Trustees OPEN Meeting INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KRAKOW 5:30p.m. February 14, 2012 Present: Chairman Allen Greenberg, Anne Braghetta, Max Dudhia, John Lynch, Barbara Myrczek, Joerg von Weiler, Allen Haberberg, Elysa Sicard. Ex Officio: Brett Elkei, Eric Lutley, Mamie Heard, Piotr Buczkowicz, Malgorzata Gonet-Mroczka, and Barbara Kotarba (note taker) Absent: Eric van der Steen. Visitors: PTA Representative Ida Novotny, Teacher Representative Sarah Wadiak. The Chairman asked if the Board has any comments and questions in reference to the second reading of the bylaws. There were none. VOTING: The Chairman made a motion to approve the Board’s by-laws as written, Anne Braghetta seconded the motion, all were in favor; motion passed. VOTING: The Chairman motioned to accept the agenda as written. John Lynch seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion passed. VOTING: The Chairman motioned to accept January Board minutes as written, Anne Braghetta seconded the motion, all were in favor; motion passed. DIRECTOR’S REPORT TO THE BOARD ● ISK has been actively involved in three CEESA events in the past two weeks. In Math Counts Middle School Competition in Vilnius, ISK students competed with 10 international schools and placed 2nd place overall with first place in top individual student competition ● This weekend ISK hosted the High School Knowledge Bowl with 50 students representing 11 schools. ● Nine ISK students traveled to Warsaw for the Middle School Choir Festival. ● It is important to point out that ISK is a small school in comparison to all other schools located in capital cities and not only is ISK consistent in sending teams for CEESA competitions, ISK students do extremely well. In preparation for next year, Senior Leadership Team has been busy. Contracts have been issued to returning faculty. ● The interview process is underway for the following positions for 2012-13: Early Childhood, Grade 0 and Grade 4 teachers for Elementary and English/Drama Teacher for Upper School. A contract for the English position in the upper school has been accepted. Biographies on teachers will be communicated to the school community as soon as all positions have been filled. ● Teachers who are not returning have accepted teaching and/or administrative positions in Qatar, Egypt, and Czech Republic. ● Parents have received the communication (email) regarding the school fees for 2012-13 and the restructuring for 3 and 4 year olds in the Early Learning Center. ● Admission materials have been updated. ● Scholarship Program will be launched on April 1st. ● Parents continue to play an active part in our school community. The Spring Gala Committee has finalized the date of April 21, 2012 and venue at the Stary Hotel for our major ISK fundraising event. Detailed information will be emailed to our community the week of February 13th. ● A member of our parent community, Mr. Tomasz Smolarski, organized a presentation from Mr. Paweł Ciećko, Director of the Government Environmental Protection Agency for Małopolska on air quality for this area. A proposal to use the monitoring equipment to measure air quality on our campus will be submitted.