5 minute read
Activities, Activites
10 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
Permission was granted by the Office in November for the clubs and groups to decorate their trees in the Clubhouse for Christmas. Every effort was made to contact all the groups and offer them the opportunity to put up their tree on Saturday, November 28th. They add a little more Holiday cheer as you drive up the boulevard and around the Clubhouse.
Thank you to those who volunteered to put up some of the outside decorations. Our community is looking festive, indeed! You can make it even jollier by decorating your own home. A prize will be offered for the most cheerfully decorated house.
The Christmas Golf Cart parade will be held on Wednesday, December 9th. Please wear masks and maintain social distancing. We ask that you do not offer food or drink on the parade route. The parade will begin at 6:00 PM. Line up in the
So, Ladies and Gentlemen… this is my 70th article for The Columns! I have been writing this columns article since 2014. Some would think that I would run out of words to say. But no, my husband says he doesn’t think that could ever be possible. At least not in the fifty-seven years we have known each other.
This year has been something to write about. Never in any of our lives have we experienced a year like 2020. I believe you all will agree that we are glad this year is coming to an end. In 2021 we can start fresh. It would be great to put the COVID-19, social distancing, face masks, hand sanitizer etc. behind us, but I am not sure it will happen that soon.
This year also has been a very sad year, where we lost so many of our dear friends. While I realize that they have gone home to God, we still mourn their passing and remember the good times we had together. If this teaches us anything, it should teach us not to waste a moment with petty or mean actions or conversations. Life is too precious to waste it on those things.
I spent the summer meeting some of the new people in Tara Woods. It was hard trying explain how “things are normally” and when “things get back to normal” we can all have fun times together. Well, normal might not ever be
My name is Karen Lawson. I am the new manager here at Tara Woods. I want you all to know I am on site trying to get my hands and head around everything that is going on here.
I would like to ask you if you would help me by providing me with what you love about Tara Woods and also what you dislike or any complaints you may have. This will help me understand all that is going on in your minds, I want to hear all Clubhouse parking lot starting at 5:00 PM. We encourage those who are not in the parade to come out and wave to “Santa” and see all the beautifully decorated carts as they travel throughout the community. There will be no Caroling in the Clubhouse after the parade.
If you did decorate your group tree in the Clubhouse, please designate two to three people to come on Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 at 9:15 AM – not before – to undecorate and pack up your decorations. Please wear masks.
Stay well. Please continue to follow safe procedures, which are designed for the safety of everyone around you, as well as yourself.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator
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janetdaly@yahoo.com, 239-567-2285 returning to us like we remember, so we need to make our own new normal. Our parties and get-togethers might have to be a little different than before but they still will be fun if we choose to. Life is really what you make it. We all face challenges, each in our own way. But if you wake each day and determine that this will be a good day, it most likely will be.
Our play this year will be a radio play which allows us to be socially distanced. If the same rules apply in March that are currently in effect, we will be required to have small audiences. We have added a Sunday Matinee to our Friday and Saturday nights in order to try to allow more people to enjoy our performances. We will share details about how the restrictions to our Clubhouse relate to our performance and audience at a later date. I hope that you will support our efforts to bring the Entertainers back to our stage.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who live in Tara Woods!!
“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” Sanford Meisner
Pat Dunning, Stage Manager for The Entertainers 239-240-5848 cell, 239-599-4490 house
pdunning46@gmail.com your thoughts. I know things have changed so much during this COVID-19 time. I really want to hit the ground running and your thoughts will help guide me in the right direction. Please email me your thoughts at klawson@ hometownamerica.net. Or you may also write a letter addressed to me and put it in the basket at the front door of the office.
Thank you, Karen Lawson
The Columns | 11
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC