Audit of FIA Research Activities 2023 - 2024

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Few global sporting bodies possess as a diverse, impressive or impactful research portfolio as the FIA. Indeed, research and development is a central component of a number of departments across the Federation, best exemplified by the hugely significant work being undertaken within the Technical and Safety Directorate (T&SD).

However, research activity is not restricted to this single department, even if the breadth and depth of the work within the T&SD is world-class when compared with any academic or industry standard. Within the Marketing and Events Department, through its collaboration with Nielsen, there is demonstration of the impact of motorsport worldwide; similarly in the Sustainability department, notably via its partnership with MIT, there is evidence of the real-life significance of its work; and, in the Digital Technology department, which recently claimed the ‘Business Innovation with AI/ML Award’ at the 2023 Oracle Excellence Awards, there is testimony to the international standard of the work ongoing by the team.

FIA Departments currently collaborate with some of the world’s leading Universities, including Oxford University (UK), University of Virginia (USA) and MIT (USA). There is also a strong focus on the impact of the research work being undertaken – ranging from its impact on driver safety in FIA Championships, to the challenge of sustainable urban mobility, and a project examining the cost of motoring in a range of countries.

Increasingly many major organisations, including sporting ones, are considering their purpose in an age of rapidly changing consumer expectations. There is a compelling argument for the FIA to profile its R&D function as its USP in response to those who conceive of it solely as a regulator. Rather, it is a R&D powerhouse, identifying the key issues impacting on sport and mobility in the modern world, forging impressive collaborations, illustrating a research-led, evidence-informed approach to its work.

It is imperative that the FIA considers ways to promote and disseminate the industry-leading research activity ongoing across the Federation. It should develop a strategic communications plan around the impact of its research work, illustrating its application to the end-user. Key global themes, such as safety, sustainability, equality and diversity and knowledge creation should be foregrounded through applied case studies, many of which are highlighted in this report, interviews with key researchers and industry/ academic testimonies that position the FIA in the vanguard of new knowledge creation.

These forms of strategic communications should take place via the FIA University brand, allowing its global membership and others to draw alignment between the internationally-excellent research being undertaken at the FIA, with the quality of its education and training output and, thereby, facilitating the growth of the Federation as being a knowledge-led institution of global repute and a compelling value proposition to its membership worldwide.

INTRODUCTION To fully capture the nature and extent of research ongoing within FIA Departments, we requested each Directorate to complete a brief questionnaire, which required it to answer a series of questions detailing its ongoing and planned activities in this area. The information contained within this report should ensure the senior leadership team within the FIA is able to fully appreciate the work that is already taking place and, importantly, help to realise its full potential. For the purposes of this audit, ‘research’ is defined as ‘the generation of new data or findings emerging, normally, from a structured approach, arising from a set of research aims and objectives.’ Listed below are the FIA Departments that responded to this audit, detailing information on current and future research plans, data sets held, academic and industry collaborations, and anticipated training needs, specifically in respect of research skills. FULL DIRECTORATE SUBMISSIONS: • • • • • • • •

Technical and Safety Department Marketing and Events Department Compliance Department Sustainability Digital Technology Road Safety and Global Advocacy (Mobility) Single Seater Communications and Public Affairs


Road Safety Department Regulatory and Governance Performance People and Culture

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) Research within the FIA’s Technical and Safety Department (See Appendix 1 for its current organisational chart) takes place under three strategic headings, which for the purposes of this audit are referred to as ‘Divisions’ – • • •

Electronics; Research and Vehicle Safety; Chassis & Performance/ Powertrain.

ELECTRONICS This division of the T&SD is currently leading research work in two important fields, namely: a) -

Automated anomaly detection in F1 data: leveraging advanced data science techniques: Investigating machine learning solutions with Oracle experts (via marketing agreement) Automating anomaly detection Initial focus in this field is on F1 power unit operating modes

b) -

Real-time race car on-track positioning system: Investigating solutions based on data fusion, including loop positioning, car speed, GPS, IMU, on-board video etc. Researching the state-of-the-art in track positioning using video processing (target real-time on-board)


The principal forms of data this division holds relates to the Formula 1 championship. These data and associated analyses are currently only deployed internally (to the FIA) and is therefore not otherwise disseminated, either in the form of published academic output, grey literature or industry/ academic conference presentations. In line with other work undertaken in the T&SD, the explanation offered for this stance is twofold – firstly the need to preserve confidentiality, not least where commercial or regulatory data may be considered sensitive and, secondly, a latent concern regarding the potential for litigation whereby end-users may act based on findings published by the FIA only for these to result in material harm, including financial or human loss, to such parties. This division sees two areas - Machine learning and Real-time video processing – as representing priority fields for further training with regards to research methods and approaches, which in turn can help to grow the breadth and depth of its ongoing research work.

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT T&SD Listed below are some 19 individual ‘live’ research projects (i.e. currently on-going) within the R&VS division of the T&SD and are, collectively, aimed at improving and/or optimizing the safety performance of: • • •

Safety devices installed (or that could be potentially deployed in the future) on vehicles. Circuit infrastructure. Competitor safety equipment.


Investigation of a F1 Multistage Nose - Investigation of a Frontal Impact absorbing structure capable of withstanding higher transversal forces under “high impact angle” conditions.


Accident detection and notification system – This is a project aimed at developing a software able to reduce the time delay in notifying drivers of a potentially dangerous situation caused by a slow or stationary car.


2026 Sidewall chassis panel – This is a project aimed at investigating the possibility of removing the prescribed laminates (6.2 and 3mm Zylon panel) from the 2026 F1 Chassis construction.


Male and female physical driving demand assessment – The primary aim of this project is to characterize the physical driving demands and capacities across a number of Formula racing series according to gender.


Karting Front Fairing characterization – This project is an investigation of the part’s sensitivity to temperature and solvents and how these variables may affect the performance of the bumper in a crash.


Cross-country Seat Attenuators – This piece of ongoing work is considering the definition of a seat attenuator characteristic aimed at mitigating the risks of spinal injury in heavy landing condition.


Cross-country Headrest foam analysis - Following concern from drivers and co-drivers regarding the possible effects of multiple impacts head-headrest during rough stages, a dedicated investigation is ongoing aimed at measuring the deceleration experienced by the driver’s head through the deployment of EPA.


Deceleration rates analysis – This is an investigation of the deceleration rates experienced by Single Seater cars, aimed at optimizing the CSAS software currently used for the definition of the impact barriers that are installed on tracks.


THUMS positioning tool – This research includes the development of a specific software for the positioning of human body numerical model.

10. Update of the Karting Circuit Barrier standard – The primary aim of this project is to ensure that the karting barriers currently deployed (alongside any future developments) are compatible with the crash forces and dynamics of the respective accident.

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) 11. Specification of tyre stack-based barriers – This work includes the characterization and optimization of the tyre stack-based barrier systems, which are widely deployed. 12. Evaluation of the Driver’s retaining system in a close cockpit car – The aim of this project is to assess how the installation of long or short shoulder belts influences the driver retention in the case of multiple accidents scenario. 13. Update Helmet FIA Standard 8859-2015 – This project is aimed at updating the current stated standard for this piece of equipment, targeting an increase of the safety performance without affecting the overall cost of the product. 14. Update of the FIA Standard for Safety Fuel Bladders Update – This is a project aimed at updating the current published standard in order to introduce compatibility tests with different type of fuels. 15. Integration of window net with Racing net – This project is aimed at integrating the window net with the racing net in order to retain the driver`s arm within the cockpit in the case of an accident. 16. Reclined Competition Seat – This is a project aimed at defining the requirements for a cost-effective structural seat shell and fixations for sportscars. 17. Benchmark of the current LMH and LMDH safety specification and definition of the new safety requirements for the 2026 championship. 18. Standardization of the High Voltage safety requirements across all relevant categories – analysis of the different homologation test and design requirements deployed in the different categories. 19. Definition of the safety requirements for hydrogen powertrain racing vehicles – investigation of the potential risks associated with the bursting of the vessel and study of the car design requirement and homologation tests for close cockpit and prototype vehicles. Broadly speaking, the outcomes of these research projects relate and give rise to, inter alia,: • • •

Technical regulations Sporting and Competition standards Safety specifications

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) In order to perform the research, this Division (R&VS) generally retains and processes the following data sets: • • •

Data shared from stakeholders (Car/Competitor safety/Circuit Hardware manufacturers) Test data Car data

As previously referenced, this Division, also, does not currently publish its research findings in the public domain, principally for concerns relating to the extent of its liability, as well as time constraint reasons. However, the findings are subject to an impressive, industry-standard level of expert peer review, carried out through dedicated working groups and commissions and a sharing of the proposed research outcomes so that they can be subject to ongoing critical review and feedback. Collaboration with external (to the FIA) agencies is also an important aspect of the work of this Division with the following three academic institutions being particularly prominent: • • •

University of Virginia - Center of Applied Biomechanics Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Milano

As part of an overall very comprehensive approach to its research activities, R&VS ultises a network of motorsport and multidisciplinary experts on it’s otherwise impressive range of research projects.

CHASSIS & PERFORMANCE / POWERTRAIN Listed below is a brief overview of the research projects currently ongoing within this division of the T&SD, accompanied by a summary of the objectives relating to each. 1. SUSTAINABLE FUEL - Procedure to approve sustainable fuel - Fuel compatibility testing 2. ELECTRIC VEHICLE CELLS - Investigation into new cell technologies to reduce the impact on sustainability, improve efficiency and reduce cell hazard. - Provide solution to current EV concepts with extended range and capacity.

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) 3. HYDROGEN ICE - Research on combustion: liquid H2 with a focus on Injector - Development of parts, coatings, materials able to withstand the cold liquid H2 injection. 4. HYDROGEN TANKS - Development of Liquified and Compressed Hydrogen Storage Systems: Technical specification, Production of prototypes, Intervention and refilling procedures, Certification 5. BRAKE AND TYRE EMISSIONS Exploration: Evaluation, inventory, state of the art and characterization Development: Test definition, Production of prototype, Certification, and homologation 6. CO2 RECYCLING Exploration: How to accurately value CO2 transformation? Quantify C02 volumes, Energy needed, technological challenges, motorsport application. 7. AI AND MACHINE LEARNING This represents a novel and, to date, largely untapped field of research for this division The following are the data sets held by this Division in respect to the work it is currently undertaking : a. Sustainable Fuel - Procedures/standards to approve sustainable fuel - Fuel compatibility testing b. Electric Vehicle Cells - Wording for Technical and Safety regulations - Test results (numerical data) c. Hydrogen ICE and Tanks - Wording for Technical and Safety regulations - Test results (photo, numerical data, CFD) d. Brake and Tire Emissions - Wording - Test results (photo, numerical data, CFD) e. CO2 Recycling - Test results (photo, numerical data, CFD)

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) f. AI and Machine learning - Programming This Division does evidence a collaborative approach to certain aspects of its work, specifcally concerning the dissemination of findings and typically with major manufacturers: A. Sustainable Fuel - Research findings shared with manufacturers for safety and regulation purposes. B. Electric Vehicle Cells - Research findings shared with manufacturers for safety and regulation purposes. C. Hydrogen ICE and Tanks - Research findings shared with manufacturers for safety and regulation purposes. D. Brake and Tire Emissions - Whilst nothing is currently in the public domain, there is the potential to publish research findings used for the sustainability of FIA championships. E. CO2 Recycling - Not yet developed F. AI and Machine learning - Again, as this is a novel field of research, there is currently nothing in the public domain from this work. This Division has a progressive approach to external collaboration. Here are some of its key collaborators: -

IFPEn Aix Marseille University (AMU) ZEMO Ariane Espace KOR Ineris CEA CNRS EPFL

Looking to the future, the Division sees potential for the publication of findings in a range of important areas, specifically sustainable fuels, brake and tyre emissions, and CO2 Recycling.

TECHNICAL AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT (T&SD) Similarly, the Division is clear about its preferred R&D objectives moving forward: -

To communicate more effectively on its R&D Performance activities Gain access to specific laboratories and measurement tools Gain access to newly published literature in relevant fields to ensure its work remains contemporary and industry relevant. To receive specific trainings to widen the potential impact of its work Evolve its expert team, specifcally in respect of early career researchers (ECR) and Post-Doctoral positions



This Directorate is currently working with Nielsen Sports to conduct the third wave of the FIA Motorsport Barometer. This is a study conducted in 20 key countries that: • • •

Focuses on the perception of motor sport, the FIA Championships and the FIA Provides car manufacturers with a measure of the Return on Investment (ROI) of motor sport, and Assesses other key FIA topics that are linked to future industry trends.

This motorsport barometer was first delivered in 2015. In the past, other studies have been carried out in collaboration with global consulting houses, such as EY, regarding the economic impact of motorsport and, with Futerra, on the contribution of motorsport to global themes such as health and safety, the environment and community development. In conducting the Motorsport Barometer, the M&Ed gathered qualitative and quantitative data from a total of 40 questions posed to 20,000 people worldwide. Examples of the qualitative data arising from this survey includes their preferred medium for consuming motorsport and, conversely, the reason why some survey respondents express a lack of interest in motorsport. Similarly, quantitative data, including the estimated size of the motorsport fan population, amongst other important findings, prove a valuable resource for the Department in its planning activities. The results of the Motorsport Barometer are mainly distributed to members of the Manufacturers’ Commission (MC) and are tabled at meetings of various Commissions, but, to date, have not been published to the general public. That being said, study reports have been made public for both the aforementioned Futerra report and the EY study, so there is precedent in regards to public engagement.

COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT The principal focus of the Compliance department, from a research perspective, concerns an examination of current international economic sanctions procedures, with the objective of raising awareness among FIA employees regarding the importance of having an understanding of economic sanctions, their potential impact on the FIA’s activities and, ultimately, ensuring the decision-making processes are sufficiently robust to achieve full compliance (research activities: study of economic sanctions involving external stakeholders, selection of best practices applicable to the FIA and modeling them on the FIA organization). In undertaking this important piece of work, the Compliance department is pursuing cooperation with the University of Fribourg, where the Director of the International Business Law Institute (Michelle Reed) has been engaged with the department on a number of fronts. For information purposes, recent, past projects, undertaken by the department, specifcally it’s Compliance Officer, have included: A. 2022, ISO – International Standard Organisation The FIA Compliance Officer has been member of a panel of experts advising on ISO/AWI TS 37008, a prospected ISO standard on internal investigations, in the recent past. B. 2019, UN Office on Drugs and Crime – International Olympic Committee (IOC) The FIA Compliance Officer was also part of a panel of experts that compiled the “Reporting Mechanisms in Sport – A Practical Guide for Development and Implementation” guidelines. Whilst the department does retain relevant data, the vast majority of it is secondary data, such as relevant laws and regulations, legal texts, presentations from seminal speakers/ experts etc. As indicated, it does generate a limited amount of primary data, although this is mostly in the form of guidelines, policies and procedures, memos, and presentations. Otherwise of note is the fact that the FIA Compliance Officer is often an invited speaker to legal conferences organized by private or business institutions (e.g., C5, PwC) and, in the past, has cooperated with the ISO, the UN and the IOC, amongst other important institutions. The Directorate remains a positive and progressive one, affirming that it wishes to pursue continuous and regular training on compliance matters, ideally with a view to achieving the CCPE certification awarded by the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics, which is regarded as the preeminent endorsement of industry standards in the field.

SUSTAINABILITY The FIA Sustainability and D&I department’s mission is to ensure sustainability and inclusivity is integrated and maximised in all relevant R&D conducted by the FIA. As such, the sustainability department is involved in a number of ‘live’ research projects currently ongoing, such as: • • • •

Brake and tyre emissions: how to measure, reduce and regulate non-combustion emissions | Technical and Safety Department Electric vehicle cells: environmental impact of batteries production, potential for cells recycling | Technical and Safety Department Digital technologies: how to quantify the impact of using the Cloud and reduce the environmental impact of digital technologies used by the FIA | Digital Technology Department Male and female physical driving demand assessment: what regulatory changes can be made to increase female participation in single seater | Technical and Safety Department

The department has also started undertaking its own dedicated research, at crossroads of sport & mobility: 1. Advancing Sustainable Mobility, which is an FIA-MIT collaboration designed to analyze and improve urban mobility patterns. The specific objective of the collaboration is to further develop the MIT Senseable City Lab’s research on mobility topics (such as the ones outlined above) but situate it in the UAE, demonstrating the FIA’s contribution to the advancement of sustainable mobility, including across the Emirates. In particular, while the main research will be focused on selected cities throughout the UAE, a small study on the November 2023 F1 event in Abu Dhabi will be conducted to serve as a tangible example of the research possibilities aligned with this work and to highlight the importance of deploying quantitative methods and real data to support this similar research work. In addition to other forms of dissemination, the research objectives and preliminary results will be presented at one of the COP28 exhibition events in late 2023 (to be hosted in Dubai, UAE). Arising from this research project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (specifically researchers aligned to it’s Senseable City Consortium) aims to collect human mobility data (e.g. cellular communication network traces, GPS trajectories, etc.), alongside demographic and GIS data, public transportation, touristic, and urban data forms, as well as Formula 1 data (including ticket information and other sources from previous races). A priori, FIA the will not generate or hold any such data but will co-operate fully on the project at hand. Whilst the wider dissemination of the findings arising from this FIA-MIT collaboration will fall to MIT, the sustainability department will be an active player in this endevour. MIT plans to publish one preliminary scientific research paper focussing on the Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023, due on or before 30 November 2023, and will outline these findings at a dedicated session of the COP28 event in Dubai. In addition there are currently other dissemination plans

SUSTAINABILITY being formulated arising from this work and, importantly, in each case, any published output will acknowledge FIA’s contribution to the research. In 2024, the Sustainability Department aims to develop currently missing sustainability-related streams of research in collaboration with the relevant departments: • • • • •

LCA standard/methodology allowing propulsion systems comparison | Road Safety and Global Advocacy Consumer sustainability interface: information on car change and driving habits impact reduction | Road Safety and Global Advocacy Sustainable materials: focus on mass reduction of car or material carbon footprint | Technical and Safety Department Biodiversity: impact of circuits on biodiversity | Technical and Safety Department Net Zero: the role of carbon insetting; cap & trade mechanism for motorsport; techno-economic study on technology-based carbon removals | Technical and Safety Department

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (DT) Whilst there are currently no ‘live’ research projects ongoing within this department, it is engaged in some advanced Artifical Intelligence (AI) development projects with the Technical and Safety Department, as previously outlined. One of these is with Oracle, who also happened to have selected the FIA as the winner of the Business Innovation with AI/ML Award of their 2023 Oracle Excellence Awards, which is testimony to the international standard of the work ongoing in this regard. Despite research aligned to this department being restricted, for now at least, to internal collaboration, it does retain aspirations to significantly grow its R&D potential, albeit highlighting the potential for this to be modest as it is linked to the availability of suitable human resource. However, below are some potential areas of research within the DT department, as evidence of its potential in this field: A. Data Analytics: The development of new algorithms and tools for efficiently processing and analyzing large datasets, including Artificial Intelligence is a possibility, including the development of generative AI, computer vision, machine and deep learning techniques. Its worth noting that some non-published work is on-going with Oracle US data scientists, mainly focusing upon the analysis of Formula 1 telemetry data. There is also possibilities for new research featuring computer vision, for track limits monitoring and/or for F1 car positioning via data fusion (combining data from videos, GPS, accelerometers, and other sensors to build an accurate car position). B. Human-Computer Interaction: The project focuses upon understanding how users interact with technology and, in so doing, can provide valuable insights into design and usability e.g. data analytics software deployed at the forefront in challenging conditions (e.g. race control, trackside operations, remote operation center (ROC), etc.) to accelerate the decision making process and reduce the risk of error, – web applications across a diverse worldwide group of users, – software using emerging technologies such as AI (most recent example is generative AI) for which, it should be noted, no effective practices or guidelines exist at this stage. C. Cybersecurity: With the increasing threats to digital assets, this work involves researching better ways of securing valuable data. D. Sustainability: This work will include research into how digital technologies can be made more energy-efficient or used to solve environmental issues, in particular helping with quantifying the impact of using a Cloud environment and evaluating the opportunity of mutualizing infrastructure at the scale of the Federation (FIA).

ROAD SAFETY & GLOBAL ADVOCACY (RSGA) (MOBILITY) The RSGA department (Mobility) is currently leading or collaborating in a number of very interesting research projects. These include: A. Research on Alternative Fuels / E-fuels. This is work mandated by the Policy Commission and is aimed at assessing the availability of affordable alternative fuels for individual mobility on a global scale. A fact based analysis is currently being undertaken by researchers from Oxford University, UK, which will be followed by an advocacy strategy (Phase Two) to support FIA Member Clubs in advocating for alternative solutions for individual mobility. B. Youth Market Research. This study is aimed at measuring youth aspirations regarding mobility on a broader scale. Kantaar has undertaken market research in a total of 9 countries to date, surveying a sample of 1000 young people aged between 16-25 years old. Results from this work are being disseminated internally (among network of FIA members) and externally (on occasion of SmartCity Expo Congress Barcelona, COP 28 in Dubai, etc…). C. Road Safety viewpoint in the GCC. This short research project, undertaken in collaboration with Strategy & Co, is aimed at identifying evidence based enablers that would save lives on the road in GCC nations. Specific case studies in Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Dubai are listed in this research paper. D. Smart Mobility Research. In collaboration with Frost & Sullivan, this research is aimed at identifying key trends shaping the future of mobility across various regions enabling FIA Members to build capacity in thought leadership, advocacy, etc. Dissemination among FIA members is planned in Q4 of 2023/Q1 of 2024. E. Cost of Motoring Research. This project is aimed at elaborating quantifiable indicators assessing the cost of individual mobility. In this case, cost is related to the purchase of vehicles, insurances, taxation, depreciation, etc. A key deliverable from this work will be a dash-board comparing the costs associated with these activities across various nations (including those countries that participated in the research, namely Mexico, Canada, France, and Australia, with more to join this work in Q4 of 2023). F. Moverno Seguros. This programme is aimed at advocating for motor insurance legislation in LMIC’s (ie., in Central/Latin America countries). Various workshops, studies/research measuring road users perception of road safety are being conducted to support engagement from FIA Members with local stakeholders. G. FIA Safety & Sustainability Grant Programme. Among the various activities FIA member clubs are engaging in through the FIA Grant Programme, includes a project being conducted by CAA across Canada assessing road users aspirations for electric mobility. Results from this work were disseminated across the network of

ROAD SAFETY & GLOBAL ADVOCACY (RSGA) (MOBILITY) FIA Members and, indeed, externally. Similarly, ADAC has conducted some interesting research on e-fuels in Germany/Europe, whilst the member club in Turkey is also contemplating a research study on e-fuels in that country. As well as the dissemination undertaken across the network of FIA Member Clubs (via physical platforms such as the Conference, Regional events, etc..) and Mobility Newsletters and one/one interactions with members, this also takes place externally through participation in international platforms (e.g. ITF; Smart Cities Expo) and with the support of FIA Communications team (e.g. FIA News, social media, etc). Whilst the Department collaborates with a range of international experts, its main academic collaboration is with Delft University for the Road Safety capacity building regional programme, which has proved a positive relationship to date. Indeed the Department is very keen to develop, as a strategic objective, FIA Mobility as a global voice for safe, sustainable and affordable mobility, and therefore, by extension, the FIA as a thought leader on a global scale.

SINGLE SEATER Whilst this Directorate currently does not have any projects which would be classed as ‘fundamental research’, it has various projects that are targeted at the performance / safety / sustainability of future Single Seater regulations. Specifically, these are aimed at delivering: • • •

Improved safety standards of SiSe cars, in conjunction with the safety dept; Improved performance of SiSe cars and power units, in conjunction with the performance dept and power unit department; and, Future sustainability strategy studies and concepts

Otherwise, the department is focussed on its core activities and, for the foreseeable future, does not envisage undertaking additional research work, including the publication or dissemination of any relevant findings.

COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS A good example of the progressive approach to data collection and analysis in this directorate is its collaboration with Arwen regarding the Federation’s leadership role in addressing the impact of online abuse in sport. Deploying machine learning algorithms, Arwen has monitored the FIA’s social media channels, including that of the President, and categorised the volume and toxicity of online abuse postings on these platforms. It represents a fundamental component of the ‘United Against Online Abuse’ campaign. The UAOA Campaign is a collaborative mission between national governments, regulatory institutions and fellow sporting bodies, with the objective of building a global coalition to tackle online abuse within the sport ecosystem. To achieve this, the FIA have created a think-tank dedicated to providing a research-led approach to this underresearched area. Core research elements include: – Studying the phenomenon at a clear media level (Meta, Tiktok, X, Youtube) and providing viable solutions and techniques to combat online abuse, due for publication in 2023. – Commissioning research into the development of hate speech in e-sports and digital literacy within grass-roots levels of sport. – Commissioning research into the role of media outlets and their experiences of online abuse. – Through partnership with the FIA Foundation and Dublin City University (DCU) the FIA will be funding up to 6 part-time remote learning scholars to undertake a Master’s by Research degree (MPhil) under the banner of UAOA from 2024 to 2026. – An open-access e-course translated into several languages educating people on online abuse/hate speech due for publication 2023/24. – An open-access book dedicated to the topic of online abuse in sport due for publication 2024. Regarding the data held by the Department, in the main these reside with other parties to the work of the Directorate. For example, a large proportion of it’s data is held with DCU who hold extensive data sets from all social media platforms and qualitative interviews with key stakeholders. The Directorate’s data sets will expand in collaboration with Arwen.AI, as referred to above, who have legislative data and, inter alia, the Department’s soonto-be-launched ambassadorial network. In the fullness of time all findings from this extensive research exercise will be published, as appropriate, between, FIAU and the UAOA website. It will also be creating a hub of researchers, outside of DCU, to showcase their findings and academic papers, including at an annual conference dedicated to UAOA as a international platform.

COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS The Directorate currently has a mix of current and prospective future partners, including: A. Governments: Greece, France, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Indonesia, Belgium and Slovenia; B. Sporting Federations: FIM, Peace and Sport Monaco, IOC, FIFA, ITF, World Athletics, World Squash C. Institutions: Council of Europe, UNESCO D. Research: Dublin City University and, on AI, Arwen Long term, the Directorate will require more funding into the programme (UAOA) from external sponsors, including the EU and commercial partners. It will also look to expand the work force to manage the developing streams as UAOA continues to grow and gain momentum as an international project.

REGION 1 FAME FIA Region I is leading the Common Methodologies and Procedures task. In this capacity, it worked with other partners involved and provided an update for “Guidelines and Evaluation Methodologies” section on the Connected Automated Driving Knowledge Base. The relevant updates resulted from work done in two other Work Packages, namely: Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM), and Test and data framework for CCAM. As a co-leader of CCAM events in the project, the Office started preparations for the organisation of a Summer School (June 2024, focused on Common Evaluation Methodology), and the 2nd Stakeholder workshop (dedicated to legal aspects of testing). Additionally, the Office will be supporting organisation of the EUCAD Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation, which is scheduled for 18-19 April 2024 in Dublin.

HI-DRIVE Led by FIA Region I, the user education and training programme includes 11 Mobility Clubs joining forces with vehicle manufacturers and research organisations to create a Europe-wide education campaign on automated driving functions SAE level 1-3, and to provide an on-the-road training programme SAE level 1-2 for users in five European countries. The preparations for launching the online user education campaign have been advanced in the last 3 months. The Office, 11 Mobility Clubs and other partners (research institutions and OEMs) have identified the functions to be featured in the online campaign, have worked on the visuals, prepared messages to be published on social media channels. The campaign will be launch by end of October and implemented by FIA Region I and 11 Mobility Clubs. The Office also started preparations for the user training programme. Together with Clubs and OEMs, an initial plan for a workshop at ADAC facilities in Penzing has been established. The workshop will be a first step towards implementation of the user training in 5 sites. Additionally, ADAC, RACC, RACB, and AMZS confirmed their readiness to implement the public user training at their facilities.

AITHENA The Office is leading AIthena’s project IMPACT activities (Exploitation, Disseminations and Standardisation), which focuses among other activities on: • • •

creating visibility for the project output, and exchange with stakeholders’ community, educating end users about AI applications in CCAM via an online campaign, developing policy recommendations for exploitation of XAI (Explainable AI) in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility based on lessons learned in the project.

REGION 1 The work of FIA Region I in the project has been focused on managing the project’s website and social media channels, communicating via channels latest developments of the project, and disseminating results (e.g., publications). The Office supported preparations of AIthena anonymous survey looking at human-centred autonomous mobility, to better understand the needs, concerns, and expectations of people across Europe about self-driving vehicles. FIA Region I is also supporting preparations for organisation of the 1 st partitioners’ workshop, and leading “Partners Interview Series” in which all AIthena partners will present their role and tasks in the project, as well as potential impact of the project on AI-based CCAM solutions. The Region I income from these EU projects is listed as: 2023: 121,420 2024: 314,300 The total budget for these projects is around 70 mill EUR (The Hi-Drive budget is 60 mill EUR).

ROAD SPORT DEPARTMENT/ REGULATORY AND GOVERNANCE/ PERFORMANCE/ PEOPLE AND CULTURE Whilst content to provide a submission to this research audit, the Directors of these departments confirmed that conducting or disseminating research was not currently a priority field for this unit of the FIA and, similarly, there are no future plans to undertake work in this respect.

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