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Trustees OPEN Meeting INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KRAKOW 5:30p.m. April 10, 2012 Present: Chairman Allen Greenberg, Anne Braghetta, Max Dudhia, John Lynch, Barbara Myrczek, Elysa Sicard, Joerg von Weiler, Allen Haberberg, Eric van der Steen. Ex Officio: Mamie Heard, Piotr Buczkowicz, and Barbara Kotarba (note taker), Jeff Gaskill (future ISK Board Chairman representative), Brett Elkei, Erik Lutley, Sarah Wadiak, Magda Brzeska VOTING: The Chairman motioned to accept the agenda as written. Motion passed. The Chairman introduced Jeff Gaskill of the U.S. Consulate General in Krakow who will be sitting in at Board meetings next year. According to by-laws the new Board Chairman has the power to decide whether he/she will chair the meetings personally or will assign her representative from among ConGen staff. The Chairman administered the second reading of the by-laws. The Chairman made made a motion to accept changes in the Board by-laws as written with paragraph #5 approving of two standing Board’s committees Financial and Governance and deleting the Marketing Committee which from now on will be in the Director’s portfolio. Motion passed.

The Chairman made a motion to approve the March minutes. Joerg von Weiler noted that the motion on teacher salaries in the last minutes was unclear and confused. The Chairman stressed the importance to refer motions to the Board earlier. The minutes will be corrected. The Board agreed that for the sake of better accuracy, all policies for motion should be prepared ahead of time in writing. DIRECTOR’S REPORT TO THE BOARD ISK has indeed experienced a very busy and successful few weeks with outreach for marketing, inspections in Abbott House, Middle School Knowledge Bowl trip to Kiev, submission of application for IBDP Candidate School status and receipt of approval, and Science Fair. Marketing update: * The Spring Gala Committee has sold approximately 70 tickets for the event to be held at the Stary Hotel on April 21st. Approximately 40 items have been donated from the ISK and Krakow community to the Silent Auction. * Scholarship deadline was April 2nd and 7 applications were submitted: 6 for grade 10 and 1 for grade 9. The Scholarship Committee (Director, Admissions IB Coordinator, University Placement Counselor, and two Polish national teachers) will complete testing, interviews, and submit final decision at the May Board meeting. * Article on a two page layout for May issue of HSBC’s Outsourcing and More (no charge) * Advertisements appeared in March issue of Biuletyn Informacyjny Mogliany (no charge), April/May issue Top Magazine, and April issue Miasto Pociech. * ISK Summer Camps Brochure published and information placed on ISK website for Summer Language Institute, Summer Fun Camp, Windsurfing Camp, and Adventure Camp.

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