Official Booklet
Indonesian Medical Students Executive Boards Association
M. Arif Djimbula Sekretaris Jenderal ISMKI 2021/2022
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Peace be upon you and greetings to all of us. Indonesian Medical Students Executive Boards Association (IMSEBA), or Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia (ISMKI) in Bahasa Indonesia, is a forum of coordination, consolidation, and advocacy for all Indonesian Medical Students represented by Student Executive Board (in Indonesian: BEM/SEMA/HIMA/LEM), who are members of IMSEBA. IMSEBA members, who spread from Sabang to Merauke, are divided into 4 regions. Up to now, IMSEBA members have reached the total numbers of 89 institutions out of 92 institutions that have a Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia. IMSEBA is present with the spirit of manifesting colleagues in carrying out their roles to be oriented to the other colleagues of Indonesian Medical Students. So that, when conducting activities or working programs, it will be based on the command and direction of the district administrator along with coordination with all Indonesian medical students through their institutions as well as placing the highest organizational decisions at the National Deliberation. As a student organization that becomes a forum for developing self-potential, IMSEBA is certainly a form of implementation of the independent campus program where independent learning for all medical students throughout Indonesia is achieved through the strategic programs that have been launched. In implementing these strategic programs, IMSEBA as an organization that accommodates and represents all Indonesian Medical Students is very open in involving IO, GO, and NGO stakeholders in collaborating, especially on activities that involve Indonesian medical students. IMSEBA, which is 40 years old this year, is the oldest and largest medical student organization in Indonesia which until now has implemented collaborations with IO, GO, and NGO. We hope that by the spirit of collaboration, IMSEBA can continue to conduct strategic collaborations with the nation's youth by involving the role of youth Indonesian medical students who will produce their best ideas, thoughts, and works in supporting the government's program towards Golden Indonesia (in Indonesian: Indonesia Emas). The future of a nation is in the hands of its youth. Panjang Umur Perjuangan! Hidup Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia! Hidup Rakyat Indonesia! Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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Table of Content
Contribution for Indonesia
Table of Content
03. About
30. Alumni
Our Teams
Procedures for Collaboration with IMSEBA
38. Contact
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Indonesian Medical Students Executive Boards Association, or IMSEBA is an organization consisting of all medical students in Indonesia. IMSEBA has been established since 1981 and currently consists of Student Executive Board in 89 institutions out of 92 institutions that have a Faculty of Medicine throughout Indonesia in which it makes IMSEBA as the oldest and the largest medical student organization in Indonesia. IMSEBA is also the only one recognized organization by the medical professional organization, namely the Indonesian Doctors Association (in Indonesian: Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) as a student organization that represents medical students in Indonesia in accordance with the Decree of the Indonesian Doctors Association No. 1771/PB/A.3/03/2006 IMSEBA based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No.61/Dikti/Kep/1989.
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Background In the post-1966 era, when students returned to campus, the demand for professionalism from an environment dominated by technocrats increased. At that time, this situation encouraged medical students to establish a forum that could unite their aspirations in order to increase the professionalism of medical students. After conducting consolidation between medical faculties, the Indonesian Medical Student Association was formed through the Cimacan Declaration in 1969 with a format of personal membership. To restore the direction of student organization policies that were previously politicized, the Directorate General of Higher Education issued the concept of Campus Policy Normalization. One of the embodiments of this concept was the establishment of the Same Student Association. This concept caused a lot of controversy among students. The government tried to approach the Medical Faculty Student Senate with an aim to support the implementation of the Campus Policy Normalization concept by forming the Indonesian Medical Students Executive Boards Association. After having further discussions, IMSEBA was finally declared on September 20th, 1981.
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Our vision is to embody the development and movement of Indonesian medical students based on fellowship.
01 Optimization of governance structurally and functionally in each Steering Committee.
Peer’s Development
As a bond, it is IMSEBA’s responsibility to develop both of its Committees and Members in the form of hard skills and soft skills to achieve an increase in the quality of human resources in the next generation.
Focus on rooting peer-to-peer quality improvement by acknowl-
03 Strive for program integration with colleagues’ needs.
Peer’s Movement
After developing together, the hope is that all colleagues can move together with the obtained knowledge to fight for our goals in order to achieve qualified and ethical Indonesian doctors.
Be responsive to the problems of fellowship, Doctor's Education and Profession, Health and Humanity systematically.
05 Strengthen the program that is oriented to community empowerment by involving the role of colleagues.
Fellowship Fellowship with colleagues is our obligation, Indonesian Medical Students. IMSEBA as a bond founded on the basis of peer relations should implement these fellowship values in conducting their activities, so that all colleagues can develop and move together systematically to maintain, maintain and strengthen their fellowship.
06 Empower external relations in supporting IMSEBA’s activities with an aim to improve the quality of fellowship.
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Logo Two circles around the eagle have a meaning of:
1. The IMSEBA’s Symbol and Attribute was as stipulated in the VIII National Conference from 14th to 20th September 1997 in Medan.
The circle means the regen1) eration of strength, unity and fellowship of the nation. 2) Generative force. Two circles have a meaning of regeneration from the older generation to the younger generation and show the power of regeneration.
2. The IMSEBA’s symbol has the following meanings:
The writings of Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia is the name of the organization.
The horizontal shading line on the background of the stick with a snake symbol means giving peace or stability in which its presence provides benefits for humans and for others.
The symbol of a stick wrapped around by a snake is a symbol of the medical profession.
Two oval lines surrounding the snake symbol show the elegance, tenderness, and sincerity.
The red and white flag indicates the organization's location in Indonesia.
A line in the form of a gate that surrounds the IMSEBA writing symbolizes a gate that will lead to success and glory.
The Garuda symbol means that Pancasila is the basic principle of the organization.
The long rectangular box as the outermost line means upholding boundaries, norms, or laws, and adhering to rules and codes of ethics.
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Membership Region 1
Universitas Abdurrab
Universitas Abulyatama
Universitas Andalas
Universitas Baiturrahmah
Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Universitas Jambi
Universitas Lampung
Universitas Methodist Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Universitas Riau
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Universitas Batam
Universitas Malahayati
Universitas Sriwijaya
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Bengkulu
Universitas Malikussaleh
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Region 2
Universitas Gunadarma
Universitas Indonesia
Universitas Krida Wacana
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Universitas Pasundan
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Universitas Islam Bandung
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Jani
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
Universitas Tarumanegara
Universitas Trisakti
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Universitas Yarsi
Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya
Universitas Padjadjaran
Universitas Tanjungpura
Region 3
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Universitas Diponegoro
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Universitas Mulawarman
Universitas Palangkaraya
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Universitas Sebelas Maret
Universitas Wahid Hasyim
Region 4
Universitas Airlangga
Universitas Alkhairaat
Universitas Bosowa
Universitas Brawijaya
Universitas Cendrawasih
Universitas Ciputra
Universitas Halu Oleo
Universitas Hang Tuah
Universitas Hasanuddin
Universitas Islam Al-Azhar
Universitas Islam Malang
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Universitas Jember
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Universitas Khairun
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
Universitas Nusa Cendana
Universitas Papua
Universitas Tadulako
Universitas Udayana
Universitas Warmadewa
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Universitas Mataram
Universitas Pattimura
Universitas Universitas Universitas Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Surabaya Malang Makassar
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Universitas Surabaya
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Our Teams Vice Presidents
Vice President of Internal Affairs VPI is responsible for any matters relating to the Daily Management including the IMSEBA’s Complementary Body. VPI is also responsible for the development of IMSEBA member institutions through coordination with the Regional
Vice President of External Affairs VPE plays a vital role in developing ISMKI in the external coverage area as well as updating, analyzing, and supervising programs by external related fields.
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Vice President on Policy and Advocacy VPPA is engaged in policy and advocacy as well as has a function to calculate and control the quality of the movement effort of Indonesian medical students.
Vice President of Assessment and Development VPAD has a focus and responsibility for the assessment and development of IMSEBA. The focus can be in the form of maintaining the quality of IMSEBA’s management and IMSEBA’s work programs where it remains based on institutions for the sustainability of IMSEBA.
Vice President of Project Development VPPD focuses on project development, starting from the development of tenders to all standing committees’ work programs. VPPD will conduct the project development through measurable and systematic controlling, monitoring and evaluating mechanisms.
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Standing Committees
Leadership Development LD plays a role in guarding and developing regeneration in order to increase the integrity and the usefulness value of Indonesian medi-
Medical Education and Profession MEP has a task of overseeing medical education in Indonesia. In conducting this task, MEP moves through programs that are considered to be a medium to achieve a high-quality med-
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Health Policy Studies HPS has a role in encouraging medical students and the society to learn the importance of having awareness and understanding for critical and sensitive thinking, and the ability to find solutions to complex health problems in Indonesia.
Community Empowerment CE has a main role in conducting Community Service and initiating the movement of medical students to improve public health level in Indonesia.
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Public Relation PR as the first line liaison in establishing cooperation and improving relations with external parties, stakeholders, and IMSEBA alumni in order to expand IMSEBA collaboration for
International Affairs IA bridges IMSEBA with the International party, fosters medical students in the realm of internationalization by socializing international programs, and invites students to discuss
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Information, Communication, and Technology ICT focuses on processing data and information which is then packaged attractively through a Graphic Standard Manual. ICT is also a spearhead for branding and publication of IMSEBA activities, as well as a technology
Funding and Partnership FP plays a role in raising funds by selling products and in collaborating with related partners.
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Elected President
Advisory Board
General Secretary
General Secretary
IMSEBA Region 1
IMSEBA Region 2
IMSEBA Region 3
IMSEBA Region 4
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Activities Trainings National Student Leadership and Management Training It is one of the tiered cadre tools for IMSEBA member institutions and daily IMSEBA administrators. The minimum forms of training contained in the National LKMM are such as the provision of organizational leadership and management materials, field studies, discussion forums, and sharing.
Training for Trainers
It is a training activity to form the trainers according to national and international standards which aims to assist participants in the process of improving soft skills in terms of communication, public speaking and conveying information in a communicative, interesting, and effective manner.
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Studies Health Policy Discussions
In this program, any issue related to health are monitored in the form of writings; hearings to the experts, academics, related organizations; advocacy to the government as a stakeholder; and action can be taken if needed, and carried out comprehensively and adaptively according to the further era development.
Medical Education and Profession Task Force
It is a program in the form of compiling and publishing studies aimed at providing an overview of the condition of the professional stage PPDU at the Faculty of Medicine throughout Indonesia along with universal recommendations regarding the options available for institutions to conduct professional education for students.
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Medical Education Indonesian International Medical Olympiad It is a series of largest competitions among the preclinical medical students in Indonesia that competes in 6 branches of medical science, In addition to the competition, there are also other non-competitive activities such as Welcoming Party, Seminar, Farewell Party which aims to increase knowledge and to build relationships between medical students throughout Indonesia and other countries.
Mini Class
It is an activity with an aim to increase knowledge and insight of medical students related to certain topics/diseases that will be presented by interviewees such as the doctors who are experts in the fields to be discussed.
Indonesian Medical Student Exchange Program
It is a program with the main activity of student exchange in preclinical education and offers opportunities for medical students throughout Indonesia whose institutions are members of IMSEBA to experience the teaching system in the preclinical period, student organizations of destination institutions and its local culture.
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Indonesian Medical Students Summit
It is the largest annual meeting of IMSEBA that has a function as a forum that brings together all institutions that are joined in IMSEBA. In this event, there are some main agendas, namely annual reports, annual program plans, and election of president.
National Coordination Meeting
It is a national level coordination forum for IMSEBA management and IMSEBA member institutions around the middle of the organizational period. As an organization, indeed, a good evaluation is needed so that the plans that have been made at the beginning can be conducted properly and evaluate the performance of IMSEBA during the half-year organizational period.
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Socials National Multi Development Project It is a form of real action activity that will be followed by medical students in Indonesia. This activity is a forum for medical students to sharpen and apply the knowledge they have gained in college and in organizations in the form of a committee that focuses on Seminar/Knowledge Upgrading activities, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Clinical Skills Training, and Charity Project.
Community Development It is a form of implementation of the SDGs and a form of participation and active role of medical students in devoting themselves to the community. The form of activities is to provide assistance to the institutions that will initiate or continue fostered community programs in the area located around the institution through the establishment of SOPs, modules/curriculum, compiled books, Upgrading Community Development on a national scale to joint tutors for institutions in need.
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IMSEBA Merchandise
It is a form of increasing existence and branding in a way that keeps up the multi-digital era. The project sell products such as parkas, pins, key chains, stickers, lanyards, t-shirts, tumblers, tote bags, and others to medical students throughout Indonesia.
It is a webinar on entrepreneurship for any medical students throughout Indonesia. This activity aims to foster an entrepreneurial spirit for medical students as well as become a tool for self-upgrading IMSEBA daily administrators, and branding of IMSEBA.
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Internasional In 2019, IMSEBA got the opportunities to join the 68th IFMSA August Meeting 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) is the biggest medical students’ organization worldwide, consisting of National Member Organizations (NMO) from 125 countries around the world. IFMSA consisted of 6 different Standing Committees (SCOs) that focused on major health topics and also students-related interests. Each year, IFMSA held numerous international event such as assemblies, training programs, exchange programs, and more. One of biggest programs of IFMSA is the General Assembly which held twice a year every March and August. There, members of NMO from all over the world gathered together to discuss many things about health-related topic, the IFMSA itself, and also to bond over throughout the social event. General Assembly is a very big opportunities for IMSEBA to expand its global connection and also to show the world what Indonesia had accomplished.
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Contribution for Indonesia Health Issues Analysis It addresses issues, especially regarding health in Indonesia, in the form of conducting research, propaganda, or statements of attitude by implementing adaptive, fast, and appropriate movements to respond to the issues, especially health issues that occur in Indonesia.
Month of Service Month of Service It is an activity that presents in a form of community service and is conducted in one full month. It gives education to the society who live around the target villages or institutions in which the education will be adjusted to the urgency of each institution in socializing health information (while the discussion topic will be all the same).
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National Volunteers for COVID-19 (RECON)
It is a collaboration between the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture together with IMSEBA and the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions. One of the activities is the launching of 31 Days Movement for the Ready for Adaptation Challenge which is a continuation of the Information Communication and Education program. This movement attracts around 15.000 volunteers from various backgrounds, such as students from both health and non-health study programs, medical professionals, and the society who care about the health of the Indonesian people.
Crisis Center & Retina
It cannot be denied that natural events and social disasters happening in Indonesia often occur. This kind of incident can eventually take its toll because it is unavoidable. The IMSEBA’s Crisis Center is an integrated system that aims to accelerate the collection and distribution of standby funds for victims in disaster areas, as well as to assist the post-disaster rehabilitation process carried out by a volunteer team from IMSEBA named RETINA.
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IMSEBA Complementary Body
National Institute of Scientific Analysis and Development (NISAD)
NISAD is the complementary body
mission is to advance the scientific world among Indonesian medical
critical, sensitive to the environment, responsive to developments in medical science and technology and have competence and competitiveness.
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NISAD’s Activities National Scientific Conference
It is an annual scientific activity that can be participated in by all medical faculty students throughout Indonesia with 3 major events, which are national scientific competition, heads of scientific institutions’ conference, and national symposiums.
Scientific Journal of Indonesian Medical Students There are two programs, namely clubs and webinars. The existence of the club is expected to provide insight to NISAD-IMSEBA members in creating research and writing good quality scientific papers. The implementation of the webinar contains the importance of publication for medical students and the steps on how to publish in scientific journals.
Development of Research and Scientific Institute It has major programs, namely scientific training and organizational skills of scientific institutions, BAPIN ambassador webinar (in the form of scientific training in the field of literature review, public posters, scientific essays, and educational videos), and the Student Creativity Program (PKM) webinar.
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Achievement IMSEBA Broke The Indonesian World Record Museum In April 2018, medical students who were members of IMSEBA held the Month of Service (Bulan Bakti) 2018 program. This activity brought medical students to break the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) record in February 2019. The program was supported by approximately 2,100 medical students who came directly from more than 71 medical faculties in Indonesia with an aim to provide counseling to the public. The Month of Service Program is known to have had a direct impact on more than 24,000 Indonesians. This is in line with the philosophy of medicine as a field that is always in touch with humanity. In this program, medical students provide education related to how to live a healthy life, especially to prevent non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. The Month of Service Program is expected to continue every year in order to improve the health status of the Indonesian people in Healthy Indonesia (in Indonesian: Indonesia Sehat) 2030 and the achievement of health targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) echoed by the World Health Organization.
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Alumni Prof. Dr. dr. H. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, FACP Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia 2017-2021 ”We are used to having discussions when we were students and when we became doctors, we met again, so that is the importance of our activities at IMSEBA and it brought a big deal to me when I had to collaborate with many people both nationally and internationally. ”
Prof. Dr. dr. Fachmi Idris, M. Kes President Director of Social Health Insurance Administration Body 2014-2021 ”IMSEBA is a long history of aspirations of medical students who actively contribute to building the country. I am proud to be an IMSEBA alumnus.”
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dr. Putu Moda Arsana, Sp.PD-KEMD., FINASIM Chairman of Indonesia Medical Council
Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Santoso, Sp.OG(K) Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT(K)
Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D, AAK President Director of Social Health Insurance Administration Body
Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Udayana
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Procedures for Collaboration with IMSEBA
Form of Collaboration The form of collaboration that can be carried out is suitable with the proposed offer by an external party as The Applicant to IMSEBA, while considering the suitability and usefulness of the collaboration for IMSEBA and all medical students throughout Indonesia. PR SCO is the main gateway for various offers of collaboration from external parties to IMSEBA. After the collaboration request is submitted and accepted by the PR SCO, it will then be coordinated with other SCOs related to the collaboration at IMSEBA.
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Mechanism of Collaboration The Applicant’s side
Prepare required documents, as follow: a. b. c.
Event’s Proposal/Collaboration, and/or; TOR, and/or; Invitation Letter related to collaboration offer.
Send all the required documents no later than 14 days before the collaboration/activity’s event day to email:
03 Confirm the submission to the contact person listed.
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IMSEBA Public Relation SCO’s side
01 Check the documents’ completeness and confirm that the required documents have been received to The Applicant.
02 Coordinate with other SCOs at IMSEBA regarding the proposed collaboration offer.
The Applicant will be re-contacted regarding the acceptance of proposed collaboration as well as the needs to discuss further about other matters no later than 7 days after the files are confirmed by IMSEBA’s PR SCO.
*Any other thing that is not listed can be added later, if needed.
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Flow of Collaboration
The Applicant prepares and sends the required document and confirms to the contact person listed.
IMSEBA’s PR SCO checks the completeness of the document and confirms to The Applicant if the file is already complete and accepted.
IMSEBA’s PR SCO coordinates with other SCOs (if needed) regarding the consideration of accepting the offer of collaboration.
IMSEBA’s PR SCO confirms to The Applicant regarding the acceptance of the collaboration application in accordance with the specified time limit.
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International Organizations
Governmental Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations
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Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia
Official Account LINE :
ISMKI Official (ica6602y)
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