15 minute read
Garden Club
The Columns | The Columns | 13 17
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC www.twhoa.net • 941.349.0194 • April 2019 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

GARDEN CLUBMID-ATLANTIC CLUBNEW YORK / NEW JERSEY CLUB Mark your calendar for the two upcoming NY/NJ events, Saturday, April 13th, and Saturday, April Feeling the pandemic isolation, a lot of us have been internet surfing. I would like to share a beautiful website I found, featuring the Keukenhof org and you will be in for a special gardening experience. Also check out our own butterfly garden lovingly tended to and decorated Bulbs: Amaryllis is a popular plant for the holiday season. They can be forced to bloom now or planted outdoors for spring blooms. 27th. The first date is our regular meeting, hosted by Mary & Bill Nothnagel and friends. The theme is “Welcome to spring and play ball”, so wear your team’s colors. The second date is our end of the year luncheon, hosted by Joan & Bill Powers, to be held at Herons Glen. So, make sure you sign up in the Clubhouse for these two festive occasions and don’t miss out on the that plant specific temperature, light, and humidity are key to ensuring that indoor plants thrive. Soil Test: If plants did not perform as In March, the Chili Cookoff was a great event with lots of eating and voting. As the social year progresses, Sunday, April 7th, has been designated for the Brunch at the Isles Yacht Club in Punta Gardens of the Netherlands. One of the fun and good eats. by Linda and John Hoos. Photos on Herbs: Plant herbs that thrive in cool desired this year or new plantings are Gorda. The brunch is the only meeting for most beautiful and largest Gardens of page 15. weather. Some to try are parsley, thyme, Any new NY/NJ residents are more than welcome to come and join in the fun. Bill Nothnagel being planned, a soil test may be a good April. the World, Keukenhof is known for its sage, dill, fennel, and cilantro. As stated above, the luncheon will be at Herons Glen on Saturday, April 27th, between 12:00 - 2:00 PM. The idea. The event for the Sunday, May 19th, stunning display of tulips. The Garden The Garden Club wishes everyone a Vegetables:cost is $12.00 per person. The three menu choices being offered are: Herons Nest Salad – Grilled Chicken, candied Reliable cool season Compost: Composting is meeting is still being discussed. Details will be passed on through covers 79 acres and has approximately Very Merry Safe Christmas vegetables to plant this month include environmentally friendly and produces the Club newsletter and emails.pecans, craisins, blue cheese crumbles, and sliced apples on a field of greens with raspberry vinaigrette. Big Fish 7 million bulbs planted annually. The And Happy Hanukkah celery, cauliflower, lettuce, cabbage, Sandwich – white fish fillet, choice of battered, grilled or blackened, and served on a hoagie roll with choice of side. a beneficial soil amendment or mulch. website is: www.keukenhof.nl/en/ Rachelle DellaRocca and carrot.Reuben Sandwich. Iced tea, coffee and water are included; other beverages or cocktails are the responsibility of Plant debris provides the carbon Barb Pollitt, Secretary
Keukenhof normally hosts 1.5 million 239-322-6386 the guests. I will need a total count and your choice a week before, and, of course, your money preferably in cash or ingredient needed for successful visitors and is open for eight weeks a check made out to me or cash. December What to doJoan Powers 239-731-0168 composting. from mid-March to mid-May. Due to Poinsettias: One of the most popular THIS IS WHERE Pests: While cooler weather generally NEW MEMORIES ARE MADE the pandemic it was forced to close for the first time in seventeen years.NEW ENGLAND CLUB holiday plants is poinsettia. Enjoy it indoors now; then plant in the garden means fewer pests, some populations actually increase at this time of year. CRUISE & LAND VACATIONS On a bright note, Dutch photographer Albert Dros was allowed sole access to the Gardens for a single day of photography capturing views that are normally impossible due to the crowds. Go to www.albertdros.com to see the splendor of the beautiful Gardens. We are fortunate to have beautiful gardens close by in Punta Gorda. When you feel like venturing out, visit the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens at ww.peacerivergardens. December What to plant Bedding Plants: To add color to the winter garden, plant masses of begonia, impatiens, and geranium. to re-bloom next year. Irrigation: Plants may need irrigation if the weather has been warm and dry. Monitor for signs of stress and water only as needed. Fungal disease: Continue monitoring for brown patch and large patch fungal disease through May. Cultural practices are key in control. Houseplants: Inspect regularly for pests on indoor plants. Keep in mind Continue monitoring and treat as needed. Holiday Trees: Consider enjoying a live southern red cedar and then plant it in the landscape when the holidays are over. Protect: Falling temperatures may require protection of tender orchids, impatiens, and tomatoes Excerpts from the Florida Gardening Calendar University of Florida. The New England Club closed out their season on March 30th with a sports themed party. There was an abundance of Red Sox, Patriots, and Yankee fan gear on parade. Awesome food was enjoyed by everyone as well as baseball, football, frisbee and golf competitions. Officers for the 2020-2022 season were announced and they are: Co-Presidents: Dawn Benjamin and Judy Machnicz, Vice-President: Barbara Gilfillan, Treasurer: Lee Beliveau; and Secretary; Carol Malatesta. Dawn, Judy, and Carol welcome our new officers with open arms and look forward to working with you! To all our snowbirds who will be taking flight: Be safe, happy & healthy. To all our summer survivors: Be safe, happy, healthy & hurricane free!! Judy Machnicz FLST# 39068 • CST# 2034468-50 • HST# TAR-7058 • WAST# 603-399-504 GAIL & LARRY HODGE DEL TURA RESIDENTS 239-202-0460 | 800-301-5485 www.sailwithgail.com gail.hodge@cruiseplanners.com Gail Hodge - Cruise Planners CALL TODAY FOR THE BEST LAND AND CRUISE PACKAGES AVAILABLE AND ASK ABOUT SPECIAL OFFERS! 5/19 CALL TODAY FOR GROUP CRUISE INFORMATION FOR 2019 - 2020
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*Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details. Cruise for two Two laptops
Domestic flight Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV Gazebo
Shopping Spree
14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net 2020 PUMPKIN CARVING

Photos of our own butterfly garden lovingly tended to and decorated by Linda And John Hoos.

The Columns | 15
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Distribution of the NEW Tara Woods Resident Directory should begin in early December
When you receive your copy of the NEW 2020 – 2021 Directory please review your information and email any additions, corrections and/or changes to haywood.gandy@gmail.com. Subject: Tara Woods 2020-2021
Directory Update. It is important that you include your Lot #, Name, Address, Telephone Number(s) and your Home State. All new additions, phone number changes, misc. changes, and deletions to the NEW 2020 – 2021 Directory will be updated and published in the monthly editions of The Columns. The online edition of The Columns is available on the Tara Woods website. www.twhoa.net. Thank you and have a wonderful and safe holiday. Community Directory Manager Haywood Gandy, 2998 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #643
Telephone 239-667-0887 (cell phone) or (cell phone) 603-557-8335.
The additions, updates, and changes listed below are included in the NEW 2020 – 2021 directory.
Resident Name
DARPINO, John & Chrissy
HAND, Keith
MOORE, Franklin & Laura
MCCLURE, Kathleen
TONEY, Phil Address
19764 Cottonfield Road
19589 Woodfield Circle
19702 Woodfield Circle
19589 Woodfield Circle
2862 Tara Lakes Circle
19620 Savannah Road
19620 Savannah Road
19010 Potomac Circle 19012 Potomac Circle
2777 Orlenes Street
19702 Woodfield Circle
2862 Tara Lakes Circle Lot #
299 Telephone
856-498-9403 (J)
609-805-7852 (C)
586-484-5124 (D)
330-703-4351 (F)
330-703-4733 (L)
586-217-8540 (P) Home
Resident Name
GORESH, Colleen Address
2777 Orlenes Street Lot # Telephone Number Home
Update or Change State
342 239-405-2668 MO
Resident Name
REECE, Bill & Susan Address
19620 Savannah Road
19589 Woodfield Circle Lot # Status
133 Property Sold
100 Property Sold Home
16 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
This is Old Glory. Is yours faded and torn? Retire her to a proper disposal. Drop her off at 19553 Charleston Circle (lot #12) or at the Guard House. Replacements are available from $7.00. Bob Glandorf

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It’s hard to believe in less than a few weeks we’ll be celebrating 2020 Christmas here at Tara Woods. Sure, everyone couldn’t enjoy most of the activities here in Tara Woods, but slowly but surely everyone did their part on playing it SAFE, STRONG and SMART. Thank you for doing your part.
Once again, I’m welcoming back our snowbirds to our community, and new residents. WELCOME.
I like to mention a new furry four-footed friend in our community.
Tom and Judy Powers got a new puppy upon their return from Up North. His name is Charlie, and he’s a King Charles Spaniel.
If you have been living here for several years, we usually sponsor a Halloween Dog Costume contest. Judy had Cleoie, a terrier-mix of nine years, entered her in this event. Judy and Cleoie would give Bailey (who use to be the writer of these segments before he passed on and Shiloh took over) a run for dressing up. This summer Cleoie passed

away, and Charlie has taken over to fulfill the hearts of the Powers. By having Charlie, he has to put his paws on the trails, especially the trees here in Tara Woods. WELCOME, CHARLIE. Remember to pick up after us – like I state at all segments of Shiloh Speaks.
Well, on this segment of Shiloh Speaks, I’m addressing MERRY CHRISTMAS 2020.
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M – Moment of time has no boundaries. E – Everyone (young and old) who lived during these trying months. R – Realizing there may be an end to all of this. R – Reality. It just doesn’t have a meaning of the world or state of things as they actually exist as opposed to an idealistic or rational idea of them. Y – Year. 2021 hopefully will be a better year for all. C – Cherish what we have and don’t take it for granted – no matter what obstacles may be in your paths. H – Happiness/Health to see that ALL that are here are SAFE, STRONG, and SMART. R – Remembering too the good times and put aside the bad. I – Impress oneself for being there for yourself and others. S – Seeing what will be in store for one and all to come. T – Time. Only 24 hours or 1,440 minutes, 60 minutes (and one minute has 60 seconds), so 24/hour/day times 60 minutes/hours time 60 seconds/minutes to 86,400 seconds day. M – Memory – a wonderful feeling we all can use in the right context. A – Attitude – Remember we are here for you – just for the asking. It’s what you make of it. S – Stressing. The rest of the year and the coming New Year 2021.
Well, my time is up for this month’s segment of Shiloh Speaks. Once again, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and I’ll see you next year. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
The Columns | 17
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Hello, New Englanders! Normally at this time I would be giving you information about our New England Club Christmas Party, and reminding you that sign-ups are mandatory, but sadly, this is not the case. Miss you all very much and the laughter and love we share at our great parties! Right now, I am hoping that we can at least get together a couple of times this season.
I hope everyone has happy and healthy holidays; and for those of you traveling to our beautiful New England states, be safe and stay vigilant. Keeping our fingers crossed for the New Year.
Judy Machnicz
Not much new in Club news. I wouldn’t plan on Club meetings for quite a while. Those of you who volunteered to host a meeting or event from October 2020 - April 2021 - hold that thought! We can use those ideas for the 2021-22 season, unless something changes drastically in the next few months.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer Happy Holiday wishes to all from the New York/New Jersey Club. No matter what’s happening around us, the spirit of the season lives within us. It may take on a different look, but I hope you celebrate with joy, love, peace and hope in a meaningful way to make your holiday special.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Stay safe. We’re not out of the woods yet. Please continue to follow the pandemic guidelines and be cautious.
Janet Daly janetdaly@yahoo.com

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18 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
Because we want everyone who wants to play Bingo to feel safe, and, more importantly, to BE safe, Bingo at Tara Woods will follow the CDC Guidelines and Hometown America’s requirements pertaining to the Clubhouse. These restrictions will be strictly adhered to and there will be no exceptions!
• Tables will be sanitized prior to admission.
• All workers will wear masks and gloves.
• There will be only one (1) entry door and it will open at 5:45 PM.
• Maximum people allowed in the hall is 50, including workers.
• Temperatures will be taken at the door. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 degrees will not be admitted.
• Everyone must wear a mask when not in their seat at their table.
• Only residents of Tara Woods can play. Visitors and/or guests are not allowed.
Proof of residency will be required at the door, such as your Tara Woods name tag or Florida ID showing your street address in Tara Woods.
• Tables and chairs have been arranged to provide for social distancing and must not be moved or changed.
• Due to the limited seating, there will be no saving seats for anyone.
• There will be no concessions for now, but you may bring your own snacks and beverages.
If anyone refuses to comply with these provisions, they will be asked to leave.
Should they refuse to leave and cannot be persuaded to do so by others, the Bingo session will be terminated, and the hall will be vacated. No refunds will be given.
These are very trying times and many of us are ready for something to change.
If we all do our part and follow these guidelines, we can stay safe and have some fun.
If you have any questions, call Polly Brown at 239-246-2391.