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hard feelings

you know what, dude?

you’re kind of fucking mean!

IT’S NOT ALWAYS MY BAD! It’s not always my fucking bad!

i feel like you’re allowed to make much bigger transgressions than me, with much smaller c o n s e q u e n c e s . i d k i f t h a t ’s because i have low self esteem and hang on when i shouldn’t or because you’re just better than me but i’m sick to death of it

If I did what was good for me, I think I would move to a small town with a library, rent a cheap apartment, and go to the library every day and work a night job where I didn’t talk to anyone and then no one would hurt me ever again. But I’d get so bored, and what good is being bored? Is being bored better than being hurt? Is it worth running away just to get away from people hurting me?

you’re in luck! i’m not done yet!

hard feelings

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