March 2014
2014 Webcasting on the world’s first real-time Islamic service at Editors: Shahid Aziz Mustaq Ali Contents:
The Call of the Messiah Women in Islam by Mudassar Aziz
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ْ س مِباہللْالرَّ م ٰ ن ْحالرَّ ْ ی م حم ْ ْ The Call of the Messiah by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi No Ascension It is clear from all this discourse that in the discussion whether Jesus is living or dead, the truth is on my side. Besides this proof, there are many more arguments which establish the death of Jesus the Christ to the degree of absolute certainty: for instance, the Holy Prophet’s saying that Jesus lived to a good old age of 120 years; and Hazrat Abu Bakr’s, reciting of the verse قَ ْد َخلَ ْت ِم ْن قَبْلِہِ الْ ُر ْس ِل فِیْھَا ت ُ ِحی ُونَ َوفِیْھَا تَ ُموْ تُوْ نbefore the assembled Companions in order to drive home the truth that all the prophets before the Holy Prophet had died*; and the pronouncement of God Most High in the Holy Quran قَا َل فِ ْیھَا تَحْ یَوْ نَ َو فِ ْیھَا َ تَ ُموْ تُوْنَ َو ِمنْھَا ت ُ ْخ َرجُوْنthat man can neither live and survive, nor die anywhere away from and outside this earth; and Jesus’ title Masih, which means ‘one who travels much’, also points to the * Hearing this argument, all the Companions remained silent, and none raised any objection to it or said that not all the Prophets did die, and that Jesus was alive. It was a proof of the unanimity and
Hazrat Ameer opening the 100th-year celebration Jalsa commemorating the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Association for the Propagation of Islam
fact of his death, for travelling presupposes existence on earth; otherwise, excepting the time when, having been delivered from the Cross, he might have travelled through different countries, there seems to be no other time when he would have embarked upon his travels; moreover, the period of time up to the event of Cross comes to three years and a half only, and this period obviously was much too small even for the purpose of his preaching, to say nothing of his travels in the countries; and in the same way, the ointment known as marham-i-‘Isa, mention of which has been made in nearly a thousand books on medicine, proves convincingly that at the time of crucifixion Jesus was not lifted up into heaven, but had his wounds dressed and cured by this ointment. It is, therefore, patently evident that Jesus remained on this earth and died on this earth, and during the night of Mi‘raj (the Holy Prophet’s Ascension) also, the soul of Jesus was encountered and witnessed among the souls of the dead. consensus of opinion of the Companions on the point of Jesus‘ death; and if anyone, prior to this confirmation, held a different view, it obviously became null and void.