Focus on what’s important
The comedy serie ‘New Girl’ is an inspiratio This is because the main character (Jess) m During this step, she tries to keep up and r
At this moment I am also making a few b I am trying to make these step in a good
on for me. makes a big step, in one for her, new world. remain cheerful.
big steps. d and cheerful way.
I am a dreamy girl. Most of the people think it’s enouing. But I know I get most of my inspiration when I am Dreaming.
I am a curious girl. I wanna look into everything and everywher. I just can’t help it.
I am a d I can do eve I wanna do ev I can’
dynamic gril. erything at ones. verything at ones. ’t sit still.
You can trust me. Trust is the most important thing people can give to eachother. When I trust you, I do everything for you.
I pay attention to you. When you pay attention for me, I pay attention for you. By this way we can help eachother.
I see... people today, live against each other. They are only concerned about themselves, they share nothing.
I think... people need to be more together. They have to share inspiration and focus on the small but beautiful details of life.
Capture the insi and shoot yo
Focus on wha
ide of the outside our own story
at’s important
Why I have chosen for Isee
Isee isn’t a made up name for me, most woman from my soccer team call me Isee. It’s just like a nickname.
But when I taught about the meaning of the words, I - See, I found it a really nice name.
Isee, I really see everything. I like to see more than someone else. I’m just very curious to see as much as can.
This is just the reason why Isee is more than a nickname for me, it’s my way of live.
Rather... It isn’t just a way of live, I go further with it. I don’t wanna see just something... I wanna remember it! Fortunately, technology has made it possible for me to make pictures of my inspiration. By this way I can see and remember everything I want!
99 Going backwords in time.
This gray falling page stands for all the great moments in the past I don’t wanna forget.
This blue fallling page stands for all the inspiration I have seen and don’t wanna forget.
I have chosen for a black I because... The I stands for me, I am not a sweet little girl, I am also brave. You can see this by the color black. I have also chosen for the color black because it looks organized.
Going to my further live
This is just a book. It looks like a book, and it shout be a book. Only with the falling pages on each side of it, makes it special. I can combine everything in this book... In myself.
This blue falling page stands for all the inspiration I am going to see in my further live.
This gray falling page stands for all the great moments I hoop to have in my further live.
I have chosen the color blue in the letters see. I did this because blue is my favorit color. Blue stands for me, it refers to the sea, which I love, and it stand for peach but also for a little bit gaos. Just like me.
Life is like a
camera Focus
on what’s
important and you’ll
capture it perfectly
Apple Chancery
i have chosen for the typography Lemon/Milk, this is because i think it’s a really strong typography, i’m a brave girl. i want to transfer it by this thypography.
I have chosen for the thypography Bellerose because I think that it’s a mix from a brave girl and a sweet and helpful girl, just like I am. The thypography doesn’t have any serif in it, this makes the thypography brave, on the other hand it looks a little bit girly, this makes the thypography sweet.
I have chosen for the typography Apple Chancery because it looks like a handwritten typography. I like this because I’m a creative girl. With this ‘handwritten’ typography I can show this to you.
also lemon/milk stand for the color black. black is one of the three colous i use in my concept. black is also very strong.
I want to refer to the color gray with the typography Bellerose. Gray is a very hard colour, but not as hard as black. Gray has a soft side, Just like me.
This typography refers to the colour blue. Not only because blue is my favor colour, but also because I think the colour of creativity is blue (think about it, you write mostly with a blue pencil...)
I see you... Later
Isa Hebben 06 25 29 85 38