ISB Insight December 2015

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ISB Community Celebrates the National Day of Romania pg. 73


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Message from the Director Dear Parents Welcome to the latest edition of Insight – another celebration of our achievements and some highlights from the autumn term at ISB. Since the beginning of the term ISB has welcomed 150 new students into the community, as they embark upon a journey of academic excellence and international understanding we wish them well and hope their time with us will be rewarding and enjoyable. In addition to our students we have welcomed 17 new teachers from five continents; I am sure their enthusiasm and experience will continue to inspire and instill a love for learning to our pupils. Last year in the Primary School we introduced the Cambridge International Programme and in April our students sat their first Cambridge “Progression Tests”. I am very excited to share our ‘outstanding’ results; these results are even more exceptional as our teachers and students were new to the system: 90% of our students achieved the expected level or above in English, in Mathematics 88% and 89% in Science. These results were beyond our expectations and clearly shows how successful our school is in delivering the curriculum and meeting the

needs of our students. Our primary teachers are pleased with the results but they are not complacent and will continue to work hard to raise the standards even further. In the Secondary School our students’ success rates during May-June exam period at Cambridge IGCSE and A level were equally pleasing. Our students achieved 98% success at IGCSE and 85% at ‘A’ level. Such good results definitely insure ISB graduates will be highly competitive when applying for top university places around the world. In our pursuit of excellence we will continue to improve the results for our students and increase this upward trend. ISB not only focuses on the academic development of the students; we CARE for all aspects of our students’ development; we encourage and facilitate opportunities for students to increase their skills in sports, music, and arts. We increase social awareness, emotional development and character building to enable our students to become productive, responsible, and moral global citizens. We carefully analyse the local and international news and support projects to raise awareness of our students to real life events. We joined the population of Bucharest


in mourning the loss of the families in the Colective Club disaster with a minute silence during a special whole school assembly and our Prefects have initiated a donation campaign to help the families affected. I am also proud to inform you that thousands of villagers have access to clean water, thanks to the contributions of the ISB community our water well project in Kenya has now been completed. The PTA’s traditional shoebox donation campaign for 2015, for underprivileged students will have already started as you read these lines. We have also continued to invest in our school campus and I am pleased to inform you of some significant improvements to our facilities: a new elevator, asphalting the parking lot and the basketball court, big renovations to the Sports Hall and a new 3D presentation room. It has been a very full and busy term, as you will see as you read through this edition of Insight. I wish you all a relaxing and joyful holiday season.

Faruk Erduran Director


Foundation 1 A Great Start to the School Year MRS. VICKY SEESHAN, EYFS DEPUTY PRINCIPAL The Foundation 1 children have made a great start to the school year. They have been enjoying getting to know all their new friends and exploring their new classroom. The children are all developing their confidence to try new exciting

Exploring colour and texture

activities. Some of the favourite activities are: exploring colour and texture in the messy area, using their imagination in role play both

inside and outside, building in the construction area and writing in the mark making area.

Information Technology Clicked with Foundation 2 V MRS. VICKY SEESHAN, EYFS DEPUTY PRINCIPAL In Foundation 2 the children are learning how to use simple computer programs independently and to be interested in technology. They are beginning to be able to navigate around the games and use the mouse to click and drag. By doing this the children realise that wen they click on something an action happens. In the future they will be encouraged to find out how information can be retrieved from the computer/ internet. The children love the time they spend on the computers and they are improving their skills each week.

Learning to use simple computer programs

Using the mouse to click and drag



Sounds, Letters, Songs and Fun in Foundation 2M MS. MONICA OLOGEANU, FOUNDATION 2 TEACHER At ISB we follow the ‘Phonics International’ program. In term 1 we have been focusing on single sounds and sounds around our environment. We have made a great start and the children in Foundation 2 are learning two new sounds (phonemes) each week. During phonics lessons the children are involved in activities that encourage

Exercising writing skills: “c”, “k” and “ck”

letters recognition, blending and segmenting words as well as learning the correct letter formations. The children also listen to the ‘Jolly Phonics’ action songs to go with the sounds we have learned for the week. They are enjoying singing along and

we are having so much fun. Our daily phonics sessions involve a lot of speaking, listening, and exciting games making sure that they are interactive for young learners.

“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” Numbers Game MS. JESSICA DUVALL, FOUNDATION 2 TEACHER Maths in the Foundation 2 ladybird class have been going well. The children are having so much fun with maths and numbers learning! We have focused on numbers 0-20, playing a bear hunt game with numbered bear caves, where the children hid the brown bear under a numbered cave and their friends had to find the bear. Using English to tell their friends the number that the bear was under or giving clues as to which row the bear was in. It was great to see them working in teams to help their friends using communication and language skills as well as mathematics. Closing eyes

Developing communication and language skills

We have so much fun playing the bear hunt numbers game

to hide and opening eyes to find, it was a big success.


We like to have fun while we learn!


Year One Growing in Confidence Every Day! MS. ROSE MAJOR, YEAR 1 LEADER Year One have worked hard for the first few weeks of the school year and have adjusted well to their first year in ‘big school’. The children have made the transition from child initiated learning to more structured learning and are now able to ask sensible and relevant questions when exploring new areas of their learning.

1R acting out the story of Little Red Riding Hood

In English, Year One have covered a large range of content in a short time and have been looking at rhyming words, captions and labels,

and most recently traditional tales. The children particularly enjoyed recreating classical tales and putting their acting skills to use!

Year 1 are feeling healthy at Pantelimon Park

In addition to all of this amazing learning, Year One have particularly enjoyed their whole school out of class learning opportunities, such

as their trip to Pantelimon Park for Health and Fitness week, sharing information about different countries for International Week and taking


part in the Recycling Competition. What a busy start to the year, we look forward to the rest of the year being just as much fun!

ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 In Maths lessons, Year One have been looking at a variety of mathematical processes including ordering numbers, ordinal numbers, 2D shapes and comparative language. The children have been exploring these processes and are now learning to write number sentences independently. During Science lessons in Year One, the children have been answering questions about themselves and more recently learning about everyday pushes and pulls. The children enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with these forces in the playground.

1R experimenting with everyday pushes and pulls

Lastly but by no means least, Year One have been learning about Toys in Humanities. The children were able to bring in a toy of their choice for Toy Day and have had the opportunity to make their own cars. The children have loved having the opportunity to be creative in a cross curricular learning environment! 1O exploring different types of toys

1S have been learning about Peru for International Week



Light, Dark, Shadows and Electric Circuits in Year 2 MS. CHARISSA SCOTT,

Working together to unfold the mistery of the elctric circuits


Year 2 have been learning about electricity in their Science lessons. They have been thinking about different objects that are powered by electricity. They have been thinking about how dangerous electricity can be and what we need to do to stay save around electricity. They have discovered that electricity works in a circuit and if there is a break in the circuit the bulb doesn’t light up.

2S investigating how to make a circuit

MRS. ALINA DIMACHE, YEAR 2 TEACHER 2A have learned about Light and Dark in their Science lessons during the first half term. They learned about light sources and reflectors such as the Moon, Water and Mirrors. They made experiments to investigate what happens when an object blocks light and made their own shadows by blocking the light from the Sun. They then drew around their silhouettes.

Students learning what is happening when we block the light from the sun



2P working together during Science lesson

Searching for shadows in 2C



Year 3 Flying High MS. CATRIONA PITTENDREIGH, YEAR 3 LEADER Parachute games are good for fitness and fun

Year 3 have had a great start to the year learning all about airports. As well as studying the Wright Brothers and their famous first flight at Kittyhawk, South Carolina, we looked at the reasons people use airports to travel around the world, how and why airports are constructed and considered the environmental impact international airports have on the people and animals that live near them. It also gave us the opportunity

to be creative, designing our own airlines and making models of airports using junk materials. Health and Fitness week saw us tasting a range of healthy foods and enjoying a morning out in the park to do some Yoga, play some parachute games and run relay races in our house teams. Having learned so much about airports during the term it was fun to ‘visit’ some of Europe during International week and to make some wonderful

3G are ready for take-off


souvenirs to take home. There was of course lots of more traditional work going on too. Amongst other things we learned about materials and their properties, wrote non-chronological reports and explored the properties of 2 and 3D shapes. We even wrote some limericks. Moving into Term 2 we are looking at the fascinating world of Volcanoes, learning about forces and writing adventure stories.


Painting planes before construction

Pride comes from a job well done

Teamwork gets results

Yoga in the park helps our bodies and minds



Fabulous Year 4


Year 4 have had a very busy Autumn term. We began the school year welcoming two new teachers, Mr. Ed and Mrs. Warlow from England, Ms. Deborah from Canada and Ms. Claudia who made the long journey from Year 6, as well as lots of children new to ISB. All of the children settled into life in Year 4 extremely quickly showing all the teachers how hard they can work and how much effort they put into their own learning. So far the children in Year 4 have learnt about different countries around the world, Ancient Egypt, number and problem solving,

4F weighing objects in Maths shape and measures, data handling, have completed in their PE, Music, poetry, persuasive and explanation Turkish, Romanian and Computing texts and stories set in the past. As specialist lessons. well as all the wonderful work they

As part of Health and Fitness Week all the Year 4 children went to Pantelimon Park for a healthy morning full of different sports activities such as football, basketball, running, skipping and balancing. 4L and 4F were lucky enough to come second and third in the recycling competition and won a trip to a High Tec Recycling Factory in Buzau. The children learnt about the different processes plastic, batteries and electrical goods go through in order to be recycled. 4D learning about time in Maths

Team games in Pantelimon Park



4L working on their mental Maths

The Rugby World Cup also grabbed Year 4’s attention. 4D pulled out the winning team New Zealand from the whole school sweep stake. The children in Ms. Deborah’s won a rugby training session with Mr. Peall which they all enjoyed. 4F won the class task with their work

on Namibia and were rewarded with an activity of their choice, an extra session in the Computing Lab. 4F have had the excitement of a new fox cub arriving in January and have been making predictions about Mrs. Fox’s baby all term. Mrs. Fox will be going on maternity leave from

Year 4E during their music lesson


December and will be replaced by Mr. Jenkins. Finally all of Year 4 would like to wish Ms. Busra a huge congratulations and best wishes for her upcoming wedding.


Year 5 A Whirlwind Start to the Year MR. GWYN WARLOW, YEAR 5 LEADER We have had such a busy first term in Year 5. The students have covered a wide range of areas and topics, always trying to have fun while learning. Year 5 have worked very hard during lessons but have also had the chance to develop themselves through fun activities. Earlier in the term, the students

After studying Ancient Greek pottery, Year 5 created their own clay pots

had the opportunity to improve their team work and develop their sportsmanship while taking part in team activities at Pantelimon Park.

It was fantastic to see the way they enthusiastically supported each other in their competitions.

Within the classrooms, they have managed to build the framework of 3D shapes in Maths sessions from cocktail sticks and ‘Jelly Beans’. Besides basic cubes and cuboids, some students attempted much more complicated shapes, such as a range of different pyramids and prisms. This took a little while to complete as the ‘Jelly beans’ were quite tempting but they managed some very impressive results in the end. The pots use the same colours and designs as authentic pots

Learning to work as a team through sporting activities



It was also important that the dessert was tasty

Humanities lessons have allowed plenty of opportunities for creativity. After studying healthy diets, the students planned, made and – more importantly - ate a healthy desert using yoghurt and a selection of different fruits. This kind of activity always ‘goes down a treat’. While

studying work relating to the Ancient Greeks, the students were able to make their own version of Greek pottery. These were very impressive and involved thinking about the kind of designs, shapes and colours that were originally used. Perhaps, in a few thousand years’ time, somebody

Some students attempted more complicated 3D shapes

might find one of our pots and see it as a true antique treasure.

After such a busy and rewarding term, I’m sure we can all look forward to the rest of the year with a great deal of enthusiasm. Well done to Year 5!

Using fresh fruit and yoghurt to create healthy desserts

5D are building 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and jelly beans



Year 6 Predeal Residential Trip MR. JAMES PEALL,

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL KS2 50 of the Year 6 children went on an awesome residential trip to Predeal. There was much excitement, noise and adventure, as well as much bravery and teamwork. The trip started with a walk through the Predeal forest, where we spotted bear tracks in the tarmac, but no sign of any animals on our wet walk. We did still have fun searching for signs of animals and walking like soldiers.

Beautiful walk in the forest

In the evening the children enjoyed playing games, talking, listening to Kensuke’s Kingdom, but best of all

was watching Romania beat Canada in the Rugby World Cup.

Students enjoying the tour of Bran Castle

On the second day, after the children had woken early, we went to Bran castle and enjoyed a tour of the magnificent building. The highlight for many of the children was being able to buy souvenirs from the market stalls, with many nice gifts being brought as well as some joke toys.

50 of the Year 6 children went on an awesome residential trip to Predeal. There was much excitement, noise and adventure, as well as much bravery and teamwork. The trip started with a walk through the Predeal forest, where we spotted bear tracks in the tarmac, but no sign


of any animals on our wet walk. We did still have fun searching for signs of animals and walking like soldiers. In the evening the children enjoyed playing games, talking, listening to Kensuke’s Kingdom, but best of all was watching Romania beat Canada in the Rugby World Cup.


Group photo after a very interesting exploration of Dambovicioara Cave

Once back at the hotel we went for fun and games on the slopes around the hotel, with some uphill running races and Frisbee throws. The slopes are very different without snow on them, and the children were amazed to see how many stones are below the snow when they usually visit the area skiing. In the evening we were joined for

dinner, almost, by a friendly bear. Just as we were going to sit down for our dinner, a bear appeared across the road scavenging in the bin. All the children stayed safely in the hotel and watched the bear through the windows or from the first floor balcony. It was fascinating to see the bear so up close. He was a two year according to the hotel staff, who

comes regularly looking for food and so is used to humans; however nobody was going any closer as the bear is wild and will look to defend its self if startled. The Atelier Hotel was great for our children, and they looked after us extremely well. We look forward to visiting them again in the snow season.

The final adventure before the journey back to school was Park Aventura and the climbing through the trees just proved the Year 6 children really are little monkeys! The abseiling down a 14m rope was the highlight for many! Very brave children again.



“I live in this beautiful place…” COBIS Art Competition MS. REBECCA FOX, YEAR 4 TEACHER ISB were invited to take part in the COBIS Art Competition. The theme was ‘I live in this beautiful place…’ There were four categories, Early Years (Pre-school and Reception), Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2), Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) and Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9).

Smaranda Year 4

I was really pleased with the standard of art work from the students who entered the competition. The work ranged from 3D sculptures to paintings and from drawings to clay.

There will be prizes for the overall winners plus second and third places; these will be announced during the COBIS Annual Conference later this year.

Azra Year 5

Lucy Early Years

Linda Year 7 KS3

Mary Year 7 Ioana Year 1 KS1

Ioachim Year 2



Primary School Open Morning MS. MADALINA CIOC, PR & ADMISSION OFFICER Many thanks to all our current parents or prospective parents who attended Primary Open Morning on Tuesday 3rd November. Through Open Mornings, parents are given the opportunity to see the school in action on a normal day. The students followed a normal timetable and

Parents, students and teachers working together

parents were invited to see their children learning and participating in lessons. Over 100 parents from Primary School observed the lessons or actively participated in lessons

together with their children, reading with them, drawing together or solving maths problems together. The next Open Morning is scheduled in the last term of school.

EYFS students enjoying their parents’ company in the classroom

Playing together Primary Parents observing one of the lessons



ISB Primary School Reward System MR. JAMES PEALL, DEPUTY PRINCIPAL KS2 ISB HOUSE POINTS Every child loves earning a House Point, and judging by the amount given out, the teachers enjoy giving them out too! By mid-November there had been nearly eleven thousand House Points handed out. Great work children. The children can earn House Points for their behaviour, manners, effort and work. The children’s individual efforts are then combined to make it a team praising system, and by working as a

team they are encouraged to support each other. The highlight for the children every Monday in assembly is finding out how their team has done that week. By mid-November, the results have been the opposite of last year, with the Foxes currently leading the way, with the Hares and Bears close behind. Mr Mark is hoping his Lynxes team

Golden Awards In order to praise the children’s teamwork and general class behaviour, we award Golden Awards for the classes that perform the best that week in PE, Music and Computers. This way the children positively praise

and encourage their class mates so they can all be rewarded with special Golden Time. The early winners of these awards have been: Golden Shoe (PE) – 6P


will re-discover their House Point winning ways from last year and challenge the other teams for top spot each week again. House Points Leaderboard Term 1 Hares








*as of 7 December th

Golden Mouse (Computers)– 4E and 4F Golden Note (Music) – 2A and 4E Excellent work from 4E to receive two awards so early in the year. Mr Ed must be very proud of you all.

ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 Stars of the Month and Week As well as the team awards with House Points and Golden Awards, the children can also be praised individually with a Star of the Week or a Star of the Month, which are given by the class teachers and specialist teachers respectively. The Star of the Week awards are given out for improved effort, behaviour or performance, as well as for consistently great effort, manners, work and behaviour. The children

are highlighted in the Key Stage assemblies and they are always very proud to be recognised for their achievements. To earn a Star of the Month certificate, the child has to demonstrate they have worked the best, improved the most or done something outstanding to their specialist teachers compared to the rest of the Key Stage, so these are extra special certificates. To win a Star of the Month certificate in KS2 you have to compete against

approximately 280 children! We deliberately keep these as very special certificates and the children know how amazing it is to earn one. The Star of the Month certificates are given out for Computers, ESL, French, Music, PE, Romanian First and Second Language, Spanish, SSS and Turkish. The assembly stage is always full of awesome children when these are presented.

Stars of the month

A Successful Year Ahead for the Primary Student Council MR. EDWARD SMITH, YEAR 4 TEACHER Primary Student Council

The 2015-2016 Student Council is now up and running and already changes have been made. After a successful first year under the guidance of Mr. Cable the Student Council is now working with Mr. Ed and has introduced KS1

to the Council. We now have a Class Representative from each Year 1 and Year 2 class. Meetings continue to be held once a month. This term, until the re-elections in February, we will be focusing on the school


canteen services, improvements to the playground and playtime as well as many other ideas raised by our student body. If you have ideas, please speak to one of our members.


Students in Charge MS. REBECCA FOX, YEAR 4 TEACHER

At ISB we like to encourage the children to take responsibility, to develop their leadership skills and value their opinions. As such we give some of the Year 6 children the jobs of Prefects, House Captains and Library Helpers. The Prefects are chosen by the Year 5 staff, along with the KS2 Deputy Principal, for their history of good, positive role model behaviour and hard work. These positions are very special as the staff will be looking at The House Captains are voted for by the KS2 children. The House Captains support and encourage their House

Prefects: Berta, Ayda, Ariana, Alex, Karina, Oliver, Sikander, Tony, Andy and Luca

long term behaviour patterns. The children help by offering support to staff and visitors for various events during the year, as well as reminding children about the school rules by monitoring the Gallery area during

break times. This year I have already received several comments about how good our current Prefects are and what a good job they are doing of helping people out.

teams to try to win the various House events throughout the year. They have shared the House Point totals in

assemblies, counted the House Points and organised House team games in the KS1 playground.

House Captains from left to right: Joshua, Ramy, Venice, Rares, Saliha, Mihai, Mariana & Diana


ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 The Library Helpers are volunteers who have a keen interest in books. The Library Helpers aid Miss Lili at

breaktimes by tidying up the library and returning books to the correct shelves, as well as enjoying an extra

read themselves! Congratulations to all our student helpers this year so far.

Library Helpers Team from left to right: Hakan, Emine, Ilinca & Tarik

Bucharest Homes E X P A T R I A T E





International School of Bucharest is a candidate school for the Diploma Programme MR. DAVID NEWSHAM, SECONDARY DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (ACADEMIC) Last January the Board and SMT took the decision to explore whether the International Baccalaureate Diploma would be an appropriate programme for our students after they complete their IGCSE exams to replace the current A Levels. During the second half of last year the school started submitted a detailed application for candidacy. We are very pleased now to announce that International School of Bucharest is a candidate school* for the Diploma Programme. Our school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that International School of Bucharest believes is important for our students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.

For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit The A levels have served our students well over the past years, and will continue to be a good qualification for our Year 12 and 13s as the school makes this transition. We are presently working towards our present Year 10 students being our first cohort to study for the IB Diploma. Since the IB is a 2-year course of study and is externally examined at the end of Year 13, there is more time spent in class and the syllabus and subject guides stress the importance of relating the subject content to the realities of the wider world. This often produces students who have a deeper understanding of their subject. The requirement to study 6 subjects with to study half at Higher Level and half at Standard Level means students


are given much greater choice to put together a unique programme and are not forced into specialization too early. Over the coming weeks and months, ISB will be working with an IB appointed consultant to ensure we become fully prepared and ready. Only with IBO authorization can we start to deliver the curriculum. Our teachers will be attending IB subject workshops to ensure fully understand the content and teaching required to successfully deliver IB lessons in their subject. We will be working on improving and developing our Library and other support facilities to help students become even better at independent research. We will also, of course, take the time to explain this transition, and what it means for our students, in a range of ways. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the IB Diploma and our place as a Candidate School, please do not hesitate to contact me.


The Very Productive English Department MS. JANET HUNTER, HEAD OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT The English Department is very strong this year with the addition of two new staff members from the UK: Miss Helen Lumb and Miss Sai-Leya Santana. Both are very experienced teachers who have taught in a variety of schools, with Miss Helen having taught in the UK for 23 years and Miss Sai-Leya having taught in the UK and China for 8 years. Both teachers have

already contributed considerably to the department; Miss Sai-Leya is managing the school’s entry to The Winston Churchill Debate Competition with assistance from |Mr Piers Posner and Miss Helen, is contributing to the department’s knowledge of the UK curriculum by advising on current best practice and delivering consistent, high quality lessons. In English as a Second Language, ISB expert Miss Madalina Tuica now has a larger role within the department delivering the IELTS course, which is necessary for entry to English speaking universities and she continues to deliver the access course for absolute beginners in English. Miss Alina continues her excellent work with the English support group who have made great progress year on year. The IGCSE in English as a Second Language is currently

ISB Excellent English Teachers


delivered by Mr Piers Posner and Miss Flori Murteza, who continue to work very hard on behalf of their students. This year, the English Department are overhauling the assessment process for Key Stage Three, with a refocus of the semester tests on the topics studied and a closer emphasis on the skills required to succeed at IGCSE or the International Baccalaureate. This includes assessment on discursive essays, textual analysis, writing for purpose and audience and the structure of texts. This will raise the challenge of the semester tests and ensure that students are well prepared for their high school courses. Students will continue to sit the Checkpoint Tests at the end of the summer term. The Department is looking forward to the rest of the academic year as a cohesive team.


Humanities Department Exams, Events, Excellence MR. ANDREW PALMER, HEAD OF HUMANITIES The department is proud to introduce our new teachers into the department, who have a wealth of experience. Ms. Helen Wilkinson is our new Geographer, who has joined us after working in a variety of countries including Egypt and the Seychelles. Ms. Helen will also be working with our AS Travel and Tourism students. Ms. Niamh Lone has joined ISB from the UAE and is our new History and Global Perspectives teacher and Ms. Sarah Palmer, who has been working in Bucharest for the last 2 years is our new Sociology and Geography teacher. We also welcome back Mr. Bogdan who is our full time Business Studies teacher. With the help of our student council, ISB have been selling Poppies to our students to mark Remembrance Day, which is a very important date on the calendar of British and Commonwealth countries. Many students and teachers wore their Poppies during a minutes silence to commemorate anyone who has

Jeph helping out with Poppies

been affected by conflict across the globe. The department would like to send our thanks to students who participated and helped to support the occasion. All of our teachers have been working hard to prepare our students who are in their final examination year and many after school revision clubs are taking place. Students in Key Stage 3 have produced fantastic work, including posters, essays and presentation booklets on topics as diverse as Tourism and the Renaissance. We are fast approaching Humanities

Investigation in process: Rivers


week, the first week after the Christmas break and we encourage all students to participate in the activities that we are setting up. We are planning trips for our IGCSE Historians and a Year 7 trip to the Salt Mines. Year 9 students will play the trading game whilst we also plan to raise money for an NGO. Mr. Andrei also took the time to investigate suitable rivers, alongside the Geography department in the AISB, so that we can open the possibility of having a new river fieldtrip for future IB students. We are all very excited about upcoming events!


Top Score in the World for ISB Teams at HighFour Competitions MRS. LAVINIA ANDORA, HEAD OF SCIENCE

HighFour Competitions offer schools the opportunity to participate in monthly team competitions in various subjects across several grade levels. Competitions are scheduled monthly, ten times per school year, from September to June. As team competitions, students are to form teams of four and solve 20 questions in the given 30 minutes. ISB secondary students from Year 13 and Year 12 have signed up for this very challenging and exciting competition and made us very proud with their excellent results in Round 2: Top Score in the World for both Chemistry and Physics.

Top Score in the World at the High Four Chemistry Competition for the brilliant ISB Team, “Entropy Happens”

Physics Team, “Uranus”, won the first place in the HighFour Physics Competition Round 2



Creative and Performing Arts MR. IAN MCSHANE, HEAD OF CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS The Arts department is busy preparing for the Creative Arts Week in December: Art exhibitions, concerts, quizzes, a cosplay day and an Art excursion to Sinaia and a Drama trip to see the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast are the main activities, culminating in the Arts assembly. Elsewhere, students are preparing for their exams with Drama and Music students embarking on practical performances, as well as a wealth of practical activities taking place in the younger groups. Art classes have experimented with still life, book cover design,

Year 9 students enact the nightmarish elements of Macbeth

portraiture and lettering. In Drama we have been explored a wide range of areas, including improvisation, Shakespeare, body language and the history of the American West. In Key Stage 3 Music, students learn the demands and challenges of performing as part of an ensemble by - in their own small way - creating their own orchestra. Each class splits into three groups - two sections tackle

the score on the xylophone forte whilst the percussion group keeps everyone synchronized by playing the most accurate beat. Year 9 percussion groups have an even trickier task – improvising around the melody, formulating rhythmic patterns to enhance and bolster the music. Even given the limitations of space, group size and instruments, the results can be impressive.

tournament receiving the silver medal which will make them remember the amazing basketball they played in the final against a way too superior in physique team. Both results are very good and the students showed outstanding skills,

determination and fair-play. Mr. Sinan Kosak, the secondary school principal congratulated them on this occasion and wished them luck for the up coming games.

Inter School Basketball Tournament MRS. INGRID STANCIU, SECONDARY SCHOOL HEAD OF PASTORAL CARE AND HEAD OF PE DEPARTMENT ISB’s under 16 girls and boys basketball teams participated in the Inter School Basketball Tournament at Cambridge school in Bucharest. U16 girls won 3rd place in this tournament after a game where they lost dramatically by just one point in front of the hosts’ team. U16 boys won 2nd place at this



ISB in BISAC Competitions MRS. INGRID STANCIU, HEAD OF PASTORAL CARE AND HEAD OF PE DEPT. International School of Bucharest is a proud member of the Bucharest International Schools’ Athletic Conference (BISAC) consisting of international schools in and around the Bucharest area. It’s mission is to provide regular quality athletic competition in a safe and challenging environment for the students of international schools of Bucharest.

It is a priority to develop an authentic sports league that is meaningful

through its transparency.

Athletics During October we participated in the Cross Country competition for U9, U11, U14 and U18 boys and girls. We are happy to announce that our students faced this challenge with great responsibility. On the 2nd of October for the age

groups U9 and U11 a student from our school brought us the silver medal making our school proud to have such a student. Well done Maria V. and keep up the good work, never give up! On the 16th of October the U14 and U18 groups found this competition

more challenging with a great success wining the U18 boys and girls team competition. Kevser, Mae and Andrei also won the 3rd place for their age category. These are great results and we wish that next year our results will improve.

BISAC Cross Country U18 Boys and U18 Girls Champions



Under 18 Girls Football Team 2nd Place Winners

Football The BISAC games have been very successful for Girls football in all age groups. Over 50 players have participated in

the girls Football Competition this year! It was challenging to be put into matches in September without the chance to practice first, but the girls have performed beautifully. Our


U-18 Girls opened with a 2-0 win vs. BSB at Herestrau. This was a superb effort for their first real time together as a team!


Under 11 Girls Football Team in action

Our U-9 Girls have been a joy to watch, showing their passing and dribbling skills during matches. They still have a chance to win the BISAC league if they beat the AISB in their

The U-11 Girls have a blend of experienced players and some new players and they have worked well as a team, with very good team spirit and leadership.

final match!

ISB’s U-14 GIrls have played 3 matches and have came closer to victory each time they have played. They are quickly developing the skills and tactics of football, even though for most of them, it is their first year playing.

Well done to all participants and for those who have helped coach, including Mr. Mark for the U-9 Girls.

U 14 Girls Football Team won the 3rd place in the Football Tournament


ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 The under 9 and U11 boys have played with great skill and enthusiasm in the BISAC league and Autumn Cup this term and have been excellent representatives for the school with their fair play and positive attitude.

U 11 Boys Football Team playing a very good match at home

The team has showed great determination and defensive skills; keeping a clean sheet in 2 out of the 5 games we have played so far this year. We will continue to train hard and develop our tactics so that we can impress with our skills in the league matches and cup competitions next year.

U 18 Boys Football Team 2nd place winners

Under 14 Boys won the 3rd place in the Football Tournament



Maths Magazine and Adrenaline Rush in Year 7 MRS. CIGDEM KARAMAN, MATHS TEACHER This semester, 7S decided to create a Maths Magazine full of interesting information, facts and fun math problems just for you! In this issue you can find information about a very well-known mathematician called Fibonacci. You will enjoy reading about his life! Moreover, you will be able to find out how numbers evolved and how

Having fun never stops

he introduced the Hindu-Arabic number system into Europe. If you do not prefer Fibonacci, you can spend your time solving some

challenging maths problems that are fun in the same time! So, are you interested or you give up on having fun?

On Saturday, 3rd of October, under Mrs. Cigdem’s supervision, Year 7S went to Laser Maxx. Laser Tag is the best choice if you are looking for an adrenaline rush that will leave you longing for more. Year 7 students put on vests and prepare themselves. Smog descends over the arena. Laser beams pierce the darkness. Let the fun begin! Thanks to our head student and prefects for helping and supervising the students. It was really fun to chat about things that were going on at the arena over the refreshments after this extremely fun activity. We wish we could have stayed there longer. We are looking forward to another fun activity soon! Friendship continues outside the classroom



Celebrations and Wall of Friendship in Year 8 “This year our class - 8S - decided to have many fun activities during tutor time. Our form teacher liked this idea so we chose many ways to make our tutor time more interesting. We made a wall of friendship, posters and celebrated the birthdays of the students in 8S. ISB has many children which try to build on their future in the best

Students presenting their work

possible way. Friends are important in life, so during birthdays it is best to celebrate with our friends which we can mostly meet at school. Giving out treats such as little

cakes or chocolates can be enough sometimes. The most important part of celebrating birthdays is having a time which makes the birthday child feel very special.” Sofia 8S

We called them “Friendship Stars”. Week, we printed some stars on Each of the students in the class yellow papers and then stuck them had a star. We were supposed on the whiteboard at the back of to write nice things/comments our classroom. on our classmates’ stars. After

three days or so, the stars were full of beautiful comments and compliments.“ Beyza, 8S

“In our class, during the History lesson, we made some posters about paintings in the Renaissance. We were split in groups and we

many other things! We also nicely decorated the posters and some of them are on the wall right now.” Lydia, 8S

“Inspired by last year’s Friendship

researched on the artists that made them, what they brought new in the Renaissance, what inspired the artists tin their work and

8S and their wall of Friendship



The Year 9 Class Orchestra In Key Stage 3 students learn the demands and challenges of performing as part of an ensemble by creating their own orchestra. Each class splits into three groups - two sections tackle the score on the xylophone forte whilst the percussion group keeps everyone synchronized by playing the most accurate beat.

Last one to the chorus has to feed the drummers...

Year 9 percussion groups have an limitations of space, group size even trickier task – improvising and instruments, the results can around the melody, formulating be impressive. rhythmic patterns to enhance and bolster the music. Even given the

A Very Good Half Term for Year 10S MRS. SIMONA NEGREA,


Students in Year 10S have been very busy this term. They welcomed their new colleagues (Sanem from Turkey, Abdullah from Pakistan, Jingwei from China, Alexia and Andreea from Romania), they got involved in five after-school clubs and also in the Duke of Edinburgh Award (5 students!). In PSHE lessons they discussed diversity – a

very important topic, since the 22 students from year 10S represent 6 countries! They also got involved in the Green Project – they learnt about the importance of recycling and how to use the Sigurec Nomad truck. Each Friday they brought plastic, paper and glass. Alexandru even


won a prize for recycling! Overall, it was a very good half term, with 82% positives scores in Educare as well as good academic results. There is space for improvement, however, so we hope for very good scores in the end of term exams.


Year 11S: Spotlight On Charities MS. HELEN LUMB, ENGLISH TEACHER

In the chilly depths of October, 11S spent some time during PSHE, reflecting on the lives of others, researching their own chosen charities and presenting their findings to the class. Stefani opened the topic with a retrospective look at the 1985 ‘LiveAid’ concert, speared-headed by Boomtown Rats lead singer, Bob Geldof. The event reportedly

raised 150 million pounds for people in Ethiopia (all together now, ‘Feeeeeed the woooorld….!’) Franco added a modern take on charitable giving, by presenting on the Aids charity (Red). Entrepreneur and racing car driver, Franco, explained that this charity raises funds by partnering with iconic brands such as Apple, who donate a percentage of the

product cost to (RED) each time a consumer makes a purchase. Another memorable choice of charity was made by Armand and Evabelle – only this time the focus was environmental – the World Wildlife Fund. Ever heard of the endangered Vaquitas? No, neither had I - look them up - they’re very cute. Sadly, being cute

The happy family of Year 12 S MS. ALICE RUSE, YEAR 12 FORM TEACHER

They have been studying here since Year 7 so they had time to bondpractically they grew up together. You can always see them helping or consulting each other. They are a multicultural class. Even if they come from different cultural environments they are very close, like a family. After classes they relax by hanging out and watching movies together. The girls join in doing events and charity work. Cristina and Dilara were elected Prefects: they are doing their best to make things happen and help the less fortunate ones. They are getting involved in events organizing which make

Year 12s Group Photo

people unite for constructive purposes, and why not, gives them a relaxing joyful time - which is the best when shared. Some of the boys –Jeff, Jakup, Haodi and Jia Hao are playing basket together almost daily. Jeff was elected Sports Prefect and he is getting involved in organising championships with other schools. He sometimes even played the Referee’s part in such championships because he has a strong sense of fair play. Students of Year 12S took initiative 35

in making the voices and wishes of their colleagues heard and by doing so, they play an important part in the social life of the school. New students Mihai , Jialin or Jia Hao have fit in perfectly in the group . Every morning I find Erol and Jeff in front of the class room door and the small talk I get to have with them while waiting for the class to show up makes my day. 12S is a well crystallized group of helpful, joyful and involved students and it is an honor for me to be their Tutor.


Year 13: Trials and Tribulations of Sixth Formers at ISB’ MRS. NIAMH LONE, HISTORY TEACHER

Year 13 students are currently busy procrastinating while at the same time writing up their university applications. They have to make choices about courses and universities. They have to write up Curriculum Vitaes and Personal Statements necessary for UCAS

applications. This is not an easy As a form, they wanted to share process as it involves incorporating some valuable advice to the their entire Secondary education younger year groups in ISB: life and experiences!

“Getting involved extracurr in icular act iv it e will s make you stand out when the admis sion officer in univer s ities reads your CV or personal statement , e.g. volunteerin g or ge tting involved in c h arity campaigns would be a good id ea. It is also beneficial for develo ping life and p ersonal sk ills. It helps build confidenc e and a sense o f achieve m ent, e.g. Duke of Edinbu rgh and Save the Childr programm en es in the school’ Danielle an d Madalina

e of be awar ld u o h s s SE “Student een IGC w t e b p e jum udents the hug many st s a l e v e it is and A le nd believ a m r lot o rf here is a a T underpe . E S C as IG his is as easy work. T t n e d n e u for of indep aring yo p e r p is at se it’s stage th of cour o s l e v you y le nging. If universit lle a h c d be work an e m going to o h e your omplet study, c cope of s e h t e e so tsid ouldn’t b read ou h s ls e v A le syllabus, “ ’. daunting “On a pe rsonal lev Nursima show el, maturity, learn to share , be fr iendly and polite . Choose your friends w isely!” Yagmur

al statement ilding your person bu t ar st ld ou sh ight be “You hile writing it m W . le ib ss po as ing to as early 13 and having noth ar Ye to ing tt daunting, ge es show skill, ember, all activiti em R . se or w is say , if you are it on paper. Also t pu to ve ha t for you jus invite candidates at th es iti rs ive un aiming for the course is e reading around ar w be , w vie er int not optional”. Aruna



be to e would ic v d a y nised “M re orga o m g in der try be ime in or t r u o y and divide s much of your a to cover s possible. This a s t tever subjec ing wha is v e r day in means d that ie d u t s bit). A you (bit by g in n e e v the e be mad ld u o h s our schedule alance y b u o y e time’. so that our fre y d n a s studie Maria

“It sure is really want that wh importa n a t evide o study tever s t to ma ke a u n a pa ce to p t univers bject y ou ssion ity y rove ou ha lectu v res for it. G that yo u ha e rega o to and v rding e ex Inter pres hibitions, nship your s e ntatio ub will s. n h Wor ject, e .g. A s apply elp you k r e ing t s xp hine ever f when erience y op or a u port to y you’r niver un o s e diff u becau ity that ity. Ta eren k se it is e ce”. Joce will m offere lyn d ake a big

ery are v ies s k r ma ersit IGCSE y into univ r u o where “Y ntr h e s li g r n o st and E tant f r mo o f d impor lly Maths e E ia requir s at IGCS espec um C is C 5 t is im mally m tha m r u o im a min N in . sities the m h For univer o Sixt being t in s a y n tr is see ry for en rsities”. a e s iv s nece me un o s n e and ev Enver “You should think outside the box by not only studying but textbook the from also reading books about the particular subjects you are studying. It’s also very important not to miss small details when studying. Don’t forget to take part in as many extracurricular activities as possible, e.g. Basketball and after school clubs. Students should take advantage of leadership roles, e.g. Prefect system, House Captains”. Deniz


‘M stre aths is im s a M s over it portant aths , ! need inten If you ar but do n s ot e go rest a minimiu ive cou rse, ing for m of com y you es f wan rom C at IGC ou will t serv SE, t your to g ic o h math e indust into tou A levels e . r s r If Brit . Learn y, you m ism or ish t a h w y e hat not n un resu you ee lts a iversities li k r level. e. F d e wh A le or a v t co But som unt i. el exam for e Eu e. IG s U r scho C ol g opean U S, Cana SE/A r be d n d ivers ades co iversitie a or s subje u e wh , yo ur cts en y nt also. but are o F u inally choo also skills , se y m cour you our learn ake sur ses e th othe t ere r co hat can at one o urse Cris f b e y our tian ”. used in an y


Head Student and the ISB Prefects Team Being honoured with the positions of Head Student and Deputy Head this year, as well as Prefects, the team is aiming to fulfill all school’s expectations and to be good role models for the upcoming generation. They are all very passionate learners and they believe that these positions will help them strengthen their

leadership and communication skills, improve their awareness and teach them how to tackle more responsibilities all of whichthey will need in their future. They are

are looking forward to a successful year in which they will be helping out their colleagues and take part in as many extra-curricular activities as possible.

“My name is Neslihan and I’m a senior student. I have been in ISB for 11 years and enjoyed every year I have spent in this school. I currently study Mathematics, Physics and Applied ICT and I love all the subjects I’m studying. In my last year I was honoured with the position of Head Student and my aim is to fulfil all the requirements and expectations of the school. I hope we will have a very efficient year with lots of extracurricular activities and charity events.”

Neslihan (Head Student)

“My name is Ece, and I am currently in Year 12 – I have been in ISB for 12 years. I am a determined student and passionate in every subject I take: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Being honoured with the position of Deputy Head, I am looking forward in helping out my colleagues and making our school a better place. Being Deputy Head, will help me strengthen my leadership skills, improve my awareness and take further responsibilities. I aim to fulfil all the expectations of the school and hope to be a good role model.” 38

Ece (Deputy Head Student)



ISB Secondary School House Captains

“My name is Ariana and I have been at ISB since Year 4. I love art, literature, chemistry and basketball but I’m always keen on trying new things. A big thank you goes to everybody who voted for me and I promise I’ll involve myself into all activities concerning the Bears House Team.” Bears Team Captain - Ariana

“I’ve been in this school for 13 years now. I love communicating with people, as well as getting to know them better. I’m positive and fun to be around which benefits me as it gives me the ability to motivate people easier.” Foxes Team Captain - Deniz Y

“My name is Jocelyn. This is my 4th year at ISB. I love sport and participating in competitions. I think it brings the best out in people. I try my best to succeed in what i commit myself to. Teamwork and sportsmanship are great skills to learn early on in life, it’s rare that you will be able to achieve something without the help of others, it is good to learn how to communicate with people and work together. I hope to support you guys the best I can in all the activities there are this year.” Lynxes Team Captain - Jocelyn


“I am a student currently in the last year of school and have been here since Year 2. During this time I have grown much attached to the school and I have decided that I should get more involved and help in any way that I can. And so I became the vice-captain for the Hares, the yellow team. I am hardworking and am determined to change the current situation that the yellow team currently finds itself in. I hope that you will all join me in this endeavor.” Hares Team Captain - Vlad C.


Welcome Picnic in Secondary School


Friday, 4th September has been an adventurous day outside the classroom for students in Secondary school. This year, they decided to celebrate the beginning of a new & exciting academic year through outdoor activities. KS3 students went to Eden Land Park,

Enjoying the heights

one of the biggest adventure parks in Romania, while KS4 and 5 went to Cernica forest for a picnic. The day was filled with fun and lots of exciting activities like archery, tree tracks, zip wire and volleyball. The welcome picnic has become a tradition at ISB. Its main purpose

The ascent begins now

Eyes on the ball


is to help new students who are joining the school each year to easily fit in and integrate within the class. And which would be a better way to bond than sharing the great memories of the first week of school?


Ready for a fun day

Welcoming the new students in the ISB Team



Getting Ready for the UCAS Application

be advised with the appropriate IGCSE options selection.

During this time of the year some of our students are getting ready to finalize their UCAS applications. The time is approaching for the UK universities. For most of the MR. AHMET DUNDAR, CAREER COUNSELOR courses the UCAS deadline is 15th January, however to minimize the At ISB, we are helping our stress on our students and to be students throughout the university application process. Starting with able to spend enough time on the the second term of Year 9, students applications our internal UCAS are given COA tests to analyze their deadline is 18th of December, interest areas so that they could 2015.

Ahmet Dundar - Career Counselor

It is important to keep in mind the following advices given by the UCAS advice website: 1. Know your logins We’ll start with the basics, it’s important you know your username and password so you can complete your application. You don’t want to be struggling to login while trying to meet the deadline. If you’ve forgotten your username or password, recover your details online.

of guidance on how to start, all the way through to completing it. 3. Make sure you have a valid debit or credit card to make a payment

In order to send your application, you must complete the payment section. It may sound obvious but check that the account has 2. Give yourself plenty of time to enough money in it to cover your complete the personal statement application and audition fees and The personal statement may is valid to make payments online. appear daunting but we’ve got plenty of advice to help you along 4. Don’t leave it to the very last the way. Also, check out our minute personal statement mind map as it You never know what might has lots

Upcoming Career Events& Dates: 5 January -> Alumni Talks 15 January -> UCAS deadline 25 January -> IMI University Presentation 16-20 February -> Uk University Trip


happen, whether you have last minute internet issues or other technical problems you don’t want to miss the deadline because of it. 5. Keep calm Above all, it’s important to stay calm and not stress. If you have any questions about your application, check out UCAS website and see the school counseling department. Good luck with your application! Barcelona

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Silver Medal at the Balkan Jumping Championship for Dunja MS. MADALINA CIOC, PR & ADMISSION OFFICER

We are extremely proud of our Year 10 student, Dunja, who recently participated in the Balkan Jumping Championship in Greece and won the silver medal with her team. This year is Dunja’s 4th participation in this well-known equestrian event as a member of Croatian national team. It was also her first year to compete in older category, “Junior” (15 to 18 years

old). Last year, Dunja won the gold medal in children’s category (10 to 14 years old). This amazing success is Dunja’s reward after 10 years of hard work, dedication and focus. “Year after year, especially for younger competitors, it’s an amazing experience that will never be forgotten!” says Dunja about this event.


“I love my horses, not only to ride them but I also love to spend time with them whenever I can. I’m taking care of my horses all by myself, I saddle them, I wash them, I walk them, feed them and do whatever needs to be done for them to feel good. For me this is not just a sport or a hobby, it is a lifestyle!” Dunja

For more information: | www.lumina.orG | +40 21 240 30 22 Colentina street | nr. 64b | Sector 2 | 021187 | Bucharest | Romania


Gold Medal for ISB at the World Final Infomatrix 2015 MS. MADALINA CIOC,


Institution Foundation in collaboration with Romanian International School of Bucharest Ministry of Education. had the honour to host the World Final International Informatics 152 projects from 51 countries Competition on the 15th and 16th entered the three categories: Computer Art, Hardware Control, June. Programming, Short Movie and The competition is organized Robotics. every year by Lumina Educational The objective of the competition is to encourage young people to use their imagination, passion and creativity to achieve technological innovations that could make a positive change in society. It is known that every year companies are following the developments in the field of participants and even be interested in purchasing some of their projects. We are very proud of our ISB team formed by Nuriye and Meryem who won the gold medal at Infomatrix Short Movie Competition! We


asked the winning teams to for a short presentation of their movies: “Billy is a trusted engineer who takes on the big responsibility of building a school. However, he is not aware that his decisions will destroy his family life in future... What do you think will happen to Billy’s family?” Meryem


UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Regent’s is an independent university with campuses in royal Regent’s Park and Marylebone. Offering small class sizes, individual attention and a truly global perspective, our close connections with business and industry make it the perfect environment for independent thinkers. Find out more about our undergraduate degrees. Call 020 7487 7505 or visit


Class of 2015 Graduation Ceremony MS. MADALINA CIOC, PR & ADMISSION OFFICER

ISB Graduation Ceremony took place on Thursday, 11th June at the school. This memorable event gathered all the graduates students accompanied by their families, friends and by their teachers. The evening started with a delicious buffet, followed by the very motivational speeches of Mr. Sinan Kosak, the Secondary School Principal, Mr. Stephen Willoughby, the Deputy Principal, as well as of our distinguished guest speaker and a parent of the school, Mr. Galbavy, Deputy Head of Mission and Consul at Slovak Embassy. Graduates have been handed in graduation plaques by Mr. Ahmet Dundar, their form teacher. The very fresh and

amusing videos filmed by Class 2015 students were the evening’s element of surprise. Emirhan, the Head Boy and Rumeysa, the Head Girl also spoke about their experience at ISB. Mr.Aydin Korucuoglu, Head of Lumina Alumni Association gave a special present to each graduating student, while Mr. Ahmet, the form tutor of Year 13 prepared a surprise gift: the caricatures of the students all together. Alin Oprea and his rock band,

Waiting for the ceremony to begin


Talisman, electrified the audience with a great recital and fireworks brilliantly ended the ceremony. Family photos were taken in front of the graduation banner, all evidence of a school event which will stay with each of them forever. Many thanks to all present and to all involved in making this event a huge success. We would also like to thank to our MC for the evening, Mr. Andrew Lawrence, Economics Teacher.


Our special guests are coming

Mr. Ahmet handed in graduation plaques

Selfie with Talisman rock band

A special moment shared with mom

Mr. Ahmet, the form tutor of Year 13 prepared a surprise gift



The Success Story of Tobi Ibitoye, ISB Alumnus MR. AHMET DUNDAR, ALUMNI COORDINATOR

This term we received the visit of one of our very talented Alumni, Tobi Ibitoye. During his visit at the school, Tobi agreed to give us an interview for the Insight Magazine. We talked about his time spent at ISB, his former teachers and colleagues, about his passion for singing and about his participation in a famous national music contest, The Voice. We invite you to read Tobi’s story below. When did you study at ISB? I attended ISB between September 2009 and June 2010 and studied here Year 12. At that time my father used to work for the Nigerian Embassy. As it still is today, at that time the embassy has been in cooperation with ISB. What is your fondest memory of your time spent at ISB? I cannot forget the Talent Show which we had; “The Men in Black”. Ms. Sarah, our form teacher and English teacher made us dance in front of everyone with the girls wearing pink dresses and all the boys wearing black. Same night I was involved in another performance with Mais and Abdullah, which was also amazing. What university you went to and why?

I studied at University of Bucharest. When I finished high school my parents were still in Romania and they wanted me to stay with them. Once staying in Romania I decided to go to the best university and ended up at University of Bucharest. When did you start singing? Singing for me has always been a hobby; I only did it for fun. I enjoyed going to karaoke to sing and the reviews were good. Now I’m on a TV show known as The Voice and it is building my confidence. I sing and people like it. I do not think it is just because of my voice, I think it’s also my personality which they like. I write lyrics and poems as well. When it comes to composing I just sing it and my friends with whom I work with, take care of putting it all out on PC. I have the tune in head and they develop the music. What did you feel singing in a big television show? It was simply amazing and crazy. During the first audition, I was really nervous once I saw all these people watching me screaming and waiting for “What this guy 50

was going to give out?” After I started singing on the stage and having got Smiley and Tudor Chirila to turn their chairs for me, it made everything perfect. After we finished Tudor gave me a book as a gift about the music industry. Road to success can sometimes be a long road. What do you think is the most important thing you need to have in order to be very successful? For success you need passion. You need to believe in what you are doing. Passion drives hard work and then you do great. Science is becoming more and more interesting to me. After 3 years of failing and passing some courses in the university, the passion for science is growing bigger by the day. For that reason I continue with the Master’s in Science; Neurological Science, a branch of Physiology. Thank you very much for your time and visit, Tobi. I thank you for giving this chance to me. It was a great pleasure and hoping to see you again soon.



Dear all, Our PTA is an important part of the ISB school community and we are trying, together, to make school life fun, bring new ideas and help improve the time that our children spend in school. In the last school year, even though our active parents’ numbers were small, we tried to make that difference through different activities – such as Juice Bonanza, Winter Theatre Show, and Summer Fair. They were all a great success! Through our events and everybody’s commitment last year, we are proud to have raised money which we were able to use to help others – we donated 4000 lei to Marie Curie Centre, 4000 lei to ’Little People Association’ which helps kids with cancer. Another

significant part of the money raised was donated to the school 8000 lei was used to buy EBooks for our students and another 5000 lei for the Africa Water Well Project. This year, during the month of December we have invited the ‘Dan Puric’ Theatre to come to the school and make our children smile and dance through their engaging and interactive show. We are also starting to prepare for our ISB Gala Dinner that is planned to take place in January, 2016 and we are planning our big annual Summer Fair event for June, 2016. At the moment, we are working closely with the school‘s management team to help improve the variety and quality of food in the canteen with the goal of helping to educate our children to eat healthier and to help them discover and try new foods. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of our school community, for the time and effort you are giving to us and, I look forward to and hope we

PTA Breakfast


can count on you in the future. Every bit of help that you can give us makes a big difference for our children! Sincerely yours, Georgeta Clarke PTA Chair


A Day to Remember: International Day and Summer Fair MS. MADALINA CIOC,

PR & ADMISSION OFFICER Lots of fun games and prizes filled the afternoon with joy International Day and Summer Fair were celebrated on the with a wonderful costume parade. in front of a big audience formed same day, Friday, 29th May. The ISB students proudly presented by parents and teachers. Summer celebration started in the morning their national traditional costumes Fair followed in the afternoon.

A very successful photo session after the parade

The afternoon was filled with fun games and activities, delicious food and the great company of family and friends. Many thanks to all

ISB parents, teachers and friends their time and for volunteering to of ISB for their contribution and help on the day or running a game their support: for donating prizes or a delicious food stall. for the children, for “donating”

Children proudly wearing their national traditional costumes



International Week at ISB MRS. REBECCA FOX & SECONDARY MFL DEPT. During International Week the Pre and Primary children at ISB adopted a country. Early Years chose countries from Asia and Australasia, Key Stage 1 has The Americas, Years 3 and 4 selected a country from Europe and Year 5 and 6 had Africa.

3Q’s work on London

The focus this year was tourist attractions. The children researched the famous tourist attractions from

Year 2C working together making flags

4F visit Spain

Making a poppy

their countries and created some in the gallery during the month of wonderful pieces of work based November for everyone to see. around this. Examples of this superb work were then displayed

International Day display


ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 Four classes from primary were lucky enough to visit the MLF department and had a taste of life in Spain, Mexico, Turkey, France

and Romania with tomato fights, they had the opportunity to watch tasty food and informative videos. the famous Belgian cartoon ‘The Some Year 9 students joined in Smurfs’. Year 3 and 4’s Golden Time where

International Day display

On the final day of International Week children came dressed in their adopted countries national costume or wore clothes in their countries flag colours. Each class had the chance to visit other countries throughout the day. Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) week was held between 12-16 October. Beside some other activities students enjoyed a different version of online cultural quiz contest named Kahoot. It was

4F having a tomato fight in Spain

Tasting and evaluating Belgian chocolates

the first edition in ISB in which all students from KS3 have attended. The winner of the competition was Octavian from 9I. Well done, Octavian! Primary students visited the Spanish classrooms where they enjoyed Spanish and Mexican traditional food and participated to a typical Spanish fiesta, La tomatina (the Tomato fight). During the MFL Week, Asal, Daria, and Emma, students in Year 8, represented Romania by offering primary students traditional Romanian deserts, such as the well-known and delicious 55

“papanasi”, the traditional Christmas and Easter food, “cozonac”, the delightful breadroll called “chec” in Romanian and the delicious cheese and cherry pie called “tarta”. Dressed in the traditional Romanian blouse, made by hand, Asal, Emma and Daria pleasantly served the primary students with the Romanian delights. Meanwhile, the primary students enjoyed also a video showing the beauty of Romania.


Health and Fitness Week at ISB MS. JESSICA DUVALL, FOUNDATION 2 TEACHER MS. ANA CUATU, PE TEACHER All across the school there was action during the Health and Fitness Week. The annual Health and Fitness Week reminds all the children and the staff of the benefits of living a healthy and active life. Early Years children have taken part in a variety of sporting activities which have been set

We cheer up for our colleagues and friends

up both indoor and outdoors: racing with bicycles and scooters, pushing tires back and forth and running and walking in various ways. It was lovely to see all the children having a go and taking part in each activity planned out

for them, no matter what their ability or age was. Also children really enjoyed cheering on for their friends using pom poms. At the end we were all very tired but it was a really positive and fun sports day.

Bicycle race in EYFS

We learn that physical education keeps us fit and healthy

As well as trips to the park for fun and games, to Steaua Rugby club and the Sports Museum, there was also fruit juices and

milkshakes for sale (which are rollerskating and skateboarding now on sale regularly to the activities going across the school. children to maintain the healthy lifestyle choices), sports quizzes,

Year 1 learning the benefits of eating fruits



Students on wheels during Golden Time

One of the most enjoyable events was the Wake and Shake on Friday where all the children got to see Mr. Peall’s best dance moves; hopefully someone will teach him some new moves for next year! On the last day of the Health and Fitness Week the children brought

their roller skates or their scooter filling our schools campus with joy and laughter. KS3 and KS4/5 celebrated the Health and Fitness week at Dinamo Stadium where students participated in different races; long jump in the sand pit, 100 m sprint,

The perfect jump


400 m sprint and 400 m relay. For both Primary and Secondary, medals and special prices were awarded for best athletes and everyone celebrated during the assemblies at the end of the week.


ISB Receives a Signed Rugby Ball from Steaua Rugby Squad MR. JAMES PEALL, DEPUTY PRINCIPAL KS2

Our Year 6 pupils became ‘star’ rugby players on Monday 28th September, as they visited Steaua Bucharest Rugby Club as part of their Health and Fitness Week events. The Steaua players, fresh from reaching the cup final the day before, welcomed the children into their training ground and taught them some basic skills of touch rugby. As the children practised their

Steaua players teaching the students some basic skills of touch rugby

kicking, tackling, passing and playing games the Steaua players picked out a few future rugby stars. Once the children got the hang of passing backwards they excitedly ran backwards and forwards calling for the ball so they could score a try. The highlight for some of the

children was as they were held aloft ready to catch a line out ball – they were perhaps ten feet off the ground! Both the club and the school are keen to build on this first meeting, with Steaua being kind enough to give the school a signed rugby ball by the squad.

Practising kicking, tackling, passing and playing games



ISB is the First School to Join the Recycling Academy Programme MS. MADALINA CIOC, PR & ADMISSION OFFICER

On Monday, 5th October, Sigurec in partnership with ISB, launched the Recycling Academy, a national recycling programme. The event took place at the school, in front of a captivated audience of both Primary and Secondary

Mrs. Andreea Marin talked to our students about protecting the environment

School students. about environment and recycling Our students have found out materials directly from the Green all about the project, as well as Soldier, Mrs. Andreea Marin. they learnt very interesting facts

Interactive sessions followed the presentation



Armed with gloves and bags, the students participated in a litter pick up

The programme consisted in workshops, intensive training, fun activities and prizes including educational visits to Recycling Factory. Through Eco projects and

themed activities, our students learnt the importance of taking care and nurturing the environment, skills which will remain with them long after the process of

formal education has finished. The students have brought to school an impressive amount of recycling materials each Green Friday.

Enjoying every minute at the Recycling Factory


ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 During Green Day Activities they have created art from recycling materials, they have participated in a litter pick up around the school, and they have designed

green houses and participated in various games. At the end of the day everyone participated in the Awards Ceremony. KS1 students won a super bicycle! Their

commitment to the project was very much appreciated. They all became Green Super Heroes and their mission is to safeguard the environment!

Students having a lot of fun in the PE Hall during Green Day

For further information on the Green Project, about the intelligent recycling stations and recycling mobile application please access

We are the proud winners of a super bicycle!



Clubs for the ISB Students in the First Term

The first term club session started on the 21st September and will continue until 11th December 2015. As always, clubs have filled up very quickly as ISB extra-curricular activities (ECAs) are very popular amongst our student body. Both Primary and Secondary school ECAs cover a wide variety of activities organized by teachers and external coaches. Our intention is to provide each student with a chance to develop an area of interest, and to enhance their experience of school life overall. Dance, music, drama, basketball, football, swimming, karate, yoga, board games, reading, foreign languages, mathematics, games, music instrument lessons, Lego, engineering, web design, arts and crafts, IGCSE preparation clubs, creative writing are just a few from a vast list of choices this term. Basketball U9-U11 Our U9 and U11 basketball teams have been training with their new coach, Adrian Stefan Vasile for the matches against the other private schools in Bucharest.

Story World Our young readers and writers have improved their creativity, imagination and vocabulary and they have created their own story books, complete with illustrations.

Crazy Scientists Our Crazy Scientists have done plenty of hands-on experiments this term and they have learned a great deal about chemical reactions, sound vibrations, volcanoes and much, much more.

Young Engineers – Lego challenge Lego Challenge is different from other Lego type programs as it explains subjects of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) using games and models. Young Engineers subjects developed through STEAM program for this age are: the law of inertia, centrifugal and centripetal force, action-reaction law, weight and gravity, different transmission types, gear transmission, electronic circuit and motor, vibration, symmetry and asymmetry, aviation history and much more.


The Art of Quilling Quilling is the art of creating little rolls from delicate strips of paper and shaping them into intricate designs. The art of Quilling dates back some 500 years ago. Modern day quilling is gaining popularity as a challenging craft and art form and it requires today, just as it did when it first began, patience, willingness, dexterity, and good eyesight. If you have all these skills, this session is going to be maximum fun for you.

Chess Club Gabriel, our Chess instructor has developed a curriculum that he would have liked to learn by when he started playing chess, at 6 years old. This curriculum is especially designed to ensure strong progress and it is based on active involvement from all the participants.

ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 Young Engineers – Big Builders Through fun games developing various skills the youngsters bond to the educational contents and the model building experience is enhanced. Some of the subjects of the club are: •The animal kingdom: enrichment of knowledge about animals. •Geometry: Encountering geometrical forms and their characteristics. •Space: Earth, the solar system and the space beyond them. •Basic physics laws and their relevance to the everyday life such as balance and floating.

The Spanish Club for Beginners Hi, there! If you are new in school and you just started Spanish and you feel you need some help. Or, you are already studying Spanish but there are a few things that are not very clear yet. Or, you simply just want to study some Spanish. Then, the Spanish for Beginners Club is the best option for you! Let’s meet every Thursday afternoon starting 3:10 and practice listening, speaking and writing in a fun way! Don’t worry if you don’t know much because we are going to review vocabulary, basic pronunciation and fix those tricky Spanish accents!

Karate The Kyokushin Karate training provides an environment of good sportsmanship and physical training. The course combines the known benefits of Martial Arts (discipline, respect, selfcontrol, trust, concentration and team-work) with the advantages of a well-planned self-defense training (awareness, mindfulness and security and self-defense techniques).

Art Club The Art Club happens every Wednesday and it provides a good opportunity for the students to use guidance and extra work time for preparing their coursework for IGCSE exams; during school we have just three hours and the students have so much more to learn. We also welcome older students as the Club provides a relaxing supportive environment for hard workers who choose a career in the field to improve their technical skills, experience new media and enrich their artistic knowledge. Everything happens in a relaxed friendly atmosphere and students get lots of individual attention which leads them to extend their technical limits and stimulate their creativity.


BIG personality Beautiful, Innovative, Glowing Personality - let your children express themselves! We will develop social skills, self-esteem, assertive communication skills, creativity and out-of-thebox thinking using appealing techniques from art-therapy, melo-therapy, drama-therapy and dance and movement therapy.

Math Club The math club aims to create a supportive learning environment for mathematics, influence students to like math and explore their hidden potentials in math, promote exceptional work habits and behaviors. Under these objectives Mrs. Cigdem Karaman runs mathematics club for Year 9 on Wednesdays and Year 7 on Thursdays. Whoever may think that Math is fun and also delicious?! With some lovely treats like cookies and tea from Mrs. Cigdem, indeed Math is so yummy.

ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 IGCSE Geography Club Select Geographers have been attending enrichment classes that will help deepen their understanding of wider Geographical theories. This will help to develop and broaden their knowledge which will hopefully lead to better grades in their final IGCSE Geography exams. This year we have been discussing the key Geographical themes of Population, Migration and Settlement. I look forward to seeing the fruits of their labours next year.

Business Club The A2 Business Exam Club has been meeting regularly each week on Wednesday’s after school. So far we have covered topics like Human Resources and Business Organization. I hope that as we approach the June exam period more students will take advantage of this opportunity. It’s a very important and difficult exam. Any additional help you can get will be beneficial. Mr. Andrew Lawrence Business Teacher Public Speaking Club At The Public Speaking Club, students are writing their own speeches about a topic of their choice. We have covered the skills required to be a good speaker, including speaking clearly, eye contact with the audience and hand gestures. The topics for speeches are as diverse as Volkswagen Cars, The History of Iasi, The Development of Minecraft and Animal Rights in Romania. We look forward to watching each other speak and improving our skills.

English Support Club This is a club designed to help Year 10 students improve in all areas. English is the language in which students take most of their exams and the English Support Club is meant to help Year 10 students improve not only their English but their chance to do better in most exams. We look at the needs of students and try to concentrate on the aspects that need to be addressed urgently. Until now we’ve been working on grammar, reading, listening and comprehension skills. In the future more time will be spent on these and we will try to allocate some time to writing as well. This club is well linked with the year 10 English Support classes and all students who take English Support are advised to join in order to benefit as much as possible from the extra help they are offered. Mrs. Alina Piuaru-Isar English Teacher

Reading Club (English Support) The A2 Business Exam Club has Reading is a wonderful way of improving one’s English, by joining different adventures and learning at the same time. During this reading club, students have had the occasion to read their first books in English. Since this club is addressed to beginners, the level of difficulty has been adapted to each student’s needs, from the first to the third level. Students have discussed the plot and characters of each book, learnt new words and finally created a comic strip based on the book. We are looking forward to reading more exciting stories! Ms. Madalina Tuica ESL Teacher 64

IGCSE History Course Club Year 10 and 11 History students are given the opportunity to attend an after school club where they can opt to do History Coursework. History Coursework is worth 27% of students’ IGCSE History grade and is done instead of Paper 4 which is a one hour exam completed at the end of Year 11. Coursework involves an essay with a specific focus on the Russian Depth Study, 1905-40. The essay is submitted by midMarch, marked by the teachers and then sent to Cambridge for moderation. Students attend the club every Tuesday and discuss ways to address the essay question and learn important research, analysis, organization and presentation skills which will help them write their 2000 word essay independently. The class is an excellent chance for students to iron out any misunderstandings and to discuss opinions on key features of Lenin’s reign in Russian history without any input being allowed from the teacher. Much of the content is taught during lessons. Coursework is almost completely student led. The only guidance from teacher permitted is showing students how to structure their work and complete correct referencing and footnotes. Students enjoy the chance to lead discussions but also infer from teachers’ expressions whether they have interpreted correctly. Ms.Niamh Lone and Ms. Iulia Mustatea History Teachers

ISSUE 6 • DECEMBER 2015 IGCSE Sociology Club The IGCSE sociologists at ISB are very keen to improve their subject knowledge and to achieve top grades in their final exams next year. So, in the after school sessions we have been revising the topics that the students studied last year which include sociological research methods, culture and socialization and social inequalities. After revising the topics we have then looked at past exam questions and the students have been attempting to mark their own questions with the use of the exam mark scheme. This has been a very useful experience for them as now they are more aware of what they need to do to gain the top marks.

Romanian Language Club Living in Romania and speaking the Romanian language, it is essential for having an easy life here. We are offering the Romanian lessons in a relaxing and friendly environment, where the communication between the teacher and the student is based on confidence and mutual respect. Our purpose is to teach the students all the information they need for living in Romania. I always told my students that it is really important to understand people around us, to be able to give them an answer, even if we say a few words. During the Romanian language lessons we will be studying words in sentences, then sentences in texts and, finally texts

Waiting to bob for apples


and contexts. Usually, the students are scared to express themselves in a free context, but it is important to know that when we start to study a new language, it is impossible to avoid the digressions; lots of native speakers make mistakes. Therefore, my students are encouraged to express themselves freely! Hoping that I have stirred your interest to study Romanian language, I am waiting for you in a large number to join our group, to enjoy every progress you will make in this new direction together. Ms. Monica Motoi French & Romanian Teacher


Professional Training Sessions for ISB Teachers MS. MADALINA CIOC,


The ISB members of staff participated on Thursday, 17th September, in a First Aid Training Course provided by Regina Maria Hospital. During this course we learnt important lifesaving skills, including how to help out in the case of cardiac arrest. We have also been introduced to a number of common emergency situations and their respective First Aid responses. We would like to say thank you to Dr. Radu Boari

First Aid Training

and for the very effective Basic Life Support Course. ISB teachers have also participated this term in the Child Protection Training run at the school by Save the Children Foundation. The training is meant to help teachers gaining the safeguarding skills

needed to act appropriately and confidently to protect the children they work with. The training also provided valuable insight on how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child’s welfare in Romania.

Child Protection Training



ISB Joins Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme MS. MADALINA CIOC,


Duke of Edinburgh’s Award held a presentation of the Award programme for our secondary students on Tuesday, 15th September. Over 300 secondary students were present in the ISB Theatre to find out more about the development opportunities offered by this programme. Both the Leaders and the Award’s Supervisors and Evaluators (members of our teaching staff

First Aid Training

who have recently completed the programme are the proof of an the training) have attended the intense Award activity at ISB” – Duke of Edinburgh’s Award presentation. “The numerous questions and applauses from students, their enthusiasm and their openness to

3.568 Lei Donated for the Colectiv Club’s Victims and their Families

The ISB Prefects Team has initiated a fundraising campaign in school to support the Colectiv Club’s victims and their families. A donation box has been set up in the ISB gallery, as well as a notebook for the students and their families to write their thoughts in. The money raised in the campaign was donated to Estuar Foundation to help the Collective Incident Victims. Our prefects have conducted this action of fundraising and their

Colectiv Fundraising

support has repeatedly played a key role in our success. Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel about this dreadful tragedy. The organization has been nothing but a great giver which has helped countless numbers of families by giving them hope of a better future. With your faithful financial contributions in these 3 67

days, you’ve demonstrated your deep commitment to providing our support needed for the innocent sufferers. We hope that our donation would help to lighten the sufferance of the injured victims. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this sad sorrowful time.



”Cleanwater is a humanright, not a privilege” Following the successful completion of various social responsibility projects, either by supporting the campaigns of Romanian NGOs (Noi Orizonturi Familia, Sansa Ta Association, Pro Vita Association, Marie Curie Hospital, or initiating their own projects, like clothes & toys donation for children in Sfantul Iosif Orphanage, ISB students have joined the Clean Water Project campaign. They managed to raise 5000 $, money used to build a water well for a community

Clean water Project

in Kenya. ISB has proudly received an appreciation certificate signed by Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) in the name of the Kenyan community. A big thank you to everybody involved students, parents, teachers and members of community who contributed to this success.

The campaign was initiated by Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) Foundation who built water wells in 18 countries, offering access to clean water to 3 million people, vegetation and animals through this campaign.

Tuna Foundation Charity

ISB in partnership with Tuna Foundation, provided food for the poor communities around Bucharest



Meet the Teacher Evenings

Meet the Teacher Evenings were a very good opportunity for the new and existing primary and secondary school families to meet with their children’s new and existing teachers. It was very pleasant evenings, thank you everyone for honouring our invitation.

Primary School Meet the Teacher Evening

Secondary School Meet the Teacher Evening



Promoting Positive Behavior Workshop for Parents MS. ALINA CONSTANTIN,


Following Primary Open Morning on Tuesday the 3rd of November, our Student Support Service Team hosted a workshop for parents across the school on the topic of Promoting Positive Behavior. The workshop approached concepts as ‘what is positive behavior and how does it change with every stage of the child’s development’, ‘what is the family’s role in the child’s behavior development’. Parents have also found out about a series of practical

The parents who took part in the workshop shared their experiences

strategies that could help them manage in a more positive way different challenging behaviors of the children and teenagers. These strategies are meant to help first and foremost the child, as well as the relationship with the caregiver. The parents who took part in the workshop have been very active and engaged and have shared their personal experience which

brought significant value to its content. We are always happy to see parents who want to share and to learn from other parent’s experience. We firmly believe that a strong collaboration between school and family is the key to our student’s wellbeing and we invite you to join us to our future events.

We are always happy to see parents who want to share and to learn from other parent’s experience



New and Improved Facilities at ISB MS. MADALINA CIOC, PR & ADMISSION OFFICER

We have been very busy over the summer holiday working on new facilities or improving the current facilities in the school. The parking lot has been asphalted Key Stage 2 students love every minute of their play time and the Basketball court has been while the playground in early Stage children are also enjoying improved, the Sports Hall has been Years Foundation Stage has been their new multi-purpose room renovated as well. KS2 students extended. Early Years Foundation this year. have new playground equipment,

Our brand new Multi Purpose Room

Fresh and healthy fruit juices Mr.Bahri, our master chef is will be available on the ground willing to increase the choices; he is floor (next to the reception area) awaiting your recommendations. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Elevating words for our brand new elevator

We would like to say thank you to our wonderful maintenance team who has worked very hard alongside the specialists who were in charge of these projects.

And the first happy customer is here!



ISB Receives Diploma of Excellence from the Ministry of Education

ISB has been awarded the Diploma of Excellence by the Romanian Ministry of Education for its students remarkable results

in Olympiads and International Contests during the academic year 2014-2015. We are very honoured to be awarded with such

a distinction again this year and we are proud to share this great news with our community and our friends.

ISB, the Safest Private School in Romania MS. MADALINA CIOC,


ISB is not only providing a high level of education, but also a very safe school environment for the children. In addition to the strong architectural structure, ISB now benefits from an advanced earthquake detection system. The system called SENTINEL protects our students and staff by an early alarm and also triggers an automatic protection procedure for the building: shuts off the gas supply from the outside preventing the fire as a consequence of the earthquake.

SENTINEL G07 Individual House use

Based on the most advanced technology available at the moment for civilians, SENTINEL can be used in any seismic area, in Romania and abroad and protects from any earthquake, no matter where the epicenter is located. The National Bank of Romania, the 72

Bank Institute of Romania, GDFSuez, RADET, state institutions, industrial and pharmaceutical companies, office buildings, markets, state educational institutions, but also blocks of flats and individual houses are currently using this system.


ISB Community Celebrates the National Day of Romania ISB community celebrated the beautiful Romania on Thursday, 26th November, through traditional music, dancing and delicious Romanian food. The fun began in the morning with KS1 and KS2 students dancing the Hora (Romanian traditional dance) in the Gallery. At noon,

numerous Romanian parents brought in the most delicious home-made Romanian food for the Traditional Romanian Food Fair. After the delightful feast, parents were invited to watch the students’ excellent themed performance on stage. It has been a joy to see such an

enormous creative and positive energy immersing everyone: students, teachers and parents. Thank you to all involved, especially to our Music and Romanian teachers and of course to our wonderful parents for their constant support. La multi ani, România!

Delicious home-made Romanian food

KS1 and KS2 dancing the Hora

ISB students singing Romania’s Anthem

Congratulations to everyone for the excellent performance!



Academic Calendar 2016 -2017 September 2016

August 2016 29 August: First Day of School

12 September: No school (Eid-ul-Adha)

November 2016

October 2016

17-21 October: Half-term Break

30 November: St. Andrew's Day

December 2016

January 2017 3 January: School Resumes

1 December: National Day 20 December: Noon dismissal

24 January: Unification Day

21 December - 2 January: Winter Holiday

February 2017

March 2017

20-24 February: Half-term Break

April 2017

May 2017

17-29 April: Spring Break

2 May: School Resumes

14 April: Noon dismissal

1 May: Labour Day/May Day

June 2017

Legend First or last day of school School holidays School days

5 June: Rusalii

21 June: Noon Dismissal

ISB Insight Magazine Issue 6 Editor: Madalina Cioc - Graphic Designer: Victor Vasile - December, 2015





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