Trustees OPEN Meeting INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KRAKOW 5:30p.m. January 17, 2012
Present: Chairman Allen Greenberg, Anne Braghetta, Max Dudhia, John Lynch, Joerg von Weiler, Allen Haberberg, Elysa Sicard Ex Officio: Mamie Heard, Piotr Buczkowicz, Malgorzata Gonet-Mroczka, Erik Lutley, Brett Elkei, and Barbara Kotarba (note taker) Absent: Barbara Myrczek, Eric van der Steen. Visitors: PTA President Magda Figas Brzeska, Teacher Representative Katarzyna Kuzniar The Chairman welcomed new Board member Mr. Max Dudhia. The Chairman motioned to accept the agenda as written. Motion passed. The Chairman and the Board read for the first time the new by-laws of the Board regarding Board elections. The by-laws will be read at the next meeting for the second time and will then be accepted as binding. The Chairman motioned to accept December Board minutes as written, Motion passed.
ISK welcomed back faculty, staff and a total of 169 returning students. Prior to the holidays was a time of celebration and building of ISK community spirit. Students in grades 1-12 performed the Winternationals, “Around the World 80 Days” on Friday night, December 16th, to a large, supportive audience of over 300 parents, alumni, and special guests—a nice dedication of our new Sports Field House facility. PTA President organized parents to host the Food Festival following the performance. Additionally, the Early Years teachers and students hosted parents for our Winter Festival, a time for parent and student participation in centers with activities for arts and crafts, with food and fun for all. December newsletter, ISK Voice, has featured these events and many more. Special recognition to contributors for another outstanding ISK publication. A focus for the next few months will be on marketing ISK. Committees formed include: Spring Gala (fundraising), Scholarship, and Publications. Director has reviewed all teacher contracts aligning with the current ISK Teacher Salary Pay Scale. Contracts were revisited at individual sessions with teachers.