Sleep Solutions for Grandkid Sleepovers
he day has come when Mom and Dad need a break. Grandparents having been anticipating and looking forward to the day where they can have their grandbaby overnight. So much excitement in the air for both the parents and grandparents. Parents get a night out and grandparent finally feel helpful. This sets the stage for such great feelings doesn’t it? Until it’s time to sleep….
diaper bag and off you go. However, if your baby is highly sensitive to their environment they will most surely protest a night at grandparents but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen or be successful, it may just take a bit more preparation. There are many things grandparents and parents can do to prepare the baby for a successful day and night at grandparents’ house.
Create the most conducive environment for sleep.
If grandparents have a room that they can set up similarly to the baby’s room at home that would be a great start. Doesn’t mean you need to redo the guest room by any means but having the correct “equipment” is salient. This can include a “pack and play” to be used a crib, a sound machine and portable black out blinds. When the visit is over, these item can be easily put away in the closet or go home with the baby. Also don’t forget the baby’s sleep clothes and favorite blanket or stuffy. These transitional objects will help the baby drift off to sleep more easily.
Follow a schedule and routine through the day. The baby’s personality will mostly dictate whether or not the night at grandparents is going to go well. If your baby is easy going, “goes with the flow” and will sleep anywhere, then little preparation may be needed for a parent’s night out. Drop off the 22 Grand
I know that grandparents want to be fun and spontaneous and they should! But only if it’s not time to sleep. Trust me, if you want to have fun with your grandbaby, you don’t want to miss the sleep cues or veer too far off schedule. This will not be fun for anyone. A baby that doesn’t sleep, can be cranky. Keep in mind that an overtired baby is