Mission Statement The International School of Kraków is dedicated to excellence in the intellectual and personal development of tomorrow's world citizens.
The International School of Krakow Sub Committee Policy Manual Art Acquisition Committee (AAC) The Art Acquisition Committee is a standing Committee and accountable to the Director. Membership •
The Art Acquisition Committee will consist of School Director, Head of Fine Arts, faculty members (from each School division, when possible), , a parent representative, an Art expert, and volunteers, including Board Members, interested in improving the program’s delivery.
Members of the Art Acquisition Committee work on a voluntary basis.
The Chair of the Art Acquisition Committee is elected from among its members.
The Director may appoint one or more members to serve on the Art Acquisition Committee on behalf of the School.
The Committee's Function for ISK •
The Committee works to acquire an art collection through donations, bequests and/or in exchange for exposure of artists’ works that would serve as a teaching and interactive tool for the school community to be used at all levels and across all subject offered in school.
The Committee works to highlight the school’s identity as an educational and multicultural institution while enriching ISK’s teaching/learning environment.
The Committee may solicit artists who have reached some measure of success and/or recognition in their areas of expertise for the purpose of acquiring art forms, such as paintings, sculptures and prints.
The Committee may facilitate meetings, as requested, concerning the Art acquisition process.
The Committee sets guidelines to determine the appropriateness of an Art piece to ensure that the works of art/artists considered for the collection are aligned with the school’s values and philosophy.
Processes and Procedures Guiding Principles - The International School of Krakow will provide –
An academic program of high standards that promotes excellence An atmosphere of care, support and mutual respect A faculty of the highest quality A strong co-curricular program A focus on the skills for success in a changing multicultural environment An emphasis on the whole child A variety of opportunities for parent communication and involvement
Mission Statement The International School of Kraków is dedicated to excellence in the intellectual and personal development of tomorrow's world citizens.
The Committee will meet once monthly to ensure continuous work process of the Committee.
The Art Acquisition Committee will report to the Director as requested or as needed according to determinations/conclusions deemed valuable by the AAC.
Any decisions requiring monetary expenditure will be subject to Director’s approval.
Final decisions regarding the acquisition of works of Art will be made by a majority vote of the AAC.
The Chair of the AAC maintains a good working relationship and a clear channel of communication with the Director.
The establishment and maintenance of appropriate work processes (agenda, minutes, # of meetings, reporting, communication, etc.) is the responsibility of the Committee's Chair.
In the absence of the elected Chair, his/her designate will preside.
General Rules of Conduct •
The Committee respects all policies and procedures of the School and its affiliates: KFO (Krakow Fundacja Oswiatowa), KISA (Krakow International School Association)
A Confidentiality Agreement must be signed by any person wishing to participate in a School committee .
Art Ownership •
The teaching collection will be solely owned by ISK
The collection may be given on loan to professional institutions at the discretion of the Director
ISK will be responsible for the care and maintenance of the teaching collection
Last Revised October 13, 2009
Guiding Principles - The International School of Krakow will provide –
An academic program of high standards that promotes excellence An atmosphere of care, support and mutual respect A faculty of the highest quality A strong co-curricular program A focus on the skills for success in a changing multicultural environment An emphasis on the whole child A variety of opportunities for parent communication and involvement