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LITTLE BOYS Little boys come in all shapes and sizes


Cuento Original: Carlos Cortés Laura Galindo Traducción :

Isabella Vargas

Edición expreamente autorizada para ICAN Copyright by Editorial Celestica, S.A. Bogotá, 2013 Primera edición: 5-18-2013

LITTLE BOYS Little boys come in all shapes and sizes


I would like to tell you a story

Quisiera contarte una historia

One which I wish I could forget.… But the hurt remains Una que quise borrar… Pero las heridas aún quedan

My name is Kodoma Mitsuo, and when I was a Little boy my life got interrupted Mi nombre es Kodama Mitsuo y siendo un niño pequeño mi camino se interrumpió

‘Wake up Kodama’

I remember her voice and her attempts to wake me up every morning. I still got angry every time I remember the way she pulls my blankets off, that’s the way she used to be, with her hands she woke me up.

Recuerdo la voz y sus intentos de despertarme cada mañana. Aún me da rabia cada vez que recuerdo cómo halaba mis cobijas, pero así era ella, entre sus manos y mi sueño me levantaba.

I ate my breakfast slowly, Okaasan stared at me and I smiled at her. It was late, so I went out running, and I forgot to say goodbye to her, it does not matter, I thought, I’ll see her later.

Desayuné lentamente, Okaasan me miró y yo le sonreí. Era tarde, así que salí corriendo y en medio del afán no me despedí de ella, no importa (pensé), la veré mas tarde.

It was a sunny day. I liked to pick up every sakura flowers when spring was gone.

Era un dĂ­a soleado. Me gustaba recoger las hojas de cerezo cuando la primavera pasaba.

I remember Natsuki at the entrance of school. Always there, on sharp eight o’clock with his baggu

Recuerdo a Natsuki a la entrada del colegio. Siempre ahí, ocho en punto, ni más, ni menos, con su baggu al hombro

Last one to the classroom doesn’t get a seat (so Natsuki said) and so we ran and ran through corridors until we all slipped and fell down. We lay on the floor, laughing uncontrollably and unable to get up

El último que llegue al salón pierde silla (decía Natsuki) y entre pasillos y corre, corre, nos resbalamos hasta caer. Las risas no aguantaron y clavados en el piso parecíamos contagiados.

I went into the classroom, took a chair and put my stuff down. The teacher had not arrived yet

Entré al salón , me senté y dejé mis cosas. La maestra aún no llegaba.

I remembered that I had not said ‘goodbye’ to Okaasan No me despedí de Okaasan, recordé

And then the bell rang and class started La campana son贸. La clase empez贸.

I glanced at the window overlooking the playground, then at the teacher and finally at natsuki, who was staring at the window,pencil in hand. His face suddenly changed.

Mire a la ventana que daba al patio, luego a la maestra, y finalmente a Natsuki con su mirada fija en la ventana, me trastorno su cambio de rostro y con lรกpiz en mano...

A thousend of lightnings at the same time Mil relรกmpagos al mismo tiempo

There was fear

Estaba el miedo

Above our heads

Estaba encima de nuestras cabezas

Under our feets

Bajo nuestros pies

Inside all of us

Dentro de nosotros

I heard a loud noise

Escuche un estruendo

I remember the lights, I could not hear anything. My skin was cold, white and hard as stone.

Recuerdo ver algunas luces, nada se escuchaba, mi piel blanca, frĂ­a, estaba rĂ­gida como una piedra.

My heart was beating really fast and, while I was panting, I managed to move part of my body.

Mi coraz贸n lat铆a a mil y jadeando logre mover parte de mi....

And there it was, my friend’s hand tightly clutching my sweater.

Allí estaba, la mano de mi amigo agarrando mi suéterr con fuerza.

‘Natsuki!’ I shouted, waiting for a reply but… his hands held tightly my sweater and his fingers fell to the cracked floor.

¡Natsuki!! Grité, esperando respuesta, pero...sus dedos dejaron el saco y cayeron sobre el piso quebrado.

I could not understand anything… ‘It is a nightmare’, I thought, but it was as real as the uselessness of my legs at that moment..the pain was unbearable.

No entendía nada… “una pesadilla” pensaba, pero era tan real como la inutilidad de mis piernas en ese momento… El dolor era insufrible.

The fear was so intense that I was paralysed by the thought of what i might find if i moved, but I managed to cross the dead sea that was seeping out into what was, before, my classroom.

El miedo era tan intenso que me paralizaba pensar en lo que podría encontrar si me movía de allí, pero mis fuerzas lograron atravesar el mar inerte que se desplomaba en lo que antes era el salón de clase.

I had not said goodbye to Okaasan...

No me despedí de Okaasan…

Even though I felt like my ears were exploding, I could clearly hear people crying for help.

A pesar de que mis oídos parecían reventarse, los gritos de auxilio se hacían evidentes.

I had not said goodbye to Otousan and my brothers either.

Otousan y mis hermanos‌ de ellos tampoco me despedí...

Going out was like going back to the nightmare; what I had previously thought to be a high school attack, had become a disaster. Everything had collapsed into dust.

Salir fue como volver a la pesadilla, lo que antes pensaba que era un ataque al colegio se convirti贸 en un desastre. Todo se hab铆a desplomado .

There was no longer any north or south, everything was enveloped in huge flames‌ my hands were shaking.

Ya no habĂ­a norte ni sur todo se tapaba en llamas gigantes, mis manos temblaban.


The crying stopped

El llanto ces贸

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I lifted my feet trying not to step on what I did not want to touch, but ... It was impossible ... bits clung to me like leeches.

Levantaba mis pies tratando de no pisar lo que no querĂ­a tocar, pero...Era imposible... Los pedazos seenrredaban en mĂ­ como sanguijuelas.

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without thinking about it I drank, The thirst was unbearable I realized that the taste was different..

Sin fijarme bebĂ­, la sed era insoportable, me di cuenta que el sabor era diferente.

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I walked, walked and walked

Camine, camine y camine

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I shouted




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