Isle of Man Stamps & Coins News 136

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NEWS Issue Number 136

Spring 2012

In this issue of Manx Stamp & Coin News… The Kelly Collection • HM Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Miniature Sheet & Special Folder The Titanic • Isle of Man Lighthouses • London 2012 Olympics by Paul Smith Collectables Royal Stamp & Coin Commemorative Collectables • IOM Treasury Coins new Euro 2012 and Olympic sets and all the latest news…


Dot’s Message

Chaghteraght Dot

n February, I was privileged to attend the UCI Track Cycling World Cup event which was held at the new London Olympic Velodrome in London, christened ’the Pringle’ for its resemblance to that well known brand of potato crisp. The atmosphere inside the velodrome was electric, which bodes well for this summer’s London Olympic Games. The countdown to the opening ceremony continues – 127 days to go as I write this message. Just before my visit, the Isle of Man welcomed the Lord Mayor of the City London, Alderman David Wootton to our shores and our Chief Minister, Hon Allan Bell MHK and Post Office Chairman Geoff Corkish MBE MHK presented presented the Lord Mayor with a framed set of our 2012 Olympic stamps which were designed by Sir Paul Smith. Alderman Wootton was very complimentary about the stamps and, as a keen rower, was particularly taken with the rowing stamp.


Presentation to the Lord Mayor of the City of London

a major part of the entertainment. We will be issuing a Thames Regatta miniature sheet for the event and Maxine Cannon from the Bureau will be going to London to witness this floating celebration of Her Majesty's 60 year reign. Back in the Isle of Man we are building up to the TT Races which will coincide with the Olympic baton arriving on 2nd June. The names of the lucky Manx baton carriers have now been announced and the route for the baton will include a visit to the TT Grandstand. Finally, I would like to sincerely recommend our Diamond Jubilee Special Folder. We have quite a reputation for our folders and I have to say this one is a truly fitting tribute to Her Majesty the Queen.

In addition to the Olympics, London will be celebrating Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee, with the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant

Europa 2012 Harbour Lights Sheet and First Day Cover As ever, we are supporting the Europa stamp issue with a beautiful sheet featuring a panoramic view of Douglas bay and including ten European postage value stamps. Our Europa First Day Cover features two such Douglas stamps with special postmark, the story of the issue is included within on an illustrated information card. Europa 2012 Harbour Lights Sheet Mint QE66 CTO QE67 £6.80 Europa 2012 Harbour Lights First Day Cover QE95 £2.25 You may wish to view Tracey Dean's paintings online at

Titanic Special Folder A commemorative folder featuring 6 postcards which include a timeline of postmarks from Titanic leaving Belfast on the 2nd April to the loss of the Ship of Dreams on the 15th April, plus a commemorative label sheet. Titanic Special Folder QC43 £20.00 Titanic Commemorative Stamp Label Sheet Mint QC68 CTO QC69 £8.55 PAGE 2 STAMP & COIN NEWS – SPRING 2012

NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 02.04.12

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present Harbour Lights, a set of six stamps depicting minor lighthouses around the Isle of Man. We commissioned local artist Tracey Dean to prepare new paintings which truly capture the elegance of the familiar landmarks.

Local historian Stan Basnett writes: The principal Lighthouses around the Isle of Man are maintained by the Commissioners of Northern Lights and are not the only lighthouses around the Island. Each harbour being protected by minor lights erected on the extremities of piers and breakwaters many of which are also being fitted with an audible device such as a horn or bell for use in fog. When built their purpose was vital to vessels entering harbour at night or in restricted visibility. Their importance has since diminished through the use of modern equipment such as radar and GPS. They still however have a useful part to play as an aid to navigation. Prior to the Revestment Act of 1765 the responsibility for the Island's harbours lay with the Duke of Atholl and the Island's Government. After that date the harbours came under the control of the Admiralty and the Crown. Ultimately they reverted to the Isle of Man Harbour Commissioners and still remain the responsibility of the Manx Government through the Department of Infrastructure. C A S T L E T O W N The outer harbour at Castletown is protected by a small breakwater on the end of which is a superb limestone built lighthouse. It carries an inscription that clearly states that it was built in AD 1849 at which time Castletown was the capital of the Island and the harbour was more important than now. The lighthouse displays an occulting red light every 15 seconds and is visible for 8 miles. The approach to the inner harbour carries a smaller “pepper pot” lighthouse displaying an occulting red light every 4 seconds visible for 4 miles. DOUGLAS This stamp depicts the lighthouse on the end of the Battery Pier at Douglas, which was completed in

TECHNICAL DETAILS Artist & Designer ................................................Tracey Dean Text ....................................................................Stan Basnett Stamp Size ....................................................38mm x 30mm Printer..............................................................................BDT Number of values ................................................................6 Colours ................................................................................4 Process ......................................................Offset Lithography Perforations ..........................................................14 per 2cm

1876 and formed the outer breakwater for the harbour. The light exhibited alternate white and red lights every 15 seconds and had a bell fog signal of one ring every 2 seconds. When a new breakwater was completed in 1983 a new light was erected on an unpretentious metal mast and as a result the original light now displays a considerably reduced quick flashing red light. L A X E Y The harbour at Laxey owes its origin to the lead mining industry. Responsibility for it passed to the IOM Harbour Commissioners in 1890 who then commenced work on the construction of a breakwater which was completed in 1893. The stone built lighthouse on the seaward end exhibits an occulting green light every 3 seconds visible for 7 miles. The smaller inner light on the end of Rowe's Pier displays an occulting red light every 3 seconds also visible for 7 miles. P E E L Peel harbour is protected by five lights and the one depicted on this stamp is the oldest and located on the outer breakwater which was completed in 1896. It is an elegant octagonal cast iron structure erected on the raised head at the extremity of the breakwater. It displays a white occulting light every 7 seconds and is visible for 11 miles. It did have a fog signal in the form of a bell giving 4 rings every 12 seconds. R A M S E Y The harbour entrance at Ramsey has a channel trained between two piers. The South Pier was extended in 1876 and the stamp depicts the hexagonal cast iron lighthouse erected at its seaward end. It displays an occulting red light every 5 seconds and is visible for 8 miles. As the channel is effectively a navigable channel the North Pier exhibits a green light as an aid to ships entering the port. In the background is the Ramsey Queen’s Pier, now disused, which was built as a low water landing pier.

Paper..................................................110 gsm PVA gummed No of stamps per sheet ......................................................25 Date of Issue ......................................................2 April 2012 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover, Europa Sheet, Europa FDC


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 02.04.12

The Isle of Man Post Office presents a set of six stamps to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the loss of RMS Titanic after striking an iceberg. It is one of the deadliest maritime disasters in peacetime history, more than 1,500 passengers and crew died in the early hours of 15th April 1912. Captained by Edward John Smith, one of the company’s most respected and experienced officers, and billed as the largest and most luxurious ship in the world, the Titanic was on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, when tragedy struck. The trip had begun five days earlier when 914 passengers boarded the liner with 884 members of crew, including a squash professional, swimming pool lifeguards, Turkish bath attendants and a chaperone for single women in third class – four firemen missed the sailing because they were in the pub. First class passengers lost included John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim and Macy’s owner Isidor Strauss. Chairman of the White Star Line, Joseph Bruce Ismay, survived the tragedy They marvelled at the grand staircase, which ran through six decks, the sumptuous staterooms, oak and mahogany panelling and luxurious fitted carpets, before being escorted to their rooms by stewards. Second and third class passengers entered through a corridor and were directed to their rooms. They included schoolteacher Lawrence Beesley, who wrote an account of the disaster and seven-year-old schoolgirl Eva Hart, whose life was saved after her mother had a premonition and refused to sleep. At midday Titanic steamed into the Channel and headed for Cherbourg, where a further 274 passengers joined the voyage and then on to Queenstown, in southern Ireland, where they picked up a further 136 passengers and the Irish mail. At 1.30pm on 11th April, Titanic headed into the Atlantic for what was expected to be a six-day voyage.

The first class passengers enjoyed lavish facilities. The catering was exquisite: on 14th April, the ten-course dinner included oyster, consommé, poached salmon, filet mignon, lamb, duckling or sirloin of beef, punch romaine, roast squab, asparagus, paté de foie gras and Waldorf pudding. But for some, it was to be their last supper. At 11.39pm look-out, Fred Fleet, spotted the iceberg looming in the dark. He rang the bell three times and telephoned the bridge. First Officer Murdoch immediately gave the order ‘hard-a-starboard’ and signalled the engine room ‘stop’ but the liner was cruising at 22 knots and within a minute it had struck the iceberg. Captain Smith rushed to the bridge. After inspecting the damage, it was clear that the ship was doomed: although there was only a small hole, the iceberg had buckled the steel plates and sheered the rivets below the waterline; water was spilling over the bulkheads, flooding the first six compartments and weighing the box down. At 12.05am, the order was given to uncover the lifeboats. But the operation was disorganised. Eighteen lifeboats were launched – the first at 12.45am; the last at 2.05am. Ten minutes after the last lifeboat was launched, the bridge was under water and the forward funnel collapsed. Within five minutes the Titanic gave a sudden lurch and threw the two remaining lifeboats into the sea. There was a rumbling like thunder from the bowels of the ship and at 2.20am the lights went out and the Titanic sank, plunging more than 1,500 people, including Captain Smith, into the icy sea. But it was the heroism of the band that will always be remembered. As the stern began to rise, violinist Wallace W Hartley, who was band leader, told the other seven musicians they could stand down. But they remained. All of them sacrificed their lives for their courage.

Technical Details: Design: ......................Isle of Man Advertising & PR Ltd Paper: ....................................102gms PVA gummed Printer: ........................................................BDT Format: ..........................6 stamps in two strips of 3 Text: ........................Claudia Joseph and Robert Kelly Issue Date: ......................................2nd April 2012 Stamp Size: ..............................28.45mm x 42.58mm PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Colours: ..........................................................4 Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover, Process: ....................................Offset Lithography Commemorative Sheet, Special Folder Perforations: ......................................14 per 2 cms PAGE 43 STAMP STAMP & & COIN COIN NEWS NEWS –– WINTER SPRING PAGE SPRING 2012 2012

NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 21.04.12

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present this miniature sheet to commemorate the Queen’s reign.

From the moment King George VI died peacefully in his sleep at Sandringham House, on February 6, 1952, the Queen became one of the world’s most popular leaders, travelling to all corners of the globe on Commonwealth and State visits. The news of her father’s death was broken to her by the Duke of Edinburgh when she was staying at their royal residence Sagana Lodge, at the foothills of Mount Kenya, on their way back from a tour of Australia and New Zealand. It was a sign of things to come. Since then the Queen has set a record for travelling more than any other monarch in history – she has made over 325 overseas visits in the 60 years since she was crowned. It was in 1947 that the then Princess Elizabeth made her frst overseas visit to South Africa. But it was not until fve years later that she took over her father’s mantle. She was proclaimed Queen in London on February 8, 1952 – two days after her father’s death – and in the Isle of Man on February 12. During her reign she has broken new ground – she was the first British monarch to visit China, in 1986, Russia, in 1994, Brunei and Malaysia, in 1998, and Korea, in 1999. One of her most memorable visits was the six-day state visit to South Africa in 1995 – the first since the end of apartheid and her first visit to the country as a new bride. She toured Australia and Singapore for the 2006 Commonwealth Games, was present at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Uganda the following year and squeezed in a state visit to America to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement in 2007. But it was last year that she made her most historic visit when she undertook a four-day tour of Ireland, becoming the first British monarch to visit Britain’s nearest neighbour since her grandfather George V was greeted by cheering crowds in Dublin a century ago. In one of her most politically signifcant speeches, she acknowledged

Technical Details: Stamp Design ..............................................Casco Design..................................................EJC Design Text ..............................................Claudia Joseph Printer ........................................................BDT Stamp Size ....................................36 mm x 36 mm Colours ............................................................4 Process ......................................Offset Lithography PAGE 5 STAMP & COIN

the ‘sad and regrettable’ history between Britain and Ireland. Closer to home, the Queen, who has over 600 patronages and charities, has visited most corners of Britain and is greeted by vast crowds as she opens buildings, tours schools, hospitals and voluntary organisations and meets local dignitaries. All of them will be cheering for her on her Diamond Jubilee. A jubilee of significance; the thoughts of local Manx historian Robert Kelly Not just Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee this year but what sixty years of the second Elizabethan era has meant. There is so much to cheer in it: so much achievement that has totally changed the Island. Television has transformed the Island’s view of the world; computers, the speed and ease in which we do things. The ending of food rationing in July 1954 ushered in the days of unprecedented affuence: when perceived poverty would once have seemed great riches. In 1955, when the Queen came to the Island for the first of six visits, the Island began its swift emergence as a major international finance centre; a substantial reduction in income tax marking its first step. Just five years after the Queen’s accession to the throne in 1952, the space age began with the Russians launching the world’s first man-made satellite, the Sputnik. It would have seemed inconceivable then that within a lifetime the Island would emerge as being such a signifcant player in space research it would be regarded as being one of the likeliest communities to put a man on the moon. Yet it has. At a time when the Manx resident population was just 48,000 and shrinking it must have seemed impossible also that within that same lifetime it would be 84,000, cosmopolitan and growing…a place so independently-minded that it would issue its own passports, coinage and, yes, its own postage stamps too! It all amounts to so much to celebrate: a time not without its problems and sadness, perhaps, but, overall, one of unprecedented success.

Perforations ........................................13 per 2 cms Paper ....................................102 gsm PVA Gummed Format ............................Miniature sheet of 1 stamp Issue Date ........................................21st April 2012 Products Available Miniature Sheet, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover NEWS – SPRING 2012

NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 08.05.12

The Manx Cottage BDT

Isle of Man IOM

The Agency

The Manx Dog BDT

Isle of Man 68p

The Agency

Many people are discovering the fascination of collecting little bits of yesteryear. In the Isle of Man the range of collectables is enormous: from postage stamps, coins, books and postcards to china, prints, maps, jewellery even scent and liquor bottles, old pipes, amusingly decorated handkerchiefs and brass buttons. Many date back to the late Victorian and Edwardian tourist boom when quality tourist souvenirs and “fairings” - prizes at fun fair competitions, even Tynwald Fair - were produced in large numbers. Manx “fairings” include a model of Laxey Wheel which lifts to reveal a pin tray underneath. In 40 years of collecting, Manx couple, Robert and Linda Kelly, have amassed a wide range of Manx memorabilia. We asked them to share with us some of their favourites: The Postman at Maughold This stamp depicts a Royal Doulton spittoon decorated with Manx scenes including the Maughold Cross and delivery of mail at Maughold by a rural postman. Plates and other items are decorated with similar views. Twenty years ago Royal Doulton had no record of having produced the range. Some years after being approached by Mr and Mrs Kelly, however, an archivist found a set of transfers. The Manx Racing Car This stamp shows a Crown Devon model of an early Manx racing car of no specific manufacture. The three legs emblem acts as its starting handle. The model commemorates the “Manx International Motorcar Race” probably the 1914 Car TT which attracted entries from Britain, Germany, Belgium and France. Ginger - The Manx Cat This stamp depicts a commemorative plate, produced in 1962 by Kettlesprings Kilns Alliance, Ohio, USA; designed by Mrs Alexander Elsin (nee Dorothy Mylrea) for sale as a fund-raiser for the 1963 North American Manx Association

Technical Details: Memorabilia ..................Robert and Linda Kelly Design........................................The Agency Ltd Photography ........................................John Hall Printer..........................................................BDT Text..................................................Robert Kelly Stamp Size ............................40.64 x 29.79 mm Colours ........................................................four

The Manx Racing Car BDT

Isle of Man UK

The Agency

Ginger The Manx Cat BDT

The Agency

Postman At Maughold BDT

Isle of Man £1.10

The Agency

Archibald Knox Jewel BDT

Isle of Man 58p

Isle of Man £1.82

The Agency

Convention in Chicago. It features the International champion Manx cat “Ginger-Manx of Glen Orry” (a Chicago cattery) playing Ellan Vannin on a piano. Ginger founded a line of champion Manx cats. The Manx Dog - Prince Toby Orry This stamp portrays a model by Willow Art China, Staffordshire, of the famous three-legged Manx dog, Prince Toby Orry. Born in Douglas on 25th July 1907, he was promoted for many years among gullible tourists as the last of a breed of three-legged dogs which inspired the Island’s three legs emblem. Archibald Knox Jewel This stamp features an enamelled silver Founder’s Jewel designed by Archibald Knox for the Conister Lodge of Freemasons. The illustration is of the Tower of Refuge on Conister Rock in Douglas Bay. Mr Kelly acquired the jewel in 1979, the year his biography of Sir William Hillary, founder of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and instigator of the construction, was published. Believing it to be a women’s item, he gave it to his wife as a memento of the book’s publication. Only later did he discover the jewel’s Masonic origins. The Manx Cottage This stamp depicts a Goss china Manx cottage. When a night light is inserted through a hole in the back and is lit, the cottage glows. What is being produced now that will be collectable in future - other than the obvious postage stamps, coins and decorative phone cards? Mr and Mrs Kelly suggest Manx Christmas cards - designed, printed and published locally, many for the benefit of local charities. This fascinating set also serves as an affectionate tribute to Linda Kelly who passed away last year – we respectfully dedicate it to her with our gratitude.

Process ..................................Offset Lithography Perforations ....................................14 per 2 cm Paper ..................Unwatermarked PVA Gummed Sheet Format ..................................................25 Products Available: Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover


Order Form

Spring 2012

It’s So Easy To Collect Our Stamps… You can order whenever you wish, just return our order form by post, give us a ring or view and buy online on our fully secure website at

…and Keep Up To Date Many of our customers enjoy the benefits of their Standing Order Account. We despatch your stamps each season and automatically collect payment from your account. To arrange for this service and never miss an issue, please contact us - we are always happy to help!

How To Order Please use our order form overleaf, go online or contact us: (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday)

By Phone: [+44] (0) 1624 698430 Web:

Fax: [+44] (0) 1624 698434

@ Email:

By Post Isle of Man Stamps & Coins IOM Post Office PO Box 10M Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM99 1PB

Ways To Pay Payments can only accepted in GB Pounds Sterling minimum order £5.00. Cheques should be made payable to: Isle of Man Post Office Credit Cards we accept all major cards but cannot accept American Express or Diners Club. European Customers can pay into our POSTBANK account: Germany (Saarbrucken) IBAN - DE34 5901 0066 0001 3486 66 BIC - PBNKDEFF

Bank Transfer - our bank details: Isle of Man Bank Athol Street Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM1 1JA Sort Code: 55 91 00 Account number: 10959300 • Any surplus balance is held on the account for future use in the event of orders being overpaid

GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION If you are not completely satisfied with any products we will gladly exchange or refund your money! All we ask is that you return the item to us with proof of purchase within 14 days of receipt PAGE 5 STAMP & COIN NEWS – SPRING 2011


Standing Order Despatch Date:

Issued 08.05.12 NEW The Kelly Collection Set IOM, UK, 58p, 68p, £1.10, £1.82(Sheets of 25) QG31 QG81 £4.97 Presentation Pack QG41 £5.72 Isle of Man First Day Cover QG91 £5.67 IOM HM Queen QEII Diamond Jubilee Miniature Sheet Issued 21.04.12 NEW Miniature Sheet of one stamp QB25 QB75 £3.00 Presentation Pack QB42 £3.75 First Day Cover QB92 £3.70

Top Gear

Standing Order Despatch Date: 08.05.12

The Manx Cottage BDT

The Agency

Titanic NEW Set of 6 Stamps

Presentation Pack First Day Cover Commemorative Sheet Special Folder Lighthouses of the Isle of Man NEW Set of 6 Stamps (Sheets of 25) Presentation Pack First Day Cover Europa Sheet of 10 Stamps Europa First Day Cover



Issued 02.04.12 QC31 QC81 £4.99 QC41 £5.74 QC91 £5.69 QC68 QC69 £8.55 QC43 £20.00 Issued 02.04.12 QE31 QE81 £5.34 QE41 £6.09 QE91 £6.04 QE66 QE67 £6.80 QE95 £2.25

Standing Order Despatch Date: 20.02.12 William Hoggatt

QD31 QD81 £1.90 QD41 £2.65 QD91 £2.60

HM Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee

Issued 06.02.12

Set 37p, 38p, 58p, 68p, £1.10, £1.82 Presentation Pack First Day Cover Souvenir Sheetlet Special Folder London 2012 Olympic Games

QB31 QB81 £4.93 QB41 £5.68 QB91 £5.63 QB64 QB65 £4.93 QB43 £30.00 Issued 01.01.12

Set 37p, 38p, 58p, 68p, 76p, £1.00, £1.15 (Sheets of 5)

Presentation Pack First Day Cover Souvenir Sheetlet Miniature Sheet Miniature Sheet Presentation Pack Miniature Sheet First Day Cover Pre-Paid Stampcards (Set of 8) Special Collector’s Book

Common Miniature Miniature Sh Presentation First Day C

The Narc Set Sheetlet Presentation First Day C

Issued 20.02.12

Set 5 x 38p Stamps (Sheets of 20) Presentation Pack First Day Cover

(Sheets of 8)

Set 37p, 38p Presentation First Day C Special Fold Self-Adhesiv Self-Adhesiv Birds In W Set IOM, UK Self-adhesiv Presentation First Day C Europa Shee Europa First Sepac Folde

QA31 QA81 QA41 QA91 QA64 QA65 QA25 QA75 QA42 QA92 QA27 QA77 QA43

£4.92 £5.67 £5.62 £9.84 £3.00 £3.75 £3.70 £6.08 £50.00

Standing Order Despatch Date:

Isle of M Postal H Set of Sete

(Sheets of 10 pa

First Day C Presentatio Isle of M Postal H Miniature S First Day C Presentatio Manx Ca Set 37p, 38p First Day C Presentatio

SOON TO BE WITHDRAW Dusty Miller Cartoons The Royal Wedding 2011 M IOM Butterfly Collection TT2011 Centenary of the M TT2011 Greatest Races Mi





p, 58p, 68p, 110p, 182p n Pack over er ve Die-Cut Sheet Set ve 2 Value set Winter K, 58p, 68p, 76p, 200p (Sheets of 50) e set (UK & IOM) n Pack over etlet (10 x 68p) t Day Cover er


Issued 05.11.11 PJ31 PJ41


£4.93 £5.68 PJ91 £5.63 PJ43 £20.00 PJ65 £14.60 PJ32 PJ92 £2.92 Issued 28.09.11 PI31 PI81 £4.77 PI32 PI82 £0.75 PI41 £5.52 PI91 £5.47 PI66 PI67 £6.80 PI95 £2.25 PI43 £15.00

wealth Youth Games 2011 e Sheet Issued 01.09.11 heet of 8 x 38p stamps PI25 PI75 £3.04 n Pack PI42 £3.79 over PI92 £3.74

cissus Flower t 2 x 5p, 2 x 10p, 2 x 35p n Pack over

Issued 01.09.11 PH31 PH81 £1.00 PH41 £1.75 PH91 £1.70


an Internment - Knockaloe istory Issued 08.08.11 nent pairs: 37p, 38p, 58p, £1.15 airs) PG31 PG81 £4.96 Cover PG91 £5.66 on Pack PG41 £5.71 an Internment - Knockaloe istory Miniature Sheet Issued 08.08.11 Sheet (2 x 50p, 2 x £1 stamps) PG25 PG75 £3.00 Cover PG92 £3.70 on Pack PG42 £3.75 ats - Tales of the Tailless Issued 23.06.11 p, 58p, 76p, 115p, 165p (Sheets of 20) PF31 PF81 £4.89 Cover PF91 £5.59 on Pack PF41 £5.64


Miniature Sheet

Mountain Course niature Sheet




Standard Airletter 2008 (Issued 11.11.08) AD28 AD78 £0.85 DESCRIPTION



Kiloware Packet (100 different stamps)



THE DEFINITIVES COLLECTION Flowers Set 1p 2p 4p 5p 10p 20p 21p 22p 25p 26p 30p 50p £1.00 Queen and Queen Mother £2.50 £3.00

BA 32 BA 82

ALBUMS & PAGES Lindner Album* Full 2011 Full 2011 comprises 3 empty Albums (in slipcases) and pages for sets & miniature sheets from 1973 - 2011 inclusive. Lindner Album* Empty Lindner Blank Page Lindner First Day Cover Page (Holds 4 covers) Lindner Postcard Page (Holds 8 cards) Lindner Sheetlet Page, size (H 285 mm x W 230 mm) Lindner Stock Page Davo Album Pages 2011 Davo FDC Double Album* Davo FDC Album Pages (Pack of 10)




DK01 £385.00

AZ04 AZ05 AZ06 AZ07 AZ08 AZ09 PK11 AY05 AY06

£40.00 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £16.50 £28.00 £12.00

FDC Album with 20 pages* (40 covers) AZ01 £12.00 Extra FDC pages (Pack of 10) AZ02 £5.00 Presentation Pack Binder* AZ03 £8.00 Newsletter Holder AY04 £7.50 Year Set Album AY07 £15.00 Each of the above ALBUMS* are subject to additional POSTAGE & PACKING charges of £6.00 for customers outside the British Isles.

YEAR COLLECTIONS Yearbooks Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2011 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2010 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2009 Year Collection of Presentation Packs Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2011 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2010 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2009 Year Sets Year Set 2011 Year Set 2010

WN Issued 10.05.11 Issued 15.04.11 Issued 01.04.11 Issued 01.04.11 Issued 01.04.11





PK07 OK07 NK07

£62.00 £57.50 £55.00

(including binder)

PK04 OK04 NK04

£74.00 £63.00 £62.50

PK12 OK12

£62.00 £54.00




OK02 2010 £12.50 OK03 2010m £5.00

PK02 PK03

2011 £14.00 2011m £5.60

Year + m = Miniature Sheet Page

If you wish to purchase pages from 1973 - 2009 please contact us regarding availability and prices. Thank you.

ORDER FORM • Pull-out order form and stock list MINT


QTYorderCTO QTY PRICE will be dispatched to you on£12.05.08P This

Diamond Jubilee Thames Regatta Miniature Sheet Miniature Sheet (5 x 60p stamps)


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover Thames Regatta Commemorative Sheet


Issued 03.06.12 QF75

£3.00 £3.75




£9.00 £11.06

Jubilee Holiday Commemorative Sheet



Celebration Day Commemorative Sheet



Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Sheet Folder


£9.94 £30.00

Mark Cavendish MBE – The Manx Missile

Issued 19.06.12

Set of 7 Stamps (Sheets of 20)


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover


£5.16 £5.91



Bee Fauna of the Isle of Man

Issued 08.08.12

Set of 6 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover


£5.37 £6.12



This order will be despatched to you on 08.08.12 ITEM CODE


Thank You For Your Order


Plus Overseas (Excluding UK) Postage & Packing for albums only @ £6.00 Post & Packing - FREE For Orders over £7.50







NAME ............................................................................................................................................... TEL. NO. .................................................. ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ...............................................................

E-MAIL ...................................................................................................................... PAYMENT OF £










Minimum order £5.00. PLEASE NOTE: All payments to be made in sterling and will be taken on receipt of your order. Please quote your philatelic account number on all correspondence. Thank you.


Isle of Man Treasury Coins Cooinaghyn Tashtey Vannin Decimal Coin Designs introduced in 1984 M. J. Southall, MBE, MCGI A further set of new designs for Manx decimal coins was introduced in 1984. As with the 1980 set, they also reflected many aspects of Island life and its history. The £5, 20p and £1 coins had been added to the series in 1981, 1982 and 1983 respectively. These will be described in more detail in the next Stamp and Coin News.

2p Coin: A single peregrine falcon within a garnished shield represents the traditional Manx tribute to the Sovereign at the coronation. 5p coin: The common ragwort, or cushag, on the 5p coin is recognised as the official Manx national flower. 10p Coin: A symbolic representation of the Manx Loaghtan ram, a rare breed of sheep with four horns. 20p Coin: This coin depicts three Manx herrings on a decorative shield. Herrings are traditionally oak-smoked, usually at Peel, to produce the world famous Manx kipper. 50p Coin: The Viking longship represented on the 50p coin is in the style of Lymphad, an ancient vessel propelled by oars and having one mast with a sail furled, which first appeared in Manx heraldry in the 10th Century. £1 Coin: Second coin in the series of Manx town Coats-of-Arms, it depicts the Arms of Castletown. This series will be explained in the next issue.


Coin: The wild fuchsia shown on this coin grows in abundance in the Manx hedgerows. It is often regarded as the alternative to the Manx National flower.

1p Coin: This coin depicts a cormorant; a coastal bird frequently seen along the Manx shores, particularly around the Ayres at the northernmost tip of the Island.

£5 Coin: This magnificent design of a Manx Knight on Horseback shows the horse in full gallop. The Knight himself is brandishing a sword prominently decorated with the Manx Triskeles. Obverse: All the 1984 coins show the first profile portrait of Her Majesty by Arnold Machin, as used on the first Manx decimal coins of 1971.

The Isle of Man Treasury Coin Collection As appointed agents for Isle of Man Treasury coins we are proud to offer a selection of these unique and beautifullycrafted cupro-nickel items. We concentrate mainly on coin sets which complement our philatelic collection. The collections are also available from our retail outlets on the Isle of Man and from our website • A number of other Isle of Man Treasury coins are available - for a comprehensive list please visit: or contact Pobjoy Mint Ltd. on 01737 818181

Isle of Man Treasury Commemorative Coins IOM Stamp & Coin Mini Collection IOM Decimal Coin Set 2011 Five Pound Coin Paddington Bear & Crown Suzuki 50p Coin in a box Manx Cat Crown 1988 Christmas Card & 50p Coin 2010 Christmas 50p Coin 2010 in a box Christmas 50p Coin 2010 Decoration Twelve Days of Christmas six 50p Box Set Turkish Angora Cat Crown Peter Rabbit Coloured Crown Gift Set Lifetime of Service Royal Crown Peter Rabbit Coloured Crown in box

AF99 £9.99 AG02 £27.50 AG03 £16.50 AG09 £19.95 AG17 £9.95 AG19 £12.50 AG25 £8.50 AG26 £9.95 AG27 £8.50 AG28 £27.50 AG29 £12.95 AG30 £29.95 AG31 £12.95 AG32 £19.95

Yamaha Anniversary 50p Coin in a wallet Yamaha Anniversary 50p Coin in a box TT2011 Mountain Course Centenary Crown IOMCYG £2 Coin & Blistercard IOMCYG £2 Coin in a box Christmas 2011 50p in Blisterpack Christmas 2011 50p in a box Christmas 2011 50p & Card Christmas 2011 50p in a wallet HM Queen Coronation Crown in a box HM Queen Visit to Canada Crown in a box Manx Cat Crown 2012 in a box Olympics 2012 (Set of 6 coins in a box) Euro 2012 Football Crowns (Set of 4 Coins in a box)


AG33 £2.00 AG34 £9.95 AG35 £12.95 AG37 £5.00 AG38 £12.95 AG39 £3.75 AG40 £9.95 AG41 £8.50 AG42 £2.00 AG44 £12.95 AG45 £12.95 AG46 £12.95 AG48 £75.00 AG49 £51.80


Your Olympic Year Starts Here… Isle of Man Stamps & Coins is pleased to present a most prestigious stamp issue, inspired by the London 2012 Olympic Games. Designed by internationally renowned British designer Sir Paul Smith, this very special set of stamps went on sale at 00.01 a.m. on January 1st 2012 at the Island’s main Post Office in Douglas – a ‘world first’. We are hugely honoured and thrilled that Sir Paul Smith agreed to design our Olympic collection. He aspired to design a truly positive and colourful collection with a strong graphic style of design – something we certainly feel he has achieved with this iconic set, we hope you will agree. Sir Paul Smith’s introduction into fashion was accidental. His ambition was to become a professional racing cyclist until aged seventeen years he was involved in a road accident. Three months in hospital followed and when he came out he knew he wanted to do something creative. With the encouragement from his girlfriend Pauline Denyer (now wife), and a small amount of savings, he opened a tiny shop in Nottingham in 1970. He started to take evening classes, studying tailoring and by 1976 Paul had shown his first menswear collection in Paris. Today there are fourteen collections including ready-to-wear for men and women, accessories, shoes and junior. Paul Smith has seventeen shops in the UK and sells to sixty six countries in the rest of the world with shops in Paris, Milan, New York, Hong Kong, Korea, Kuwait, U.A.E. and Japan. Paul continues to be an integral part of the company; he is both designer and chairman and is continually involved in every aspect of the business.

Stampcards Set Beautifully printed set of eight full-colour postcards featuring each stamp image with a pre-paid stamp graphic on the reverse. London 2012 Olympic Games Stampcards Set Mint QA27 CTO QA28 £6.08

Souvenir Sheetlet This fantastic sheetlet incorporates two full sets of stamps and at 260mm x 220mm is ideal for framing also available as a ‘CTO’ (‘Cancelled To Order’) item postmarked with the date of issue. London 2012 Olympic Games Souvenir Sheetlet Mint QA64 CTO QA65 £9.84


COLLECTABLES London 2012 Olympic Games Paul Smith Special Collector’s Book Inspired by his passion for cycling and the Olympic legacy, Sir Paul Smith has designed this beautiful compendium of stamps and postcards for the Isle of Man Post Office to commemorate the London 2012 Olympic Games. Hardback book, including images of and text by Sir Paul Smith with contributions from Mark Cavendish MBE and Dave Brailsford CBE. Incorporating sets of 8 pre-paid postcards and 8 gummed full-page stamp sheets set in to the pages. The panes featuring the stamps and stampcards are available separately (illustrated on Page 3 and below). London 2012 Olympic Games Paul Smith Special Collectors Book QA43 £50.00

London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Book Postcard Pane Set These stunning postcard panes feature in our Special Collector’s Book but are also available as a set or individually and each comprises a full colour postcard set into a decorative pane featuring the stamp image with traditional postcard graphics to the reverse side including pre-paid Isle of Man stamp graphic, each pane measures 210 x 210mm - ideal for framing. London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Book Postcard Pane Set QA46 £8.00

London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Book Stamp Pane Set These wonderful stamp panes feature in our Special Collector’s Book but are also available as a set or individually, each themed sheetlet comprises five stamps set within a decorative colour sheet with gummed reverse side, each pane measures 210 x 210mm ideal for framing. London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Book Stamp Pane Set QA10 £27.60


COLLECTABLES Diamond Jubilee Special Folder A fitting tribute to this landmark occasion, this latest lavish production incorporates a beautiful diamondshaped sheetlet, two pictorial sheets and individual stamps in a beautifully printed premium quality glosslaminated card folder. This wonderful collectable is filled with the highest quality full-colour illustrations while the speciallycommissioned text tells the story of a young Princess, her accession to Queen and her devoted service to our country. An unmissable Regal tribute! Diamond Jubilee Special Folder QB43 £30.00

Lifetime of Service Royal Crown In association with Pobjoy Mint, the IOM Treasury has issued this superb cupro-nickel coin which is delivered in a deluxe, robust collector’s box. Lifetime of Service Royal Crown AG31 £12.95

HM Queen Coronation Crown This beautiful cupro-nickel coin (in collector’s box) commemorates the landmark historical event when Her Majesty became Head of the Commonwealth and Queen in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey on June 2nd 1953. HM Queen Coronation Crown in a box AG44 £12.95

HM Queen Visit to Canada Crown During her sixty year reign Queen Elizabeth II has become the most widely travelled head of state in world history. This cupro-nickel coin features the monarch on a state visit to Canada underlining our lasting Commonwealth special relationship and is housed in a collectors box. HM Queen Visit to Canada Crown AG45 £12.95



2012 Olympic Collection of Crowns This set of six stunning cupro-nickel coins makes a superb addition to our Olympic Collection. Each coin honours two different events within the same sport and is a wonderful record of the greatest sports of our lifetime: Equestrian, Cycling, Indoor Water Sports, Contact Sports and Tennis. All 6 coins are being struck with a unique double effigy showing a portrait of The Queen as she appears on current coins, along with a portrait of Her Majesty based on how she appeared on the first coins of her reign. The set is housed in a truly groovy ‘Union Flag’ collector’s box. 2012 Olympic Collection AG48 £75.00

Euro 2012 Football 4-Crown Set This set celebrates the 14th European Championship for national football teams jointly hosted by Poland and Ukraine. Fiftyone nations entered the competition and sixteen national teams compete in the final tournament, including the two host nations. Each cupro-nickel coin features a footballing skill with a landmark from each of the host cities in the background with a double effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the reverse. Euro 2012 Football Crowns (Set of 4 Coins in a box) AG49 £51.80

Manx Cat Crown 2012 This tailless cat has become a national symbol the Isle of Man and features again by popular demand. Shy but friendly, clever and endearing the Manx has a personality all of its own. A beautiful cupro-nickel coin in a collector’s box. Manx Cat Crown 2012 AG46 £12.95


FUTURE ISSUES Diamond Jubilee Thames Regatta Miniature Sheet - Issue Date 03.06.12 At high water on the afternoon of Sunday 3rd June 2012, up to a thousand boats will muster on the River Thames in preparation for Her Majesty The Queen to take part in the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant. Our miniature sheet and special commemorative sheets will capture the atmosphere and provide a lasting postal tribute. The flotilla will be bolstered by armed forces, fire, police, rescue and other services with passenger boats carrying up to 30,000 flag-waving members of the public placed centre stage, or rather mid-river, in this floating celebration of Her Majesty's 60 year reign.

Mark Cavendish MBE – The Manx Missile - Issue Date 19.06.12 What an amazing year in the life of our number one Manx sportsman. In the past few months the cycling superstar, known as the 'Manx Missile,' out-sprinted all-comers to win the green jersey in the Tour de France, became World Cycling Road Race Champion, was awarded the MBE and was voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year. We hope to do his achievements justice with our stamp issue!

Bee Fauna of the Isle of Man - Issue Date 08.08.12 This beautiful stamp issue features the familiar art work of Richard Lewington and is dedicated to one of our most popular and beloved insects recognising it’s crucial role in the life cycle of the natural world. Apart from the honeybee, the Island is home to approximately 15 species of bumblebee and 57 species of solitary bee. To put this into perspective, currently there are known to be 24 species of bumblebees and over 200 solitary bee species recorded from the British Isles. These images are so life-like you can almost smell the honey!


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We are always happy to hear from you too, so why not sign up today or contact us by the usual means… Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, PO Box IOM, Douglas, ISLE OF MAN, British Isles, IM99 1PB By Fax: +44 (0) 1624 698434 By phone: +44 (0) 1624 698430 (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday) E-Mail We have taken every care in the preparation of the content of this catalogue. Despite our efforts, just occasionally, an error can occur. We shall be under no obligation to fulfil an order for goods in the case of errors or inaccuracies regarding the description of the goods or prices appearing in our catalogue.

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