Honorable Daddy
At Home With Sal DiCiccio
Holiday Style
by Denise Teichert
That One Thing...
by Laura Slama
Your Premium Cigar Shop...with the largest humidor in Arizona
Tinderbox Ahwatukee
Tinderbox Mesa
co n te n ts feature article HONORABLE DADDY: SAL DICICCIO
The twin five-year-old girls wake up grudgingly after a couple of persistent nudges from their daddy. They try to turn over to ignore him for a few more snoozy moments.
“C’mon, girls. Let’s get up and eat,” he coaxes them. “Remember, we’re doing pictures today.”
HOLIDAY STYLE: YOU AND YOUR HOME Style~Personality~Flair…we all have a unique way of announcing our own.
Area44 Avoiding Identity Theft during the Holidays
12 A TASTE OF NEW YORK Finding “That One Thing”
We were a group of small-town high school kids living on the Colorado River Indian Reservation...
Joe Ray is a Latino painter and printmaker living in the Valley Of The Sun...
We are inundated with buzz words regarding our health...
30 DESIGNER’S CORNER Featuring Denise Teichert
www.thefoothillsgc.com (480) 460-4653
PUBLISHER: AZ Media Consultants CO-EDITORS: Isabel & Kevin Ham ART DIRECTOR: Jeb Blann
Anthony Asaro/Rank 1 Design Deb Deitchman Angelina Gonzales/NThreeQ Media
contr ib u tor s
Kevin Ham Hal Dekeyser
Kirsten Anderson/Cartwheel Design Dan Wallis Andrew Dargue/ASDDesign
Isabel Ham Jeb Blann
Anna and Emilia Diccicio (Along with their mother Deb Diccicio)
S STYLIST Alyssa Ham W
Hal Dekeyser Garrison Howard Laura Slama Kevin Ham
Bruce Warner Marlie E. Denise Teichert
We would like to thank our family and some dear friends that gave us the inspiration, strength and a large dose of “consturctive criticism” (you know which friends you are) we needed to put our brain cells in print and deliver a magazine the community can be proud of. One of the most amazing aspects of publishing is the myriad of options and avenues available to enhance our lives and our loves. TukeeAZ is quite simply a magazine with a “welcome to my world” approach. We will strive to deliver interesting content, some fact and some fiction, a well bred mixture of boldness and courtesy contained in witty and informative articles. We’ll present “behind the curtain” opinions with style, passion and an uncanny air of familiarity. We will generate excitement for our advertisers through events you’ll want to be a part of and beautifully structured ads that you’ll want to cut out and frame! We place a premium on journalism that is delivered with cultivated zeal from established writers, to those who are writing for their next meal. We will always keep you coming back for more. Our passion for the community and its residents comes from over 20 years of living, playing and working in this cul de sac. TukeeAZ is a culmination of those experiences. In choosing a name for the magazine, we wanted to deliver a product that sets itself apart but still gives you the elements a community looks for and needs. So welcome to our world... Kevin & Isabel Ham
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TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
&9/52 (/-%
(/,)$!9 349,% YOU
By Denise Teichert
Style~Personality~Flair…we all have a unique way of announcing our own. And during the Holiday season our “personalities” seem to shine a little brighter, perhaps a bit bolder. That is reflected in our fashion choices and also our home décor selections. Our personal style is often carried directly from our closet’s fabrics and accessories into our home’s fabrics and accessories. Holiday party fashions and Holiday home decorating are no exception. Having started my career in Fashion Design, I understand that like fashion our home design and decorating reflects our personalities and individual style. That is especially prevalent during this time of year, when festive gatherings, entertaining and celebrations are taking place. We certainly know how to bring out the bling, accessorizing ourselves, our homes, our children, dogs and sometimes even our vehicles, announcing to the world our personal tastes (some good, some not so good) and flair. There are a few rules that apply when it comes to Holiday accessorizing, whether it’s you or your home that’s being transformed. Party fashions and home entertaining have similar design dilemmas. Here are a few seasonably fashionable tips to help ensure you AND your home will shine bright, yet tasteful, bold and beautiful throughout this joyous time of year.
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s $ON T OVERDRESS YOURSELF /2 your home. More is not always merrier! Simple and elegant almost always is a good rule to follow. Absolutely introduce those dynamic accessories, just don’t overdo it. Let them shine, stand out, get the attention they deserve. Too many clashing accessories on your body or your walls can take you from classy to cluttered. Tis the season I know, however there’s no reason to adorn yourself like a Christmas tree. There’s also no need to carry it massively throughout the rest of your home. We want a peaceful season. s !LL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT ALWAYS gold. Actually, this showy color is making a big comeback so go ahead; feel free to use it with pride. Whatever colors you choose bring the blingbling on. Beads, crystals, metals and feathers can be used together to bring a sophisticated balance of shimmer and matte. Keep in mind however, bling lightly…classy not cluttered. Personally, I am thinking this is the year I’ll get that black feather Christmas tree! s /NE RULE THAT ALWAYS APPLIES even during the flamboyancy of the Holiday season, size does matter! The size of the accessory should always be in proportion to where it’s being displayed. If you decide you’d like to showcase
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
a larger item, that’s ok! It’s just best to have that one large item you love presented alone rather than creating visual chaos by grouping many items together in order to fill a space. That holds true whether you are coving your body or your walls. s .ON TRADITIONAL (OLIDAY colors are sure to make you and your décor style look as hot as our winter temperatures. Let’s face it; red and green aren’t always the most flattering on us or in our living spaces. The shades are tough to work around and they are powerfully strong colors. Some new festive colors you may want to introduce to your wardrobe and décor…blue, pink, silver, gold, black and white. Whatever your style, enjoy sharing it with your family and friends. Let your personality shine through beautifully this Holiday Season! Be peacefully creative and courageous with your accessory choices. Carry your personality out of your closet and throughout your living space. Or…vice versa…which is another article we’ll save for the New Year…New You! A Very Happy Holiday and Wish of a Wonderful New Year to All of You! - Denise
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TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
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What’s Behind the Curtain?
Law & Area44... Cop Talk For Ahwatukee Area 44 is the Phoenix Police Department’s patrol area within the community of Ahwatukee Foothills.
Avoiding Identity Theft During The Holidays The Internet is a large venue for information gathering. I’m sure you are just like Tens of millions of others that surf the web, and are asked to provide your personal information, just to get THAT 6%29 SPECIAL OFFER OR ACCESS TO A really cool web site. How many times have you logged into a web site that
Unlike Area 51, outside of las vegas, Area 44 has had no UFO sightings, so far. Commander Crokett has directed its officers with a vision to provide the citizens of Ahwatukee the highest qulaity of service from it’s Police officers. The objective of the organization is to identify the problems and suppress crime. For which no area is immune. Under the departments leadership, Public Safety Manager Jack Harris, will continue to support the Ahwatukee area with a full compliment of Patrol officers, DETECTIVES .EIGHBORHOOD %NFORCEMENT Team, and Community Action officers that operate out of the Pecos Community Center where it houses a Substation to support Area 44. TukeeAZ Magazine and Area 44 will provide regular editorials keeping you informed and aware. by Lt. Mark Tallman
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TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
requires your name and email address in order to obtain access for a trial use? Some will even go as far as providing
e-mail or other personal information,
become too accepting of these web
predators. When should security
information is being encrypted.
should you be selective with both retailers and ecommerce sales transactions?
line purchases.
low them to be stored on web sites.
If you discover that you are the victim of Identity Theft or Fraud. Immediately contact your bank and/or credit card
s 4HE !NSWERS h"% #!2&5, WITH ALL
look for the website’s privacy policy.
their Credit Card information. We have
conscious consumers be leary? And how
address for online submissions.
company. Then call your local police agency and have a report initiated.
transactions”, and be consistent and perSISTENT BY FOLLOWING THE '/,$%. 25,%3
Order in preventing Identity theft and Fraud.
online purchases.
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
by Kevin Ham
Page 13
Honorable Daddy by Hal DeKeyser
The twin five-year-old girls wake up
24 years, has been elected three times
grudgingly after a couple of persistent
and appointed once to the job. While
nudges from their daddy. They try to
much of the day finds him battling fiscal
turn over to ignore him for a few more
and other burning concerns for the city
snoozy moments.
of Phoenix, mornings and evenings he transforms into a version of Mr. Mom.
“C’mon, girls. Let’s get up and eat,� he
His wife Debbie’s career as a medical
software sales executive requires travel,
pictures today.�
leaving the councilman on some days to wake, dress, feed and transport the girls
After a few minutes of groggy resistance,
to school.
the girls are wide awake and giggling, jumping on Daddy as if he were a
Kids came to the DiCiccios later in life,
tolerant old golden retriever. An
adopted from China. Five years ago on
Debbie’s birthday, the couple decided
Buzz Lightyear Halloween costume.
to request twins. The next day the
Meanwhile, Anna impishly pitches her
girls were born in Nanchang. The two
rolled-up socks from the upstairs landing
uninitiated parents flew to China, where
onto the window sill above the front
the twin babies were handed to them.
door, making Daddy haul out the ladder
Neither had ever changed a diaper.
to fish them down. He finally herds them
“One of the girls wet herself, and I
to the kitchen for the morning feeding
handed the baby to Debbie and said she
before kindergarten.
needs her diaper changed,� DiCiccio said. “She gave me a look. I had just
That’s morning in the life of the guy
assumed she knew how to do it,�
most of us know as Phoenix City
DiCiccio said.
Councilman Sal DiCiccio. At home, he’s just Honorable Daddy.
“So in August, in a hot, humid room with no air-conditioning, and with seven
DiCiccio, who has lived in Ahwatukee
or eight Chinese nannies staring at
Photo by Jeb Blann
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you’re getting them dressed as they’re
“Daddy! Daddy! Look at this spider
barely awake.�
web,� one shouts. All four peer at the marvel of Nature in the yucca cactus,
Fatherhood has also taught him the
with a brief lesson and a caution about
value of focus.
insects thrown in. Then it’s off to school – a bit late and rushed – before Daddy
“When you have one child alone, you
morphs into Councilman DiCiccio at
can manage one child. But when you
the first of many meetings that day. His
put two together, they’re like a pack of
wolves,� he said, laughing. “You have to
then a neighborhood group, then a staff
stay focused on getting one thing done
briefing, followed by helping sign off
at one time with one of them or you’ll
on documentation for a local business
get nothing done, and they’ll run all
owner to get his sandwich shop up and
over you.�
running. DiCiccio expresses frustration with how slow government often works
During breakfast, Deb and Sal make
and the lack of appreciation for the
lunch and bargain parental assignments,
importance of small business.
THEN SHOE UP !NNA AND %MILIA FOR SCHOOL A few minutes remain before takeoff,
“One day’s delay getting that guy’s
so the girls help “sweep� the pool,
business open is one day’s delay in
everything she was doing, looking over
their lunches ready, and it’s constantly
dropping the kitchen broom in the deep
ending the recession, for him and the
her shoulder, she had to change her first
pushing to get them out the door,� he
end. While Sal is fishing it out, the girls
people he hires,� he said.
diaper. After that, it was easy.�
said. “If they’re not moving fast enough,
make a discovery.
He rolls his eyes. This time he doesn’t
The babies had not been handled much
you’re putting their socks on for them;
think it’s cute.
in their foster home prior to adoption, and they were unfamiliar and anxious
DiCiccio’s conservativism, especially on
with their new family. They didn’t crawl
budget issues, springs from seeing his
until a year old. Now, DiCiccio said, they
parents at the kitchen table, his father’s
“tear it up.�
shirt pocked with burn holes from the steel mill, his folks worrying about
That was demonstrated at the
feeding seven mouths after another lay-
councilman’s swearing in last January
off at the plant.
AT #ITY (ALL 2IGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF DiCiccio’s oath, with cameras rolling
“People are hurting out there,� he said
and Sal’s hand on the Bible held by Deb,
in a recent interview. “Ahwatukee is a
Anna jumped up and landed solidly on
relatively affluent area with a great sense
the raised wooden stage with a booming
of community, yet we see foreclosed
THUMP! The laugh that antic extracted
houses, shuttered businesses and
neighbors out of work. This just isn’t the
to join in, then Anna again. It was
time to be piling more fees and taxes
distracting, mildly embarrassing‌and
on families that are a paycheck away
outrageously cute. Deb and Sal could do
from losing their homes‌We just can’t
little more than the eye roll understood
keep piling it on working families while
by all parents.
the government refuses to make hard choices.�
“They give me energy,� DiCiccio said of the girls. “And they take it away.�
Sal was provoked to run for the Phoenix
City Council in 1993 after two women
Make sure they brush their teeth, get
were killed in separate wrecks at 48th
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TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
Street and Chandler Boulevard, where
check out the burgeoning development
the city had yet to put in a light. He
in the area where they used to chase
won in an upset, a rare ousting of an
around on motorcycles. DiCiccio once
incumbent, and was re-elected four
rolled a Jeep in the open desert about a
years later. He later ran for Secretary
half mile from where he and Deb now
of State, falling in the primary to Jan
Brewer. Had he won that last primary, he likely would have been Governor
The family remains in Ahwatukee,
DiCiccio says, in part for that comfort level of familiar friends and the outdoor
But he has no complaints about how
lifestyle. Its greatest strength, he thinks,
things turned out.
is that it has such a clear sense of what community is and how it feels, and that
“Had I won that election, I wouldn’t
people are willing to stand up and fight
have been married; I wouldn’t have my
to keep it. That’s partially because of
kids,� he said. “I’d still be on the track of
its physical separation from the rest of
doing things that were important, but
the Valley by Interstate 10 and South
not as important for me as what I have
Mountain, and partially because so many
in my life today.�
people move there specifically to raise a family.
!NNA AND %MILIA KEEP THEIR FATHER grounded, Debbie DiCiccio agrees,
“It’s very safe, very community-oriented.
even though most what they know is
It is literally a community. It is a great
that “he works in a big building near
place to have kids because it’s very
where the Diamondbacks play,� and
isolated,� DiCiccio said.
has contests that involve signs with his name on them all over town. While he
“If you live in Ahwatukee, everyone
used to run from one event to another,
knows what that means.�
now he races home to see the kids in the evening, even if it’s only for a few minutes between events. Sal moved to Ahwatukee back in 1987 after a former classmate invited him to
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
Hal DeKeyser is a longtime Valley journalist. He now serves as DiCiccio’s Chief of Staff
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Wooden Spoon
by, Chef Laura Slama
Peach and Strawberry Napoleons With Vanilla Sugar Whipped Cream
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. On a clean surface, roll out puff pastry on a lightly floured surface until 1/4 inch thick. Using a pizza wheel, cut pastry into 3 inch squares. Transfer to a parchment lined sheet tray. 2. Brush pastry with egg wash and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Bake until puffed and golden, about 12 minutes. -AKE COULIS 7HILE PASTRY IS BAKING PLACE BLACKBERRIES TRIPLE SEC AND SUGAR IN A SMALL SAUCEPAN and bring to a simmer. Cook until berries have begun to fall apart and are more liquid-y. Using an immersion blender, puree until smooth. Pass through a sieve if desired. Set coulis aside. -AKE WHIPPED CREAM 0LACE CREAM SUGAR AND VANILLA BEAN PASTE IN A CHILLED MIXING BOWL AND whip at high speed with a handheld or standup mixer until stiff peaks form. !SSEMBLE NAPOLEONS PLACE A DOLLOP OF WHIPPED CREAM IN CENTER OF DESSERT PLATE 0LACE A PAStry square directly over, then layer with sliced strawberries and peaches and another dollop of WHIPPED CREAM 2EPEAT WITH A SECOND LAYER 4OP WITH ONE MORE PASTRY IF DESIRED DUST WITH POWdered sugar and drizzle plate with coulis. 3ERVE IMMEDIATELY AND %.*/9
1 box Puff Pastry, thawed Turbinado (raw) sugar, as needed %GG LARGE 1/2 pint Blackberries, fresh or frozen and thawed 1/2 oz. Triple sec Sugar, to taste 8 ozs. Heavy cream, chilled 1 tblsp Sugar 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla bean paste or extract 1 tsp Water 2 Large Peaches, thinly sliced 1 pint Strawberries, hulled, quartered or sliced Powdered sugar, for dusting
Artistic Arrangements
...For Every Occasion!
s u o r o m a Gl Get
this Holiday Season
Some brands we carry:
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TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
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A Taste of New York Finding “That One Thing” By Chef Laura Slama
Vincent’s Pleases The Palate... Sometimes you just don’t want to leave
that lives to cook and cooks to please,
the “bubble” that comprises Ahwatukee.
that makes me very happy.
But if you want to find a great meal, reasonably priced, with a menu that
So what pops? The lasagna, a
boasts something for everyone, and you
combination of house made pasta,
aren’t interested in a chain, then that can
meat, a killer sauce, and no ricotta,
become a challenge.
was a definite standout … My dining partner loved the balsamic grilled
Lucky for us, Vincent’s, a New York
chicken – simple, healthy, flavorful. The
pizzeria and full service restaurant, opted
vegetables served with it were perfectly
to open in August of 2009, smack in the
cooked (and I am a vegetable snob) – I
middle of a terrible economy – and is
couldn’t stop eating the cauliflower that
thriving. I took the time to dine there
had obviously been roasted. My angel
this evening to learn what makes our
hair with broccoli, garlic and olive oil
“bubble” pop.
was perfectly prepared – and the (not breaded) calamari I asked them to add
At first glance, it looks like any NY
was the perfect compliment – even
pizzeria – order a slice at the counter
though off the menu. Sure there were
when you first enter (choose from over
a few things I would have changed, but
20 during the weekend), grab a soda,
after extensive conversation with Jerry,
seat yourself, and enjoy …. Or, be
the owner (and soon to be voted Mr.
seated, order from the extensive menu,
Congenialty for Ahwatukee, I’m sure), I
have a glass of Chianti and be served. Of
can understand why they do the things
course, I went for option two.
they do.
The service was attentive, informative,
So if you find yourself looking for a
and most importantly, accommodating.
taste of NY here in “the tuke”, take the
Dressing on the side? No problem. Get
time to enjoy Vincent’s – and a helpful
your self-serve soda for you? Happy to
hint – if they say it’s 20 minutes for the
do so. Change the menu to please my
lasagna or the calzone, don’t leave – it’ll
palate? Bring it. As a professional chef
be worth the wait. And it will make your taste buds pop.
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
Page 21
Writer’s Stroke
We were a group of small-town high SCHOOL KIDS LIVING ON THE #OLORADO 2IVER )NDIAN 2ESERVATION ) GUESS YOU COULD SAY we were a representation of the colors of Benetton. The word racist never came up because we were all “in the same boat�, so to speak. Anyway, there we were. Not bad kids, but sometimes bored. This was
pre-Atari times mind you! We were high spirited and had to find ingenious ways of entertaining ourselves since living in a small farming community located on h4HE 2EZv PROVIDED LITTLE IN ENTERTAINment. Most of us would pile into one car, a hand me down 1961 Cadillac that could only be started with a butter knife, the keys having disappeared long before into some unknown pocket. Of course, any butter knife would work but we never worried about it being stolen since it was the only one of its kind, and would even leave the “ignition key� on the front seat, besides, you never knew when you needed to butter some bread. One hot November evening, We were gathered around the “batmobile� with a full case of double ply toilet paper. At least we were doing it with class! Not far away was an unassuming house. The case of toilet paper was ripped open and everyone grabbed a two-pack out of it. We looked over our shoulders, laughed softly, and headed for the house. We had just started to apply the “decorations� when the headlights of the car in THE DRIVEWAY CAME ON 1UICK TO 4(% "!4-/"),% AND THE CHASE WAS ON We drove for miles trying to shake the VW beetle that pursued us. Now I think you’ll agree with me , that a bat should defeat a beetle! We drove down desert back roads, through recently harvested cantaloupe fields, and as the driver (known only as “Wheels�) headed
Local Writers Revue
across a muddy field and over a huge pile of “somethingâ€?, the batmobile was airborne and the butter knife was lost! At this point, the passengers were tiring of the chase but there was no stopping the car! Fortunately, we could only afford one gallon of gas (we had less than a dollar between us) and we rolled to a stop just shy of the A & W. As we talked and laughed and used the high end 2-ply toilet paper to wipe off the dirt, we vowed to do it again someday. Well, as we all know, you have TO -!+% SOMEDAY HAPPEN 4HROUGH THE wonder of the internet, many of us have managed to find each other again and keep in touch. Some of us are serving our country, some of us are married with families, and some of us write for a magazine. But when we see each other its “Hey, do you remember the time we‌â€?? and the stories roll forth. We all remember it differently (as it should be) but we all know the same lies! We laugh and cry and it seems as if its only been 2 weeks rather than over 25 years. Through it all, we’ve picked up right where we left off and even though I can afford more than a tank of gas, have a plethora of butter knives and I always buy 2-ply, I still remember that friendship is worth more than any batmobile. That’s the strength of true friendship. by Bruce “Batmanâ€? Warner
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that ONE SIMPLE EMBRACE. by Marli E. Page 22
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
3636 E. Ray Rd. | Phoenix, AZ 85044 SMCycles.com | 480.706.0858
Joe Ray *OE 2AY IS A ,ATINO PAINTER AND PRINTMAKER LIVING IN THE 6ALLEY /F 4HE 3UN A place with quite a bit of dust, rocks and great sunsets. He is at home in the Southwest, having been born in Sonora, Mexico and growing up on the #OLORADO 2IVER )NDIAN 2ESERVATION IN !RIZONA (IS WORK HAS BEEN FEATURED AT THE Phoenix Museum of Art. Most of Joe’s work is reflective of a bi-cultural perspective formed by the Arizona and Mexico region, the people living in that region as well as a contemporary Chicano perspective. The work speaks to the Mexicano, the Chicano, the Hispanic and us Gringos! %NJOY THIS TASTE OF ART BORN AMONG A RICH HERITAGE AND ENCAPSULATING THE BEAUTY of the cultures found around and in our great area.
TukeeAZ Magazine www.TukeeAZ.com Volume 1 Issue 1 December 2010
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Working My Way Back To “You� Garrison Howard
Where do I begin? I’m young, I won’t tell you how young, I�ll just say, I’m younger than YOU! But, THERE S THAT EVER PRESENT PROVERBIAL WORD ) HAVE LEARNED HOW TO h0!9 !44%.4)/.v to my health. Being in the Fitness Arena and graduating from Yale, I’m often asked “what do you pay attention to first� and my smart ass (age appropriate) reply is “I’m too broke to PAY attention� which, before I lose their respect, I quickly follow with AN UN SMART ASS STATEMENT AND SAY h0AY ATTENTION TO YOUR "/$9 3 6/)#% 4HIS IS MY terminology for Symptoms. We are inundated with buzz words regarding our health and it simply comes to this, if your body is sending you symptoms, listen to the sound of its voice. Is it whispering or screaming? Now, with that said, and half of you turning the page and the smarter half still reading, I’ll share my knowledge (on a monthly basis since this is the only MAGAZINE ) LL WRITE FOR /02!( CAN WAIT PLUS MY HOME AND FAMILY WITH A REALLY COOL Mom) live in Ahwatukee. It doesn’t matter what you’re battling, if you’re sick or simply run down, you need TO &)234 054 4(% ????? $/7. AND STEP AWAY TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES VOICE .OW since most of you reading this are educated, I don’t have to tell you to seek the advice of your doctor, and tell you that after doing so, beginning a regimen of vitamins is an excellent silencer to your body screaming. The right vitamins are essential as long as they have the right mixture. A good compounding pharmacy can help, or a reputable health store. In so doing, make #%24!). TO CHECK THAT YOUR VITAMINS ARE TRULY ORGANIC AND DO NOT CONTAIN UNWANTED “extras�. That’s right, most vitamins are filled with... well, fillers. Take your glasses with you (I’m not saying you’re old, I’d never do that because I wear them too) AND 2%!$ THE LABELS )F IF IT CONTAINS INGREDIENTS THAT AREN T FROM A KNOWN ORGANIC ingredient, put them back. During the flu season, you want to increase your intake of fish oil. Now see, that wasn’t too painful. You read the whole article just to hear me tell you to take your vitamins, make sure they’re good ones, and don’t forget the fish oil. See you next month, and I’m workin my way back to YOU.
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Designer’s Corner about the designer I have been blessed with many wonderful gifts in my life; my beautiful children, supportive and loving friends and family, and an exciting and rewarding career. I’ve also been fortunate to have lived, worked and played in a community full of inspiration, growth and true spirit. My background and experience in Design and Media go back many years. I won’t share the actual number of years with you because well, then you may not believe I’m still thirty nine and that’s my story, I’m sticking to it! I came from a family of gifted artists so it only seemed natural that I follow that path. My education and years of experience is in Fashion and Interior Design. I have spent most of my adult life creating visual displays and designs for both commercial and residential spaces. My media background has enabled me to share with the public many of the transformations I and my talented team have created for our clients. I embarked in my media career in 2005 and continue to bring to you extraordinary floor to ceiling design projects, wine pairings and recipes from Top Celebrity Chefs.
featuring Denise Teichert www.teichertdesigngroup.com
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