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Sports, Cards & Crafts
The Columns | 19
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • December 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TENNIS ASSOCIATION Nothing new to report this month. – Ed Sandre
With COVID-19 still active in the area, there is no inter-league tennis play scheduled at this time in Tara Woods.
WOMEN’S LEAGUE Women’s Team – Angels
Tara Woods is not presently allowing inter-league play, so there isn’t any information to share with you regarding that. However, I thought I would give you a little history lesson on the Women’s Tennis Teams from Tara Woods.
The Tara Woods Angels existed long before I came to Tara Woods in 2009. Whether Tara Woods had one or two teams – depending on the number of women who signed up to play that year – one of the Women’s Teams was always called the Tara Woods Angels.
Since I didn’t join the Tara Woods Women’s Tennis League until the 2010-11 season, I don’t have any historical information prior to that time. The following information is taken from my personal records.
There were two Women’s Teams from Tara Woods for both the 2010-11 and 2011-12 tennis seasons. Both years the Angels team was captained by Dawn Benjamin. The other team was called the Devils and was captained both years by former resident Ruth Aspin.
We also had two teams for both the 2012-13 and 2013-14 seasons. The Angels, of course, made up one team with Dawn Benjamin as captain the first year (when they took first place) and Sharon Boehlke as captain the second year. The other team was named the Lady Bugs, with Henri La Liberty as the captain both years.
We still had two Women’s Teams in 2014-15, with Sharon Boehlke again as the captain of the Angels. The second team was called the Jewels and was captained by Julie Wehrung. That season Tara Woods reigned as champions, as the Angels took first place and the Jewels took second place in the league.
For both the 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons, we had only one team. This team, named the Angels of course, had Sharon Boehlke again as the captain both years. The Angels tied for first place in 2015-16.
In 2017-18 we had just enough women sign up to make two teams. The new team that year was the Fusion captained by Janice Johnston. The Angels team was again captained by Sharon Boehlke.
In both 2018-19 and 2019-20 we had just one team again. Janice Johnston was the captain in 2018-19, and Pam Ahlers was the captain in 2019-20. Tara Woods again came out on top of the league both years, securing first place by at least ten games ahead of the second place team.
We were in the process of planning for our 202021 tennis season when COVID-19 struck, and all competitive tennis play was suspended.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our past tennis seasons. If I again feel ambitious, I may try to give you more Angels team information in a future issue of The Columns. This would be information from the very early years when the Tara Woods Angels team was actually formed. – Linda Engel
MEN’S LEAGUE White Team – Stallions
Nothing new to report this month. – Glen Fisher / Art Frederick
Blue Team – Tigers
The North Fort Myers Senior Tennis League (NFMSTL) is not playing at this time due to COVID19 restrictions in the parks that host the league’s tennis teams.
The Tara Woods Tigers are waiting for the results of our Captains Meeting on December 7th for further guidance. At this point, all tennis is at the mercy of COVID-19 restrictions and the rules of the host parks. Hopefully things will change for the better soon. – Al Dion / Mike O’Hearn
Blue Team – Mustangs
Nothing new to report this month. – Mike Renzulli
The new season for the Tennis Association has started. As I write this article, the first Round Robin was to be played on November 22nd. As more of our tennis players return to Tara Woods we have to consider what the season will include. We have to think about the health and situations we must face in the future.
We have the next Round Robin scheduled for January 24th. We hope our opportunity to play the season improves and gets back to normal. We will all work and seek input as to what our future may bring us.
Watch the Tennis Bulletin Board for changes and new procedures at the courts. – Dale Holat, Round Robin Coordinator Submitted by Linda Engel
SOFTBALL MEETING Polish Your Spikes and Oil up Your Glove. There will be a meeting of the Tara Woods Softball team on Friday, December 4th, at 9:30 in the Clubhouse. Please attend if you are interested. See You then, Larry Baldwin - Manager 913-945-0016
If anyone is interested in playing Horse Collar on The Tuesday and Friday leagues will begin in January 2021. Mondays at 10:00 AM, the cost is $1.00 per player Call Ken Atkinson at 815-970-0467 (to be given away as prizes). Anyone can play. if you have any questions.