Inside the Issue
03-05 Sleep: The Untold Truth 06-07 The Stress Between Boys and Girls 08-09 Stress 10 Ahhhhh Stress 11-13 How to Relieve Stress
17-19 Conforming to Change 20-21 Two Faces, One Body 22-23 Trying to Conform 25-26 To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo? 26-27 The Odyssey of Us 28-30 How to Fit In at School
14-16 The Avengers: Movie Review
Body Image
Alcohol & Drugs
31 32-33 34 35
36-38 Alchohol and Drugs are Killing You 39-41 Nine Steps for Parent to Protect Your Teenager from Alcohol Abuse 42-43 Teens Get Hammered from Alcohol Abuse
Girls Dream to be Slim Why Girls Diet? How Young is too Young? Self Esteem
Reporters Aaron Almlie| Anna Atnip| Dan Borenstein| Rebecca Bradley| Jonathan Butcher| Mills Cannon| Royal T. Daniel| Ai Fujiwara| Hikaru Ito| Kelly Jun| Jacob Karaul| Rendy P. Muharam| Chika Nagaoka| Gregory J. Neale| Rio Okada| Kevin Oktavianes| Sidney Smith| Travis L. Taaffe Allamagan Walker
Mr. Andrew Cohen
Sleep: The Untold Truth By Jacob Karaul Sleep; the escape to every everlasting day
Teens sometime can’t fall asleep until this
and the hopeful beginning to an
time because the melatonin isn’t activated.
And if you add the 8
night. But you
! to 9 ! hours
may not
recommended for
know, it isn’t
teens and children,
pleasant for
that leads to 9:30 to
10:30 when teens
should wake up,
which isn’t possible
affects almost
because of school.
This is why many
when you just
schools are starting
can’t go to
their school opening
bed and you
time later, in order
regret it every
for teens and
morning. What does this cause? How do
children to get more sleep.
you stop it? Why does this happen? Common questions, which everyone
Studies emphasize that the reason why
deserves the answer to.
melatonin is released later is due to video game and electronic devices times, as we
Teens these days are going to bed too late
push our boundaries and try to stay
due to gaming systems and modern day
awake. Another popular belief is
technology that causes us to be tired in
concerning puberty, and how this may
the morning. An average teen needs to
cause the time to be much later for
have at least 8 ! hours of sleep, and 9 !
teenagers. There are many different ideas
hours is the recommended time.
due to the research on melatonin.
Teens contain the sleep hormone called
There are many signs of sleep deprivation
melatonin. Melatonin helps us go to sleep
that can be found, such as aching
at night, but it activates at different times
muscles, depression, headaches, yawning,
for teens and adults. For adults, it is
hallucinations, and more.
released at about 10 PM, but for teens and children, it is released at about 1 AM.
A main reason for stress is sleep deprivation. Stress is caused by lack of
Lack of sleep can cause stress and stress
sleep because
can cause
we require
lack of
sleep in order
sleep. Both
to be ready
and active for
are a huge
the day. This
load on
can also go
your brain
vice versa,
and body,
meaning if
you are
stressed out
it can be
through out the day, then you will not be
dangerous. For example, when lack of
able to sleep well at night.
sleep is occurring, we can sometimes ‘daze off’ and not take the activity we are
Sleep gives our body the energy that we
doing seriously, like using an oven or a
require for our days, because all the
dangerous electrical machine. Stress can
energy we have is used up by our daily
cause us to be angry and do things we
activities. It is much like a battery, which
wouldn’t normally do. It can also cause us
we use all day and we have to recharge it
to be unpredictable and reckless. We may
when we get home.
accidently have a car accident or something similar.
Our minds work the best when we sleep
Due to a recent public poll, More than
the fullest, because this discourages any
50% of people are getting 6 - 7 hours of
chance there is of stress. Stress causes us
sleep, which is about two hours lower than
to be distracted, grumpy, and more.
the recommended time. This shows how people nowadays aren’t getting enough
There is a word used for lack of sleep,
sleep and therefore are less efficient.
which is insomnia. Insomnia affects more than 70 million Americans. People with
Many schools are starting classes later
Insomnia have massive stress, depression
than usual, thus giving more time for
and psychological problems, because they
children, teenagers, and adults to sleep.
are using out their batteries and they can’t recharge them.
In conclusion, stress and lack of sleep
worthlessness wherever we look. We
both go hand in hand and they are both dangerous to you and everyone around you. Lack of sleep sometimes can’t be avoided, especially if you are a teenager or a child. Stress reduces our work potential, it puts us in a
cannot think straight and we cannot work
bad mood, and we see fault, error, and
to our full potential.
One thing that characterizes modern society is widespread stress. People are always doing things that piles on stress. It is not an exaggeration to say that stress is one of biggest social issues in the world since everything brings stress to people. However is there any difference in stress between a girl and a boy? They have different jobs, life styles and body systems. Does this make stress different between them? In this interview one boy and two girls answered some questions.
Boys What is your the biggest stressor in your life? “For me, I think it is trying get either my homework done whenever there’re so many online structures like Facebook, video games. I’m kind a very stressful because online structures just fill up and my time was nothing just wastes my time. And I have really to get a lot of sleep but I never do because of these online structures.” In what ways do you respond to your stress? “I always tell myself to do better and so I always try to improve because of my stress.” Who do you think has more stress a girl or a boy? And why?
“To be honest, I think it depends on people’s values. I think it depends on whom that person is and what they take more seriously. If girl’s value more important things than boys I guess girls would be more stressful. But again still can boys so I don’t think there is really the boy or girl that’s more stress.” Who do you think responds to stress better, a girl or a boy? “I think people cope it by different ways but maybe boys control with it better because I think boys have better ability to act depressing, their stress. I think they cope with it differently but they don’t really show it.”
Do you think there is a difference of stress in a girl’s life and a boy’s life? And why? “Yeah, definitely I think there is a difference but again the difference is of the person what they value. If they don’t value as mush, they just kind of like takes things more easily.”
Girls What is your the biggest stressor in your life? - “Friends. I feel so fatigue when my friends say something like selfcentered or sarcasm. So friends are not only heeling but also stress for me.” - “Grades” In what ways do you respond to your stress? - “By listening my favorite music, watching movies, which are kind of action or refreshing. And I also talk with my trusted friends about my problems of friends. I think talking is most effective in reducing stress.” - “I do not know how to respond my stress, but also watch some sad movies and cry a lot.” Who do you think has more stress a girl or a boy? And why? - “I can't decide it because girls and boys' environment are completely different and our stress types are completely different. However girls have more problems than boys: friendship, body care, body complex, and more.” - “Girls are more stressful than boys because girls think about their body and looks as self-perfections. And studies add it.” Who do you think responds to stress better, a girl or a boy? - “I think I can't decide it as the same as ex-question. Sometimes boys are stronger than girls, and girls are stronger than boys. But generally, boys
are stronger than girls. Because boys are told, "boys have to be strong." since they were children.” - “I think boys can stronger against than girls because they try harder than girls to reach the goal. Pursuit something.” Do you think there is a difference of stress in a girl’s life and a boy’s life? And why? - “Yes.” - “I think there is difference between girls and boys. Girls feel more tired than boys about friends’ relationship as a human relationship. Other way, boys have stress about themselves. Studies or scores.”
There is not really a huge visible difference between girls and boys, but it is can be said that both endure stress in everyday life.
! !
Stress!is!common!to!humans.!There! are!many!things!that!can!make!people! stressed!and!some!people!do!not! know!how!to!overcome!it.!Actors,! athletes,!students,!parents!and! everyone!else!have!something!in! common;!they!all!perform!their!job! with!different!stress!levels.!Stress!can! be!mental!and!emotional.!Some! people!get!stressed!not!only!from! their!schoolwork!and!jobs!but!also! marriage!and!death!or!illness!of! people!who!they!care! about,!as!well!as!many! other!things.!People!get! stressed!easily,!it!is!like! something!you!catch!and! that!is!hard!to!avoid.! !
of!getting!rid!of!stress!is! sleeping.!Sleeping!does! not!only!feel!good!but!it! is!also!healthy.!Sleep!is! an!important!part!of!your! daily!life!that!keeps!you! healthy!and!able!to!! cope!with!stress!more!easily.!Busy! people!and!even!students!tend!to!get! less!sleep!than!the!amount!of!hours!! required.!A!good!healthy!sleep!is! about!8!hours!or!more.!! !
lives.!Sleeping!is!not!really!a!time! when!your!brain!shuts!off,!instead,!it! still!functions!and!is!still!busy.!Without! enough!sleep!you!won’t!be!able!to! work!and!do!activities!very!well.!Sleep! gives!your!body!and!head!a!rest.!When!
you!have!a!good!amount!of!sleep!our! body!and!minds!can!work!a!lot!better.!! !
likely!they!wont!be!able!to!calm!down! and!have!a!good!sleep!at!night,! causing!them!to!wake!up!without! having!enough!sleep!and!that!can! cause!even!more!stress.!! !
alert,!causing!the!people!that!are! under!stress!to!tend!to!have!sleeping! problems!and!have!abnormal! responses!to!stress.!You! might!also!feel!grouchy! and!become!less!social.! Studies!have!shown!that! even!a!partial!sleep!can! affect!on!your!mood.!It! won’t!only!affect!on!your! mood!but!lack!of!sleep! can!also!cause!mental! problems.!! !
affect!your!body.!When! morning!comes!and!you! wake!up!your!body!will!
ache,!your!eyes!will!turn!red!and!your! stomach!will!ache.!You!might!also! have!trouble!concentrating!and!your! brain!and!memories!wont!function! that!well.!! !
either!doing!their!homework!or!just! browsing!the!Internet.!We!can!see! clearly!which!students!do!so!by!seeing! their!amount!of!concentration!and! effort!put!in!class.!When!students! have!a!lack!of!sleep!their!brain!won’t! function!properly!causing!them!to!not! pay!attention!in!class,!when!this! happens!students!will!often!get! stressed!out!for!the!upcoming!test!and! overthink!them.!This!will!cause!more! stress!for!the!students.! !
mind!away!from!all!the!stress.!If!you! are!not!a!fan!of!yoga,!meditating!and! attending!classes!just!to!distract!your! mind!from!stress,!then!why!not!try! doing!sports?!Doing!sports!will!distract! you!away!from!your!problems!and!you! can!enjoy!and!have!fun!at!the!same! time.!! !
Researches!prove!that!releasing!sweat! releases!the!bad!mood!hormones!
inside!the!brain!called!endorphins.! It!is!also!known!as!‘runner’s!high’!but!
it!also!happens!in!sports!such!as! basketball,!tennis!and!hiking.!! !
According!to!the!American!Council,! medical!researches!reported!that! doing!sports!can!relax!your!blood!
vessels,!reduce,blood,pressure! and!heart!rates.!As!you!do!sports!your! brain!is!taking!a!break!from!that!pile!of! work.!You!don’t!have!to!be!good!at! the!sport!you!are!into,!just!play!for! fun!!For!example!you!don’t!have!to! play!team!basketball,!just!shoot!hoops! and!chill!!! !
Regular!exercises!such!as!jogging!also! provide!stress!relief.!Run!around!your! neighborhood!!It!can!help!in!your! mental!health!for!example!depression! and!anxiety,!not!to!mention!it!makes! you!fit.!According!to!the!Mayo!Clinic,!
exercise,can,decrease,mild, symptoms,of,depression, and,anxiety,and,improve, quality,of,sleep.!! !
Stress!may!not!be!easy!to!deal!with! but!there!are!many!ways!you!can!get! rid!of!it!progressively.!Most!of!the! ways!are!fun!and!benefit!on!other! things!such!as!personal!fitness.!!
By Mills Cannon
How To Relieve Stress
Stress is a significant factor in the lives of everyone, no matter who you are. It takes over your mind, and makes you unproductive and unpleasant. You feel like you’ll never get anything completed, or accomplished. You are not going to reach your goals if you are stressed out. Stress is a horrible feeling. By reading the following, you can get rid of all the stress built up inside of you.
1. First, you should know what
3. If relaxing does not do the trick
stress really is. Stress is your
for you, try to do some activities
body’s way of reacting to tough
that you like, to keep you
situations and threats. Your
occupied. Try to learn a new
muscles tense up, your blood
song on guitar or finish the
starts to flow faster, hormones
book you’re reading. Listen to
and adrenaline are released
music you like. This should
into your system. Stress is a
calm your mind and keep your
natural feeling meant to help in
level of stress down, especially
dangerous and threatening
if you don’t think about the
situations. However, stress is
stressful things in your life. If
only helpful if you are in a
you cannot get it off of your
dangerous or threatening
mind, take a nap and let your
situation. Too much stress
body rest.
takes a toll on your body and your mind. 2. Now that you understand some
4. Try eating certain foods to keep your stress levels down and your happiness levels up. Most
on how stress works, you’ll be
people would not think of this
able to relieve it more easily.
way to relieve stress, but
One major way to get rid of your
certain foods and vitamins can
stress is plain and simple, to
reduce anxiety and stress.
relax. Go to a quiet, serene
Certain foods can release a
place, sit and close your eyes.
body chemical called serotonin,
A symptom of stress is to only
the chemical responsible for
see the negative side of things.
calming and feelings of
To flip this around, think of all
happiness. On the other hand,
the positives you have when
people have a stress hormone
you are relaxing. Try to focus
called cortisol, which adds to
on the good, not the bad. If you
your stress. Eating oranges
are still thinking of all the things
may reduce the level of your
you have to do, you will not be
cortisol hormones while also
benefiting your immune system,
which is not as strong in times
the cause of your stress as a
of stress. Small amounts of
step-by-step process. Although
food before you go to sleep can
it might seem impossible,
also help stress, serotonin is
eventually you will be able to do
released into your body faster,
the task at hand. You can easily
and you sleep better.
relate getting something done
5. Take care of your body.
to the saying about how to eat
Exercising is a good way to
an elephant; one bite at a time.
relieve stress and keep your
Say the cause of your stress is
mind on other things. You will
homework. You have so much
not think about your
homework and you feel like you
problem/stress as much and
will never get it done. Or you
you will be focusing on the
are overwhelmed and do not
exercise, such as running or
know where to start. Take it as
lifting weights. Also, take deep
steps, pick one assignment to
breaths and drink a lot of water
finish and then move on to the
every day. If you are hydrated
next. If you take your stress
and drink a lot of water, your
step by step, you will not
head and mind will be clear.
become overwhelmed.
6. A way to reduce your stress is to make sure you think about Now that you have these steps to ease your stress and fix the problems you are having, you should be more relaxed. You will feel like you have more time on your hands and your stress levels will go down. More serotonin will keep you happy and less cortisol in your system will keep the stress at bay. Follow the steps on how to relieve stress and live a healthy, stress free life. Sources:)
! The!Avengers:!The$World’s$MARVELous$Movie$$ After$5$years$of$Hype,$is$it$Worth$the$Wait?! !
SPOILER$WARNING!$ By:!Logan!Taaffe!
Life!can!be!stressful!for!teenagers.!!A! way!teenagers!can!learn!how!to!deal! with!their!stressful!situations!is!by! looking!at!the!metaphorical!ways! characters!on!the!big!screen!deal! with!theirs.!!One!of!the!films!that! teenagers!should!definitely!see!is! The$Avengers.$$! $ $ $ The$Avengers,!also!known!as! the!movie!that! makes!every!nerd! squeal!in!delight,!is! marvelous.!!This! fantastic!piece!of! work,!made!by! MARVEL,!is!amazing! to!view.!!MARVEL! built!up!The$ Avengers$for!five,! seemingly!endless! years,!creating! almost!unbearable! anticipation.!! Thankfully,!it!doesn’t! disappoint.! ! ! ! After!an!attack!on!the! S.H.I.E.L.D.!base,!a!mastermind! known!as!Loki,!played!by!Tom! Hiddleston,!tries!to!open!a!doorway! to!another!universe!to!release!his! team!of!aliens.!!Little!does!he!know,! at!the!same!time,!Nick!Fury,!played! by!Samuel!L.!Jackson,!is!dealing!with! this!stressful!situation!by!assembling!
a!little!team!of!his!own…known!as:! THE!AVENGERS!!!! ! ! ! Earth’s!mightiest!heroes! consist!of:!The!Invincible!Iron!Man! (played!by!Robert!Downey!Jr.),! THOR!–!The!God!of!Thunder!(played! by!Chris!Hemsworth),!Captain! America!–!The!First!Avenger!(played! by!Chris!Evans),!and!The!Incredible! Hulk!(played!by!Mark! Ruffalo)!!!Director!Joss! Weadon!succeeds!at! balancing!the!amount! of!screen!time!for!each! character.!!It!never! feels!like!one! character!is!more!of!a! main!character!than! another.!!Each! character!is!developed! equally!and!shares!in! the!plot!creation.!! ! ! ! MARVEL! smartly!releases!each! Avenger!character’s! own!movie!before!The$Avengers.$! This!way,!audiences!experience!up! to!2!hours!of!character!development! before!ever!sitting!down!to!view!The$ Avengers;!therefore,!the!connections! between!the!audience!and! characters!are!fully!sealed!as!soon!as! the!opening!soundtrack!begins.! ! !
! The!characters!in!the! beginning!of!the!film!detest!each! other.!!However,!this!soon!changes,! since!many!develop!close! relationships!fueled!by!their! similarities.!!For!example,!Tony! Stark!and!Bruce!Banner!actually! become!good!friends!because!they! are!both!scientists.!! ! !! ! One!of!the!traits!the! characters!ALL!have!in!common!is! stress.!!They!each!have!their!own! baggage!to!carry.!!When!Tony!Stark! tells!Bruce!Banner!that!he!might! need!to!“suit!up”!with!the!rest!of!the! team,!Banner!explains!that!the!Hulk! is!his!baggage,!not!a!suit!of!armor,! and!that!the!Hulk!is!his!living! nightmare.!!Banner!tries!every! coping!skill!imaginable!to!relieve!the! stress!caused!by!his!inner!anger.!! He’s!taken!anger!management! therapy,!as!well!as!meditation! classes,!and!he!still!cannot!control! his!rage.!!! ! ! ! Tony!Stark!then!explains!that! his!miniature!ark!reactor!keeps!a! piece!of!shrapnel!from!reaching!his! heart.!!In!Iron$Man,!Tony!Stark!builds! a!chest!magnet!to!keep!a!piece!of! metal!from!tearing!at!his!heart!and! killing!him!instantly.!!However,!the! actual!arc!reactor!is!poisoning!him.!! The!device!keeping!him!alive!is!also! killing!him.!!He!creates!an!entirely! new!ELEMENT!to!control!his! stressful!problem.!!Stark!makes!clear! that!he!is!able!to!control!his!baggage,! and!that!Banner!will!also!succeed!in! doing!so.!!It’s!a!pretty!good!scene! because!it!finally!lets!Bruce!get!some!
advice!about!the!Hulk!from!a!person! with!a!!“similar”!problem.!!! ! ! ! The!way!Banner!resolves!his! stress!is!actually!quite!simple:!he! accepts!that!he!will!always!be!angry.!! After!acknowledging!his!gift,!Banner! is!able!to!control! the!Hulk.!!Since! he!can!control! the!Hulk,!he!will! finally!use!it!for! the!good!of! mankind.!! ! ! ! Thor!also! has!a!stressful! problem!to! resolve.!!His!own! brother!is!the! bad!guy,!which! causes!Thor! godly!stress.!!He! tries!to!get!his! brother!to!stop! the!terror!he!is! reigning!down!on!earth,!but!with!no! success.!!The!film!doesn’t!elaborate! enough!on!Thor’s!emotional!status! throughout!the!movie.!!I!wanted!to! see!more!of!Thor!trying!to!express! his!anguish!and!helping!Loki.!! Because!of!this!lack!of!development,! it!is!a!challenge!to!determine!how! Thor!copes!with!stress.! ! ! ! Captain!America!probably! has!the!worst!stress!of!all!the! characters.!!Everyone!he!knows!is! dead,!he’s!no!longer!living!in!the! 1940s,!and,!if!that’s!not!enough,!he! has!to!save!the!world.!!Captain! America!never!complains!about!
losing!everyone!he!once!loved,!the! difficulty!he!has!adjusting!to!the! modern!world,!or! his!need!to!process! all!that!has! happened!to!him.!! Instead,!he!sucks!it! up!and!puts!the! needs!of!others! before!his!own! difficulties.!!On!the! way!to!saving!the! world,!he!gains! friendships!with! Nick!Fury,!Tony! Stark,!Bruce! Banner,!and!even! Thor.!!Thus,!Captain! America!no!longer!suffers!from! feelings!of!loneliness!and!isolation! and!thereby!eliminates!his!major! stressors.!!He!discovers!that!putting! others!first!is!one!way!to!cope!with! $ Rating:$ 9/10!
stress!because!doing!so!can!help!put! your!own!stress!in!perspective.!!! ! ! ! ! These!characters,!in!the!end,!see!the! similarities!within!themselves!and! save!the!day.!!This!movie!is!a!blast!to! watch.!!It!has!many!“funny�!and! memorable!moments!that!will!keep! audiences!talking!about!it!for!days! on!end.!!In!addition!to!being! incredibly!entertaining,!The$ Avengers!is!an!excellent!movie!for! helping!teenagers!discover! metaphorical!solutions!to!dealing! with!stress;!they!see!the!coping! techniques!the!characters!use!to! solve!their!stress!and!apply!these!to! their!own!lives.!!The$Avengers$is!a! MARVELous!movie,!and!it!is! certainly!the!world’s!mightiest! summer!film.!!
Two Faces, One Body
A slip from your hands may bring the unexpected I adore the Internet. If I had a computer and a wireless connector, I would use the Internet for 24 hours straight. My sister, currently in 7th grade, uses the Internet too. Sometimes, she writes anonymous comments on web-toons that she likes in a voice she doesn’t use in real life. Massive amount of teenagers and adults love the Internet. The reason is probably because the Internet has everything in it. Pages for social networking, online games, eBooks, educational purposes, researches, bulletins and lectures. One thing I am most concerned about is differing personality of a person when he or she is online or not. Fitting in society is hard. It wires a person mentally and occasionally physically.
However, this fact about fitting in is different online. On the Internet, you can be whomever you want. You can be the most popular person while in reality you appear to be an outcast. You can be a malicious anonymous commenter while you are just a naive high school student. You can reveal your true self on the web and not a single person would know that it is you.
your whole identity behind the screen with a click of a mouse.
It is complicated to change yourself in order to get along with others in real life. Behind your desk in front of the computer is a completely different story. You can edit your face to create the most beautiful face on Earth. You can change your personality and become the sweetest person everyone would want. You can do everything you want that you couldn’t do in reality. You can deny or unveil
Changing into whoever you and I want to be sounds great. But, there are some unexpected consequences in having two faces.
Changing isn’t bad. Lying a little to make yourself feel like a better person isn’t a crime. I am able to continue enjoying my hobbies on the Internet, which is almost impossible in real life. I am able to discuss my thoughts with people that have similar pastime as me.
The Megan Meier case. The assailant was a parent of an ex-friend of Megan. They created a false My Space account to find out what Megan talks about their daughter. Then it got out of hand. 20
Suddenly,)Megan’s)friends) turned)their)backs.)They)made) surveys)on)how)much)she)was)a) slut)and)how)fat)she)is.)The)fake)id) made)by)the)parents)shared) messages)they)had)with)Megan)to) other)people.)The)last)message) they)sent)to)Megan)before)she)died) was) “Everybody)in)O'Fallon)knows)
how)you)are.)You)are)a)bad) person)and)everybody)hates)you.) Have)a)shi;y)rest)of)your)life.)The ) world)would)be)a)be;er)place) without)you." ) The)truth)was)that)the)start) was)the)parent)of)the)ex@friend)of) Megan.)Later,)some)of)the)girls) living)in)the)block)started) contributing)and)one)of)the)girls) sent)the)last)message.)The)girls) thought)of)it)as)a)joke)and)didn’t) mention)it)because)the)adults)who) made)the)account)didn’t)say) anything.) ) No)one)could)have) predicted)the)result)of)some)joke.) The)result)wasn’t)what)the) assailant)wanted.)They)just)wanted) to)know)what)Megan)talks)about) their)daughter.)No)one)could)have) thought)that)the)fake)‘face’)could) end)a)person’s)life. ) No)one)hates)the)Internet.) The)Internet)isn’t)always)lovable,) either.)The)Internet)is)useful)but) full)of)trash)too.)The)Internet)may) help)a)person)socialize)with)people) from)all)over)the)globe.)It)can)also) end)a)life)that)cannot)ever)be) replaced)again. We)must)always)be)careful.)Our) elders)tell)us)to)think)twice)before) talking.)Think)thrice)when)typing.) A)slip)from)a)hand)might)bring)the) unexpected.
Q & A about Trying to Conform $
By:$Allamagan'Walker' Q:$I'went'to'see'my'cousins'for'the'summer'in'California.'But'the'problem'is'that' when'I'came'back,'I'found'out'all'my'friends'have'been' drinking'and'smoking'and'trying'to'get'my'to'join'in'like' nothing'has'changed.'What'should'I'do?' '
A:$I'have'seen'this'happen'a'lot.'If'they'are'trying'to'get'you' to'drink'and'showing'you'that'you'have'to'do'what'they'are' doing,'you'should'stop'being'friends'with'them'or'get'help' from'am'adult.'Many'teens'have'gotten'a'drinking'problem' due'to'peer'pressure'and'are'using'it'now'was'a'way'to'get'rid' of'all'their'problems.''You'can'learn'more'at' m' '
Q:$I'have'always'wanted'to'know,'what'is'so'wrong'with'weed?'My'parents'have' done'it'and'I'don’t'see'the'problem.' '
A:$For'one'you'shouldn’t'be'doing'it'because'marijuana'is'much'stronger'now'then'it' was'when'your'parents'tried'it.'And'if'you'did'smoke'weed,'it'can'lead'you'to'do' stronger'drugs'such'as'heroin,'or'cocaine.'You'can'learn'more'at'' '
Q:$I'have'always'wondered'what'are'the'problems'of'drinking'and'there'any'laws' about'underage'drinking?' '
A:$Well'there'are'a'lot'of'problems'about'drinking'but'the'most'dangerous'one'is' that'you'cant'control'what'you'body'does'and'when'you'do'something'weird'or' dangerous,'you'think'everything'is'normal.'Drinking'underage'is'socially'taboo'in'
most'places'in'the'US,'so'if'you'were'caught'people'would'trust'you'for'one,'and'the' person'who'got'the'drinks'for'you'would'be'put'in'jail.'You'can'learn'more'at:' heavyJdrinking'' '
Q:'How'would'you' know'if'someone'is'an' alcoholic?' ''
A:$You'would'know' someone'was'an' alcoholic'if'you'keep' finding'him'or'her'in' situations'where'they' are'trying'begging,'steal,' even'rob'people'or' houses'to'get'money.' Then'he'or'she'would' be'more'aggravated'in'general.'You'can'read'more'about'this'at:' brain/alcoholism2.htm'
Q:$I'it’s'been'2'weeks'since'the'begging'of'the'year.'I'have'been'hangout'with'the' same'group'of'friends,'but'there'is'this'new'person'in'the'grade'who'is'trying'to' hangout'with'us.'I'don’t'see'her'as'a'problem'but'I'see'her'trying'to'hard'to'be' friends.'What'should'we'do?' '
A:$I'think'you'should'confront'her'and'try'to'bring'her'into'the'group.'By'making'her' feel'the'need'to'push'herself'onto'you'she'well'start'to'feel'excluded,'hated'and' unwanted.'If'everything'fails'try'to'tell'her'it'not'going'to'work'and'that'you'don’t' want'any'more'friends.' ' ' '
The Odyssey of Us
The$four$years$you$ are$most$likely$to$ question$your$identity
By Dan Borenstein
habitat or eco-system. These desires all of us possess in conformity are ho do you think you are? worth its weight in gold. It is so No, seriously? One person can only ridiculously valued by the majority answer this complex, mysterious of us that we will put other values and mind-boggling question. That and other desires aside in order to person is you. When we first step achieve conformity. Here in High into misty realm of High school all School, you will embark on an odwe want is a sense of conformity, the yssey. One, which everyone within warmth of belonging to a social
your surroundings is undergoing as well as you are. Through High School we change in order to fit into the crowd like a stem cell attempts to differentiate in order to be apart of a tissue. Our desires are no different than of a cell. But the question is, who or what are we changing for?
As we change, our personality transforms, therefore it directly influences the way we act as well as our way of life. Those of us who significantly lack conformity may do things that push us to the limit and transform us for the better. On the other hand, we might not necessarily like or even respect the things we feel we are forced to do. This could include drinking alcohol or other types of drug abuse and activities, which may lead to conformity as well as majorly terrifying consequences. An anonymous junior year student at ISB (International School Bangkok) stated that, “sometimes [my friends in freshman year] would agree to do things that in any other situation, they wouldn’t have. For example, drinking alcohol. It was weird to see their morals totally ditched just to fit in”. The drug abuse government website ( reported that in a research conducted in 2011, about 3.3 % of eighth graders (ages 12-13) abuse drugs. Unfortunately, in the transformation from eighth grade to 9th grade, 9.8% of the teenagers were reported to be abusing drugs. The scenario that the junior student retold correlates with data reported by the drug abuse government website, which could give a partial idea to the strange new behaviors performed by new high school freshmen. Freshman, Sidney Smith, supports the fact that, “people don’t want to be the one outlier and they want to fit in with the people around them by following the latest trend”. Conformity comes in many different forms and doses. To achieve conformity drinking and
parting don’t have to be necessitated. Personality and behavior are strong, yet simple seeming factors that influence one’s level of conformity. Behaving like everyone else as well as associating with them may come in conflict with their own isolated interests. Sophomore, Sebastian Weir expressed that, “ Being different would cause other kids to make fun of my friends and I”. An anonymous freshman said, “When I entered high school nothing bored me more than sports. Yet, I felt like the only way I could really become a part of the community is to do the same thing they do.”
“It was weird to see their morals totally ditched just to fit in”. Sebastian Weir, also said, “now, people enjoy weirdness, Uniqueness, someone who stands out from a crowd. Being different is okay, and maybe even encouraged. From these past two years I have noticed those around me change a lot”. Research conducted by an Australian group of experts has shown that conformity decreases with age. People form a new type of conformity, which is quite opposite to the one people experience in younger years. People seek out the need to be unique and stand out of the crowd. The research suggests that the age performs a status role. The older you are (like a senior) the less you will be pressured to conform. However, younger students like us freshmen possess lower statuses and therefore have the need to conform
and change. Senior, Amber Barnett stated that, “I think that as time goes on, people realize that if you’ve only got one shot at life, there’s no reason you should spend it with people you don’t like”. The essence of our subconscious and personality is reflected by the values and morals we live by and abide to. Throughout this four-year journey students’ values are unclear and are under constant fluctuations, which cause confusion, stress and identity issues. We start believing that fitting in and being accepted by people we might not even like, is more important than being ourselves. Our student body directly influences us. The Odyssey of us is like an endless hall of fun house mirrors. We transform into different beings by relying on our social structural environment. We change and adapt to our surroundings in different ways no matter how harsh the change and how it defines you as an object in your society. But as we grow older the pressure projected by your peers begins to loosen when we find those who share our common interest and accept you for who you are. You have a choice to either, follow everyone and do things, which you will regret later. Or you can be yourself and wait for time pass by and enjoy your high school life without regrets. Throughout the journey our way of thinking continues to change. The only catch is that its not four years long because the truth is that it never ends. So sit tight and enjoy the know that eventually all will prevail.
! By#Gregory#Neale#
H ave#you#just#changed#schools,#and#can’t#find#your#correct#‘group’#of#friends?# Have#you#been#insecure#about#your#friends?## Have#you#even#wondered,#why#you#are#interested#in#these#questions?# If#so,#you#are#in#the#right#place,#and#you#should#continue#reading.# !
! ! !
F ind!a!best!friend!in!a!group!! You#might#need#to#find#somebody#that#you#can#talk#to.#Being#easy#to#talk#to#often# helps#with#friends#and#fitting#in.#Your#best#friend#doesn’t#need#to#be#somebody# you#can#talk#to,#but#they#often#adapt#to#be#able#to#do#that.#A#“best”#friend#should# do#something#that#makes#you#happy.#Share#interests,#such#as#gaming.#Gaming#can# often#create#friendships,#but,#there#are#two#types#of#gamers.#The#Social#Gamers,# and#The#Gamers.#The#Social#Gamers#play#games#together!#Often#multiplayer# online#games.#The#Gamers,#often#don’t#play#games#that#can#be#shared,#or#played# together.#Friends#CAN#and#CAN’T#be#created.#You#might#have#a#relationship#in# the#way#that#you#play#the#same#games,#but#it#could#happen#that#you#play#the# same#games,#but#your#chemistry#doesn’t#work.#It#can#take#a#while#to#find#your# “best”#friend.# #
H ave!some!patience!! If#you#hurry#to#find#a#group#of#friends,#you#can#change.#It#takes#time#to#adapt#to# the#new#system#of#a#new#school.#People#are#different,#and#so#are#schools.# #
B e!yourself!! You#do#not#want#to#have#to#change#who#you#are,#just#because#somebody#doesn’t# accept#you.#If#you#can’t#be#who#you#are,#their#the#wrong#people.## #
D on’t!be!shy!!
Don’t#be#shy.#Being#shy#makes#you#vulnerable#to#bullies.#If#you#aren’t#accepted# into#that#group,#they#can#often#become#something#you#didn’t#think#they#were,#a# bully.#When#you#are#accepted#into#the#group#you#belong#to,#be#strong.#Make# yourself#a#semi#Alpha#male.#Be#strong#and#don’t#let#people#knock#you#down.# # Nobody!is!the!same!! You#might#have#been#really#popular#at#your#old# school,#but#every#school#has#it’s#own# “personality”.#Schools#are#like#people,#the# students#would#be#the#“self”#in#the#school,#and# no#school#is#the#same# # #
D on’t!accept!yourself!into!a!group!! If#possible,#sniff#around#for#a#while.#Go#to#one#group,#then#to#the#next.#Each#break# time,#just#pop#in#and#out#of#groups.#If#they#do#not#mind#your#presence#they#are# OK#to#join.#If#they#stop#talking#and#look#at#you,#or#say#something#like#“What#the# hell#are#you#doing#here?”#they#are#the#WRONG#group.# #
B e!Social!!
Being#Social#often#helps#with#this#procedure#in#making#friends#and#fitting#in.#Try# joining#clubs,#or#sports#teams.#Don’t#sit#on#your#butt#the#whole#day#and#watch# YouTube#or#Dragon#Ball#Z.#Joining#clubs#can#often#gain#new#friends,#by#showing# more#interests#than#just#“I#like#computer#games#and#YouTube.#Yeah.#That’s#about# it.”.#Your#social#life#should#explode,#and#so#will#your#friends.#Being#Social#is#not# only#good#for#fitting#in,#as#a#person,#you#are#a#social#“creature”#and#you#need#to# socialize.# # # # 29
! B onding!too!fast!isn’t!good!!
If#you#bond#with#the#group,#and#don’t#have#any#friends#outside#of#that,#it#isn’t#a# good#sign.#Make#sure#you#have#multiple#friends,#from#different#groups,#you#never# know,#your#friends#might#change#and#think#you’re#an#absolute#dork#one#day.# Where#are#you#going#to#go#then?# #
S talking?!Not!cool!bro!!
Don’t#stalk#your#friends.#They#might#want#to#be#alone,#or#get#away#from# something.#If#you#follow#your#friends#everywhere,#that#isn’t#cool.#Your#friends# might#have#a#girl/boyfriend#and#want#some#privacy#or#“sexy#time”#as#you#may# know#it.#You#will#look#creepy#and#like#a#“numpty”#if#you#do#stalk#them.# #
R elax!!
Short#simple,#just#relax.#Sit#back#and#observe.#Enjoy#your#friends#while#they#are# still#there.#Talk,#be#social.#Do#not#be#glued#to#your#screen#when#your#friends#are# around.#Make#changes#for#the#good.# # #
M aybe!your!not!the!one!that!needs!to!fit!in?!
Try#helping#others.#This#can#often#help#you#gain#new#friends.#By#helping# somebody#else,#they#will#consider#you#a#friend,#unless#you#tell#them#to#go#away# and#start#being#mean#to#them.# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 30
T eens$dream$to$be$beautiful$or$cute.$Some$girls$are$too$crazy$about$being$ beautiful$so$as$not$to$be$perceived$negatively$by$other$people$and$they$ excessively$diet.$It$conversely$makes$girls$ugly.$But$what$is$‘beautiful’?$Why$do$ girls$have$a$negative$image$of$their$body?$So$I$interviewed$some$teens$who$have$ had$experience$dieting.$I$think$their$experiences$are$familiar$for$girls. $ (Girl$A,$B$&$C)$ $ 1. Why do you want to diet? A. I$think$my$body$doesn’t$look$slim.$ B. Actually$I$didn’t$want$to$diet$seriously$so$I$ always$abandon$it.$However,$I$want$to$diet$ because$I$am$worried$about$having$a$negative$ image$of$myself$and$how$others$view$me.$$ C. I$want$to$be$confident$in$myself,$so$I$think$I$ should$be$slim$to$look$good$in$clothes.$$ $ 2. Why you can/can’t continue your diet? A. I$can$continue$my$diet$because$I$want$to$become$cute$or$wear$clothes$ that$I$want$to$wear.$It$makes$me$tried$to$think$about$dieting.$Also$it$ takes$a$long$time$to$lose$weight,$so$I$cannot$ continue$to$diet.$ From:$Food$networks$healthy$eats$ B. Because$I$love$snacks$and$dislike$sports.$I$ enjoy$staying$awake$all$night$to$watch$movies,$have$a$midnight$snack,$ and$stay$in$my$cool$airMconditioned$home$the$whole$day;$at$the$same$ time,$the$diet$can’t$became$my$first$priority$thing.$That's$why$I$can't$ keep$dieting.$The$diet$is$not$the$most$important$thing.$$ C. Dieting$is$so$hard$that$I$can’t$keep$mind$(stay$firm)$like$the$first$time$ (I$started$dieting,$in$terms)$of$my$determination.$$ $ 3. How do you want to be? A. I$don’t$have$a$final$goal,$but$I$think$models’$styles$are$best.$ B. Sorry,$I$don't$have$my$best$view.$But$I$want$to$wear$clothes$and$ makeup$of$the$Gothic$fashion,$so$I$want$to$be$kind$of$thin$to$wear$cool$ clothes.$By$the$way$I$suppose$people$are$mostly$on$a$diet$because$of$ their$admiration$of$fashion.$$ C. I$want$to$be$like$my$favorite$actress$or$singers.$ $ 32$
4. What’s your dieting plan? A. Breakfast$and$lunch$I$can$eat$anything$I$want,$but$sweets$I$can$have$ only$a$little.$In$the$dinner,$cut$down$my$intake$of$carbohydrates$such$ as$rice$or$bread.$Take$more$vegetables$and$meats$than$carbohydrates.$ Also$everyday$diet$is$hard$for$me,$so$I$choose$day$to$do$or$not.$For$ example,$two$days$diet$and$a$day$not$diet.$ B. Sorry,$nothing.$$ C. DO$NOT$eat$snacks$in$break$time.$As$possible$as$I$can,$I$try$to$do$ activities.$$ $
5. Why do you have a negative image of your body?
A. I$see$many$models$or$girls$who$are$very$thin$and$look$thin.$Many$of$ them$are$cute$and$beautiful.$Also,$when$I$think$about$myself,$I$feel$ depressed$about$my$to$body$image.$ B. If$I$watch$the$TV$there$are$huge$amounts$of$people$who$are$so$ beautiful$and$they$are$always$thin;$moreover,$it$happens$even$around$ me.$I$am$not$thin,$but$sometimes$plump.$It$is$a$commonly$held$idea$ that$a$beautiful$person$must$be$thin,$and$it$causes$of$people$to$have$a$ negative$body$image.$$ C. My$friends$are$slim$so$I$think$I$have$to$be$a$slimmer$girl$like$them.$And$ actress$and$singers$are$so$slim$that$I$can’t$think$I’m$slim$
6. Do you have any advice for teens who are
A. I$have$advice,$that$is$do$not$do$diet$hard$like$ not$eating.$You$shouldn’t$try$to$be$like$a$ skeleton,$extremely$thin.$ B. I$have$watched$the$TV$program$about$too$ much$dieting.$I$have$a$few$pieces$of$advice$ for$teens.$First,$fasting$is$not$a$true$diet$so$I$ mean$you$should$eat$food$and$do$exercise.$$ Second,$do$not$pay$attention$to$how$other’s$ view$you$and$what$they$feel$about$you.$ Then$finally$if$you$decide$to$diet$seriously$ you$should$accomplish$it.$The$feeling$of$satisfaction$after$the$diet$ makes$you$have$confidence$in$a$lot$of$things,$not$only$your$looks;$on$ the$other$hand,$the$laziness$of$failure$makes$you$sink$to$selfMhatred.$$ C. I$have$advice,$“DO$NOT$diet$too$much”$My$friend$was$crazy$about$ dieting$and$excessively$dieted,$and$so$she$ $From:$Ziggy’s$Blog$ suffered$from$it$for$a$long$time.$So$I$want$ to$be$slim;$however,$I$think$I$shouldn’t$ diet$too$much.$$
D uring$interview,$girls$wanted$to$be$slim$to$gain$confidence.$They$said$the$same$ thing:$DO$NOT$be$crazy$about$dieting.$$ $ $
! !"#$%&&'$%(&)*$ $ “We as humans don’t take good care of outcome of your self-esteem; most times your anything we dislike” says Carolyn Becker, a personality. licensed clinical psychologist and speaker at TED talks. This statement is an accurate explanation to The second step to having better selfwhy our dislikes continue to be our dislikes. Selfesteem is to just be happy. Be happier with esteem is a state of stable mental health and yourself, and your body image. Be happy with behavior. Mental health and behavior really your talents, flaws and imperfections. Studies depend on whether or not you are happy with show that “Adolescent girls that love their bodies yourself in general. gain less weight than adolescent girls that don’t love their bodies over time” [Carolyn Becker speaker at TED talks]. Yes most people only see the negatives and what they dislike about their bodies, but imagine all the time we spend disliking our bodies and imagine what actual productive things we could accomplish.
Figure 1:
The first step to having self-esteem is being confident in your self. The mental health part of self-esteem is based off of how much you feel you are worth and how much other people value you. The way you react to how much you feel you are worth and how much others value you, is your behavior. Your behavior is the
Lastly, we do have media to blame for multiple things it has taught us. But we cannot say media has told us each individually that we are dumb, fat, or ugly. We have taken the ideal picture and idea of media’s man or woman and personally compared it to ourselves. We judge ourselves more harshly than anyone else does. But what we need to do is give ourselves the chance we’re asking from everyone else to give us. The chance we’re all asking for is social acceptance. If we socially accept ourselves, we will know where we stand in society. We will feel more comfortable with our strengths and weaknesses and grow to accept ourselves. It is only after we accept ourselves that we can be accepted. This is the final step to being mentally healthy is being persistent in a good behavior, with our selves and with the world.
March 19, 2556 BE
ALCOHOL AND DRUGS ARE KILLING YOU! More and more teenagers are misusing drugs to get rid of their stress or to satisfy their curiosity without realizing the symptoms that would torture them later on.
Suspendisse feugiat mi sed lectus aoreet nec interdum By Trenz Pruca
A fourteen years old girl, Takeimi Rao died after she drank soda mixed with vodka. She was having sleepover with her friends when she got involved with the incident. Her mother found the girls throwing up except for her daughter, Takeimi Rao. The next morning, she was found passed out on her bed.
Minors like you and I are legally
By Hikaru (Sandra) Ito
forbidden to consume Alcohol. People become intoxicated. They drink alcohol without being conscious of how much they drink, due to its anesthetic and sedative effects. Moreover, there is a high possibility of having hepatic such as fatty
liver and hepatocirrhosis, or pancreatic disorders such as diabetes. Furthermore, binge-drinking can lead to acute alcoholic poisoning. As it is mentioned above, Acute Alcoholic Poisoning is a serious problem that leads to death, and which develops from consuming large quantities of alcohol in a short time.
Because alcohol has the potential to paralyze the brain, drinking alcohol while an adolescent, (which the brain is still developing,) can destroy the nerve cell in the brain and increase the possibility to atrophy.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL March 19, 2556
It is also significant because teenagers
leads to death for youth among the teenage social problems. Dr. James are likely to be addicted to the alcohol Copple, executive director of the more easily than adults. “Alcohol International Institute for Alcohol Dependency,” which can lead to death is Awareness, says, “Alcohol in the hands likely to result from those who started of young drinkers is a serious threat to drinking at younger age. Although it the health and safety of students takes about 15 to 20 years for middlenationwide.” His research indicates that aged men, and about 5 to 10 years for nearly 600,000 unintentional injuries, women to get alcohol dependency once 700,000 assaults and 1,700 deaths have they started habitual drinking, it takes been occurring each year, yet alcohol only couple of months to maximum 2 abuse is the most frequent drug problem years for the teenagers to become alcohol in the US. dependent.
The number of alcoholic teenagers in the world have been increasing by 30 percent over the last two years, and the number of teenagers receiving medical treatments has increased by 17 percent.
In fact, Tokyo Fire Dep. has reported that number of people who were transported by an ambulance increased to 13,395 (people) from 8,894 (people) in 1994. Most data shows approximately 6,264 people in their twenties including 3,820 men and 2,444 women. There were approximately 808 under twenty years olds transported by an ambulance, including 531 men and 277 women.
Heroin is one of the drugs that is more
harmful than alcohol. It is compounded with opium poppy that has color of white he U.S. Surgeon General also reported (sometimes brown.) It makes the smoker that about 5,000 kids under the age of 21 feel high and relaxed. It gives him/her a sense of bliss temporarily. Most of the die every year from underage drinking, time, the smoker finds it hard to stop including 1,900 teens from crashes, once he/she started taking it like the 1,600 teens from homicides, and 300 other drugs. Even though other drugs are teens from suicides. legally allowed for the doctors to give them to the patients if necessary, heroin ommunity Anti-Drug Coalitions of is forbidden for the patients to take America (CADCA) has agreed that because it is very addictive and has alcohol is one of the major factors that dangerous side effects.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL March 19, 2556 BE
Dangers of the heroin can be clarified by the several accidents of people who actually died from overdosing the heroin. In fact, a couple that lived in Alaska lost their 19 years old son in Aug. 20, 2012 when he overdosed on heroin in his bathroom. His parents explained about his son, “Our son struggled with addiction to the heroin.�
Number of teenagers taking heroin is keeping a steady line with slight rise and fall over the year. However approximately 120,000 people die from heroin each year in the world.
Monitoring the future study have reported that 21 percent of 8th graders and 37 percent of 10th graders among 46,000 teens admitted to having an experience with drugs in their life.
More and more teenagers are attempting to drink alcohol and take drugs. Like the girl mentioned in the first
paragraph, alcohol and drug can easily lead to death. Teenagers should know the negative consequences that they might face later on. Also, alcohol and drugs are very addictive, and it is difficult to quit once they start. By acquiring the knowledge about this, we can prevent more and more teenagers from being addicted. Thus, teenagers play an important role in understanding these risks.
Rendy Muharam
Year after year many teenagers have
using drug and alcohol will make them
died or suffered from drug and alcohol
cool. They also believe it will make
abuse. Many researchers believe that
them appear more grown up. There
the cause of teenage drug and alcohol
are many different ways to protect
abuse is because of too much
teenager from drugs and alcohol abuse.
schoolwork and stress that. Another
Listed below are some ways parents
reason is they want to fit in with their
can help protect their teenagers from
friends or certain groups and they think
drug and alcohol abuse.
Develop healthy family communication so your teens know that they can talk to you about anything: A parent should improve more positive conversation between the parent and their teenager. It will help your teens feel good about them and build their self-confidence with support, compliment, and love, so they will respect themselves and want to reach their dreams when they grow up. Encourage teens to choose positive friendships: Parent should encourage their teen about how to choose a good friend. Parent should give them much good instruction on how their teen can find a friend that will be strong enough to stay self-denial and self protection to your child Discuss reasons not to abuse drugs: Avoid scare tactics. Highlight how drug use can affect things important to your teen such as sports, driving, health and appearance. Explain that even a teen can ruin their developed program. Ask your teen's views: Avoid long and boring conversation, instead, listen to your teen's opinions and questions about drug use. Watch your teen's responses to see how he or she feels about the topic. Support your teen to talk by making reports instead of asking questions. Bring your child to Drug Rehabilitation Centre: This is another easy way to avoid your teen from using drugs. In here is where your teen get trained of how they can get avoid from drugs, and they were will provide a specific instruction of how parent can avoid their children from consuming drugs properly and safe.
Avoid criticism Avoid criticizing friendships you should be honest with your kids when you as a parent worried. Don’t Attack your teen’s friends. This may make them distrustful and less friendly to what you have to say. Be open and willing to listen to what your teenager say, and talk about what makes you nervous. Make a specific rule in your house You may use a specific rule for your teenager but don’t make it too strict because it may cause them depressed. What I usually called an agreement for your teen, this help to make your teen think and always follow your law. If your teen still doesn’t follow your law than you, as a parent should be make a deep consequence to your teen. Support Your Child’s Participation in Outside Activities or after school Kids who follow their interests and dreams are less likely to try alcohol and drugs. This another perfect step of how to protect your teen from drug and alcohol abuse, for example: Community service offering and getting involved in the community of people that give a feel of purpose, and increase your teens attention of the world. Parent should be spend more free time to their teen Parent should have regular dialogues from the early age include about how unstable about the risks of using alcohol and other drugs. you as parent should have an time for be together with your teens please you as parent should always be tight
TEENS GET HAMMERED FROM ALCHOL ABUSE Alcoholism in teens is no longer a taboo, it has become the norm. To stay away from growing peer pressure teens might need more then just school talks to help them stay clean BY RORY DANIEL
n"March"16,"2013,"two" American,"high"school,"" football"players,"ages" 17"and"16,"were"found" guilty"of"raping"a"drunk"and" unconscious"girl"on"January"2," 2013."While"their"behavior"was" inexcusable,"the"girl,"a"16"year"old," was"intoxicated"as"well.""Underage" drinking"is"an"issue"that"is" recurring"throughout"the"world" often"with"frightening"results"for" the"children"that"are"involved"in" this"activity."With"over"50%"of" teens"aged"15"years"old"admitting" to"having"at"least"one"drink"and" 60%"of"that"group"saying"they" consume"alcohol"on"a"monthly" basis,"drinking"is"no"longer"viewed" by"these"teenagers"as"taboo."It"has" become"a"norm. " Crimes"committed"by"teens" are"caused"by"alcohol,"55%"of"the" time."Teens"that"drink"are"Kive" times"more"likely"to"commit"a" crime"compared"to"their"nonL alcohol"drinking"friends."This"is"
because"alcohol"affects"the" evolving"frontal"lobe"section"in"a" teenager’s"brain."The"frontal"lobe"is" responsible"for"the"body’s" emotions."Since"the"development"of" the"frontal"lobe"is"hindered"by" alcohol,"teens"who"drink"alcohol" more"often"have"less"developed" emotions,"which"may"cause"them" to"commit"crimes."Many"of"the" crimes"committed"by"teens"under" the"inKluence"of"alcohol"are"sexual" harassment"and"homicide."These" crimes"add"up"to"80%"of"the"total" amount"of"teen"alcohol"related" crimes. A"stunning"statistic"is"that" teens"regularly"consume"an" estimated"325.5"gallons"of"alcohol" monthly"worldwide."Alcohol"affects" teens"differently,"according"to"a" study"done"by"Harvard"Medical" School."Teens"become"intoxicated" twice"as"fast"as"adults."This"study" also"shows"that"teens"Kind"it"more" difKicult"to"quit"their"alcohol" dependency,"making"alcohol"a"
component"of"their"adult"life"as" well. " 320,000"teens"aged"13"to" 20"will"die"this"year"due"to"alcohol" poisoning"or"other"alcohol"related" deaths."This"number"is"accountable" for"90%"of"all"deaths"that"will"take" place"in"that"age"group."Alcohol" does"not"only"hurt"the"people" around"the"drinker"but"also"hurts" the"drinker"himself."Teens"who" start"drinking"by"the"age"of"15"are" Kive"times"more"likely"to"drop"out" of"high"school"or"end"up"in"prison." Alcohol"slows"down"a"teenager’s" development"processes."This" makes"teens"unable"to"act"at"the" same"emotional"level"as"other" teens"that"do"not"drink"alcohol," resulting"in"bad"decision"making" and"the"inability"to"focus"in"school." Teens"that"drink"alcohol"are"three" times"more"likely"to"die"at"a"young," age"20"to"age"30,"then"teens"that"do "
not"drink."This"is"because" alcohol"is"literally"a"poison"to" your"liver,"which"is"very"
This is an actually image released from the rape by a hacking group anonymous
important"for"multiple"life" processes. " There"are"concrete"reasons" teenagers"start"developing"alcohol" dependencies."One"of"the"major" reasons"that"teens"develo"p"their" alcohol"dependency"is"because"of" peer"pressure."This"peer"pressure" comes"from"the"people"they" surround"themselves"with."They" want"to"Kit"into"a"crowd"and"if"that" crowd"is"drinking"alcohol,"peer" pressure"will"supersede"any" smarter"decision"making."Many" teens"who"drink"alcohol"tend"to" see"it"as"a"right"of"passage."Since"so" many"teenagers"are"drinking,"it" has"become"more"normal"to"drink" than"to"abstain."Teens"all"over"the" world"are"constantly"pressed"into" drinking"alcohol"because"of"the" peers."Many"teens"do"not"know" how"to"handle"being"offered"a" drink."Their"parents"or"guardians" are"not"there"to"help"them"make" the"correct"decision"and"if"a" teenager"wants"to"Kit"into"that" social"circle,"they"will"cave"into"the" peer"pressure"versus"stand"up"for" what"they"know"is"a"better" decision. " According"to"a"study"by"the" CDC"one"out"of"every"two"
teenagers"drink"alcohol"due"to" peer"pressure."This"is"because" many"teens"worldwide"are"not" informed"of"the"dangerous"of" alcohol."Though"the"threats"of" alcohol"are"taught"at"school,"many" teens"do"not"get"any"information" on"the"dangers"of"alcohol"outside" the"school."This"causes"an"issue"in" the"education"against"alcohol." Parents"need"to"help"their" teenagers"make"better"decisions" or"give"them"ways"to"get"out"of"an" awkward"situation"so"that"the" teenager"does"not"lose"any"respect" of"their"peers."Blaming"an"evil" parent"for"making"the"teenager" come"home"would"work"well. The"negative"messages" that"teens"receive"inside"of"school" are"almost"always"outweighed"by" the"strong"drinking"messages" teens"receive"outside"of"school." Media"has"made"drinking"alcohol" look"appealing"and"the"young" people"who"are"drinking"always" look"beautiful"or"handsome"and" like"they"are"having"a"great"time" when"they"are"drinking"alcohol." What"teenager"would"not"like"to" be"like"that,"especially"if"their" friends"are"drinking"alcohol."Being" a"teenager"is"not"fun"so"if"the" actors"in"the"commercials"are" having"fun,"then"drinking"alcohol"
must"mean"that"teenager"can" Kinally"enjoy"his"or"her"teenage"life. " What"should"you"do"if"you" think"a"teen"is"drinking"alcohol?"" Parents"should"have"blunt" conversations"with"their"teenagers" so"that"the"teenagers"are" constantly"reminded"of"what"the" parent’s"expectations"are"for"them." However,"imagine"if"you"walk"in" the"door"and"you"see"your"teen" acting"tipsy"or"passed"out"in"bed" after"a"night"of"drinking."The"Kirst" thing"you"should"do"is"approach" him"or"her"and"ask"him"or"her"if" she"is"drinking"alcohol."If"he"or"she" says"yes"you"should"offer"to"go" with"your"teenager"to"alcohol" anonymous"classes"to"not"only" hear"other"people’s"stories"but" their"success"rate"in"stopping" drinking.""But,"if"the"teen"says"no" and"is"deKiantly"drinking"alcohol" then"you"should"go"through"the" counselors"at"your"child’s"school" to"seek"help"or"force"him"or"her"to" attend"a"rehabilitation"center."This" is"the"hardest"thing"to"do"but"the" parents"of"those"three"unfortunate" teenagers"in"America,"whose"lives" have"been"irrefutably"destroyed," probably"wished"they"had" interceded"in"their"teenagers’" drinking"and"selection"of"peers.