Isle of Man Stamps & Coins News 139

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NEWS Issue Number 139

Winter 2013

In this issue of Manx Stamp & Coin News… Isle of Man Constabulary 150th Anniversary • IOM Fire & Rescue Service Miniature Sheet A Celebration of Coronation Commemoratives • The Chronicles of Man & the Lewis Chessmen Year Collections 2012 • Diamond Jubilee Special Collectables • London 2012 Olympics by Paul Smith Collectables • Royal Stamp & Coin Collectables • IOM Treasury Coins and all the latest news…


Dot’s Message

Chaghteraght Dot

irstly on behalf of our Director Peter F Cropper and all the staff in Isle of Man Stamps and Coins I would like to extend our sincere good wishes for 2013.

Dot and David Knight

Reflecting back over 2012 it was indeed a momentous year for everyone connected with the Diamond Jubilee and Olympics when national pride shone through at every opportunity. The spirit of friendliness that permeated throughout the country was heart warming and of course we were so proud of our own Olympic Gold medallist, Peter Kennaugh, who was part of GB’s four man track cycling pursuit team. I am pleased to say that we finished 2012 on a high note when Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, along with our colleagues in Integrated Mailing Solutions, were successful in winning the International Business of the Year Award in the annual Isle of Man Newspapers Business Awards for Excellence. From Stamps & Coins point of view the success is a reflection of our commitment to high standards of customer service and the tremendous support we receive worldwide from our collectors, agents and representatives. So a big thank you to everyone.

Andy, Ali, Mirella, Maxine, Paul & Dot with the Award For Excellence

Our new issue programme for 2013 starts off with a wonderful set of stamps featuring probably the world’s most famous chessmen. Originally from Norway but shipwrecked and discovered on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland the expert’s theory is that they were on their way to the Isle of Man and the Kings of Man and the Isles, so with better weather the Lewis Chessmen could have been the Manx Chessmen! We mark the anniversary of Her Majesty’s Coronation with a set of stamps that tell the story of the many and varied commemorative items produced to mark Coronations since Victorian times. We pay tribute to the vital work of the our Isle of Man emergency services and are indebted to both the Fire and Rescue Service and Isle of Man Constabulary for their enthusiasm, support and advice, during the preparation of our stamp designs. Finally to complete our London 2012 Collection we were able to secure the signatures of the Gold Medal Men’s Team Pursuit on just 100 Gold Medal Winners sheets, in addition Sir Paul Smith has signed the last 50 London 2012 Collectors Books. These items are sure to be highly prized by Collectors of London 2012 memorabilia. Best Wishes

A Celebration of Coronation Commemoratives Special Folder We celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with our wonderful commemorative folder. Great landmarks in royal history have always been marked by souvenirs of all shapes and sizes and many of us will have keepsakes both cheap and valuable recalling such historic occasions. Familiar items like biscuit tins, horse brasses, penknives and mugs have all been adapted to the Coronation theme over the years as well as a variety of more unusual items. In addition to our customary image-rich editorial the stamps for the issue are included in partial pictorial sheet form and the total face value of the stamps actually exceeds the price of the folder. An unmissable and lavish production to mark our monarch’s truly significant anniversary. A Celebration of Coronation Commemoratives Special Folder RB43 £30.00 PAGE 2 STAMP & COIN NEWS – WINTER 2013


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 11.01.13

The Isle of Man Post Office is pleased to present this beautiful set of six stamps, in collaboration with Manx National Heritage, THE FORGOTTEN KINGDOM THE KINGDOM OF MAN AND THE ISLES 1000 – 1300 AD By Allison Fox, Curator of Archaeology, Manx National Heritage A thousand years ago, a powerful sea kingdom was formed encompassing the Outer Hebrides, Skye, the Inner Hebrides, Argyll and the Irish Sea. The seat of power was the Isle of Man. From this small island, the kings of Man and the Isles ruled both the lands and the vital sea route that ran through the heart of what we now know as the British Isles. This trade route brought riches to and from the kingdom. Exquisitely carved rare chess pieces, silver coins with images of kings and precious symbols of religious power have all been left behind. From this time we have the Isle of Man’s first story-book, the Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles. This manuscript once belonged to the monks of Rushen Abbey, and tells tales of battles fought, of political skulduggery and brutal revenge. The three hundred years covered by the Chronicles left the Isle of Man with a new political organisation, iconic buildings and a distinct national identity. Also from this period are some of the most familiar and iconic archaeological artefacts in the world. The Lewis Chessmen were discovered on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis and were made around 1200 AD probably in the city of Trondheim in Norway. Most of them are carved from pieces of walrus tusk, though three are made from the tooth of a sperm whale. Some of the figures had red staining, indicating that the Medieval version of chess had red and white figures and board, rather than black and white. There are too many pieces to make up one set, but not quite enough to make up four – perhaps the remaining pieces did not survive, or have not yet been found.

TECHNICAL DETAILS Design: ......................................................................................EJC Design Photographs: ..................The British Museum & The British Library Text: ..........................................Allison Fox, Manx National Heritage Stamp Size: ..............................................................................40 x 40mm Colours: ......................................................................................................4 Process: ......................................................................Offset Lithography

The facial expressions of the figures are fierce, thoughtful, commanding, reproachful and surprised. When we look closely at the faces of the Lewis Chessmen, they seem to look back at us and they can tell us more about the society of their time and about the people who lived back then. All of the styles of dress of the Chessmen have become closely associated with the Medieval period, but before the Lewis Chessmen were discovered, there had been few truly three-dimensional pictures of how people dressed. The Chessmen offered the first real opportunity to come face to face with the people of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles. The quality of the carvings show that there were people in society who appreciated such works of art and were willing to pay to own them. The Chessmen were high quality objects even 800 years ago. The Kingdom of Man and the Isles was the hub of an international Medieval trade network and as the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles tell us, the kingdom was home to many high net-worth individuals. The Chessmen were heading south to the Kingdom of Man and the Isles, but exactly where the Chessmen were headed to remains open to debate. Was the Isle of Lewis the place where they would be used? Were four chess sets on their way from Trondheim to be split up and traded within the kingdom? Were they on their way to the power base of the kingdom… were the Lewis Chessmen on their way to the Isle of Man?

Perforations: ........................................................................14 per 2cms Paper: ................................................................110 gms PVA Gummed No. of Stamps: ..........................................................................................6 Format: ..................................................................................Sheets of 40 Issue Date: ..................................................................11th January 2013

PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack and First Day Cover


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 06.02.13

T he Isle of M a n Post Office is plea sed to present a set of six sta m ps wh ich fea ture va riou s com m em ora tive item s da tin g from the Corona tion of Queen V ictoria throug h to ou r p resent m on arch Queen E liz a beth II . Isle of Man historian Robert Kelly writes: Medals, china or pottery drinking mugs - sometimes badges were all treasured keepsakes for generations. They were, and remain, remembrances of times when processions, pageants, firework displays, street parties and sports celebrated the Coronation of a new King or Queen. Some could be bought. Others were ‘awarded’ to young people, to be kept as a reminder of events that were high points in their lives. One commercial ‘reminder’ in June 1838 for Queen Victoria’s Coronation, was a small reel from which a retractable paper strip of continuous coloured views could be withdrawn. This provided a miniature record of the Coronation procession. Probably the shortest-lived royal souvenir in the Isle of Man was a replica of the St. Edward’s Coronation Crown. It was made of 1200 lbs of confectionery rock and was eaten by schoolchildren on the day it had been made to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897. Known as the ‘Crown of Sugar’, it was exhibited for a short time in the front window of its maker – the confectionery rock and jam maker, Johnson and Co., of Strand Street, Douglas – then on Jubilee Day it was smashed into easily sucked pieces. Tickets were issued to children and they exchanged these at the shop for five-ounce bags of pieces. In 1953, the Coronation year of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen wore a replica of the St. Edward’s Crown during the rehearsal of the Coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey. Several months beforehand this Crown was brought to the Isle of Man and exhibited in the appropriately named Palace Ballroom on Douglas seafront! A model of the Coronation procession was also exhibited. Coloured souvenir postcards replaced this system for the 1902 Coronation of King Edward VII. In the Isle of Man, where parish meetings arranged Coronation celebrations, it was usual for children to receive their Coronation award during sports meetings. Presentations were made by a local dignitary, acting usually on behalf of the parish but sometimes the local Sunday School. The usual commemorative souvenirs were medals; some attached to coloured ribbons and made of aluminium or a cheap

base metal. These were produced and mass-marketed by private firms. Their inspiration was the issue of official Coronation medals. For Queen Victoria’s Coronation the Royal Mint produced them in platinum, gold, silver and bronzed copper and these were ‘awarded’, according to rank, to people who had attended the Coronation. Attendance at a Coronation ceased to qualify for a medal at the Coronation of King George V in 1912. Medals were presented then to people who were deemed to have rendered some form of public or military service. For Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation in June 1953 an estimated 138,214 silver medals were distributed among Commonwealth countries and Crown dependencies, such as the Isle of Man. Responsibility for determining how and to whom the medals should be awarded rested with the local authorities. China or pottery drinking mugs, transfer-printed with images of the sovereign, became the usual Coronation souvenir, though sometimes both medals and mugs were presented. Finer quality mugs for cabinet display were produced for sale. Sometimes small flags were given to children. Cloth transparencies of the Union Jack, the King and British heroes were available for home decoration for the Coronation of King Edward VII. These could be used as window blinds. In sunlight the transparencies were lit up on the inside of homes. At night, internal house lighting gave colourful views outside. By the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II there were scores of commercial souvenirs. These ranged from men’s tie pins to royalcrested handbags. Virtually anything was packed decoratively, even pencils and paint boxes for children and tinned biscuits and chocolates. In the Isle of Man Douglas motor coach operator Edgar Hamill established an out-of-season attic souvenir ‘industry’ above his garage to provide his staff with something to do when coach trade was quiet. Led by his artistic booking clerk, the short-lived ‘industry’ overcame supply shortages by making hand-painted Coronation plaques from dental plaster. Today, aided by the advent of the internet in particular, a huge range of commemorative products are collected and traded the world over. As new technology develops, that range has grown to include computer ‘apps’ and downloaded music and film footage making souvenirs more widely available than ever before.

TECHNICAL DETAILS Design......................................................................Casco & EJC Design Text ........................................................................................Robert Kelly Format......................................................................................Sheets of 8 Printer ..................................................................................................BDT Process .......................................................................Offset Lithography Colours.......................................................................................................4 Paper....................................................................110gms PVA Gummed

Perforations ..........................................................................14 per 2cms Stamp Size....................................................................42.58 x 28.45mm No. of Stamps............................................................................................6 Date of Issue.............................................................6th February 2013 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Set of 6 stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover, Special Folder


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 20.02.13

ISLE OF MAN CONSTABULARY 150TH ANNIVERSARY 1863 - 2013 The year 2013 sees the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Isle of Man Constabulary from the four regional High Bailiffs’ Police Forces which could trace their history back to 1777. Previously there had been a feudal system of justice which gave way to Quest Juries – an ancient system of enquiry and trial established by the King of Man, Sir John Stanley in 1417. At the end of the 18th century, the Isle of Man was a dangerous place. Street riots, robberies and assaults were common and people went in fear of their safety. The first ‘Head Constable’, Captain Goldie was originally a Member of the House of Keys and Captain of the Parish of Marown. Commencing his duties on 21st October 1863, he oversaw the first tentative steps of the force as it began its journey through history, which has seen it face challenges which would test police forces many times its size. It was not until the end of the Second World War when the poor pay and conditions of Island police officers was addressed, and in 1947 a pay increase for all ranks was implemented along with the establishment of an Island Police Federation to look after the interests of all ranks up to Inspector. Since 1949, pay and conditions have mirrored those of the forces of England and Wales. The 1960s saw the introduction of the Island’s very first police dog, Rex, and the appointment of Constable Margaret Corkill in 1967 saw the first police woman since their brief service during the Great War. The eighth Chief Constable, Frank Weedon, was appointed on 7th February 1972. He was the first Chief Constable that had formerly served with a British mainland force, his predecessors

Technical Details Photographs: ...................................................Manx National Heritage ..........................................................................Isle of Man Constabulary Design: ................................................................................Emma Cooke Text: ......................................................................Inspector Derek Flint Stamp Size: .............................................................................42 x 28mm Colours: .....................................................................................................4

having been ex-military officers or colonial policemen. Within eighteen months, the Constabulary was facing perhaps its biggest challenge of modern times, investigating the Summerland Fire Disaster in August 1973, when 51 people died. It was one of the rare times that this small Island force would receive assistance from UK police officers. The eighties and nineties saw the force increase in size, driven in part by the Islands development as a world-class finance centre. The Financial Crimes Unit grew to improve the level of international co-operation and maintain confidence in the financial institutions based in the Island. The new millennium saw the force begin to implement and refine the Neighbourhood Policing Model which in some ways mirrored the very earliest history of the force. Four Neighbourhood Teams, led by an Inspector, enjoy operational independence, which allows them to deliver bespoke policing to their local communities. This has seen crime levels drop to levels below those in the 1980s, and high levels of public satisfaction and confidence. Internal investment in learning and development led to the award of the prestigious ‘Investors In People Gold’ award in 2012. To complete the story of the first 150 years, 2013 has seen the appointment of Gary Roberts as the first Manx Chief Constable. He oversees the future of an effective and enthusiastic force, at perhaps the most challenging and exciting time in its history.

Process: .....................................................................Offset Lithography Perforations: ........................................................................13 per 2cms Paper: ...................................................................102gms PVA gummed No. of Stamps: ..........................................................................................6 Issue Date:...............................................................20th February 2013 Products available: Set of 6 Stamps, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover


NEW RELEASE • Issue Date – 20.02.13

The Isle of Man Post Office is delighted to present a stamp miniature sheet which features the day to day activities of the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service Brian Draper Chief Fire Officer writes: At 12pm on Thursday 1st April 1965, the late Michael Ventre wrote in the Watch-keepers Log Book at John Street Fire Station; ‘Borough of Douglas Corporation Fire Brigade amalgamated with the Isle of Man Fire Services’ and historically, at this point of unification the embryonic beginnings of the new, all Island, Fire and Rescue Service commenced. Mike, with his tireless enthusiasm and commitment, continued throughout his career to be both influential and instrumental in persuading successive Chief Fire Officers to invest in the modernisation of teaching and training for Officers together with providing improved funding for fire engines, better equipment and more modern protective uniform. Well beyond his retirement in 1981, Mike continued with his passion, working tirelessly for the Firefighters Charity whilst being affectionately known as the ‘grandfather’ of the Isle of Man Service. He later received their ultimate accolade as the inaugural recipient of a new Lifetime Achievement Award. Today, as custodians of the legacy left by Mike Ventre and those who worked with him or were influenced to join by him, we are immensely proud of our role in protecting the community of the Isle of Man. Whilst firefighting has traditionally been at the forefront of our work, the remit of a modern Fire and Rescue Service has increased fully to embrace our three core objectives of ‘preventing’, ‘protecting’ and ‘responding’. A lot of what we do now focuses on how we can prevent accidents and emergencies from happening in the first place and, if they do occur, how people can best protect themselves and others from the possible impact of such events. We do this by promoting community safety through activities such as schools education programmes, home safety visits, media campaigns and working in partnership with others to deliver the important prevent and protect messages.

Operationally, we have developed our response capability to meet the modern demands and challenges of the 21st century and, whilst prevention will remain at the heart of everything we do, we must recognise that our very broad range of intervention activities has now spread far beyond our ‘traditional’ firefighting remit. As well as dealing with fires, our rescue role has expanded considerably with techniques, skills and equipment being developed to enable an effective and professional response to a wide range of non-fire related incidents. We regularly deal with road traffic collisions involving all manner of vehicles and, by utilising many of the same cutting, spreading and lifting techniques we can deal with industrial accidents and other entrapment situations. We have the capability to deal with chemical spills or releases of toxic and harmful substances and, on a more specialised front, the potential for building collapse is recognised with the development of an urban search and rescue capability involving breaking, breeching and shoring techniques to search, locate and rescue casualties trapped in unstable or collapsed structures. In addition, our three specialist teams respond to a variety of unique scenarios requiring quite different skills. The rope rescue team uses a combination of climbing, belaying and anchoring techniques to access tower cranes, aerial structures, silos, ships holds and other confined spaces. The water rescue team responds to incidents involving working in, on or near water including fast flowing rivers, ice and mud and the hill search team is an integral part of a combined emergency services response to persons lost, trapped or marooned on the Island’s hillsides. As you will see within this issue, the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service really is a modern, 21st century, prevent, protect and skilled response service.

Technical Details Photographs ........................Isle of Man Fire & Rescue Service Design ....................................................................Emma Cooke Text ............................................................................Brian Draper Sheet Format ..................................Miniature Sheet of 1 Stamp Stamp Size..................................................................45 x 33mm Colours ........................................................................................4

Process ..........................................................Offset Lithography Perforations ..............................................................13 per 2cms Paper ......................................................102 gms PVA gummed No. of Stamps..............................................................................1 Issue Date ....................................................20th February 2013 Products available Miniature Sheet, Presentation Pack, First Day Cover


Order Form


It’s So Easy To Collect Our Stamps… You can order whenever you wish, just return our order form by post, give us a ring or view and buy online on our fully secure website at

…and Keep Up To Date Many of our customers enjoy the benefits of their Standing Order Account. We despatch your stamps each season and automatically collect payment from your account. To arrange for this service and never miss an issue, please contact us - we are always happy to help!

How To Order Please use our order form overleaf, go online or contact us: (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday)

By Phone: [+44] (0) 1624 698430 Web:

Fax: [+44] (0) 1624 698434

@ Email:

By Post Isle of Man Stamps & Coins IOM Post Office PO Box 10M Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM99 1PB

Ways To Pay Payments can only be accepted in GB Pounds Sterling - minimum order £5.00. Cheques should be made payable to: Isle of Man Post Office Credit Cards we accept all major cards but cannot accept American Express or Diners Club. European Customers can pay into our POSTBANK account: Germany (Saarbrucken) IBAN - DE34 5901 0066 0001 3486 66 BIC - PBNKDEFF

Bank Transfer - our bank details: Isle of Man Bank Athol Street Douglas ISLE OF MAN British Isles IM1 1JA Sort Code: 55 91 00 Account number: 10959300 • Any surplus balance is held on the account for future use in the event of orders being overpaid

GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION If you are not completely satisfied with any products we will gladly exchange or refund your money! All we ask is that you return the item to us with proof of purchase within 14 days of receipt PAGE 5 STAMP & COIN NEWS – SPRING 2011

STOCK LIST Standing Order Despatch Date: 20.02.13 NEW




Standing Order Despatch Date:

Issued 11.01.13

Mark Cav The Manx

Set 38, 41, 71, 80, £1.30, £1.91 (Sheets of 40)

RA31 RA81 £5.51

Set 38, 41, 6

Presentation Pack




RA91 £6.21

First Day Co

The Chronicles of Man & The Lewis Chessmen

First Day Cover


NEW A Celebration of Coronation


Stamp and C

Issued 06.02.13

Set 38, 41, 65, £1.05, £1.37, £1.73 (Sheets of 7) RB31 RB81 £5.59

Special Fold

Presentation Pack

RB91 £6.29

Diamond Miniature


Miniature Sh

NEW IOM Constabulary 150th Anniversary Issued 20.02.13 Set 38, 41, 71, 80, £1.47, £1.82 (Sheets of 15) RC31 RC81 £5.59



First Day Cover Special Folder

Presentation Pack First Day Cover NEW



First Day Co



Thames Pag


RC91 CTO £6.29 PRICE

Jubilee Holid

Fire & Rescue Service Miniature Sheet Issued 20.02.13


Miniature Sheet

RC25 RC75 £3.00

Presentation Pack


Diamond Ju Sheet Folde

First Day Cover Standing Order Despatch Date: 20.10.12 Christmas Scenes – A Time Gone By

£3.75 RC92 £3.70



Issued 20.10.12

Self-Adhesive Set (2 values)

QI32 QI82 £0.79

Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£6.19 QI91 £6.14

Issued 02.10.12

Miniature Sheet (2 x £1.50 stamps)

QJ25 QJ75 £3.00

Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£3.75 QJ92 £3.70

Centenary of the Royal Flying Corps Issued 20.09.12 Set 38, 41, 65, 80, £1.37, £1.91 (Sheets of 25)

QJ31 QJ81 £5.52

Presentation Pack



First Day Cover


QJ91 CTO £6.22 PRICE

Standing Order Despatch Date: 08.08.12 Bee Fauna of the Isle of Man

The Manx Cottage BDT

The Agency

Isle of Man IOM

Set IOM, UK Presentation First Day C Diamond Miniature S Presentation First Day C

Titanic Set 37, 38, 6 Presentation First Day C Commemo Special Fold Lighthou Set 1, 68, 75 Presentation First Day C Europa She Europa Firs

Issued 08.08.12

Set 38, 41, £1, £1.05, £1.30, £1.47 (Sheets of 50) QH31 QH81 £5.61 Presentation Pack

The Kelly


Set 38, 41, 71, £1.05, £1.16, £1.73 (Sheets of 20) QI31 QI81 £5.44

Centenary of Scott’s South Pole Expedition

Standing Order Despatch Date:


First Day Cover

£6.36 QH91 £6.31

Self-adhesive booklet 10 x IOM value



Self-adhesive booklet 10 x UK value



SOON TO BE WITHDRAW William Hoggatt HM Queen Elizabeth II Dia London 2012 Olympic Gam


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KILOWARE Issued 19.06.12

65, 71, 80, 105, 116p (Sheets of 20)

QF31 QF81 £5.16

n Pack


over Reality Sheetlet

£5.91 QF91 £5.86

QF68 QF69 £9.52

Coin Pack






Jubilee Thames Pageant e Sheet

Issued 03.06.12

heet (3 x 50p, 1 x £1.50)

QF25 QF75 £3.00

n Pack



£3.75 QF92 £3.70

geant Commemorative Sheet

QF60 QF61 £9.00

day Commemorative Sheet

QF62 QF63 £11.06

n Day Commemorative Sheet

QF64 QF65 £9.94

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£30.00 CTO


Issued 08.05.12

K, 58p, 68p, £1.10, £1.82 (Sheets of 25) on Pack Cover d Jubilee Miniature Sheet Sheet of one stamp on Pack Cover

QG31 QG81 £4.97 QG41 £5.72 QG91 £5.67 Issued 21.04.12 QB25 QB75 £3.00 QB42 £3.75 QB92 £3.70

68, 76, £1.15, £1.65 (2 Sheets of 15) on Pack Cover orative Sheet der uses of the Isle of Man 5, £1, £1.30, £1.60 (Sheets of 25) on Pack Cover eet of 10 Stamps st Day Cover

Issued 02.04.12 QC31 QC81 £4.99 QC41 £5.74 QC91 £5.69 QC68 QC69 £8.55 QC43 £20.00 Issued 02.04.12 QE31 QE81 £5.34 QE41 £6.09 QE91 £6.04 QE66 QE67 £6.80 QE95 £2.25



Kiloware Packet (100 different stamps)



THE DEFINITIVES COLLECTION Flowers Set 1p 2p 4p 5p 10p 20p 21p 22p 25p 26p 30p 50p £1.00 Queen and Queen Mother £2.50 £3.00

BA 32 BA 82

ALBUMS & PAGES Lindner Album* Full 2012 Full 2012 comprises 3 empty Albums (in slipcases) and pages for sets & miniature sheets from 1973 - 2012 inclusive. Lindner Album* Empty Lindner Blank Page Lindner First Day Cover Page (Holds 4 covers) Lindner Postcard Page (Holds 8 cards) Lindner Sheetlet Page, size (H 285 mm x W 230 mm) Lindner Stock Page Davo Album Pages 2012 Davo FDC Double Album* Davo FDC Album Pages (Pack of 10)




DK01 £395.00

AZ04 AZ05 AZ06 AZ07 AZ08 AZ09 QK11 AY05 AY06

£40.00 £2.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £3.00 £16.50 £28.00 £12.00

FDC Album with 20 pages* (40 covers) AZ01 £12.00 Extra FDC pages (Pack of 10) AZ02 £5.00 Presentation Pack Binder* AZ03 £8.00 Newsletter Holder AY04 £7.50 Year Set Album AY07 £15.00 Each of the above ALBUMS* are subject to additional POSTAGE & PACKING charges of £6.00 for customers outside the British Isles.

YEAR COLLECTIONS Yearbooks Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2012 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2011 Isle of Man Post Office Yearbook 2010 Year Collection of Presentation Packs Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2011 Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2010 Year Sets Year Set 2012 Year Set 2011 Year Set 2010



QK07 £62.00 PK07 £62.00 OK07 £57.50 (including binder)

QK04 £72.00 PK04 £74.00 OK04 £63.00 QK12 £60.00 PK12 £62.00 OK12 £54.00



amond Jubilee mes


Issued 20.02.12 Issued 06.02.12 Issued 01.01.12

PK02 PK03



2011 £14.00 2011m £5.60

QK02 2012 £14.00 QK03 2012m £5.60

Year + m = Miniature Sheet Page

If you wish to purchase pages from 1973 - 2010 please contact us regarding availability and prices. Thank you.

ORDER FORM • Pull-out order form and stock list MINT


QTYorderCTO QTY PRICE will be dispatched to you on£12.05.08P This

The Three Legs of Man

Issued 03.04.13

Set of 8 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover


£5.58 £6.33



The Coronation of HM Queen Miniature Sheet Miniature Sheet


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

Issued 21.04.13 RE75

£3.00 £3.75





Robin Gibb – 50 St Catherine’s Drive

Issued 24.04.13

Set of 8 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover

£6.49 RE 91


The Isle of Man Railways

Issued 17.05.13

Set of 6 Stamps


Presentation Pack


First Day Cover


£5.91 £6.66



This order will be despatched to you on 17.05.13 ITEM CODE


Thank You For Your Order


Plus Overseas (Excluding UK) Postage & Packing for albums only @ £6.00 Post & Packing - FREE For Orders over £7.50







NAME ............................................................................................................................................... TEL. NO. .................................................. ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ...............................................................

E-MAIL ...................................................................................................................... PAYMENT OF £










Minimum order £5.00. PLEASE NOTE: All payments to be made in sterling and will be taken on receipt of your order. Please quote your philatelic account number on all correspondence. Thank you.


Isle of Man Treasury Coins Cooinaghyn Tashtey Vannin Decimal Coin Designs Introduced in 1988 M. J. Southall, MBE, MCGI The 1996 designs for the new set of Manx decimal coins were based on the subject of Sports in the Isle of Man. Several other unrelated coin designs for various denominations were issued during the years between the last issue in 1988 and the introduction of this set. Notably the 10p coin introduced in 1992 bore the Triskeles (three legs) symbol reminiscent of the 1978 thin £1 coin. The reduced size 5p coin issued in 1994 depicted a golf ball and two crossed clubs. These variations will be described in a future issue of this publication.

20p Coin: The Manx International Car Rally is held each September at locations all over the Island. The rally is held in stages on roads temporarily closed to the public. Top drivers and teams also compete in a round of the British Open Rally Championships. 50p Coin: The world famous Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (TT) motorbike races festival fortnight is held every year at the end of May and early June. The spectacular races are over the 37¾ mile mountain course on public roads closed for practice sessions and for the TT races themselves. £1 Coin: Cricket is the subject of this one pound coin. It is said that ‘the crack of leather on willow can be heard in many Island villages and towns’. £2 Coin: The Manx Classic Car Races are held in the Isle of Man every September when a fleet of priceless classic cars invade the Island. These cars are an amazing sight as they are driven around the country lanes by real enthusiasts. £5 Coin: The Isle of Man Football Association (IoMFA) co-ordinates football on the Isle of Man. It is a member of the London based Football Association (FA) and has the status of a County Football Association, despite the Isle of Man being a Crown Dependency and a separate country from the United Kingdom. The Isle of Man Football League has a total of 27 teams. Obverse: All the coins issued in 1996 and 1997 bore the second profile portrait of Her Majesty by Raphael Maklouf. Those of later years show the third profile portrait by Ian Rank-Broadley.

Coins of the Isle of Man, by M. J. Southall, M.B.E 1p Coin: The annual rugby festival is held each Easter when many teams travel from the UK to the Island to compete in well contested matches. This coin depicts a rugby ball and goal posts. 2p Coin: Cycling is a very popular sport in the Isle of Man. The International Cycle Week is hosted each year by the Isle of Man when the world’s top cyclists compete in road races held in different locations around the Island. 5p coin: The Island’s golf championships are held each June on one of the many Manx eighteen-hole courses. 10p Coin: Sailing is, of course, a popular activity with the Islanders. Many sailing craft visit the Island each year as well as the numerous local boats with permanent berths in Douglas and Peel marinas.

This book makes compelling reading and is a most useful reference work for anyone with the slightest interest in the coins of the Isle of Man. Please note that this item is only available direct from the author: Telephone: 01624 816 302 Price £27.50 (plus £5 postage & packing)

The Isle of Man Treasury Coin Collection As appointed agents for Isle of Man Treasury coins we are proud to offer a selection of these unique and beautifully-crafted cupro-nickel items. We concentrate mainly on coin sets which complement our philatelic collection. The collections are also available from our retail outlets on the Isle of Man and from our website • A number of other Isle of Man Treasury coins are available - for a comprehensive list please visit: or contact Pobjoy Mint Ltd. on 01737 818181

Isle of Man Treasury Commemorative Coins IOM Stamp & Coin Mini Collection IOM Decimal Coin Set 2012 Five Pound Coin Paddington Bear & Crown Twelve Days of Christmas six 50p Box Set Turkish Angora Cat Crown Lifetime of Service Royal Crown Peter Rabbit Coloured Crown in a box Yamaha Anniversary 50p Coin in a box IOMCYG £2 Coin & Blistercard IOMCYG £2 Coin in a box Christmas 2011 50p in Blisterpack HM Queen Coronation Crown in a box HM Queen Visit to Canada Crown in a box

AF99 £9.99 AG02 £27.50 AG03 £16.50 AG09 £19.95 AG28 £27.50 AG29 £12.95 AG31 £12.95 AG32 £19.95 AG34 £9.95 AG37 £5.00 AG38 £12.95 AG39 £3.75 AG44 £12.95 AG45 £12.95

Manx Cat Crown 2012 in a box Olympics 2012 (Set of 6 coins in a box) Mark Cavendish 50p in a wallet Diamond Jubilee 50p in a box Mark Cavendish 50p in a box Mark Cavendish Stamp & Coin Pack Diamond Jubilee Stamp & Coin Pack Thames Pageant Crown in a box Titanic Boarding Crown in a box Titanic At Sea Crown in a box David Knight 50p Coin in a wallet David Knight Tyre & Coin Pack David Knight 50p Coin in a box Christmas 2012 50p Blisterpack Christmas 2012 Card & 50p Coin Christmas 2012 50p in a wallet

AG46 £12.95 AG48 £75.00 AG51 £2.00 AG52 £9.95 AG53 £9.95 AG54 £15.00 AG55 £15.00 AG57 £12.95 AG58 £12.95 AG59 £12.95 AG60 £2.00 AG61 £15.00 AG62 £9.95 AG63 £3.50 AG64 £8.50 AG65 £2.00

OLYMPIC COLLECTABLES World Champion Manxman... NEW This great new collectable is now available for FREE worldwide delivery. This legal tender 50p coin celebrates Enduro Motorcycle Sport and the Manx Motorcyclist David Knight, but that is not the whole story! Our fantastic special pack also contains a genuine piece of 'knobbly' tyre supplied to us direct from David Knight himself - both coin and pack are safely encapsulated in clear vacuum-formed bubbles. The hilly Isle of Man roads have helped Manx cyclists and motorcycle racers develop their world-beating ways but it is off-road and on the hills themselves where David Knight honed his craft. David, who was born and bred in the Isle of Man, has been World Champion at this event four times and the coin shows him on his Enduro Motorcyle. The main objective of the sport is to arrive at different checkpoints at a designated time over courses that are, typically, over thick wooded terrain including large obstacles such as logs, ditches and perilous sudden drops - to be World Champion requires instinctive bike handling skills, courage and years of dedication. David is one of the true greats of the sport and our full colour collectable pack is a tribute to him and celebrates his worldwide success. The text tells the story of his career to date in the context of one of the most unique collectable items available anywhere. David Knight Tyre & Coin Pack AG61 £15.00 David Knight 50p Coin in a box AG62 £9.95 David Knight 50p Coin in a wallet AG60 £2.00

Christmas 2012 Card & 50p Coin NEW Our Christmas coin for this year features an angel and, in addition to the decorative card, is available in a blisterpack and plastic wallet. Christmas 2012 50p Blisterpack AG63 £3.50 Christmas 2012 Card & 50p Coin AG64 £8.50 Christmas 2012 50p in a wallet AG65 £2.00



NEW Following In The Footsteps of Scott Our miniature sheet commemorates the centenary of Scott’s heroic expedition to the South Pole. We are grateful for the uniquely-qualified contribution of Sir Ranulph Fiennes and to the Scott Polar Research Institute for permission to feature the extraordinary photographs of Herbert Ponting which, in Sir Ranulph’s words, powerfully serve “to remind us all of the stark reality of the conditions faced by Scott and his men, the very first human beings to penetrate and learn about Antarctica.” Sir Ranulph is officially described as ‘the world’s greatest living explorer’ so it is appropriate that he has put his name to our Antarctic issue as he embarks on his own greatest South Pole challenge while raising truly significant sums for the charity Seeing Is Believing. Sir Ranulph Fiennes Signed Scott Cover QJ95 £20.00

Collectable Booklets Creating a Buzz! These decorative booklets have ten 38p and 41p selfadhesive stamps included for postage within the Isle of Man and to UK destinations. The reverse sides of the booklet feature an additional bee image and useful post office contact information. IOM Bees Self-Adhesive Booklet (10 stamps) QH71 £3.80 UK Bees Self-Adhesive Booklet (10 stamps) QH72 £4.10

Christmas Post As our Christmas postal issue, the IOM and UK values of this colourful set are also available in self-adhesive form. Self-Adhesive Christmas Sheet Set (2 values) Mint QI35 CTO QI85 (illustrated) £19.75 Self-Adhesive Christmas Set (2 values) Mint QI32 CTO QI82 £0.79



NEW Paul Smith London 2012 Olympic

Games Signed Collectors Book We present the last word in Paul Smith London 2012 Olympic Games collectables. Our very special edition premium-quality hardback book is signed by Sir Paul Smith and includes images and text by the internationally renowned designer with contributions from Mark Cavendish MBE and Dave Brailsford CBE, Team GB cycling coach. It is beautifully bound to incorporate sets of 8 pre-paid postcards and 8 gummed full-page stamp sheets set into the pages and printed in full-colour and metallic ink. The inclusion on the inside front and back covers of the 38p and £1.15 postage stamps, affixed and cancelled with special postmarks marking the opening and closing ceremonies respectively. From a limited edition of just 50, each book is numbered is presented in a gold box incorporating the familiar Paul Smith striped ribbon and includes a corresponding certificate of authenticity signed by Geoff Corkish MBE MHK. The ultimate London 2012 Olympic Games commemoration. Paul Smith London 2012 Olympic Games Signed Collectors Book QA45 £100.00

Signed London 2012 Olympic Games Gold NEW Medal Winners Sheet We are delighted to unveil this unique limited edition collectable from our London 2012 Olympic Games Collection. Following the success of Manxman Peter Kennaugh in the Men’s Team Pursuit track cycle race - along with team mates Steve Burke, Ed Clancy and Geraint Thomas – we produced our Gold Medal Winners Sheet in celebration in a limited edition of 2012. We are now able to offer collectors stamp sheet numbers 1 to 100 in a limited framed edition, signed by all four members of the winning GB Men’s Pursuit Team. Each item includes a certificate of authenticity signed by Geoff Corkish MBE MHK, Chairman of Isle of Man Post Office. This unrepeatable limited edition of 100 is the perfect souvenir of one of the greatest days in GB Olympic history and is unique to Isle of Man Stamps & Coins. Signed London 2012 Olympic Games Gold Medal Winnners Sheet QA78 £135.00



IOM Post Office Yearbook 2012 From the London 2012 Olympic Games to the Diamond Jubilee our stamp issues are lavishly illustrated with accompanying texts by experts in their field. With all the stamps for the year placed in context there is something for everyone in this packed compendium. Hardback (30 x 21cm) with 80 colour pages. Limited numbered edition of 1000 copies. IOM Post Office Yearbook 2012 QK07 £62.00

Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 The presentation packs for the year in a complimentary binder, fantastic value. Year Collection of Presentation Packs 2012 QK04 £72.00

Year Set 2012 Contains one full set of all stamps and miniature sheets for the year in a folder and including a brief explanatory text for each issue Year Set 2012 QK12 £60.00


FUTURE ISSUES The Three Legs of Man - Issue Date 03.04.13 On the Isle of Man our familiar national symbol, the ‘triskelion,’ can be seen everywhere from public buildings and monuments to chocolate bars and tattoos. Our eight-stamp main postal issue for the year showcases the huge variety of applications for this most ubiquitous image and reveals its ancient origins. Often written around the image, the accompanying motto ‘Quocunque Jeceris Stabit’ translates as ‘whichever way you throw me I will stand’ and encapsulates the spirit of the Manx nation.

The Coronation of HM Queen Miniature Sheet - Issue Date 21.04.13 Released on Her Majesty’s birthday, our miniature sheet commemorates the sixtieth anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was conducted more than a year after the accession, on 2 June 1953, to honor the traditional period of mourning that followed the death of the preceding sovereign. Her Majesty has seen the world, including our Island, change dramatically during her long reign and is the oldest monarch to have held the British throne. Grand celebrations are sure to be repeated in the year that marks the sovereign’s diamond anniversary of her crowning year.

Robin Gibb – 50 St Catherine’s Drive - Issue Date 24.04.13 The Bee Gees are legends of popular music and our stamp issue pays tribute to the life and career of proud Manxman, and Island resident, Robin and coincides with the posthumous release of his album 50 St Catherine's Drive. The title is the Douglas address where his family was living when he and his twin brother Maurice were born in 1949. Our eight stamp issue charts the landmarks in his own illustrious musical career and showcases a man with academic and charitable interests beyond the music industry.

The Isle of Man Railways - Issue Date 17.05.13 Our Victorian transport system is one of the Isle of Man’s most enduring tourist attractions stretching the length and breadth of the Island from Port Erin Steam Railway Station in the south of the Island to the very top of the Snaefell mountain and Ramsey in the north, served by the Manx Electric Railway. With a trip across Douglas Promenade on the horse trams linking the Steam with the Electric services, the Island’s hill and coastal scenery can be fully appreciated at a more leisurely pace than our current century normally allows. The golden age of leisure is recalled in our six stamp issue inspired by the transport tourist advertising poster.


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We are always happy to hear from you too, so why not sign up today or contact us by the usual means… Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, PO Box IOM, Douglas, ISLE OF MAN, British Isles, IM99 1PB By Fax: +44 (0) 1624 698434 By phone: +44 (0) 1624 698430 (Office hours: 9am to 5pm GMT Monday to Friday) E-Mail: We have taken every care in the preparation of the content of this catalogue. Despite our efforts, just occasionally, an error can occur. We shall be under no obligation to fulfil an order for goods in the case of errors or inaccuracies regarding the description of the goods or prices appearing in our catalogue.

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