11 minute read

Programme/activity name TOY Project – Together Old and Young

Lead organisation

ICDI – International Child Development Initiative

Country The Netherlands

Period 2012 – 2014

Objective N/A

Programme, activities, events

Seniors and children together:

• The 5 senses at play; recreational activities: games with balloons, handling bread dough, painting with tempera, gardening, music and other activities related to the discovery (and re-discovery) of the five senses. The action ended with a final party with an intergenerational snack that brought together children, the elderly, parents and family members.

• Experimental Multigenerational Summer Center “Of Signs and Dreams”: the Hotel Adda residential facility for the elderly and the summer centre was open from 1 July to 8 August. The summer centre welcomed a total of 57 children aged between 4 and 9 (with a maximum of 30 children per week). The children were daily involved in intergenerational activities with the elderly guests of Hotel Adda (24 were the most active and constant participants). Gardening, painting, sewing and creative recycling activities, board games and water games, photography workshops, intergenerational lunches and snacks were proposed.

Stakeholders and roles

Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland), Educational Research Institute (Slovenia), Lunaria (Italy), Comenius Foundation (Poland), University of Leiden (Spain), Municipality of Leiden (Spain), University of Aveiro (Portugal), Retesalute Special Agency (Italy)

Associated partners: Eurochild (Belgium), VBJK – Center for Innovation in Early Years (Belgium)




According to participants’ stories, intergenerational work made an impact on their leadership and management skills, improved relationships with member of the wider communities. Read the stories here: http://www.toyproject.net/ wp-content/uploads/2016/03/storiesandvideos.pdf

Other information http://retesalute.net/images/TOY/presentazione%20Alina%20Grieco_ convegno%20TOY%20Merate.pdf http://www.toyproject.net/#!toy-in-action/cj41

Source http://www.toyproject.net/

Programme/activity name Moving Generations

Lead organisation Vienna Health Promotion (WiG)

Country Austria Period Sept 2014 – Dec 2016

Objective To improve physical and mental well-being among young and old people by bringing these groups together in moto-pedagogical exercises, and reduce social exclusion.

Programme, activities, events Target group: children between three and six years of age, and senior citizens living in nursing homes.

Stakeholders and roles University of Vienna (Centre for medical statistics informatics and intelligent systems medical); Ferdinand Porsche (FernFH – Distance-Learning University of Applied Sciences)

Barriers N/A

Outcomes Participants become more active, communicative, and treat each other equally, regardless of age. Youngsters help old people with the physical tasks, while older people came up with creative solutions to overcome physical or mental challenges proposed by the different exercises.

Young and old people interacted together and learned from one another and began understanding each other better. An increased intergenerational empathy and social cohesion, seniors reported tangible health improvements from exercising more.

Source https://cemsiis.meduniwien.ac.at/or/wf/projekte/abgeschlossene-projekte/ moving-generations/#top

Programme/activity name Seniors in Action

Lead organisation

Polish-American Freedom Foundation (via Seniors in Action)

Country Poland

Period 2020


1. Promoting healthy lifestyles through intergenerational sport activities

2. Increasing sport participation through intergenerational competitions to promote intergenerational learning

Programme, activities, events

Seniors took part in a series of dance workshops, ballroom dances, regional dances from across the world, as well as improvised and experimental forms of dance to encourage experimenting with movement and music. Participants were working towards specific performances in addition to the regular meetings, culminating in “Senioriada”, an outdoor event in Tychy, where they present their new skills. They also put on a number of dance performances in the local community, including in local schools and community centres to spread joy to those who might be struggling in life.

Stakeholders and roles

Dance Emergency was organised and led by an intergenerational partnership consisting of an instructor aged over 60, alongside a younger instructor aged under 35.

Barriers N/A


Principles for behaviour change

Seniors can be leaders and creators of activities as well as participants in activities directed towards them.

Source https://seniorzywakcji.pl/projekty/pogotowie-taneczne/

Programme/activity name International intergenerational competitions

Lead organisation

Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira

Country Portugal

Period 2018-2020


To promote grassroots sport in the elderly and vulnerable groups, and to develop, identify, promote and share good practices; to inspire continuous practice of physical exercise in the elderly population and regular training is offered local senior citizens throughout the year; to understand the motivational factors behind this continuous practice as well as assess the impact of the “intergenerational Olympics” on the participants’ physical and mental health by carrying out a study based on the activity.

Programme, activities, events

15 Intergenerational Olympics events have been organised in five different countries. “Olympics 4 All” is an intergenerational sport competition which seeks to promote grassroots sport in elderly and vulnerable groups, alongside developing and promoting good practice. The competition was held across five European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain) which are identified as having both ageing populations and low participation rates in sport.

Stakeholders and roles

Five European countries and six organisations: Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal), Municipality of Cesena (Italy), Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (Portugal), University of Thessaly (Greece), Aksakovo Municipality (Bulgaria) and Zoldpont Association (Hungary)

Source http://www.olympics4all.eu/

Programme/activity name Generation Games

Lead organisation

International Generation Games Association

Country Switzerland

Period From 2012 onwards

Objective Generations sporting together, people of all ages having a good time participating in several sports and activities, in a relaxing, non-competitive atmosphere. Learning from each other, inspiring one another. Passing on the passion for sport.

The Generation Games is multi-sports, multi-generations, multi-purpose. The event gives room to social and educational topics, stimulating a healthy lifestyle, strengthening intergenerational solidarity. With a focus on positive community impact and respect for everyone’s role. With valuable legacies for future generations around the world. 1. intergenerational collaboration (what can you learn from each other?); 2. inclusive approach (involve all talents during the preparations of the event); 3. healthy and active lifestyle for people of all ages; 4. cross-border collaboration (cities share the experiences of their edition with others).

The overall objective: positive community impact.

Programme, activities, events

The Generation Games is an inclusive, intergenerational sport event for people of all ages. Everyone in the community can take part, in a pleasant and non-competitive atmosphere. The creative concept, including step-bystep guidelines, is available at no cost, a do-it-yourself event. Many cities around the world have organised an edition.

Stakeholders and roles

Sports federations, NGOs, Universities, athletes, companies and many others are closely involved. + any can join the campaign; Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Barriers N/A


Generations brought together via sport and play; valuable interaction is stimulated. It works as a two-way street: (grand)parents learn from their (grand)children and vice versa.

Principles for behaviour change N/A

Tips & tricks N/A

Other information

Source https://youtu.be/_2m_VGlJs38 https://www.generationgames.com/

Programme/activity name Sport for All Movement

“Mom, Dad and Me-Grandma, Grandfather and Grandchild”

Lead organisation

Balkankar Record

Plovdiv with the support of the Municipality of Plovdiv

Country Bulgaria


From 1989 onwards

Objective Target: All age groups

The movement targets all the age groups with a focus on intergenerational interactions through sport for all. For 34 years, more than 2 million participants have taken part in the sports holidays. The movement has become a springboard for young people to professional sports. “Sports for all” has many facilitators.

Programme, activities, events

The marathon is organised on different dates (sometimes on the occasion of the national holidays) in different locations around the city of Plovdiv.

The disciplines are: running for all age groups – from kindergarten to the oldest participants. The cross is without registration in advance. Those wishing to take part stand at the start, take a sports number and join the race.

Stakeholders and roles “Balkankar Record”

Plovdiv is responsible for the organisation of the initiative. Plovdiv Municipality supports the activities



No barriers observed

The initiative allows any participant of different age to join – no specific requirements are set. Any participant joins depending on their abilities and interest.

Principles for behaviour change

Tips & tricks

Other information


Simple, engaging, non-structured.

At the end of the race/marathon the best performing participants are awarded at the ceremony.

N/A https://www.facebook.com/sportzavsichkiplovdiv?locale=bg_BG

Programme/activity name Kula – sport for all

Lead organisation

Sports club “Kula – sport for all” and Partners:

• Kula Municipality

• Sports clubs for elderly people

• Sports clubs in Serbia and Romania

Country Bulgaria Period

From 2018 onwards

Objective 50+

Encouraging the active lifestyle of the elderly and independence.

Programme, activities, events

Sports tournaments started 4 years ago. They are held annually, mostly outdoors. Activities for the elderly are held usually twice a week in a local stadium, gym, tennis court, swimming pool, seminar room free of charge.

Main organisers of the tournaments are the municipalities from the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Serbia (Union of the disabled and the Union of the Blind people). The activities of the club are actively supported by the Kula Municipality with the provision of financial means and other support.

Stakeholders and roles

Sports club “Kula – sport for all” was created by the elderly with the idea of supporting the sports and physical activity of the elderly in Kula (Vidin Municipality). The main activities of the club include:

• Organising and conducting active sports events for adults, incl. sports tournaments in the country and abroad (Serbia/Romania);

• Organising and holding seminars;

• Organisation and conduct of balneotherapy procedures for the elderly;

• Organisation and holding of competitions, people in the water, recreation of traditional customs and exchange of experience with pensioner clubs from Serbia, Romania etc.

Barriers No barriers observed


The spirit, motor activity and general culture of the elderly improve significantly after participating in sports and other events organised by the association. Through sports, people get away from their problems and feel active members of society.

Principles for behaviour change

Tips & tricks

Diversity of the activities, consistency of the activities, specific programme for the integration of the elderly.

Tournaments make us laugh our hearts out.

A person just has fun at heart, and that’s the most important thing, because it’s therapy for our health.

Other information


Source http://obshtina-kula.com

Programme/activity name Olympic Games for Everyone

Lead organisation

Aksakovo Municipality and Partners:

• Football sport club

• Children’s club on martial arts

• Social Integration Center – Aksakovo

• Social Integration Center – region Vladislavovo, Varna

Country Bulgaria


From 2018 onwards

Objective 60+

The project aims to promote an active lifestyle among people over the age of 60.

Programme, activities, events

The first Olympic Games were held in September 2018 and included competitions in the following sports: athletics; swimming; Beach volleyball; basketball; football. More than 100 participants take part in the Olympiad. Within the framework of Aksakovo Days in August 2019, the Olympic Games for All were held for the second time. More than 60 elderly people take part in the second Olympiad. The oldest participant awarded is 83 years-old. The Olympics are held outdoors at the stadium in the city of Aksakovo and on the sports grounds in the city. During the first Olympics, the Kamchia Sports Complex provided the swimming pool for use. Preparation for the Olympics is through physical activity training. Twice a week, the elderly do exercises. Two months before the Olympics, the preparations start, mainly training the sports disciplines in which there will be competitions.

Stakeholders and roles

The initiative “Olympic Games for Everyone” was launched within the framework of the project “Common sports – intergenerational competition as a motivation for sports and healthy lifestyle of senior citizens”, financed by the European program ERASMUS+ Sport, where the Municipality of Aksakovo is a partner of the Portuguese municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira. The project aims to promote an active lifestyle among people over the age of 60, motivating them to practise sports activities.

101 competitors between the ages of 60 and 82 took part in the first Olympiad, and 65 elderly people between the ages of 60 and 83 took part in the second.

Barriers Sustainability and finance


In surveys conducted among project participants, social inclusion and opportunities for elderly people to gather and communicate are indicated as added value.

Principles for behaviour change

Tips & tricks

Other information

Specific activities for the elderly, targeted activities, competitive tournament to experience the same atmosphere and emotions.

Weekly training is a good way not only to maintain the physical activity of the elderly, but also to prevent social isolation in retirement age.


Source https://aksakovo.bg/

Programme/activity name Take me to the village

Lead organisation

Municipality of Gabrovo and Partners:

Local municipalities / community centres

Country Bulgaria



From 2012 onwards

Children and young people up to 29 years old, elderly people from villages

The main goal of “Take me to the village” is to get to know, preserve and popularise the Bulgarian living cultural heritage – traditions, customs, folklore, crafts and values, by passing on knowledge and experience from the elderly to the younger generation, in an environment authentic to Bulgarian culture. The initiative promotes communication, helps get to know each other between generations and stimulates tolerance, understanding, interaction and dialogue between them. Forms and models adequate to the local conditions are created for the preservation and revitalization of cultural heritage, based on voluntary participation and partnership between young people and elderly residents of the villages.

Programme, activities, events

As of 2020, “Take Me to the Village” is already implemented in five directions:

• “Take Me to the Village” for young people aged 15-29 from all over the country and from Bulgarian communities abroad;

• “Take me to the village – Junior” for children aged 9-14 from all over the country and from Bulgarian communities abroad;

• “Take me to the village” day camp for children aged 9-14 from Gabrovo;

• Academy “Take me to the village” for young people aged 15-29 from all over the country and from Bulgarian communities abroad;

• Youth exchange with participants from foreign cities partnering for the city of Gabrovo. Elderly people participating in “Take me to the village” host one or more youth / children in their houses, according to their accommodation possibilities. The “rental” grandparents commit to providing a place to sleep and feeding their “borrowed grandchildren” within 7 days. At the same time, they have to show them and actively involve them in their daily activities – caring for animals, preparing winter food, working in the garden or in the field, cooking and others. The participation of the elderly is completely voluntary and free of charge. Both young people and grandparents “for rent” sign a Code of Ethics.

Stakeholders and roles

The initiative of the Municipality of Gabrovo “Take me to the village” is unique for Bulgaria. It is related to the village and the adults people – grandparents “for rent” accept children and young people – “borrowed grandchildren” who live in within a week in their homes and help with daily household chores. And the elderly teaches them Bulgarian traditions and customs preserved for generations

Barriers N/A


The “Take Me to the Village” initiative is an annual event. By 2019, a total of 16 villages had joined, including three which are not in Gabrovo municipality; a total of 393 young people visited the village, and over 1,000 elderly people participated. Nearly 400 children and young people from all over the country have had the opportunity to become “borrowed grandchildren”. For a large part of them, this is their first contact with the village and the traditional rural way of life. Together with their “rented” grandparents, they give a new meaning to the idea of continuity between generations and acquire a new sensitivity to the topic of “tolerance in communication with representatives of the older generation”.

Principles for behaviour change

Tips & tricks

Intergenerational dialogue, traditions

The biggest benefit for adults from their participation in “Take me to the village” is emotional. The presence and communication with young people is priceless for them. Very often these contacts continue even after the end of the initiative – the “borrowed grandchildren” write letters, send cards and photos of their “rental” grandparents, hear each other on the phone, dictate cooking recipes to each other.

Other information


N/A https://www.priemimenaselo.eu/

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