Annandale and Maple Lake Community Education Fall Brochure 2018

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Serving The School Districts of Annandale & Maple Lake

Registration Opens Tuesday, August 7 at 8 a.m. REGISTER FOR THE GRADE YOU ARE GOING INTO IN 2018-19

WELCOME STAFF DIRECTORY Director Tiffany Grube..........320-274-3058 Ext:4600 Coordinators Enrichment Coordinator Jen Sommers............320-274-3058 Ext:4401 Recreation & Facilities Coordinator Brandii Thomas ......320-274-3058 Ext:4402 Annandale Cardinal Kids Club Christy Dougherty ..................320-274-0625 Maple Lake Kidville Lori Greenlun ........................320-963-6415 Annandale ECFE Heather Wirth Angel LeMieux Michelle Rassier Maple Lake ECFE Traci Heidebrink ....................320-963-7468 Early Childhood Special Ed Kari Dircks - Speech Kathryn Anglin Kiley Schmidt Secretary Maple Lake Heather Haney........................320-963-5991 Annandale Jen Sommers ..........................320-274-3058 MAWSECO Birth to 3 Laura Scheer ..........................320-274-3058 Fax Line..................................320-274-2862 Announcement/Weather ........320-274-5700 Website

TABLE OF CONTENTS ECFE Programs ..................................................4 Preschool ............................................................6 Youth Annandale ................................................8 Youth Maple Lake ............................................13 Youth Annandale & Maple Lake ............................16 Health & Fitness ..............................................23 Adult Classes ....................................................27

COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL The Community Education Advisory Council is composed of citizens who live within the Annandale and Maple Lake School Districts. The council functions in cooperation with the community education staff to advise and help promote the goals and objectives of community education. The council meets five times per year. If you are interested in joining our council, please contact Tiffany Grube at 320.274.3058 or

2018-2019 Council Members Paul Zabinski - Chair Celeste Dahlstrom Brian Dingmann Jullie Hastings Shelley McAlpine Jeannette Rieger-Borer Heather Kadlec Katie Krauze

Get Connected! Stay informed of the latest news, announcements and upcoming classes from Annandale-Maple Lake Community Education and Services. We have 2 great ways to stay up-to-date on information, one is by our website at and the other is by our facebook page. Make sure to like us on facebook: Annandale and Maple Lake Community Education

OUR MISSION Community Education extends opportunities to residents of all ages and abilities. We seek to improve the quality of life in our school district by identifying community needs and developing cooperative relationships between school and community to meet these needs.


Mailing Address: PO Box 190, Annandale, MN 55302 Annandale Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed on School Holidays 320-274-3058

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

Maple Lake Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed on School Holidays 320-963-5991


Annandale School District Calendar 2018-19 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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September 3 Labor Day October 18-19 Fall Vacation November 22-23 Thanksgiving Vacation December 24-January 1 Winter Vacation January 11 End of Quarter Grading Day March 25 End of Quarter Grading Day March 18-22 Spring Vacation April 19 Good Friday May 24 Final Day of School for students

JUNE 2 9 16 23 30

August 27 First Day of School

February 18 Presidents Day

APRIL 1 8 15 22 29

6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

1 8 15 22 29

October 29 End of Quarter Grading Day

DECEMBER 2 9 16 23 30

August 20-23 Teacher Workshop


6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29


No School/Holidays

May 27 Memorial Day


Teacher Workshop/No School

May 28 End of Year Grading Day

Students Start August 27 and End May 24

IMPORTANT DATES: Maple Lake School District Calendar 2018-19 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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Teacher Workshop Day (No Students) Holiday or Vacation Late Start/Staff Development Day Parent/Teacher Conferences Important Days to Remember

4 11 18 25

• Aug. 28-30 ......Teacher Workshop Day ................................................No School • Aug. 29 ..............................Open House • Sept. 3 ..............Labor Day - No School • Sept. 4 ..................First Day of Classes • Sept. 11 ........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • Oct. 9 ............................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • Oct. 15 ................High School Evening ....................Parent/Teacher Conferences • Oct. 15 & 16 ........Elementary Evening ....................Parent/Teacher Conferences • Oct. 17 ...... Elementary Parent/Teacher ................................All-Day Conferences • Oct. 18-19 ....Fall Holiday - No School • Nov. 2 ......................End of 1st Quarter ..............................................High School • Nov. 5 ..............Teacher Workshop Day ................................................No School • Nov. 13 ..........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • Nov. 22, 23 ...... Thanksgiving Vacation ................................................No School • Nov. 30 ................End of 1st Trimester ..............................................Elementary • Dec. 11 ..........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • Dec. 21 ............Late School Day Before ......................................Christmas Break • Dec. 24-Jan. 1 ............Christmas Break • Jan. 2 ..........................Classes Resume • Jan. 8 ............................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day

• Jan. 18 ....................End of 2nd Quarter ..............................................High School • Jan. 21 ....................MLK Day/Teacher ......................Workshop Day-No School • Jan. 29 & 31 ........Elementary Evening ....................Parent/Teacher Conferences • Feb. 12 ..........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • Feb. 18 ....President’s Day - No School • Feb. 21 ................High School Evening ....................Parent/Teacher Conferences • March 1 ..............End of 2nd Trimester ..............................................Elementary • March 12 ......................Late Start/Staff ............................................Development • March 22 ................End of 3rd Quarter ..............................................High School • March 22 ........Last School Day Before ............................................Spring Break • March 25 ........Teacher Workshop Day ................................................No School • March 25-29 ..Spring Break-No School • April 1 ........................Classes Resume • April 9 ..........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • April 19 ..........Good Friday-No School • May 14 ..........................Late Start/Staff ....................................Development Day • May 27 ........Memorial Day-No School • May 31 ........................Commencement • May 31 ..................Last Day of Classes • June 3 ..............Teacher Workshop Day • June 4 ..............Teacher Workshop Day

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



REGISTRATION 2018-2019 We have what you are looking for at Community Education in Annandale & Maple Lake for your 2018-2019 preschool program. We have a state approved curriculum and student assessments. For more information please call us at 320-274-3058 MAPLE LAKE

WEE IRISH PRESCHOOL (Age 3 by September 1, 2018 & toilet trained) *First day of class is Thursday, Sept. 6

Tuesday & Thursday AM 8:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m...........................OPEN

WEE IRISH PRESCHOOL (Age 4 by September 1, 2018) Monday, Wednesday & Friday AM *First day of class is Friday, Sept. 7



Monday, Wednesday & Friday AM *First day of class is Wednesday, August 29


8 - 10:30 a.m. ........................................FULL


Tuesday & Thursday AM *First day of class is Thursday, August 30

(Age 3 by September 1, 2018 and toilet trained)

8:00 - 10:30 a.m. ..................................FULL

Monday, Wednesday & Friday AM *First day of class is Wednesday, August 29

Mon. – Fri. AM (designed for students kindergarten eligible) *First day of class is Wednesday, August 29

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.. ..........................FULL 8:00 - 10:30 a.m. ..................................FULL Tuesday & Thursday AM

Mon. – Thurs. PM

*First day of class is Thursday, August 30

*First day of class is Wednesday, August 29

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.............................FULL 12:20 - 2:50 p.m. ..................................FULL 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ............................FULL Monday - Thursday PM

Monday - Thursday PM

*First day of class is Thursday, Sept. 6

*First day of class is Wednesday, August 29

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday PM *First day of class is Wednesday, August 29

12:20 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. ..........................OPEN 12:20 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. ..........................FULL 12:20 – 2:50 p.m. ................................FULL

EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING ANNANDALE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND MAPLE LAKE PUBLIC SCHOOLS The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Early Childhood Screening is a simple check of how your child is growing and developing. Between the ages of 3 and 4, screening can detect possible health or learning concerns so that children can get help before they start school. Parents accompany their child through the approximate hour-long process. After the screening activities, the screener shares information on the child’s growth, development, and learning. The screening is free for children. You are encouraged to be screened in the district you reside in. Early Childhood Screening is not a “test.” Your child will not pass/fail. It is a tool to identify concerns, if any exist, to provide help before kindergarten. Screening is required before entering Kindergarten in a MN public school.

Maple Lake Screening: Screening is held at Maple Lake Elementary School 200 State Hwy 55 Maple Lake

Please call 320.963.3024 for dates and further information


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

Annandale Residents: To schedule an appointment please visit us online at You will find availability under “Annandale Early Childhood Screening” Here you will select the date and time that best works for your families schedule. This appointment will take about 1 hour. You will then receive information in the mail that you are to bring with you on the day of screening. Screening is held at the Annandale Elementary School please enter through the Community Education entrance at 655 Park Street East Annandale. Please feel free to call if you have questions at 320.274.3058

Annandale Screening Dates: 9/14/18, 10/5/18, 11/9/18, 12/7/18, 1/11/19, 2/1/19, 2/22/19, 3/8/19, 4/5/19



Ages 2-5

ECFE is a unique parent- child education program for all families with children ages birth to Kindergarten.

Weekly Classes have three parts: LEARNING TOGETHER During the first half-hour of class, choose from many planned activities designed just for you and your child.


Early Childhood Family Education Weekly Schedule at a Glance “NS” means non-separating; parents and children remain together for this class.

The remaining portion of class is designed for children to learn through play with their peers. All children benefit from guidance of a licensed early childhood teacher and experienced educational MONDAYS assistant. The goal is to help children develop a healthy self - concept and a love for learning. In several ECFE classes, parents and Toddler Time (NS)....Ages: 2-3 year olds Start date Sept. 17........................9-10:30 am children remain together for the entire class time. Look for the “NS” (Non-separating) next to the class on the schedule below. All #1408-A18F ..............Annandale Elementary other classes have a separating format including a parent component. TUESDAYS

CONNECTING WITH OTHERS While children are learning with their teachers, parents join together in an informal group setting for an informal group discussion on family topics; they share ideas, learn more about their child’s development and benefit from feeling connected to other parents with similar issues. Class Maximum: 12

$75,000 And Above $50,000 - $74,999 $36,000 - $49,999 $25,000 - $35,999 UNDER $25,000

$210 or 4 payments of $52.50 $180 or 4 payments of $45 $148 or 4 payments of $37 $116 or 4 payments of $29 $48 or 4 payments of $12

SLIDING FEE SCHEDULE Base fee on your annual family gross income. • Childcare Fee: $30 per 8 weeks or $96 total for year • Additional Child Per Class: $20 per 8 weeks or $60 total for year

Strong Starts ....Ages: Infants and Ones Start date Sept. 18 ........................4:45-6 pm #1416-A18F ..............Annandale Elementary

Family Affair....Ages: 24 months-4 years Start date Sept. 19 ....................6:15-7:45 pm #1414-A18F................Annandale Elementary

WEDNESDAYS 1’s, 2’s & 3’s (NS) ..Ages: 12 months-3 years

Start date Sept. 19........................9-10:30 am #1423-A18F ..............Annandale Elementary

THURSDAYS 1’s, 2’s & 3’s (NS)..Ages: 12 months -3 years

Start date Sept. 20........................8:30-10 am #1500-A18F ..............Maple Lake Elementary


Join us for an exploratory gym time through large motor activities! This is a minimally structured gym time with new opportunities for play each week. Running, jumping, crawling, tumbling, climbing, and many more methods of play will be enjoyed during this play time! Parents are encouraged to participate with their children. Location: Annandale Elementary September Session Fridays Sept. 14, 21, 28 ......9:45-10:30 am #1410-A18F ............................$15 October Session Fridays Oct. 5, 12, 26 ........9:45-10:30 am (no class Oct 19) #1411-B18F ............................$15 November Session Fridays Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 ....9:45-10:30 am (no class Nov 23rd) #1412-C18F ............................$20 December Session Fridays Dec 7, 14, 21..........9:45-10:30 am #1413-D18F ............................$15


Ages: 2 years - Pre-K These are special classes where you and your child can come and participate in a variety of activities together based around a particular theme! Choose to come to one or all three special days of learning and fun. Mornings will include a variety of table activities circle time of songs/movement activities, a story and a snack. There is limited space so register early!

Time ............................9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Fee ..............................$10 per class/per child Location ............Annandale Elementary School ..........................................................Door #2

October 13th “The Very Best Pumpkin”..............#1421-A18F

November 17th “Gobble, Gobble, Gobble” ..........#1422-A18F

December 15th “Tis The Season” ..........................#1423-A18F

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


CARDINAL KIDS CLUB-ANNANDALE 2018-2019 School Year Before and After School program…. Welcome to Cardinal Kids Club, Annandale’s leading before and after school childcare program. Cardinal Kids Club offers a safe and nurturing environment for children in Kindergarten-5th grades. We accommodate varying schedules and will assist in bringing students to and from Community Education activities.

For your Preschooler…. Cardinal Kids Club offers quality childcare and enrichment for children ages 3-5 years(toilet trained) and enrolled in Annandale Community Education Preschool Program. Preschool extension is available during the morning, afternoon hours opposite the child’s preschool class. Preschool Extension provides additional practice in school readiness skills and forming social/emotional bonds with peers. Children who participate in CKC have a consistent schedule, nutritious snacks, children may bring a lunch from home or purchase a lunch through Annandale Food Service, a nurturing and caring environment, and fewer transitions during the day.

“Schools Out” Non-School Days If you are wondering what to do with your child(ren) on non-school days come and check out School’s Out. Our Cardinal Kids Club staff plan a variety of field trips and fun activities for children in Kindergarten-5th grade. These theme-based activities involve both academic and recreation to encourage your child’s love of learning.

For Details, contact Childcare Coordinator Christy Dougherty 320-274-0625 •

PROGRAM DETAILS: ★ Convenient for Parents! ★ Safe for all kids! ★ Located at AES ★ Open 6:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. Monday– Friday ★ Providing care and enrichment for children Preschool–5th grade ★ Homework Help, Access to Chrome Books ★ Encourages creativity, builds self - esteem, social skills and confidence, teaches cooperation, and promotes positive behavior and socialization skills ★ Offers a variety of activities; including crafts, gym time, science, building, outdoor play and much more! Registration must be received 2 weeks prior to starting

PROGRAM HOURS AND PRICING Hours ................................................6 a.m.- 6 p.m. Location ....................Annandale Elementary School

Preschool Rates Daily rate 6 a.m.-6-p.m. Before Preschool 6-12:20 After Preschool 10:30-6 Only Before School 6-8 a.m. Only After School 3-6 p.m.

Scheduled Rates $30 $18 $18 $3 per hour $3 per hour Drop In Rate (24 hr notice)

School’s Out School Age Rates (K-5th) Before School 6-8 a.m. After School 3-6 p.m.

$5 per hour Non-School Days $30 per child, per day Scheduled rates: $3 per hour $3 per hour Drop In Rate (24 hr notice)

$5 per hour


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991


Welcome to Kidville Maple Lake’s premier childcare program for children preschool-6th grade. High quality childcare provides a safe place for children and help working families, but also increases academic achievement and improve school attendance. Kidville is a balanced high quality program, which includes opportunities for recreation, social skill development, basic skills reinforcement and academic enrichment. Participating children have many opportunities to provide input into the types of activities that are available.

FOR YOUR PRESCHOOLER… Quality childcare and enrichment is available for children ages 33 months-5 years (toilet–trained). Preschool children who are age eligible for preschool (3 by September 1st) and must be enrolled in Wee Irish preschool. Children may bring a lunch or purchase one through the food service. (Separate charge from tuition) Preschool Children can attend on days they have preschool or on days they don’t have preschool! Kidville is a great program to grow social emotional and school readiness skills while having fun in friendly and safe environment.


PROGRAM HOURS & PRICING: Hours: ..................................6 a.m.-6 p.m. Fees: ....................................$3/child/hour Location:....Maple Lake Elementary school


★ Convenient for Parents! ★ Safe for all kids! ★ Located at Maple Lake Elementary in the Northwest Corner of the school ★ Open 6:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. Monday– Friday ★ Providing care and enrichment for children Preschool– 6th grade ★ Homework Helpers, Computer Lab ★ Encourages creativity, builds self-esteem and confidence, teaches cooperation, and promotes positive behavior and socialization skills ★ Offers a variety of activities; including crafts, gym time, science, building, outdoor play and much more! ★ Registration must be received 2 weeks prior to starting

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



COMMUNITY ED Boys & Girls Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 Practices will begin in November. Teams practice weekday evenings, once or twice a week depending on gym availability. Games will be December through February on Saturdays, home games are at the Annandale Middle School. Away games are at various scheduled locations. It is the responsibility of the parents to transport their child to/from all games and practices.

Volunteer coaches are needed, please contact Brandii at the Community Education office if interested By Friday, September 21st, parents interested in coaching will need to call Comm. Ed. at 274- 3058. Once the number of coaches is known, we will set the number of teams. There will be a maximum of 10 players per team. Once the teams are filled, a waiting list will be created with hopes additional coaches will step forward. 1 Coach= 10 Players= 1 Team. Coaches Meeting: Wednesday, October 10th at 6:00 p.m. in the Presentation Computer Lab in the Bendix Media Center at the Annandale Elementary School (Please enter through the Main Elementary entrance). Responsibility of Coaches: Organize/run weekly practices, inform player/families about schedule changes, find scorekeepers and clock operators for all home games their grade level hosts.

*3RD GRADE COMMUNITY ED BASKETBALL This is an opportunity to have your 3rd grade student experience what traveling BB is like. In this program players will practice once a week, play in a tournament, and possibly scrimmage against other area 3rd grade teams. This is not a guaranteed opportunity but based on interest and the ability to find other teams/tournaments to play in the area. Volunteer coaches are needed! contact Brandii at


Registration Deadline ................Sept. 21 #4666-A18F ..................3rd Grade Girls #4666-B18F ..................3rd Grade Boys Fee ..................................................$85

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

#4611-A18F ............4th Grade Girls #4612-A18F ............5th Grade Girls #4613-A18F ............6th Grade Girls #4614-A18F ............4th Grade Boys #4615-A18F ............5th Grade Boys #4616-A18F ............6th Grade Boys Registration Deadline ..........Sept. 21 Fee: ..........................................$125




Grades K, 3, 4-5

Grades 1-2

Grades 4-8

Cards basketball will cover basketball skills and fundamentals at a pace boys and girls can understand and are comfortable with. Students will learn skill development and participate in lead games, exercise, and mini games. Maximum class size: 30 students

Cards basketball will cover basketball skills and fundamentals at a pace boys and girls can understand and are comfortable with. Students will learn skill development and participate in lead games, exercise, and mini games. Maximum class size: 30 students

This seven week program is designed to expand on the shooting fundamentals of basketball for boys and girls in grades 4-8. These shooting skills and games performed throughout the 75 minute practice will help prepare them for the upcoming traveling basketball season. This camp will be instructed by Basketball Coach Andy Ortmann. Minimum 10, Maximum 48

Wednesdays, Kindergarten Nov. 28, Dec 5, 12, 19 ............3-4 p.m. #2213-A18F ..................................$17 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ................Nov. 19 Fee after Deadline ..........................$22 Mondays, Grade 3 Nov. 26, Dec 3, 10,17 ............3-4 p.m. #2211-A18F ..................................$17 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ................Nov. 19 Fee after Deadline ..........................$22 Tuesdays, Grade 4-5 Nov. 27; Dec. 4, 11, 18 ..........3-4 p.m. #2212-A18F ..................................$17 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ................Nov. 19 Fee after Deadline ..........................$22

Tuesdays, Grade 1 Oct. 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13 ............3-4 p.m. #2207-A18F ....................................$17 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ................Oct. 16 Fee After Deadline............................$22 Thursdays, Grade 2 October 25, Nov 1, 8, 15. ........3-4 p.m.

Mondays Sept. 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 ............................................6-7:15 p.m. #2701-A18F ....................................$57 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline Sept. 3

#2209-A18F ....................................$17 Location ....Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ................Oct. 16 Fee After Deadline............................$22


Grades 5th-6th

This is a Juniors program (formerly known as “Junior Olympic” or “JO”) in which players will be taught the basics of volleyball, sportsmanship and teamwork. This great opportunity will include basic skills and maximized participation for all participants for girls in 5th and 6th grade. The season will run from mid-February thru the end of April. Volunteer coaches are needed. Please contact Brandii Thomas -Community Education office if interested 320-274-3058 or email her at This is a parent volunteer run team. If no parents are available to coach by Wednesday, Dec. 20th we will not be able to provide this opportunity. There will be a minimum of 8 and maximum of 9 players on a team. Once the teams are filled, a waiting list will be created with hope additional coaches will step forward. 1 coach = 9 players = 1 team, with a maximum of 2 coaches per team (due to association fees). Coach Responsibilities: Organize/run weekly practices, keep team members/parents informed of tournament schedules and any changes. Coaches will need to attend an in person IMPACT training clinic and online officiating clinic and officiate during off matches. The AHS Varsity volleyball coaches will meet with volunteer coaches before the start of the season to go over expectations, fundamentals, and to answer questions you might have. A date for this meeting has not been set yet. Tentative Tournament/Playdates: Saturday or Sundays throughout March & April in area communities as well as an Annandale tournament. Teams will participate in 5 tournaments. Location: ....Annandale Elementary School Practices: One or two practice a week dependent on gym availability. Practice 5th Grade ............................#2700-A17W schedule will be determined by each team's coach. Practice will begin mid-February. (long sleeve fitted jerseys are included with this fee. Please list jersey size (Girls fit in size S, M or L OR Ladies fit size S, M, L, XL or 2XL)

6th Grade ............................#2700-B17W Registration Deadline ....................Dec. 20 FEE ....................................................$189

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700




If you like to burn off excess energy and learn soccer skills, this class is for you! As a participant in this class you will be introduced to the basic skills of soccer. Students will participate in fun exercises, drills, and games. Maximum class size: 30 students

Introducing our new after school lacrosse class. You will be introduced to the basic skills of lacrosse. Students will participate in fun exercises, drills, and games. Community Education will provide all the essential equipment to our participants during each session. Maximum class size: 30 students

Wednesdays Sept. 12,19,26, Oct. 3,10 ..................3-4 p.m. #2203-A18F ..............................................$21 Location ..........Annandale Elementary FB Field Registration Deadline ............................Sept. 7 Fee After Deadline ....................................$26

Boys and Girls in Grades 1-3


For boys and girls in grades 1-6

Grades 3-5

Try your skills at punting, passing, and kicking by joining us at the annual Football Challenge. Students will be grouped by grades into separate divisions. Finalists from the passing competition of each division will perform during halftime of the October 5th game against Delano.

If you love playing the game of Dodgeball and you are in grades 3-5, this is the class for you! The entire hour is devoted to your favorite game. Different types of Dodgeball will be played depending on choice of the participants. Maximum class size: 30 students

#4729-A18F ..........................................FREE Location ........Annandale Elementary FB Field Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 17

A program for boys and girls that is full of excitement and good exercise. Students will learn a variety of sports and games in a positive, fun environment. Maximum class size: 30 students Wednesdays Oct.17, 24, 31, Nov 7 ......................3-4 p.m. #2208-A18F ..........................................$17

Mondays, Grades 1-3 Sept. 10, 17, October 1, 8 ................3-4 p.m. #2201-A18F ..........................................$17 Location ........Annandale Elementary FB Field Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 5 Fee After Deadline ....................................$22


Monday, Sept. 24 ..................3:15- 4:30 p.m.


Mondays Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12 ..............3-4 p.m. #2206-A18F ............................................$21 Location ............Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 10 Fee After Deadline ....................................$26


Location ............Annandale Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 10 Fee After Deadline ....................................$22

JUNIOR GOLF CLINIC AT SOUTHBROOK Ages 8-16 When your children participate in the golf clinics at Southbrook they will have fun learning about all the various aspects on the game of golf. They will gain experience in swing fundamentals, etiquette, rules, competition and much more. Children need to bring their own clubs. Class is limited to 8 participants.

Grades 1-2 Participants will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of indoor hockey. Fun mini games will be played weekly. Safe indoor sticks and eye goggles are used in this activity. A great way for students to develop their athletic skills and have fun with friends. Maximum class size: 30 students

BEGINNERS - Tues. Session

Thursdays Nov. 29, Dec. 6,13,20 ......3-4 p.m. #2214-A18F ..........................$17 Location........................Annandale ............................Elementary GYM Registration Deadline ........Nov. 21 Fee After Deadline ..................$22



Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25............................6-7 p.m. #2258-A18F............$50 Includes Range Balls Location ......................Southbrook Golf Club Registration Deadline ........................Aug. 31

Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27............................6-7 p.m. #2259-A18F............$50 Includes Range Balls Location ......................Southbrook Golf Club Registration Deadline ........................Aug. 31



Boys & Girls Grades 4-8

The Annandale Youth Basketball Association (AYBA) provides an excellent opportunity for boys and girls in grade 4-8 to participate in organized traveling basketball focusing on skills, techniques and competitive play. Practices will begin in November. Teams practice weekday evenings, once or twice a week depending on gym availability. Each traveling team will play in 8-10 tournaments. It is the responsibility of the parents to transport their child to/ from all games and practices. Volunteer coaches are needed, please contact Brandii at or 320-274-3058 x 4402 By Friday, September 21nd, parents interested in coaching will need to call Comm. Ed. at 274- 3058. Once the number of coaches is known, we will set the number of teams. There will be a maximum of 10 players per team. Once the teams are filled, a waiting list will be created with hopes additional coaches will step forward. 1 Coach= 10 Players= 1 Team. Coaches Meeting: Wednesday, October 10th at 6:00 p.m. in the Presentation Computer Lab in the Bendix Media Center at the Annandale Elementary School (Please enter through the Main Elementary entrance). Responsibility of Coaches: Organize/run weekly practices, inform player/families about schedule changes, find scorekeepers and clock operators for all home games their grade level hosts. Player Evaluations: All players must be present at tryouts to be placed on a traveling team. Please attend both dates as players usually perform better on the second day. Teams are formed by grade, gender, skill level and previous experience. Evaluations will focus on dribbling, passing, ball handling, shooting and end with a scrimmage so that rebounding and defensive skills can be viewed. #4601-A18F #4602-A18F #4603-A18F #4609-A18F #4610-A18F

......4th Grade Girls ......5th Grade Girls ......6th Grade Girls ......7th Grade Girls ......8th Grade Girls

..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($100 Per Player Fee) ..........($100 Per Player Fee)

#4604-B18F #4605-B18F #4606-B18F #4607-B18F #4608-B18F

......4th Grade Boys ......5th Grade Boys ......6th Grade Boys ......7th Grade Boys ......8th Grade Boys

..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($225 Per Player Fee) ..........($100 Per Player Fee) ..........($100 Per Player Fee)

Player Evaluation Date: Saturday and Sunday October 6th & 7th at Annandale Elementary School Gym Registration Deadline: September 21 7th and 8th Grade Season: The 7th and 8th grade Basketball Season will take place in the idle part of the Middle School Season. Gym space for practices will only be reserved during this time of the Middle School season.

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


YOUTH-ANNANDALE 5TH & 6TH GRADE GIRLS JUNIOR CARDS FALL VOLLEYBALL This is an instructional league where players will be taught the basics of volleyball, sportsmanship, and teamwork. This great opportunity will include basic skills, maximized participation for all participants and the presentation of volleyball as a safe, fair and fun activity for girls in 5th and 6th grade. Volunteer coaches are needed, please contact Brandii Hansen at the Community Education office if interested 320-274-3058 or email her at This is a parent volunteer run league! If there are no parents that step forward to coach by Tuesday, August 7th we will not be able to provide this opportunity. There will be a maximum of 10 players per team. Once the teams are filled, a waiting list will be created with hopes additional coaches will step forward. We would like to have 2 coaches per team but will go with one coach per team if there are enough girls to make multiple teams so that everyone is given the opportunity to play. Game Locations: Teams could travel to Waconia, New Prague, Holy Trinity-Winsted, St. Michaels-Prior Lake, Cologne Academy, St. Josephs-Waconia, NYA, Lester Prairie, Orono and Hutchinson. ** All dates listed below are tentative and based off of last year’s schedule and are subject to change.** Play Dates: 5th & 6th Grade- Saturdays in September and October with one possible tournament date. *At this time dates have not been confirmed for this league. Times Vary* Practices: One or two practices a week dependent on gym availability. Practice schedules will be determined by the team’s coach. Parent meeting date TBD.

Grade 5 ........................#2550-A18S Grade 6 ........................#2551-A18S Fee..............................................$55 (includes a jersey) Location ..........................AES & AMS Registration Deadline ..........August 8 Fee After Deadline ......................$65


Grades 3-5

Using mindful movement, games, share circles, breathwork and visualization, this class creates an active, safe, and inclusive environment for kids. They will explore their natural flexibility, develop more strength, and counter the stress of their daily lives. Thursdays Sept 6, 13, 20, 27....................................................................3-4 p.m. #2300-A18F ..................................................................................$21 Location ................................................Annandale Elementary School Registration Deadline ................................................................Aug 31 Fee After Deadline..........................................................................$26



Come learn a cheer routine, including dancing and stunting with the Annandale Cheer Team with a performance during half-time of the homecoming game. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday #4726-A18F................$37 *Includes Poms Location Annandale Elementary School Instructors ......Varsity Cheer Coaches & ........................................Cheer Squad Registration Deadline ..............Sept. 13 Tuesday, Sept. 18 ..............3-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20 ............3-4:30 p.m. Followed by: Half-time Performance on Friday, Sept. 21. Game starts at 7 pm.

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991




Grades 1-3

Boys and Girls in Grades 3-6

Grades 3-6

Participants will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of indoor hockey. Fun mini games will be played weekly. Safe indoor sticks used in this activity. A great way for students to develop their athletic skills and have fun with friends. Maximum class size: 30 students

Introducing our new after school lacrosse class. You will be introduced to the basic skills of lacrosse. Stuudents will participate in fun exercises, drills, and games. Community Education will provide all the essential equipment to our participants during each session. Maximum class size: 30 students

If you love playing the game of Dodgeball and you are in grades 3-6, this is the class for you! The entire hour is devoted to your favorite game. Different types of Dodgeball will be played depending on choice of the participants. Maximum class size: 30 students

Wednesdays Nov. 28; Dec. 5, 12, 19....................3-4 p.m. #9914-A18F ..........................................$17 Location ......Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 21 Fee After Deadline ..................................$22

Mondays Nov. 19, 26; Dec. 3, 10, 17..............3-4 p.m. #9911-A18F ............................................$21 Location ......Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 12 Fee after Deadline....................................$26


IRISH KICKBALL Boys and Girls in Grades 4-6 All the fun of baseball and softball without as many rules. If this sounds like the activity for you come and join us out on the kickball diamond. Throughout the course of the season we will learn the basics of the game of kickball while having fun with our friends. Rules of the game will be adjusted suite the students registered for this activity. Maximum class size: 30 students Grades 4-6 Wed., Sept 19, 26; Oct. 3, 10..........3-4 p.m.. #9902-A18F ..........................................$17 Location ......Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Pick Up........................Field #5 (By Hwy 55) ..............Cafeteria (Depends on the weather) Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 12 Fee after Deadline....................................$22

Spend some time after school improving your basketball skills and spending time with some friends. This class offers a great opportunity to shoot hoops after school. Community Education will provide all the necessary equipment. If you are crazy about basketball this class is for you. Maximum class size: 30 students Tuesdays Nov. 27; Dec. 4, 11, 18....................3-4 p.m. #9912-A18F ............................................$17 Location ......Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 20 Fee after Deadline....................................$22

SPORTS SAMPLER Grades K-1 A program for boys and girls that is full of excitement and good exercise. Students will learn a variety of sports and games in a positive, fun environment. Maximum class size: 30 students Tuesdays Oct. 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13 ....................3-4 p.m. #9907-A18F ............................................$17 Location ......Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 15 Fee After Deadline ..................................$22

Wednesdays Oct. 24, 31; Nov. 7, 14 ..................3-4 p.m. #9915-A18F ..........................................$17 Location ....Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 20 Fee After Deadline ..................................$22

IRISH PRIDE DAY Boys and Girls in Grades 1-6 Try your skills at punting, passing, and kicking. Join us at the annual Football Challenge. Students will be grouped by grades and into separate divisions. CE Staff will pick up children and bring them to the football field. Parents pick up at Irish Stadium. Finalists from the passing competition of each division will perform during halftime of the October 5th varsity Football game against Melrose! Monday, October 1 ............3:15 - 4:15 p.m. #9818-A18F ........................................FREE Location ..........Maple Lake HS Football Field Registration Deadline ......................Sept. 28

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700




GRADES: 3RD, 4TH, 5TH & 6TH Practices will begin in November. Teams practice in Maple Lake, weekday evenings, once or twice a week depending on gym availability. Games will be December through February on Saturdays, home games will take place in the Maple Lake Activity Center. Away games are at various scheduled locations. It is the responsibility of the parents to transport their child to/from all games and practices. By Friday, September 21st parents interested in coaching will need to have contacted Brandii at or 320-274-3058 x 4402 Once the number of coaches are known, we will set the number of teams. There will be a maximum of 10 players per team. Once the teams are filled, a waiting list will be created with hopes additional coaches will step forward. 1 coach = 10 players = 1 team. Coaches Meeting: Wednesday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the M.L. Elementary Media Center Computer Lab. *3RD GRADE: This is an opportunity to have your 3rd grade student experience what traveling BB is like. In this program players will practice once a week, play in a tournament, and possibly scrimmage against other area 3rd grade teams. This is not a guaranteed opportunity but based on interest and the ability to find other teams/tournaments to play in the area. Responsibility of coaches: Organize/run weekly practices, inform player/families about schedule changes, find scorekeepers and clock operators for all home games their grade level hosts. #9076-A18F #9077-A18F #9078-A18F #9079-A18F

............3rd Grade Girls ............4th Grade Girls ............5th Grade Girls ............6th Grade Girls

#9080-A18F #9081-A18F #9082-A18F #9083-A18F

............3rd Grade Boys ............4th Grade Boys ............5th Grade Boys ............6th Grade Boys

Registration Deadline: September 21 Fee: ..........................................$100 (Includes reversible uniform)


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991


IRISH FALL VOLLEYBALL Entering Grades 3-6 (2018-2019 school year) Elementary girls in grades 3-6 will have the opportunity to participate in IRISH Fall Volleyball. The focus of the volleyball sessions will be to learn the fundamentals of volleyball and to have fun! Volleyball games will be incorporated as the sessions become more advanced. Irish Volleyball head coach Marty Kiebel will be teaching the sessions. He will be assisted during the sessions by assistant coaches as well as high school players. Participation in Fall Elementary Volleyball is highly recommended if you are looking to play Junior Olympic Volleyball for Club Irish.

Dates: Sept. 10, 11, 17, 24; Oct. 8 Location ..ML High School Gym Fee ............$40 (includes T-shirt) Fee after Deadline................$50 Registration Deadline ......Sept. 5 Grades 3-4 ............#9871-A18F Time ..................5:30-6:30 p.m. Grades 5-6 ............#9872-A18F Time ..................6:30-7:30 p.m.

After School Yoga

Elem Volleyb entary all Nig Tuesda h y

, Octo t b 7:00 p er 16th .m.



Grades 3-5

Using mindful movement, games, share circles, breathwork and visualization, this class creates an active, safe, and inclusive environment for kids. They will explore their natural flexibility, develop more strength, and counter the stress of their daily lives. Thursdays Oct. 4, 11, 25, Nov. 1 ......................3-4 p.m. #9531-A18F ............................................$22 Location ........Maple Lake Elementary School Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 28 Fee After Deadline ..................................$26

Boys & Girls Grades 3-6 This five week program is designed to introduce and expand upon the fundamentals of basketball for boys and girls in grades 3-6. The third and fourth grade participants will focus on the basics as well as fun lead up games to challenge all skill levels. Fifth and sixth grade participants will be engaged in more advanced fundamental skills and games. These skills and games will be performed throughout the hour long "practice" to prepare them for the upcoming traveling basketball season. The girls program will be instructed by girls' basketball coaches Kim Fynboh, Craig Grams, along with members of the girls basketball team! The boys program will be instructed by boys’ high school basketball coaches including head coach Tim Staloch, Assistant Coach Casey Pack, along with members of the boys basketball team. Participants will also be recognized at the elementary basketball night sponsored by both the boys and girls basketball teams. Information about this game will be distributed during the one of the sessions. Mondays Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 12, 19, 26 6:30-7:45 p.m. Fee......................$38 (Includes a basketball) Location ..............Maple Lake Activity Center Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 15 #9527-A18F ........................Girls Grades 3/4 #9528-A18F ........................Girls Grades 5/6 #9529-A18F ........................Boys Grades 3/4 #9530-A18F ........................Boys Grades 5/6

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



RECREATION GYMNASTICS Recreational gymnastics is being offered as a Fall Session in the Maple Lake Auxiliary Gym through Door I. Students who are enrolled in the Preschool and Beginners class must have a parent or guardian present during class time. Students must be dressed to participate – girls in Leotards and boys in athletic shorts and t-shirts. Gymnastics Supervisor: Paul Fouquette

Please contact us if you have any questions at 320.274.3058 Make Up / Missed Classes Policy: Make up days cannot be given to individuals missing classes due to personal obligations, illness, school functions or travel. Our classes and staff schedule are designed based on a student to teacher ratio. Adding students compromises safety and quality of instruction. If Community Education cancels a class due unforeseen emergency, we cannot guarantee a makeup class. The availability of the gymnastics facility and staff will determine the possibility of makeup classes.




18 months+ 30 Minutes

Ages 3-5 45 Minutes

Ages 5 & Up 60 Minutes




5:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:05 p.m. Nov. 14, 21, 28 Nov. 14, 21, 28 Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27 Dec. 5, 12, 19 Dec. 5, 12, 19 Dec. 4, 11 #7100-A18F ......$54 #7200-A18F ......$60 #7300-A18F ......$60 Min.:4/Max:12 Min.:6/Max:18 Min.:6/Max:24



Ages 5 & Up 60 Minutes

Ages 5 & up 75 Minutes



6:05 p.m. Nov. 8, 15, 29 Dec. 6, 13, 20 #7400-A18F ......$60 Min.:6/Max:24

6:05 p.m. Nov. 12, 19, 26 Dec. 3, 10, 17 #7500-A18F ......$78 Min.:6/Max:24


Class Descriptions Parent/Tot: This class is for boys and girls ages 18 months up to 3 years old. In this class, we help the parent and gymnast work together in a playful, fun atmosphere to develop flexibility, agility, hand –eye coordination, body awareness and build strength while learning basic gymnastics skills. We use music, games and gymnastics equipment to create a great experience for boy parent and gymnast. Preschool: This class is for boys and girls ages 3-5. In these classes, we teach the basic skills and terminology of gymnastics in a fun atmosphere. Your child will learn skills like forward and backward rolls, cart wheels, swings and supports on bars. This class will help teach your child to interact and behave in a structured class setting and also improving his/her physical capabilities. Beginners: This class is for students ages 5 and up. No skill requirement, just an interest in gymnastics and a readiness to learn. Intermediate: Ages 5 and upSkill requirement – Bars: pullover w/ mat, casting, jump to high bar, floor: forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, handstand, bridge kick-over

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991


Level 1 5-5:50 p.m. ......#2000-A18F Min: 5/Max: 6 Students

The Community Education swimming lessons are intended to teach students how to swim skillfully and safely. The prerequi- Level 1 site for each level is the successful demonstration of skills from 6-6:50 p.m. ......#2001-A18F Min: 5/Max: 8 Students the preceding level. Must be 5 years old by start of Level one. Level 1-Introduction to Water Skills Helps students feel comfortable in the water. They will learn to enter and exit water safely, exhale underwater through nose and mouth, swim on front and back using arm and leg actions, front and back floating, as well as front and back glides along with alternating arm and leg action. Swimmers must be 5 years old (by first day of class) Â and able to be in the water by themselves.

Level 2 7-7:50 p.m. ......#2002-A18F Min: 5/Max: 8 Students Tuesdays Sept. 11, 18, 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16 Camp Courage ..............$71 Registration Deadline ..Sept. 6

Level 2-Fundamental Aquatic Skills Begin fundamental skills in locomotion, floating and recovery to a standing position, submerge head, retrieve underwater objects, work on kicking, front crawl, and begin learning elementary backstroke.

ANML YOUTH WRESTLING Boys and Girls Grades K-6 ANML Youth Wrestling Club is looking for you to come see what we are all about! We are welcoming all Kindergarten - 6th grade students to join us every Monday in November, starting November 5th, for practice from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in either the Annandale Middle School wrestling room or the Maple Lake Elem cafeteria. We will have NEW wrestler registration on the last night of the FREE Clinic, Nov. 26th for the 2018-2019 Youth Wrestling Season. A second night of registration will be offered at a later date.

Mondays Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26..............6:30-7:30 p.m. Fee ..................................................FREE Locations .................................................. Annandale Middle School Wrestling Room Maple Lake Elementary Cafeteria

This is a FREE opportunity for all BOYS & GIRLS who are curious to see what the sport is all about.

SATURDAY SOCCER Boys and Girls in Grades K-2 If you like to burn off excess energy and learn soccer skills, this class is for you! Participants will learn the fundamentals of soccer and the team concept. You will be introduced to the basic skills of soccer while participating in fun exercises, drills, and mini games. Participants will also play a soccer game each Saturday. Saturdays Sept 15, 22, 29, Oct 6..........9:30-10:30 a.m. #2911-A18F..................................Annandale #9617-A18F ................................Maple Lake Location ......................Annandale Sod Fields ..........................................South of FB Field Fee ..........................................................$17 Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 8 Fee After Deadline ..................................$22

PRESCHOOL SATURDAY SOCCER For Ages 3-5 (Not yet in Kindergarten) A program for boys and girls that is full of excitement and good exercise. Students will learn the game of soccer through various mini games in a positive, fun environment. The mini games that will be played incorporate the various skills used in soccer: dribbling, passing, shooting and defending. Emphasis is on fun and good sportsmanship! Maximum Class Size: 30 students Saturdays Sept. 15, 22, 29; Oct. 6 ..............9-9:30 a.m. #2210-A18F..................................Annandale #9616-A18F ................................Maple Lake Location ......................Annandale Sod Fields ..........................................South of FB Field Fee ..........................................................$17 Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 8 Fee After Deadline ..................................$22

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



5th & 6th GRADE TACKLE FOOTBALL PROGRAM (2018-2019) This is an instructional league where players will be able to put on the pads and helmets and get a feel for what tackle football is all about. They will be taught the fundamentals of the game of football. Teams will practice two nights a week on Tuesday and Thursday and games will be held on Saturdays. Practices will be weeknight from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Practices for Annandale teams will take place at Annandale Middle School practice field and Maple Lake practices will take place at the practice football fields. Games will take place at the Annandale Football Fields or Maple Lake Football Fields. No scores from games or standings will be recorded for this league.

Football League Information: Equipment Hand Out Day: August 14, 5:307 p.m @ AES GYM (For both ANN & ML Players) First day of practice (Weekday): Aug. 21, First practice. Players will go through stations/drills. Time: 6:30-8 p.m., Aug. 21 and 23. First two weeks of practice (Saturdays): TBD. Practice as a group going through stations and drills. Players will be split into teams on Thursday, August 16: Practices will consist of team organized practices. No Practice or games due to holiday: Sept. 1-3. Games will start on Saturday September 8th. Games will run on Saturdays and some Thursday evenings. Location: First day meet at the practice fields by the tennis courts at Annandale Middle School and the Maple Lake Practice Fields.


Tuesdays & Thursdays ..5:30-7 p.m. Saturdays....................9-10:30 a.m. Fee ..........................................$89 Registration Deadline ..........Aug. 9 Fee After Deadline ....................$99 Annandale #2255-A18S ....AMS Practice Field (By Ice Rink) Maple Lake #9210-A18S ......ML Practice Fields


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

FLAG FOOTBALL FALL LEAGUE 1-4 Grade (2018-2019) This league is available to all students in grades 1-4 in the Annandale and Maple Lake communities. Flag football is a great way to learn the skills used in the 5th/6th grade tackle football league and beyond. VOLUNTEER COACHES ARE NEEDED FOR THIS LEAGUE! Please contact Brandii Thomas at (320) 274-3058,

All games will be played on Saturday mornings at Annandale. Times and locations of the practices will be determined by each team’s coach. Coaches will receives schedules and contact information for their team at the Coach’s Meeting. Grades 1-2 Annandale..#2243-A18F Maple Lake #9211-A18F Time ..............12-1:15 p.m.

Grades 3-4 Annandale..#2244-A18F Maple Lake #9212-A18F Time..10:30 am-12:00 pm

Saturdays, Sept. 15, 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13 Fee:$58 • Fee After Deadline: $68 Reg. Deadline: Thurs., Aug. 2 Location: Annandale Football Fields - NEW! Annandale Recreation Park

YOUTH-ANNANDALE & MAPLE LAKE DR. SEUSS’ HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS! A Children’s Theatre Company Original Production. A miserly and miserable, ever-socantankerous Grinch has witnessed the despicable Christmas joy of the Whos and disdain, from a distance, for decades. Enough! In this favorite holiday story filled with music and Seussian rhymes, he conceives a dastardly plot to destroy what they love. It’s the smallest of the Whos tiny Cindy Lou, who extends a hand. Through the combination of kindness and community, we witness not only a change in the course of Who-History, but also the size and capacity of the old green guy’s heart. The show is approximately 1 Hour 50 minutes with a 15 min intermission. *Bring a bag lunch or snack to eat on the bus. Annandale Time: Bus departs Annandale Community Education Center at 8:15 a.m.; Returns approximately 2:10 p.m. Maple Lake Time: Bus departs Maple Lake High School at 8:30 am; Returns approximately 2 pm.

Thursday, December 6th #1455-A18F ....................Annandale Adult Fee: $33 #1455-C18F ....................Annandale Child Fee: $33 #1460-A18F ..................Maple Lake Adult Fee: $33 #1460-C18F ..................Maple Lake Child Fee: $33 *Each child must have a ticket regardless of age.

BABYSITTING TRAINING 101 Students Ages 11 and up This course follows the American Academy of Pediatrics – Babysitter Lessons And Safety Training (BLAST). Students learn current practices for safety and injury prevention, first aid basics, feeding and caring for infants, how to handle behavior problems, and how to manage their babysitting business. Students receive a reference book, recipe and game handouts, babysitting bag and first aid kit. Minimum: 10 students Maximum: 25 students. • This class is recommended for children ages 11 and up. • Feel free to bring a lunch and snack to class. Saturday Oct. 6..........................................................8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. #3559-A18F ..................................................................$61 Location ................Annandale Elementary School, Room 187 Registration Deadline ..................................................Oct. 1

F.A.S.T. KIDS - STAYING SAFE WHILE HOME ALONE Ages 7-10 years old First Aid and Safety Trained Kids is a 6 hour course for 7 – 10 year olds. Lessons cover basic first aid, water safety, vehicle safety, home emergencies, injury prevention, personal safety and healthy living. This course helps prepare children for staying at home alone. Students will receive a book and construct a home first aid kit as part of the class. Minimum class size: 10 students, maximum class size: 25 students. Instructor: Emergency Outfitters Staff Monday & Tuesday Sept. 17 & 18 ..........................................................3-6 p.m. #3558-A18F ....................................................................$45 Location ............................Annandale Elementary Room 187 Registration Deadline ................................................Sept. 11 Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700




Grades 3 and up Join the club and knit a take home project! In this club, you can choose to make a coin purse or a hackey sack square, or both if you want! You will learn everything you need to know to make these projects and leave with your own handmade toy or accessory. No experience necessary, all materials provided. Instructor: Pam Whitcomb Min. 3 Max 12 Tuesday, Nov. 6 ..........................3:15-6 p.m. #3560 - A18F ........................................$33 Location......................Annandale Elementary Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 1


Grades 3 and up Learn how to weave a beaded wood bottom-reed basket! In this class we will be weaving a basket that is great for holding colored pens or pencils. You will learn everything you need to know to weave this basket, and all materials will be provided! Please sign up at least 2 weeks in advance to allow for supply ordering time - thanks! Instructor: Pam Whitcomb Min 3 Max 12 Tuesday, Sept. 18 ........................3:15-6 p.m. #3562-A18F ..........................................$28 Location......................Annandale Elementary Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 13

Grades 3 and up

BASIC HAIR BRAIDING Grades 2 and up This beginners level teaches the foundation of quality braiding. You don’t have to have ANY experience braiding to attend this class. Tuesday, Sept. 18..............................3-4 p.m. #3565-A18F ..........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 13


Ages 4-9 “The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas Season!” Sign up for a grinchy good time. Dr. Seuss’s classic Christmas tale “How the Grich Stole Christmas” We will do Dr. Seuss themed crafts together, watch the movie while having a fun snack! Tuesday, Dec. 4 ................................3-4 p.m. #3567-A18F ..........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 29

Join the club and crochet a project out of yarn! You can choose to make either a crochet loopy bracelet, or a pet snake! (Both if you’ve got the skills!) You will learn all the crochet basics needed to make these projects, and hopefully take one finished project home with you! No experience necessary, all materials provided. Instructor: Pam Whitcomb Min. 3 Max 12 Tuesday, Oct. 2 ..........................3:15-6 p.m. #3561-A18F ..........................................$33 Location......................Annandale Elementary Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 27


SANTA’S TOY SHOP Ages 4 and up Ho, Ho, Ho! This is your chance to be Santa’s little helper! In this class you will use your imagination to design & create a variety of toys. We’ll be making snow globes and much more.



Tuesday, Dec. 11 ..............................3-4 p.m. #3568-A18F ..........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ..........................Dec. 6

Here comes the Great Pumpkin! Join us for an hour of fun! We will design a Charlie Brown shirt, play games and paint a Charlie Brown rock! We will also be watching The Great Pumpkin movie while enjoying popcorn and a snoopy snack. Please indicate shirt size when registering. Class Maximum 10

Who doesn’t love pizza. In this class you will learn how pizzas are made. You will develop dough stretching and rolling techniques from Jimmy’s pizza, and you will take a pizza home to bake!

Tuesday, Oct. 23 ..............................3-4 p.m. #3566 – A18F ........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 18

Tuesday, Nov. 13 ..............................3-4 p.m. #3569-A18F ..........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 8

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA! Grades K and up

YOUTH-ANNANDALE & MAPLE LAKE SALT PAINTINGS Grades Pre K-2 Join us for a fun class where your inner scientist meets your inner artist and the fun ensues! We will create two unique paintings using salt and watercolor paints in different ways. Instructor: Lori Greenlun Thursday, Sept. 20 ......................3-4:30 p.m. #3143-A18F ........................................$15 Location....................Maple Lake ECFE Room Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 13


Grades 5-8

Discover your inner artist while having fun with acrylic paint on canvas! In this class each student will create a painting of a delightful snowman enjoying a snowy day. Even if this is your first-time painting on canvas the step-by-step instructions to make this adorable snowman will be a fun and creative art studio experience!

Discover your inner artist while having fun with acrylic paint on canvas! In this class each student will create a painting of a whimsical Fall tree. Even if this is your first-time painting on canvas the step-by-step instructions to make this colorful scene will be a fun and creative art studio experience! Instructor: Amanda Pawelski Min10/Max 24. *AMS students can ride bus #13 to AES.

Thursday, Nov. 29 ......................3-4:30 p.m. #3572-A18F ..........................................$28 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..................................................Room #117 Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 25

CREEPY CARAMEL APPLES Grades K-3 Get into the Halloween Spirit with these fun apple snacks! We will make a witches hat, and a monster apple. Then for fun we will create a smores treat with apples. Your child will get to eat a treat and bring one home to share! Instructor: Lori Greenlun

GO CARDINALS! PAINTING PARTY Grades K-8 Discover your inner artist and share your school spirit while having fun with acrylic paint on canvas! In this class each student will create a painting of an Annandale Cardinal. Even if this is your first-time painting on canvas the step-bystep instructions to make this regal bird will be a fun and creative art studio experience! Instructor: Amanda Pawelski Min10/Max 24 Tuesday, Sept. 25 ........................3-4:30 p.m. #3570-A18F ..........................................$28 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..................................................Room #117 Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 20


Thursday, Oct. 25........................3-4:30 p.m. #3144-A18F ..........................................$15 Location....................Maple Lake ECFE Room Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 18

THANKSGIVING TREATS Grades K-3 Thanksgiving is our inspiration for these yummy treats. Scarecrow cookies, pilgrim hats and a candy cornicopia. These fun edible creations will have your child feeling thankful that you signed them up for this class. Instructor: Lori Greenlun Thursday, Nov. 8 ........................3-4:30 p.m. #3145-A18F ........................................$15 Location....................Maple Lake ECFE Room Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 1

Monday, Oct. 29 ..................3:15–5:15 p.m. #3571-A18F ..........................................$30 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..................................................Room #117 Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 24

GINGERBREAD HOUSES Grades Pre K-2 Start the holiday season off right with a fun and edible gingerbread house! Your imagination is the limit when it comes to creating your gingerbread house. Candy, graham crackers, and frosting will be the base for these fun creations! Instructor: Lori Greenlun Thursday, Nov. 27 ......................3-4:30 p.m. #3146-A18F ..........................................$15 Location....................Maple Lake ECFE Room Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 20

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700





Ages 4-9

Ages 4-9

Let your child dig their hands into some ooey, gooey clay and experience the art of play! Sparkly ice cream cones, proud ponies, colorful dragons and silly self-portraits are just a few of the incredible creations your child will construct as they learn basic terms and techniques of working with clay. We’ll use air-dry clay, Model Magic® and paint during this fun-filled (and messy) camp. Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child each day.

Sign up early for this popular class! It’s silly and slimy

Thur. & Fri., Oct.18 & 19 ........9 a.m.-12 p.m. #3580-A18F ............................................$63 Location ..Annandale Elementary Comm. Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 11

GLITTER & GLOW Ages 5-12 What rules supreme in your child’s world? Art projects that glitter or glow-in-the-dark? No need for your child to choose when you sign them up for this art camp! We will work with a variety of art supplies including clay, glow-in-the-dark paint, and of course, lots and lots of glitter! The kids will create snow globes that glow-in-the-dark, butterflies that shimmer and glimmer, an Eiffel Tower with stars that twinkle, and so much more. Glitter and glow… here we go! Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child.

and insanely fun. Messy Time is one of our most popular activities, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing all class long! We’ll get silly with silly putty, messy with muck and so much more! This is going to be a messy one, so please dress your child appropriately. Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. Monday, October 29 ..............9 a.m.-12 p.m. #3581-A18F ............................................$35 Location ..Annandale Elementary Comm. Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 22

THE MESSIEST ART CAMP EVER! Ages 5-12 Does your young artist love to get messy? So do we! We’ll paint with plaster, sculpt with gooey gunk, make papier mache dragonflies and fling paint like Jackson Pollock. We will even learn some art terms along the way. These are not projects to tackle at homeleave the mess with us. Making a mess is the best! Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. Monday, October 29 ........................1-4 p.m. #3583-A18F ............................................$35

Thur. & Fri., Dec. 27 & 28 ......9 a.m.-12 p.m. #3582-A18F ............................................$63 Location ..Annandale Elementary Comm. Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Dec. 20


Location ..Annandale Elementary Comm. Ed. Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 22

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

Come learn how to make fabulous fall mini pies from scratch. We will make one apple and one chocolate pie along with learning recipes for more to do from home! Class size is limited, don’t miss out on this delicious class. Class Maximum 10 Tuesday, Oct. 9 ................................3-4 p.m. #3556-A18F ..........................................$16 Location......................Annandale Elementary ..............................................Community Ed. Registration Deadline ..........................Oct. 4

CAILLE FARM HORSE DAY CAMP Ages 6-12 (no experience needed) Ride horses on your day off of school at our day camp. They offer a full day of horse activities, 2 riding sessions (45 min. each), grooming, horse care and games. Our arena and barn are heated and we have well trained lesson horses. Instructor: Barb Anderson-Whiteis Location: Caille Farms, 9209 Iffert Ave. NE, Monticello Time ........................................9 a.m.-3 p.m. *Bring a lunch and come spend the day. Fall Camp Thursday, October 18 #5725-A18F ........................$80/per person Winter Camp Wednesday, December 26 #5726-A18F ..........................$80/per person



CARDIO, STRENGTH & ABS! Teenagers & Adults Join us for a 60 minute session, we will begin with a 45 minute circuit workout that will challenge your muscles as well as keep your heart pumping! This class is like a game of musical chairs! You will be moving from one exercise super-set to another, keeping your heart rate up and burning calories plus building muscle! Regardless of your fitness level, you will find these circuits fun yet challenging. Each session we will spend an additional 15 minutes (at the end of workout) focusing on your abs and then stretch your entire body. Maximum Class Size: 20 Sign up Early – Classes fill up fast! Instructor: Tina Honsey (NETA Certified) Location: Annandale High School Weight Room (Enter through back door)



September Session

September Session

Wednesdays Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26 ..............................6:30-7:30 p.m. #5903-A18F ........................................................$36 Registration Deadline ....................................Aug. 31

Saturdays Sept 10, 17, 24..............................................8-9 a.m. #5910-A18F ........................................................$29 Registration Deadline ......................................Sept. 6

October Session

October Session

Wednesdays Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ........................6:30-7:30 p.m. #5903-B18F ........................................................$43 Registration Deadline ....................................Sept. 26

November Session Wednesdays Nov 7, 14, 28 ....................................6:30-7:30 p.m. (No class Nov 21) #5903-C18F ........................................................$29 Registration Deadline......................................Oct. 31

December Session Wednesdays Dec. 5, 12, 19 ....................................6:30-7:30 p.m. #5903-D18F ........................................................$29 Registration Deadline ....................................Nov. 28

Saturdays Oct. 6,13, 20, 27 ..........................................8-9 a.m. #5910-B18F ........................................................$36 Registration Deadline ....................................Sept. 29

November Session Saturdays Nov. 3, 10, 17 ..............................................8-9 a.m. (No class Nov 24) #5910-C18F ........................................................$29 Registration Deadline......................................Oct. 27

December Session Saturdays Dec. 1, 8, 15 ................................................8-9 a.m. #5910-D18F ........................................................$29 Registration Deadline ....................................Nov. 24 Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



SUNRISE HIIT Join Sunrise HIIT! This 50 minute class is a total body, heart pumping, aerobic and strength conditioning workout . This interval-based class combines full-body strength training with high intensity cardio bursts (TABATA) designed to tone your body, improve your endurance and clear your mind before the busy days get started. Class includes warm-up, cool down, and stretch. Maximum Class Size: 14 Sign up Early – Classes fill up fast! Instructor: Tina Honsey (NETA Certified) September Session

November Session

Mondays Sept 10, 17, 24 ........................5:30-6:30 a.m. #5920-A18F ..............................................$29 Location..............................AMS Weight Room

Mondays Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 ....................5:30-6:30 a.m. #5920-C18F ..............................................$36 Location..............................AMS Weight Room

October Session

December Session

Mondays Oct 8, 15, 22, 29......................5:30-6:30 a.m. #5920-B18F ..............................................$36 Location..............................AMS Weight Room

Mondays Dec 3, 10, 17 ..........................5:30-6:30 a.m. #5920-D18F ............................................$29 Location..............................AMS Weight Room

YOGA FLOW This class will combine physical movements with breath to increase strength and flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance focus. Ideal for stretching, strengthening, and toning from head to toe. This class is for new and experienced yogis. Instructor: Christine Stoeber September Session Mondays Sept. 10, 17, 24........................6:15-7:15 p.m. #5933-A18F ..............................................$29 Location ....................Maple Lake High School Registration Deadline ............................Sept. 5

October Session Mondays Oct 8, 15, 22, 29......................6:15-7:15 p.m. #5933-B18F ..............................................$36 Location ....................Maple Lake High School

November Session Mondays Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 ....................6:15-7:15 p.m. #5933-C18F ..............................................$36 Location ....................Maple Lake High School

December Session Mondays Dec 3, 10, 17 ..........................6:15-7:15 p.m. 5933-D18F ..............................................$29 Location ....................Maple Lake High School


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

HEALTH & FITNESS BARRE FUSION Sculpt and tone your entire body at the barre! In this class you will find elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates. Â By using small controlled movements, isometric holds, and body weight we will challenge all fitness levels with a high intensity yet low impact workout. Instructor: Christine Stoeber

SENIOR FITNESS Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, range of movement, and activities for daily living. Elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance. A chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Instructor: Christine Stoeber September Session Wednesdays Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26 ..................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5931-A18F ..............................................$36 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ..........................Aug. 31

September Session Mondays Sept 10, 17, 24 ........................7:30-8:30 p.m. #5930-A18F ..............................................$29 Location ....................Maple Lake High School Registration Deadline ............................Sept. 5

October Session Mondays Oct 8, 15, 22, 29......................7:30-8:30 p.m. #5930-B18F ..............................................$36 Location ....................Maple Lake High School

November Session Mondays Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 ....................7:30-8:30 p.m. #5930-C18F ..............................................$36 Location ....................Maple Lake High School

December Session Mondays Dec 3, 10, 17 ..........................7:30-8:30 p.m. #5930-D18F ............................................$29 Location ....................Maple Lake High School

October Session Wednesdays Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ............9:15-10:15 a.m. #5931-B18F ..............................................$43 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 26

November Session Wednesdays Nov 7, 14, 28th ....................9:15-10:15 a.m. (No class Nov 21) #5931-C18F ..............................................$29 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ..........................Oct. 31

SENIOR CHAIR YOGA Gentle yoga will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance, and range of motion. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction. Instructor: Christine Stoeber September Session Fridays Sept 7, 21, 28 ........................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5932-A18F ..............................................$29 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ............................Sept. 4

October Session Fridays Oct. 12, 19, 26 ......................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5932-B18F ..............................................$29 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ............................Oct. 1

November Session Fridays Nov 2, 16, 30 ........................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5932-C18F ..............................................$29 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ..........................Oct. 29

December Session

December Session Wednesdays Dec 5, 12, 19 ........................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5931-D18F ............................................$29 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 28

Fridays Dec 14, 21 ............................9:15-10:15 a.m. #5932-D18F ............................................$19 Location ........................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education classroom) Registration Deadline ............................Dec. 3

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


HEALTH & FITNESS RAISING HEALTHY CHILDREN It’s not always easy to raise healthy children in today’s world. Join us to learn what simple things you can do every day to keep you and your kids healthy throughout the changing of seasons. Instructor: Jackie Kartak; Certified Natural Health Professional Thursday, September 20 ..................6-8 p.m. #5537 - A18F ........................................$18 Location......................Annandale Elementary ....................Community Education Entrance Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 15

HEALTHY HORMONES Whether you are a woman or a man, you need to have healthy hormones to be healthy. Come learn how to stabilize your hormones easily to enjoy more of your everyday life activities. Instructor: Jackie Kartak; Certified Natural Health Professional Thursday, October 11 ......................6-8 p.m. #5538 - A18F ........................................$18 Location......................Annandale Elementary ....................Community Education Entrance Registration Deadline ..........................Oct. 6


AHS Morning Hallways

Learn what to use during a full body cleanse. Whether it’s losing those extra pounds from the Holiday’s or getting rid of those health problems caused by toxicity, this is the class for you. This class will show you how to feel lighter on your feet and have more energy throughout the day while cleansing your body. Instructor: Jackie Kartak; Certified Natural Health Professional

Sept. 11 - Dec. 22 ..................6:30 - 7:30 a.m. Fee ..........................................................Free

Thursday, November 8 ....................6-8 p.m.

Plan to be a part of this on-your-own group-walking program designed to improve and maintain proper physical fitness levels for people of all ages. Join your friends and neighbors in a safe, warm environment, and gain the benefits of regular exercise. *No walking during school holidays, no school days or when school is closed due to poor weather. You must pre-register for security reasons by calling (320) 274-3058. Please Note: If excessive snow fall, walking in the morning will be cancelled due to plowing the parking lot.

AHS Afternoon Hallways Sept. 11 - Dec. 22 ..................3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Fee ..........................................................Free

MLHS Indoor Walking Track Sept. 11 - Dec. 22 ......7:15-8:15 a.m. (Tu/Th) Fee ..........................................................Free

Location......................Annandale Elementary ....................Community Education Entrance Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 3

WEIGHT LOSS 101 Contrary to popular belief, losing weight gives the information you need to jump-

Come and take advantage of the Annandale High School Gym and the Maple Lake Activity Center on Sunday afternoons. The gyms will be open for families to use to stretch their legs during the long winter months as well as room for pick-up basketball games. Come and let your school be your health club this winter! The batting cages will not be available during this time and it is up to the Community Education Staff’s discretion as to what activities will be allowed. Children 13 and younger must be accompanied by an adult or they will not be allowed at open gym. Please wear proper shoes. This activity is on a drop in basis, pre-registration is not required. Everyone is welcome! Sundays Oct. 28, Nov 4, 11,18, Dec 2, 9, 16 *Dates/locations are subject to change*


#5539 - A18F ........................................$18

doesn’t have to be difficult! This class


Time ................................................3-5 p.m. Fee ......................$3 per person, per Sunday


start you into weight loss and a happier, healthier life. Depression, stress, work, and kids don’t have to be excuses for gaining weight anymore. Let this class guide you to a healthier way. Instructor: Jackie Kartak; Certified Natural Health Professional Thursday, October 25 ......................6-8 p.m. #5540 - A18F ........................................$18 Location......................Annandale Elementary ....................Community Education Entrance Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 20

Location ..........Annandale High School Gym ............................Maple Lake Activity Center

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991


STILLWATER DAY TRIP! Fall Colors, Fine Art and Jazz Festival & Lunch on your own


Enjoy the last outdoor art fair at the peak of the fall season along the banks of the beautiful St. Croix River. Artisan's works feature photography, jewelry, pottery, painting, metal and much more! Regional musicians will provide entertainment on both ends of the Lowell Park. Delicious food items are available in the park or walk up town to the various shops and eating establishments.

St. Croix Cruise and Lunch, Fall Colors, Festival & Shopping

We also will be offering a Cruise down the St. Croix with a lunch buffet if you choose to see the scenic St. Croix during lunch. Luncheon menu: Deli Meats & Cheeses, breads, assorted salads, fresh fruit, a warm entrée that varies daily, cookies and coffee. Cash bar on board. *Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes.

St. Croix Cruise & Lunch

No Cruise (lunch on own)

Date: Saturday, Oct. 6 Annandale Activity Code......#5650-A18F Maple Lake Activity Code......#5651-M18F Fee: $62 (motor coach transportation)

Date: Saturday, Oct. 6 Annandale Activity Code......#5655-A18F Maple Lake Activity Code......#5656-M18F Fee: $33 (motor coach transportation)

Annandale Time: Depart Annandale Middle School at 8:10 a.m.; Return 6:00 p.m. Maple Lake Time: Depart Maple Lake High School at 8:25 a.m.; Return 5:50 p.m.

DAYTRIPPERS DINNER THEATRE PRESENTS “Drinking Habits 2” This two act comedy play is a brand new sequel to Drinking Habits.The Sisters of Perpetual Sewing miss the excitement of the old days when they were saving convents and reuniting long lost families. So when they learn that the orphanage where Paul and Kate grew up is in peril, they can't wait to come to the rescue. The sisters plot to make their award winning wine, hiding it from the ever watchful eye of Mother Superior. The merry mixups multiply in this warm and winsome sequel to Drinking Habits. Register by September 26.

Wednesday, October 10..................#5700-A18F Time: Lunch at 12:15, Show at 1:15, Curtain call at 3:15 Location: Bloomington, MN Fee: $68 (includes ticket, lunch, and coach bus)

Depart from Clearwater Travel Plaza at 10:35 a.m. Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


ADULTS OLD LOG THEATRE PRESENTS “BEEHIVE” The 60’s Musical Sensation, is a tribute to the women of 60’s pop, rock, and soul. The story is told from the perspective of six women who came of age in this complex decade, looking back on a host of issues ranging from their first Beehive Dance to the challenges we faced as a nation, all accomplished by a vast array of the most celebrated and memorable songs of the era, songs like: “It’s My Party”, “My Boyfriend’s Back”, “Be My Baby”, “Son of a Preacher Man”, “Proud Mary”, and more… Lunch choice will need to be given at registration. Choices are: Beef, Pork, Fish, or Vegetarian Pasta. Register by September 10.

Sunday, September 23.......#5701-A18F Time: Lunch at 12:00, Show at 2:00 Location: Excelsior, MN • Fee: $68 (includes ticket, lunch, and coach bus)

Depart from Clearwater Travel Plaza at 10:45 a.m.

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL-CORTEO AT THE TARGET CENTER Corteo, the latest Cirque du Soleil’s arena production, embark on a new journey throughout North America.This unique production, directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, first premiered in Montreal under the Big Top in April 2005. Since then, the show has been a great success and has amazed 8 million people in 64 cities in 19 countries on four continents. Register by October 5.

Saturday, November 10 Time: Show is at 3:30 pm Adults........................#5705-A18F Child....................#5706-A18F Location: Target Center Fee: Adults $62, Children 12 and under $55

Depart from the Clearwater Travel Plaza at 2:05 p.m.

FALL MYSTERY TRIP Join us for a day of fun and surprises as we go on an adventure to places unknown. Experience the gems of Minnesota like never before. Climb aboard, relax, and let us take care of the details. Lunch, dinner and a snack are included in trip cost.


Wednesday, October 3 Location: It’s a Mystery! Fee: $92..................#5710-A18F (includes coach bus, 3 meals, and other costs)

Annandale Time: Depart Annandale Middle School at 7:50 am Maple Lake Time: Depart Maple Lake High School at 8:05 am Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

ADULTS AARP MATURE DRIVING COURSES An innovative, classroom driver retraining program designed to help older persons improve their driving skills. Developed by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), AARP Mature Driving is the first comprehensive driving retraining course geared to the specific needs of older motorists. The course includes lectures and class discussion – no driving or tests. Minnesota State Law requires all insurance companies to give auto insurance discounts to all persons age 55 years and over who complete this course. Maple Lake enter off Cty Rd. 37 Fee: $25 *Register at the Community Education office or on-line at for this course. Registrations must be paid in advance at the time of registration. – No exceptions. Pre-registration is required. Limited space available for each class.

Maple Lake Recertification Course (4 Hours) Thurs., Sept. 13 ........................................5:30-9:30 p.m. #5500-A18F......................Maple Lake High School- Door I Registration Deadline ............................................Sept. 8 Fee ............................................................................$25

Recertification Course (4 Hours) Tue., Sept. 25 ..................................8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. #5501-A18F ........................Annandale Elementary-Door 2 Registration Deadline ..........................................Sept. 20 Fee ............................................................................$25

Decisions affecting Social Security retirement benefits can be complicated, and the consequences of those decisions may have a significant effect on retirement income plans. This session consists of information on Social Security filing strategies and steps designed to position you to maximize your Social Security benefits. Tuesday, September 11 ..........6:30-7:30 p.m. #5510 - A18F ..........................................$8 Location ..................Maple Lake High School

Recertification Course (4 Hours) Tues., Oct. 16 ................................8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. #5502-A18F ........................Annandale Elementary-Door 2 Registration Deadline............................................Oct. 11 Fee ............................................................................$25

Maple Lake




Full Course (8 Hours) Mon. & Wed., Oct. 22 & 24 ....................5:30-9:30 p.m. #5503-A18F......................Maple Lake High School- Door I Registration Deadline............................................Oct. 17 Fee ............................................................................$25

DAVE RAMSEY ESSENTIALS A local Dave Ramsey Smart Vestor will help you take control of your money using Dave Ramsey’s proven steps. This class will you teach step by step how to get your financials in order, pay off debt, manage expenses, and save for the future. This class is designed for those in college through retirement. Everyone will find this class helpful. Tuesday, September 25 ..........6:30-7:30 p.m. #5511 - A18F ..........................................$8 Location ..................Maple Lake High School

SAVING FOR COLLEGE AND RETIREMENT Planning for retirement and college can be difficult. Learn about rising college education costs and the options that are available to help plan for future college expenses and how that impacts your retirement goals. Tuesday, October 16 ..............6:30-7:30 p.m. #5512 - A18F ..........................................$8 Location ..................Maple Lake High School

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


ADULTS SHUTTERFLY SCRAPPING NIGHT! Grab some friends and get ready to have a Shutterfly scrapping night. I will be there to help you with

embellishments, backgrounds overlaying and some shortcuts I’ve learned over the years. If you’ve been trying to get some projects done and have questions about getting started, troubleshooting or even ordering, I’ve probably run up against the same situations in my scrapping journey. I’ll bring many books and a few projects to look at if you need ideas or are just interested in seeing the quality of their work. To make your night feel successful, you may want to come with pictures already uploaded to Shutterfly. I won’t be “teaching”, per-say, but will facilitate the evening ... so excited! Chrome books available if needed. Instructor: Becky Stromme Tuesday, Oct. 23 ..............................6-8 p.m. #5520 - A18F ........................................$13 Location......................Annandale Elementary Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 18

BEGINNER CROCHET LACY SCARF Get ready for a super easy project! We will be making a lacy scarf with bulky yarn - real fast to make! You will learn about yarn weights and hook sizes, pattern abbreviations and how to read a pattern, how to hold the hook and yarn, some simple stitches and hopefully have some fun in the process! Please bring a size M/9.0mm crochet hook and size 6 yarn - (at least 80 yards - should say “Bulky”). Instructor: Pam Whitecomb Tuesday, October 2 ....................6:30-9 p.m. #5515 - A18F ........................................$27 Location ....................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 27

BEGINNER KNITTED HEADBAND Learn to knit this super easy and quick headband - make for yourself or give as a gift! You will learn about yarn weights and needle sizes, pattern abbreviations and how to read a pattern, how to hold the needles and yarn, casting on and off, basic knit stitches and hopefully have fun! Please bring size 10 knitting needles and 1 skein of size 6 yarn (should say “bulky” on the label). Instructor: Pam Whitecomb Tuesday, November 6 ..................6:30-9 p.m. #5516 - A18F ........................................$27 Location ....................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ..........................Nov. 1

COMMUNITY BOOK CLUB Come join our informal Book Club! We currently have a mix of men & women, a variety of ages, and some “snowbirds”. We come when we can and would like to encourage others to give the group a try. Our 1st Fall meeting will be on Monday, September 10th at the Annandale Elementary School.


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

CROCHET A CHRISTMAS PANDA ORNAMENT! Join us for a fun session of crochet - we will be crocheting a Christmas panda ornament for the holiday season. Some crochet experience needed! Bring small amounts of size 4 yarn in black and white and a crochet hook between size 3.0mm to 3.5mm. Instructor: Pam Whitecomb Tuesday, November 28 ................6:30-9 p.m. #5517 - A18F ........................................$27 Location ....................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 23

BEGINNER BASKET MAKING Make a basket for your spa cloths or pot holders! These make great holders in the kitchen or bath for your guest washcloths or holiday pot holders! Really easy and fun to make - no experience necessary - you will learn all you need to know to create a finished product in an evening! All supplies and tools provided. Please sign up at least 2 weeks in advance to allow for supply delivery time. Instructor: Pam Whitecomb Tuesday, September 18................6:30-9 p.m. #5518 - A18F ........................................$36 Location ....................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 13

We will discuss selections for the coming year. We’re open to ideas! Mondays, September 10..............6:30-8 p.m. *We meet the 2nd Monday of each month Location......................Annandale Elementary ..................(Community Education Entrance)

ADULTS BARN QUILT PAINTING Painting Barn Quilts is popular, lively 4hour class of guided instruction which will take you through the process of barn quilting from beginning to completion. You will choose a quilt pattern from the several dozen offered or you may bring your own (instructor will evaluate difficulty level). You will gain knowledge on measuring, layout, taping and painting as related to barn quilting. You will leave with your own masterpiece, ready for hanging and possibly the inspiration to participate in a Barn Quilt Trail in your own neighborhood!! Materials included: • A pamphlet on barn quilts describing their history, cultural significance, and information on the Barn Quilt Trails. • 2’ x 2’ exterior grade MDO board with three pre-applied coats of Kilz exterior primer. • Over 60 fabulous colors of Behr exterior paint from which to choose. • "Frog" brand (yellow) masking tape, rulers, pencils, • Dozens of quilt block patterns to choose from. • Foam brushes and rollers. Aprons • Everything needed, including the screws necessary for hanging their remarkable piece of art! *An additional materials fee of $35.00 is due at the beginning of the class. Wednesday, October 24 ........5:30-9:30 p.m. #5525-A18F ..........................................$43 Location ....................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 19

THE POURING OF PAINT WITH CYNTHIA BUCHHOLZ Join the newest craze in the art world while taking this exceptionally exciting class on The Pouring of Paint. No abundant artist abilities that you’re aware of? No worries! You may even discover your inner Piccaso while being carefully guided under the proficient eye (only one eye though ) of the teacher. While learning The Pouring of Paint you will be using specific techniques to achieve a stunning, one of a kind masterpiece. Your guests will wonder: Why is this not in an Upscale Art Gallery?” or “Could they possibly have borrowed it from the Louvre in Paris?” No! ! YOU created this masterpiece in a community education class.

Supplies include: • Premier canvas that is wrapped on a frame and ready to hang. Canvas is triple-primed and 100% cotton duck cloth. • Plethora of paint colors, additives that help achieve fantabulous results including the largest cell size possible. • Plastic coverings, gloves, aluminum trays, cups, stir sticks and other items. • Any additional supplies needed for the class. *An additional $30 materials fee is due at the beginning of the class by cash or check.

Choose one from the following options below: Option 1: 1 - Canvas 16”X20” Plus 1 – 6”X6” Option 2: 2 – Canvas’s size 12”X12” Option 3: 3 – Canvas’s size 8” X 8” *Size selection must be sent to Community Ed one week before class. Thursday, Oct. 11 ..................................................................5:30-9:30 p.m. #5526-A18F ..........................................................................................$23 Location ..................................................................Maple Lake High School Registration Deadline ..........................................................................Oct. 6 Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


ADULTS CATCH THE SUN-FUSED GLASS SUN CATCHERS Looking for something new? This isn’t your ordinary art class! Fused glass is an ancient art of layering glass and firing it in a kiln. This class will teach participants how to use chips of glass to make a beautiful 6”x10” sun catcher. Please note that projects will need to be picked up at a later date due to the kiln firing process. Instructor: Mary Randall Class is located at Artistic Me in the new buildings in the Soo Town Lane area of Buffalo at 205 5th Street. Thursday, October 25................................................................6-8:30 p.m. #5406- A18F ......................................................................................$44 Location ..........................................................................Buffalo Artistic Me Registration Deadline ......................................................................Oct. 20



Participants will make a sign using a vinyl stencil for a perfectly finished project. Sign is a pallet look, 16x20 wood, sanded and painted a washed color. The colors of the design to be painted will be up to each individual to choose. Aprons and all supplies provided. This will be perfect for your wall or to give as a gift. Design is football themed. Instructor: Jean Reinert, Backyard Garden Creations

Participants will make a colorful wood sign using a vinyl stencil and will paint the design in colors of their choosing. The 12x24 solid wood board will be painted black and ready for the design to be added. When finished, it will be perfect to welcome the ghosts and goblins on Halloween. Aprons and all supplies provided. Instructor: Jean Reinert, Backyard Garden Creations

Wednesday September 12 ..............................6-8 p.m. #5550- A18F ......................................................$40 Location..................................Annandale High School Registration Deadline........................................Sept. 7

Wednesday, October 10 ....................................................6-8 p.m. #5551-A18F ..........................................................................$40 Location ....................................................Annandale High School Registration Deadline......................................................October 5

CANNING SALSA! Have you ever wanted to can salsa but weren’t sure you could pull it off? Well, you can put your mind at ease after taking this introduction to canning class. You’ll learn the steps and procedures to successfully can salsa! Make and take home a fresh jar of homemade salsa & special recipe with you today! All supplies and fresh produce is included in class fee. Max 10 Wednesday, September 12 ..............................6-9 p.m. #5530-A18F ..........................$30 (supplies included) Location ..................................Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................................Sept. 7


HOLIDAY SIGN WORKSHOP Walking in a Winter Wonderland is the theme for this Workshop. This will be done on a solid wood board which will be painted a grey washed color, and ready for the vinyl stencil. Designs can be any color and we will also have glitter to add if you like. This sign can be displayed all winter long. Instructor: Jean Reinert, Backyard Garden Creations

Wednesday, December 5............6-8 p.m. #5553-A18F ....................................$40 Location..............Annandale High School Registration Deadline ....................Dec. 1

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991





Are you ready to tame dinnertime? In about 60 minutes you are going to have prepped 10 meals to take home and stock your freezer! What a time-saver! These meals are going to make your dinnertime less chaotic and much more enjoyable. You will bring your own protein and pantry items. Some of the meals we will be putting together include: Perfect Roast Chicken, BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf and more. Take them home, pop them in the freezer and they are ready to cook when you need them. A shopping list will be sent to participants prior to the class. **Note: This is a meal prep class where the meals are assembled and taken home. No cooking takes place during class. Tuition includes: general direction, spices/seasonings and recipe labels with cooking instructions. Class limit: 12. Instructor: Angie Hemmesch

Are you ready to tame dinnertime? In about 60 minutes you are going to have prepped 10 meals to take home and stock your freezer! What a time-saver! These meals are going to make your dinnertime less chaotic and much more enjoyable. You will bring your own protein and pantry items. Some of the meals we will be putting together include: Chicken Tortilla Soup, Hearty Chicken Parmesan and more. Take them home, pop them in the freezer and they are ready to cook when you need them. A shopping list will be sent to participants prior to the class. **Note: This is a meal prep class where the meals are assembled and taken home. No cooking takes place during class. Tuition includes: general direction, spices/seasonings and recipe labels with cooking instructions. Class limit: 12. Instructor: Angie Hemmesch

Monday, September 24........................6 p.m. #5531- A18F ........................................$53 Location .................. Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 19

Wednesday, October 24 ......................6 p.m. #5532- A18F ........................................$53 Location .................. Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 19

‘BACK TO SCHOOL!’ MOMMY OR DADDY & ME Ages 5 & up & their parent Cooking is fun and is a great way to bond with your child! This is a meal-prep class where mom or dad and their child put together 10 healthy, tasty meals. You will bring your own protein and grocery items. Some of the meals we will be putting together include The Best Burgers, Cheesy Ravioli Bake and more. Take them home, pop them in the freezer and they are ready to cook when you need them. A shopping list will be sent to participants prior to the class. **Note: This is a meal prep class where the meals are assembled and taken home. No cooking takes place during class. Tuition includes: general direction, spices/seasonings and recipe labels with cooking instructions. Class limit: 12. Instructor: Angie Hemmesch Tuesday, October 2..............................6 p.m. #5533-A18F ..........................................$53 Location .................. Annandale High School Registration Deadline ........................Sept. 26

‘KID’S FAVORITES’ MOMMY OR DADDY AND ME Ages 5 & up & their parent Cooking is fun and is a great way to bond with your child! This is a meal-prep class where mom or dad and their child put together 10 healthy, tasty meals. You will bring your own protein and grocery items. Some of the meals we will be putting together include BBQ Ranch Chicken, Cheesy Chicken Tater Tot Casserole and more. Take them home, pop them in the freezer and they are ready to cook when you need them. A shopping list will be sent to participants prior to the class. **Note: This is a meal prep class where the meals Thursday, November 1..................................................6 p.m. are assembled and taken home. No cooking takes place during #5534-A18F ..................................................................$53 class. Tuition includes: general direction, spices/seasonings and Location ............................................ Annandale High School recipe labels with cooking instructions. Class limit: 12. Registration Deadline..................................................Oct. 27 Instructor: Angie Hemmesch

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700




Receive individual computer training and instruction by an experienced trainer. Any computer related questions are good questions. Ring your own laptop or one will be available for use. Please indicate 2 or 3 areas you would like help with along with a choice of times available for training when registering. Instructor: Paul Zabinski

With Microsoft Office you will learn the basics of word processing, (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), and presentation (PowerPoint) programs. This class will introduce you to these powerful but easy to use tools. Instructor: Paul Zabinski Wednesday, Oct. 3 ........................7-8:30 p.m. #5402-A18F ..............................................$30 Location........................Maple Lake Elementary Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 27

#5400-A18F ..................................45 minutes


ONE-ON-ONE IPAD TRAINING AND COACHING Receive individual tablet device training and instruction by an experienced trainer. Any iPad related questions are good questions. Bring your own iPad. Please indicate 2 or 3 areas you would like help with along with a choice of times available for training when registering. Instructor: Paul Zabinski

Confused about where to find things in Windows? How should you set up where to store documents on the computer? What are useful features and options in Windows? Come and get the answers to these and other questions about Microsoft's operating systems. Instructor: Paul Zabinski Wednesday, September 19 ............7-8:30 p.m. #5401-A18F ..............................................$30 Location........................Maple Lake Elementary Registration Deadline ..........................Sept. 13

Time arranged with instructor 1 Session ..................$30 per person or couple


Explore Excel, the leading spreadsheet application for professional and personal use. This introductory course starts with a simple spreadsheet entry and continues through essential commands and functions of the software. Instructor: Paul Zabinski

MICROSOFT POWERPOINT – THE BASICS! Make your presentations more professional and fun! This class is designed for the new or intermediate PowerPoint user. You’ll learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation starting with blank slides and drawing tools. Using hands-on exercises, we will create slides, apply designs, apply transitions and effects, and much, much more. Instructor: Paul Zabinski Wednesday, Oct. 24 ......................7-8:30 p.m.

Time arranged with instructor 1 Session ..................$30 per person or couple #5405-A18F ..................................45 minutes

Wednesday, Oct. 17 ......................7-8:30 p.m. #5403-A18F ..............................................$30 Location........................Maple Lake Elementary Registration Deadline............................Oct. 11

#5404-A18F ..............................................$30 Location........................Maple Lake Elementary Registration Deadline............................Oct. 19

CREATE YOUR OWN WEB PAGE Don’t be lost in a web of confusion. If you want moderate computer literacy and want to create your own Web page, this class is for you. We will cover an introduction to the internet, review web authoring tools, and HTM (Hyper Text Mark-up) language. If you bring your laptop, the hands-on sessions during the instruction will allow the student to complete the course with a finished Web page. This course is perfect for the business person or individual who wants to create their own Web page. You will understand some basic tools to create your page without learning a lot of computer jargon. Instructor: Paul Zabinski

Wednesday, November 14 ......................7-8:30 p.m. #5406-A18F ......................................................$25 34

Location ................................Maple Lake Elementary Registration Deadline ......................................Nov. 8

Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

ADULTS UNDERSTANDING ESTATE PLANNING AND PROBATE BASICS Learn what a Will, Trust, Healthcare Directive, and Power of Attorney can do for you and have your questions answered by local attorney Matthew Brown. Topics will also include Medical Assistance basics and a talk about the “Death Tax.” This program will feature information relevant to people of all ages. A short informational packet will be provided. Instructor: Matthew Brown; Local attorney Monday, October 15 ..................7-8:30 p.m. #5516 - A18F ........................................$13 Location ....................Annandale High School ....................................................Room 104 Registration Deadline ........................Oct. 10

EBAY & CRAIGSLIST Clean out your clutter and sell it on ebay or Craigslist. Plan to register as an ebay user and learn how to assess demand for an item, price it, determine shipping costs, write a catchy description and add those all important photos. As an option for large or heavy items too difficult to ship, you will also learn about posting items to Craigslist, a local on-line classifieds website (it’s completely free.) NOTE: If you plan to list an item to sell, bring a digital picture of your item on a writeable CD or Flash Drive along with a credit card number, checking/routing number, and email login and password to establish an ebay Seller’s Account. The instructor will contact you prior to class to verify your email address suitability.

CREATING YOUR OWN BUSINESS PLAN Are you ready to take one of the first steps in starting your own business? Come and get help in creating your business plan. We will walk you through the process and guide you in creating this important business document.

Instructor: Paul Zabinski Wednesday, November 28 ..............6-8 p.m.

Wednesday, December 5 ..............7-8:30 p.m.

#5413-A18F ..........................................$30

#5414-A18F ..............................................$30

Location ....................Maple Lake Elementary

Location........................Maple Lake Elementary

Registration Deadline ........................Nov. 23

Registration Deadline ............................Dec. 1


CANOE & KAYAK EVENING PADDLE Ages 6 & Up Come out and enjoy an evening of paddling on the Bertram Chain Of Lakes. Never been in a canoe or kayak? No problem, basic instruction will be provided if needed. All canoes, kayaks, paddles and life jackets will be supplied, just show up ready to have fun on the water. Children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. No lifeguard will be present. Instructor: Dan Meer, Clear Waters Outfitting Co. *Please specify canoe or kayak preference and experience level when registering.

Thursday, Sept. 13 ..................5:30-7 p.m. #5200-A18W ......................................$23 Location ................Bertram Chain Of Lakes ......................................(Near Monticello) Registration Deadline ....................Sept. 14

Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700


ADULTS PUPPY TRAINING This 6 week class is for all breeds of puppies, ages 8 weeks to 4 months old. Each class starts with 15 minutes of puppy play and socialization. We then work on basic manners and obedience including sit, down, walking on leash, come and stay. Throughout the six weeks, we cover topics including biting, housetraining and other issues related to raising a good mannered puppy. Puppies should have their first set of shots including first Parvo/Distemper and Bordatella. Please bring a regular buckle collar, 6-foot leash and plenty of soft dog treats for class.

Puppy Training

Puppy Training

Fall Session 1

Fall Session 2

Mondays Sept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15 Time ........................6-7 p.m. #5201-A18F ................$100

Mondays Oct. 22, 29; Nov. 12, 19, 26; Dec. 1 Time ........................6-7 p.m. #5203-A18F ................$100

Classes are indoors in a facility with matted floors at Water’s Edge Retrievers. Upon registering, you’ll be sent an information form and directions. Instructor: Dan Rode

DOG OBEDIENCE - Beginner Class This class is for dogs 5 months and older who have not completed a beginner or puppy class. We’ll work on heeling, figure eight heeling, sit, down, stay, stand, and recalls (come) with a finish. Young handlers need to be at least 10 years old and accompanied by a parent. Dogs need to be up-to-date on vaccination including distemper, rabies, parvo, and bordatella.Students should bring a regular buckle collar, 6-foot leash (no flexileads), and plenty of soft dog treats.

Dog Obedience

Dog Obedience

Fall Session

Winter Session

Tuesdays ..........Sept. 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, 20 Time ..............................7-8 p.m. #5204-A18F ......................$130

Tuesdays ....Nov. 27; Dec. 4, 11, 18; Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5 Time ..............................7-8 p.m. #5205-A18F ......................$130


Annandale 320-274-3058 • Maple Lake 320-963-5991

Classes are indoors in a facility with matted floors at Water’s Edge Retrievers. Upon registering, you’ll be sent an information form and directions. Instructor: Dan Rode




ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Annandale and Maple Lake Community Education and Services is a member of the WEST ABE Consortium. Adult Basic Education classes are ongoing. G.E.D is the General Educational Development equivalency to high school diploma. WEST ABE is a free program to help adults ages 17 years and older (who are not enrolled in high school) develop basic skills; such as Reading, Writing, Math and English

HOW CAN I GET STARTED: You can begin a class anytime September through May

HOW CAN I TAKE THE TEST: (17 ages and over): GED Testing in Monticello through WEST ABE

GED Preparation: The GED Preparation classes are designed to give a student the reading, math and language skills needed to pass the High School Equivalency Exam. Instruction is individualized in nature and each student begins at his/her own level and progresses at his/her own speed. A pretest is given to determine if and when a student is ready to take the GED Test.

Adult Basic Education: Classes include instruction for improving reading, writing, spelling, math, introduction to computers, GED preparation, resume writing, and work readiness. Instruction is usually on a one-to-one basis. Classes are Free!

“An award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. The film offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world.”

LOCATIONS AND TIME: Annandale Wednesdays.......................6:30-9 p.m. Annandale High School • 855 Hemlock Street E. • (Media Center)

We will have DOOR PRIZES!

Maple Lake Mondays............................6:30-9 p.m. Maple Lake High School • 200 State Hwy 55. • (Media Center)

For more information check out:

There will be a Q&A session afterwards with Dr. Mahoney, Sgt. Standafer, and school officials Announcement/Weather Line 320-274-5700



INFORMATION Pre-registration is required unless otherwise noted. Class sizes are limited; enrollment is accepted on a first-served basis. All fees must accompany your registration.

Online at annmlce.cr3.rschooltoday/public/home

We will notify you if a class filled, canceled, or changed. Assume your class will be held unless you are notified.

Phone Annandale: 320-274-3058 Maple Lake: 320-963-5991

Past Due Balances: Accounts not paid in full or showing outstanding balances for services received from Community Education programs including (Childcare, Preschool, Youth and Adult Programs) will not be able to register for other community education programs till accounts are paid off in full.Â

Fax to 320-274-2862

If you have a disability and assistance is needed in participating in any activity, or if you have questions about accessibility, call us.

Mail to PO Box 190 Annandale, MN 55302


In Person at Annandale- 655 Park St. East Maple Lake-200 State HWY 55E

Community Education reserves the right to cancel any activity due to insufficient enrollment. When an activity is cancelled, Community Education will make every effort to contact registrant 48 hours before the scheduled start of the activity. Complete refunds or credits will be given when this occurs.

REFUND POLICY Persons who wish to withdraw their registration must do so no later then (5) business days before the activity is scheduled to start. A $5 per class service fee will be deducted from each refund due. No refunds will be made for trips and tours.

OFFICE HOURS Annandale Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed on School Holidays 320-274-3058

! Annandale and Maple Lake Community Education will occasionSMILEally photograph, film, or interview those involved in our programs for the purpose of publicity. If you do not want to be included in our communications please contact Tiffany Grube at 320-274-3058 EXT. 4600 or via email at

Maple Lake Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed on School Holidays 320-963-5991

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YOU’RE INVITED to be part of the kickoff event for the Annandale Bounce Back project!

Join us on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018 From 6:30 p.m.-7:45 p.m. At the Annandale Elementary School The Bounce Back Project is a unique collaborative of physicians, nurses, hospital leaders, staff and community partners, who have come together for a single purpose - to impact the lives of individuals, communities and organizations by promoting health through happiness.

Come to hear great speakers about finding health through happiness, learn about the Bounce Back Project in Annandale and enjoy fun activities.

This kickoff event is for people of all ages!

isd 876

Be happy. Get healthy!

To become a Bounce Back Partner and for more information visit: Text: @bounce2017 to 81010 Call: 763-684-7025

Youth Preschool Recreation


Adult Recreation & Fitness


SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Activating Your Body • Energizing Your Mind • Sparking Your Spirit Look inside for fun what’s NEW for Children, Families and Adults

Early Childhood Family Education


Youth Enrichment


FOR ALL AGES Annandale/Maple Lake Community Education P.O. Box 190 655 Park St. E. Annandale, MN 55302

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 2 Annandale, MN 55302

Postal Patron

Annandale/Maple Lake Community Education • Building Better Communities Call Annandale 274-3058 or Maple Lake 963-5991

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