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Awards Review & Selection
The following committees of the Board of Directors have been organized to advise the staff in the execution of current programs and services and to plan for the future. All members serve a one-year term, except certain members of the Awards Committee. In addition to other responsibilities, all committees will monitor and recommend changes, additions, and deletions to the current strategic plan to the Executive Committee. Other duties may also be assigned to committees at the discretion of the chair or the Executive Committee from time to time, not in conflict with specific powers conferred upon or reserved unto the Board.
Kelli Cameron, Chair Amanda Matchett, Chair-elect Jeremy Davis, Board Director Andrea Fellows, Board Director Dawn Refsell, Board Director Julie Jacobi, Board Associate Carole Custer, University Representative Katie Lickteig, Lead Staff Liaison
To serve as the impartial liaison to the ISUAA Board of Directors in selecting ISUAA awardees by reading, reviewing, and ranking awards nominations of outstanding alumni, faculty/staff, students, and friends. Based upon individual award criteria, members of this committee select award recipients of the ISUAA awards to be honored. The chair and chair-elect positions of the Awards Review and Selection Committee will be held only by elected members of the ISUAA Board of Directors.
Current members of the ISUAA staff, Board of Directors, and Awards Review and Selection Committee are ineligible to receive ISUAA awards.
Selection of the committee:
The current Board chair, in consultation with the Talbot Endowed ISUAA President and CEO and the ISUAA executive assistant, will make assignments based upon ISUAA staff committee liaisons’ recommendations of potential individuals who are not currently serving a term on the ISUAA Board of Directors.
Committee Terms:
Members of the ISUAA Board of Directors may serve terms of two (2) to three (3) years each, with the option to be reappointed. Board associates (non-ISUAA Board of Directors members) and university liaisons will serve a term of four (4) years each. Terms will be served based upon the academic calendar year, Jul. through Jun. annually. Committee members include the following: Chair/chair-elect (Board directors) 2** Board of Directors 2 University liaison 1 Board associates 2
**These positions must be consistent and serve the minimum two-year commitment.
Time commitment:
Based upon the current award deadlines of Feb. 1 and Dec. 1, awards committee members must be available for:
• A one-hour phone conference call every Jan. & Mar. • Consultation via email throughout each year.
• Processes nominations by reading, reviewing, and ranking a set of 10-40 nominations in a one-month time-frame based upon the criteria established for each award. • Possesses the ability to think analytically and objectively. • Recommends changes or improvements to ISUAA Board of
Directors and staff on the awards selection process, awards criteria, nomination forms, etc.
• Recommends the creation of future awards, or the elimination/merger of current Association awards. • Suggests strategies to build and diversify the applicant pool for Association-sponsored awards.
• Assignment of Board of Directors members to the Awards
Review and Selection Committee will be made by the end of June each year. • The Talbot Endowed ISUAA President and CEO and the
ISUAA executive assistant need to be notified in May of each year if there are non-Board of Directors member positions to be filled. Open position(s) must be filled by