Tuskan Times Volume 11 Issue 3

Page 16



I had the honour and privilege of having Ms Sandra Maffei as a teacher for nearly 5 years Truly, words could not suffice to encapsulate the years of elementary school education with an educator like Ms Maffei, because with firm yet gentle hands and words she moulded concepts, ideas and lessons to meet the needs and queries of her beloved students I believe there is not a single former or current pupil of hers who will not remember Ms Maffei with the same fondness and joy that were so characteristic of her It is precisely this, among her numerous attributes, that I picture most vividly when thinking of Ms Maffei; her smile. Warm, genuine and unwavering just like her presence; she could light up a room. Ms was always smiling, all the way down into her heart she was smiling The knowledge she transmitted and her unparalleled enthusiasm will remain with all those who knew her, either from afar or intimately It doesn’t matter whether you were on a first name basis with Ms Maffei or whether you had only ever seen her striding across the ‘Cortile’; her radiance was contagious and her affections profound. She was the quintessential ‘la Ms’, so much so that we hardly ever used her surname but knew exactly who we were referring to Through her constant and loving presence, Ms Maffei encouraged and stimulated all of her students to not only enrich their persona but also to be conscious, decent people I remember the hours passed in the sunlit classroom with Ms Maffei with lingering nostalgia and tenderness, and I can only think of myself as impossibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to build such a beautiful relationship with such an incredible woman. She was, is, and will continue to be an inspiration to me as well as to so many others Ms Maffei touched hearts and minds, which is where we will hold her memory as time goes by All that’s left to say is ‘thank you’, Ms. You will be sorely missed, but the love you gave to this school and the love this school gave you will remain untouched.

Ho avuto l'onore e il privilegio di avere la Ms Sandra Maffei come insegnante per quasi 5 anni La verità è che le parole non saranno mai sufficienti per riassumere gli anni di istruzione alla scuola elementare con una professoressa come la Ms Maffei, poiché con mani e parole decise ma gentili ha plasmato concetti, idee e lezioni per assicurarsi di rispondere a eventuali bisogni o domande dei suoi adorati studenti Penso che non ci sia un singolo alunno attuale o passato che non ricorderà Ms Maffei con lo stesso affetto e la gioia che la contraddistinguevano Ed è precisamente questo, tra i suoi tanti attributi, che m’immagino con più facilità quando penso alla Ms; il suo sorriso. Caldo, genuino e fermo esattamente come la sua presenza; era capace di illuminare una stanza intera. Sorrideva sempre la Ms, fino in fondo al cuore. La conoscenza che ha trasmesso e il suo entusiasmo ineguagliabile rimarranno impressi nella mente di tutti coloro che la conoscevano, che fosse semplicemente di nome o personalmente Non importa se uno era amico stretto della Ms Maffei o se l’aveva vista di striscio mentre attraversava a gran passi il ‘Cortile’; la sua solarità era contagiosa e lo era anche l’amore profondo che diffondeva. Era ‘la Ms’ per antonomasia, tanto che usavamo raramente anche il cognome e nonostante ciò sapevamo esattamente a chi ci stessimo riferendo Tramite la sua presenza costante e amorevole la Ms Maffei ha incoraggiato e stimolato tutti i suoi studenti non solo ad arricchire le proprie conoscenze, ma anche ad essere persone decenti e consapevoli Ricordo le ore passate nell’aula assolata con la Ms Maffei con tenerezza e un senso persistente di nostalgia. Posso solo definirmi fortunata per aver avuto l’opportunità di creare un rapporto così bello con una donna tanto straordinaria Ms Maffei è stata, è tuttora e continuerà ad essere un’ispirazione per me e per tanti altri Ha toccato cuori e menti, ed è lì che terremo il suo ricordo con lo scorrere del tempo Tutto ciò che rimane da dire è ‘grazie’ Ms La tua assenza si farà sentire ma il bene che hai voluto alla scuola e il bene che la scuola ha voluto a te rimarrà invariato.
























After reading the recent news of a 6 year old first grader bringing a loaded gun to school and shooting a teacher, I felt compelled to create a piece that represents the absurdity of the gun laws and culture in the United States of America The baby is reaching for a gun instead of his teddy bear and inadvertently shoots his toy This represents the 377 unintentional shootings by children in America in 2021

As technology develops every day it slowly starts to get implemented in the rest of society - especially in things one might not think of such as art Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, it can be utilised to help artists or get rid of the necessity of artists roles My work is meant to showcase the distinction between traditional and AI art and how it is slowly but surely, mixing together



Welcome to the first edition of 2023! The new year, and new edition, mark the beginning of another chapter for the Tuskan Times. I am honored and excited to be taking on the role of Editor-in-Chief from Katherine Dick I would like to thank her for being an amazing guide and for providing much support throughout my 3 years at the Tuskan Times, and especially through this transition. I would also like to thank Selina Marton, our previous Head of Layout, for her hard work in ensuring that all editions wereseamlesslyassembled

Additionally, I would like to welcome our two new Assistant-Editors-in-Chief, Olivia Dick and Elena Sofia Uzielli, as well as our new Head of Layout, Leela Menon. I look forward to working with you all, alongside our supervisor, Ms Hitchcock, to create issuesthatarethought-provoking,fun,andinterestingtoread Inthecomingissues,wewillbeintroducingmoreworkfromtheJuniorSchool,which can be found in the ‘Junior School Nook’, as well as student artwork, which can be found under ‘Appreciating ISF Art’ We will also be focusing on incorporating more middle school pieces with the support of our Middle School Coordinator, Allegra DiFlorio. In an effort to expand the Tuskan Times and interact more with our readers, we are also including a new ‘Interactive’ section, with a crossword based on some of thearticlesofthisissue

This issue includes a range of other pieces, from an exploration of the world of syntheticbiologybyJuliusGutbrod,toananticipationofupcomingmediareleasesina Media ‘Precap’ by Lyra Pires. We have some amazing creative writing pieces as well, themajorityofwhicharewrittenbymiddleschoolstudents!

I look forward to working with the amazing team at Tuskan Times over the course of thisyear!





































In this section of the issue, our writers explore topics related to ISF and our community as a whole
















Check out some of our community's creative minds through their writing


“Watch,” she said, “and learn.”

And so I did. I watched as her eyelashes brushed against her cheeks when she smiled. I watched as her red dress billowed around her legs I watched as it reflected on her skin, a constellation made of a thousand stories she had told and a million she was yet to tell I watched as she laughed a laugh that leapt from her mouth like a wild horse held captive all its life, leaping across an open field, leaping because it was alive, because it was free. I watched as the sun rose, and the flowers bloomed and turned into lush green leaves, and the squirrels ran down from the trees. I watched as the leaves fell from the branches, and the air turned cold, and the squirrels hid away, and the time turned still I watched as her eyes grew hurt, and her dress crumpled beneath the weight of the world As her laugh became feeble, and her smile faded As her patience shattered into snide remarks. As her heart became fake and unfeeling. As we shifted apart.

My nails dug into my palm as I stood on my balcony, my eyes drifting to the empty seat on the other side Soon the sun started to set, and I let its dying light splash across my face, washing away any memories of us I watched it too I watched its unfeeling rays, carrying on with their daily business like everyone else How can they carry on when it seems impossible for me? For us. I wonder if someone is stopping the sun from seeing the moon too. I wonder if they are forced to meet in secret. If when the night is dark the moon goes to see him If they are forced to look restlessly from side to side before they say, “I love you ” Maybe the moon is also forced to put on a cold, desolate facade How brave the sun must be, to keep shining so brightly even when the world seems cold and dark. What will I do without my sun?

No longer will I feel her crimson lips hover against mine. Nay, the only crimson I have now is that of the blood on my hands, the oh, so torturous blood that stains my fingers and mind and soul That filthy, poisoned being that now threatens to overtake me That grizzly monster that breeded into the death of my love Perhaps now it will breed again, but this time its victim will not be so innocent. Pain stabs at my heart like the unholy sword that began this whole disaster, but I know what I must do. I have crossed mountains, rivers, and valleys to take her as my lover, and if she is lost, we must be lost together. Hearts are like seagulls that long for another set of wings, like sweet roses that need to intertwine with another Parting knowing that we will meet again is such sweet sorrow, but parting for a lifetime is a burden I am unable to bear We have lived together, and we will die together, oh sun.

Oh, Juliet.



Wooden flowers with wooden petals and wooden pollen. Wooden house full of wooden people surrounded by wooden meadows Wooden birds flying in the sky and wooden squirrels scampering up trees. There are wooden children jumping on a wooden trampoline with wooden springs, their wooden hearts racing as they approximate flying, the closest they will ever get. Their dreams soar with their limbs higher and higher and higher They keep reaching even though they know they will fall.

Joy surging through brightly lit wooden veins; infectious laughter. Wooden feelings and wooden chatter in the air Wooden clouds suspended by wooden stilts, hovering above wooden mountains that reach into a wooden sky. A wooden world. Wood is polished and beautiful and complex Wood is hard and tough and won’t break A wooden world is strong and kind to wooden hearts.

There is no color in a wooden world, only brown, but brown is the only color. That is, there was no color until the day the red robin flew into the wooden world by accident The wooden huntsman shot down that scary scarlet beast and it bled scarlet blood, dripping onto the wooden trees. The wooden people put the scarlet bird into a wooden pot and cooked it over a wooden fire They weren’t hungry, just curious

Most wooden people only taste Only taste buds were carved into their faces But the huntsman and the mayor and the doctor have wooden eyes that can only stand to see wooden things The scarlet bird stewed with a wonderful smell, but none of the wooden people knew it The huntsman decided that the scarlet bird was ready when it was roasted brown and the wooden people all lined up for a taste One by one they took eager bites and spit it out, smiles glued on their faces. Wooden disgust.

Who created the wooden world? A beautiful world that can’t stand the outside.

The wooden people don’t care, they don’t wonder. They only smile their wooden smiles.



“Onwards!'' I yell as I pull my sword from its scabbard. This is the moment I face my nemesis. I look into his dark blue eyes and see the past memories of us as kids How, when we used to play games in the castle garden he would tug my braids and call me names, but we had a bond, a friendship if you will But those times have passed and he betrayed me in the worst way. I can never forgive him. I quickly snap back to reality and notice that my blade is at his neck. This is it, it's time I end this. I see his lips tremble. “Please” he whispers.

Before I can react his frown goes to a smirk and kicks my sword out of my hands It goes up into the air and he catches it.

“I think I'll keep this as a souvenir.”

“Be my guest, Thomas”

“Why thank you, Violet ”

He sarcastically blows me a kiss I groan in disgust But a strange feeling crosses over my stomach Hmm, I think nothing of it.

But as night falls, the animals fall asleep, and as the moon has its fun, I think more about it. That was probably just my lunch But all I had was something light As I think, my eyelids slowly start to close and I fall asleep But the question still dangles over my head

To be continued…


I suddenly feel a piercing pain in my gut It feels like falling a thousand feet and then hitting the ground I look down Half a sword is sticking out of my stomach I feel the other end wobble in the wind through my back My vision blurs and I'm sweating. My feet shift as I slowly fall backwards. The sword on the other end of my body touches the ground first, thrusting itself out of my gut. I roar in pain, trying not to give up. My head lashes back when it hits the ground, obscuring my vision, and further making the world disappear.

Here I am, perched on a tree My talons are pierced into its thick bark, keeping me steady I look out to the world, remembering my memories as a human. My mother singing lullabies as I fell asleep, my father playing catch with me on our front lawn. The old ladies walking by my street. Gulderberry Street. I think of my older years in college Majoring in philosophy at Brown University, my graduation party, living in England until the war started

Any man aged 18 and older had to fight in the war. The agony of the young soldiers scarred me through my warpath until my pain scarred another. Though I went through so much I was burdened to have my life lost like many others in this war

Once I awakened in my nest I realized it wasn't 1863; it was the future. I had been reincarnated.



We lived in a bizarre world. Where humans were no longer humans and lions were more than lions. Where mountains were nothing but grains of salt and the oceans were deserts.

I used to live by the ocean Every day I was met by the sounds of the resounding waves that eroded the piece of rock my house was perched upon and the screeches of the dumb seagulls as they came in hoards to eat the bread I left out for them I remember gazing out my window in wonder and seeing a blue, enveloping blanket that stretched out as far as the eye could see.

At times, when I got lonely I would sit on the tor, or as I called it, el sabio, and look for monsters of the depths. I was already past the age at which one could be called young and my hearing wasn't so great but when I listened, really listened, it seemed like I could hear lonely bellows coming from far out. It brought me peace, even hope, that I was not the only desolate one on the planet Then, after I got tired of ruminating, I would return to my cot and fall into restless sleep But one day I woke up and the colossal body of water, I mean all of it, vanished. Disappeared off the face of the Earth Instead, there was useless sand and countless of wriggling fish corpses uniformly dispersed across miles of naked land previously hidden under the mass of the ocean. And no monster in sight.

At first, I truly thought it was some sort of wicked joke on the part of the military. Since World War IV was avoided one hundred years ago and all the other conflicts were then stopped altogether, they probably got really bored It was so peaceful that for a time I think they actually thought of getting rid of the armed forces. I giggled. Entertaining this train of thought showed just how far my mind had deteriorated

"You can stop now!" I shouted out my window, my voice echoing into the sky. Any minute now I was sure a uniformed soldier would jump out of a helicopter and say this was an alpha test for some sort of new vaporizer they were developing in their underground labs. Somewhere down there a mammoth might just as well be running around But no, nothing happened One minute went by. Two. Three. Seven. Eighty-five. And nothing had changed.

The bizarreness of it all started to finally seep into my brain until an idea appeared in my head as clear as day: the ocean was gone indefinitely. My heart rate went up and I started to sweat. Then, it got even stranger I looked at the little droplets of sweat on my arm They were trickling not down like they are supposed to by the laws of gravity. No. They were going up my arm and suddenly they started to float upwards towards the sky. Indeed, I was really going mad.


I shouted. Louder. And louder. And louder. And still my voice seemed to be the only sound that was left of life I was going to die soon too, then, I thought I didn't know what to do I looked at the desert and saw the whales, the sharks, the dolphins, the barracudas, and the eels. Most were dead but some still flapped their fins and moved their jaws. Even though it was hopeless, I popped open a couple of my bottled waters and poured them into a large container on wheels and raced down the slope to gather whatever life form I could find. The sun rays were harsh. After walking for what felt like kilometres, I was only able to collect a handful of sardines and a jellyfish that I barely managed to pick up, and only after it stung me twice. I looked desperately for fish that were small enough to put into my container and cried at the sight of the beautiful mammals that I had to leave behind to get devoured by vultures. Their dispirited eyes looked up at me and seemed to say that they were so exhausted of it all, that they didn't even care to be saved. There was one beluga whose faint wails slowly, but surely kept fainting away. The further I went, the more bodies there were along with remains of sunken ships with their loose, rusted anchors.

I don't know what had gotten into me One of the only things I remember distinctly was bawling while clutching the skeleton of a chimaera. What had become of the ocean?

By sunset nearly all of the water in my container had evaporated and only the jellyfish was left, the little devil had eaten all the fish below its trophic level. I had to retreat, defeated by something I couldn't quite comprehend My exhaustion overpowered me and by the time I got back to my shack I could barely stand. The horrors of the day kept replaying in my head and so to finish the night off I poured myself and the chimaera, my newfound dead friend, a rather generous glass of nightcap. After that, everything got very blurry but finally, after many years, I was able to get a good night's sleep In the morning, wrapped in the arms of the sea creature, I heard the sound of thunder.



In this section, our writers explore topics relating to politics around the world.


Decisional power over one’s body and informed consent are fundamental human rights We, as people, have the right of respect for our physical and mental integrity.

The case of the Inuit women in Greenland is a prime example of an instance in which this basic human right was violated and/or disregarded entirely.

In June of 2022, Denmark and Greenland formally agreed to commence a two-year investigation into past birth control practices carried out for prolonged periods of time on Inuit Greenlanders by Danish doctors, after multiple women came forth and recounted what was forced onto them decades ago

However, let us first gain a better understanding of what a contraceptive device is. Birth control, also known as contraception, is the use of medicines, devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy (cit https://medlineplus gov/) There are various types of contraception; some are reversible while others aren’t. The IUD, or intrauterine device, commonly known as coil, is a contraceptive device placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy

As recent reports have shown, thousands of coils were fitted during the 1960s and 70s in the country of Denmark; Greenland. This per se would be perfectly in order, but the issue is that it was done unbeknownst to the victims and without their consent Typically, the coils were inserted during an abortion procedure.

Among women fitted with a coil was Naja Lyberth, who at the time was only 13. The Danish government had boarding schools for Inuit children both on Danish soil and on Greenlandic It was following a routine school medical examination that Naja was told to go to a local hospital to have the IUD implanted. In an interview with the BBC Naja stated that she “didn't really know what it [was] because [the doctor] never explained or got my permission.” She further said that she was afraid and couldn’t tell her parents. She remembers doctors in white coats and the “metal things” (stirrups) where “you should spread your legs ” Naja says that the equipment the doctor used was too big for her small body and that it was “like having knives inside [of me].” Now, at age 60, Naja is one of the first women to publicly speak out about what happened to her and so many others


Between 1966 and 1970 over 4500 Inuit women and girls (over half of all fertile females in Greenland) were fitted with coils, some as young as 12 A large portion of those affected suspect that the coil is to blame for their inability to have children.

Another who denounced this injustice is Arnannguaq Poulsen, who had her IUD inserted at 16 The coil was fitted on Danish soil seeing as in 1974 she was studying at a boarding school for Greenlandic children on the island of Bornholm, off the south coast of Sweden. She is sure that the doctors had neither her nor her parents’ consent, seeing as she could only travel home once a year Arnannguaq had the IUD removed at seventeen, one year later, back home in Greenland. Now 64, she told the BBC the following; "I feel that I didn't get a choice back then, and I cannot accept that How would people react if it was Danish women instead of Greenlandic?"

What we must also take into account is that today the IUDs are T-shaped and comparatively small, but in the 1960s they were S-shaped and much larger than today’s.

On the other hand, Katrine Jakobsen, from the capital Nuuk, had a different experience. She was forced to have an IUD fitted when she was twelve, and had it for almost twenty years Throughout this time she suffered a great deal of complications which eventually led to her uterus being removed in her late 30’s “I remember right after the procedure, I was in so much pain that I just sat down in the snow,” Katrine told the BBC

With the modernised and improved healthcare system and living conditions, it is vital that both governments look into this historic scandal to uncover the decision making process that led to such inhumane actions and make amends for both the survivors and for future generations. Greenland transitioned from a colony to a country of Denmark in 1953, but despite this legal and geopolitical change, many colonial attitudes remained ingrained in people’s brains. Demographics from those decades show a rapid increase in the numbers of the Greenlandic people in the 60s and 70s, so much so that the island’s population had nearly doubled The Danish government saw this as a financial and practical issue, because more people had to be provided with housing and welfare services (education, healthcare, security etc ) For this reason, they decided to limit the growth of the Greenlandic population. After the IUDs were fitted the birth rate halved in just a couple of years.

"Over4500Inuitwomenand girls(overhalfofallfertile femalesinGreenland)were fittedwithcoils,someas youngas12"
"IfeelthatIdidn'tgeta choicebackthen,andI cannotacceptthat.How wouldpeoplereactifitwas Danishwomeninsteadof Greenlandic?""

n March of 2022 the Danish government formally apologised to six Inuit who were separated from their families in the late 1950s in order to partake in a social experiment based on language acquisition, social interaction, and the creation of a sort of hierarchy in the Arctic territory with Danishspeaking Inuit at the top This is not enough, however, according to Britta Mortensen, a victim of the coil experiment. She thinks there should also be an apology and compensation for all Inuit women forced to use contraception. Her view is supported by the law, because according to Greenland’s Human Rights Council, conventions of privacy and family life were breached. Specialists are currently in the process on determining whether it was a genocide, as was stated by the HRC’s chairperson Qivioq Loevstroem “We don't want a whitewashed report", he adds, stressing the need to have Greenland participate in the investigation.

The Inuit Greenlanders’ case is one of many that portrays the lengths that humankind will go to in order to ensure that a small percentage of people remains untouched and untroubled, while causing harm to an even smaller minority. The Danish government in the second half of the twentieth century wanted to limit the Inuit population for reasons deeply rooted in colonialism and patriotism, and succeeded in doing so as well as succeeding in traumatising and unjustly harming an entire generation of women. Decisional power over one’s own body is a fundamental human right that has been infringed too many times in the course of history, and this is especially true for women. Moving forwards as a society and as a human race, we need to establish clear boundaries and regulations so as to guarantee an equal and safe future for all

"WantedtolimittheInuit populationforreasonsdeeply rootedincolonialismand patriotism,"


“They finally caught him.” After 30 years on the run, Italy’s most wanted mafia boss was finally arrested in Palermo, Sicily. On January 16, 2023, Matteo Massina Denaro was captured at a clinic whilst he was receiving chemotherapy While this wasn't a very high stakes arrest, considering he was sixty years of age, it was an extremely important arrest to the Italian Carabinieri.


At the time of his arrest, Denaro was using the false identity of Bonafede, another well-known mafia boss His arrest led authorities to the extremely important mafia boss, Andrea Bonafede Bonafede was convicted as one of the masterminds behind the 1992 bombings - one of which killed Italy's top anti-mafia magistrate, Giovanni Falcone, and the other which killed a fellow magistrate, Paolo Borsellino, just two months later. Denaro had been on the run since 1993 and was sentenced in absentia to a life term for the murders he carried out in the early 1990s. Bonafede is suspected of running and leading “Cosa Nostra", an Italian terrorist and crime organization since the early 19th century with over 5,500 members. He was additionally suspected of helping Denaro to carry out his role as a major mob boss

Bonafede was able to elude law enforcement and access national healthcare without revealing his real identity. This not only gave unexpected hope to the Italian government who have been struggling for years to catch these criminals, but proved that even in the southern regions of Italy, where the state is perceived as ineffective and absent, law enforcement was able to catch one of the top most wanted men in Italy. This has also made Italian officials rethink their organized crime units in the country to further benefit the speed at which they obtain their suspects. This will further instill fear and overall education throughout organized crime in Italy. Police and investigators of the case recently disclosed to the public that they suspected that Bonafede also received €20,000 (£17,500) from Denaro to be able to buy a mansion in western Sicily that later became one of Denaro’s hideouts.

"Hisarrestledauthorities totheextremelyimportant mafiaboss,Andrea Bonafede"
"Thiswillfurtherinstillfear andoveralleducation throughoutorganized crimeinItaly"

Some of Denaro’s crimes include: racketeering, illegal waste dumping, money laundering and drug trafficking During the searches of his many mansions, authorities reportedly found: first class Airline ticket receipts, receipts from expensive restaurants, incredibly expensive jewelry, and posters from films such as, “The Godfather,” and, “Joker,” and a black Alfa Romeo Giuletta car He is also suspected to have killed ten people and injured hundreds.

havekilledtenpeopleand injuredhundreds"

For being the last fugitive member of a generation of mafia mobsters who terrorized Italy, Denaro was billed as the, “Last Godfather.”



China is considered one of the most powerful countries in the world, in terms of power but especially in terms of their economic growth as they are known as the world’s second-largest economy by nominal GDP, totaling around US$18.32 trillion by the end of 2022. However, holding that power is a great responsibility and the government must not only take into consideration the potential success it would have in their country, but also how the repercussions of their every decision affect the future for all nations. Sometimes the Chinese government fails to see this, which leads to catastrophic consequences

To eliminate a problem altogether, the Chinese government simply implements a ban that may relate to the prohibition of a certain item, and while many might be upset about this, it would usually not spark aggressive behaviour towards the government, but if the population can’t see the importance before the placement of the ban, it may spread lots of hatred and confusion among the citizens

One such example would be the Firework Ban, which is quite amusing as they are regularly used for Chinese traditions Chinese people have used fireworks to celebrate holidays, especially the New Year, since as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). However, in the 1980s local Chinese governments enacted a variety of firework bans citing concerns over safety, health, and environmental pollution until 2013. There are several reasons why the Chinese government has decided to ban fireworks. Still, their biggest regret was to neglect the desires of their people, as the previous year's fireworks were barely lit up from the zero-covid policy. This would eventually lead to a protest in central China, where New Year's Eve revellers clashed with police and overturned a patrol car A video of the incident is going viral online The video was first posted on TikTok, also known as Douyin in China, but it has since been taken down. Later, the video was still accessible on Twitter, which is emerging as a new digital repository for anything that has been removed from the Chinese internet. The video was posted on Twitter with a caption in Chinese, which, when translated to English, reads as "A dispute was caused by setting off fireworks in Zhoukou City,

"Toeliminateaproblem altogether,theChinese governmentsimply implementsabanthat mayrelatetothe prohibitionofacertain item"

in eastern Henan Province, China. The police tried to arrest the person who set off the fireworks People surrounded the police car and demanded that it let them go. Finally, the police car was overturned.” While many would think it was a mistake of the government, especially as after the protest many cities immediately lifted the ban, other countries around the world also attempted to ban fireworks as they caused many injuries and increase pollution greatly.

"NewYear'sEverevellers clashedwithpoliceand overturnedapatrolcar"

One may think that the fireworks ban is already bad enough, but the crypto ban was also implemented. It was first added in September 2021 when the Chinese government declared all crypto activities illegal, claiming that crypto disrupted the country’s economic and financial order while providing a breeding ground for criminal activity But even with this ban, China remains in the top 10 countries with the highest crypto adoption, and it is still increasing exponentially over time This is the reason why, an economics professor and former adviser to the People’s Bank of China Dr. MA Jun has urged the Chinese government to reconsider its ban on cryptocurrencies. He warned that banning crypto activities could result in

missed opportunities that are “very valuable” to regulated financial systems Despite half a dozen bans on crypto-related activities, the government has never forbidden one thing, to actually own cryptos, with the main goal of the government always has been to remain in control while remaining open to new, promising technologies This means it is not completely banned and cryptocurrency is legally protected in China while being the country with the largest economy and the strictest crypto regulation.

And the cherry on top, China also banned online studies on the 28th of January 2023. China has suddenly reversed its temporary rules that have been in place for over two years during the COVID19 pandemic allowing online courses from foreign universities to be delivered to students within China. This is being justified in China as a crackdown on substandard online degree courses. The concession to foreign universities to allow them to maintain their enrolment of Chinese students during travel bans and lockdowns was seen as no longer necessary as travel returns to normal in the region, mostly because China has abandoned its strict ‘Zero-COVID’ policy. The ending of the overseas degrees policy, which has come without warning, led to a scramble for visas and flights to major destinations for Chinese students, with Australia and New Zealand being affected by this. With the exception of courses in Ukraine and Russia, which are engaged in a war, Chinese students are told that degrees obtained online from courses overseas are no longer recognised, which urges students to return to overseas campuses as soon as possible While it may sound like another bad decision on the government’s part, as many Chinese students must return to mainland China to continue their studies, this ban does have positive results. For instance, it encourages students to return to their respective countries for education and have access to better studies in class.


Chenxing Sang, the secretary general of Beijing Overseas Study Service Association (BOSSA), which is an association that recruits students all over China to study In Universities abroad, said: “I believe that studying abroad is more than just learning knowledge; it is also about experiencing different cultures, communicating with different people, and broadening one’s mind, which cannot be done online.”

The timing of the sudden decision to stop online courses and the call for students to travel back to their overseas universities is seen as being linked to the beginning of the academic year in Australia and New Zealand, but they still welcomed the change as it also benefited their countries An example of this would be Australia; they are expecting around 40,000 Chinese students to arrive, and while it was sudden news, especially as the ban was announced before school started in Australia, it could put an end to online school where thousands of students must attend online classes from the Zero-Covid Policy. Thousands of students in Australia are also travelling back to the mainland, meaning that they must get their visas, and this year there was an increase of 72.7% in finalising offshore student visa applications. There are an unfortunate few that could not get a visa in time, or could not find a flight or accommodation, but China’s education ministry released a statement, clarifying that they could seek an exemption from the rule if they were not able to return to the universities when getting their degree certified Also, Students who had already selected online study for the coming semester and were unable to switch to face-to-face study were eligible to seek a waiver.

The heavy implementation of rules and regulations to maintain a balance between the people may come with flaws and could discontent the people that are affected by this However, China constantly seeks improvement which may create a better environment for the government and the citizens, and though perfection does not exist in our world, improvements are always possible

"Itencouragesstudentsto returntotheirrespective countriesforeducation andhaveaccesstobetter studiesinclass."


When the Taliban marched back into Kabul on August 15 2021, the world feared the worst for Afghanistan, a country that has faced years of turbulence, violence and humanitarian problems from sources both outside and within Since then, ‘the worst’ has been given new meaning by the unabated tide of renewed repression, economic problems and revoked rights

The Taliban has no tolerance for opposing opinions. More than 200 news organizations have closed due to Taliban intimidation and countless reporters have faced harassment under the new regime Women have been banned from going to parks or gyms, and require male accompaniment when traveling long distances.

Most recently women were banned from working in NGOs, causing some organizations; including Save the Children, CARE and the Norwegian Refugee Council, to cease activities due to a simple inability to carry out certain tasks without women workers

The UN Development Program has estimated that restricting women’s employment could cost up to 5 percent of Afghanistan’s GDP – a loss that Afghanistan can’t afford

With large denominations of international aid frozen, the Afghan economy is in free-fall. More than 90% of the population suffers from some form of food insecurity It is not only fundamental human rights at stake, but human lives

Once vibrant shopping areas are now deserted and desolate.

The Taliban closed girls secondary schools immediately, and most of them have kept their doors shut The situation is even more restrictive at university level, where women are prohibited from studying and teaching, putting an end to many dreams and careers. Most women have also been banished from the work-place, especially in government and law sectors A large number of female judges were forced into hiding, facing reprisals from freed gender or domestic abuse offenders they had convicted.

The situation is grim for everyone in Afghanistan, regardless of gender, however, conservative attitudes towards women makes their lives much harder Women in Afghanistan are unable to work or educate themselves That is, unless they want to be a doctor. In that case the Taliban (on a rare occasion) is advocating for their education and employment. Due to the strict interpretation of Sharia law that the Taliban follow, hospital services must be gender segregated, which means that for female patients to receive care, there must be female doctors.

"Womenhavebeenbanned fromgoingtoparksor gyms,andrequiremale accompanimentwhen travelinglongdistances."

While this is great for female medical practitioners and students, this law carries the risk that women will not be able to find medical care, especially because certain restrictions imposed on women in the educational sector limit the number of women who will be able to graduate and other restrictive policies prevent women from working effectively. Afghanistan’s healthcare system is fragile as everything else in the country after being dependent on foreign aid for so long, and there is a dearth of doctors: both male and female. A number of hospitals have closed and doctors have fled the country; it is UN funding that is keeping the system afloat Maternal mortality rate still remains among the highest in the world.

The retreat of foreign troops and the reinstatement of Taliban rule has had one positive aspect for the Afghan people: with no one to oppose the Taliban, violence has been drastically reduced. The overall security situation of the country has improved with civilian casualties lessened. That is not to say that conflict has completely ceased Terrorists have carried out various vicious attacks including a suicide bombing of a mosque in Kabul which killed over 20 people. In almost every aspect, the Taliban government is failing to provide citizens with what they need: safety, political and economic stability, and protection of unalienable rights

"Duetothestrict interpretationofSharialaw thattheTalibanfollow, hospitalservicesmustbe gendersegregated,which meansthatforfemale patientstoreceivecare,there mustbefemaledoctors."
"Inalmosteveryaspect,the Talibangovernmentisfailing toprovidecitizenswithwhat theyneed:safety,political andeconomicstability,and protectionofunalienable rights."


In 2021, 83% of natural gas exported to Europe came from Russia, while the following year, until December 2022, it was below 20% Moreover, in 2021, Russia exported on average approximately 7.8 million barrels of oil a day, while in 2022, the amount of oil imported into Europe decreased to about 1.7 million barrels a day. The sudden decrease in exports of natural gas and oil from Russia resulted in an energy crisis, which is still ongoing. It became abundantly clear that Europe has been far too dependent on Russian natural gas and oil, which prompted the European Union (EU) to search for solutions

The birthplace of nuclear energy materialized with the Manhattan Project on August 13, 1942. As with most revolutionary inventions, nuclear power was purposed for war Leading the project, Robert Oppenheimer recruited several known scientists at the time, such as Edward Teller, Enrico Fermi, and Leó Szilárd. The group first achieved a nuclear chain reaction on December 2, 1942, and in the later stages of the war, the Manhattan Project group created the nuclear bomb Trinity, which was later tested on July 16, 1945. After World War II, many saw an opportunity to use nuclear fission to utilize the energy created and convert it to electricity Hence, the development of nuclear power plants started, and on the 20th of December 1951, the first ever power plant that used nuclear fission was created and; initially, it could power four 200-watt light bulbs

On February 2, 2022, the EU gave the green light for nuclear and gas fired energy plants (LNG plants), recognizing them as sustainable investments. While LNG plants have long been a well-acknowledged source of energy, due to bad media representation, the public is unsure of the safety of nuclear energy, as it is commonly believed that generating energy through nuclear fission is unpredictable, let alone dangerous. For this reason, the article will discuss whether nuclear power is the solution for the EU’s dependency on Russian energy.

"Itbecameabundantlyclear thatEuropehasbeenfartoo dependentonRussian naturalgasandoil"

Nuclear power plants exploit nuclear fission, which creates an enormous amount of heat This heat is transferred into water, which becomes steam The steam is then applied to a turbine generator to create electricity. However, the rudimentary part of nuclear power plants involves nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the subdivision of an isotope Uranium atom (U235) caused by the application of a neutron to create an unstable nucleus (U236), which splits into Barium (Ba144) and Krypton (Kr89). This reaction further releases two or three more neutrons, producing a stable nuclear chain This releases a tremendous amount of energy 1 kg of isotopic Uranian (U235) releases about 200 MeV (Mega electron volt) or about 3.2×10-11 wattseconds. Therefore, 3.1×1010 fissions per second produce 1 Watt (W) The fission of 1 gram (g) of Uranium or Plutonium, creates approximately 1 Mega-Watt. This is slightly more than the energy release of 3 tons of coal which releases roughly 833.3 kWh (kilo-Watt hour) or 100 m3 of natural gas Therefore, nuclear energy needs significantly less energy and input to release a large amount of energy in comparison to coal power plants, or natural gas power plants.

Maintenance is estimated to cost around 26.90 Eur per mWh In comparison with other common energy sources, nuclear energy is quite cheap: Coal power plants run at 29 55 Eur per mWh, Solar plants cost about 55-75 Eur per mWh, and wind costs 30.48 Eur per mWh. Along with the cost, it is also important to note that it is important to consider the duration at which these power plants can be run at maximum capacity. Out of the power sources mentioned above, nuclear energy leads by far with being able to run on maximum capacity 92 5% of the time Solar energy had an underwhelming 24 9%, wind power 35 4%, coal with 40.2%. While nuclear power plants are costly to build, they are exceptionally efficient in harnessing energy, and can be run at full capacity nearly all times of the year

In today’s world the cost of production is often the factor that either gets a project approved or rejected. As such, it is important to discuss the economics of nuclear energy Companies which plan on building nuclear power plants indicate that the cost ranges between 5000 Eur per kW and 7500 Eur per kW. This means that building a 1000 mW (or 1000 kW×1000) power plant would cost between 5 billion Eur to 7 5 billion Eur

After making the financial calculations, it is important to evaluate the sustainability of nuclear energy. A nuclear power plant creates about 3 m3 of waste if its fuel is recycled During nuclear fission, some of the remaining neutrons which split from the U235 are used in another reaction to create Thorium (Th232) and/or an isotope of Plutonium (Pu239) Th232 is an excellent absorbent and is very fertile in absorbing neutrons to create another isotopic form of Uranium (U233) which is a superb nuclear fuel material. Moreover, Plutonium (Pu239), Thorium (Th232) among other remaining particles (such as U239) are highly fissile materials which are recycled and applied in MOX fuel. Although MOX may only contain 1% of Plutonium in total, it is responsible for 33-40% of all power in a nuclear power plant. 1 kg of isotopic Plutonium (Pu239), can produce approximately 8000 mWh


Nuclear fuel can be recycled 5 times over the life of the nuclear power plant, which is estimated to last between 30-40 years After nuclear fuel is fully used, it is stored on site in dry tasks, as these materials are highly radioactive and would cause substantial damage to the environment. Unfortunately it is impossible to give an accurate estimate of how long they stay this way, as due to the different isotopes present, nuclear waste could be harmful, from just hours, to hundreds of thousands of years.

These are the only major accidents which occurred over about 70 years of commercial nuclear power in 36 countries and the risk of accidents in power plants is low and continuously declining A couple examples include: Restricting the amount of time operators spend around the core of the powerplant, or making multiple back-up systems.

The history of nuclear power has had its fair share of incidents and disasters, such as the explosion of Reactor 4 in Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986, resulting in 3940 radiation caused cancer or leukemia deaths, or the Fukushima Daiichi reactor meltdown in 2011 causing 1 radiation related death and a catastrophic leakage of nuclear waste However, there were more factors at play, than just the dangers of nuclear fission. The incident in Chernobyl, happened during a test, in which power plants operators were examining the back up diesel engine at low power The control rods displaced the water used for reducing fission and for cooling, which resulted in increased reaction. This resulted in an uncontrolled fission chain, at which point the operators could not effectively stop in time due to delayed reaction The incident was caused by both faulty equipment and human error. On the other hand, the Fukushima power plant meltdown was fundamentally caused by a natural disaster With the combination of an earthquake and a tsunami, it led to the loss of power to the power plant. Without power, the cooling systems failed in three different reactors, leading to the overheating of the cores inside them

The European Union gave the green light for nuclear energy, as they recognised it as a sustainable investment. However, due to bad media representation, the public are unsure of the safety of nuclear energy, thus, it is important to answer whether nuclear energy is the solution for Europe’s dependency on Russian energy. Nuclear energy is an extremely efficient and utile source of energy which has minimal waste, yet can release massive amounts of power with little effort Moreover, maintaining nuclear energy is cost friendly in comparison with other uses of power. However, nuclear energy also has several flaws. Building nuclear power plants and its infrastructure is costly, ranging up to 7 5 billion Euros Nuclear energy also poses the risk of exposing dangerously radioactive materials to the public, or the environment, which could be disastrous as we have seen with Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear energy appears to be a much more long-term investment instead of a quick solution the EU could utilize right now. In short, nuclear energy could be a great alternative in the future as it produces minimal waste, costs little to run compared to how much energy it releases, however the EU simply does not have enough time or resources to completely commit to nuclear energy as of now.

"Nuclearfuelcanbe recycled5timesoverthe lifeofthenuclearpower plant,whichisestimatedto lastbetween30-40years."


Our writers provide fascinating insight on all things science-related.


With the recent rise in artificial intelligence (AI) conversation and generation software, it is essential to understand whether or not their use is ethical.

AI art tools such as DALL-E, Jasper Art, Night Cafe and Stable Diffusion have skyrocketed in popularity because of their ability to instantly create an image based on a text prompt. Unsurprisingly, this has sparked a debate around the question: “Is AI art art?”

AI art softwares work by sifting through images online related to a text prompt, they then compile those components into an image. The issues with this are crystal clear; many photos are copyrighted and the tools also search through the work of real artists

"EvenAIartisfedbythe workofrealartists."

To answer the question, “Is AI art art?” We have to define what art is.

The Oxford Dictionary defines art as “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power ”

AI art, by Oxford dictionary definition, can only be an emulation of art. Inputting text a prompt is not an indication of human creative skill. While AI lacks creative skills, there are many humans who do possess them People, artists included, are often forced to compete in their chosen career fields. Many artists take issue with the use of AI art because of its devaluing of time, effort and skill

In a vacuum AI art may be acceptable, but in a situation in which artists are forced to compete with computers, it is not only unethical but incredibly harmful.

The sale of these AI art pieces and their use in competition is an issue. The ease of AI creation compared to the years of training many professional artists endure in order to pursue their passion is a clear advantage In an already fiercely competitive environment, discouraging artists from sharing and selling the work they take pride in is cruel. One such case was in a Colorado competition where Jason Allen used an AI software known as midjourney to produce a “digital artwork ” Since the competition guidelines never mentioned AI generated material, the submission was accepted, winning first place and a prize of $300 USD.

"Artistswhowanttobe abletofeedthemselves nowdon’tonlyneedto competewithotherartists, butwithacheap,instant AIwhocanproduceany artinafractionofa second-TheCanvas."

As of January 2023, Getty Images has launched a lawsuit against Stability AI, the owners of Stable Diffusion. The widely-known image company alleges that Stable Diffusion used its content without obtaining legal permission to do so Luckily, this deters companies from replacing artists with AI software as artists often do rely on such companies for employment.

One argument commonly used by those who support the use of AI art is that there is a human element. Some believe that the text prompt is equivalent to human skill. Another point used to justify it is that, "Not everyone has the skill to create art ” And this is not incorrect, however;

The ease of creation may even discourage people from learning to create their own true art

Overall, AI art has many negative impacts on artists, users and corporations. It is a mimicry of art and everything it stands for. Where art emphasizes the creativity of the artist, AI emphasizes the efficiency of the machine The history of art is all about building upon the process and progress of those who came before.

As Leonardo Da Vinci says, “Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art ”

"Alargepartofthebeauty ofartanditsimportance withinsocietyistheskillit takestoproduceart.Itis thededicationtothe observationand appreciationoftheworld aswellastheapplication ofhumancreativityby artiststhatgivesartits uniquepowerand influence."
"TheshorthistoryofAIgenerated“art”isa negativeautomationand commodificationof somethinghumanityhas alwayshelddear."


For the first time in 45 years, zero one-horned rhinoceros, also known as the Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), in the northeastern Indian region of Assam were poached during the year of 2022

Poachers commonly hunted the animals to obtain their horns for various medicinal purposes and beliefs, or to be sold on the black market As a result, by the early 20th century, the population of Indian rhinoceros quivered at barely 200 wild rhinos, classifying them as an endangered species. Again, during the 90s, the region’s population of rhinos was pushed to the brink of extinction

Dr Rathin Barman, WTI's Joint Director and Chief, Strategy & Liaison for North East India, commented in an article about the absence of yearly poaching, “This incredible achievement sets an example globally on how we can change the narrative and improve the future for a species This remarkable achievement follows strong public action on burning 2,500 rhino horns seized from poachers last year ” (Rhinoceros horns as well as elephant tusks are commonly burned or destroyed after being seized to be certain they don’t end up back on the black market).

While the Indian rhinoceros is still classified as vulnerable by the WWF, and the last rhino was poached dangerously close to the end of 2021, (28 December 2021) this incredible feat has been heralded as an extraordinary advance in the conservation of wildlife It demonstrates the possibility to conquer the extreme dangers that poaching creates.

Fortunately, with the help from the IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare), the WTI (Wildlife Trust of India), the Assam government, and local authorities and communities, the population of Indian rhinoceros has since risen to almost 4,000 rhinos, spread across the region in the Kaziranga National Park and the Manas National Park today.

"ThepopulationofIndian rhinoceroshassincerisen toalmost4,000rhinos"

On the other hand, the white rhinoceros, an African species of rhino that can be divided into two groups – northern and southern – are also heavily affected by the dangers of poaching As of March 2018, the northern white rhinoceros specifically became functionally extinct. With only two northern white rhinos still alive, both being female, the ability to save the population of this group of animals is virtually impossible Today, Najin and Fatu live in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya where the pair are protected by armed guards at all times.

While the poaching of zero Indian rhinoceros in 2022 is a feat to be celebrated, there is still much to accomplish in ending the atrocities animals and the environment face due to poaching If you are interested in learning more or helping the cause, visit savetherhino.org.

The Sumatran and Javan rhinoceros face a similar danger. With 34-47 Sumatran rhinos, and 76 Javan rhinos left, the need to combat poaching and advance animal conservation is dire Thankfully, since 2015, a year in which 1,349 rhinos were poached, the number of rhinos killed every year has decreased. However, at least one rhinoceros is still killed every day

"Thisincrediblefeathas beenheraldedasan extraordinaryadvancein theconservationof wildlife.Itdemonstrates thepossibilitytoconquer theextremedangersthat poachingcreates"
"Whilethepoachingof zeroIndianrhinocerosin 2022isafeattobe celebrated,thereisstill muchtoaccomplishin endingtheatrocities animalsandthe environmentfacedueto poaching"


Synthetic biology is a rising branch of biotechnology that is quickly becoming more important and interesting It entails the creation of previously unknown biological structures, mechanisms, and components, especially in the fields of biofuels and bioplastics. This is relevant because they can be used as a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and plastics Furthermore, synthetic biology is important in the production of biofuels and bioplastics because it allows for the development of unique biological systems that may be optimized for specific goals This can result in more efficient and cost-effective manufacturing processes as well as the creation of new and improved goods.

The Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance defines bioplastics as polymers made from renewable raw resources such as biomass or fossil raw materials turned into a renewable form

Biofuels and bioplastics are comparable in that they both offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional goods. These bioplastics are used to make plastic objects whereas biofuels are usually utilized to generate energy Despite this, the two industries are closely related since biofuels and bioplastics may be made from the same feedstocks and both strive to minimize our reliance on finite resources and the environmental impact of conventional products

Biofuels and bioplastics are less harmful to the environment than traditional fossil fuels and polymers Moreover, biofuels are organic-based fuels that can be used to power machinery and automobiles. They are made from garbage, algae, and plants. Bioplastics, on the other hand, are biodegradable and compostable polymers derived from renewable resources such as sugar cane or maize starch The United States Department of Energy categorizes biofuels into two types: second-generation biofuels derived from non-food crops such as switchgrass or waste materials, and first-generation biofuels made from food crops such as corn and sugar

...theycanbeusedasa renewableand sustainablealternativeto fossilfuelsandplastics"
"thetwoindustriesare closelyrelatedsince biofuelsandbioplastics maybemadefromthe samefeedstocksandboth strivetominimizeour relianceonfiniteresources andtheenvironmental impactofconventional products"

Synthetic biology is important in the manufacturing of bioplastics because it allows the construction of whole new biological systems capable of producing bio-based polymers By altering microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast, synthetic biology enables the efficient and mass manufacture of bioplastics. Bioplastics with enhanced qualities, such as greater strength and durability, can be produced more effectively and at lower prices thanks to synthetic biology

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), a biodegradable plastic derived from renewable sources, and polylactic acid (PLA), a biodegradable plastic derived from maize starch or sugarcane, are two examples of synthetic biology-produced bioplastics.

Despite the advantages of using synthetic biology to manufacture biofuels and bioplastics, there are a number of challenges and constraints One of the key challenges is the high cost of research and development, which frequently acts as a barrier to commercialization. Synthetic biology is not yet a widely used technology, and producing bioplastics requires significant investment Another disadvantage of using synthetic biology to generate biofuels and bioplastics is the likelihood of unanticipated consequences. Manipulation of biological processes in synthetic biology poses the risk of unanticipated implications for the environment and human health

Finally, the use of synthetic biology in the production of bioplastics and fuels offers a potential solution to the worldwide energy and plastics crisis. Synthetic biology enables the development of innovative biological systems capable of producing bio-based fuels and polymers in large numbers Despite the obstacles and limits, synthetic biology has a potential future in the production of biofuels and bioplastics, and with additional research and development, this technology is anticipated to play a larger role in the development of sustainable energy and plastics alternatives

"Bioplasticswithenhanced qualities,suchasgreater strengthanddurability, canbeproducedmore effectivelyandatlower pricesthankstosynthetic biology"
"Syntheticbiologyhasa potentialfutureinthe productionofbiofuelsand bioplastics"


Our writers provide new takes on anything cultural!


On January 10th, Prince Harry (The former Duke of Sussex) released his memoir “Spare” which depicts his personal life before and after his separation from the monarchy, breaking away from the Royal Family’s usual public relations strategy “never complain, never explain” This was a highly anticipated memoir due to his documentary having been released on Netflix just two weeks prior, and only seven days after publication it became a New York Times best seller However, the memoir faced mixed reviews on social media and in the tabloids Many readers tend to sympathize with Harry's traumatic upbringing in the royal family, but others have also criticized him for his lack of perspective and overall highly privileged point of view

recognize his privilege, mainly using the terms ‘spoiled’ and ‘ghastly’ to describe his personality throughout the book.

Possible examples of this and possible reasons for backlash against Harry and Megan could be his and his wife Meghan's comments on the Frogmore Cottage located in London. Though the cottage is 1,324 square feet, and has an estimated cost of 2 4 million pounds, he describes it as “really small on a slight lean with low ceilings”. This comment was ridiculed considering an average UK citizen can hardly pay the average cost of a house (£296,000) in October 2022, which is £33,000 higher than this time last year

Not only has Harry received backlash from the public, but he has also received accusations from the Iranian and Afghan governments; most notably he has been accused of “war crimes” after he admitted to killing 25 Taliban fighters during his service for the British army. He refers to them as the “removal of chess pieces”, and has no regret in doing so. Iranian officials slammed him on Twitter for disregarding human rights and the execution of dual Iranian-British national Alireza Akbari

For example, the Guardian calling it “the laughing stock of the monarchy” Social media users have commented about Harry's lack of social awareness and state that he does not

"Manyreaderstendto sympathizewithHarry's traumaticupbringinginthe royalfamily,butothers havealsocriticizedhimfor hislackofperspectiveand overallhighlyprivileged pointof view."

Another one of the main points of criticism that tend to be pointed out by royal experts is that Harry and Meghan constantly asked for privacy and even left the UK entirely to reside in Los Angeles to avoid publication by the paparazzi. Yet, as said in the media by the daily telegraph, recently they made an entire documentary and memoir putting themselves into the public eye

Finally, Harry states that after his mother died, he and his brother begged their father not to marry their future stepmother, Camilla, Queen Consort, in fear of her becoming their ‘evil stepmother’

- “I remember wondering … if she would be cruel to me; if she would be like all the evil stepmothers in the stories

Reading these claims, people took to social media to support Harry and Meghan, praising Harry for speaking out on the trauma he endured as a child within his family.

So this leaves the question: do we criticize the prince for his possible crimes and spoiledness, or do we empathize with him for the traumatic childhood that the tabloids that now criticize him essentially created?

However, some readers empathized with Harry’s claims stated in the memoir. For example, some of the claims include Harry saying that his older brother, Prince William, had pushed him on the floor after a verbal altercation with his wife Meghan, allegedly calling her ‘abrasive’, ‘difficult’, and ‘rude’. Harry also states that Prince William “grabbed me by the collar, ripped my necklace, and … knocked me to the floor”. Harry also recalls that his father, King Charles, had joked he wasn’t related to the Royal Family, referring to an affair that his late mother, Princess Diana, allegedly had with Major James Hewitt.

"Yet,assaidinthemedia bythedailytelegraph, recentlytheymadean entiredocumentaryand memoirputting themselvesintothepublic eye. "
"Readingtheseclaims, peopletooktosocial mediatosupportHarry andMeghan"


A new year has come and fans around the world are getting excited for the next big hits New albums? New movies? Here you can find out the latest and most popular arrivals that everyone is looking forward to. In the next few months, multiple Marvel cinematic universe movies will hit the big screens

From Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (February 2023) to Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 (May 2023) A brand-new Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse, the long awaited sequel to SpiderMan: Into the Spider-verse, will also premiere soon (June 2023).

Additionally, the most talked about movies that are coming up are:

Scream VI (March 2023)

The Little Mermaid (May 2023)

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 2023)

Barbie (July 2023)

Dune: Part Two (November 2023)

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (November 2023)

Wonka (December 2023)

As for streaming platforms, Amazon Prime will be releasing a TV adaptation of Daisy Jones and the Six, a popular novel set in the 1970s, in March In the same month, Netflix will offer a second season of Shadow and Bone, based on Leigh Bardugo’s best-selling book trilogy. To round it all off, this summer will bring us a final season of Never Have I Ever, following protagonist Devi Vishwakumar's troubled life during high school

In the music industry, The Gorillaz are planning a comeback with their new album named Cracker Island, due to come out in February. The album will also have special features from Bad Bunny, Stevie Nicks, Beck, and Adeleye Omatoyo Miley Cyrus will be releasing Endless Summer Vacation on March 10th and Lana Del Ray will release Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd. Furthermore, the legendary band Metallica is returning after six years with the album 72 seasons (April 14, 2023)

"Inthenextfewmonths, multipleMarvelcinematic universemovieswillhit thebigscreens"

This year will also be exciting for gamers! The new Nintendo Switch game named Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the long awaited sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, will be unveiled in May, and will not disappoint with its meticulous world-building and top-notch graphics.


And as this article comes to an end, we welcome 2023 with open arms and remain excited about the upcoming media releases.

"Finally,keepyoureyes andearsopenforOlivia RodrigoandEdSheeran, astheyhavehintednew musicwillsoonbe released."
"“Anewgame,Hogwarts Legacy,isexpectedto comeoutonPlayStation, NintendoSwitch,andPC onFebruary10th-withan openworldtoexplorein thewizardinguniverse.”"
news for Harry Potter lovers as well!


Our writers provide fresh insight on any aspect of culture, politics, or trends!


Billion. We hear that word a lot. On television, in class, on the radio while driving to school. The term has become engrained in our minds to the point where we tend to overlook its meaning

However, one billion truly is an almost unfathomable amount. Talking in seconds, 1 million seconds is around 12 days while 1 billion seconds in close to 31 5 years! To put that in proportion to something more tied to the issue of unethical billionaires, if you had a million euros and spent $1000 a day, you would run out of money in three years In contrast, if you had a billion euros and spent the same amount each day, it would take you 2,740 years to spend your wealth.

Now, to the real topic of this article. For those interested in pop culture or the world’s latest scandal, hearing about celebrities and CEOs spending, donating, losing, earning millions or perhaps even billions isn’t too shocking anymore. This is because we have adapted and grown accustomed to the society we live in, often forgetting to be critical about things deemed ‘normal’ which are actually anything but How often do we stop and think about the outrageous sums of money mentioned on a daily basis rather than moving on as passive listeners? Very rarely

For further context, if one earned $7,000 an hour every day from the year 0 to the year 2022 you’d end up with $124 billion by the end of 2022 and would still have made less money than Jeff Bezos (58yrs) whose estimated net worth is $138.2 billion

Already the term ‘billion’ used in a monetary context should raise some red flags, but due to the fact that we live on a planet where inequality is the standard, we hardly even question why and how a single individual can possibly have that amount of money

As United States House Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez once said, “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.” This statement stirred controversy and sparked debates, but to what extent is it true? Can one person ethically make billions of dollars/euros/etc without harming the environment, other people, and the world in general as a consequence?

The short answer is no.

"ifyouhadabillioneuros andspentthesame amounteachday,itwould takeyou2,740yearsto spendyourwealth."
"Howoftendowestopand thinkaboutthe outrageoussumsof moneymentionedona dailybasisratherthan movingonaspassive listeners?Veryrarely.''

Even seemingly philanthropic billionaires choose to maintain their wealth rather than assuage the crushing poverty of millions, demonstrating that the generous donations and charitable contributions they make are motivated by relatively superficial reasons and primarily by their appearance in the eyes of the general public

For example, Mark Zuckerburg (CEO of Facebook) uses part of his wealth to minimally mitigate and combat the housing crisis in Silicon Valley, one that he created himself by moving the Facebook headquarters in Silicon Valley from Palo Alto to Menlo Park, causing housing prices to rise by over 500,000 US dollars.

Which leads us to the next point; is there a fair and ethical way to acquire and maintain such exorbitant sums of money? Our world has reached an obscene inequality crisis dominated by plutocracy, in which wealth and resultantly power is concentrated in the hands of very few individuals, at the cost of crippling misery and limited access to basic human needs such as water, food, shelter or clean air for many

The accumulation of extreme wealth is based on exploitative and inhumane labour practices, reduced taxes, and loopholes in an economic system biased towards the rich who are beneficiaries of such injustices.

Thinking about it logically, if one possesses more money they will have to pay taxes directly proportional to their income, right? Wrong The vast majority of working people earn their livelihood from hourly wages or a regular salary. In either case, income is usually automatically deducted and put towards taxes On the other hand, billionaires and very high-income people can choose whether and when to pay taxes on the growth of their wealth. Essentially, they can state that they earn a much lower amount of money than their actual income in order to pay close to no taxes

''Canonepersonethically makebillionsof dollars/euros/etc.without harmingtheenvironment, otherpeople,andthe worldingeneralasa consequence? Theshortanswerisno."
"Theaccumulationof extremewealthisbased onexploitativeand inhumanelabour practices,reducedtaxes, andloopholesinan economicsystembiased towardstherichwhoare beneficiariesofsuch injustices"
''Ontheotherhand, billionairesandveryhighincomepeoplecanchoose whetherandwhentopay taxesonthegrowthof theirwealth."

For instance, in the United States of America currently the federal income tax rate enforces a tax rate of 37% for individuals making $523,600 yearly or more and for married couples making at least $628,300 To avoid such high tax rates, highearning business owners often pay themselves lower salaries. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, collected just $80,000 per year while really he makes that amount in little over half a minute Steve Jobs (founder of Apple), Meg Whitman (former CEO of Hewlett-Packard), Larry Page and Sergey Brin (co founders of Google) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) all accepted a salary of 1$ per year probably for the same reason

This not only shows how dishonest these incredibly wealthy people are, but also how our economic system and current societal situation permit such scandals to happen Anyone with their level of wealth or even remotely close has more than enough money to provide a full and happy lifestyle for themselves, friends, and family; making the rest of their accumulated money simply a measure of greed

The higher capitalist class generates money often by denying workers a living wage, engaging in exploitative labour practices and other behaviours that violate human rights.

When the average Amazon employee's salary is $28,000 and the company’s CEO makes more than that in 10 Seconds you know that our world has reached a standstill in the journey to a fair future for honest workers.

And when 1% of the population has nearly double the amount of wealth that the remaining 99% has put together, you know for certain that there can’t be such a thing as an ethical billionaire.

''Andwhen1%ofthe populationhasnearly doubletheamountof wealththattheremaining 99%hasputtogether,you knowforcertainthatthere can’tbesuchathingasan ethicalbillionaire. "


Make sure to fill out this crossword based on the articles of this issue!


3 Prince Harry, Duke of

4. Sustainable and environmentally friendly way to generate energy

5. The main threat to Rhinoceros populations

6 City where Italy's most wanted Mafia boss was arrested

7. July 2023 film, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling


1 Facebook CEO and unethical billionaire

2 (Celebratory) Explosive devices banned by the Chinese government

3. Why is nuclear energy efficient?


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