2 minute read

By Victoria Magherini '24
The moon hung heavily in the dark sky, illuminated by the stars which were far too many to count that night. It was tranquil, peaceful, yet the silence whispered a cry in her ear. She lay, perfectly in harmony with the stillness and amity which circled her Her long, unbrushed, bristly hair formed perfect waves which framed her sweet face. Her bare feet dug into the moist soil, as the girl turned over and over to find a comfortable position in which she could finally rest She continued to turn and turn, messing the soil under her, humid and damp, until suddenly she again lay still The moon was watching her from above, gazing intensely at the secret that was soon to be discovered. She reached up attentively, inspecting the soil, in search of the tiny sharp object which seemed to leave a small imprint on the bottom of her foot The gentle warmth of the night suddenly became crisp and bitter, seeping inside of her, through her naked skin The moonlight gently beamed upon the girl's face, as she dug deeply into the soil, urgently in search of the small object. The full moon glistened, allowing the girl to see clearly again, and there it was lying right in front of her, a tiny rusty gold key. The girl examined the object in awe, brushing every corner and edge before holding it tightly close to her chest. She was caught and trapped in the gift of time. Suddenly, a gentle ticking noise seemed to haunt her as she rushed to stand up and hurry towards the foreboding woods Her step was determined as she marched through the dark pine trees towering above, her eyes focused on the pale moon hiding at the end of the path, hanging high above the trees, awaiting what would happen next. The girl's pace became faster and faster as the narrow path grew longer and darker Running, panting through the neverending woods, which cast shadows above her head, the girl suddenly lost sight of the moon while the ticking became louder, ringing in her ears as her trembling hand held up the small delicate key. She shivered as the key slowly dissolved into the air leaving behind small flakes of dust which swirled around her before gently meeting the ground. Her eyes focused on the pale moon which slowly took fire, a pale milky moon turning to flame and sizzle, flickering as small burnt pieces graciously danced in the sky The moon had transformed into a round sphere of fire, a hot glowing ball, glistening, blinding the girl’s sight The day soon dawned, crisp and clear, as the dark sky brightened and the ringing turned into the soft melody of birds humming. The light of dawn seeped into the girl's skin, casting a warm tone and color onto her pale delicate skin The sunlight poured into the shadowy woods, opening the path and clearing away the tall pine trees which seemed to tower over the girl. She carefully stood up, head high and fists clenched, and started walking towards the bright path which had opened up before her She stopped a second to glance one more time at the small imprint under her foot, then she smiled to herself, raised her head up to the bright blue sky, and told herself that it was finally over.