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Programme/activity name Family Sport Festival
Lead organisation
Hungarian Leisure Sport Association
Country Hungary
Period September 2023
Programme, activities, events
The main goal of the festival is to provide intergenerational sport experience for the whole family through playful activities. 3 generations (or even 4!) can have fun at the same time by the colourful mix of sport opportunities.
The Family Sport Festival is the largest outdoor event of the Hungarian Leisure Sport Association (HLSA), where the participants can try ca. 100 sport activities with the help of qualified instructors and volunteers. The festival takes place every year in Budapest, participation is free of charge. Our main targets are families, but everyone is welcome to join the program! The festival concept is based on a huge “sport village” and playful stamp collection game: the participants receive a card at the entrance and they can collect stamps on it by being active at each activity spot. We award the most active participants (with the most stamps), however there is no competitive approach at all! The main goal is to provide a positive sport for all experience for everyone.
As side programs, health screening tasks and information desks on HEPA topics are also available for free.
Stakeholders and roles main stakeholders:
1. participants
2. organizing team
3. sport federations and clubs
4. sport experts, coaches
5. sponsors
6. volunteers
7. security service
8. catering service
9. maintaining service
10. media (radio, TV)
11. PR agency
12. VIP guests
Due to the wide range of activities, this festival only works in an outdoor environment, therefore unfavourable weather is a potential risk. Financial challenge: it is shaped as a free of charge event, we need financial support from the government or from other sources (sponsors etc.).
Results in 2022:
1. 3384 participants
2. ca. 100 sport activities for free
3. health screening tests summary video: Családi mozgásfesztivál 2022 – YouTube
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Other information
The festival is an attitude-shaping event aiming to showcase the joy of physical activity through playful activities for the whole family. We believe that this festival can make an impact in terms of introducing various sport opportunities for free.
N/A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isYxCDGtRqk https://masport.hu/kiemelt-rendezvenyek/csaladi-mozgasfesztival/ https://www.facebook.com/CsaladiMozgasfesztival
Programme/activity name Generations Dancing
Lead organisation University of Bedfordshire
Country England Period N/A
Programme, activities, events
As well as aiming to enhance participants’ psychological well-being, Generations Dancing sought to build on the council’s priorities by developing participants’ “sense of community, social capital, and civic safety”.
11-week project: Week 1-5 involved separate 90-min sessions once a week for both the older adults and the young people. The sessions consisted of preparatory movement exercises, relationship building exercises and the chance to make introductions between the older adults and young people via video recordings. Week 6-10 consisted of 90-min sessions once a week, which brought all participants together at the University of Bedfordshire. These sessions shaped the dance component of the performance and offered opportunities for those interested to take a more documentary approach by photographing the workshops and one another. The project culminated in a performance and exhibition in the 11th week showcasing the final intergenerational performance work alongside performances by other local adult dance groups and school groups, as well as an exhibition of the photography taken by both the photographer and by the participants. Sessions were led by two community artists, a dance artist familiar with working with older people and a local photographer who has worked on multiple interdisciplinary projects within dance. In addition to the two artists, sessions were supported by a number of student interns from the University of Bedfordshire.
Stakeholders and roles
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
Other information
Bedford Sheltered Housing Association; UoB Next Chapter Dance Group; University of Bedfordshire’s National Collaborative Outreach Programme
Performance anxiety, Vulnerability
Basic needs, affect, social well-being (increase)
Model of intergenerational engagement
Facilitators: Curiosity, Social engagement and relationships.
Source doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.561126