Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Isira De Alwis Gunathilake
Student Number - 921446 Raynaldo Ali
WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) Cylinders, cones and tangent surfaces of space are the three developable elementary types of developable space. Cylinders are formed by a family of lines that can be seen as an extrusion of a curve or line. Cones consist of a vertex and a profile curve, with lines that connect the vertex and the curve. A tangent surface is formed when a multiple amount of tangents are joined to from a surface.
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) The understanding of developable surface is critical in the understanding of architectural geometry because it gives us the ability to understand limit and constraint of models when building. In the Huyghe+Le Corbusier puppet theartre, it is evident that developable surfaces help understand that there is a consistent form of diamond shaped surfaces instead of one large complex lattice structure. It makes it simpler to determine the suitable materials and resources necessary. This results in a better design at a lower cost without unwanted complexity.
PANELLING 2D PATTERN 2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular
2d Panelling, Pattern: Brick
2d Panelling, Wave
VARIABLE 2D PATTERN I made this 2d Panel using the square tool on rhino and the polyline, to create triangles.
After creating these custom 2d panels, I was working on an idea of the 2d panel to be irregular. Therefore I resorted to triangulating the 2d layer in my final work. This created a very rythemic, yet irregular pattern for the 2d surface.
I made this custom panel with the use of the rectangle tool only.
I made this custom panel with the use of the rectangle and circle tool. Both Circles are within the rectangle
This is the unrolled template of what was given to us in the studio. We cut them out using a pen knife
The pieces that were cut out could be carefully folded amd built into a 3d model. Labelling the cut-outs made it easier to ar-
and cutting mat.
range them accoring to numerical order.
WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words) Digital Fabrication is a process where the final steps of the design is done by a machine that is controlled by the computer. It enabled designers to do draft/test versions of their work before taking the next step. This allowed 2D models to be converted to 3D work and vice-versa. Which helps the designer to understand the concept of using 2-dimensional parts that join to create a 3-dimensional object.
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) Folding is used extensively as it is an efficient way to build a 3d structure. Since a folded piece of paper is supported by the rigid folds, there is no need for external support to hold the structure together. This is different when 2 flat surfaces are used, where supports will be neccessary hold the structure in shape. Folding also conserves resources as less materials are used to create multiple sides of an object. E.gFolding a piece of paper can give multiple sides in a cube such as the ( top, bottom and sides ).
This is my 3d panelised landscape with the 2d boxes triangulated. I really focus on making my landscape symmetrical. Therefore the 3d panels have been arranged to be symmetrical from the diagonal vertices of the square. However, I panelised the mountains on either side of the line of symmetry to be of different sizes. Therefore there is a rhythemic decrease of height along the diagonal vertices.
I unrolled my 3d landscape into three sets of boxes. I did a colour coded version so that it would be easier when folding and attaching the panels. ( Shown in the Appendix section.) It was neccesary to customize and mirror some of the tabs as they were incorrect.
This is my final 3-d model. It is clearly visible that there is a slight hint of symmetry alongside the diagonal vertices (
This is a zoomed in version of my final work, it shows the shadows that were created within the moun-
from bottom left to top right )
tains in the insides.
This is a perspective view photo of my work. It is a grayscale picture showing all the shadows. My 2d panels have a varied design from panel to panel as it has been triangulated. My 3d structure folded along the initial surface to give the shape of the initial surface that was taken off Tasmania from Google maps.
This is my colour coded version. I used this digital version when folding and sticking my structure, It made it
This was my first board, the top left board in the color coded version. I the panels out individually
easier to go back and check the order and position of the panels.
and folded them to avoid confusion.
This was the first set of panels that I built. Starting from the top left side of the colour coded
This was half way through my project when I had finished the top half of my 3d model.
version. I used a pen-knife to score the folds to make them precise and neat.