Tara Woods - December 2020

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www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020• •Island IslandVisitor VisitorPublishing, Publishing,LLC LLC www.twhoa.net • 941.349.0194 • April 2019



Mark your calendar for the two upcoming NY/NJ events, Saturday, April 13th, and Saturday, April 27th. In March, the Chili Cookoff was a great Feeling the pandemic lotregular orgmeeting, and you be &inBill forNothnagel a special Bulbs: Amaryllis is a popular plant for that plant specific temperature, light, Theisolation, first date isaour hostedwill by Mary and friends. The theme is event with lots of eating and voting. of us have been internet surfing. theend holiday season. They can be forced and humidity are key to ensuring that “Welcome to spring and playgardening ball”, so wearexperience. your team’s colors. The second date is our of the year As the social year progresses, Sunday, I would like to share a beautiful Also check out our own butterfly indoor7th, plants thrive. to bloom now or planted outdoors for April luncheon, hosted by Joan & Bill Powers, to be held at Herons Glen. has been designated for the website I found, featuring Keukenhof lovingly and occasions decorated Brunch Soil Test: If plants did not as spring blooms. So,the make sure you sign upgarden in the Clubhouse fortended these twotofestive and don’t miss out on the at the Isles Yacht Clubperform in Punta Gardens of the Netherlands. One of the by Linda and John Hoos. Photos on Herbs: Plant herbs that thrive in cool Gorda. desiredThe thisbrunch year or new plantings are fun and good eats. is the only meeting for most beautiful and largest Gardens of page 15.than welcome to come and join in the fun. weather. being planned, a soil test may be a good Some to try are parsley, thyme, April. Any new NY/NJ residents are more Bill Nothnagel As stated above, the luncheon will be at Herons Glen on Saturday, April 27th, between 12:00 - 2:00dill, PM.fennel, The the World, Keukenhof is known for its idea. sage, and cilantro. The event for the Sunday, May 19th, cost is $12.00 per person. three menuThe choices being offered are: Herons Nest Salad – Grilled candied Reliable stunning display of tulips. The The Garden Garden Club wishes everyone a Compost: is Chicken, Vegetables: meeting cool is stillseason being discussed. Details will Composting be passed on through pecans, craisins, blue cheese crumbles, and sliced apples on a field of Christmas greens with raspberry vinaigrette. Big Fish covers 79 acres and has approximately Very Merry Safe environmentally friendly and produces vegetables to plantthe this month include Club newsletter and emails. Sandwich – whiteannually. fish fillet, choice or Happy blackened,Hanukkah and served on a hoagie roll with choicecauliflower, of side. 7 million bulbs planted Theof battered, grilled And celery, lettuce, cabbage, a beneficial soil amendment or mulch. Reuben Sandwich. Iced tea, coffee and water areRachelle included; other beverages or cocktails are the responsibility website is: www.keukenhof.nl/en/ DellaRocca Plant debris provides theSecretary carbon Barb Pollitt, and carrot. of thenormally guests. I will need a1.5 total count and your choice a week239-322-6386 before, and, of course, your money preferably in cash or Keukenhof hosts million ingredient needed for successful avisitors check made out to or cash. Joan Powers 239-731-0168 and isme open for eight weeks composting. December What to do

from mid-March to mid-May. Due to Pests: While coolerARE weather generally THIS IS popular WHERE NEW MEMORIES MADE Poinsettias: One of the most the pandemic it was forced to close for means fewer pests, some populations holiday plants is poinsettia. Enjoy C R U I SitE & L A N D V A C A T I O N S the first time in seventeen years. indoors now; then plant in the garden actually increase at this time of year. On a bright note, Dutch photographer Continue monitoring and treat as CALL TODAY FOR THE CALL TODAY FOR to themed re-bloom next year. The New England Club closed out their season on March 30th with a sports party. BEST LAND AND CRUISE Albert Dros was allowed sole access needed. GROUP CRUISE Irrigation: was an abundance foodPlants may need irrigationPACKAGES AVAILABLE to the Gardens forThere a single day of of Red Sox, Patriots, and Yankee fan gear on parade.ifAwesome Holiday Trees: INFORMATION FOR Consider enjoying a the weather has been warm and dry. AND ASK ABOUT was enjoyed by everyone as well as baseball, football, frisbee and golf competitions. photography capturing views that are live southern SPECIAL-OFFERS! 2020 red cedar and then plant it Monitor Officers forcrowds. the 2020-2022 season were announced and they are: Co-Presidents: Dawnfor Ben-signs of stress and water in2019 normally impossible due to the the landscape when the holidays are only asand needed. jamin and Judy Machnicz, Sec Go to www.albertdros.com to see the Vice-President: Barbara Gilfillan, Treasurer: Lee Beliveau; over. GAIL & monitoring LARRY HODGE open Fungal Continue retary; Gardens. Carol Malatesta. Dawn, Judy, and Carol welcome our new officers with armsdisease: and splendor of the beautiful DELlarge TURApatch RESIDENTS for brown patch and fungal Protect: Falling temperatures may to working with you! We are fortunatelook to forward have beautiful December What to plant require protection of tender orchids, 239-202-0460 | 800-301-5485 disease through May. Cultural practices all our snowbirds be taking flight: Be safe, happy & healthy. gardens close by inTo Punta Gorda. who will impatiens, and tomatoes Bedding Plants: To add color to the are key in control. www.sailwithgail.com gail.hodge@cruiseplanners.com To all our out, summer survivors: Be safe, happy, healthy & hurricane free!! When you feel like venturing visit winter garden, plant masses of begonia, Houseplants: Inspect regularly Gail Hodge - Cruise for Planners Judy Machnicz the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture impatiens, and geranium. Excerpts from the Florida Gardening pests on indoor plants. Keep in mind FLST# 39068 • CST# 2034468-50 • HST# TAR-7058 • WAST# 603-399-504 Gardens at ww.peacerivergardens. Calendar University of Florida. 5/19


? 0 0 $5 ITH... W O D U O Y LD WHAT WOU

Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.

Cruise for two

Two laptops

Domestic flight

Outdoor Grill

Patio Set


Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree

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