him, his brother John and Robin Hood. ✗ Who were them? ✗ When, where did they live? ✗ Why are them so popular? ✗ What they did?
Final project In pairs, in the computers lab, we are going to create infographics about the Middle Ages: ● ● ●
Choose a member of the feudal society. Investigate about him or her. Create an infographics including: clothing, work, daily life, costumes, food.
Let’s play Plickers!!!
That’s the end of this unit!
Any questions? You can find me at: ✗ ✗
@teachermsisabel contactme@teachermsisabel.com