ISB Newsletter - Highlights (Nov. - Dec. 2016)

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20 DECEMBER 2016







20th Anniversary Reception Our success story was celebrated with parents, teachers and friends of ISB who enjoyed an evening filled with wonderful memories, excellent music and good food prepared by Chef Foa and his team. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to the members of staff who have been working with us for more than 10 years, former directors, as well as valuable members of our community who have contributed greatly to our success. On the same stage, representatives of Duke of Edinburgh International Award Romania awarded the Bronze Award to both ISB participant students and students from other Romanian schools.


20 years of excellence in education were celebrated on the 7th December at the Willbrook Platinum


20 DECEMBER 2016


The ISB Rock Band entertained the audience with an excellent recital. Our guests also admired the amazing Art Exhibition put together by the Secondary students. Special thanks to their wonderful Art and Music teachers, Ms. Teodora Varzaru and Mrs.Adina Barbu. Thank you to everyone for honouring our invitation and many thanks to all involved in the organisation of this event.



20 DECEMBER 2016


UK Universities Fair
 In November, our school hosted a UK University Fair organised by the British Council. Students met with representatives of well-known UK universities like the University of Warwick, St. Mary's University, University of Essex, University of Aberdeen, University of Kent, who presented their educational offer.

ISB Talks 
 ISB Talks started at our school with an excellent speaker, Mr. Nigel Bellingham, the director of the British Council Romania. Our Year 12 students Ana A. and Paul C. presented the very successful and insightful talk with the theme "Soft Power, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Relations".

First Edition of ISB Talks:

”Soft Power, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Relations” by


Mr. Nigel Bellingham, Director of the British Council Romania


20 DECEMBER 2016


CIS Review 
 In November, ISB welcomed 2 CIS (Council of International Schools) visitors in charge with reviewing every single aspect of our school’s education provision, activities, policies and facilities 5 years after the accreditation. The evaluation was extremely successful and we received a report for the continuation of our accreditation.The next team visit in the CIS accreditation process will now be in 2020.

PTA Activities 
 Many thanks to our very active PTA team who came on board with amazing energy this term. They have dedicated their time and effort to organise brilliant events for our students and for our community, as well as to running a Charity Campaign for the children at the Fundeni Oncologic Hospital and for an elderly people’s home in Suceava. In December, the ISB Gallery became the home of 10 Christmas Trees which were creatively decorated by the Primary Classes who entered the Christmas Tree Decoration Competition. The Autumn fair, winter EYFS and Primary students did an amazing job and they ingeniously decorated the Xmas trees during the very tight competition. decorations, charity campaigns, Congratulations to Year 5E for winning the competition. photo sessions… Many thanks to our PTA for their time and effort.

Santa visited both classes and offices on Friday morning, 9th December, putting a big smile on everyone’s face. The children took photos with Santa in the beautiful photo booth specially designed for this occasion. The Secondary School party followed in the afternoon. The students enjoyed an afternoon filled with excellent music, dancing, delicious food and refreshments.

The Charity Campaign was a huge success and we would like to thank all the parents for their generosity. The presents were delivered just in time for Christmas. We are very grateful to all the parents for their support this term and we are proud to be part of such a wonderful and involved community.



20 DECEMBER 2016


Parent Workshops
 This half-term, our KS1 and Early Years parents got chance to learn new ways of building secure attachment with their children through 'Circle of Security' Parenting Program, facilitated by one of the ISB specialists, Ms. Alina Constantin. Practical tips to support parents in relationships with children through journey of developing independence.

The 8 weeks course delivered in English was based on 50 years of research about attachment and it was designed in a very visual, easy to implement way that helped parents learn how to identify children's needs and find ways of building positive, secure relationships.

Another very popular workshop organised by the SSS department was "Raising an independent child", which was aimed at all parents who wanted to share their experience and at the same time find out new, relevant information from our Students Support Service specialists. The idea behind this workshop was finding the best balance between independence and responsibility and to become more aware of the key elements that lead to a healthy form of independence.

IB Seminar for parents 
 Secondary school parents had the opportunity to attend a seminar about the IB Diploma Programme in the 3D presentation room before the half term holiday. At the end of the busy parents' evening, a group of parents were briefed by Mr. Yusuf Orhan on ISB's journey to IB and received information about the prestigious pre-university Diploma Programme.

Preparation for the IB Diploma Programme at ISB has been continuing with teacher trainings. Teachers from each subject group have been working hard over a fourweek online workshop to be fully equipped for the programme in all aspects, its philosophy and requirements.


The date of the verification visit, the final stage, has been recently approved by the IB as the final week of February.


20 DECEMBER 2016


EU Parliament Visit

Year 11 students preparing for IGCSE History exam visited the European Parliament in Brussels, as part of the Humanities week activities. They were presented the structure of the institution and its functions by one of the Parliament's employees and were able to visit the plenary room. Moreover, they visited Ghent, Waterloo Memorial, and other attractions Brussels has to offer.

Diploma of Excellence We are extremely honoured to receive again 
 this year Diploma of Excellence in Education
 from the Romanian Ministry of Education.

Helping local schools Our recent trip to Scoala Iepuresti was an excellent opportunity as members of an international community, to bring fulfillment to our life knowing that we contributed in something that would make a change. It allowed us to assume responsibility and connect to our community in making it a better place.



20 DECEMBER 2016


Following their dreams… Our students in ISB work incredibly hard to learn and succeed in all areas of the curriculum at school. Some of our students have also managed incredible success out of school in national and international competitions.

Fencing Competition Karina, our very talented fencing champion brings gold medals home: two gold medals in June at the National Fencing Competition, two gold medals in October and a gold medal in November at a Fencing Competition which took place in Mandelieu-la-Napoule. Congratulations!

World Championship Pankration Athlima Our secondary students, Konstantina S. and Eleni S participated with the Greek National team in the 7th World Championship Pankration Athlima. 
 Eleni won one gold medal and one bronze medal and Konstantina won two bronze medals.

National Swimminng Competition


We are extremely proud of Alexandra C., our Year 6 student, who qualified for National Swimming Competition. She won 3 medals in the swimming contest which took place at Izvorani: third place- 200m freestyle, first place- 200m freestyle and first place- 200m mixt. Congratulations Alexandra!


20 DECEMBER 2016


Silver Plate at Debating Competition We took part in the Sir Winston Churchill European Public Debating Championships organised by IBSB at the Ramada Plaza. The students had a wonderful day and were runners up in the Silver Plate competition. The experience was of great value to all that took part.

Seminar for our students at Sheraton Hotel The presentation made by Sheraton Hotel Deputy Manager to our year 12 and 13 Business and Travel and Tourism students was designed to give each participant a realistic vision on how a business hotel is working.

Early Years Winter Show and Art Exhibition


Early Years Foundation Stage children's brilliant End of Term Performance and Art Exhibition were very much enjoyed by all their teachers, younger siblings and their parents.


20 DECEMBER 2016


Primary Open Morning Many thanks to all the parents who attended Primary Open Morning. We hope that everyone enjoyed the time spent in school with their children.

BISAC Cross Country ISB students received very good results at Cross Country competition which took place at AISB. We are very proud of our U9 girls and boys, Irina O., Stefan T., who won the gold medal and George V. who won the bronze. Congratulations also to U11 girls Alexandra C.1st place, Brianna P.- 2nd place, Maria V.- 3rd place and U11 boys Mark F.- 2nd place, Anton G.- 3rd place.

Humanities Week Humanities Week was a great success, with almost all Secondary School students taking part in trips, assemblies and form time activities. Our Year 12 Travel and Tourism students assisted with the organisation of 4 of this week’s trips; the IGCSE Geography trip to Lipscani, the Year 7 History and Geography trip, the Communist Tour for History students and the Alternative Walking Tour for Art students. Planning and running a tourism event is an essential component of their AS course for Cambridge. They created excellent trips and they ensured that the younger students leant a lot, were safe and had fun. Finally, Year 10 and 11 students had the opportunity to showcase their IGCSE Global Perspectives work to Year 9. Hopefully, Year 9 are excited about the course that they will be starting next year and Year 10 and 11 have inspired one other to produce even better coursework. A fantastic week all round thanks to the commitment of the Humanities team and the enthusiasm of ISB students.



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