12 minute read
From The Board Room
The Columns | 3
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
I dare say that this normally festive holiday season will be like no other that we have ever experienced. “Adaptability is the simple secret of survival” so says Jessica Hagedorn, Filipino playwright, writer and poet. She never said that it would be easy. However, if any group can adapt, it’s the residents of Tara Woods. I see it every day.
We all enjoyed a beautiful early evening behind the ceramic building for our first social event of the season, the Pumpkin Carving Contest. There are a bunch of creative folks in our community. The pumpkins were awesome. WOW!! The residents in costume along with the decorated golf carts showed more creativity and added a festive flair to the event. As always, resident participation is the key to any successful event. It was fun to get out and see each other.
Tara Woods residents stepped up AGAIN! Twenty plus residents donated blood right here in the Blood Mobile bus on November 2nd. Thank you for demonstrating that Tara Woods is a caring and giving community.
Many of you have seen the inside of my garage. It is not a pretty sight. On the other hand, there is Linda and John Hoos’ garage located at 19436 Charleston Circle, Lot #167. It is a pretty sight. It is full of Christmas toys that normally would line the stage in our Clubhouse. We are adapting. Stop by and donate any unwrapped
It’s hard to believe but this is the last FMO article for 2020. WHAT A YEAR. I sincerely hope that you and your family are COVID free and all is well.
At the present time, I don’t expect to see FMO meetings for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, we will be able to restart our meetings during the later part of 2021. Now would be a good time to ensure that your membership in the FMO is current. If it has expired or is about to expire consider renewing for three years. Currently, annual dues are $25.00 per year or 3 years for $65.00. Questions about your status, please do not hesitate to contact me.
When you renew for three years you save money and don’t have to worry about renewing for three years. Not a bad deal.
There has been quite a bit of activity behind the scenes. Our FMO Board of Directors have been busy ensuring that we got the vote out to toy or two which will go to the North Fort Myers Fire Department for distribution to boys and girls right here in North Fort Myers. You have until December 16th. Wrapping paper, tape or ribbon are also welcomed.
The Board thanks Community Manager Terri Passaro for her time here and we wish her well. Vice President Sue Cook, Director Peter Krilivisky, and I welcomed and met with Karen Lawson, the new Community Manager, on November 17th. COVID-19, along with the changing of managers, has caused delays to a great many projects that were already in the pipeline and very necessary to ensure that Tara Woods remains a premier community. We all expect to be and look like a premier community. We all look forward to having these projects expedited. As always, as an TWHOA member, you may view the minutes of our meeting on our website www.twhoa.net.
Your Homeowners Membership Association dues are now due. It is time to join or renew with an exclusive group of residents who recognize and appreciate the many benefits of being part of Tara Woods. As a resident you are an asset to our community! Thank you.
Lou Dunning, President loudunning2@gmail.com
239-240-5847 support those candidates running for office are the candidates who support FMO.
FMO is reporting that because of the current and past hurricane seasons, homeowners should expect to see significant increases in their homeowner’s insurance for those living in the panhandle, Tampa area and around Lake O. Because of this, many homeowners are turning to Citizen’s Insurance. Their rate increases are currently capped at 10%.
As we get into the holiday season and you are looking for something different to give yourself, please consider Road Side Assistance from FMO. The rates are significantly less than the competition and for the most part offer similar programs. Questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Wishing you and your families a very SAFE, HAPPY AND HEALTHY holiday season.
Stuart Berman
THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH by Sam Topping “You are never a loser until you quit trying.”
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Linda Beaulieu 239-560-0768 (lindabluetw@gmail.com)
ASSISTANT: Linda Engel PHOTOGRAPHY: Lou Dunning, Donna Erhardt CALENDAR: Judy Lanpher
CIRCULATION: Linda Hoos, Manager COMMUNITY DIRECTORY: Haywood Gandy, Manager
COORDINATORS: Stu & Belle Berman, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, Nancy Schoeppner, Julia Wehrung, Linda Harju, Anthony Harju, and Sue Van Sickle.
STUFFERS: Barb Simonson, Gene Dickie, Jackie Nadean, Donna Phillips, Pam Harrington, Linda Janis, Claire Schwinn, Angie D’Alessandro, Hilda Dienes, Gerri Linder, Nancy LeClair, Nina Lynes, Joan Simonson, and Lorraine & Bill Milligan. ALTERNATES: Frank Millette, Mike & Sheila Harris, Dave Lindon, Victoria Sharps, Al Dion, Nina Lynes, and Barb Simonson. REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article.
Chris Olson, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison
To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers
4 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
Hi, to all Tara Woods neighbors!
Christmas is almost upon us, and our great traditional events that come with this season. Unfortunately, this year, some traditions will not happen because of the COVID Virus. There are two traditions that will always be fulfilling for us. One is the Toy Drive that we contribute to every year. The generosity of our neighbors has been overwhelming over the years and that can’t stop now. So, we will have a small drop-off change this year. The drop-off site will
Both productions in 2020 of the Entertainers’ annual play and the New Image Chorus’ annual show were cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
If you still have tickets for the play and/or the concert, you can get a refund.
Did your pizza arrive late or not as hot as you would like? Did Aunt Rose complain how long she had to wait at the gate? Was the delivery you were expecting NOT DELIVERED? Have you submitted your permanent guest list and is it current? The list goes on and on.
With the holidays coming, AND ALL YEAR ROUND, whenever you are expecting a delivery, visit, or anything in between, it is important that you NOTIFY THE GATE.
Please be mindful that the gate attendants have no idea who is coming to your house. When the X Y Z Roofing Company is at the gate and you haven’t called to say they are coming, it falls upon the gate attendant to contact you. If your phone number is not current and we can’t reach you, that vendor is not coming into Tara Woods. You are not going to be happy and the vendor is not going to be happy.
It’s amazing how many roofers and other professionals do not have their name or contact information on their vehicles.
Aunt Rose is the third vehicle in line, and again the second vehicle was not expected because you did not notify the gate. Once again, the gate attendant has to go through the same procedure for each visitor. VERIFY THAT THEY ARE
Attention Red Hat Ladies! We’re back. Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 at Anthony’s on the Boulevard. Sign up sheet at Clubhouse. It’s open Tuesday night for Bingo and Saturday Morning be at 19436 Charleston Circle, Lot #167. The garage door will be open during the day for all your gifts. The Toy Drive pickup date will be Wednesday, December 16th.
Secondly, also at this address, will be a donation drop box for the collection that we take up for our thank you to the North Fort Myers EMS and Firemen for all they do here at Tara Woods. Those gift certificates, as always, get distributed to them starting on Tuesday, December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, for their holiday meals while they are on duty. (If the virus allows, there will be a collection box at Saturday

Morning Coffee also for the Firemen & EMS.)
Call Polly Brown to arrange a convenient time to bring your ticket(s) to her for a full refund. 239-731-1614 or cell 239-246-2391
Please be aware that they CAN NOT be used

for next year’s performances. AUTHORIZED TO COME INTO TARA WOODS.
How do I avoid this? The night before or first thing in the morning call the gate at 239-731-1582 and tell them who is coming. Also make sure your permanent guest list is up to date. If you have multiple members of the family with the same last name, just give them that name. This will allow you more room for additional guests. For individuals on your permanent guest list you do not have to notify the gate that they are coming.
If you are having guests coming for several days or weeks PLEASE call the office and get a visitor pass for them. Otherwise you will have to call the gate every day to authorize them in.
The only exception to the above are UPS, Fedex, US Mail, Laser Ship, Amazon and anything medical.
The gate attendants want to make sure that all your visitors and deliveries get through the gate as quickly and safely as possible. Doing your part goes a long way to make this happen. Please remember the gate attendants can only keep you safe if you help us help you. Remember WE ARE A TEAM.
Thank you.
Tara Woods Management
Coffee. Also, you can call me, Patty Sparany at 239-652-3869 or Sheila Harris at 313-717-5627.
Hope to get back in the swing!
God Bless, Patty
The Columns | 5
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Investment Lessons from 2020

As the year draws to a close, it’s fair to say that we’ve all learned something about the social, political, physical and environmental forces that have affected everyone. And, in some ways, our lives will be changed, perhaps permanently. But as an investor, what lessons can you learn from 2020? Here are some to consider: • The markets look ahead. Here’s something many investors discovered in 2020: Investment prices don’t always move in the same direction as the overall economy. This might not have seemed apparent right after the COVID-19 pandemic struck in mid-February, as the overall economy and the stock market took big hits. But just about five weeks later, the markets began a rally that lasted several months. During this time, the economy also recovered somewhat, but still remains on weak footing. What can explain this discrepancy between the markets and economic activity? Essentially, economic numbers, such as the unemployment rate and gross domestic product (GDP), reflect what’s happening today, but the markets are always looking toward tomorrow, which means they are anticipating a stronger economic recovery and the results that come with it, such as greater corporate earnings in 2021. No one can say for sure what the future holds, but you can usually know the market’s opinion by its performance. • Opportunities will always exist for investors. Although the coronavirus seems unprecedented, the equity markets have rebounded from many crises before it. From war to global financial meltdowns, the market has seen it all. But even at the height of these events, when the markets might be most affected, individual segments or industries can do well. For example, in the current environment, when many people have been forced to work and shop from home, and get their entertainment online, it’s probably not surprising that some parts of the technology sector have seen their economic activity grow, along with their stock prices. Here’s the key point: Investment opportunities always exist, especially in times of market stress – and smart investors will find them and incorporate them into their portfolios in a way that’s appropriate for their goals and risk tolerance. • Patience and discipline can pay dividends. As mentioned above, the stock market dropped sharply in the weeks immediately following the pandemic, but then gained steadily for months afterward. Investors who tried to “cut losses” and exited the market likely did so at the wrong time and missed out on the beginning of the upturn. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon – investors who overreact to market declines often find themselves on the investment sidelines just when a new rally begins. Rather than being reactive in this way, you may be better off sticking with a long-term investment strategy, and buying and selling investments only when it makes sense for your situation, such as when you need to diversify your portfolio. For many reasons, it’s unlikely that we’ll see anything exactly like 2020 again. But some of the investment lessons we learned are applicable in every year – so keep them in mind for 2021 and beyond.