6 minute read
Programme/activity name Active Ageing Festival
Lead organisation
Sports Union of Slovenia
Country Slovenia Period
Since 2016
Programme, activities, events
Stakeholders and roles
Promoting HEPA among older adults and strengthening cooperation between sport organisations, senior organisations, and health stakeholders.
A national network of one-day events for older adults. The local event includes a short lecture about the benefits of HEPA for older adults, and organised physical activities for older adults.
Sports Union of Slovenia, local sport clubs, daily centres for the elderly, local associations for retired people, and homes for the elderly. Co-funded by the Foundation of Sport and Ministry of Sport.
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Never enough funding available. Difficult to find volunteers. Logistics.
2022: 1736 participants, 52 local events, 14 local sport organisations, 24 towns, 73 staff involved
Regularity. Support at the beginning. Interesting activities. Promotion through channels for older adults. Adjusting to the target group.
Promotion with addressing the emotions. Doctor’s advice. Support at the beginning. Interesting activities. Promotion through channels for older adults. Adjusting to the target group. Empowerment of staff.
Other information
N/A https://www.sportna-unija.si/?t=9110000074
Programme/activity name Odysseia – Youth and Senior Integration Through Diverse Sport Events
Lead organisation
Country Slovenia Period
Programme, activities, events
The aim of the project is to popularise sport and active lifestyle among young and seniors.
ODYSSEIA – Youth and Senior Integration Through Diverse Sport Events is the initiative of Polish, Slovenian and Lithuanian organisations. The aim of the project is to popularise sport and active style of life among young and seniors. ODYSSEIA project has been founded with support from the European Union within Erasmus+ Program 2014-2020, Action: “Small Collaborative Partnerships in the field of Sport”.
Stakeholders and roles Coordinator: Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego w Sopocie / The Centre for Continuing Education: together with Sopocki Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku / Sopot Third Age University, Poland
BLASK – Sport Club, Lithuania
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Other information
Healthy socialisation, strengthen relationships increased self-confidence, discipline, teamwork
Project Results: https://odysseiaproject.eu/results
Source https://odysseiaproject.eu/
Programme/activity name Funmilies
Lead organisation
Slovenian Third Age University
Country Slovenia
Jan 2021 – Dec 2022
The project aims to address the challenges of loneliness, isolation, as well as the problems related to sedentary life and lack of movement of older people (65+) in Europe through the promotion of active and healthy ageing. It intends to encourage participation in sport and physical activity.
Programme, activities, events
Stakeholders and roles
The partners will first do field research, then they will develop a Capacity Building Program and pilot Intergenerational Sports Events in sports clubs. Finally, they will develop an online platform.
ANCE (Athens Network of Collaborating Experts); ABS (Active Bulgarian Society); BAIS (Budapest Association for International Sport); SCS Danilo Dolci; Slovenian Third Age University.
Observed barriers: Intergenerational sporting activities are not part of the sports systems, neither are they conceptualised. There is little provision and little awareness of the existence of intergenerational sporting activities and their formats, contents and functions.
Key findings:
1. Women, be they under 25 or over 65, are more open to new experiences including intergenerational sports.
2. Intergenerational sports can be attractive for heterogeneous groups with quite different educational backgrounds.
3. The educational gap between younger and older people will continue widening.
4. Younger people under 25 and older people over 65 are in the same state – liberated of the constraints of numerous and demanding social roles.
5. Being married or in a couple may diminish the desire to be included in intergenerational sports.
6. Older women over 65 are more eager to participate in all sorts of social activities than men who have a tendency to be idle relying on their wives’ emotional support.
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks According to this Funmilies Survey Research (2021), younger and older respondents tend to look at sports in a similar manner. They all consider sport as a pleasurable, healthy, community activity that brings people together. In the eyes of the respondents in all targeted countries, sports are more associated with moving, pleasure and game than with negative phenomena such as doping, fraud or pain and suffering. The majority of the respondents think it is a recreation and leisure-time activity and not a professional and competitive one.
Other information e-learning platform: https://funmilies-project.eu/elearning_platform/
Source https://www.funmilies-project.eu/
Programme/activity name SLOfit Students and adults
Lead organisation University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport
Country Slovenia Period
1) To allow people of different generations to monitor their physical fitness every year and also receive guidance in how to improve things or where to turn for help/exercise;
2) To educate local sport clubs, health institutions and different patient associations to carry out the measurements and use the SLOfit platform for data management and immediate feedback.
Programme, activities, events
First lifelong physical fitness monitoring. SLOfit Students – monitoring system in schools and SLOfit Adults – for adults. “My SLOfit app”, a web-based application which provides smart algorithms for data cleansing, access to personal, and school reports which are provided to different end-users for predicting one’s physical development, health risks and fitness status.
Stakeholders and roles N/A
Barriers N/A
Change: More than one half of the entire population of Slovenia are included, over 8.3 million sets of measurements and over 200,000 measured children and adolescents annually. Physical efficiency index of primary-school children increased from 49.7 in 2011 to 50.5 in 2015 the share of overweight children declined for 1.9 % between 2011 and 2015.
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Other information
N/A https://youtu.be/xTYizrkS1zc https://en.slofit.org/
Program/activity name
Ateliers Silver Geek
Lead organisation Laboratory for the Diagnostics of Somatic and Motor Development
Country France
Period Oct 2021 – Apr 2022
Programme, activities, events
Teach elderly people how to use digital media through an intergenerational program with fun activities (games).
Digital media workshops organised by a group of youngsters (16-25 years old) for around 40 elderly people (65+ YO). 5 workshops organised and animated by a team of 4 youngsters in 5 different municipalities with 8-10 elderly in each group. Each workshop contains up to 20 sessions with various fun activities like video games and tournaments.
Stakeholders and roles Habitat de la Vienne; Unis-Cité; Delphis Habitat & innovation.
Competition from structures that offer digital workshops for seniors.
The success of Silver Geek workshops can be explained by several specific characteristics:
1. They are held at regular intervals for several months in the same facilities for seniors, which creates favourable conditions for the acquisition of digital skills and the development of real intergenerational relationships.
2. They are easily accessible, because they are free and “without obligation” for the senior beneficiaries, which differentiates them from more traditional training courses that often include exams to assess the level of mastery of this or that use, which can put off a large part of this population.
3. They adapt to the desires/needs of seniors and young people, alternating between video game practices and discovery/learning of other digital uses, each being a source of proposals in a logic of coconstruction.
4. They allow the elderly to get back into physical activity, through the practice of video games based on movements (exergames), and build loyalty among participants thanks to the dynamics of the Esport competitions “Trophée des séniors Silver Geek”.
Principles for behaviour change
For seniors, autonomy in the use of digital technology but a need to maintain social contact with young people.
For young people, an evolution in respect in community life.
Tips & tricks
Get closer to pension funds to communicate to and reach seniors. Work on creating a local network.
Longer engagement for better results
Other information
Source https://silver-geek.org/nos-actions/les-ateliers/ https://www.delphis-asso.org/articles/2021/09/rendez-vous-jeunes-seniorspour-sinitier-au-numerique
Programme/activity name Grassmoor Allotment Project
Lead organisation
Derbyshire county council
Country England Period 2008
Programme, activities, events
To improve community cohesion and positive practical action for the prevention of and reduction in obesity in all generations.
Young people start with a nutrition school lesson – after, a getting to know you session with a “willow weaving” activity to enable members of all generations involved to join forces and make a tepee – last step: Working on the allotment once a week. Tend and plant as required younger and elder tend and plant as required.
Stakeholders and roles Schools – Representatives of Derbyshire Intergenerational Strategy (DIgS) – the allotment society.
Barriers N/A
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Communities become more tolerant towards each other and contribute to a lifestyle change, improving their health and wellbeing at the same time.
Communities become more tolerant towards each other and contribute to a lifestyle change, improving their health and wellbeing at the same.
The ultimate measurement of success is sustainability of intergenerational activity which will have a longitudinal impact on the relationships between the younger and older members of the community.
Other information N/A
Source http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/community/helping_all_ages/default.asp