VOLUME 15 / ISSUE 3 • QUARTER 3, 2022 • SINGLE ISSUE $14.95 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SURFACE FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION Room ImprovementforHarnessthepowerofdigitalinnovationsthatincreaseproductivityandfostergrowthinyourbusiness.

4 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association LSCPrintingV2Design:MarshaProofreader:FrankTimBrianJessicaPaulKatherineTheJoeNancyStephenContributors:SarahEditor:PeiperAlbertsBuschDuszkaFreedoniaGroupGifford“Max”LePeraMcNaughtonPoageSaddorisSciarrinoJoScottMarketing&ManagementandDistribution:Communications
ABOUT THIS MAGAZINE Countertops & Architectural Surfaces (ISSN 2372-983X) is published quarterly by the International Surface Fabricators Association (ISFA), with a fifth edition, a Buyers Guide, publishing in October. Individual copies of Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine are available at the nonmember newsstand price of $14.95. Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine is also available by annual subscription (five issues) for $30.00. ISFA members receive a complimentary annual subscription with every membership renewal. Special rates and charges apply for orders outside of the United States. To subscribe, call (888) 599-ISFA. For change of address, please include old label with new information, including both old and new ZIP codes. Allow 3-6 weeks for address change to take effect. Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine is proudly printed in the United States of America. Copyright © International Surface Fabricators Association 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the publisher’s written consent.
Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine and the International Surface Fabricators Association assume no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Materials will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Opinions expressed by contributors in this magazine are not necessarily the opinions of Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine or the International Surface Fabricators Association, but rather those of the individual writers. PHOTOGRAPHY Photos in this publication may not depict proper safety procedures for creative purposes. ISFA and Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine support the use of proper safety procedures in all cases and urge readers to take steps to institute such procedures. Photography/graphics provided by: CREDITS Counter-FormCaraGreenCambriaCaesarstone LLC CrystallyneCrossvilleCoverlamCosentino Enterprises ETemplateElementAlDuratDurasein GemFabricator’sSystemsChoiceIndustries GEOS Gilasi Häcker Kitchens LaserKarranProduct Industries TileSPEEDlabelSlabsmithSlabREHAUQuoteProdimPinpointParkMorawareindustriesStatusCountertopsCloudofSpain Tripandtravelblog.com Wilsonart THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SURFACE FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: LSC Communications c/o Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine 3401 Heartland Drive Liberty, MO 64068

6 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association COVER PHOTO HANSTONE QUARTZ Hyundai L&C USA, based in Atlanta, manufactures and markets premium-quality surfacing products under the HanStone Quartz and Hanex Solid Surfaces brand names. Featured on the cover is HanStone Quartz Calacatta Gold. Striking by design, Calacatta Gold’s sweeping veins stand proud against its solid white background. Balanced and bold, Calacatta Gold adds an air of confidence in any space. To learn more, visit www.hyundailncusa.com. 26FEATURESSoftware&Technology:SmartSolutionsforSurface Fabricators By investing in tech for your business, you can streamline processes, increase productivity, monitor inventory, track jobs, review metrics and more — all of which lead to better margins. These software solutions are designed for today’s fabricator. 31 Successful Software Implementation Starts ImplementingHeresoftware takes time, energy and planning to ensure your new solution works to its fullest potential. 34 Profit: An Unavoidable Side Effect of Measuring Your Business When you track metrics and set goals for improvement, magic can happen. 38 Fabricator Profile: Porcetalia Self-proclaimed porcelain evangelist Paul Nestor cuts a path to success with a unique approach to surface DEPARTMENTSfabrication.8Editor’sNote10CalendarofEvents12IndustryNews15EducationConnection22SustainabilityMatters44Perspectives:NancyBusch45ISFANews49ISFAAssociateMemberDirectory52ProductNews58Perspectives:JoeDuszka CONTENTS Follow us on social media! @ISFAnow.org @ISFAnow @ISFAnow @ISFA 38342631

If you’re looking to up your sales and marketing game, this issue provides everything from a digital marketing budget (page 15) to better ways in which you can improve your customers’ experience (page 18) to methods that can increase customer engagement (page 20). We continue the conversation around Environmental, Social and Governance with actionable steps fabricators can make to embrace a holistic approach toward sustainability (page 22). And this issue’s Fabricator Profile features Paul Nestor of Porcetalia, a fabricator in Georgia — a porcelain pioneer, if you will — who carved out an impressive niche with an exclusive line of material (page 38).
There are a lot of solutions to today’s troubles in this issue of Countertops & Architectural Surfaces, and I hope you find some helpful information and inspiration that enable you to find your path to the stars through difficulties.
It’s a mantra I repeat to myself whenever I face a challenge. And I’m sure you’ll agree there is no absence of challenges these days. You might be looking at material shortages and shipping delays, as we’re all still reeling from the supply chain crunch. Maybe you’re struggling to fill job openings during what has been deemed The Great Resignation. Maybe you’re seeing signs of the recession everyone keeps predicting. Maybe you’re stressing about all of these things and more! Say it with me: Ad Astra per Aspera; to the stars through difficulties. How are you carving out your path to the stars through these difficulties?
According to the Office of the Governor of Kansas, “This motto refers not only to the pioneering spirit of the early settlers, but also the difficult times Kansas went through before becoming a state. The anti-slavery forces and slavery proponents waged battles in the electoral process as well as on the battlefield. Kansas earned the nickname ‘Bloody Kansas’ because of the war regarding slavery, much of which was fought on Kansas soil.”
8 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
Ad Astra per Aspera
Having lived in Kansas for more than half my life, I always appreciated this motto; there’s so much inspiration encompassed in those four little words. Of course, I respect the origination: the history, the struggle of early settlers and those who fought for equality. But even personally — as a human — these are just some really encouraging words by which to live!
Let’s face it: No one loves change, but by paying attention to the details and taking stock of gaps that hinder progress, you have everything to gain (page 34). Set goals, big and small. Reward your team for victories, no matter what size they are. Every step forward counts! It’s essential to be open to the possibilities of doing things differently; maybe there’s a software solution that can help you increase productivity, profits or even compensate for the labor shortage (page 26).
If you’re reading this from the great state of Kansas, you might recognize this Latin phrase. It means “to the stars through difficulties.” John James Ingalls, an early Kansas politician, coined the state motto in 1861. He said, “The aspiration of Kansas is to reach the unattainable; its dream is the realization of the impossible.”

10 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association 2022 ISFA Solid Surface Training September 13-14 San Antonio, www.ISFAnow.orgTexas ISFA Installing Profitability Workshop Part 12 Identifying & Targeting Large POLYCONwww.ISFAnow.orgVirtual2-3SeptemberCustomers14p.m.ET2022 September 19-21 Canton, www.polyconevent.comOhio NSI Stone Summit September 22 Dulles, www.naturalstoneinstitute.comVa. ISFA www.ISFAnow.orgKnoxville,SeptemberRoundtable27-29Tenn. Cersaie September 26-30 Bologna, Italy www.cersaie.it Marmomac September 27-30 Verona, Italy www.marmomac.com ISFA SeptemberMixer 29 5:00 p.m. ET NSIwww.ISFAnow.orgVirtualStoneSummit October Charlotte,6 www.naturalstoneinstitute.comN.C. ISFA Installing Profitability Workshop Part 13 Commercial Channel Success October 12 2-3 p.m. ET www.ISFAnow.orgVirtualGreenbuildSustainableInfrastructureSummit October 13 Virtual www.greenbuildexpo.com Xylexpo October 12-15 Milan, Italy www.xylexpo.com ISFA Annual Conference October www.ISFAnow.orgClearwater,17-19Fla. Greenbuild Healthy Materials Summit October 20 www.greenbuildexpo.comOnline Kitchen + Bath Canada (KBC) October 26-28 Toronto www.kbcexpo.com ISFA Santa5:00OctoberMixer27p.m.ETFeSprings, Calif. Live & virtual Greenbuildwww.ISFAnow.orgInternational Conference and Expo November 1-3 San Francisco www.greenbuildexpo.com R-CON November 1-4 Charleston, www.rockheadsusa.comS.C. Total Solutions Plus November 6-8 Indian Wells, www.ctdahome.orgCalif. ISFA Installing Profitability Workshop Part 14 Annual Strategic Planning November 9 2-3 p.m. ET NSIwww.ISFAnow.orgVirtualStoneSummit November www.naturalstoneinstitute.comSacramento,10Calif. Middle East Stone Show December 5-8 Dubai, www.middleeaststone.comU.A.E. ISFA DecemberMixer 8 5:00 p.m. ET www.ISFAnow.orgVirtual ISFA Installing Profitability Workshop Part 15 Delegating with Confidence December 14 2-3 p.m. ET KBISwww.ISFAnow.orgVirtual2023 January 31-February 2 Las Vegas www.kbis.com Submit your event for consideration in Calendar of Events by emailing Editor Sarah Peiper, Sarah@ISFAnow.org. CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Tom AnthonyKetteringCoggins
12 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association IN THE INDUSTRY
Crossville Announces Two Sales Leadership Promotions
Crossville, Inc. announced two promotions within its sales organization. Tom Kettering and Anthony Coggins are both expanding their roles as directors of sales for their respective geographic regions. “As our business continues to grow and evolve, it is critical to ensure that our sales organization has the proper leadership focus and structure to succeed. I look forward to working with Tom and Anthony as they cultivate their new team members and customers to take our business to the next level,” said Larry Browder, Crossville’s executive vice president of sales.
BB Industries and Integra Adhesives Tee Up a Giveaway BB Industries and Integra Adhesives have announced a special promotion. Now through the end of 2022, fabricators can be entered in a drawing for one of two tickets to attend the 2023 Masters Tournament, one of the four major championships in professional golf. It is held at the Augusta National Golf Club, a private course in Augusta, Georgia.
“There is a limited number of Competition Day passes available.”
For every case of Integra adhesive purchased, participants earn an entry in the drawing. One case equals 20 tubes, and colors can be mixed. The case quantity must be purchased in a single order to qualify. Case purchases made from June 15, 2022 through December 31, 2022 qualify for the Adrawing.Masters ticket and accommodations are included with winning selections, according to Dykstra. Two winners will be announced at BBI’s third annual TISE party in February 2023. Complete details about this promotion can be found at www.bbindustriesllc.com/masters.
Tom Kettering, previously a Crossville divisional manager, has been promoted to director of sales–midwest/east. In addition to his existing responsibilities overseeing Crossville’s independent distribution division in the Midwest and northeast U.S., Kettering will now lead the sales efforts for the southeastern distribution division. Kettering is an experienced sales manager with a demonstrated history of success in the tile and building products industry. In his lengthy tenure with Crossville, he has established himself as an innovative leader who’s adept at creating and executing sales and business strategies to grow market share. Prior to joining Crossville, he served as the western division sales manager for Interstate Supply Company and then as director of commercial sales for ISC Surfaces. Anthony Coggins, previously regional sales manager for Crossville Studios, has been promoted to director of sales–west/mountain region. In his newly expanded role, Coggins assumes the sales leadership responsibilities for Crossville’s western independent distribution division. He will also continue to lead the sales efforts in the mountain region. Coggins has been a part of the Crossville Studios team for 19 years in various roles of increasing responsibility. He began his Crossville career in the Charlotte, North Carolina branch and worked his way up. Five years ago, Coggins relocated to Denver to lead the outside commercial and residential sales teams in the Studios mountain region. Since his arrival in Colorado, his guidance has played a pivotal role in revitalizing the business in the region.
“Going to the Masters Tournament is on a lot of bucket lists,” says Jeff Dykstra, BBI vice president of revenue operations.

• Discussing common green building considerations for these materials, including embodied energy, potentially harmful ingredients, and land impacts.
IN THE INDUSTRY Natural Stone vs. Manmade Materials CEU Courses Now Available Through 2026, engineered stone will continue to expand its leading share of the U.S. countertop market to account for 36% of demand in area terms. The rapid increase in low-cost slabs from foreign markets — particularly China, India, Turkey, and Vietnam — have made engineered stone countertops more affordable for middle-class homeowners: As prices for engineered stone decreased as color availability expanded, consumers became much more willing to purchase higher cost countertops and grew to strongly prefer the aesthetics and quality of engineered stone. As a result, engineered stone surpassed laminate to become the most used countertop material in the U.S. in 2021, marking the first time in decades that laminate was not the most popular countertop material. To get the full report, visit www.freedoniagroup.com.
Demand for Engineered Stone Countertops to Grow 9.6% Annually Through 2026
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 13
BothApplications.coursescompare the versatility, performance characteristics, and green building considerations for both natural stone and human-made materials. Understanding these key points will prepare participants with knowledge for design concepts, applications, and how to educate clients. Learning objectives include: • Defining and explaining attributes to understand what can affect the performance of both natural stone and humanmade materials.
The Natural Stone Institute released two new CEU courses covering Natural Stone vs. Manmade Materials in Exterior and Interior
• Comparing and contrasting the attributes and installation capabilities of natural stone and human-made materials to understand the optimal building material choice for project design and installation.
• Learning which innovative design trends can be satisfied with natural stone, including biophilic design, complex geometries, and textures to offer both creative and aesthetic Danielopportunity.Wood, natural stone and materials consultant for Lurvey Supply and CEU committee chair said: “The material comparisons in these CEUs provide a side-by-side look at the different attributes and performance characteristics of both natural stone and human-made materials. This content will help the design community understand the differences between them, their environmental footprints, and will allow them to make more informed specification decisions.”
Both courses are approved for AIA, IDCEC, LACES and NKBA credit. These new courses are available to certified CEU speakers for download and presentation through the CEU Events dashboard. To learn more about becoming a certified CEU speaker through the Natural Stone Institute, visit www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/CEU.

With Steep Tariffs on Chinese Engineered Stone, Fabricators Look Elsewhere for Low-Cost Supply
14 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association IN THE INDUSTRY
Tariffs can cause significant disruptions in the U.S. countertop market, as the U.S. is largely a net importer of countertop products. This has been especially true in the market for engineered stone countertops, according to The Freedonia Group. Although U.S.-based production of engineered stone continues to expand, the vast majority of the quartz slab supply in the U.S. is imported from countries like Canada, India, Israel, Spain, Turkey and Vietnam. Prior to 2019, China was by far the leading source of quartz slab imports to the U.S., as suppliers were able to provide materials at a price level much lower than domestic producers, as well as being able to supply the market with a wide variety of colors that were not able to be made using the BretonHowever,process.in April 2018, steep tariffs in excess of 200% were imposed on quartz imports from China. In response, U.S. producers and fabricators sought other low-cost sources of quartz slab, most notably India and Turkey, resulting in Chinese imports plummeting: In 2021, less than 1 million square meters of surgedfrom2018,fromimportedslabsquartzwereChina.SinceimportsIndiahaveandnow account for the highest share of U.S. quartz supply. In 2019, tariffs were also imposed on quartz slabs from India and Turkey, as firms from these countries were ruled to have dumped product into the U.S. countertop market. Nevertheless, import activity from India and Turkey has remained strong since then, as the tariffs imposed on these countries were lower than those imposed on China.

A Digital Marketing Budget for Fabricators
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 15 EDUCATION CONNECTION
The key advantage is that you can track these types of advertising a lot easier than traditional methods like TV and radio. You can determine if someone goes to your website, how they found you, and more — right down to the moment they pick up the phone and call you. There are a lot of powerful insights into consumer behavior that you can use to attract more customers. But like any type of advertising, this all comes with a cost. Here’s a breakdown of a digital marketing budget for fabricators and tips on how to prioritize your strategies. Your Website + SEO Let’s start with your website. If your website is messy, you don’t want to waste time and money sending traffic to it. As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Here’s what you need to keep in mind when building your virtual presence: These days, if you want to grow your customer base, you should implement a digital marketing strategy. There is a suite of options to target trackable.bank,havewhat?online,customersandguessItdoesn’ttobreaktheandit’shighly
By Stephen Alberts Are you still relying on word-of-mouth and referrals to drive new business? Have you dabbled in radio ads, television, or even billboards? Like most, you may have discovered that tracking the return on investment is challenging. These days, if you want to grow your customer base, you should implement a digital marketing strategy. There is a suite of options to target customers online, and guess what? It doesn’t have to break the bank, and it’s highly trackable.Common digital marketing strategies include advertising on Google, including search ads, which show a link to your website at the top of a search page. You can also leverage display ads on websites your target customers might frequent, like popular news or e-commerce sites. Social media advertising is another great way to get the word out about your business. You can create dedicated advertising campaigns or boost posts to get more visibility for your content. The beauty of digital advertising is that these ads are highly targeted. You can put a Google ad in front of someone searching “granite countertops in Tampa.” If you’re a fabricator in Tampa, you can pay Google to ensure they find you at the top of their search results. And as long as the clickthrough to your website provides a good user experience, they’ll likely “convert” and engage with you about their next project.
16 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
• About, contact, services pages: These pages typically get a lot of visits, so you need these pages on your site, and they need to be easy to find in your site’s navigation. Make sure the user experience is mobile friendly and fast.
Google on search pages. I say organic in the sense that you’re not paying to get the result, but you’re taking steps to get the same result. It’s imperative that you make sure your website is on the first page of results when someone searches for the products or services you offer. Most people don’t click past the first page of results, so it’s crucial your business appears at the top of the list.
It can be a full-time job to manage SEO for a company. A lot of work goes into it, and it’s constantly evolving. It’s not something you can set and forget like your mom’s slow cooker, which is why most agencies charge a lot to handle this for you. If you have a marketing team in-house, this is learnable and executable, but if not, consider hiring an agency to manage this for you.
• Material offerings: At the Countertop Marketing Co., we work with dozens of fabricators, and we look at the data. We find that granite and quartz pages are the next two pages users visit.
Facebook/Instagram Ads + Google Ads At our agency, we usually start Facebook and Instagram ads for our clients because we can get them up and running quickly while we build their websites. Then we move on to Google Ads because you don’t want to waste marketing dollars funneling traffic from Google Ads to a mediocre website.
• Homepage: Include all your important information about your business on your homepage as it’s the most visited page on your site. You want to make sure that anyone visiting your site knows what you do, what you have to offer and how they can get in touch.
Facebook + Instagram Ads Facebook and Instagram are beasts when it comes to advertising. People are on social media hanging out. They aren’t necessarily there looking for a countertop, so you will be interrupting them — much like traditional advertising. But the beauty of social media advertising is that you can place an ad in front of exactly who you want to target. Instead of blanketing a large demographic hoping to reach the right person, you can target potential customers from the beginning based on their likes and dislikes, geographic location, and even their household income or profession.
• Blog: These are short stories, photo galleries and articles that help your consumer learn about your products, services and more. These help the discoverability of your website, and they convey to your visitors that you are an authority on the subject. Budget: A new website can run between $1500-$5000. I recommend the WordPress platform because it’s easy to manage and keep updated. Make sure you own the site after it’s developed, and determine a maintenance plan so that your site stays updated as technology improves. SEO SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is an organic way to get you a higher rank in
It can be a full-time job to manage SEO for a company. A lot of work goes into it, and it’s foramostcooker,yoursetsomethingevolving.constantlyIt’snotyoucanandforgetlikemom’sslowwhichiswhyagencieschargelottohandlethisyou.
Budget: Most marketing agencies charge around $1500-$3000 per month for SEO management. Make sure to ask about their strategy while holding them accountable for results.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 17
Stephen Alberts is the owner of the Countertop Marketing Co., which specializes in helping countertop companies grow the retail side of their business outside of wordof-mouth and referrals. To learn more and book a free strategy session, marketingco.com.steve@countertopcontactmarketingco.com/https://countertopvisitorStephenat
You can do many types of ads on Facebook and Instagram. What work best for our clients are lead ads. It’s a simple ad promoting a package or sale, encouraging the user to contact you directly on the platform. Leads are around $30$100 per lead. So for $1000 per month, you can expect about 10-30 leads. It all varies on the time of year, the offer and your market.
Budget: Most fabricators spend around $1000-$3000 per month on Google Ads. An agency will charge about $500-$1000 per month to manage Google Ad campaigns. Determining the Budget Given the budgets outlined above, let’s look at the costs to determine whether you hire an agency or handle the work in-house. Website development and SEO: $2500 per month Facebook + Instagram Ads: $1000 per month Google Ads: $1500 per month = Total annual budget (agency): $5000 per month including ad spend + agency fees = $60,000 Total annual budget (in-house): $2500 per month in ad spend + $30,000-$60,000 employee salary = $60,000-$90,000 No matter what advertising you do, it’s essential to know your numbers and track your progress. Make sure you monitor all leads, your marketing spends, and how many countertop projects you are closing as a result of your efforts. Periodically review your marketing plan, lean in to what’s working, and pivot away from what isn’t. C CONNECTION
Attention Fabricators! Hear more from Stephen and learn how you can up your marketing and advertising game at ISFA’s Annual Conference October 17-19, 2022, in Clearwater, Florida. Register now at www.ISFAnow.org/annual-conference.
Budget: Expect to spend around $1000$1500 per month on social media ads. For Google Ads, agencies charge about $500-$1000 per month to manage social media ads. Google Ads When you run Google Ads, you show up at the top of the search page. If someone searches “countertops near me,” your business appears in one of the top few spots. Then when they click that ad, you pay Google for that click. For fabricators, the Cost Per Click (CPC) is usually around $5 per click. Let’s say you get 100 clicks from Google in a month. Your cost will be $500 (100 x $5 per click). Buyer beware: A click does not mean a lead! The quality of your website will determine the number of leads you get. You can get anywhere from a 5% to 15% conversion on these clicks. So out of 100 clicks, you might get 5 to 15 leads. Doing the math on that, each lead costs $100. Leads with Google Ads can range from $50-$150 per lead for Therefore,fabricators.youmust figure out your numbers. How many jobs can you close with x number of leads? If it’s low, like 10%, you should be striving to improve that. Maybe you need to improve your follow-up process and contact leads quicker. There could be a lot of variables, but getting your close rate up will make your advertising strategy more successful.

18 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
2. It manages customer expectations. Your customer now has an exceptionally vivid idea of what the countertop color they pick will look like with their cabinets. This will help mitigate buyer’s remorse that can happen when the imagination fails to render the final result properly.
By Frank Sciarrino When selling countertops or any other in-home professional service, you must answer three critical questions for your customer: What does it look like? How much is it going to cost? When will I receive it? How do you help your customers envision the final product during the countertop sales process? Are they left to imagine what that final product will look like in their home alongside their cabinets, walls and floors? If so, you are missing out on a powerful tool that can elevate your sales process and increase your close rate: visualization software. In this digital age, customers are expecting a unique experience. They want to see what they will get before they buy it.
You are missing out on a powerful tool that can elevate your sales process and increase your close rate: visualization software
2. Customizable countertop selection. Your visualizer should have a robust selection of the different countertop A
CustomersforExperienceBetterYour EDUCATION CONNECTION
1. Customers spend more. When customers start designing, naturally gravitating to those group four and five colors, they have already moved into a higher price range. They aren’t likely to walk in the door and pick a group one standard color that they know doesn’t look as nice as the group four color. You’ve upsold them without even trying.
3. It’s a powerful marketing tool. Using a design tool is a fantastic way to interact with potential customers through your website and social media outlets. Reach those customers early in the sales cycle and push them closer to being ready to purchase.
1. Mobile friendly. More than half of the users interacting with the software will be on a mobile device. Make sure any visualizer you choose provides an ideal experience on phones and tablets.
4. Get more leads. A good visualizer will have a creative way to make potential customers enter their contact information to interact with the tool. When vetting visualizer software for your business, here are some features to consider:
In a recent interview with CNBC, Houzz CEO Adi Tatarko claimed that Houzz’s new 3D tool results in a staggering increase in sales. “Since we introduced that tool last year, we had over 2 million people who used it in order to make decisions for their home remodeling and design,” said Tatarko. “And these people were 11 times more likely to purchase the product and materials they saw using this technology.”Forsurface fabricators, a visualizer enables customers to design their dream kitchen while increasing sales success rate in the following ways:
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 19
5. Showroom experience. Visualization software should be made available in your showroom alongside samples of surface types.
8. Website integration. A visualizer can be a stand-alone piece of software installed on a tablet or a computer in your showroom, but ideally, this software would be incorporated into your website, providing a well-rounded user experience for customers shopping online.
7. In-home sales: Visualizers are great tools to help you close the sale in the home, so make sure you arm your sales team with the ability to use this tool on the go.
EDUCATION CONNECTION materials you carry, whether granite, quartz, porcelain, quartzite or solid surface. Make sure you can add your stock colors.
C Frank is a third-generation stone fabricator with more than 20 years’ experience in the stone industry. Currently, Frank is a managing partner of Quote Countertops, a leading technology.marketingsalesnationcompaniesfabricatorsHecareaGraniteplatform,visualizationconsumer-facingandquotingandpresidentofGoldServices,Inc.,providerofcountertopproductsandservices.regularlyadvisesandmarketingacrossthetohelpdrivemorethroughdigitalstrategyand
9. Search engine optimization and search engine marketing. Your customers are starting their journey on Google. To help convert more clicks to conversions, feature your design tool as a prioritized landing page to engage consumers and drive more revenue.
A visualizer can be a stand-alone piece of software installed on a tablet or a computer in your showroom, but ideally, this software would be incorporated into your website, providing a well-rounded user experience for customers shopping online.
3. Other room elements. Make sure the customer can change more than just the countertops. There should be options to customize the design to appropriately render flooring, wall color, appliances and cabinets, as well as the countertops.
4. Layout options. Great visualizers allow a customer to change the layout of the kitchen design. For example, they need to see an L-shaped kitchen with and without an island.
6. Lead generation. Your visualizer should always have a lead capture function that allows you to get the customer’s name, email and phone number. Ideally, the customer verifies their information through a text message code to ensure authenticity.

20 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
But how can contractors who are busy hard at work on the job site make time to carefully document progress and share it in a way that’s easy for all stakeholders to understand? That’s where modern technology comes in. Real-Time Digital Reporting
How to
By Brian Poage Data is everywhere these days, and if you’re not paying attention to metrics, you’re missing out on opportunities to strengthen your business and your rapport with your customers. Digital reporting technology helps contractors easily document progress on the job and share real-time updates with their clients. This open communication keeps stakeholders informed, preventing disputes and improving customer satisfaction. Communication is Key Construction and remodeling projects are complex, and there is plenty of room for error in the process of designing and installing new features, including countertops. While some disputes are the result of unavoidable, unpredictable circumstances, a lack of clear communication is just as often to blame for costly scope changes.
Most contractors already have some sort of documentation process to track project progress and make sure work stays on schedule. However, if that reporting is still being done on pen and paper, it’s likely not fast or efficient enough to effectively share with customers. Digital reporting software vastly improves the quality of data and increases visibility for both internal and external stakeholders. It reduces the need for manual data entry and helps contractors clearly communicate progress updates on a regular basis to avoid misunderstandings and save time.
EDUCATION CONNECTION General communicating.differentbecauseunprofessional,arebecauseexpectationsmayandsubcontractorscontractors,customersmisinterpretnottheycarelessorbuttheyhavewaysof
Increased Visibility With digital reporting, contractors can more easily record accurate data from the job site. Using
General contractors, subcontractors and customers may misinterpret expectations not because they are careless or unprofessional, but because they have different ways of communicating. And, when there has been a simple miscommunication at the bid or design phase of a project, a lack of customer engagement moving forward will compound the problem and prevent contractors from being able to fix a minor misunderstanding before it evolves into a major issue.
Because it is much more convenient and more streamlined than pen and paper documentation, digital reporting software helps improve the quality of data, not just the speed at which it can be collected and communicated. Contractors who use digital reporting can not only share real-time progress updates with customers, but they can also be sure it’s accurate. Using the real-time insights digital reporting provides, stakeholders can be more adaptive, making accurate projections about budgets and schedules and adjusting them as needed instead of making major scope changes further down the line. Customers who are kept in the loop and who are engaged and involved in the details of a project are also less inclined to feel misled if additional expenses are incurred or deadlines are extended, because they will have a better understanding of why those changes are necessary.
• Real-time Insights. Using cloud storage, digital reports can be shared instantly between internal stakeholders. Onsite workers don’t need to take time out of the workday to update managers or office teams through email or messaging applications, and reports can be downloaded from cloud storage systems and sent to customers in real time. Historical data is also easily accessed in the event a dispute does arise and proof of work is needed.
Additionally, contractors will be able to make more informed bids for future jobs based on the high-quality data they’ve collected from past projects, again leading to fewer misunderstandings. Digital Reporting for Your Construction Business
• Mobile Data Capture. Digital reporting is faster than pen and paper thanks to mobile data capture. Now, instead of taking valuable time away from project-related tasks to write down information that will need to be manually entered into a digital system before it can be shared with customers, contractors can quickly record data on a phone or tablet by typing or using voice-to-text capabilities. This reduces downtime and translation errors when providing updates for clients or office teams.
Dispute Prevention
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 21
CONNECTION digital devices and a variety of convenient features that go above and beyond paper reporting, they can paint a clear picture of what work has been completed by the hour each day.
• Photos and Videos. Even better than text reports, photos and videos provide exceptional visibility into project progress, and they are easy to capture and add to digital reports. Visual documentation lets customers and other stakeholders who can’t be physically on the job site see what’s happening day to day as if they were present. If there has been a misunderstanding of design documents or schedule expectations, photos and videos can make a huge difference in catching and correcting it early.
It’s important to choose a digital reporting tool that makes sense for the needs of your business. Contractors need to implement documentation software that is easy to use and streamlines workflows in order for it to be effective. With the right technology, contractors can quickly collect high-quality data from the job site and share it with customers to build better business relationships. Better communication means fewer disputes — and higher profitability. C Brian Poage is a senior construction support manager at Raken, a cloudbased reporting and field management platform for contractors. Brian started his construction career with Turner Construction Company and worked as a field engineer, project engineer and superintendent. After Turner, he transitioned to a project manager role for the developer Holland Partner Group before becoming project manager for WeWork. A former Raken customer, Brian was impressed with the field adoption of the platform and ability to leverage analytics to improve their project management — so he joined Raken to help other companies find the same real-time reporting and insights. Learn more about Raken www.rakenapp.com.at
• Report Templates and Checklists. Digital report templates and standardized checklists promote consistent communications by eliminating guesswork. Project managers or crew supervisors can supply an exact template of information contractors need to provide, so that it can be quickly referenced when review is needed, or customers ask specific questions.

• Use renewable energy like solar. Take advantage of local or state tax abatements!
• Reduce waste costs and tonnage by diverting waste streams from landfills. Implement material recycling programs, reuse offal, repurpose materials and repair instead of replace. Regulate Compliance
• Increase employee productivity
A study by McKinsey & Company1 shows that ESG links to cash flow in five ways:
• Regulate compliance • Facilitate top-line growth
• Compliance with local requirements can help you
• Decrease water consumption and pollution. Install recycling and filtration systems, rain catchment.
Whereas these initiatives may seem like a stretch to those fabricators who have little context or experience with implementing sustainable initiatives, the endgame is to help their businesses mature, align with investor expectations, create mindfulness and make a difference while building equity. We can drill down into some practical applications of the five pillars: Reduce Costs
Sustainability Matters: Fabricating a Difference
By Paul “Max” Le Pera and Jessica McNaughton
• Decrease energy use. Revamp light fixtures, climate control, hours of use/operation.
• Reduce costs
In the last issue, we further set the foundation of holistic sustainability by focusing on industrial definitions that are rapidly emerging, namely Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and its criteria for businesses. Regardless of perspective, using conscious choice aligned with personal values and motivations to groom one’s company toward evolving investment strategies — sustainability managed — is not an expense; it is an investment that can yield a return. Let’s look at some ways fabricators can begin the path toward ESG and break it down into achievable action items.
Using these five pillars, fabricators can implement ESG according to their goals, budget and timelines. These pillars give structure to how leadership can focus efforts and whose actions are aligned with the efficacy of their sustainability journey.
22 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS
• Increasing knowledge and compliance with OSHA and other safety standards reduces long-term risks and costs.
• Optimize investment and capital expenditures
• Implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, such as Salesforce, to facilitate data management which facilitates product line, region and customer profile optimization.
• Increase throughput, efficiency, quality and capacity.
• Acknowledge employees for their hard work, achievements and commitment to excellence.
• Reduce labor or production costs by streamlining processes.•Avoidlong-term breakdowns by repairing and upgrading problematic machinery.
• Improve your employee incentives. Revisit compensation packages, offer signing bonuses, referral programs, flexible schedules and minimize waiting periods for benefits.
• Participate in and host events with industry-related organizations such as the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), International Interior Design Association (IIDA), National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), and International Surface Fabricators Association (ISFA).
By embracing some of these initiatives, you can increase morale, decrease turnover, increase loyalty, improve camaraderie and increase productivity.
• Create incentive programs and position sustainability as a priority.
Optimize Investments and Capital Expenditures with Better Mechanical Infrastructure
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 23
• Promote teamwork, inclusivity and proactively seek feedback to engage employees in company goals and developmental programs.
• Connect with the local community. Support philanthropic efforts and sponsor community events and programs. Create awareness for your company by publicizing your involvement.
qualify for subsidies, government incentives or programs, and avoid costly fees for noncompliance. Promote adherence to standards to elevate your company’s public profle.
• Foster postivity and company pride with activities like family picnics, happy hours or softball tournaments — even a bonus day off for a job well done. Offer company swag items such as shirts, hats and more, which doubles as brand awareness for your company. By embracing some of these initiatives, you can increase morale, decrease turnover, increase loyalty, improve camaraderie and increase productivity. Positivity is contagious, and good energy created by your company culture via these initiatives will have positive effects that ripple within the company and throughout your customer base. These intangible benefits should be supplemented with measured results as well, and information must be captured andHowever,assessed. implementing infrastructure and systems aligned with ESG principles can be only as good as the data that you can measure from them in order to understand the results. Knowing if these efforts are helping grow your
• Use less raw material with optimized software and hardware.•Explore eco-friendly transportation and tooling solutions that increase efficiency, mitigate safety risks and decrease fuel consumption.
Increase Employee Productivity by Fostering a Positive Company Culture
• Develop effective leaders and encourage 360-degree accountability. Lead by example, encourage engagement and participation, volunteerism and open dialogue.
Facilitate Top Line Growth: Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Opportunities
Strategic technological deployment can play a critical role in efficiencies as well as be leveraged to align with ESG.
Dave says tools like Salesforce can be used as an engagement tool, to manage activities, track and plan call routes, or an alert when systems or projects could be at risk.
24 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS
Strategic technological deployment can play a critical role in efficiencies as well as be leveraged to align with ESG.
revenue or decreasing your expenses is critical, so having a platform that captures the data is an important part of the process. Not everyone wants to overlay a data management system over their existing infrastructure, but if the interest is there, it can be a lucrative piece of the puzzle.
CRM tools are growing in popularity as the data surrounding executables can be tracked and results monitored over a number of parameters such as applications, opportunities, time frame or customer profile. It facilitates the management and optimization of your efforts.
For example, Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM platforms.
Dave Baldwin, a customer success executive for a large health care vendor, has been using Salesforce for 15 years. When asked about sustainability and how Salesforce could be used as a tool to help create and manage this initiative within a company, Dave said, “Tools like Salesforce are exceptionally powerful in helping drive a single source of truth, to consolidate and analyze data, to yield truly actionable information, that if used and embraced accordingly, can have a profound impact on business operations by driving efficiencies, managing growth and focusing on the best way to engage a customer — the right solution, in the right place, at the right “Customer-firsttime.
collaboration tools like Salesforce have been experiencing amazing growth,“ continued Dave. “Likely due not just to their ability to turn data into information, but to allow an entire organization to understand the scope of engagement with complex customers.”

Paul “Max” Le Pera is the president and founder of Proprietary Ventures, LLC, a boutique-style global firm devoted to researching, discovering and deploying disruptive and sustainably oriented proprietary products and technologies. He serves on the ISFA board of directors as vice president of standards. He can be reached at proprietaryventures.com.paul.l@
ESG can be systematically implemented into any size or type of company, but sustainability is a journey, not a destination.
Fabricators individually or as a group can make a difference in their businesses and environments by taking a hard look at where they are now and strategically choosing any number of these action items to get started. Leadership needs to remain mindful that putting these measures in place is not an all-or-nothing effort; it is taking steps toward doing better and aligning your business with defined core values, specific initiatives and other emerging ESG requirements targeted to protecting future generations, investors and customers. C SURFACE FABRICATORS
Jessica McNaughton serves as president at CaraGreen, a provider of sustainable building materials, including many alternative surfacing materials. She has 20 years’ experience in sales, marketing, jessica@caragreen.com.SheBuildandProfessionalasmaintainedCaraGreen,salesPreviouslydevelopmentbusinessandstrategy.thedirectorofandmarketingatJessicahasherstatusaLEEDAccreditedsince2009shehostsapodcast,GreenLiveGreen.canbereachedat
“While these types of capabilities impact supplier operations,” added Dave, “there are much further-reaching implications to these types of technologies. By tracking and aligning to operational goals with sustainability in mind, you can do well while doing good, which has been the mantra of Marc Benioff, Salesforce founder and CEO.”
Using a CRM for something as simple as route planning2 can optimize use of time, minimize costs, and increase throughput and efficiency, which directly impacts your bottom line.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 25

SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY: Smart Solutions for Surface Fabricators
Caesarstone Connect
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The Caesarstone Connect platform is the first-of-its-kind integrated online estimator and project management tool that immediately delivers a detailed per-square-foot price quote that includes material, fabrication and installation costs, and seamlessly connects projects to certified Caesarstone fabricators. Once the quote is accepted by the customer and converted to an order, the complete order is sent directly to a certified Caesarstone fabricator who confirms measurements, fabricates and installs the Caesarstone product. The Caesarstone Connect online platform manages the project from start to finish, working with high-quality fabrication partners to deliver a fully installed quartz surface in the home. Quality is guaranteed via Caesarstone’s trusted and certified fabricator network. To learn more or inquire about becoming a fabricator partner of Caesarstone Connect, visit www. caesarstoneus.com/caesarstone-connect-hub/ or contact a local Caesarstone representative. CounterGo by Moraware CounterGo is a straightforward drawing and estimating solution that allows fabricators to become more efficient, accurate and professional. This industry-leading software makes quoting countertops in as little as three minutes possible while taking the business side of a accuratecommunication,level.shopcountertoptothenextWithclearandconsistent pricing, and easy accounting using the QuickBooks Integration, fabricators quickly see an increase in bid output and countertop sales. Learn more at www.moraware.com.
ELaser Xpress 3D by ETemplate Systems Systems,ETemplateexperts in digital measuring, are the makers of the ELaser Xpress 3D ETemplatebySystem.TemplatingPoweredaward-winningMeasure
Manager software, templates are faster and easier, and the software provides seamless compatibility with all CNC machinery. The ELaser Xpress 3D system features auto-start software, an industry-best, three-year warranty, enhanced speed averaging one second per point, accuracy of 1 to 2 mm for a standard-size space, horizontal and vertical fine adjustment knobs, digital leveling, hand-held remote, Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable batteries with charger, and compact design with a rugged case for easy portability. These enhancements, along with automated countertop functions and new manual design updates within Measure Manager, allow users to create templates faster than ever before. Set up, shoot your points, press enter and you’re done! For more information, visit www.etemplatesystem.com.
By Sarah Peiper If you’re not investing in tech for your business, you’re missing out on growth opportunities that enable you to streamline processes, monitor material inventory, track jobs, review metrics and provide a richer experience for your customers — all of which lead to better margins and more sales. Here are some of the latest and greatest software solutions that support today’s fabricators.

LPI wants you to be a part of the future and help them reinforce the foundation of digital templating and fabrication and evolve it. To be a part of this evolution and keep up to date on the latest news, beta testing opportunities and more, go to www.laserproductsus.com/innovation and sign up for this exciting opportunity.
• Eliminate missed appointments. Customers get an accurate estimated arrival time via service tech GPS location
• Automate appointment reminders and reduce call volume with two-way texting.
•monitoring.Buildcustomer loyalty. Customer experience is transformed through simplified two-way text communications, service technician photo identification and bio, and requests for customer feedback.
Hot Sauce Selling Software Whether it be supersizing a meal, a wheel shine with a car wash, or an extended warranty on an appliance, every day consumers are introduced to options that upgrade a sale. These offerings, called “Hot Sauce,” are deemed a little something extra that can enhance a purchase. The same holds true for countertops. Hot Sauce can dramatically improve your profitability with the most immediate earnings boost you can do for your company. The Hot Sauce selling software provides content, images and pricing so that every consumer-facing employee can be your best salesperson. Hot Sauce selling software offers meaningful metrics that enable you to track sales, integrate with Moraware and automate communications with your customers and your team. Visit www.hotsauceyourtops.com to learn more about this powerful selling tool and how users are increasing their profitability with every sale.
PHOTOTOP 5 by Fabricator’s Choice PHOTOTOP 5 from Fabricator’s Choice just keeps getting better with added power capabilities. Functionalities include the ability to auto-create miter strips, auto-create lamination, auto-dimension on PDF output and more. PHOTOTOP 5 makes templating fast and accurate, and the program is easy to use. notsoftwareequipment.systems,jobwithIntegratesupporttrainingProfessionalandonlineareavailable.templatingofficeinventory,managementandshopMultiplelicensesarerequiredtoexpand
PHOTOTOP 5 to additional templaters.
Simply order ORGANIZE Field Kits, which include a laptop, camera and markers. The exclusive Organize On-site Tool provides immediate confirmation and file delivery of the most highly detailed digital templates in the business. PHOTOTOP users enjoy frequent upgrade options due to ongoing developments. For more information, visit www.fabchoice.com. Pinpoint Status There’s never been a better time to transform your customer experience. PinPoint Status’ mobile app and platform sync with your scheduling software to:
• Measure employee performance and build online reviews. Automatically ask customers to review their service after a job is done. Generate employee performance reports and help capture positive online reviews.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 27
LT3Raptor by Laser Products Industries (LPI) Companies are continuing to navigate through labor shortages and high demand in various ways, including transitioning to a digital process. LPI is giving fabricators the opportunity to get a glimpse of what is just the start of the future of LPI with its LT3Raptor software. The benefits of going digital are enhanced with LT3Raptor. With built-in Templating Intelligence technology, enhanced user-friendliness, and cloud capabilities, LT3Raptor is designed to template jobs quicker and easier than ever before, helping expedite your process and get more jobs done per week.
Created by Nick Began, co-founder of The Rock Heads Group USA, PinPoint Status eliminates communication gaps between in-home service providers and the homeowners they serve. Low flat rates and a user-based monthly subscription model make PinPoint Status a simple, affordable solution for companies of any size. For more information, visit www.pinpointstatus.com.

The Latest Improvements: Prodim Factory 5.0: Integrated Photogrammetry
Site Control: Check Your Digital Templates with Photos
Interpolate: Simplify, Connect and Enhance Complex Shapes
Countertops, backsplashes, bathrooms, stairs and more: All these beautiful things begin with an accurate measurement.
Match an image captured by camera with measurements or drawings. You can show your picture in drawing/editing view or in the rotating 2D/3D view. This increases awareness and guidance while editing, and it reduces the risk of mistakes.
28 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association Prodim’s Proliner: Streamlining Surface Fabrication Since Day One
If you process the layout created in DRAW to MATCH, it will instantly be presented in a 2D preview. Use the 2D layout for vein matching, but the 3D experience improves your perspective! Zoom, rotate and create snapshots of favorite views or match views with photos. Smart Nesting: Simple, fast and realistic nesting You immediately see what is going to happen! Pieces are now automatically labeled for easier piece identification. Use the auto-alignment function to align all pieces (with or without considering in/out lines) and edit the cutlines to solve impossible corners or other challenges. To find more information about this powerful tool designed for today’s fabricator, visit www.prodim-systems.com.
Quickly simplify complex shapes, connect open shapes and address imperfections. Reduce points! Simply slide between smooth and accurate to the position you want. This is a a great solution for templating a space that has irregularly shaped floors. This saves you a lot of time and clicking. Vein Match 2D/3D: Create Vein Designs With Realistic Perception
Prodim’s Proliner measuring tool creates exact, detailed digital templates in minutes. Measurements can be reviewed and changed on-site and exported as ready-to-use production files for CNC machines. Specialized Prodim Factory software enables fabricators to manage, digitize and improve their daily business processes. Eliminate uncertainty before installment while connecting field, office and production teams using only one platform.
Prodim’s latest software release, Prodim Factory 5.0, sets a new bar for today’s fabricator. The seamless integration of Proliner on-site measurements with real life pictures provides insight and project control never achieved before in the industry.

This award-winning kitchen and bathroom industry software offers 3D kitchen and bathroom visualization and instant quoting for both consumers and sales teams. Quickly design and quote a new kitchen or bathroom countertop, room renovation, cabinet reface, tub/shower conversion and more using this integrated and easy-to-use software, which generates leads, streamlines the sales process, increases average ticket sales, and serves as an invaluable tool for sales team training. Quote Countertops’ focus is on their clients’ success, and that means you’ll benefit from unparalleled and personalized onboarding, training, and technical and marketing support. To learn more, visit www.quotecountertops.com.
Quote Countertops
The Pathfinder workstation is designed to capture precise, fully calibrated images of slabs in high resolution. Whether you want to build a visual slab inventory library, create scaled images for further programming on your CNC saw, Fab Center, or CNC saw/waterjet, the Pathfinder workstation is a rock-solid platform for consistent, accurate imaging. The Pathfinder is the tool that will reduce your material costs by enabling you to efficiently and effectively manage your full and partial slab inventory while also giving you the ability to accurately vein-match slabs and provide 3D rendering visualization for your clients. For more information, visit www.parkindustries.com/pathfinder.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 29
Pathfinder by Park Industries
QuickQuote by Crystallyne Enterprises Whether you fabricate laminate, solid surface, wood, granite or engineered stone, QuickQuote Countertop Estimating Software from Crystalline Enterprises can save you time, eliminate errors, and entice new customers with faster, easier countertop quoting and drawing. It features a uniquely intuitive interface that creates a fully-labeled scale drawing alongside every quote. Its flexible pricing system offers multiple pricing methods so virtually any material can be quoted, and it provides the option to customize items and services to fit a particular business. Quotes can be printed alongside the drawings on a single page, exported to different formats such as PDF, and transferred directly to QuickBooks. The built-in schedule provides a place to keep track of everything from fabrication to installation, and the internal slab inventory lets users lay out the parts on the slabs for more accurate material counts. For more information and a free trial of QuickQuote, visit www.quickquotecountertops.com.
Slabcloud Let your clients see what you have in stock. Slabsmith Inventory software offers up-to-date inventory with accurate slab dimensions and high-quality images for each product.
Slabcloud offers automatic synchronization with Slabsmith to allow for 24/7 inventory accessibility. You will have access to the latest technology, ensuring that your clients will correctly see your entire range of products on all your devices. The Slabcloud Kitchen Visualizer is unmatched by offering a unique, real-time stone preview feature. Allow your customers to visualize their dream kitchen using your inventory of products. Slab Inquiry allows your clients to ask questions about any specific slab in your inventory with quick customer service. With Slabcloud Inventory Integration, your website will benefit from consistent updates that will improve your search engine optimization. Learn more at www.slabcloud.com.
Slabsmith Slabsmith is an integrated system that creates tight links among the office, showroom, warehouse and shop. It includes the most powerful inventory management solution, which provides accurate and detailed slab inventory status. By producing digitized slabs that are trueto-life in both color and dimension, it captures all the relevant properties of the original slab that was photographed. It provides the ability for anyone in a company to quickly locate and view the slabs in inventory based on any of the properties of the slab. The Perfect Match layout module provides tools that are customized for the specific needs of users to lay out countertops efficiently.

StoneApp ERP System by StoneGrid USA
Named a top 10 supply chain management solution provider in 2021, ThroughPut delivers a holistic view across upstream and downstream operations to drive key decisions faster for optimum output and business performance along with a smooth flow of materials, processes, people and information. Accurately identify and expose patterns to predict demand trends. This end-to-end AI-enabled supply chain solution drives operational efficiency with relevant data and implemented solutions. Move away from traditional forecasting methods and legacy systems for robust tracking of accurate datasets to forecast demand in real time. Find out more at https://throughput.world/.
30 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
SPEEDlabel Since 2017, SPEEDlabel has changed how fabricators label and track materials in production. It can be used with hand drawings or CAD files and works automatically with most countertop software. The labels are waterproof and tear-proof and come off easily at installation. There are customized label designs, including top, bottom and edge formats. SPEEDlabel provides a quick understanding of the status of every part in the shop and helps ensure entire jobs are kept together, improving accuracy and efficiency. SPEEDlabel was developed by fabricators to help other fabricators streamline processes, stay organized and improve quality control. For more information, visit www.speedlabel.net.
For more information, visit www.slabsmith.com.
By combining the most commonly used fabrication and business software, StoneApp allows you to confidently run your business with insights and Process Flow Organization that empowers. It is a comprehensive, simple-to-use and robust software system built for efficiency, allowing users to enter leads, move to a quote, promote to a job, manage material, create schedules and assign production resources without repetitive data entry. Users can also control margins through price books, built-in cost analysis and commission structures. It reduces errors and manages production with scheduling, parts tracking, field applications and capacity tools. Users can manage purchasing and inventory with reconciliation and valuation reporting tools. It syncs with QuickBooks and Sage to eliminate data entry time and errors, and with Slabsmith to bring in photos, and more.
Incorporating Slabsmith into your business can increase profits and lower operating costs; yield increases of 8-10% are typical.
For more information, visit www.stonegridusa.com.

Successful ImplementationSoftwareStarts Here softwareImplementingisa significant change. There’s probably going to be some resistance, which is why isbeforewitheveryonegettingonboardthechangestheyhappenessential.
By Katherine Gifford It’s the digital age; there’s no doubt about that. And while many folks prefer the tried and true analog ways of doing things, software is one of the newest tools of the trade that can take your fabrication operation to the next level of speed, efficiency and accuracy. So, when you finally decide to make the digital leap, where do youImplementingstart? software is like adding a new piece of machinery to your shop. It’s not something you can just plunk down on the shop floor and expect everyone to understand how to use. It takes time, energy and planning to ensure your new software solutions work to their fullest potential. Before you hit that “schedule a demo” button on any countertop fabrication digital solution, it’s essential to think about how to implement software into your workflow to make the most out of your investment. Get Everyone on Board Nobody loves change. Even people who say they like change can be resistant to it. Fear of the unknown can be tricky; we get used to doing things a certain way, and whenever someone comes up to us and says, “Hey, we’re going to do it this way from now on,” we feel tempted to let out a little grumble and perhaps even an eye roll. But there are no two ways about it: Implementing software is a significant change. There’s probably going to be some resistance, which is why getting everyone on board with the changes before they happen is essential.
Before even deciding on a software solution, talk to your team. Get feedback about the hurdles or roadblocks they face in the current production process. Identify points of frustration or confusion and have everyone weigh in on areas that could use improvement. Document ideas about tools they think would be helpful.Thensource your solutions. Once you’ve identified software you think will work for your business, including those who will be using the software in the demo is essential. That way, they can see what kind of features are and aren’t available and understand how it will impact how they work. They’re often the ones with the best questions, and they’re often the ones who will identify any gaps that need
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 31

It goes without saying that most business owners today have their eye on growth opportunities. But growth doesn’t come easy for companies that aren’t prepared for it. Software solutions are supposed to streamline your processes and boost efficiency, but only if your operations are sustainable. When implementing software, it’s important to understand your processes and how they’ll adapt as you grow. Are they scalable? If the answer is “no” or even a hesitant “I don’t know,” then it’s time to pause and reevaluate your bigger picture.Butbeing open to new possibilities is about having a growth mindset. And plenty of new opportunities can reveal themselves when you A good software solution should provide through.youandon-callonboardinghands-onsessions,supportteamsatutoriallibrarycanbrowse
When business is booming, it can be hard to carve out the time for this learning. Understanding the software inside and out is the first step of the implementation process, not something you gradually learn over time. Your software might be able to do something that significantly increases your shop’s efficiency, but if you don’t know about it, you can’t use it! Take advantage of the available resources to thoroughly understand the software before implementation so that you can use it to its full capacity. New software is an investment, not a one-time cost. By learning the software thoroughly, you can best understand how to implement it in your business process so that it scales with you. Train for Your Gain I know, I know. You don’t have time to sit around and learn which buttons to click or menus to browse. You have a business to run! But remember what wise old Abraham Lincoln had to say about the matter: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” Taking the time to learn about and train your employees on new software is like sharpening your ax. This onboarding process will make the transition much smoother once you start swinging. With a sharp ax, that tree will come down in just a few hits. You’ll have your operation running more efficiently in no time with fewer speedbumps (and unnecessary expenses) along the way.
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Understand the Resources Available (and Use Them!)
customization or further thought on how to approach.Andit’s good for morale. Asking your team for their opinions about the changes is typically enough to get them on board and engages them in the process. When it feels like a group decision, you’ll be met with less resistance during implementation.
Start by learning the new software. Familiarize yourself with the key functionalities. Take the time to understand how everything works and what the options are. You can do this by clicking around, creating tests and mock run-throughs, or learning the ropes from a super user, someone who understands the program inside and out. Getting familiar with a new tool before you actually implement it is never a waste of time. This goes for everyone at your shop. Anyone who needs to use the software should be given the time to learn it. While it might feel like this hinders production for a while, your shop will come out the other end more efficient once the training and onboarding process is complete.
Know How Your Processes Will Adapt to Growth
Just about every countertop fabrication software solution provides a scope of resources to help you learn how to use it. This should definitely be something you consider when shopping around for software. When vetting software providers, be sure to ask what resources are available. A good software solution should provide hands-on onboarding sessions, on-call support teams and a tutorial library you can browse through.

If you dig a little deeper into your software, you might find a view that shows you all the customers you’ve quoted but need follow-ups. Dashboards and reports provide actionable reminders so that nothing falls through the cracks, and tightening up this process in your business is one of the easiest ways to realize growth. Software is a Tool, Not a Miracle Implementing new software isn’t a magical solution that’ll fix all your shop’s problems. It’s a tool that needs to be used correctly and optimized overAtime.hammer is an excellent tool for driving nails compared to your bare hand, but if you swing it incorrectly, you’ll end up hurting your fingers! You have to work on your technique if you want to drive the nail in on the first swing every time, and that’s precisely how you have to think of your software implementation. No matter how much training or poking around you do in the beginning, the truth is that you won’t be completely efficient with any software right at implementation. Be flexible with your approach and always keep an eye out for ways to improve your processes. Every business is unique. You might use the same software as the company down the street, but what works for their shop might not be the best solution for yours. Even if you’ve been using software for a long time, there are always new ways to improve your existing processes. There are always seconds to shave off, expensive mistakes to prevent, and a team to more fully support with modern tools that minimize headaches and missed opportunities. You might never reach perfect efficiency, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to try!
implement a software solution. For example, your quoting software might have an emailing feature, which streamlines how you engage your customer. Not a giant leap necessarily, but this simplification of a process can free you up to explore and develop other parts of your business .
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 33
Katherine Gifford is a marketing manager for Moraware, one of the industry’s leading digital solutions for fabricators. Curious about whether or not software would benefit your shop? Download Moraware’s free guide to asking the right questions at www.moraware.com.Moraware,FortheprepareknowledgeQuestionswww.moraware.com/15-togetalltheyouneedtoyouforinvestinginrightquotingsoftware.moreinformationaboutvisit

34 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
By Tim Saddoris In my early 20s, I was a supervisor for ConAgra Foods. We made Snack Pack pudding. One thing I’ll never forget is the sweet smell of chocolate and vanilla puddings. But besides learning how to make pudding, I learned a lesson that would change the way I worked: Measuring your business makes you more productive and profitable. At ConAgra, we ran three shifts per day, seven days per week, operating a multimilliondollar piece of equipment. The production line stretched nearly two miles from the pudding mix until the product was cooked, cooled, packaged and wrapped for palletization. We were the worst performing plant in the company, so they brought in a new plant manager to turn it around. Barry Fischetto was our third plant manager in a couple of years. In manufacturing, efficiency measures how much wasted time, resources and work you put into creating a finished product. Barry did something no previous manager had done before. While we had always measured overall efficiency, he started measuring it on an individual basis. This gave each person responsibility for their area and recognition, which encouraged improvement. It turned out we were only 55% efficient, which isn’t great. Our efficiency scores were well below industry averages. We had no idea. We thought we were doing a great job day in and day out. Barry knew we needed to fix that. So, he started a competition. He told us whoever breaks the record of 55% within 30 days would get an incredible prize. When the team focused on it, efficiency rose from 55% to 60% and kept going. 72%, 75%, 80% … and then even higher. Eightfive percent efficiency is considered worldclass in manufacturing, and we ended up at 95%. That’s a huge improvement, especially considering that the machines were mostly automated and staffed by just five people per shift. Those five people had that much impact in just one month. Oh, the incredible prize? It was a $50 gift card. We were the worst performing plant in the company, so they brought in a new plant manager to turn it around.
PROFIT: An Unavoidable Side Effect of Measuring Your Business
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 35
You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure. These words, most often attributed to management guru Peter Drucker, mean that it’s challenging to improve performance if you don’t measure it. While that’s true, measurement goes further. The very act of measuring something and setting goals makes it something for which to strive. When you track things in real time and turn them into a competition, magic can happen. It works in production, marketing, sales and every other department. It’s amazing to watch the transformation. But, how do you know what needs to be measured? You can measure almost anything. Many companies do. But a lot of the data ends up in a report that nobody ever looks at or only gets discussed at board meetings. What you need to measure are the things that will impact your bottom line. It’s kind of like counting likes on a social media post. Seeing lots of likes may make you feel good, but they are only relevant when they lead to conversions. Adding more likes won’t produce more revenue, but conversions will. The keys to finding what needs to be measured are challenging assumptions and finding out what’s broken. Here are three examples. Example #1: Staffing Shortages We were working with a surface fabricator that constantly told us they couldn’t hire enough people. That’s not unusual, and labor shortages are well documented across almost every industry. This company had come to accept constant shortages as normal. But it turned out they didn’t have a hiring problem; they had a retention problem. We compared the number of employees they had (around 50) with the number of W-2s they sent out (100). That’s about a 100% turnover within a year. Yet, the company had never bothered to ask people why they were leaving to understand what they might do to improve retention. In this case, exit interviews were essential to finding the root cause of the high turnover, and measuring the right things provided insights that spurred action. According to Gallup, companies lose between one-half to two times an employee’s annual salary for recruiting, hiring, onboarding and training workers each time they fill a job. So, a 50-person organization that paid an average $50,000 salary could face millions of dollars in costs just from turnover. In industries with high turnover, the ROI for improving retention is enormous.
You see, it wasn’t the incentive that made the difference; it was the act of measurement. People are naturally competitive. It’s in our DNA. However, without measurement, workers cannot gauge how productive they are and whether they are meeting goals. People want to do well. If you measure performance, you give them a yardstick to measure themselves. This often results in improvement even without management involvement.
Example #2: Time Management I was working with a sales team of six at a stone fabrication company. They only had 33 Google reviews, while their biggest competitors had hundreds. Of the reviews they had, none of them was recent. Despite consistently asking the sales team to gather more reviews, they kept telling us they were too busy to ask clients to leave reviews because they were constantly on the phone. Now, owners of stone fabrication companies are firefighters. They’re constantly putting out a lot of fires, and time is a precious commodity, so we didn’t want to tie them up on something that wouldn’t produce results. But knowing how important it was to get strong reviews, we wanted to see where they might be able to carve out some time to make it happen. So, we looked at the logs for their business phone system. It turned out each of their sales reps When you track things in real time and turn them into a
There’s a book by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney and Jim Huling called “The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals.” In the book, the authors discuss the disciplines you need to focus on to reach your most important goals.
Example #3: Repetitive Processes
Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important By shifting focus from the day-to-day whirlwind of business, you can dedicate more attention to what the authors call your Wildly Important Goal (WIG). While your WIG may change over time, it’s important to define it — whatever it is. To be effective, you must also have the discipline to narrow your goals to one or two at most, and they must have a defined timetable, such as reducing material waste from stone fabrication by 10% in 12 months.
At a recent roundtable discussion hosted by the International Surface Fabricators Association, I asked the group where we could make the most significant impact. The resounding response was installers. So, maybe your WIG would focus on efficiency, waste, or quality metrics for installers.
36 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association averaged just 24 minutes per day on the phones! When we presented this, the leadership said the numbers must be low because they were using their cellphones. Yet, when we asked sales team members how often they used cellphones for business, they admitted it was rarely. They were busy, but we discovered it wasn’t phone time keeping them busy. It was email follow-ups and dealing with system flaws, such as unorganized email or having to hunt for paperwork. We implemented a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that streamlined their workflow. This reduced the time for several tasks from five to 10 hours per week to less than two. With the extra free time, they learned to ask for reviews, and the number of reviews posted by customers increased. We also helped them understand the need to track prospects and how many times they needed to reach out to increase conversions. Once they knew the goal and the data behind it, they found time to prospect and nurture customers better, too. They’re now breaking sales records.
The Four Disciplines of Execution
Discipline 2: Act on Lead Measures
The second discipline is to focus on only the activities that drive or inhibit the results. While it’s meaningful to track financial performance, it’s even more crucial to find the things that impact performance and track them. These are your lead measures, the things you must improve to create the results you want.
Surface fabricators know all about changeovers or changes from job to job. Changeover time keeps many workers idle between jobs and can slow down production. It’s a similar situation in every manufacturing industry. Andersen Windows is a good example of how examining repetitive processes can improveAndersenproductivity.Windows is ranked #185 on the Forbes list of the largest private companies with more than $3 billion in annual revenue. They’d been manufacturing windows since 1903, yet they still recognized they had room for improvement.Wemonitored the amount of time it took for job changes; on average, it took 33 minutes for retooling or reconfiguration between jobs. By analyzing the process, we could make a few minor process changes — with no additional expense — and reduce changeover time to 22 minutes. This produced a nearly 10% improvement in production time. Think about the impact that had across 30 lines running three shifts, seven days per week. Imagine a surface fabricator averaging between 10 and 20 minutes to cut a countertop and think about the time between those jobs. That’s an opportunity!
By shifting focus from the day-today whirlwind of business, you can morededicateattention to what the authors call your (WIG).ImportantWildlyGoal
To figure out what you need to focus on, find the things that will impact your business most and start with them. As you meet your goals, you can move on to other things later.
Discipline 3: Keep Score People play the game much more intently when they know whether they are winning or losing. Without keeping score, it’s too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities that can expand to fill the time (see also: Parkinson’s Law). Scorecards should be shared with team members, and results should be discussed in an open and honest environment.
Don’t Wait. Start Measuring Now. Manufacturing, in general, has been up and down over the past few years, but surface fabricators have had a banner run. Many are still catching up to demand. But last year was the year of the unicorn. We may never see sales like that again. Now is the time to get serious about tracking the metrics that drive profitability.Thiswill be especially crucial to operate efficiently if the economy continues its downward trend. In the countertop and stone fabrication industry, you will benefit from measuring and tracking the right metrics, no matter the size of your operation. However, this may require you to expand your mind a bit. What new metrics could you be tracking besides profit and loss statements, install quality reports, slab usage and square footage? There’s no shortage of possibilities. You might track your customer acquisition cost, close rate, cost-to-hire, employee turnover, machine utilization and more. Pick one or two to start and challenge your assumptions. You may find your CNC machines are only running four hours per day when they could be running most of the eight-hour shift. Maybe your changeover takes too long, or you’re wasting too much material. But how will you know if you don’t dig in? Instead of the smell of pudding, you could be smelling the even sweeter scent of success. C FOR YOUR BOOKSHELF Learn more from Tim as he leads an educational session, The Technology of a Growth Mindset, at ISFA’s Annual Conference. Find out how you can attend www.ISFAnow.org/annual-conference.at
Once teams know the goal and understand why it’s important to success, they must be held accountable for executing the plan. Highperforming teams will even hold each other accountable. Tracking Your Measurements
Discipline 4: Create a Culture of Accountability
There are all sorts of online tools for measuring, tracking and sharing your Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and other metrics, but it doesn’t have to be fancy. A simple way to track is to use a spreadsheet like Google Sheets. It’s free, real time, and doesn’t take much technical training. You can build formulas to automate the calculation and evolve as you go. You can print and post it or display it in real time on a TV or monitor. Because it’s already in the cloud, anyone with a connected device can view the latest numbers. If that’s too much work, you can always use whiteboards, easel paper, or even Post-it notes. Remember, it’s the act of measuring that motivates the action, so any way you do it can have an impact.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 37
Tim Saddoris is the president of Grand Onyx, a firm dedicated to building world-class surface fabricators. Grand Onyx helps companies define operational processes and create road maps to achievement with a goal to enable more predictable revenue, stronger margins and foster legacy businesses that stand the test of time. Learn more at https://grandonyx.pro/.
Almost every company struggles with making change happen. The 4 Disciplines of Execution is meant to help you reach the goals you’ve always dreamed of with a simple, repeatable and proven formula. In this business bestseller, you’ll learn the 4 Disciplines of Execution and how to make them work for your organization. This proven set of practices has been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years, and they represent a new way to work and think that is essential to creating lasting organizational change and thriving in today’s competitive climate.

38 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
Finding a Niche Paul found that there weren’t a lot of fabricators who worked with porcelain in his market. Today, Porcetalia has grown to five fabricators working in their workshop and three sales representatives working in the office. They operate from two locations, both about an hour outside of Atlanta. The design center is in Suwanee, Georgia, while the workshop and warehouse are in nearby Cumming, Georgia. They serve the metro Atlanta area and a wide radius beyond, including Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and Alabama.
By Sarah Peiper Paul Nestor has been working in the construction industry for over 30 years. He got his start in the multifamily market and later transitioned to single-family projects. About seven years ago, having primarily working with quartz and granite, Paul was introduced to porcelain slabs from Italian manufacturers. He studied the evolution and technology of porcelain, and it sparked an interest in sourcing large format porcelain slabs that can be used for flooring, accent walls, shower walls, countertops, backsplashes, exterior applications and so much more. In 2019, Paul Nestor founded Porcetalia, a large format porcelain slab business aimed at importing and distributing porcelain material as well as providing fabrication and installation services for both residential and commercial applications.
The Porcetalia approach is unique in that they focus on one material source. The team only fabricates large format porcelain, and the material is exclusive to one Italian manufacturer. “Our business has a farm-to-table model,” explained Paul. “We directly import our slabs from Italy; we store them in our warehouse for fabrication. We have a

Paul sees himself as a porcelain evangelist: “I love sharing our time-built knowledge and resources. The revenue from the porcelain category is vastly larger than marble, quartz or granite. Countertops, fireplaces, shower walls, exterior applications and furniture — they’re all possible with porcelain; I think it looks better, and it outperforms other materials. We’ve seen quartz displace granite, and now porcelain is displacing quartz.” And he’s right.
dedicated team in-house to fabricate for ourThecustomers.”Porcetalia shop is noticeably different than other shops. Walk-behind glass handlers allow for easy movement of the 500-lb. slabs by a single person. The same machines are used for fireplace surrounds, wall cladding and floor covering installations. The cutting equipment is surprisingly simple; large slabs can be scored and snapped like traditional tile on custom tables. The bridge saws they use do not require water systems. Mitering is a significant part of the process, and clamping systems are amazingly efficient for final assembly. They use grinders to polish edges, and forklifts for moving A-frames. According to Paul, porcelain fabrication is a collision of three trades: glass panel handling, tile work and surfacePaulfabrication.saystheygo through about eight to 10 slabs per day. “We typically keep about 250 slabs on hand in our warehouse at all times,” added Paul. In addition to slab sales and fabrication services, Paul’s team can offer customers basic plumbing and electrical work after an installation is completed. “We try to focus solely on the porcelain fabrication and installation work,” clarified Paul. “But we expand our services now and then to meet customer and project needs when it makes sense.”
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 39
According to The Freedonia Group, porcelain is the fastest-growing domestic countertop material in terms of demand. Paul Nestor, founder of Porcetalia and selfproclaimed porcelain evangelist.
The cutting equipment at Porcetalia is surprisingly simple; large slabs can be scored and snapped like traditional tile on custom tables.
The Porcetalia showroom features stunning designs from its exclusive Italian manufacturer.

Porcetalia keeps about 250 slabs on hand in their warehouse at all times. “The product really sells itself; the variety of applications makes it such a great material for fireplace facades to countertops to shower walls,” said Paul.
All Porcetalia porcelain marble designs are in a high-gloss finish, as seen in this stunning kitchen.
A High-Performance Material In 2001, an early version of large format porcelain was developed by engineer Franco Stefani of the Systems Group, an innovator within the ceramic industry. This product was created using production techniques that employed a large plate pressing process for sizable thin porcelain panels called Lamina. Technology improved over the next 10 years, which allowed for bigger and thicker material. Thicknesses of 6 mm, 12 mm, and 20 mm were achieved, and slab sizes today are as large as 63 inches by 127 inches. Paul says there are approximately 50 porcelain slab manufacturing facilities worldwide.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 41
Porcetalia’s material catalog includes about 25 slab colors available for purchase. Their two most popular colors are Statuario and Calacatta. Statuario features cool gray and blue tones, while Calacatta presents warm brown and golden tones. “All Porcetalia porcelain marble designs are in a high-gloss finish,” clarified Paul, “which is a very distinguishing feature compared to quartz or granite.” “Another great advantage of porcelain is that it is incredibly durable, much more so than quartz, granite or marble,” continued Paul. They describe porcelain to their customers by detailing how the material has the beauty of marble but does not require the same upkeep. It has the strength of granite, but it’s not as porous, so it doesn’t require sealing to maintain sanitary properties. And Paul says this material captures the stunning color options of quartz while being able to withstand heat over 1,000 degrees, making it ideal for kitchen spaces.

But the key advantage of the Porcetalia approach is that they directly import slabs from Italy, removing the middleman fees. They can sell porcelain at a much lower price compared to quartz or granite and even some other porcelain products. “Past that, we are a one-stopshop,” added Paul. “Customers can purchase slabs and get them fabricated and installed — all with Porcetalia.”
A Strategy for Success Paul attributes his success to finding a great product and team that he can stand behind. He’s worked out logistics, including costs and delivery, and he goes the extra mile to understand his target market and how to connect this product to them. “We believe in our product, and we have skilled fabricators who understand how to handle problems and calculate effective solutions. This industry is always evolving, which means there will always be the latest and greatest method or tool to help optimize your business. It’s important to move with the evolution of technology, do not resist it.”
Porcetalia is focused on driving more sales with designers and builders as they explore special contractor pricing that will differentiate themselves from their competitors. “Porcetalia is growing rapidly because of our social media activity, how we leverage digital advertising platforms and simply wordof-mouth marketing,” said Paul. “We hope to double our sales next year as we continue to spread the word. Our business is growing beyond the southeast U.S., and we are actively increasing our catalog with more color options.” C
Paul Nestor can be reached at pnestor@porcetalia.com. Learn more about Porcetalia at www.porcetalia.com.
What’s next for Paul and his team?
Going to Market Porcetalia serves primarily the residential sector with some commercial work mixed in. “We were recently approached with a potential project for an 84-unit multifamily complex to fabricate and install our porcelain for shower walls and vanity tops,” said Paul. “Right now, our business breakdown is approximately 80% residential, 20% commercial. We would like to break more into commercial jobs in the Porcetaliafuture.”markets its products directly to consumers, builders and designers. It’s primarily direct-to-consumer, but they are actively trying to grow a customer base with designers and builders in the metro Atlanta area and beyond using digital marketing strategies. Gianna Denisio, Porcetalia’s marketing director, uses Google Ads and other online advertising — even Craigslist — in addition to social media campaigns to reach those specifiers. “We catch the attention of a lot of designers this way,” said Gianna. “Sharing our product and advertising for our services on Facebook and Instagram is paying off.”
42 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
“These groups and associations are a great way to stay connected to other professionals in the industry and help each other out,” said Paul.
Further, Porcetalia makes it a priority to be involved in the industry. “There Porcetalia’s material catalog includes about 25 slab colors available for purchase. Their two most popular colors are Statuario and Calacatta. Statuario features cool gray and blue tones, while Calacatta presents warm brown and golden tones.
Pictured here is Calacutta Lucca.
are always things to learn and grow as a fabricator and a businessperson,” said Paul. He attends trade shows, like Coverings, to learn more about the development of porcelain and new tips and tricks to use porcelain in the best possible way. He travels to Italy to visit the factories that produce their material.
In addition to the International Surface Fabricators Association, Porcetalia is a part of the Facebook Group called The World of GPTPS (Gauged Porcelain Tile Panels/Slabs), where industry professionals share business updates, project photos, tips and other resources.
“The product really sells itself; the variety of applications makes it such a great material from fireplace facades to countertops to shower walls,” he said. “The material supports current trends; nowadays, customers are looking for a lot of uniformity in their design, and this product allows for that. The possibilities are endless.”

I’m ready to have plenty of conversations on the beach with you, and maybe some of them will be fierce. Let’s do it! For more information and to register, visit www.isfaconference.com.
Reach me any time at Nancy@ISFAnow.org.
44 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
By Nancy Busch, ISFA Executive Director “I’m worried about this conversation; you are important to us!” “What’s the matter? We don’t want to lose you!” You’ll recognize these comments if you listened to a recent podcast or attended the June ISFA Mixer, during which we discussed fierce conversations. As business owners and managers, you’re faced with difficult conversations all the time, and they’re not easy to navigate. During our workshops, we discussed strategies that mitigate conflict, perpetuate honesty and facilitate trust. Like with most things, this might seem insignificant in the scope of all you have going on, but the fact of the matter is, you can’t ignore it. And if getting these details right was easy, everyone would be successful. We all know that being fit physically requires a commitment to get there. I’m confident we’d all be binging Netflix with a bowl of ice cream if it didn’t. I know I sure would. So, you have to ask yourself: Am I committed to growing my business? Because it all sounds fantastic until discipline comes in. Just like getting fit, it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s one day at a time, one improvement at a time. And having fierce conversations with partners, customers, employees — whomever — is a honed skill just like fabricating.Sointhe interest of improvement, are you and your staff leveraging all the programs and insights that ISFA offers? Through soft skill and hard skill programs, events and discussions, ISFA aims to expand your arsenal of tools. Not all of them will cut a slab, and I would wager that those that don’t are even more critical than a perfectly calibrated saw. Everything we do at ISFA is for your benefit, whether it’s the Installing Profitability Series or Mineral Surfaces Training. You are at the center of everything we do. Speaking of Mineral Surfaces, we are working hard to roll out and iterate this new training program. The first session was held in June at Floform Countertops in Kent, Washington. As customer demand increases for this material category, it can mean a steep learning curve in production. We know that curve can cost a fabricator plenty of lost revenue due to shop transition time and mistakes, which compromise material yield.
It’s rewarding to see the support of our manufacturer and tooling sponsors, like MSI Surfaces and Park Industries, jump in to help us educate fabricators about the next big thing — and no doubt about it, the Mineral Surfaces category is a big thing.
In addition to learning valuable technical information, the connections and relationships made by attending the event will continue to serve those who participated. As we stretch to provide relevant learning opportunities for our fabricators, the connections we facilitate with each other are monumental. And it goes without saying: You have to be there! If you didn’t attend our Industry Roundtables in Texas and Wisconsin, you’re missing out. We’ve got two more on the 2022 calendar, and I’d like to personally invite you to join us in Seattle, August 22-24, and Knoxville, Tennessee, September 27-29.
That said, one event is the king of them all: ISFA’s Annual Conference. Happening October 17-19 in sunny Clearwater, Florida, this conference is teed up to be better than ever. From software and technology to new materials and tooling, and breakout sessions that help you up your marketing game, there’s plenty of fantastic learning on the schedule. The ISFA Annual Conference is created by fabricators for fabricators, and the positive impact on your business doesn’t stop at educational sessions. Never underestimate the power of networking with your peers and making lasting memories that can only happen at this event.

Fabricators and other professionals within the decorative surface industry are invited to explore new “Waves of Innovation” at ISFA’s 2022 Annual Conference, which will be held October 17-19 in Clearwater, Florida. Attendees will enjoy three days of educational sessions and business development workshops, new product presentations, networking opportunities and more at the stunning Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort. This signature event will kick off with a welcome reception and dinner with incredible views of the sand and surf at Clearwater Beach. The first night will conclude with a celebration that honors the 2022 ISFA Award recipients and the introduction of ISFA’s 2023 board of directors.Insubsequent days, attendees will benefit from powerful presentations and workshops that focus on fostering a growth mindset in business by integrating software and technology. From onboarding modern technologies that improve production output, to analyzing and understanding key metrics within marketing and consumer outreach to better serving business needs and enabling expansion, the programming is aimed at fabrication businesses of all sizes and scopes. In addition to workshops, attendees will learn about some of the latest innovative materials, tooling and other products in the decorative surface industry. The New
Product Lunch & Learn will showcase innovations from material manufacturers, tooling distributors, technology and solution providers, and more. In between workshops and presentations, attendees will have the chance to network with their peers over great food, entertainment and a breathtaking resort backdrop that enables everyone to kick back, relax and enjoy each other’s company. Sharing experiences and learning from one another in conversation continues to be a cornerstone of ISFA.
ISFA NEWS Have solutions.andsoftware,innovativeopportunitiesbusinessattendeesmindsetwillyear’sInnovation,”ThemedConference?2022forRegisteredYouISFA’sAnnual“Wavesofthisconferencefosteragrowthbyeducatingaboutdevelopmentthatuseproducts,technologyothercutting-edge
The 2022 ISFA Annual Conference is proudly sponsored by Cambria and Moraware, Aristech Surfaces, Corian Design, Cosentino, GranQuartz, Infinity Surfaces, LX Hausys, Park Industries and Wilsonart. These companies, together with ISFA, are dedicated to the success of fabricatorsRegistrationeverywhere.forthis event is now open and those interested in attending can find more details at www.ISFAnow.org/ annual-conference.
“The ISFA Annual Conference is always a meaningful event for our members and this year’s event promises to be exceptional,” said Nancy Busch, executive director of ISFA. “We have thoughtfully planned programming and resources that will bring value and growth opportunities to attendees, which adheres to ISFA’s mission to further the decorative surface industry and support fabricators in their work.

Industry Roundtable events are a powerful way for fabricators to come together to network, discuss the latest industry innovations, learn business development techniques, and tour state-of-the-art design and fabrication facilities.
46 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association ISFA NEWS
In late August, ISFA held its fourth event in Seattle, where attendees enjoyed a cocktail reception hosted by Cambria and a shop tour of Dominis Stone. Roundtable discussions covered shop tour takeaways, the positive impact of integrating software and technology in a fabricator’s business, and building KPI dashboards to monitor performance and make better business decisions. For some fun, attendees were treated to a day out on the water with a sailing“ISFA’sexcursion.fourth Industry Roundtable Event was shipshape,” said Nancy Busch, executive director of ISFA. “Thanks to all who attended and helped make this possible.”
ISFA Goes to Washington (State) In June, ISFA members met in Kent, Washington, for a fun-size Industry Roundtable hosted at FLOFORM Countertops. This one-day event included a facility tour of FLOFORM Countertops and strategy discussions about the rising popularity of porcelain and how it could help with material shortages and rising costs due to inflation.“Thisevent at FLOFORM was a great experience,” said Steve Mast, director of Precision Countertops and ISFA’s past president. “It was nice to share ideas about some common problems fabricators face. I would highly recommend fabricators attend ISFA’s roundtable events.”
See You in Tennessee
ISFA’s final Industry Roundtable event of the year will take place September 27-29 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Attendees will tour supplier and distribution facilities and discuss the latest in sales and marketing best practices and fabricators’ most significant challenges in planning for growth. Opportunities for networking and leisure time, including the chance to try some of the finest local barbecue, are built into the schedule. For more information, including details on how you can register for this event, visit www.ISFAnow.org/industry-roundtable.
The first gathering of 2022 was in March at a dual-location event in Texas. Starting in San Antonio, attendees were welcomed with a networking opportunity over dinner, as well as a facility tour of Gecko Solid Surface Solutions.“Thetrue spirit of being a part of ISFA was evident,” said Augie Chavez, president of Gecko Solid Surface Solutions and ISFA board member. “We saw old friends and made new ones while learning from each other to make our businesses better. We shared ideas and spent quality time with our peers. It was a great time!”
Setting Sail in Seattle
Grab a Seat at ISFA’s Roundtable Events
ISFA’s primary purpose is to provide education and networking opportunities in support of the decorative surfacing industry.
A Great Time in Texas
Programming continued in Temple for a three-part facility tour of Wilsonart’s headquarters. A Win in Wisconsin In May, ISFA held its second Industry Roundtable in Kohler, Wisconsin. Starting with a tour of the impressive three-level Kohler Design Center, fabricators and industry partners were welcomed with cocktails and dinner. “This event was a terrific opportunity for fabricators,” said Nancy Busch, executive director of ISFA. “From the engaging and programmingeducationalto the state-of-the-art design and manufacturing facilities tours, ISFA’s mission to support fabricators in their work was evident at this value-packedRoundtableevent.”discussions focused on identifying key metrics to measure success and how drawing conclusions from those measurements can encourage improved performance, reduce costs and save time. Fabricators and industry partners shared software and technology solutions they currently use to streamline their sales process and increase sales.
Roundtable discussions focused on software and technology and finding the best path to success within commercial and residential sectors. Fabricators and industry partners shared software and technology solutions they are currently using, and they discussed the biggest challenges they are facing residentially and commercially.

ISFA NEWS Joe Duszka, president Carolina Custom Surfaces (336) Joe@carolinacustomsurfaces.com215-5518www.carolinacustomsurfaces.com Austin Maxwell, vice president Maxwell Countertops (309) www.maxwellcounters.comAustin@maxwellcounters.com928-2848 Laura Grandlienard, secretary www.rockinteriors.comLaura@rockinteriors.com(919)ROCKin’teriors577-0207 Ted Sherritt, treasurer FLOFORM Countertops (204) 474-2334 Tsherritt@floform.com www.floform.com Steve Mast, immediate past president Precision Countertops (503) www.precisioncountertops.comSteve.m@precisioncountertops.com660-3023 Augie Chavez, director GECKO SSS (210) Augie@geckosss.com227-3100 Mike Langenderfer, director The Countertop Shop (419) www.countertopshop.netMike@countertopshop.net868-9101 2022 ISFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul “Max” Le Pera, director Global Surfacing Alliance (908) pmlp33@gmail.com358-5252 Rodrigo Velazquez, director www.indeko.mxRodrigo@weareindeko.com52INDEKO331-028-7863 Eric Tryon, director The Rockheads Group (678) 614-7111 www.rockheadsusa.comTryonea@gmail.com Kimberly Homs, director Great in Counters (401) www.greatincounters.comKimberly@greatincounters.com233-0666 Travis McDermott, director McDermott Top Shop (262) www.mcdermotttopshop.comTravis@mcdermotttopshop.com593-2456 Jim Callaghan, associate member representative www.granquartz.comJcallaghan@granquartz.com(248)GranQuartz660-3291 Jessica McNaughton, associate member representative CaraGreen (919) www.caragreen.comJessica@caragreen.com929-3009 P.O.ISFA Box 627 Ingomar, PA 15127 (888) Kanani@ISFAnow.org(888)KananiAdministrativeAmy@ISFAnow.org(412)AmyAdministratorWeb/DatabaseSamantha@ISFAnow.org(888)SamanthaCoordinatorMemberSarah@ISFAnow.org(888)SarahContentCarol@ISFAnow.org(412)CarolOperationsNancy@ISFAnow.org(253)NancyExecutivewww.ISFAnow.org599-ISFADirectorBusch691-0169ManagerWilhite487-3207Manager|EditorPeiper599-ISFAExperienceWinslow599-ISFAKyriazis487-3207AssistantCamacho599-ISFA ISFA CONTACTS

Through fabricatorsupport,additionalthesemembersarecommittedtoservingandfosteringISFA’smission,programming, membership benefits and more. Sponsorship opportunities are available for qualifying manufacturers, distributors and other industry-related companies. These businesses are dedicated to the success of the International Surface Fabricators Association and fabricators everywhere. Through their contributions, sponsors enable ISFA to create meaningful opportunities for its membership including training, education, business development, networking and more. PLATINUMGOLDSILVER

International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 49 AAA Adhesive 2020 Wild Acres Rd. Bldg. Largo,DFL www.aaaglue.com877-422-458333771 ACS International 4775 South 3rd Ave. Tucson, AZ www.acstone.com520-889-193385714 Aetna Plywood Inc. 1401 St. Charles Rd. Maywood, IL www.aetnaplywood.com708-343-151560153 Akrilika Svobody Str., 29 Moscow 125362 Russian www.akrilika.com79119451961Federation Al-Badaha Company for Modern Industries P.O. Box 126444 Jeddah 23643 Saudi www.albadaha.com966920002964Arabia Alf Noon for Modern Kitchen Co. P.O. Box 54210 Al Raboua, Sari St. Beside the Municipal Airport Jeddah 21514 Saudi Arabia 966 12 275 2309 Andres O’Neil & Lowe 212 N. Defiance St. Archbold, OH 43502 www.andresoneilandlowe.com419-636-5050 Aristech Surfaces 7350 Empire Dr. Florence, KY www.aristechsurfaces.com859-283-150141042 BACA Systems 101 Premier Dr. Orion Township, MI 48359 www.bacasystems.com248-791-3060 BB Industries, LLC 4100 Appalachian Way Knoxville, TN www.bbindustriesllc.com800-575-440137918 Better Vacuum Cups, Inc. 13841 Roswell Ave., Ste. K Chino, CA www.greenbvc.com877-379-990991710 Bill Barton 6131 Long Meadow Rd. McLean, Va. 703-624-119122101 BNP Media 210 Route 4 East, Ste. 203 Paramus, NJ www.bnpmedia.com201-291-900107652 Breton S.p.A. Via Garibaldi, 27 Castello di Godego 31030 www.breton.it/en/3904237691Italy Broadcreek Marketing Associates 16411 Carmenita Rd. Cerritos, CA 90703 Caesarstone US 1401 W. Morehead St. Charlotte, NC 28208 www.caesarstoneus.com818-378-2667 Cambria USA 31496 Cambria Le Sueur, MN 56058 www.cambriausa.com507-665-5003 CaraGreen, Inc. 1406 Transport Dr. Raleigh, NC www.caragreen.com919-929-300927603 CH Briggs Company 2047 Kutztown Rd. Reading, PA www.chbriggs.com800-355-100019605 Chemcore Industries, Inc. 5311 Fleming Court Austin, TX www.chemcor.com512-243-682378744 Chemical Concepts, Inc. 410 Pike HuntingdonRd. Valley, PA 19006 www.chemical-concepts.com800-220-1966 Chintan Corporation 901, Mauryansh Elanza Shaymal Cross Rds, Satelite AhmedabadRd. 380 015 India www.neonnex.in9825023859 Colonial Saw 122 Pembroke St. Kingston, MA 02364 www.csaw.com781-585-4364 Cosentino USA 355 Alhambra Cir., 10th Floor Coral Gables, FL 33134 www.cosentino.com786.812.0509 Countertop Marketing Co. 402 Pequot Ave. #772 Southport, CT 06890 www.countertopmarketingco.com203-993-6676 Covia Corp 9930 Kincey Ave., Ste. 200 Huntersville, NC 28078 www.coviacorp.com800-243-9004 Crossville Inc. 349 Sweeney Dr. Crossville, TN 38555 www.crossvilleinc.com931-456-2110 Dafanie Financial Group, LLC 850 Pacific St., Ste. 1162 Stamford, CT www.bestburialins.com203-666-556006902 Companies listed in red are ISFA 2022 Sponsors ISFA ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIRECTORY Thank You and Welcome ISFA Members (In alphabetical order) Melling Granite Cedar City, Utah James Madison,IndustriesPrecisionCharlotte,RogersN.C.SurfaceWis. NEWMEMBERSFABRICATOR Alpha Denver,StoneColoradoLasFundInternationalCarpentersBaltimore,Inc.CarefreeBurnsville,RiverSpecialtiesBob’sRussellville,CountertopsArk.WoodworkingandCreditGraniteMinn.Kitchens,Md.TrainingVegas,Nev.CustomColo. Counterscapes, Inc. Tyler, CountertopTexas Source Hurricane, Utah Granite Accents, Inc. Sioux Falls, S.D. Granite Henderson,INDEKOMich.SterlingWorksHardBozeman,CountertopsMountainMont.RockStoneHeights,INC.Nev.
The Companies,Raby Stafford,W.R.Tremonton,ValleyWarren,Manufacturing,TopAlbuquerque,Inc.N.M.ShelfInc.OhioViewGraniteUtahWatson,Inc.Texas
SouthMarbleDuluth,LouAdaBloomington,CentralLaminatedIssaqua,SystemKingAlbuquerque,JaynesHastings,Surfaces,InnovativeInc.Minn.StructuresN.M.CountyLibraryWash.TopsofIndiana,Inc.Ind.GraniteMinn.WorksElgin,Ill. New Age Plato,TheOmaha,StoneBrick,Fabricators,SpauldingGardenRockWilsonville,Countertops,PrecisionRomeoville,SurfacesIll.Inc.Ore.BottomGraniteCity,IdahoInc.N.J.Concepts,Inc.Neb.PinskeEdgeMinn.
50 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association Dal-Tile Corporation 7834 CF Hawn Frwy. Dallas, TX www.daltile.com214-309-316275217 Dixie Plywood & Lumber P.O. Box Savannah,2328GA 31402 www.dixieply.com912-447-7000 Dongguan Kongder Industrial Materials Co. Room 3006-3007, G1 Building, Hongtu NachengRd.District, Dongguan Guangdong 523071 China www.dgkongder.com8613925574811 Duda Consulting 3601 Southwest River Pkwy. Portland, OR 503-949-773897239 DuPont (Corian Design) 200 Powder Mill Rd. Wilmington, DE 19803 www.corian.com314-941-5179 Durasein USA 7030 Quad Ave., Ste. 3 Rosedale, MD 21237 www.durasein.com877-771-7712 Durcon 206 Allison Dr. Taylor, TX www.durcon.com512-595-800076574 Dwyer Marble & Stone Supply 23177 Commerce Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 www.dwyermarble.com248-476-4944 Etemplate Systems, a div. of Tri-Tech 106 Wind Chime Ct. Raleigh, NC www.etemplatesystem.com919-676-224427615 Evans Midwest 11441 E. Lakewood Blvd. Holland, MI www.evansmidwest.com616-546-822549424 Evolv Surfaces 1208 Hensley St. Richmond, CA 94801 415-767-4600 www.evolvsurfaces.com#7230 Fabricators Coach 309 Gassaway St. Central, SC www.fabricatorscoach.com864-328-623129630-9197 Fabspacetech D-502, Swapnil Arcade B/h-Sardar Party Plot, Dastan Circle, Naroda, Gujarat. Ahmedabad 382430 www.fabspacetech.com919316573047India Federal Brace 710 E Catawba St., Ste. A. Belmont, NC www.federalbrace.com877-353-889928012 Fifth Gear Technology (Speed Label) 450 N. Addison Avenue Elmhurst, IL www.speedlabel.net60126 Flexijet North America 11223 Blair Rd. Charlotte, NC 28227 844-MY-FLEXI www.myflexijet.com GEM Industries 5030 N. Hiatus Rd. Sunrise, FL www.gem-industries.com954-749-122833351 Gemstone 2040 Industrial Pkwy. Elkhart, IN www.gemstonesinks.com574-294-889946516-5411 Gluewarehouse.com 455 W. Victoria St. Compton, CA www.gluewarehouse.com90220 Grand Onyx 134 West South Boundary St. Perrysburg, OH www.grandonyx.pro43551 Granite Gold Inc. 12780 Danielson Ct., Ste. A Poway, CA www.granitegold.com858-499-893492064 GranQuartz 3950 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Norcross, GA ww.granquartz.com800-458-622230093 Groves, Inc. 818 Trakk Woodstock,Ln.IL 60098 www.groves.com815-337-9780 Hallmark Building Supplies 901 Northview Rd., Ste. 100 Waukesha, WI 53188 www.hllmark.com800-642-2246 Hyundai L&C USA 2839 Paces Ferry Rd. Ste. Atlanta,1100GA www.hyundailncusa.com888-426-942130339 IceStone LLC 63 Flushing Ave., #283, Bldg. 12 Brooklyn, NY www.icestoneusa.com718-624-490011205 Ignite Consulting Group 450 N. Addison Ave. Elmhurst, IL www.hotsauceyourtops.com630-606-805560126 INEOS Composites 5200 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH www.ineos.com614-790-207843017 Infinity Surfaces Via Giardini Nord 225, P.IVA : 39ModenaPavullo00175990365NelFrignano41026Italy0536329322 www.infinitysurfaces.it InfoStream Solutions 134 West South Boundary Perrysburg, OH 43551 www.infostreamusa.com567-686-1040 InnoChem/Akemi 160 Candlewyck Dr. Avondale, PA www.akemi.com19311 IPS Adhesives 455 W. Victoria St. Compton, CA 90220 www.integra-adhesives.com604-850-1321 Jaeckle Distributors 4101 Owl Creek Dr. Madison, WI www.jaeckledistributors.com608-838-540053718 Karran USA - Plexicor USA P.O. Box 667 1291 East Ramsey Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591 www.karran.com410-975-0128 Kohler Co. P.O. Box 899 Kohler, WI www.kohler.com920-457-444150344 Krion Solid Surface SA CTRA Villareal-Puebla De Arenoso KM1 Villareal 12540 Spain www.krion.com/en/34964506464 Laminam 156 State St. Boston, MA www.laminamusa.com289-924-039402109 Lane Supply Company 2050 West Barberry Place Denver, CO 80204 Lapitec Via Bassanese 6 Vedelago 310503 Italy www.lapitec.com Laser Products Industries, Inc. 1344 Enterprise Dr. Romeoville, IL 60446 www.laserproductsus.com630-755-5402 LOTTE Chemical 6 Centerpointe, Ste. 100 La Palma, CA www.lottechem.com714-443-096490623 LOTTE Chemical 6 Centerpointe, Ste. 100 La Palma, CA www.lottechem.com714-443-096490623 LX Hausys America, Inc. 900 Circle 75 Pkwy., Ste. 1500 Atlanta, GA www.lxhausysusa.com678-535-411330339 Marble & Granite, Inc. 270 University Ave. Westwood, MA 02090 www.marbleandgranite.com781-915-1250 Meganite, Inc. 1461 S. Balboa Ave. Ontario, CA www.meganite.com909-391-888691761 Moksh Tech #1204, Pushpak Landmark Bldg., Near Titanium City Center, Anand Nagar AhmedabadPrahladRd.Nagar- 380 015 India www.mokshcad.com3012522673 Companies listed in red are ISFA 2022 Sponsors ISFA ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIRECTORY
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 51 Moraware Inc. 13125 Welcome Way Reno, NV www.moraware.com866-312-927389511 MSI Surfaces 2095 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA www.msisurfaces.com92865 Natural Stone Institute 380 E. Lorain St. Oberlin, OH www.naturalstoneinstitute.org440-250-922244074 No Lift System 30485 S.E. Veterans Blvd. Estacada, OR 97023 www.noliftsystem.com503-212-4034 NOW1 LLC 4180 Merritt Drive Cummings, GA 30041 Ollin Stone 301 E. Ball Rd. Anaheim, CA www.ollinstone.com714-535-080092805 Pacific Shore Stones 10220 Metropolitian Dr., Ste. A Austin, TX 512-568-064978758 www.pacificshorestones.com The Palmer Group Holdings 760 King George Blvd, Ste. E Savannah, GA 31419 Park Industries P.O. Box 188 St. Cloud, MN 56302 www.parkindustries.com320-251-5077 Parson Adhesives, Inc. 3345 Auburn Rd., Ste. 107 Rochester Hills, MI 48309 www.chromalok.com248-299-5585 PinPoint Status 29750 Shaker Blvd Pepper Pike, OH 44124 www.pinpointstatus.com2164005333 Plastiglas de Mexico SA Frente a la Estacion del Ferrocarril MaciovioFFCC Herrera S/N Ocoyoacac 52740 suppliers/plastiglas-de-mexicowww.piedmontplastics.com/Mexico Poseidon Industries 4080 Duncan Road Punta Corda, FL 33982 www.poseidonmachinery.com877-571-5599 Princeton Chemical Company 7030 Quad Ave., Ste. 3 Rosedale, MD 21237 www.princetonchemical.com877-778-6878 Prodim Systems 7454 Commercial Circle Ft. Pierce, FL www.prodim-systems.com772-465-400034951 Pure BasixSurfaces/Surfaces West 16411 Carmenita Rd. Cerritos, CA www.pure-surfaces.com704-702-044190703 PWI 7930 W. 1000 N. Nappanee, IN 46550 www.pwiworks.com574-646-2015 Quote Countertops 11811 N. Tatum Blvd. #3078 Phoenix, AZ www.quotecountertops.com619-726-766085028 QXM Solutions 4815 E Carefree Hwy, Ste. 108-297 Cave Creek, AZ 85331 www.qxmsolutions.com602-760-5032 Regent Stone Products 2656 Quality Ct. Virginia Beach, VA 23454 www.regentstoneproducts.com800-624-8210 Rock Doctor/ Apex Products, LLC 8333 Melrose Dr. Lenexa, KS www.rockdoctor.com913-894-028866214 Rockheads Group www.rockheadsusa.com815-210-1006 RouterBitsNow www.routerbitsnow.com520-954-0534 Sasso USA 220 N. Smith St., Ste. 414 Palatine, IL www.sassousa.com224-200-800460067 Schechner Lifson Corp. 4 Chatham Rd. Summit, NJ www.slcinsure.com908-598-781307901 Schultz Forming Products 2796 Loker Ave. W., Ste. 105 Carlsbad, CA www.schultzform.com800-822-287592010 Siom Marble & Granite Factory LLC Sector 5, Emirates Industrial City P.O. Box 22149 Sharjah 22149 United Arab www.siommarble.com97165422240Emirates SolidSurface.com 6641 N. Cibola Ave. Tucson, AZ www.solidsurface.com520-247-330485718 Stone Cloud 125 Walnut Dr. Tenafly, NJ 07670 www.stonecloud.us201-776-6478 Stone Services Group 10308 S. Keeler Ave. Oak Lawn, IL www.stoneservicesgroup.com815-210-100660453 Swan Surfaces 200 Swan Ave. Centralia, IL www.swanstone.com800-325-700862801 Synchronous Solutions 3405 Rainbow Dr. Waxhaw, NC www.synchronoussolutions.com704-560-153628173 Taffy Events 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Ste. 305 Arlington, VA 22201 The Stone Collection 11935 N. Stemmons Fwy. #100 Dallas, TX www.thestonecollection.com972-488-570075206 TotalHousehold Pro 65A Walnut Hill Rd. Bethel, CT www.pro.totalhousehold.com203-733-127606801 US Surfaces 4601 Spicewood Springs Rd. Bldg. 1, Ste. 100 Austin, TX www.ussurfaces.com512-454-222978759 Vendura 1202 Femrite Dr. Madison, WI www.vendura.com262-613-022553716 Vicostone USA 11620 Goodnight Ln., Ste. 100 Dallas, TX www.us.vicostone.com972-243-232575229 Water SolutionsTreatment 6 Merrill Industrial Dr. Hampton, NH 03842 www.watertreatmentonline.com603-758-1900 Web-Don 1400 Ameron Drive Charlotte, NC www.web-don.com28206 Welnest 350 South McSherrystown,St. PA 17344 www.welnest.net844-935-6378 Willis 1149 Pioneer Rd. Burlington L7M 1K5 Canada www.4willis.com289-775-5814 Wilsonart 2501 Wilsonart Dr. P.O. Box 6110 Temple, TX www.wilsonart.com800-433-322276503-6110 Wood Stock Supply Inc. 4705 S. I-90 Service Rd. Rapid City, SD 57703 www.woodstocksupply.com605-341-6900 ZOLLER Inc. 3900 Research Park Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 www.zoller.info/us/home734-332-4851 Companies listed in red are ISFA 2022 Sponsors ISFA ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIRECTORY
Arklam by Tile of Spain
Wilsonart High Pressure Laminate (HPL) Woodgrain Staining Collection
52 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association PRODUCT NEWS
Cosentino’s Silestone HybriQ+ Technology for the manufacturing of Silestone is a true testament to Cosentino’s commitment to sustainability and taking care of the present to protect the future. HybriQ+ Technology is a highperformance blend of premium minerals, quartz, and recycled materials produced with 100% renewable electric energy and 99% recycled water. HybriQ+ is the result of four years of research and development, and it represents a $12+ million investment and 1,200 hours of laboratory and facility testing. “We want our customers to feel confident that they are getting the best of the best not only from a quality and design perspective but also from an environmental standpoint, and we’re not afraid to take risks to push the industry forward,” said Eduardo Cosentino, executive vice president of global sales and CEO of Cosentino North America. Silestone sets a new standard for the industry, propelling us toward a more sustainable future. Learn more www.cosentino.com/usa/silestone/hybriq-technology.at
Arklam is an innovative large-format solution that stands out for its strength, durability and design. Only inorganic materials (not resins or additives) are used in the manufacturing of Arklam worktops, which, after a sintering process, result in an ultracompact and ultraresistant surface that is not altered by extreme heat or cold or by the action of ultraviolet rays. It is also totally resistant to scratches and impacts. It is a nonporous material, which allows maximum hygiene and facilitates cleaning. Find out more at www.arklam.es.
For the first time, Wilsonart is bringing real wood and custom veneer staining to laminate with the introduction of its new Woodgrain Staining collection. This innovation within the Wilsonart® High Pressure Laminate (HPL) portfolio allows designers to achieve the look of stained wood or veneer in virtually any color desired. Blending versatile style and powerful technology, Wilsonart Woodgrain Staining offers customization of classic woodgrains, like oak and walnut, and allows designers to match any hue from a variety of color palettes. This customization is available through an easy online ordering process with expedited delivery timelines of just a few weeks. Wilsonart also offers 28 pre-curated designs for those who desire a stained look but don’t need to achieve a color match. Combined with the high-performance durability of sustainable Wilsonart HPL, the collection evokes the aesthetics of real wood and is ideal for high-traffic commercial applications. For more information, visit www.wilsonart.com/woodgrain-staining.

International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 53 PRODUCT NEWS
RAUVISIO noir compact from REHAU Scratch-noirRAUVISIOmattenoiritsapplicationtheannouncesREHAUnewestofRAUVISIOmonotonicsurface,compact.and
fingerprint-resistant, the durable, light-absorbent surface is made for real-life applications. Yet, the touchable matte finish adds a rich elegance designed to transform any room into a feast for the senses. The monotonic surface retains all its elemental properties while delivering a safe, durable and family-friendly product that enhances spaces. Forged in Italy from the finest materials, RAUVISIO noir compact boasts unwavering style that has been infused with the intensely rich and muted aesthetic of the film noir genre. The newest application, specifically designed for vertical and horizontal applications, features a compact design that is uniquely versatile, highly resilient, environmentally friendly and hygienic. For more information, visit www.rehau.com.
Wilsonart HPL 2022 Commercial Launch
The 2022 Commercial Launch from Wilsonart HPL offers enhanced design choices, innovative finishes and the performance needed for every project. With 27 new styles, the new Wilsonart HPL collection offers extensive color selections and cost-effective value. A focal point of the collection is the HPL Aligned Walnut – Wilsonart® HD® Premium Finish, a matte wood texture that mimics a natural walnut, creating a modern take on a classic wood species in essential colors. And because Wilsonart HPL uses on average, 23% post-consumer recycled content, the new HPL Aligned Walnut Collection allows designers to use a variety of colors and looks with better performance from a more sustainably sourced product than real wood veneer. Additionally, Wilsonart HPL products lead the laminate category in sustainable transparency as the first laminate manufacturer to earn the Declare label. For more information, visit www.wilsonart.com/laminate-surfaces#commercial. 5820 Darcrest by Caesarstone Caesarstone’s newest quartz surface, 5820 Darcrest, is a mysteriously dark earthy base enriched by tiny spots and sediments with a veil of organic ochers and brownish greens like erosion on a rocky hillside enhanced by a honed finish. Like all Caesarstone surfaces, 5820 Darcrest is the ultimate combination of nature and technology: premium, high-quality material that is nonporous, durable, flexible, scratch- and stain-resistant, mold- and mildew-resistant, and lower maintenance than other natural surface materials. Caesarstone surfaces never need sealing. For more information on Darcrest, visit www.caesarstoneus.com.

GEOS: Red Rocks Returns!
Inverness Designs by Cambria Cambria, the leading producer of American-made quartz surfaces and a family-owned company, recently launched Inverness: a family of designs available in five colorways — Bronze, Cobalt, Gold, Frost and Platinum.
Derived from disturbances in nature that create beautiful changes, Inverness explores natural forms and textures that add detail and dimension. Debossing throughout the veining contrasts with the smoothness of the background, giving the designs a gently textured composition and beautifully organic quality. Inverness designs come in matte and high gloss finishes with up to 19 edge profiles and a jumbo slab size of 132 inches by 65.5 inches. Available in 2 cm and 3 cm thicknesses, Cambria’s innovative designs are stainresistant, nonabsorbent, durable, safe, maintenance-free, easy to care for and backed by a transferable full lifetime warranty. Cambria is sold through an exclusive network of premium, independent specialty retail and trade partners that can be identified at www.cambriausa.com.
GEOS is bringing back an old favorite! Red Rocks retired several years ago but the company has decided to put the fiery red countertop back on the market. This and all GEOS colors are made with recycled glass aggregate and a durable resin. GEOS is low maintenance, nonporous, easy to clean, and does not require sealing. GEOS Surfaces are a fun way to make your countertops the central design element. Visit www.caragreen.com/brands/geos/ to learn more.
54 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association PRODUCT NEWS

Häcker Kitchens
With the desire from most homeowners to do more with their sink than just wash pots and pans, Karran has just introduced the QAWS740 farmhouse workstation sink. To accessorize its massive single bowl, it comes complete with basket strainer, bottom grid, cutting board, colander and roll-up drying rack.
Häcker Kitchens, the leading German manufacturer of modern kitchen cabinetry, invites impressive design and outstanding innovation to kitchens everywhere with the introduction of PerfectSense, a new generation of cabinet and countertop surfaces. PerfectSense combines a high-quality look with an exceptionally velvety and smooth feel. The advanced technologies imbued within its surface dazzle kitchens with special anti-fingerprint features that prevent smudges from leaving a lasting mark. PerfectSense surfaces are light- and UV-resistant, heat-, climate-, water- and stain-proof and easy to clean. Find more information at www.hackerkitchens.us.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 55 PRODUCT NEWS
elementAl Light Now Up To 1 Inch Thick elementAl Light is a versatile solid surface material made of recycled hard plastics from the post-industrial waste stream. The material comes in many different semi-translucent colors and is now offered in thicknesses up to one inch. elementAl light is manufactured in Buffalo, New York, where it is made to order, allowing for customization. The material is great for backlighting, thermoforming and furniture, in addition to traditional vertical and horizontal surfacing applications. For more information, visit www.caragreen.com/brands/elemental/.
Karran’s faucet line comprises 11 appealing designs to complement their kitchen sinks. All faucets feature the highest quality components and finishes, and they are feature-rich with multifunction spray heads, including one design featuring touch-free sensor operation. Shown here are Karran’s QAWS-740-BL sink and KKF230 faucet. To see more of Karran’s offerings, visit www.karran.com.
The new Counter-Form website offers an array of resources to help make the laminate selection experience for you and your customers efficient and informative. The new site brings confidence to your buying and selling experience. View CounterForm’s complete stocking pattern library, photo galleries and visualizers, technical and reference documents, warranty and literature. They also showcase their new state-ofthe-art High Speed Laminate Forming Line, which uses the latest technologies for variable exposure production. Explore the possibilities at www.counter-form.com.
Expanded Quartz Sink Line from Karran Karran’s ever-growing line of quartz sink models has expanded to 50 different designs, available in six timeless colors. The complete range includes top mount models, undermount models, farmhouse designs, models for seamless installation, as well as elegant new quartz vessel bathroom sinks.

Gilasi’s Custom Program
Gilasi is an innovative surfacing manufacturer located in Chicago. The surfaces are made of recycled glass and epoxy resin and were carefully engineered for superior performance. Gilasi offers two standard lines of nonporous solid surface: one with large glass aggregate that creates a terrazzo aesthetic and one with very tiny glass aggregate that creates a monochromatic look. In addition to the 20 standard colors, Gilasi can create custom recycled glass surfaces, allowing customers to specify the colors and sizes of glass used. Slabs come in three different widths, 2 cm and 3 cm thicknesses, and can come in custom lengths from 54 inches to 109 inches. For samples or more information, visit www.caragreen.com/brands/gilasi/.
56 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association PRODUCT NEWS
Coverlam’s Distrito Series
The wide range of Coverlam products is extended this season with the enticing metallic texture of the Distrito series in aluminum, corten, zinc, iron and ivory colors. This collection closely recalls the look of metal sheets that have been exposed to the weather, creating visually rich surfaces. This ultra-thin (5.6 mm and 3.5 mm) porcelain collection is available in large-format pieces: 1200 by 2600 mm, 1000 by 3000 mm, 1200 by 1200 mm and 600 by 1200 mm. It’s also available for kitchen countertops in iron, aluminum and ivory colors in 1620 mm by 3240 mm and 1000 mm by 3000 mm sizes, and 12mm and 10.5 mm thicknesses. Find more information at www.coverlambygrespania.com.
Durat: Extra Large Sheets
Durat offers over 70 standard colors of its durable solid surface material and can make custom colors for no additional cost to designers. Durat’s sheets are 36 inches by 144 inches for large installations and can be joined seamlessly for clean designs, whether complex or simple. The material is made and stocked in the U.S., so standard and customized sheets are readily available. Durat consists of up to 28% recycled hard plastics diverted from the waste stream and is 100% recyclable at the end of its life through Durat’s take-back program. For more information about Durat or to request a fan deck of all pigment options, please contact info@caragreen.com.

The GEM Orbital Sander comes with or without a shroud attachment for dust collection, and it is available in 220 volts. Eleven-inch abrasives are in stock. This is the ideal tool for sanding large flat solid surface countertops. For more information, visit www.gem-industries.com.
GEM Orbital Sander
Crossville’s Stone Fiction Porcelain Tile It’s no lie that crosscut travertine is a timeless, earthly manifestation of style. Maintenance requirements and irregularities in the surface make a commitment to travertine — shall we say — hard. Stone Fiction porcelain tile collection is an elegantly effortless alternative. This inspired line grounds down in the look of perpetually appealing travertine while providing confidence in the performance of porcelain for a lifetime of grace, ease and style. Stone Fiction’s soft, swirling surface graphics and mild, infinitely matchable neutral color palette emulate what Mother Nature created in travertine’s distinct mineral deposits. Each tile convincingly reinterprets stone’s naturally dramatic pits in subtle, easy-to-clean depth. The resulting coziness centers your spaces in the illusion of a time-honored material. Find more information at www.crossvilleinc.com/products/stone-fiction.
International Surface Fabricators Association • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • 57 PRODUCT NEWS
Durasein solid surface is composed of two-thirds natural minerals and one-third high-performance acrylic resin and pigments. It’s pliable, durable and beautiful. From residential to commercial to health care spaces, Durasein sinks have what it takes to make incredible kitchens, baths, restaurant fixtures, public spaces and more. Each sink is formed with a nonporous material that’s naturally resistant to stains, mildew and bacteria. Durasein sinks look flawless from the moment of installation, and they’re designed to stay that way. Discover more at www.duraseinusa.com.
Solid Surface Sinks
The GEM Orbital Sander features an 11-inch drive pad which reduces labor by at least 50% over traditional 5- or 6-inch rotary tools. As opposed to other high-speed rotary sanders, the 100% orbital action of the GEM sander eliminates the possibility of swirl marks, leaving a consistent and uniform finish. There is no need to apply pressure; the machine’s weight does all the work. Simply guide the sander across the surface like polishing a car.

By Joe Duszka, ISFA President
Third, it is likely that the largest line item on your profit and loss statement will be material cost. With price increases for materials coming in daily, it is critical to your profitability to pass the increases along to the end-user. Many fabricators are reluctant to increase rates for fear of losing work to a competitor or because they do not have an evaluation process or implementation strategy. In today’s market, customers are more accommodating of price increases — it’s happening everywhere.
Rise to Challengethe
Second, consider your profit margin for each market segment. Make a list of the ones you sell into (builder, kitchen and bath, retail, commercial, etc.) and note the profit margins in each one. When evaluating different business opportunities, consider what you learned in your SWOT analysis and pursue the segments that will capitalize on your strengths and maximize your profit. Stay away from those with a low return rate and those exploiting weaknesses. Regardless of how you decide which business to pursue, your decision must be deliberate, not simply because the work is available. As we all know, not all work is good work.
58 • Vol. 15 / Issue 3 • International Surface Fabricators Association
If you are like many fabricators today, you find yourself in a frenetic and challenging market, running at capacity and looking for any opportunity to catch your breath. At the same time, with material price increases, labor shortages and the staggering level of inflation, fabricators are seeing bottom lines getting squeezed while meeting production demands that should be padding bank accounts. In the current climate, it can be easy to focus on getting product out the door while losing track of what puts money in your pocket. One of my largest competitors recently shuttered for this very reason. In light of this, my team and I decided to revisit our approach to the current market to ensure that we make decisions that lead to increased profitability and not just increased volume. Here are a few points to consider when evaluating your profitability.
One of the keys to securing a price increase is to know why your customer buys from you — your value proposition. When implementing a price increase, think through the best way to do so for each customer type, and be sure to restate your value proposition in your presentation. Some customers will be as simple as changing your pricing calculators (retail customers), and some may require an in-person meeting (builders or kitchen and bath dealers). Regardless, remind your customer why they are buying from you and that the price increase is necessary to ensure the health of your business and therefore theirs. As an aside, we tend to think of price increases in terms of slabs and sheet goods. Be sure you factor in increases in labor costs and overhead items as well. For additional ideas and strategies, I encourage you to leverage your ISFA membership and the events, programs, resources and opportunities the association provides to help you strengthen your business. From podcasts to workshops to Industry Roundtable events, ISFA is dedicated to supporting fabricators in their work. I look forward to networking with you at one of our upcoming events, including the ISFA Annual Conference in October.
*For more information on conducting a SWOT analysis, please visit https://indeedhi.re/3NZ7xek.s
First, it’s critical to evaluate to whom you should be selling — and more importantly — whom you shouldn’t. With more work available to fabricators than they can fabricate, how do you know which to pursue and which to pass on? One tool we use in our business is a SWOT analysis*. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. When conducting a SWOT analysis, you identify internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats your company faces in the market. The goal is to develop strategies that capitalize on your strengths and minimize or address your weaknesses. You want to put your company in a position to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the market while protecting your company from market threats. You can use what you learn from your SWOT to help you choose which customer segments may be a good fit and those that may not. For example, if one of your strengths is the ability to turn jobs profitably from template to install in five days or fewer, builders may be a good target customer. On the other hand, if you struggle to make money turning jobs in five days, builders might not be your best option.