Tuskan Times V13 I3

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FRONT COVER: Richard Hu (Grade 7)

RONT COVER: Mist Sigurbjornsdottir (Grade 7)

Grade 7 students have spent six weeks learning how to use primary colored pencils (red, yellow, and blue) to create new colors, as well as layering those colors to create deeper and more complex values

Dear Readers,

I am thrilled to present to you our first edition of 2025! As the newly appointed Editor-inChief, I'm incredibly excited to embark on this new chapter for our school newspaper This edition marks a fresh start, showcasing the talents of our new writers, creators, and layout team who are dedicated to bringing you the stories that shape our school community.

In looking forward, it's important to acknowledge those who paved the way I extend my sincere gratitude and best wishes to our past senior writers as they approach their exams A special thank you goes to our former Editors-in-Chief, Olivia Dick and Elena Sofia, whose dedication, leadership, and kindness were instrumental in the newspaper's success. We wouldn't be where we are today without their hard work.

This edition is packed with engaging content, including the creative poetry of Leo Karas, Abigail Zhu, and Brian Deng, as well as the highly anticipated return of Tea Mijovitic's monthly column, "The Secrets of the Viale." I sincerely hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I have.

Best Regards, Coco Ferrari-Ross, Editor-in-Chief
























I am nothing but your doll.

Twist me to your every desire,

Make me dance And pull my wire,

For I am yours to mold Your very own show to behold.

Tell me the act, Hand me the words.

Again and again, I’ll perform till I break.

My joints might turn rusty, My shimmer might fade.

But please remember still.

I am nothing but your doll.

So play with me once more.


Don’t take my spotlight away.


As Keith zipped up his human suit, he glanced at the readout on his UFO’s display: “Learn how the humans created the avocado.” His mission was clear.

His shopping cart zoomed down the produce aisle, and he spotted the avocados. He leaned in close so that no one except the avocados would be able to hear. “I will learn your secrets,” Keith whispered. “What are you doing there, buddy?” Keith spun around. “Oh, hello, kind Sir,” he said, “what may I do for you?”

“I was wondering why you were leaning in so close to the avocados,” said the man. Keith noticed the man’s name tag: Jahn. Keith deflected the question and asked, “Where can I apply for a job?” “Right out front,” said the man. Have a good day...?” “Keith. I’m Keith.”

“Have a good day, Keith,” said Jahn

Keith is not used to heavy lifting. Back on his home planet, he was an upper-class-alien and didn’t have a care in the world He’d never had a job before. He lifted a crate of avocados onto the conveyor belt. Keith missed his friends.

After 7 grueling hours of lifting avocados, his shift was over. He had studied his plan very carefully. In approximately 2 minutes, the avocado truck would pull in, and the avocados would be unloaded. Keith hid behind a large crate. He saw Jahn, the driver of the avocado truck, pull in. Keith waited for him to unload the crates, and at the last second, right before the door closed, Keith slipped in as quiet as a Zleepzlorp. Next stop: Avocado Factory.

It was a very long drive, but when Keith woke up in the back of the truck the next morning and looked out back, he knew something was wrong. It was beautiful and sunny. There was no factory spewing smoke into the sky. At once, the truck came to a stop Keith jerked He was not expecting this Suddenly, the door of the truck slid open, and there stood Jahn.

“What’re you doing in here, Keith?”

“Oh... Uh... I... “ Keith explained his love of avocados and that he wanted to see the factory where they were made so he could understand them better. Oddly enough, Jahn understood and let Keith follow along.

“Why is there no factory? Why is there no smoke?” Keith asked.

“There is no factory, Keith! They grow them from the ground ”

Keith was ecstatic to find out that avocados weren’t processed garbage. He had loved avocado toast since he was just a little Beepbop.

Keith ran through avocado tree after avocado tree with Jahn by his side He twisted an avocado right off a thick branch and took a bite out of it. The taste of the green flesh and chewiness of the rough exterior brought tears of joy to his eyes He would have good news to bring back to his kind Keith felt very close to Jahn. As close to Jahn as one of his own Bopbeep’s.

Later that day, Keith and Jahn got into the front of the truck after a whole day of avocados.

“Jahn, I had a great time with you today. I have a confession to make.”

Keith zipped down his human suit, revealing his wrinkled gray alien skin Jahn didn’t even flinch.

“I, too, have a confession to make,” said Jahn. He reached towards his forehead and yanked down. His human skin, too, fell to the floor, just as Keith’s had.

“Bob! I didn’t know they sent you too!”


The end of the garden

The end of the garden is a wonderful dream. The sunlight is like broken glass, falling obliquely on the soil, cut into mottled scales by the shadows of the trees. Every step, the road under your feet is as soft as breathing, everything is a subtle existence. The flowers on both sides are stacked layer by layer, like a never-extinguished firework. The red of the rose moistens the air, each petal is like a bloody letter, writing the love and pain that cannot be understood.

The violets hang their heads, like a group of silent watchers, hiding the secrets deeper with their fragrance. The shadows under the trellis are as thick as ink, the light leaks from the vines, like the eyes of God, through the dense leaves, falling on this road leading to the unknown. The light at the end is blurred, shaking, flickering, and faintly echoing in the dream.

The wind passed through quietly and lightly, like an invisible traveler, leaving a few words in my ears. But that voice trembled with some uncertainty, and the low buzz of bees, interspersed in the air, their wings were tiny machines, busy in the gaps of time. They did not go to the end, they lingered here, this eternal moment soaked in the fragrance of flowers. I continued to move forward, the road under my feet became narrower and narrower, the branches of roses stretched out, like hands, trying to hold me, but the thorns scratched my skin, leaving tiny wounds, which hurt gently. I got closer and closer, and the end was right in front of me, but it was as far away as a mystery. The light was no longer bright, but like a swallowing vortex, pulling me closer step by step, but not giving me an answer. Perhaps, after this end, there is a deeper darkness; perhaps, it is the morning when I wake up from a dream. But when I looked back, the path had already disappeared in the lush flowers, leaving only a fragrant silence, and a road that could not be turned back. Perhaps, after the end, maybe there is another beginning, and this moment of stay, is already an eternal line of poetry.



This column unravels the often “unknown” history of the VIALE, while also searching for a solution to the cellular connection problem that so many experience daily on this important, historical road.


Most of us would agree that San Miniato al Monte Basilica has the most beautiful view overlooking Florence. But did you know Florence’s patron saint, Saint Minias for whom the church was named, was beheaded in the 3rd century due to his strong faith? The legend states that this Christian martyr picked up his head after it was severed and walked to the highest point overlooking Florence where he collapsed to rest

Carrying his own head was interpreted as a symbol of Minias’ unwavering faith and the divine protection he received even in death. San Miniato church was built in his honor, making it a significant site for both religious and historical reasons

If Minias could carry his severed head up a mountain, you would think that in 2025 our city could offer cellular connection in this very area for us to navigate our way to the church to search for this legend.

Even if we can’t explore these stories on the internet due to a lack of cellular service, we can imagine the stories from the past by looking closely at the marble façade’s geometric green and white patterns and the medieval mosaic depicting Christ in Majesty. Each floor of the church has a different meaning The top floor represents eternal life, the ground floor represents life and the underground crypt represents death, which is where Saint Minias’ relics are deep in the altar.

The Porta Santa, which is the first door seen on entering, has marble engraved with the wording “Haec est porta coeli,” meaning, “This is heaven’s gate ” This indicates a space of freedom and universality which everyone, believers and nonbelievers, recognize as being the special quality of this place, connecting all of humanity together

"Thisindicatesaspaceof freedomanduniversality whicheveryone,believersand non-believers,recognizeas beingthespecialqualityof thisplace,connectingallof humanitytogether."

The stunning zodiac floor symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth On June 21st, the summer solstice, when the sun aligns perfectly with the Cancer zodiac sign, light streams through the windows, illuminating this section of the floor. Seeing it, one is transcended back in history.

The beauty of the inside of the church and the façade is overwhelming. But surrounding the church is a majestic cemetery decorated with white marble slabs marking the graves and sculptures of angels and mourning figures, making the cemetery a museum of artistry The San Miniato cemetery includes burials of distinguished Florentine families, artists, and writers including Carlo Collodi, author of Pinocchio, filmmaker Mario Cecchi Gori and famous fashion designer Enrico Coveri. Interestingly, Architect Mariano Falcini designed this site in the 19th century out of necessity during the cholera epidemic of 1854.

One effigy that stands out is “the monument to the Mazzone siblings, Mario and Maria Mario, a fighter-pilot, died during World War II, with Maria following a year later, a few days before her wedding. Their mother designed the monument so they could remain together for eternity; he in his uniform, she in her wedding dress ” (“Porte Sante Cemetery, Florence”) These stories remind us that even in death, our connection lasts.

Most of us walk or drive past San Miniato every day on our way to school without giving it a second thought Next time you pass, look up and you might just catch a glimpse of Saint Minias looking back at you.

“Mostofuswalkordrivepast SanMiniatoeverydayonour waytoschoolwithoutgiving itasecondthought.Nexttime youpass,lookupandyou mightjustcatchaglimpseof SaintMiniaslookingbackat you. ”

One effigy that stands out is “the monument to the Mazzone siblings, Mario and Maria Mario, a fighter-pilot, died during World War II, with Maria following a year later, a few days before her wedding. Their mother designed the monument so they could remain together for eternity; he in his uniform, she in her wedding dress ” (“Porte Sante Cemetery, Florence”) These stories remind us that even in death, our connection lasts.

Most of us walk or drive past San Miniato every day on our way to school without giving it a second thought Next time you pass, look up and you might just catch a glimpse of Saint Minias looking back at you.

The cellular connection problem on the Viale, and specifically in front of this basilica, isn’t just about convenience, it’s about honoring all the Viale’s stories and legacies that connect us to Florence’s past.

I continue to reach out to the mayor‘s office, with no response in regards to cellular connection problems I will continue to bring this issue to their attention and will keep you updated.


Today we are joined by Lucas Navarro, a student in Grade 11 who is this year’s Student Council President. I, Brian Deng, will be asking our student council president some questions so that our student body knows a little more about the work going on that the student council does

Brian: Thank you for joining us today Lucas, how are you doing?

Lucas: I’m doing well, how about you?

B: I’m good, let's get started with the interview. What is your main role as Student Council President?

"Iworktogiveavoiceto thestudents"

L: As student council president, I work to give a voice to the students and try to make school a more fun and interactive environment

B: What are some changes you’ve already implemented this year?

L: Firstly, I worked on the headphone policy for headphones to be allowed during study period for 11th and 12th grade as they help us concentrate. I also worked on trying to improve the Mensa food. Recently, I worked on getting spirit week done this year, which will take place from February 10th to the 14th.

B: Okay, thank you. What are some changes you plan on implementing in the future?

L: I want to do more school activities but I'm scared that students of ISF won't want to participate I highly advise that people speak out on what they want to see in the school so that we know what we can work on

B: How can people reach you if they have ideas?

L: If you wanna contact us you can talk to me through any of your class representatives or through me directly I'm willing to do anything that students would like to see in the school and I'm happy to help in whatever way I can.

B: Even though you're so busy with student council work, do you have time for your hobbies?

L: Yeah I am very dedicated to my hobbies. I try to make time for everything including gym, other extracurriculars, and spending time with my family.

B: What's one message you wanna leave before we end this interview, do you have any last messages for our readers at home?

L: Don't give up when people don't believe in you No one thought that I would be president yet here I am It's all about the work that you put in and how dedicated you are to it.

B: Thank you, Lucas.



In China's northwestern Xinjiang region, the human rights of Uyghur Muslims have been invalidated for over a decade. The Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority, have been subjected to a sweeping marketing campaign of surveillance, detention, and cultural suppression with the aid of the Chinese authorities Most of the minority groups, regardless of age sex or background, have been held against their will in internment camps. Separated from their families and stripped of their belongings and identity This human rights crisis has been a prominent issue for Human Rights Watch and other various NGOs.

“Estimateshavebeenmade bythehumanrightswatch thatamong1totwomillion UyghursanddifferentMuslim minoritieshadbeendetained inthesefacilities.”

Uyghurs have inhabited the Xinjiang region, additionally referred to as East Turkestan, for over a millennium. Their background, culture, religion, lifestyle, language, and non secular practices have long set them aside from China's Han majority Tensions among Uyghurs and the Chinese authorities have escalated in recent decades, fueled with the aid of financial disparities, nonsecular restrictions, and separatist movements

In 2017, the Chinese authorities intensified its efforts to govern and restrict the Uyghur populace by creating internment camps. Estimates have been made by the human rights watch that among 1 to two million Uyghurs and different Muslim minorities had been detained in these facilities

From 2017 till 2018 China denied the existence of these camps Later in 2019 once being impossible to deny redefined them as "vocational schooling centers."

The Chinese government outlines that the primary objectives of the vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang are to address counterterrorism and de-radicalization efforts. As the region has faced a significant rise in “terrorist” crimes These centers are said to be designed to mitigate the impact of terrorism and extremist ideologies. They reportedly offer vocational skills training, legal education, and instruction in both spoken and written Mandarin. This training is aimed at assisting participants in obtaining stable employment and achieving a reasonable income to alleviate poverty within the region

However the motives for detention are regularly arbitrary and confusing. Individuals can be arrested for showing non secular symbols or religious paraphernalia such as the Rub el Hizb, or even simply a crescent moon or star. They can also be arrested for contacting relatives or friends abroad, or the usage of positive cellular applications and sometimes even speaking Arabic in public These irregular and confusing standards and regulations have caused considerable anxiety among Uyghur communities.

Reports from former detainees and human rights businesses paint a grim photo of existence inside internment camps Inmates are subjected to extreme political indoctrination, forced to reject their faith in ways such as being forced to eat pork, and are only allowed to speak Mandarin Chinese. There is substantial evidence of physical and mental abuse, torture, and inhumane residing conditions and inadequate food and water supplies as well as forcibly sterilised. Children are usually separated from their families and taken to special state-run orphanages specifically for Uyghurs, where they are detained similarly to their parents

However the repression extends past the partitions of internment camps. Uyghurs civilians who are not arrested face pervasive surveillance, with police checkpoints tracking their each move and lower social credit scores than those of regular Chinese citizens Many had been coerced into compelled hard work programs, running in factories throughout China beneath the disguise of poverty comfort schemes which are effectively slave labour programs

“Thereissubstantialevidence ofphysicalandmentalabuse, torture,andinhumane residingconditions.”

The global network of human rights advocates hasve voiced issues over the scenario in Xinjiang. Several international locations have imposed sanctions on Chinese officers and groups related to human rights abuses. Some countries and businesses have categorised China's movements as genocidal, mentioning the systematic havoc placed upon the Uyghur lifestyle and populace growth China, for its part, denies such accusations, insisting that its camps and legislation against Uyghurs are essential to fight terrorism and extremism.

The detention of Uyghur Muslims in China represents one of the human rights crises of our time. As of 2025, no matter the global pressure, the scenario stays dire. The effect this will have on the Uyghur community and the wider implications for human rights globally are profound


China, unlike any other country, poses a threat to the once unparalleled American economic and global hegemony. Since 1999, the United States of America and China have been in competition for the world’s highest GDP China has the second largest global population, is arguably the most critical supplier on earth, and held the United States in a trade deficit of nearly 370 billion dollars in 2022. Today Trump is escalating this competition to a full-fledged confrontation, imposing a 10% additional tariff Simultaneously, one of the few persisting leverages the United States has held over China, its prestige as a global democracy, is at risk.

The United States, in conjunction with its tangible military and economic resources, greatly utilises soft power as a global strategy: meaning, their ability to exert control through indirect cultural and ideological changes. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a congressional representative for Illinois wrote in 2023 for Foreign Policy that, “in our strategic competition with China, photo ops, influence in multilateral institutions, and bilateral relationships have become just as important as ballistic missiles and aircraft carriers Washington is in a soft power race and it needs to win” (Krishnamoorthi and Walker) The understanding of the United States as stable, democratic, and authoritative hinges on the use of soft power. A 2023 study by Pew Research Center found that publics in countries across the world rated the United States as the best in the world in terms of technological achievements, entertainment, universities, military, as well as being strong on democracy (Wike et al.). With Trump’s election, the United States may be poised to lose this special global status

One key element of US soft power is the work of agencies such as USAID an agency that provides foreign aid for development projects. While the importance of such agencies has often been underestimated by politicians, USAID is now under the axe of Elon Musk By neglecting aid to countries in need, including Ukraine and nearly one hundred others, the US creates a vacuum of power allowing for countries such as China to exert

This is indicative of a much larger erosion of American democracy. Elon Musk, who has neither been elected nor appointed with congressional approval, has been empowered to disband a congressionally-funded independent state agency. This is a component of Musks’ newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) The DOGE is seeking control over major federal agencies in order to slash spending, eliminate jobs, and upend long standing institutions. It also raises ethical questions about conflicts of interest with the six corporations that Musk heads. This unprecedented attack on governmental institutions will undoubtedly have implications for the United States’ global reputation.

Instead of confronting China directly, the United States must remember that the relationships and alliances that soft power builds allows them strength. If the United States wants to be a global leader and not cede even more ground to China, it needs to maintain its ties to countries around the world, revitalize democracy, and lead by example



“Pipknewwheretheylived. EveryoneinFairviewknew wheretheylived.Thehomewas likethetown'shauntedhouse; people'sfootstepsquickenedas theywalkedby,andtheirwords strangledanddiedintheir throats.”

The opening lines from A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson paint a picture of a teenage girl infatuated with the isolated family of the town, the family whose son was rumored to have killed his highschool girlfriend before killing himself

The author, Holly Jackson, was born in 1992 in Buckingham, England and had a passion for writing since she was a child, completing her first novel attempt at the age of fifteen! Jackson attended the University of Nottingham and graduated with a first class degree and a master’s in English, specializing in literary linguistics and creative writing.

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder was released in 2019, and quickly gained positive attention, winning accolades such as the British Book Award’s Children’s Fiction Book of the Year in 2020 and the American Library Association’s Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults in 2021 She then went on to publish two sequels and a prequel, establishing herself as a prominent young adult author and creating an entire universe surrounding these characters. Jackson currently resides in London and continues to write thriller novels, with her newest, Not Quite Dead Yet, expected to come out in July of 2025 (Jackson).

The novel begins with introducing the protagonist, Pip, a senior in highschool required to submit a capstone project as a part of her graduation. Her chosen topic, murder… Technically, the case that Pip decides to investigate has already been closed, but Pip doesn’t believe that the police correctly identified the killer The reader is then introduced to Ravi, the shy and intelligent younger brother of the alleged killer, Sal, and Pip’s chosen sidekick. While Ravi is hesitant to aid Pip in the case, due to the public shaming brought on by being the brother of a ‘killer’, he agrees in the end, and the two form a fantastic sleuthing team.

The case revolves around the murder of Andie Bell, a local high school student who was supposedly murdered by her boyfriend, Sal, who conveniently committed suicide shortly after Andie went missing. As Pip unravels a web of lies and gets closer to the truth, she begins receiving death threats and puts her life on the line to discover the true culprit of Andie Bell’s murder

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is one of those books that I will always recommend to people wanting to get into reading It is a fast paced, engaging novel that keeps you on the edge of your seat with the combination of both mystery and romance elements. Jackson intertwines the mystery of the murder case with aspects of Pip’s teenage life, ensuring that the novel remains relatable while also being super engrossing Jackson’s exciting descriptions and nail biting twists and turns have you trying to solve the case alongside the characters. I literally could not put the book down!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to get into reading as it is incredibly entertaining and an easy book to read and get into It does deal with subjects including murder, kidnapping, stalking, etc so for those who can’t handle suspense, I would not advise reading this book (having said that, it is not graphically violent to a distasteful extent) Overall, I love this novel and will forever recommend it to those who are stuck in a reading slump or who want to get into reading!



"China: 'Like We Were Enemies in a War': China's Mass Internment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang." Amnesty International, 2021, www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa17/3878/2021/en/.

Roberts, Sean R The War on Terror in Xinjiang: China's Internal Security Crisis Routledge, 2018

Tursunay Ziyawudun Witness Testimony: Tursunay Ziyawudun Uyghur Human Rights Project, 2020, https://uhrp org/report/witness-testimony-tursunay-ziyawudun/ Accessed 8 Feb 2025

"‘Their goal is to destroy everyone’: Uighur camp detainees reveal orgy of abuse " The Globe and Mail, 16 Feb 2021, https://www theglobeandmail com/world/article-their-goal-is-to-destroy-everyone-uighur-campdetainees-reveal-orgy/ Accessed 8 Feb 2025

Xinjiang Business Advisory. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 13 July 2021, www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/xinjiang-business-advisory-13july2021-1.pdf[2].

"Forced Labor in China's Xinjiang Region " U S Department of State,4 www state gov/forced-labor-in-chinasxinjiang-region/

"Against Their Will: The Situation in Xinjiang " U S Department of Labor,5 www dol gov/agencies/ilab/againsttheir-will-the-situation-in-xinjiang


Krishnamoorthi, Raja, and Christopher Walker “The U S Is in a Soft-Power Competition With China ” Foreign Policy, 29 September 2023, https://foreignpolicy com/2023/09/29/congress-shutdown-us-china-ccp-softpower-competition-biden-xi-jinping-beijing/ Accessed 4 February 2025

Wike, Richard, et al “4 Views of American soft power ” Pew Research Center, 27 June 2023, https://www pewresearch org/global/2023/06/27/views-of-american-soft-power/ Accessed 4 February 2025


Jackson, Holly “All books by author Holly Jackson ” Storytel, https://www storytel com/tv/authors/hollyjackson-193532 Accessed 30 January 2025

Keeping Up With the Penguins. “A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - Holly Jackson.” 04 July 2023, https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/a-good-girls-guide-to-murder-holly-jackson/. Accessed 30 January 2025

La Repubblica “Holly Jackson, Il Mio Anno Da Regina Sociale ” La Repubblica, 01 January 2023, https://www repubblica it/robinson/2023/01/01/news/holly jackson il mio anno da regina social381628417/ Accessed 30 January 2025

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