Isle of Man Stamps & Coins News 138

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NEWS Issue Number 138

Autumn 2012

In this issue of Manx Stamp & Coin News… Christmas Scenes • Scott Antarctic Miniature Sheet • The Centenary of the Royal Flying Corps • Mark Cavendish Collectables • Year Collections 2012 • London 2012 Olympics by Paul Smith Collectables • Diamond Jubilee Special Royal Stamp & Coin Commemoratives IOM Treasury Coins and all the latest news…


Dot’s Message

Chaghteraght Dot

he London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic T Games were, without doubt, amazing experiences for everyone involved and wasn’t it so nice that, from the moment the Games began to take shape, people everywhere joined together in an atmosphere of comradeship and happiness – we got along, we talked to complete strangers, we volunteered, we watched Taekwondo on the TV, slightly mystified, although it didn’t matter whether we understood or not – it was just the best time ever!

Dot Tilbury

In the Isle of Man our world champion cyclist, Mark Cavendish, had the pressure of being favourite for the first GB gold medal in the men’s cycling road race – he did not succeed and we were hugely disappointed for him. However, all was not lost as Peter Kennaugh - another home bred top cyclist and member of Team Sky - was in the British Men’s team pursuit squad at the Olympic Velodrome. They won the gold medal in world record time beating the Australian team in the final and the Isle of Man went ‘ballistic’ with excitement and pride. ‘Good luck’ banners were speedily replaced with ‘well done Peter Kennaugh – we are so proud of you’ banners. Meanwhile, the post box in the village of Onchan, where Peter grew up, was painted gold and, at the Isle of Man Post Office (where Peter’s father is a postman), the winners stamp sheet was getting its final touches to go to print. Peter returned home to the Island within 24 hours

of winning his medal and crowds of wellwishers were at the airport to greet him, including the President of Tynwald, Mrs Clare Christian, who said “Peter’s victory was met with an explosion of pride and delight” - and how right she was. Peter Kennaugh and his team’s winners sheet is a limited edition of 2012 and they are selling at ‘world record pace’ at £10 each. Before the Olympic flame was lit the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee had ‘set the bar so high’ that it was generally felt the London 2012 Olympics would struggle to match the ‘feel good factor’ - as each Jubilee event created a wonderful atmosphere of British pride. We produced a beautiful folder to mark the events; the Thames Pageant, the Jubilee Holiday, fireworks and final celebrityrich concert. The folder was described as ‘lavish’ and, judging by the lovely letters we have had from our customers, our description was about right. The folder makes a super gift at Christmas (code QF44, £30) and recalls that special time in June when we all had a bit more time for everything good. Thank you so much for supporting Isle of Man Stamps and Coins in 2012 and behalf of us all may I wish you and your families a happy and peaceful Christmas and a healthy New Year.

Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Sheets & Special Folder We present three landmark stamp sheetlets and a very special folder that together form a lasting postal tribute to the memorable events of the Jubilee long-weekend. Each of the special commemorative sheets captures the atmosphere of the day and is filled with contemporary images of each of the glorious events. From the rainy river Pageant to the service at St Paul's with the unforgettable celebrity-rich concert on The Mall in between, the sheet folder brings it all alive and is packed with many exclusive images of days that will live long in the nation's collective memory. The sheets are available separately or as part of our lavish 20 page folder. Thames Pageant (03.06.12) Commemorative Sheet Mint QF60 CTO QF61 £9.00 Jubilee Holiday (04.06.12) Commemorative Sheet Mint QF62 CTO QF63 £11.06 Celebration Day (05.06.12) Commemorative Sheet Mint QF64 CTO QF65 £9.94 Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Sheet Folder QF44 £30.00



Celebrating Manx Gold! We are delighted to issue a Gold Medal Winners Sheet in celebration of the success of the Team GB cyclists (including Manx-born Peter Kennaugh) in the Men's Team Pursuit in the London 2012 Olympic Games. Limited to an edition of only 2012 - and incorporating our fabulous stamps designed by Sir Paul Smith - these A4 format individually numbered sheets are beautifully printed in full colour and metallic inks and are delivered in our exclusive wrapover card folder. Gold Medal Winners Sheet Mint QA76 CTO QA77 £10.00 Please note that we are obliged to limit this item to 5 per customer.

Peter’s Gold Post Box In celebration of Peter Kennaugh’s gold medal win the post box at Onchan Post Office, near to the family home, was transformed in time for his return to the Island to recognise his outstanding achievement. Pictured are father and son – both named Peter Kennaugh. We are all very proud of both Peters as PK senior is one of IOM Post Office’s longest-serving postmen and has represented GB internationally in cycling too. A Happy Return A huge crowd greeted Peter at the Isle of Man Airport. He joined in as the crowd sang an impromptu rendition of the Island’s national anthem and then gave an emotional speech in which he thanked everyone for the reception. He said: ‘This means everything to me, to have so many people welcoming me home shows what a close knit community we have in the Isle of Man.’ He then held his gold medal aloft and said ‘this is for you guys’ - prompting another big cheer from the crowd that included fans of all ages.


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 20.09.12

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present a set of 6 stamps commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the Royal Flying Corps. The Royal Flying Corps was formed by Royal Warrant on 13 April 1912. It comprised a Military Wing, a Naval Wing, the Central Flying School at Upavon and the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough. By the time it had assumed control of the Air Battalion of the Royal Engineers a month later it could record a miscellaneous collection of around 20 different types - many of dubious quality. Just over two years later, led by Brigadier General Sir David Henderson, the RFC went to war. Four Squadrons flew to France and the RFC had 63 aircraft supported by 900 men. By the Battle of Loos in September 1915 the RFC strength had increased to 12 Squadrons with 161 aircraft and by the time of the first major air actions at the first Battle of the Somme in July 1916, there were 27 Squadrons with over 420 aircraft on roll plus a further 216 in depots and training. The RFC first went into action on 19 August 1914 when two aeroplanes took off to seek the advancing German forces. Reconnaissance and artillery spotting was to be the principal task of the Corps over the duration of the War. The Royal Aircraft Factory designed BE.2 series of aircraft and was the most widely used for this kind of mission later followed by the RE.8 and AW.8 types. Scout aircraft gradually evolved. At first there were no ‘fighter’ squadrons as such with types mounting a single non-synchronised machine gun being issued in small numbers to squadrons tasked with other duties. Early scout types such as the Nieuport carried a gun on the top wing so when fired the bullets passed over the arc of the propeller whilst other ‘pusher’ types were designed with the engine behind the pilot and gunner such as the Gunbus, the FE.2 or the single seat DH.2. TECHNICAL DETAILS

With the adoption of the synchronised machine gun the number of scout types grew and the first dedicated squadrons were formed to defend the RFC’s reconnaissance aircraft and to prevent enemy aircraft carrying out their duties. Amongst these early fighter squadrons was No.54 flying the Sopwith Pup, No.56 using the SE.5 and the famous Sopwith Camel first issued to No.70 Squadron. By 1918, 13 squadrons of the RFC were flying this diminutive type with its twin machine guns. At first RFC aircraft were unmarked but later Union Jack flags were painted on the wings to distinguish them from the ‘Hun’. By 1915 most aircraft had the familiar red, white and blue cockades applied. As the war progressed, plain fabric covered aircraft had their upper surfaces painted in a dark brown protective colour defined as PC.10. Major General Hugh Trenchard, as Commander of the RFC in France for much of the war, was the driving force behind the expansion of the RFC so that by the final days of the RFC over 1200 aircraft were deployed on the Western Front. At home, the RFC Home Establishment was responsible for training air and ground crews and preparing squadrons to deploy to France. The RFC provided squadrons for home defence, defending against German Zeppelin and later the Gotha bomber raids. The RFC was also deployed to the Middle East, the Balkans and later to Italy. Eleven members of the RFC were awarded the Victoria Cross and some of these pilots became household names – Albert Ball and James McCudden being just two examples. The motto of the RFC, Per Ardua ad Astra (Through Adversity to the Stars) lives on through the RAF. Process ................................................Offset Lithography

Artwork ...................................................... Arvo Vercamer

Perforations ....................................................13 per 2 cms

Design................................................................ EJC Design

Paper............................................102 gsm PVA Gummed

Printer .......................................................................... Cartor

Format ............................................ 25 Stamps per Sheet

Text ................................................................ Roger Tisdale

Issue Date .................................... 20th September 2012

Stamp Size ....................................28.45 mm x 42.58 mm

PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack and First Day Cover

Colours ............................................ 4 Plus Metallic Gold


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 02.10.12

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present this stamp issue commemorating the centenary of Scott’s heroic expedition to the South Pole. We are grateful for the uniquely qualified contribution of Sir Ranulph Fiennes and to the Scott Polar Research Institute for permission to feature the extraordinary photographs of Herbert Ponting. Sir Ranulph Fiennes writes… When Britain first sent ‘Torpedo’ Lieutenant Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his ship Discovery south to Antarctica, the box camera had been invented and was as vital a part of any expedition as a pith helmet or an ice axe. That was in 1901- the twentieth century – yet Antarctica was still unexplored. Nobody even knew if it was a continent or merely a mass of floating ice. In 1910, Scott’s Terra Nova expedition was sent to penetrate this vast and hostile region, to devise the best method of travel there, and, with a band of top-rate scientists under his control, to gain knowledge in the cause of science. He chose the best scientists from all over the Commonwealth as well as the best professional photographercum-cinematographer, Herbert Ponting, whose reputation was already firmly established in London after an exciting life in remote lands about which he lectured with magic lantern slides. His images confirm Ponting as one of the truly great photographers of the twentieth century, especially considering the extremely demanding conditions under which he had to work in Antarctica. In the 1970s, I worked as a photographer and cinematographer in Antarctica and even then, with vastly improved cameras, lenses, films, and ancillary gear, I still found even the simplest photographic activity extremely demanding in the ultra-low temperatures. In the 1970s, a character-assonating biography of Scott and a nine-hour equally distorted based on that book attacked the explorer and his achievements. His posthumous record was besmirched and, in 2002, I decided to set the record straight and reassert historical reality in place of the groundless myths successfully propagated by the book and the film. I am delighted that my resulting book Captain Scott is now followed by this stamp issue to remind us all of the stark reality of the conditions faced by Scott and his men, the very first human beings to penetrate and learn about Antarctica.

Technical Details: Text ....................................................................Sir Rapulph Fiennes Photography ............................................................Herbert Ponting Design ..............................................................................EJC Design Printer..............................................................................Lowe-Martin Stamp Size ......................................................................30.5 x 40mm Sheet Size ........................................................................170 x 75mm Colours ................................................................................................4

Although Amundsen was the first to reach the Pole, towed there by dog power, Scott was the first to arrive by pure man power. The US scientific station at the South Pole is called the Scott Amundsen South Pole Station in recognition of two great but very different achievements. The greatest of French polar explorers, Dr. Jean Charcot, wrote in Le Matin: “Scott has conquered the pole. The public, ill-informed, will say that he reached his goal only second: but those who know – Amundsen and Shackleton among them – will say that it was Scott who opened the road to the Pole and mapped out the route, shedding a reflecting glow upon his country.” He added: “Scott did not turn aside from his scientific programme… It is quite another thing with Amundsen. He is not a scientist. He is bent only on setting up a record. If one wishes to pronounce the one greater than the other, the preference must go to him who surrounds his expedition result with the greatest number of discoveries and scientific observation.” One of Amundsen’s great Pole team members, Helmer Hanssen, said: “It is no disparagement of Amundsen and the rest of us when I say that Scott’s achievement far exceeded ours… Just imagine what it meant for Scott and the others to drag their sleds themselves, with all their equipment to the Pole. We started with fifty-two dogs and came back with eleven, and many of these wore themselves out on the journey. What shall we say of Scott and his comrades, who were their own dogs? Anyone with any experience will take off his hat to Scott’s achievement. I do not believe men ever have shown such endurance at any time, nor do I believe there will ever be men to equal it.” This stamp issue is a fitting tribute, not only to a story of great heroism and courage, but also to Herbert Ponting, an artist of the highest quality.

Process ................................................................Offset Lithography Perforations ....................................................................13 per 2cms Paper ............................................................102 gms PVA Gummed Format ............................................Miniature Sheet with 2 Stamps Issue Date..............................................................2nd October 2012 Products Available Miniature Sheet, Presentation Pack and First Day Cover


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 20.10.12


Christmas sCenes A TIME GONE BY

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present a set of six stamps which feature original artwork by Island based artist Michael Starkey.

Ramsey Christmas Lights

Sulby Glen

Here we have shoppers with the Christmas tree lights at the Courthouse which is now the Ramsey Post Office. The lights give cheer and hope in the cold frosty night with quite often the brass band playing and choirs singing. This painting shows a group at about six o’clock on Christmas Eve. It’s about that time that people start to think “Have we got everything?”

Here we have the light fading on Christmas Day in Sulby Glen. The light is on in the cottage and the lady and dog are looking forward to a warm fire and some mince pies with the family, before the frost sets in for the night. This is the atmosphere I like to create, that feeling just before dark in the winter when it seems to glow before night. Sulby Glen is a magical setting just made for a painting.

Glen Auldyn Christmas Post Delivery

Martin’s Sweet Shop Ramsey, Christmas 1960s

I wanted to paint a rural picture of a postman delivering mail at Christmas. When I was a postman in Ramsey, I delivered mail in town to all the little streets in South Ramsey which now are long gone. The rural drivers would tell me stories about Christmas Day deliveries and how, quite often, the vans would have to be dug out of the snow. Here we see a Morris 1000 van and the postman in Glen Auldyn on the outskirts of Ramsey just before dark. It was often quite late into the night before some of them returned.

This painting is set in the 60s when Martin’s Sweetshop, situated just across the road from the cinema was a wonderland for all who stepped inside. Rows of sweet jars and decorations hung in every part of the shop giving a riot of colour. It was also a passing place on the way to school. Here the lights are on in the shop as Christmas Eve approaches. The children who are playing are waiting for the big day with the promise of a matinee and a selection box.

Castletown Police Station I always wanted to include this building in a painting. Here we have a small choir with a couple of late shoppers. A policeman keeps a watchful eye to keep the town safe and secure on Christmas Eve. The castle looms large in the background as the lights are on in the station, where a mince pie and a cup of tea are waiting before he ventures out on his rounds. Soon the lights will dim and peace and quiet will reign for Christmas.

Lake Lane, Peel Here we are in Peel on Christmas Day. It has stopped snowing and children, excited by the snow, race out to play. In days gone by, after Christmas Dinner, there was a short time before dark when children went to their friends’ houses to play and came back to a warm fire and a big tea. Evenings would be spent playing games and listening to the radio. These lanes in Peel were a perfect playground not far from the house and here I have tried to capture that moment.

Technical Details Paper............................................................110 gms PVA Gummed Images and Text ....................................................Michael Starkey No. of Stamps ...................................................................................... 6 Design ..................................................................................EJC Design Format................................................................................Sheets of 20 Printer..............................................................................................Cartor Issue Date ..........................................................20th October 2012 Stamp Size..........................................................................32 x 26mm Products Available: Colours......................................................................................................4 Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover, Self-adhesive stamps (2 values) Process ................................................................Offset Lithography Perforations......................................................................13 per 2cms PAGE 6 STAMP & COIN NEWS – AUTUMN 2012 PAGE PAGE 65STAMP &&COIN NEWS NEWS –– SUMMER 2012 2012 PAGE 6STAMP STAMP &COIN COIN NEWS –SPRING AUTUMN 2012

Order Form

Autumn 2012

It’s So Easy To Collect Our Stamps… You can order whenever you wish, just return our order form by post, give us a ring or view and buy online on our fully secure website at

…and Keep Up To Date Many of our customers enjoy the benefits of their Standing Order Account. We despatch your stamps each season and automatically collect payment from your account. To arrange for this service and never miss an issue, please contact us - we are always happy to help!

How To Order Please use our order form overleaf, go online or contact us: (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday)

By Phone: [+44] (0) 1624 698430 Web:

Fax: [+44] (0) 1624 698434

@ Email:

By Post Isle of Man Stamps & Coins IOM Post Office PO Box 10M Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM99 1PB

Ways To Pay Payments can only be accepted in GB Pounds Sterling - minimum order £5.00. Cheques should be made payable to: Isle of Man Post Office Credit Cards we accept all major cards but cannot accept American Express or Diners Club. European Customers can pay into our POSTBANK account: Germany (Saarbrucken) IBAN - DE34 5901 0066 0001 3486 66 BIC - PBNKDEFF

Bank Transfer - our bank details: Isle of Man Bank Athol Street Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM1 1JA Sort Code: 55 91 00 Account number: 10959300 • Any surplus balance is held on the account for future use in the event of orders being overpaid

GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION If you are not completely satisfied with any products we will gladly exchange or refund your money! All we ask is that you return the item to us with proof of purchase within 14 days of receipt PAGE 5 STAMP & COIN NEWS – SPRING 2011

STOCK LIST Standing Order Despatch Date: 20.10.12 NEW

Christmas Scenes – A Time Gone By




Standing Order Despatch Date:

Issued 20.10.12

Set 38, 41, 71, £1.05, £1.16, £1.73 (Sheets of 20) QI31 QI81 £5.44 Self-Adhesive Set (2 values)

QI32 QI82 £0.79

Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£6.19 QI91 £6.14

Centenary of Scott’s NEW South Pole Expedition

Issued 02.10.12

Miniature Sheet (2 x £1.50 stamps)

QJ25 QJ75 £3.00

Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£3.75 QJ92 £3.70

NEW Centenary of the Royal Flying Corps Issued 20.09.12

Set 38, 41, 65, 80, £1.37, £1.91 (Sheets of 25)

QJ31 QJ81 £5.52

Presentation Pack



First Day Cover


QJ91 CTO £6.22 PRICE

Standing Order Despatch Date: 08.08.12 Bee Fauna of the Isle of Man

Issued 08.08.12

Set 38, 41, £1, £1.05, £1.30, £1.47 (Sheets of 50) QH31 QH81 £5.61 Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

The Manx Cottage BDT

The Agency

Isle of Man IOM

The Kelly Set IOM, UK Presentation First Day Co Diamond Miniature Sh Presentation First Day Co

Titanic Set 37, 38, 6 Presentation First Day Co Commemor Special Fold Lighthous Set 1, 68, 75 Presentation First Day Co Europa Shee Europa First

£6.36 QH91 £6.31

Standing Order Despatch Date:

Self-adhesive booklet 10 x IOM value




Self-adhesive booklet 10 x UK value



Set 5 x 38p Presentatio First Day C HM Quee Diamond Set 37p, 38

Mark Cavendish MBE The Manx Missile

Issued 19.06.12

Set 38, 41, 65, 71, 80, 105, 116p (Sheets of 20) QF31 QF81 £5.16 Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£5.91 QF91 £5.86

Augmented Reality Sheetlet

QF68 QF69 £9.52

Stamp and Coin Pack



Special Folder



Diamond Jubilee Thames Pageant Miniature Sheet

Issued 03.06.12

(Sheets of 8)

Presentatio First Day C Souvenir Sh Special Fold

London 2

Miniature Sheet (3 x 50p, 1 x £1.50)

QF25 QF75 £3.00

Set 37p, 38

Presentation Pack


(Sheets of 5)

First Day Cover

£3.75 QF92 £3.70

Thames Pageant Commemorative Sheet

QF60 QF61 £9.00

Jubilee Holiday Commemorative Sheet

QF62 QF63 £11.06

Celebration Day Commemorative Sheet

QF64 QF65 £9.94

Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Sheet Folder


SOON TO BE WITHDRAWN Top Gear Birds In Winter


Issued 05.11.11 Issued 28.09.11

Presentatio First Day C Souvenir Sh Miniature S Miniature S Miniature S Pre-Paid St Special Col





y Collection K, 58p, 68p, £1.10, £1.82 (Sheets of 25) n Pack over Jubilee Miniature Sheet heet of one stamp n Pack over

Issued 08.05.12 QG31 QG81 £4.97 QG41 £5.72 QG91 £5.67 Issued 21.04.12 QB25 QB75 £3.00 QB42 £3.75 QB92 £3.70

68, 76, £1.15, £1.65 (2 Sheets of 15) n Pack over rative Sheet er ses of the Isle of Man 5, £1, £1.30, £1.60 (Sheets of 25) n Pack over et of 10 Stamps t Day Cover

Issued 02.04.12 QC31 QC81 £4.99 QC41 £5.74 QC91 £5.69 QC68 QC69 £8.55 QC43 £20.00 Issued 02.04.12 QE31 QE81 £5.34 QE41 £6.09 QE91 £6.04 QE66 QE67 £6.80 QE95 £2.25



p Stamps (Sheets of 20) on Pack Cover en Elizabeth II d Jubilee 8p, 58p, 68p, £1.10, £1.82

on Pack Cover heetlet der

2012 Olympic Games




Issued 20.02.12 QD31 QD81 £1.90 QD41 £2.65 QD91 £2.60




Kiloware Packet (100 different stamps)



THE DEFINITIVES COLLECTION Flowers Set 1p 2p 4p 5p 10p 20p 21p 22p 25p 26p 30p 50p £1.00 Queen and Queen Mother £2.50 £3.00

BA 32 BA 82

ALBUMS & PAGES Lindner Album* Full 2012 Full 2012 comprises 3 empty Albums (in slipcases) and pages for sets & miniature sheets from 1973 - 2012 inclusive. Lindner Album* Empty Lindner Blank Page Lindner First Day Cover Page (Holds 4 covers) Lindner Postcard Page (Holds 8 cards) Lindner Sheetlet Page, size (H 285 mm x W 230 mm) Lindner Stock Page Davo Album Pages 2012 Davo FDC Double Album* Davo FDC Album Pages (Pack of 10)




DK01 £395.00

AZ04 AZ05 AZ06 AZ07 AZ08 AZ09 QK11 AY05 AY06

£40.00 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £16.50 £28.00 £12.00

FDC Album with 20 pages* (40 covers) AZ01 £12.00 Extra FDC pages (Pack of 10) AZ02 £5.00 Presentation Pack Binder* AZ03 £8.00 Newsletter Holder AY04 £7.50 Year Set Album AY07 £15.00 Each of the above ALBUMS* are subject to additional POSTAGE & PACKING charges of £6.00 for customers outside the British Isles.

Issued 06.02.12 QB31 QB81 £4.93 QB41 £5.68 QB91 £5.63 QB64 QB65 £4.93 QB43 £30.00 Issued 01.01.12

p, 58p, 68p, 76p, £1.00, £1.15

on Pack Cover heetlet Sheet Sheet Presentation Pack Sheet First Day Cover ampcards (Set of 8) lector’s Book


QA31 QA81 £4.92 QA41 £5.67 QA91 £5.62 QA64 QA65 £9.84 QA25 QA75 £3.00 QA42 £3.75 QA92 £3.70 QA27 QA77 £6.08 QA43 £50.00

YEAR COLLECTIONS Yearbooks Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2012 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2011 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2010 Year Collection of Presentation Packs Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2011 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2010 Year Sets Year Set 2012 Year Set 2011 Year Set 2010



QK07 £62.00 PK07 £62.00 OK07 £57.50 (including binder)

QK04 £72.00 PK04 £74.00 OK04 £63.00 QK12 £60.00 PK12 £62.00 OK12 £54.00


PK02 PK03



2011 £14.00 2011m £5.60

QK02 2012 £14.00 QK03 2012m £5.60

Year + m = Miniature Sheet Page

If you wish to purchase pages from 1973 - 2010 please contact us regarding availability and prices. Thank you.

ORDER FORM • Pull-out order form and stock list MINT


QTYorderCTO QTY PRICE will be dispatched to you on£12.05.08P This

The Chronicles of Man & The Lewis Chessmen Set of 6 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

Issued 11.01.13 RA81





The Coronation of HM Queen 1953-2013

Issued 06.02.13

Set of 6 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover Special Folder








IOM Constabulary 150th Anniversary

Issued 20.02.13

Set of 6 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover










Fire & Rescue Service Miniature Sheet

Issued 20.02.13

Miniature Sheet


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover


This order will be despatched to you on 20.02.13 ITEM CODE


Thank You For Your Order


Plus Overseas (Excluding UK) Postage & Packing for albums only @ £6.00 Post & Packing - FREE For Orders over £7.50







NAME ............................................................................................................................................... TEL. NO. .................................................. ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ...............................................................

E-MAIL ...................................................................................................................... PAYMENT OF £










Minimum order £5.00. PLEASE NOTE: All payments to be made in sterling and will be taken on receipt of your order. Please quote your philatelic account number on all correspondence. Thank you.


Isle of Man Treasury Coins Cooinaghyn Tashtey Vannin Decimal Coin Designs Introduced in 1988 M. J. Southall, MBE, MCGI The 1984 designs for Manx decimal coins lasted until 1987 when a new set was introduced depicting a range of Manx subjects. However, several things happened during the period of 1984 to 1987. The ½p was minted for the last time in 1985. After the £1 ‘town’ series, a £1 coin was released in 1987 depicting a Viking on Horseback. A £2 coin in Virenium was introduced in 1986, and reissued 1987, showing the Tower of Refuge on Conister Rock.

£2 Coin: Manx Airlines was established as the Island’s National Airline in November 1982. The company operated twenty different types of aircraft during its history, including the BAe 146-100 jet aircraft shown on the £2 coin. £5 Coin: A Peel inshore fishing boat is depicted above a lobster and a herring. Peel and Ramsey are now the two main ports where fresh fish are landed. Obverse: All the 1988 coins show the second profile portrait of Her Majesty by Raphael Maklouf. As we have seen from previous articles, the coinage of the Isle of Man reveals many diverse aspects of Manx life, history and culture. This book contains a definitive study of Manx decimal coins since 1971. Adding further interest, the die marks, mintmarks, provenance marks, etc. found on the majority of Manx decimal coins are also included. Another section of the book documents the noncirculating, precious metal and bullion coins.

Coins of the Isle of Man, by M. J. Southall, M.B.E 1p Coin: This coin depicts a lathe and cogwheel representing Manx manufacturing machinery signifying that the Island has a small, but excellent, manufacturing sector. 2p Coin: Various ancient Manx crafts are shown on this coin, some dating back many centuries. The centrepiece depicts a jug being made on the potter’s wheel. 5p coin: A windsurfer represents the many water sports that take place around the shores of the Isle of Man. 10p Coin: The portcullis symbol represents integrity and security within the world. An outline map of the Isle of Man is shown on the globe. The Island has world status as a leading financial centre of excellence. 20p Coin: The Manx International Car Rally is represented on this coin. 50p Coin: The Isle of Man has been in the forefront of Information Technology so a computer with a triskelion on its screen is symbolised on this 50p coin. £1 Coin: The Isle of Man was first in the British Isles to have an automatic telephone exchange which was located at Sulby. The Island has been at the cutting edge of ultra modern technology in telecommunications systems. This coin shows a Cellnet phone, satellite dish and parabolic receiver.

The book also records the first official Manx coins of 1710 and those issued up to the currency reforms of 1839. British coins were then used in the Isle of Man up to decimalisation in 1971. A variety of tokens were circulating on the Island until 1839 and they are also recorded. The history of coins is narrated in other sections of this book. Fascinating aspects, including many Viking hoards and the variety of coins and tokens used in the 17th century, are well documented. This book makes compelling reading and is a most useful reference work for anyone with the slightest interest in the coins of the Isle of Man. Please note that this item is only available direct from the author: Telephone: 01624 816 302 Price £27.50 (plus £5 postage & packing)

The Isle of Man Treasury Coin Collection As appointed agents for Isle of Man Treasury coins we are proud to offer a selection of these unique and beautifully-crafted cupro-nickel items. We concentrate mainly on coin sets which complement our philatelic collection. The collections are also available from our retail outlets on the Isle of Man and from our website • A number of other Isle of Man Treasury coins are available - for a comprehensive list please visit: or contact Pobjoy Mint Ltd. on 01737 818181

Isle of Man Treasury Commemorative Coins IOM Stamp & Coin Mini Collection IOM Decimal Coin Set 2011 Five Pound Coin Paddington Bear & Crown Twelve Days of Christmas six 50p Box Set Turkish Angora Cat Crown Peter Rabbit Coloured Crown Gift Set Lifetime of Service Royal Crown Peter Rabbit Coloured Crown in box Yamaha Anniversary 50p Coin in a box IOMCYG £2 Coin & Blistercard IOMCYG £2 Coin in a box Christmas 2011 50p in Blisterpack

AF99 £9.99 AG02 £27.50 AG03 £16.50 AG09 £19.95 AG28 £27.50 AG29 £12.95 AG30 £29.95 AG31 £12.95 AG32 £19.95 AG34 £9.95 AG37 £5.00 AG38 £12.95 AG39 £3.75

HM Queen Coronation Crown in a box HM Queen Visit to Canada Crown in a box Manx Cat Crown 2012 in a box Olympics 2012 (Set of 6 coins in a box) Euro 2012 Football Crowns (Set of 4 Coins in a box) Diamond Jubilee 50p in blisterpack Mark Cavendish 50p in a wallet Diamond Jubilee 50p in a box Mark Cavendish 50p in a box Mark Cavendish Stamp & Coin Pack Diamond Jubilee Stamp & Coin Pack Thames Pageant Crown in a box Titanic Boarding Crown in a box Titanic At Sea Crown in a box

AG44 £12.95 AG45 £12.95 AG46 £12.95 AG48 £75.00 AG49 £51.80 AG50 £3.50 AG51 £2.00 AG52 £9.95 AG53 £9.95 AG54 £15.00 AG55 £15.00 AG57 £12.95 AG58 £12.95 AG59 £12.95

SPECIAL COVERS The Perfect Souvenirs of the Pageant Our fantastic special foil-overprinted and postmarked covers are the ideal postal tribute to the most extraordinary occasion the Thames has seen in decades. To mark this event we have had a limited number of our commemorative covers carried aboard the two vessels with true Manx links: the Lady of Mann and the Vital Spark Viking boat. • The Lady of Mann is the last remaining lifeboat from the IOM Steam Packet Company liner of the same name and has been recently renovated to take its place in the flotilla. • The Vital Spark has made the journey from Peel on the west coast of the Isle of Man where it is a regular participant in the annual World Championship Viking Longboat Races when not appearing in films and festivals around the British Isles. Our covers are in a numbered limited edition of 500 each and are signed by the senior crew member in each case. Lady of Mann Thames Pageant Special Cover QF95 £10.00 Vital Spark Thames Pageant Special Cover QF96 £10.00 Marking the Great Events - Collect a Piece of History... Our special silver-foiled postmarked and overprinted limited edition special covers celebrate this most significant sporting and national event, the London 2012 Olympic Games. Commemorating the Isles of Wonder and A Symphony of British Music opening and closing events - and in a limited edition of 500 of each cover - these precious collectables are both available for prompt free worldwide delivery. Olympic Opening Ceremony Special Cover QA85 £15.00 Olympic Closing Ceremony Special Cover QA86 £15.00

The Olympic Flame Tours the Island The people of the Isle of Man turned out in numbers to greet and cheer on the Olympic Torch which toured the Island on the 2nd June 2012. We have produced this special envelope to celebrate this historic event - the cover features gold foil postmarks and silver foil text overprint (image for guidance only). Olympic Torch Relay Cover QA96 £10.00 Commemorating a Famous Journey Our special cover marks the journey made by the Marco Polo in celebrating Britain’s maritime heritage on her voyage around the UK, Ireland and France to commemorate the journey of Titanic 100 years on. The ship sailed from London Tilbury and visited the key locations in the Titanic story; Cherbourg, Cobh (Queenstown), Belfast and Liverpool. Titanic Marco Polo Special Cover QC96 £10.00



A Royal Visit Commemorated! HRH Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall visited the Isle of Man on Thursday 26th April and our superb gold-foil postmarked special commemorative cover with dedicated specially-designed filler card marks the event wonderfully. Despite the wet and windy weather, the visit was an overwhelming success and Royal fans and schoolchildren crowded the streets where the couple visited. Deluxe-scaled at 230 x 160mm it would be ideal for framing. Charles & Camilla Royal Visit Special Cover QB96 £10.00 Collectable Booklets Creating a Buzz! These decorative booklets have ten 38p and 41p self-adhesive stamps included for postage within the Isle of Man and to UK destinations. The reverse sides of the booklet feature an additionalbee image and useful post office contact information. IOM Bees Self-Adhesive Booklet (10 stamps) QH71 £3.80 UK Bees Self-Adhesive Booklet (10 stamps) QH72 £4.10 Established 1976

ISLE OF MAN - 1973 – 2012 All Post Office issues in stock Free NEW LIST available now Unmounted – F. Used Booklets – Pres. Packs F. D. C. Sets Single Stamps 500 All different Isle of Man £65.00


Telephone : 01938 561490 P. A. Waddington Lower Ridge Barn, Chirbury, Montgomery, England SY15 6DA

Christmas Post As our Christmas postal issue, the IOM and UK values of this colourful set are also available in self-adhesive form. Self-Adhesive Christmas Sheet Set (2 values) Mint QI35 CTO QI85 (illustrated) £19.75 Self-Adhesive Christmas Set (2 values) Mint QI32 CTO QI82 £0.79



What A Year for the Manx Missile! Mark Cavendish - The Ultimate Collection NEW Our fantastic Mark Cavendish special folder is the one collectable you will not wish to miss. We have worked alongside Mark's people and been granted permission to use some of the best sporting photography to record his greatest moments (so far!) in our stamp issue. Our colourful and dynamic 'augmented reality' commemorative sheetlet truly brings Mark’s achievements to life! We chart the meteoric rise of The Manx Missile in our text and include a specially-commissioned collectable frame-able print, in addition to our stamps and first day cover, to make this unique item a fitting tribute to the Isle of Man's greatest sportsman. Mark Cavendish - The Ultimate Collection QF43 £30.00

Mark Cavendish Augmented Reality Sheetlet Our wonderful augmented reality commemorative sheetlet is a celebration of our greatest sportsman's famous career victories to date - with an extra twist... A secret code is embedded which - when viewed with your smartphone and the appropriate 'app' - will enable you to view one of Mark's greatest professional moments. Not only that but the sheetlet is delivered to you in a free full-colour wrap-over folder. Mark Cavendish Augmented Reality Sheetlet Mint QF68 CTO QF69 £9.52

Mark Cavendish 50p Coin The meteoric rise of Mark 'Manx Missile' Cavendish continues. You too can have a 'missile' in your pocket in the form of this fantastic new 50 pence legal tender coin. Available in a plush lined, hard-shelled collector's box or in a soft plastic wallet. Mark Cavendish 50p Coin in a box AG53 £9.95 Mark Cavendish 50p Coin in a plastic wallet AG51 £2.00

Mark Cavendish Stamp & Coin Pack Our neatly-designed Cavendish collectable contains a full set of the stamps encapsulated alongside The Manx Missile's 50p Isle of Man coin. The story of Mark's great career so far is told in this top-quality glossy mini-folder which measures a compact 17 x 17cm. Mark Cavendish Stamp & Coin Pack AG54 £15.00



IOM Post Office Yearbook 2012 NEW From the London 2012 Olympic Games to the Diamond Jubilee our stamp issues are lavishly illustrated with accompanying texts by experts in their field. With all the stamps for the year placed in context there is something for everyone in this packed compendium. Hardback (30 x 21cm) with 80 colour pages. Limited numbered edition of 1000 copies. IOM Post Office Yearbook 2012 QK07 £62.00

Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 NEW The presentation packs for the year in a complimentary binder, fantastic value. Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 QK04 £72.00

NEW Year Set 2012 Contains one full set of all stamps and miniature sheets for the year in a folder and including a brief explanatory text for each issue

Year Set 2012 QK12 £60.00


FUTURE ISSUES The Chronicles of the Kings of Man & the Isles & the Lewis Chessmen - Issue Date 11.01.13 The Manx nation has been fortunate enough to be able to witness the temporary return of these legendary medieval manuscripts and the loan of a selection of the wonderful Lewis chessmen in an outstanding display at the Manx Museum by Manx National Heritage. The Chronicles are the earliest written accounts of the Island and document many of the most significant events of the medieval age. Written by monks at Rushen Abbey, they have been in the collections of the British Library for over two hundred years. We mark this landmark exhibition and the Chronicles chequered history with a set of six stamps showcasing the chessmen.

The Coronation of HM Queen 1953-2013 - Issue Date 06.02.13 Our six stamps commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was conducted more than a year after the accession, on 2 June 1953, to honour the traditional period of mourning that followed the death of the preceding sovereign. Her Majesty has seen the world, including our Island, change dramatically during her long reign and is the oldest monarch to have held the British throne. Grand celebrations are sure to be repeated in the year that marks the sovereign’s diamond anniversary of her crowning year.

The Isle of Man Fire & Rescue Service Miniature Sheet - Issue Date 20.02.13 With a long and honourable history, the Island’s Service currently employs 167 fire-fighters, (over fifty full-time based at Douglas Fire Station and Fire HQ in Onchan) and more than one hundred retained fire-fighters based at Douglas, Laxey, Ramsey, Kirk Michael, Peel, Port Erin and Castletown fire stations. There are also four civilian staff who are based at Fire Service Headquarters in Onchan. Our miniature sheet pays tribute to this vital occupation and showcases the range of vehicles and kit required when the heat is on.

The Isle of Man Constabulary 150th Anniversary - Issue Date 20.02.13 In September 1863 the Isle of Man Police Forces were amalgamated under the first Head Constable, George Patrick Goldie, Member of the House of Keys and Captain of the Parish of Marown. He was appointed after the Head Constable elect, a Mr Thompson, drank heavily the night before his appointment and drove his pony and trap down Prospect Hill at a furious pace. He was booked for the equivalent to drunk driving and his appointment was never ratified! The Island’s police force now numbers approximately 240 staff and is responsible for policing the IOM TT Races in addition to the traditional duties associated with their role. Although the Island is not a part of the United Kingdom, the Constabulary volunteers itself for inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies. Our six-stamp set attempts to do justice to the Force’s long and eventful history.


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We are always happy to hear from you too, so why not sign up today or contact us by the usual means… Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, PO Box IOM, Douglas, ISLE OF MAN, British Isles, IM99 1PB By Fax: +44 (0) 1624 698434 By phone: +44 (0) 1624 698430 (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday) E-Mail: We have taken every care in the preparation of the content of this catalogue. Despite our efforts, just occasionally, an error can occur. We shall be under no obligation to fulfil an order for goods in the case of errors or inaccuracies regarding the description of the goods or prices appearing in our catalogue.

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