4 minute read
Programme/activity name Intergenerational project Iraurgi Ikastastetxea School and San Martín retirement home
Lead organisation
Iraurgi Ikastastetxea School
Country Spain
1. Promote healthy habits in both children and the elderly
2. Promote more intergenerational connection
3. Recognize activities beneficial to older people at the local level Program, activities, events
• A series of different activities take place during the school year within the school, in the old people’s residence and in the local area.
• Elderly people and pupils of various ages take part in these activities.
• Recruitment occurs through the school and the residence, but the organisation is carried out by the school.
Stakeholders and roles
Educational institutions: register volunteers to organise and participate in activities, both pupils and teachers, and carry out the activities.
Residence: gather and register volunteers.
City Council: provides spaces where activities can take place.
Willingness by the residence and school management.
Time available during the school year to carry out the activities – most take place from February to the end of the school year.
Principles for behaviour change
It is a very interesting project, in which both pupils and residents benefit personally, socially, emotionally and physically.
Focusing the project as a set of activities that takes place over several weeks and combines activities at school, at the residence for the elderly and leads to participation in a municipal sporting event, produces a progressive change in the habits of both children and adults.
Tips & tricks
Other information
Making primary school students responsible and empowering them through an awareness-raising and training phase is key to active participation.
Source DES internal case study – good practice 2019/2020
Programme/activity name
Lead organisation
Running as a family
C.D. Sporting Segovia
Country Spain
2014 – present
1. Promoting sport for all, at all ages.
2.Having fun as a family while physically active.
3. Promoting healthy habits in the family.
Programme, activities, events
This is a race in which children and teenagers have to run with members of another generation of their own family (children with parents or grandparents) and reach the finish line holding hands. It is organised by a club, but the recruitment is done through participating schools.
Stakeholders and roles
Organising club: is in charge of all the event’s administration, attracting collaborators and funding, registration, raffles, etc.
City Hall: facilitates the environment, which is always a busy city park, and security forces.
Educational institutions: collaborate in the dissemination and training of the competing pairs.
Comparison of ages and quality of the competitors (it is not the same to run with a father than with a grandfather and it is not the same to run with amateurs than with professionals). With each edition, this fact has been corrected and the objective of participation has been prioritized over competition with which it was initially born.
Another major barrier was the registration fee, which was gradually reduced until it disappeared.
The results are excellent, especially in the last editions where it has become a real party to welcome the beginning of the school sport campaigns and above all to promote coexistence.
Principles for behaviour change
Sport without excessively demanding challenges strengthens the bond between generations around an activity. Combining physical activity with a celebration turns the event into a playful, fun, and socially connected moment that remains in the memory of the participants.
Tips & tricks
The key is the union between the athletic club, schools and city hall for the diffusion. Organising the event continuously, every year, even with editions with less participation, is the most important pillar to consolidate the event.
Other information https://www.imdsg.es/xiii-edicion-correr-en-familia/
Source https://sportingsegovia.blogspot.com/p/correr-en-familia_16.html
Programme/activity name
Intergenerational day of physical and healthy activities
Lead organisation Segovia City Council
Country Spain
Period 2019
1. Bring generations together through play.
2. Share learning and games between generations in a fun and enriching way.
3. Promote health, personal autonomy, psychomotor skills and personal relationships through intergenerational collaboration.
4. Serve as a vehicle for exchange of resources and learning between older and younger generations to achieve individual and social benefits.
5. Encourage interpersonal communication, the development of social and cognitive skills and the establishment of personal relationships and networks.
Programme, activities, events
Participants were groups of pupils from various primary schools, students from the UVA University who supervised the activity and senior citizens belonging to the families of the pupils themselves, covering the whole age range (children – adults – senior citizens).
The City Council proposed these intergenerational days to raise awareness and promote the Active and Healthy Parks Program, mainly aimed at the interconnection between generations, through physical activity.
In this case, there were two main groups of physical activity, which were local sports and a small sports orienteering test.
The groups were formed through the participating schools, which were responsible for contacting the families of the participating groups of pupils so that they could register family members for the day.
Stakeholders and roles
Grandparents-students, for the implementation of intergenerational activities. UVA students from the Faculty of Education (Physical Education) for the control, development and monitoring of the activities.
The barriers are strictly intergenerational, which are overcome as soon as they are put into dialogue in a universal, interactive and interrelated language: play and physical activity.
Older people have a lot to contribute to the training of young people and they, in turn, act as motivators and companions. In one type of activity, the older people contribute more with their experience and knowledge, and in the other, the children contribute more by guiding and facilitating the activity.
Principles for behaviour change
Tips & tricks
The empowerment of young and old towards the development of the activity as well as the opportunity for each and every one of the participants to be protagonists in different moments
Participation of different stakeholders around an activity that provides benefits for its objectives and, at the same time, has a high impact on society.
Other information
N/A http://aneja.magix.net/20182019/otros/intergeneracional/intergeneracional.htm