Marketing communication rapport Madame Tussauds

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Madame Tussauds Marketing communication campaign c21048 Ferry van Haarlem 3465179, Isa Duursma 3080315, Puck van Oorschot 2568012, Astrid Nell 2330520, Rob Huijben 2584646.

executive summary Madame Tussauds wanted a new campaign for their new attraction: The Marvel 4D Experience. They wanted a campaign focussing on online mediums. As a target group Madame Tussauds has young adults and families. Besides these for this assignment they want us to focus on Foreign International Travelers. They come from all over the world and either are visiting or having to kill time during a stop-over. For this campaign Madame Tussauds Singapore has given a budget of S$75.000, which are €47.106. The main results of our research are: - The top 5 visitor mix of Madame Tussauds Singapore is: Indian, Singaporean, Indonesian, Philippines, Australian. - From the online tracking profile Instagram and Facebook gave the most interaction. - Chart 1 shows us the total market per continent of FIT’s that come to Singapore. - The conclusion from the trendreport was that augmented reality is a big trend right now. - The population of Western Europe is 397,5 million, of which 1.690.688 have visited Singapore in 2015

Customer journey We have made two customer journeys for both our perona’s. Below we have described the most important touch points of both persona’s: Social media - This is an easy way to make somebody aware of Madame Tussauds and you can target directly to people who have searched Singapore. SEO/SEA - This is the same kind of targeting as social media, because everybody is going to search Singapore on Google, if they are going to visit the country. Advertisement - Advertisements are physical reminders of the online campaign. Photobooth - It is important to give visitors something to remind them of their visit and they can share this with their friends. Objectives After making this customer journey we looked at what we wanted to accomplish with this campaign. We made the following objectives: - Brand awareness - After the campaign at least 75% of the target group knows there is a Madame Tussauds in Singapore - Brand knowledge - After the campaign at least 45% of the target group must know that Madame Tussauds Singapore has a new attraction: The Marvel 4D - Experience.

Target group For the campaign a target group was created. We started with choosing to only target on people who are actually going to Singapore. The goal of this campaign is not to get people to go to the land Singapore, but to visit Madame Tussauds which is located in Singapore. After this we started segmenting on a geographical level, as can be seen in chart 1, Asians visit Singapore the most and after this comes Europe. The top 5 visiting countries of Madame Tussauds are mostly from Asia, therefore the decision was made to target on the second highest visiting continent, Europe. Within Europe there are a lot of countries, with each their own language, because of this we decided to choose to only target on Western Europe. We chose for Western Europe because more than half of the FIT’s from Europe are from Western European countries. The next step we took in choosing a target group was to target on children. We chose children because children watch a lot of Marvel and Marvel also targets on children, as well as Madame Tussauds who also targets on families. Therefore if you choose children as a target group, you also have to include their parents, they buy the tickets. From our target group we created two persona’s Lauren and Aaron. Lauren is an imaginative child who likes to watch Marvel films. She is 10 years old. The second is Aaron, a father of two, aged 8 and 12, who wants to show his kids the whole world.


- After the campaign at least 45% of the target group must know that Madame tussauds has multiple social media profiles. - Brand Attitude - After the campaign at least 30% of the target group must perceive Madame Tussauds as an exciting experience. - Behavioral intention - After the campaign at least 5% of the target group must have added Madame Tussauds to their “must see” list. - Behavior - After the campaign at least 0,01% of the target group must have posted a picture or a video of themselves on the FB timeline of Madame Tussauds Singapore. -

After the campaign at least 5% of the target group must have visited the Madame Tussauds website.


After having seen impressions of Madame Tussauds at least 1% must have booked a ticket to Madame Tussauds through the Madame Tussauds website.


Strategy With our research, the customer journey and the objectives in mind we chose for a two-sided strategy, because we want to both inform people about the new attraction but also convince them it is a transforming experience. We have formulated the following proposition to go with the strategy: Madame Tussauds makes you feel powerful. We chose this proposition because we wanted to make a link with both Marvel and Madame Tussauds. It links with Marvel due to the superheroes being physically very powerful and it links with Madame Tussauds due celebrities being socially very powerful. The next step is to create an concept. We have created the ‘power’ concept, with its theme: Discover your own superpowers. Which is in line with the slogan Madame Tussauds has on its website: Be the superhero. In our concept we want to help children find that they can be superheroes with the superpowers they have within themselves. Instruments We are going to accomplish this with instruments. The first instrument we have chosen is Advertising. The first medium chosen is advertising through SEO/SEA, we want to target visitors at home when they are researching the country they are going to visit with both search and display advertisements on other websites and social media. The second is an interactive augmented reality billboard located on Singapore Airport. In the customer journeys billboards and posters were found. We are going to upgrade those to an interactive augmented reality billboard where they can interact with Marvel characters and also record a video which they can send to themselves which will also contain a link to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore. We chose this because it is a physical touchpoint, which is personal en memorable, due to them receiving a memento of their visit which is associated to Madame Tussauds. The next instrument is direct marketing. We included social media posts in this instrument. It is very important to keep social media up-to-date, because people researching and looking for photos will visit social media. The last instrument is free publicity, we chose this because one of our objectives is to have people post something on their own social media. In addition, it is a response to the direct marketing, because if people like or share those posts their followers also will see it. Planning Our campaign is going to run 24 weeks. The campaign will start with the Social media advertisements, which will run the full campaign, and the adwords, which are going to run for 12 weeks. In week 9 the augmented reality screen will start and this will en in week 20. In the last 4 weeks only the Social media posts will run. To see how successful the campaign has been, Madame Tussauds can research how successful the campaign has been through the Adwords account, an Analytics account and to keep track of how many people have downloaded their video and how many have bought a ticket from this link.




Index index Madame Tussauds Singapore came to us with the assignment to design a brand-new campaign to increase the visitor numbers and gain more awareness for their new attraction the Marvel 4D Experience. Madame Tussauds especially wants to realize this with online opportunities but they have not yet mastered these channels and hopes to achieve this with this campaign and our help. Our assignment is to set up a campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore to attract more visitors to the attraction. In this document we are describing the chosen strategy and campaign which is based on our research document, which we have previously completed. While working on this campaign, we learned how to deal with a serious client, to explore our creative minds, to collaborate with a group and to deal with ups and downs during this road to a great idea for a new campaign. It takes a long way to create the perfect idea. Browse through the table of contents, and see how we have worked and how our campaign turned out.





Target group




Customer journey






Strategy 16 Positioning 16 Proposition 17 Concept


Instruments & media Augumented reality screen Instagram posts Facebook posts Adwords

20 21 24 28 30

brand When Madame Tussauds is mentioned, almost everyone thinks about wax figures of famous people. Madame Tussauds is a company that is located in various places in the world. All of them are slightly different, however the one in Singapore is an establishment in itself. Madame Tussauds Singapore is not just a branch of Madame Tussauds. Of course, it is all about the wax figures of famous people from all over the world, but what makes Madame Tussauds Singapore so different is that they are one of the few that also offer a Marvel experience in addition to wax figures. In addition, they also have a unique Images of Singapore live show. This is something unique when it comes to Madame Tussauds branches. Madame Tussauds Singapore wants to provide an extra experience by showing famous superheroes. Marvel is very well-known all over the world and Madame Tussauds Singapore gives the opportunity to see and feel the whole experience from close by. Marvel, which is owned by The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most famous entertainment companies with more than 8000 characters they designed. Famous Marvel figures are Captain America, Iron Man and Spiderman. They are also called ‘The House of Ideas’, because of their many strips.



Target group To design a campaign, you need to hold onto a target group. Madame Tussauds wants more visitors at their museum and at the new Marvel 4D Experience. Underneath you can find the target group we are focussing on and how we chose them. We started segmenting on a geographical level. Asians visit Singapore the most and after this comes Europe. The top 5 visiting countries are mostly from Asia, therefore the decision was made to target on the second highest visiting continent, Europe. Within Europe there are a lot of countries, with each their own language, because of this we decided to choose to only target on Western Europe. Choosing Western Europe instead of Eastern Europe was made because countries in West Europe are the countries that visit Singapore significantly more than Eastern Europe. In addition are very similar on prosperity and the cultures are more similar. The population of Western Europe is 397,5 million, of which 1.690.688 have visited Singapore in 2015. The next step we took in choosing a target group was to target on children. We chose children because children watch a lot of Marvel and Marvel also targets on children, as well as Madame Tussauds who also targets on families. Therefore if you choose children as a target group, you also have to include their parents, they buy the tickets.

We have made a FCB-matrix for Madame Tussauds. Madame Tussauds has a high cognitive involvement. We will explain the reason why Madame Tussauds has this type of involvement with the costumer. Before people go to Madame Tussauds they first will search for some information about the company (learn). When they have enough information about Madame Tussauds they will discuss it with others or they have to think about the trip (feel). If they have a good feeling about the trip they will purchase a ticket for Madame Tussauds and visit the world of wax statues (do).

We have made a R&P-matrix for Madame Tussauds. Madame Tussauds has a high transformational involvement. The reason for this type of involvement is very clear. When someone goes to Madame Tussauds it probably is because that person really wants to see his/her idol. It is a trip that a person will make for fun. We can see it as something positive. The person wants to see his/her idol and makes a trip to Madame Tussauds to feel the experience.

From this target group we have created two personas, the first is Lauren, an imaginative child who likes to watch Marvel films. She is ten years old. The second is Aaron, a father of two, aged eight and twelve, who wants to show his kids the whole world. The reason why we target on children and their parents is because we concluded that children are most interested in Marvel figures, they look up at super heroes like Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America. Western Europe includes the following countries: The








France Spain Germany Portugal Italia Denmark Norway Finland Sweden










customer Customer journey lauren












Netflix: She is watching multiple Lego Marvel superhero movies on Netflix. If she watches television, she sometimes watches Marvel series on Disney XD, but she is not watching television for those programmes.

SEO/SEA: Because she and her parents search for Singapore they get targeted, they see these ads several times. So the next time they see an ad C of Madame Tussauds they will recognise it

No touch points because her parents buy this for her.

No service because her parents receive the email of conďŹ rmation. S

Photo Booth: They take a picture and because she wants to share it with her friends it will be send to her email address.

Word of mouth: He had some friends who have been to Madame Tussauds in Germany and his kids also looked at things to do on their vacation to Singapore and are interested to visit Madame Tussauds Singapore.

Third party website: Aaron looks at other websites to see the reviews of Madame Tussauds. For example he visits Tripadvisor. He creates an account at C Tripadvisor.

Third party website: He compares different websites who sell tickets for Madame Tussauds. At the end of the search it is all clear; the site Tripadvisor sells tickets for the best price. Time to purchase.

Customer Service: Aaron called the customer serS to vice because he wanted know more about the coming Marvel 4D Experience.

Photobooth: The picture that was taken of them at the entrance was send to his email address.

Youtube: When she watches Youtube she sometimes sees advertisements of upcoming Marvel movies. Word of mouth: Because the parents of Lauren are planning a vacation to Singapore they ask her to look atA a list of things to do in Singapore, which contains Madame Tussauds and the Marvel 4D Experience.


Advertisement: In Singapore she sees an advertisement of Madame Tussauds on a billboard, bus shelter or poster and shows her parents.


Radio/TV: With the revealing of new statues, Aaron saw this in the news or heard talk about it on the radio. Social Media: Because one of his friends sometimes likes a post of MadA Tussauds Singapore, ame he also sees them on his timeline on Facebook or Instagram. Film: Aaron likes to watch Marvel ďŹ lms.

Direct mail: He subscribes to a direct mail from Madame Tussauds and receives direct mails with information about the company. FAQ: Because he is not convinced about the trip, he is looking for questions and answers about Madame Tussauds.

Travel agency: He went to the travel agency to book his apartment in Singapore. Here he also received various information about Madame Tussauds Singapore. Now he is ready to go on holiday.

SEO/SEA: Because he is looking for things in Singapore he gets retargeted.

Website: He surfs to the website and there he sees what Madame Tussauds has to offer.





objectives Objectives We made up nine goals we want to achieve during our campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore, which are shown below. The percentages are based on the size of the target group, which is: 1.690.688.

Brand awareness After the campaign at least 75% of the target group knows there is a Madame Tussauds in Singapore.

Brand knowledge After the campaign at least 45% of the target group must know that Madame Tussauds Singapore has a new attraction: The Marvel 4D Experience.

Brand knowledge After the campaign at least 45% of the target group must know that Madame Tussauds has multiple social media proďŹ les.

Brand attitude After the campaign at least 30% of the target group must perceive Madame Tussauds as an exciting experience.

Behavioral intention After the campaign at least 5% of the target group must have added Madame Tussauds to their “must see� list.

Behavior After the campaign at least 0,01% of the target group must have posted a picture or a video of themselves on the FB timeline of Madame Tussauds Singapore.

Behavior After the campaign at least 5% of the target group must have visited the Madame Tussauds website.

Behavior After having seen impressions of Madame Tussauds at least 1% must have booked a ticket to Madame Tussauds through the Madame Tussauds website.



strategy Strategy



The campaign will have a two-sided positioning. This is due to the conclusions from the FCB-matrix which tells that the customers of Madame Tussauds have a high cognitive involvement. This conclusion came from the process of making a decision, they first need information to make a decision, hence the high cognitive involvement. However the conclusions from the R&P matrix tells that Madame Tussauds is high transformative. This is because Madame Tussauds tries to transform a visit to their museum into a real-life meeting with your idol. Therefore this strategy will be two-sided, both giving a lot of information but also transforming this into an experience.

The first proposition that came to mind was: Madame Tussauds makes you feel like a celebrity. However the strategy will focus on the new Marvel Experience. To make a link between Madame Tussauds and Marvel we chose for the word powerful instead of celebrity. Because it links with Madame Tussauds due to celebrities being socially powerful and Marvel superheroes being physically powerful. In the Marvel 4D Experience visitors can do various ‘interactive’ sets with Marvel superheroes, this is meant to make them feel like this superhero and in addition powerful. Which is going to be the main focus of the campaign, therefore the following proposition was created: Madame Tussauds makes you feel powerful.



concept The ‘power’ concept

target the children. This campaign will reach people who plan their stop-over ahead of time. To reach the people who have not planned their stop-over there will be a interactive augmented reality screen on Singapore Airport. The visitors who arrive at Singapore Airport will walk into a big screen where they have an interactive experience with Marvel figures like Spiderman, Iron Man or Captain America. They see themselves walking or fighting or anything else with those figures.This will be recorded on video, which they can email to themselves at a little kiosk. There is a link in that email which will lead them to a page of Madame Tussauds where they can download their video from the airport, and where they have the ability to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore and the new Marvel 4D Experience. In this way we target the people who did not plan their visit to Singapore and give them the idea to visit Madame Tussauds.

The theme of the campaign for Madame Tussauds’ Marvel Experience is: Discover your own superpowers. This is in line with our proposition: Madame Tussauds makes you feel powerful. In addition the slogan that is communicated on the website of Madame Tussauds for the Marvel Experience is: Be the superhero, which also covers our theme. With the campaign we want to spread the message that everybody, especially kids, do not need to have superpowers to be a superhero. At first, the target group, children and their parents, will be targeted at home through SEO/SEA. The target group will be targeted on Google, with search and display advertisements. When they search for words like ‘Marvel’, ‘Madame Tussauds’, ‘Singapore’ or other there will appear advertisements of Madame Tussauds Singapore and their new experience. Madame Tussauds will post multiple posts on their social media accounts, Facebook and Instagram, to promote their new attraction. In this way they



instruments & media From the customer journey multiple instruments were chosen. The first instrument is advertising. The customer journeys of both persona’s included online advertising through SEA/SEO. This medium was chosen when people are researching the country they are going to visit you can target and re-target them with both search and display advertisements. People who look up Singapore on Google can be targeted during their searches, but also afterwards when they are visiting websites or scrolling through their social media. In addition, in the customer journey billboard and poster advertisements were found. The billboards are going to be upgraded to an interactive augmented reality billboard located on Singapore Airport where they can interact with Marvel characters and also record a video which they can send to themselves which will also contain a link to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore. We chose this because it is a physical touchpoint, which is personal en memorable, also because they get a memento of their visit which is associated to Madame Tussauds. The next instrument is direct marketing. We included social media posts in this instrument. This was also found on the customer journeys. It is very important to keep social media up-to-date, because people researching and looking for photos will visit social media. The last instrument is free publicity, we chose this because one of our objectives is to have people post something on their own social media. In addition, it is a response to the direct marketing, because if people like or share those posts their followers also will see it. The media described above are fully worked out in the following pages.


Description interactive augmented reality screen We decided to make use of an interactive augmented reality screen at Singapore Airport. When people arrive at Singapore Airport they will walk out of the customs, get their luggage and walk towards a big screen where they see themselves walking, fighting or talking with Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America. They will experience the feeling of being in the world of the superhero’s. Once they finished the walk, they will be leaded to a little kiosk where they have the ability to fill in their email address and an email will be send to them. Once they open the email, there will be a link, which leads to the website of Madame Tussauds. At the website they can buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore and they can download their video which they made at Singapore Airport. We have chosen for an interactive augmented reality screen, because in this way they cannot ignore the interaction with Marvel and they will be triggered to buy a ticket for Madame Tussauds Singapore at the website. 21

interactive augmented reality screen at Singapore Airport


kiosk at Singapore Airport


If you want to share a post with your friends you can send them the post through Instagram.

The little photocamera you see in the upper left corner can be used to go live or upload photos or videos in your ‘story’. Your ‘story’ will be online for twenty-four hours and can be seen by everybody.

If you are interested and want to see the rest of the profile of this person, in this case Madame Tussauds, than you can click on the name and will be forwarded to their profile page.

With these triple dots you can share the post on Facebook, copy the link of the Instagram post or enable notifications when this person post a new picture.

When you think the post is funny or you really like the picture you can let the person who posted the picture know by pressing the heart shaped button what we call ‘a like’.

If you click on this symbol the Instagram post will be saved in your private Instagram library which you can find when you click on the same symbol on your own profile. This is a symbol of a person, which stands for you. So when you click on it you are going to your own profile.

With this button you can go to your timeline. That is the place where they show all the photos that your friends post.


If you want to post a picture on your own profile you can click on this icon and make a photo or upload one from your photo library on your phone.

If you want to react at a post you can click here and place your reaction.

You can click on the magnifying glass if you are looking for a specific account, hashtag or place.

Here you can find who mentioned you, who liked your photos and commented on them.


When you see a colored circle around the profile picture, then that person has uploaded a photo or video for twenty-four hours, which is called a ‘story’. If you click on it you can see their uploaded photos or videos.

Here you can find suggestions of people you might also like to follow. If you want to see every photo or video that this person post you can click on the follow button. Than the photos of this person will be shown in your timeline.

Here you can find the address and the website of Madame Tussauds. If you want to give Madame Tussauds a call you can do it through this button.

Here you can see how many people liked the post. And if you click on the number you can even see who liked the post.

This button has the same function as the similar button in the upper right corner: if you want to share a post with your friends you can send them the post through Instagram.

If you want to send this person an email you can click on it and it will pop-up in your mail. Call


This button has to do with the way the photos are shown on your screen. If you click on it you see the pictures just like you see on the phone right now.

Here you can find the route you have to go to get there. You can mention other persons in your post, if you want to see in which posts Madame Tussausds is mentioned you can click on this button and find out more photos.

This button also has to do with the way the photos are shown on your screen. If you click on it you see one picture at the time.



There is a posibility to see the photo in a better way. If you click on the photo it will show only that photo on your screen. Just like it shows on the previous page.


This is the button that will lead you to your own profile. If you want to go to you own page on Facebook, you can click on this button.

These three dots gives you the opportunity to save the post, to hide the post, to unfollow the page of Madame Tussauds and to give feedback on this post.

At this area you can find your liked pages like Madame Tussauds, your planned events, your groups where you are member of and many more.

The ‘like page’ button is made for people who want to give the page of Madame Tussauds a ‘like’ and who want to know more about Madame Tussauds and their updates and news. By liking the page you will be aware of every news item they place.

When you click the ‘like’ button, you like the post of Madame Tussauds. By clicking on the ‘comment’ button, you have the ability to place a comment below the post. By clicking on the ‘share’ button, you can share this post on your own timeline with your friends.

By clicking on this button, all the share and comments will appear and you can read the comments of other people who have seen the post.



mediaplanning Mediaplanning

Adwords Singapore

In order to target the right group of people for the Marvel Experience we also are going to use Adwords in Singapore, at the airport. When a non-local is on the airport, on a website which is part of the Google Display Network, the person will see a display ad of the Marvel Experience. We are going to use the geo-function to target, and we will use a CPM-strategy. Here, the focus will be on displaying the ads instead of clicks. There will be two different kind of ads: images and videos. Image-ads will be displayed regularly in the display-network. The travelers in the airport will see those ads when they are surfing the internet on their mobile devices or their computers. The video-ads will be played right before an YouTube video begins.

All the media we are going to use are related to pushing the customer to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Singapore and introduce the new Marvel 4D Experience to the customer. The interactive augmented reality screen will be running all of the twelve weeks during the campaign. This screen is all about the three Marvel figures: Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America. These figures will also appear in the commercial. The commercial will also be all about the Marvel experience, by showing a young little kid who will be part of the Marvel figures. The YouTube commercial will only appear in the first six weeks of the campaign, because after six weeks our target group will have seen the commercial and will be aware of the new 4D experience via YouTube. The adwords will be used for online searching by the customers who are living in West Europe, words which are searched on Google like ‘Marvel’, ‘Singapore’, ‘Madame Tussauds’, or advertisements like banners where somebody can click on. The social media advertisement will also be all about the new Marvel 4D Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore. The Instagram page and the Facebook page of Madame Tussauds will place advertisements where they will promote the new experience with images of Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America with an attractive text for children, so that children would click on it and show their parents. Last we have the posts of customers who have been to Madame Tussauds and their new 4D Marvel Experience. With the hashtag Marvel4D or MadameTussauds or any other hashtag, they are able to post a picture or little story on the social media channels of Madame Tussauds. This will lead to more publicity for the new experience and for Madame Tussauds.

Adwords western - europe

Besides the use of Adwords in Singapore, we will use AdWords to reach our target group at home in Europe. We will initiate a campaign focussed on Marvel, with a remarketing tactic.

If we do not have to consider about budget, we would like to do this campaign more extended with for example a game which the whole target group could play and win prizes by playing the game.

A person within our target group can see the ads by searching on Marvel-related keywords, when they do so, they will see an not yet produced ad of the Marvel Experience in Madame Tussauds Singapore. The ad can be a image of the Marvel Experience, or a video-ad of the Experience. There will be two different kind of ads: images and videos. Image-ads will be displayed regularly in the display-network. The target group will see them throughout the Display Network while surfing on their regular visited websites. The video-ads will be played right before an YouTube video begins, ideally when it is an Marvel-related video.




Medium 1 - Interactive reality screen Production costs Instrumenten (camera, software, ect.) Media placement costs Agency costs

Medium 2 - Adwords Production costs Media placement costs Agency costs

Medium 3 - Social Media Ads Production costs Media placements costs Madame Tussauds has given us a budget of 75.000 Singaporean dollar Agency costs

Medium 1 - Interactive reality screen Production costs Instrumenten (camera, software, ect.) Media placement costs Agency costs

Medium 2 - Adwords Production costs Media placement costs Agency costs

Medium 3 - Social Media Ads Production costs Media placements costs Agency costs

$ $ $ $

16.022,00 12.016,00 22.431,00 1.404,50



$ $ $

801,10 8.010,95 1.404,50



$ $ $

1.602,19 2.403,19 1.404,50



$ $ $ $

16.022,00 12.016,00 22.431,00 1.404,50



$ $ $

801,10 8.010,95 1.404,50



$ $ $

1.602,19 2.403,19 1.404,50



Medium 4 - Social media posts by visitors of MT Production costs Media placement costs Agency costs Buffer









To research if the campaign has been successful and if the objectives have completed we need to do more research after the campaign. For the online part of the campaign this is quite simple. Most of the online campaign is run through google adwords, which also keeps check of where the people are who click on the ads and if they click through the website. Also Madame Tussauds Singapore should add an analytics code to their site to get additional information like how much time they spend on certain pages and if they buy something, how many people buy tickets and where they come from. Many social media sites let you know how many people you have reached with a post, in addition you should check if the number of followers has increased since and during the campaign. In addition they also should use the software COOSTO, with which you can monitor what people are saying about you, if it is positive or negative and even where they have posted. At last Madame Tussauds could evaluate if the interactive augmented reality screen has been successful. With the screen there is a kiosk where you can send your video to yourself and with this there is a link to buy tickets, so Madame Tussauds can monitor how many videos have been sent and how many times people have bought tickets.

Medium 4 - Social media posts by visitors of MT Production costs Media placement costs Agency costs Buffer








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